def parse(self, sam_template, sam_plugins): self._validate(sam_template) sam_plugins.act(LifeCycleEvents.before_transform_template, sam_template) macro_resolver = ResourceTypeResolver(sam_resources) document_errors = [] for logical_id, resource in sam_template["Resources"].items(): try: if macro_resolver.can_resolve(resource): macro_resolver \ .resolve_resource_type(resource) \ .from_dict(logical_id, resource, sam_plugins=sam_plugins) except (InvalidResourceException, InvalidEventException) as e: document_errors.append(e) if document_errors: raise InvalidDocumentException(document_errors)
def translate(self, sam_template, parameter_values, feature_toggle=None): """Loads the SAM resources from the given SAM manifest, replaces them with their corresponding CloudFormation resources, and returns the resulting CloudFormation template. :param dict sam_template: the SAM manifest, as loaded by json.load() or yaml.load(), or as provided by \ CloudFormation transforms. :param dict parameter_values: Map of template parameter names to their values. It is a required parameter that should at least be an empty map. By providing an empty map, the caller explicitly opts-into the idea that some functionality that relies on resolving parameter references might not work as expected (ex: auto-creating new Lambda Version when CodeUri contains reference to template parameter). This is why this parameter is required :returns: a copy of the template with SAM resources replaced with the corresponding CloudFormation, which may \ be dumped into a valid CloudFormation JSON or YAML template """ self.feature_toggle = (feature_toggle if feature_toggle else FeatureToggle( FeatureToggleDefaultConfigProvider(), stage=None, account_id=None, region=None)) self.function_names = dict() self.redeploy_restapi_parameters = dict() sam_parameter_values = SamParameterValues(parameter_values) sam_parameter_values.add_default_parameter_values(sam_template) sam_parameter_values.add_pseudo_parameter_values(self.boto_session) parameter_values = sam_parameter_values.parameter_values # Create & Install plugins sam_plugins = prepare_plugins(self.plugins, parameter_values) self.sam_parser.parse(sam_template=sam_template, parameter_values=parameter_values, sam_plugins=sam_plugins) template = copy.deepcopy(sam_template) macro_resolver = ResourceTypeResolver(sam_resources) intrinsics_resolver = IntrinsicsResolver(parameter_values) mappings_resolver = IntrinsicsResolver( template.get("Mappings", {}), {FindInMapAction.intrinsic_name: FindInMapAction()}) deployment_preference_collection = DeploymentPreferenceCollection() supported_resource_refs = SupportedResourceReferences() shared_api_usage_plan = SharedApiUsagePlan() document_errors = [] changed_logical_ids = {} for logical_id, resource_dict in self._get_resources_to_iterate( sam_template, macro_resolver): try: macro = macro_resolver.resolve_resource_type( resource_dict).from_dict(logical_id, resource_dict, sam_plugins=sam_plugins) kwargs = macro.resources_to_link(sam_template["Resources"]) kwargs["managed_policy_map"] = self.managed_policy_map kwargs["intrinsics_resolver"] = intrinsics_resolver kwargs["mappings_resolver"] = mappings_resolver kwargs[ "deployment_preference_collection"] = deployment_preference_collection kwargs["conditions"] = template.get("Conditions") # add the value of FunctionName property if the function is referenced with the api resource self.redeploy_restapi_parameters[ "function_names"] = self._get_function_names( resource_dict, intrinsics_resolver) kwargs[ "redeploy_restapi_parameters"] = self.redeploy_restapi_parameters kwargs["shared_api_usage_plan"] = shared_api_usage_plan translated = macro.to_cloudformation(**kwargs) supported_resource_refs = macro.get_resource_references( translated, supported_resource_refs) # Some resources mutate their logical ids. Track those to change all references to them: if logical_id != macro.logical_id: changed_logical_ids[logical_id] = macro.logical_id del template["Resources"][logical_id] for resource in translated: if verify_unique_logical_id(resource, sam_template["Resources"]): template["Resources"].update(resource.to_dict()) else: document_errors.append( DuplicateLogicalIdException( logical_id, resource.logical_id, resource.resource_type)) except (InvalidResourceException, InvalidEventException) as e: document_errors.append(e) if deployment_preference_collection.any_enabled(): template["Resources"].update(deployment_preference_collection. codedeploy_application.to_dict()) if not deployment_preference_collection.can_skip_service_role(): template["Resources"].update(deployment_preference_collection. codedeploy_iam_role.to_dict()) for logical_id in deployment_preference_collection.enabled_logical_ids( ): try: template["Resources"].update( deployment_preference_collection.deployment_group( logical_id).to_dict()) except InvalidResourceException as e: document_errors.append(e) # Run the after-transform plugin target try: sam_plugins.act(LifeCycleEvents.after_transform_template, template) except (InvalidDocumentException, InvalidResourceException) as e: document_errors.append(e) # Cleanup if "Transform" in template: del template["Transform"] if len(document_errors) == 0: template = intrinsics_resolver.resolve_sam_resource_id_refs( template, changed_logical_ids) template = intrinsics_resolver.resolve_sam_resource_refs( template, supported_resource_refs) return template else: raise InvalidDocumentException(document_errors)
def test_can_resolve_must_handle_unknown_types(self): resolver = ResourceTypeResolver() resolver.resource_types = {"type1": DummyResource("id")} self.assertFalse( resolver.can_resolve({"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function"}))
def test_can_resolve_must_handle_known_types(self): resolver = ResourceTypeResolver() resolver.resource_types = {"type1": DummyResource("id")} self.assertTrue(resolver.can_resolve({"Type": "type1"}))
def test_can_resolve_must_handle_dict_without_type(self): resolver = ResourceTypeResolver() self.assertFalse(resolver.can_resolve({"a": "b"}))
def test_can_resolve_must_handle_non_dict(self): resolver = ResourceTypeResolver() self.assertFalse(resolver.can_resolve("some string value"))
def test_can_resolve_must_handle_null_resource_dict(self): resolver = ResourceTypeResolver() self.assertFalse(resolver.can_resolve(None))
def translate(self, sam_template, parameter_values): """Loads the SAM resources from the given SAM manifest, replaces them with their corresponding CloudFormation resources, and returns the resulting CloudFormation template. :param dict sam_template: the SAM manifest, as loaded by json.load() or yaml.load(), or as provided by \ CloudFormation transforms. :param dict parameter_values: Map of template parameter names to their values. It is a required parameter that should at least be an empty map. By providing an empty map, the caller explicitly opts-into the idea that some functionality that relies on resolving parameter references might not work as expected (ex: auto-creating new Lambda Version when CodeUri contains reference to template parameter). This is why this parameter is required :returns: a copy of the template with SAM resources replaced with the corresponding CloudFormation, which may \ be dumped into a valid CloudFormation JSON or YAML template """ # Create & Install plugins sam_plugins = prepare_plugins(self.plugins) parameter_values = self._add_default_parameter_values( sam_template, parameter_values) self.sam_parser.parse(sam_template=sam_template, parameter_values=parameter_values, sam_plugins=sam_plugins) template = copy.deepcopy(sam_template) macro_resolver = ResourceTypeResolver(sam_resources) intrinsics_resolver = IntrinsicsResolver(parameter_values) deployment_preference_collection = DeploymentPreferenceCollection() supported_resource_refs = SupportedResourceReferences() document_errors = [] changed_logical_ids = {} for logical_id, resource_dict in self._get_resources_to_iterate( sam_template, macro_resolver): try: macro = macro_resolver\ .resolve_resource_type(resource_dict)\ .from_dict(logical_id, resource_dict, sam_plugins=sam_plugins) kwargs = macro.resources_to_link(sam_template['Resources']) kwargs['managed_policy_map'] = self.managed_policy_map kwargs['intrinsics_resolver'] = intrinsics_resolver kwargs[ 'deployment_preference_collection'] = deployment_preference_collection translated = macro.to_cloudformation(**kwargs) supported_resource_refs = macro.get_resource_references( translated, supported_resource_refs) # Some resources mutate their logical ids. Track those to change all references to them: if logical_id != macro.logical_id: changed_logical_ids[logical_id] = macro.logical_id del template['Resources'][logical_id] for resource in translated: if verify_unique_logical_id(resource, sam_template['Resources']): template['Resources'].update(resource.to_dict()) else: document_errors.append( DuplicateLogicalIdException( logical_id, resource.logical_id, resource.resource_type)) except (InvalidResourceException, InvalidEventException) as e: document_errors.append(e) if deployment_preference_collection.any_enabled(): template['Resources'].update(deployment_preference_collection. codedeploy_application.to_dict()) if not deployment_preference_collection.can_skip_service_role(): template['Resources'].update(deployment_preference_collection. codedeploy_iam_role.to_dict()) for logical_id in deployment_preference_collection.enabled_logical_ids( ): template['Resources'].update( deployment_preference_collection.deployment_group( logical_id).to_dict()) # Run the after-transform plugin target try: sam_plugins.act(LifeCycleEvents.after_transform_template, template) except (InvalidDocumentException, InvalidResourceException) as e: document_errors.append(e) # Cleanup if 'Transform' in template: del template['Transform'] if len(document_errors) is 0: template = intrinsics_resolver.resolve_sam_resource_id_refs( template, changed_logical_ids) template = intrinsics_resolver.resolve_sam_resource_refs( template, supported_resource_refs) return template else: raise InvalidDocumentException(document_errors)
class SamFunction(SamResourceMacro): """SAM function macro. """ # Constants for Tagging _SAM_KEY = "lambda:createdBy" _SAM_VALUE = "SAM" resource_type = 'AWS::Serverless::Function' property_types = { 'FunctionName': PropertyType(False, one_of(is_str(), is_type(dict))), 'Handler': PropertyType(True, is_str()), 'Runtime': PropertyType(True, is_str()), 'CodeUri': PropertyType(False, one_of(is_str(), is_type(dict))), 'InlineCode': PropertyType(False, one_of(is_str(), is_type(dict))), 'DeadLetterQueue': PropertyType(False, is_type(dict)), 'Description': PropertyType(False, is_str()), 'MemorySize': PropertyType(False, is_type(int)), 'Timeout': PropertyType(False, is_type(int)), 'VpcConfig': PropertyType(False, is_type(dict)), 'Role': PropertyType(False, is_str()), 'Policies': PropertyType(False, one_of(is_str(), list_of(one_of(is_str(), is_type(dict), is_type(dict))))), 'Environment': PropertyType(False, dict_of(is_str(), is_type(dict))), 'Events': PropertyType(False, dict_of(is_str(), is_type(dict))), 'Tags': PropertyType(False, is_type(dict)), 'Tracing': PropertyType(False, one_of(is_type(dict), is_str())), 'KmsKeyArn': PropertyType(False, one_of(is_type(dict), is_str())), 'DeploymentPreference': PropertyType(False, is_type(dict)), 'ReservedConcurrentExecutions': PropertyType(False, any_type()), # Intrinsic functions in value of Alias property are not supported, yet 'AutoPublishAlias': PropertyType(False, one_of(is_str())) } event_resolver = ResourceTypeResolver(samtranslator.model.eventsources, samtranslator.model.eventsources.pull, samtranslator.model.eventsources.push, samtranslator.model.eventsources.cloudwatchlogs) # DeadLetterQueue dead_letter_queue_policy_actions = {'SQS': 'sqs:SendMessage', 'SNS': 'sns:Publish'} # Customers can refer to the following properties of SAM function referable_properties = { "Alias": LambdaAlias.resource_type, "Version": LambdaVersion.resource_type, } def resources_to_link(self, resources): try: return { 'event_resources': self._event_resources_to_link(resources) } except InvalidEventException as e: raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, e.message) def to_cloudformation(self, **kwargs): """Returns the Lambda function, role, and event resources to which this SAM Function corresponds. :param dict kwargs: already-converted resources that may need to be modified when converting this \ macro to pure CloudFormation :returns: a list of vanilla CloudFormation Resources, to which this Function expands :rtype: list """ resources = [] intrinsics_resolver = kwargs["intrinsics_resolver"] if self.DeadLetterQueue: self._validate_dlq() lambda_function = self._construct_lambda_function() resources.append(lambda_function) lambda_alias = None if self.AutoPublishAlias: alias_name = self._get_resolved_alias_name("AutoPublishAlias", self.AutoPublishAlias, intrinsics_resolver) lambda_version = self._construct_version(lambda_function, intrinsics_resolver=intrinsics_resolver) lambda_alias = self._construct_alias(alias_name, lambda_function, lambda_version) resources.append(lambda_version) resources.append(lambda_alias) if self.DeploymentPreference: self._validate_deployment_preference_and_add_update_policy(kwargs.get('deployment_preference_collection', None), lambda_alias, intrinsics_resolver) managed_policy_map = kwargs.get('managed_policy_map', {}) if not managed_policy_map: raise Exception('Managed policy map is empty, but should not be.') execution_role = None if lambda_function.Role is None: execution_role = self._construct_role(managed_policy_map) lambda_function.Role = execution_role.get_runtime_attr('arn') resources.append(execution_role) try: resources += self._generate_event_resources(lambda_function, execution_role, kwargs['event_resources'], lambda_alias=lambda_alias) except InvalidEventException as e: raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, e.message) return resources def _get_resolved_alias_name(self, property_name, original_alias_value, intrinsics_resolver): """ Alias names can be supplied as an intrinsic function. This method tries to extract alias name from a reference to a parameter. If it cannot completely resolve (ie. if a complex intrinsic function was used), then this method raises an exception. If alias name is just a plain string, it will return as is :param dict or string original_alias_value: Value of Alias property as provided by the customer :param samtranslator.intrinsics.resolver.IntrinsicsResolver intrinsics_resolver: Instance of the resolver that knows how to resolve parameter references :return string: Alias name :raises InvalidResourceException: If the value is a complex intrinsic function that cannot be resolved """ # Try to resolve. resolved_alias_name = intrinsics_resolver.resolve_parameter_refs(original_alias_value) if not isinstance(resolved_alias_name, string_types): # This is still a dictionary which means we are not able to completely resolve intrinsics raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, "'{}' must be a string or a Ref to a template parameter" .format(property_name)) return resolved_alias_name def _construct_lambda_function(self): """Constructs and returns the Lambda function. :returns: a list containing the Lambda function and execution role resources :rtype: list """ lambda_function = LambdaFunction(self.logical_id, depends_on=self.depends_on) if self.FunctionName: lambda_function.FunctionName = self.FunctionName lambda_function.Handler = self.Handler lambda_function.Runtime = self.Runtime lambda_function.Description = self.Description lambda_function.MemorySize = self.MemorySize lambda_function.Timeout = self.Timeout lambda_function.VpcConfig = self.VpcConfig lambda_function.Role = self.Role lambda_function.Environment = self.Environment lambda_function.Code = self._construct_code_dict() lambda_function.KmsKeyArn = self.KmsKeyArn lambda_function.ReservedConcurrentExecutions = self.ReservedConcurrentExecutions lambda_function.Tags = self._contruct_tag_list() if self.Tracing: lambda_function.TracingConfig = {"Mode": self.Tracing} if self.DeadLetterQueue: lambda_function.DeadLetterConfig = {"TargetArn": self.DeadLetterQueue['TargetArn']} return lambda_function def _contruct_tag_list(self): if not bool(self.Tags): self.Tags = {} if self._SAM_KEY in self.Tags: raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, self._SAM_KEY + " is a reserved Tag key name and " "cannot be set on your function. " "Please change they tag key in the input.") sam_tag = {self._SAM_KEY: self._SAM_VALUE} # To maintain backwards compatibility with previous implementation, we *must* append SAM tag to the start of the # tags list. Changing this ordering will trigger a update on Lambda Function resource. Even though this # does not change the actual content of the tags, we don't want to trigger update of a resource without # customer's knowledge. return get_tag_list(sam_tag) + get_tag_list(self.Tags) def _construct_role(self, managed_policy_map): """Constructs a Lambda execution role based on this SAM function's Policies property. :returns: the generated IAM Role :rtype: model.iam.IAMRole """ execution_role = IAMRole(self.logical_id + 'Role') execution_role.AssumeRolePolicyDocument = IAMRolePolicies.lambda_assume_role_policy() managed_policy_arns = [ArnGenerator.generate_aws_managed_policy_arn('service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole')] if self.Tracing: managed_policy_arns.append(ArnGenerator.generate_aws_managed_policy_arn('AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess')) function_policies = FunctionPolicies({"Policies": self.Policies}, # No support for policy templates in the "core" policy_template_processor=None) policy_documents = [] if self.DeadLetterQueue: policy_documents.append(IAMRolePolicies.dead_letter_queue_policy( self.dead_letter_queue_policy_actions[self.DeadLetterQueue['Type']], self.DeadLetterQueue['TargetArn'])) for index, policy_entry in enumerate(function_policies.get()): if policy_entry.type is PolicyTypes.POLICY_STATEMENT: policy_documents.append({ 'PolicyName': execution_role.logical_id + 'Policy' + str(index), 'PolicyDocument': }) elif policy_entry.type is PolicyTypes.MANAGED_POLICY: # There are three options: # Managed Policy Name (string): Try to convert to Managed Policy ARN # Managed Policy Arn (string): Insert it directly into the list # Intrinsic Function (dict): Insert it directly into the list # # When you insert into managed_policy_arns list, de-dupe to prevent same ARN from showing up twice # policy_arn = if isinstance(, string_types) and in managed_policy_map: policy_arn = managed_policy_map[] # De-Duplicate managed policy arns before inserting. Mainly useful # when customer specifies a managed policy which is already inserted # by SAM, such as AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole if policy_arn not in managed_policy_arns: managed_policy_arns.append(policy_arn) else: # Policy Templates are not supported here in the "core" raise InvalidResourceException( self.logical_id, "Policy at index {} in the 'Policies' property is not valid".format(index)) execution_role.ManagedPolicyArns = list(managed_policy_arns) execution_role.Policies = policy_documents or None return execution_role def _validate_dlq(self): """Validates whether the DeadLetterQueue LogicalId is validation :raise: InvalidResourceException """ # Validate required logical ids valid_dlq_types = str(list(self.dead_letter_queue_policy_actions.keys())) if not self.DeadLetterQueue.get('Type') or not self.DeadLetterQueue.get('TargetArn'): raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, "'DeadLetterQueue' requires Type and TargetArn properties to be specified" .format(valid_dlq_types)) # Validate required Types if not self.DeadLetterQueue['Type'] in self.dead_letter_queue_policy_actions: raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, "'DeadLetterQueue' requires Type of {}".format(valid_dlq_types)) def _event_resources_to_link(self, resources): event_resources = {} if self.Events: for logical_id, event_dict in self.Events.items(): event_source = self.event_resolver.resolve_resource_type(event_dict).from_dict( self.logical_id + logical_id, event_dict, logical_id) event_resources[logical_id] = event_source.resources_to_link(resources) return event_resources def _generate_event_resources(self, lambda_function, execution_role, event_resources, lambda_alias=None): """Generates and returns the resources associated with this function's events. :param model.lambda_.LambdaFunction lambda_function: generated Lambda function :param iam.IAMRole execution_role: generated Lambda execution role :param implicit_api: Global Implicit API resource where the implicit APIs get attached to, if necessary :param implicit_api_stage: Global implicit API stage resource where implicit APIs get attached to, if necessary :param event_resources: All the event sources associated with this Lambda function :param model.lambda_.LambdaAlias lambda_alias: Optional Lambda Alias resource if we want to connect the event sources to this alias :returns: a list containing the function's event resources :rtype: list """ resources = [] if self.Events: for logical_id, event_dict in self.Events.items(): eventsource = self.event_resolver.resolve_resource_type(event_dict).from_dict( lambda_function.logical_id + logical_id, event_dict, logical_id) kwargs = { # When Alias is provided, connect all event sources to the alias and *not* the function 'function': lambda_alias or lambda_function, 'role': execution_role, } for name, resource in event_resources[logical_id].items(): kwargs[name] = resource resources += eventsource.to_cloudformation(**kwargs) return resources def _construct_code_dict(self): if self.CodeUri: return self._construct_code_dict_code_uri() elif self.InlineCode: return { "ZipFile": self.InlineCode } else: raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, "Either 'InlineCode' or 'CodeUri' must be set") def _construct_code_dict_code_uri(self): """Constructs the Lambda function's `Code property`_, from the SAM function's CodeUri property. .. _Code property: \ :returns: a Code dict, containing the S3 Bucket, Key, and Version of the Lambda function code :rtype: dict """ if isinstance(self.CodeUri, dict): if not self.CodeUri.get("Bucket", None) or not self.CodeUri.get("Key", None): # CodeUri is a dictionary but does not contain Bucket or Key property raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, "'CodeUri' requires Bucket and Key properties to be specified") s3_pointer = self.CodeUri else: # CodeUri is NOT a dictionary. Parse it as a string s3_pointer = parse_s3_uri(self.CodeUri) if s3_pointer is None: raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, '\'CodeUri\' is not a valid S3 Uri of the form ' '"s3://bucket/key" with optional versionId query parameter.') code = { 'S3Bucket': s3_pointer['Bucket'], 'S3Key': s3_pointer['Key'] } if 'Version' in s3_pointer: code['S3ObjectVersion'] = s3_pointer['Version'] return code def _construct_version(self, function, intrinsics_resolver): """Constructs a Lambda Version resource that will be auto-published when CodeUri of the function changes. Old versions will not be deleted without a direct reference from the CloudFormation template. :param model.lambda_.LambdaFunction function: Lambda function object that is being connected to a version :param model.intrinsics.resolver.IntrinsicsResolver intrinsics_resolver: Class that can help resolve references to parameters present in CodeUri. It is a common usecase to set S3Key of Code to be a template parameter. Need to resolve the values otherwise we will never detect a change in Code dict :return: Lambda function Version resource """ code_dict = function.Code if not code_dict: raise ValueError("Lambda function code must be a valid non-empty dictionary") if not intrinsics_resolver: raise ValueError("intrinsics_resolver is required for versions creation") # Resolve references to template parameters before creating hash. This will *not* resolve all intrinsics # because we cannot resolve runtime values like Arn of a resource. For purposes of detecting changes, this # is good enough. Here is why: # # When using intrinsic functions there are two cases when has must change: # - Value of the template parameter changes # - (or) LogicalId of a referenced resource changes ie. !GetAtt NewResource.Arn # # Later case will already change the hash because some value in the Code dictionary changes. We handle the # first case by resolving references to template parameters. It is okay even if these references are # present inside another intrinsic such as !Join. The resolver will replace the reference with the parameter's # value and keep all other parts of !Join identical. This will still trigger a change in the hash. code_dict = intrinsics_resolver.resolve_parameter_refs(code_dict) # Construct the LogicalID of Lambda version by appending 10 characters of SHA of CodeUri. This is necessary # to trigger creation of a new version every time code location changes. Since logicalId changes, CloudFormation # will drop the old version and create a new one for us. We set a DeletionPolicy on the version resource to # prevent CloudFormation from actually deleting the underlying version resource # # SHA Collisions: For purposes of triggering a new update, we are concerned about just the difference previous # and next hashes. The chances that two subsequent hashes collide is fairly low. prefix = "{id}Version".format(id=self.logical_id) logical_id = logical_id_generator.LogicalIdGenerator(prefix, code_dict).gen() retain_old_versions = { "DeletionPolicy": "Retain" } lambda_version = LambdaVersion(logical_id=logical_id, attributes=retain_old_versions) lambda_version.FunctionName = function.get_runtime_attr('name') return lambda_version def _construct_alias(self, name, function, version): """Constructs a Lambda Alias for the given function and pointing to the given version :param string name: Name of the alias :param model.lambda_.LambdaFunction function: Lambda function object to associate the alias with :param model.lambda_.LambdaVersion version: Lambda version object to associate the alias with :return: Lambda alias object :rtype model.lambda_.LambdaAlias """ if not name: raise ValueError("Alias name is required to create an alias") logical_id = "{id}Alias{suffix}".format(id=function.logical_id, suffix=name) alias = LambdaAlias(logical_id=logical_id) alias.Name = name alias.FunctionName = function.get_runtime_attr('name') alias.FunctionVersion = version.get_runtime_attr("version") return alias def _validate_deployment_preference_and_add_update_policy(self, deployment_preference_collection, lambda_alias, intrinsics_resolver): if 'Enabled' in self.DeploymentPreference: self.DeploymentPreference['Enabled'] = intrinsics_resolver.resolve_parameter_refs( self.DeploymentPreference['Enabled']) if isinstance(self.DeploymentPreference['Enabled'], dict): raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, "'Enabled' must be a boolean value") if deployment_preference_collection is None: raise ValueError('deployment_preference_collection required for parsing the deployment preference') deployment_preference_collection.add(self.logical_id, self.DeploymentPreference) if deployment_preference_collection.get(self.logical_id).enabled: if self.AutoPublishAlias is None: raise InvalidResourceException( self.logical_id, "'DeploymentPreference' requires AutoPublishAlias property to be specified") if lambda_alias is None: raise ValueError('lambda_alias expected for updating it with the appropriate update policy') lambda_alias.set_resource_attribute("UpdatePolicy", deployment_preference_collection.update_policy( self.logical_id).to_dict())
def test_can_resolve_must_handle_unknown_types(self): resolver = ResourceTypeResolver() resolver.resource_types = {"type1": DummyResource("id")} self.assertFalse(resolver.can_resolve({"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function"}))