def render(env, image): tf.reset_default_graph() env_id = env def create_env(): env = make_env.make_env(env_id) env.seed(10) # env = bench.Monitor(env, '/tmp/', allow_early_resets=True) set_global_seeds(10) return env env = create_env() path = '/Users/marwaabdulhai/Desktop/2020_2021/6.804/MA-AIRL/multi-agent-irl/atlas/exp/airl/simple_spread/decentralized/s-200/l-0.1-b-1000-d-0.1-c-500-l2-0.1-iter-1-r-0.0/seed-1/m_05500' print(path) n_agents = len(env.action_space) ob_space = env.observation_space ac_space = env.action_space print('observation space') print(ob_space) print('action space') print(ac_space) n_actions = [action.n for action in ac_space] make_model = lambda: Model(CategoricalPolicy, ob_space, ac_space, 1, total_timesteps=1e7, nprocs=2, nsteps=500, nstack=1, ent_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0.5, vf_fisher_coef=1.0, lr=0.01, max_grad_norm=0.5, kfac_clip=0.001, lrschedule='linear', identical=make_env.get_identical(env_id), use_kfac=False) model = make_model() print("load model from", path) model.load(path) images = [] sample_trajs = [] num_trajs = 100 max_steps = 50 avg_ret = [[] for _ in range(n_agents)] for i in range(num_trajs): all_ob, all_agent_ob, all_ac, all_rew, ep_ret = [], [], [], [], [ 0 for k in range(n_agents) ] print(n_agents) for k in range(n_agents): all_ob.append([]) all_ac.append([]) all_rew.append([]) obs = env.reset() obs = [ob[None, :] for ob in obs] action = [np.zeros([1]) for _ in range(n_agents)] step = 0 done = False while not done: action, _, _ = model.step(obs, action) actions_list = [ onehot(action[k][0], n_actions[k]) for k in range(n_agents) ] # actions_list = [onehot(np.random.randint(n_actions[k]), n_actions[k]) for k in range(n_agents)] for k in range(n_agents): all_ob[k].append(obs[k]) all_ac[k].append(actions_list[k]) all_agent_ob.append(np.concatenate(obs, axis=1)) obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(actions_list) for k in range(n_agents): all_rew[k].append(rew[k]) ep_ret[k] += rew[k] obs = [ob[None, :] for ob in obs] step += 1 if True: img = env.render(mode='rgb_array') images.append(img[0]) time.sleep(0.02) if step == max_steps or True in done: done = True step = 0 else: done = False for k in range(n_agents): all_ob[k] = np.squeeze(all_ob[k]) all_agent_ob = np.squeeze(all_agent_ob) traj_data = { "ob": all_ob, "ac": all_ac, "rew": all_rew, "ep_ret": ep_ret, "all_ob": all_agent_ob } sample_trajs.append(traj_data) # print('traj_num', i, 'expected_return', ep_ret) for k in range(n_agents): avg_ret[k].append(ep_ret[k]) print(path) for k in range(n_agents): print('agent', k, np.mean(avg_ret[k]), np.std(avg_ret[k])) images = np.array(images) # pkl.dump(sample_trajs, open(path + '-%dtra.pkl' % num_trajs, 'wb')) if True: print(images.shape) imageio.mimsave("video" + '.mp4', images, fps=25)
def render(path): tf.reset_default_graph() def create_env(): env = make_env.make_env('simple_spread') env.seed(3) env = bench.Monitor(env, '/tmp/', allow_early_resets=True) set_global_seeds(3) return env env = create_env() nenv = 1 n_agents = len(env.observation_space) ob_space = env.observation_space ac_space = env.action_space n_actions = [action.n for action in ac_space] make_model = lambda: Model(CategoricalPolicy, ob_space, ac_space, 1, total_timesteps=1e7, nprocs=2, nsteps=500, nstack=1, ent_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0.5, vf_fisher_coef=1.0, lr=0.01, max_grad_norm=0.5, kfac_clip=0.001, lrschedule='linear') model = make_model() model.load(path) images = [] sample_trajs = [] for i in range(200): all_ob, all_agent_ob, all_ac, all_rew, ep_ret = [], [], [], [], [ 0, 0, 0 ] for k in range(n_agents): all_ob.append([]) all_ac.append([]) all_rew.append([]) obs = env.reset() obs = [ob[None, :] for ob in obs] action = [np.zeros([1]) for _ in range(n_agents)] step = 0 done = False while not done: action, _, _ = model.step(obs, action) actions_list = [ onehot(action[k][0], n_actions[k]) for k in range(n_agents) ] for k in range(n_agents): all_ob[k].append(obs[k]) all_ac[k].append(actions_list[k]) all_agent_ob.append(np.concatenate(obs, axis=1)) obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(actions_list) len(rew) for k in range(n_agents): all_rew[k].append(rew[k]) ep_ret[k] += rew[k] obs = [ob[None, :] for ob in obs] step += 1 img = env.render(mode='rgb_array') images.append(img[0]) time.sleep(0.02) if step == 50 or True in done: done = True step = 0 else: done = False for k in range(n_agents): all_ob[k] = np.squeeze(all_ob[k]) all_agent_ob = np.squeeze(all_agent_ob) traj_data = { "ob": all_ob, "ac": all_ac, "rew": all_rew, "ep_ret": ep_ret, "all_ob": all_agent_ob } sample_trajs.append(traj_data) print(ep_ret[0], ep_ret[1]) # pkl.dump(sample_trajs, open('atlas_2/checkpoint28000.pkl', 'wb')) imageio.mimsave("video_ground_truth" + '.mp4', images, fps=25)
def render(env, algo, seed, image, vis_dis, hyper_study, epoch, sample, num_trajs, disc_type, d, g, ent_coef, traj_limitation, all_exp, curve, kl): env_name = env env_id = env def create_env(seed): env = make_env.make_env(env_id) env.seed(seed) # env = bench.Monitor(env, '/tmp/', allow_early_resets=True) set_global_seeds(seed) return env env = create_env(0) n_agents = len(env.action_space) ob_space = env.observation_space ac_space = env.action_space #print('observation space') #print(ob_space) #print('action space') #print(ac_space) n_actions = [action.n for action in ac_space] result_dir = './results' algos = [algo] seeds = [seed] epochs = [epoch] if kl and algo != "mack_om": algos = ['mack_om', 'codail', 'ncdail', 'gail', 'airl', 'random'] # algos=['codail', 'ncdail', 'gail', 'airl', 'random'] seeds = [1] with open( './kl_' + env_name + '_' + str(traj_limitation) + '_' + str(epoch) + '.csv', 'w') as f: f.write( "env_name,algo,seed,epoch,num_trajs,traj_limitation,total_kl") for k in range(n_agents): if[k].movable: f.write(',kl_agent{}'.format(k)) f.write('\n') if hyper_study: algos = ['codail'] seeds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] with open( './hyper_result_' + env_name + '_' + str(traj_limitation) + '_' + str(epoch) + '_' + str(d) + '-' + str(g) + '-' + str(ent_coef) + '.csv', 'w') as f: #f.write("env: {}\n".format(env_name)) f.write( "env_name,algo,seed,epoch,traj_limitation,d,g,ent_coef,mean_sum_reward" ) for k in range(n_agents): f.write(',agent{}'.format(k)) f.write('\n') if all_exp: algos = ['mack_om', 'codail', 'ncdail', 'gail', 'airl', 'random'] seeds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] with open( './all_result_' + env_name + '_' + str(traj_limitation) + '_' + str(epoch) + '.csv', 'w') as f: #f.write("env: {}\n".format(env_name)) f.write("env_name,algo,seed,epoch,traj_limitation,mean_sum_reward") for k in range(n_agents): f.write(',agent{}'.format(k)) f.write('\n') if curve: # algos=['mack_om', 'codail', 'ncdail', 'gail', 'airl', 'random'] algos = ['codail', 'ncdail', 'gail', 'airl', 'random'] seeds = [1] epochs = [1] + [_ for _ in range(50, epoch, 50)] with open( './curve_data_' + env_name + '_' + str(traj_limitation) + '.csv', 'w') as f: f.write( "algo,seed,epoch,episodes,num_trajs,traj_limitation,mean_sum_reward" ) for k in range(n_agents): f.write(',agent{}'.format(k)) f.write('\n') for epoch in epochs: for seed in seeds: for algo in algos: env = create_env(seed) tf.reset_default_graph() # path = './results/mack/simple_speaker_listener/l-0.1-b-1000/seed-1/checkpoint04000' # path = './results/gail/simple_speaker_listener/decentralized/s-200/l-0.1-b-1000-d-0.1-c-500/seed-1/m_04500' path = './results/' + algo + '/' + env_name + '/' if algo in ['mack', 'mppo', 'mack_om']: path += '/l-0.1-b-1000/seed-' + str( 1) + '/checkpoint' + '%05d' % epoch elif algo in ['codail', 'ncdail', 'gail']: path += disc_type + '/' + 's-' + str( traj_limitation ) + '/l-0.1-b-1000-d-0.1-c-500/seed-' + str( seed) + '/m_' + '%05d' % epoch elif algo in ['airl']: path += disc_type + '/' + 's-' + str( traj_limitation ) + '/l-0.1-b-1000-d-0.1-c-500-l2-0.1-iter-1-r-0.0/seed-' + str( seed) + '/m_' + '%05d' % epoch if hyper_study: path = './results/' + algo + '/' + env_name + '/' + disc_type + '/hyper_study/' + 's-' + str( traj_limitation) + '/d-{}-g-{}-c-{:.1f}'.format( d, g, ent_coef) + '/seed-' + str( seed) + '/m_' + '%05d' % epoch print(path) make_model = lambda: Model(CategoricalPolicy, ob_space, ac_space, 1, total_timesteps=1e7, nprocs=2, nsteps=500, nstack=1, ent_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0.5, vf_fisher_coef=1.0, lr=0.01, max_grad_norm=0.5, kfac_clip=0.001, lrschedule='linear', identical=make_env.get_identical( env_id), use_kfac=False) if algo in ['mack_om', 'codail']: make_model = lambda: Model_om(CategoricalPolicy_om, oppo_CategoricalPolicy, ob_space, ac_space, 1, total_timesteps=1e7, nprocs=2, nsteps=500, nstack=1, ent_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0.5, vf_fisher_coef=1.0, lr=0.01, max_grad_norm=0.5, kfac_clip=0.001, lrschedule='linear', identical=make_env. get_identical(env_id), use_kfac=False) model = make_model() if algo != "random": print("load model from", path) model.load(path) images = [] sample_trajs = [] # num_trajs = 100 max_steps = 50 avg_ret = [[] for _ in range(n_agents)] episode_r_n_all = [] episode_r_n_sum = [] all_pos = [[] for k in range(n_agents)] for i in range(num_trajs): all_ob, all_agent_ob, all_ac, all_rew, ep_ret = [], [], [], [], [0 for k in range(n_agents)] for k in range(n_agents): all_ob.append([]) all_ac.append([]) all_rew.append([]) obs = env.reset() obs = [ob[None, :] for ob in obs] action = [np.zeros([1]) for _ in range(n_agents)] step = 0 done = False episode_r_n = [0.] * n_agents while (not done) or (step <= 2): if algo != "random": action, _, _ = model.step(obs, action) actions_list = [ onehot(action[k][0], n_actions[k]) for k in range(n_agents) ] else: actions_list = [ onehot(np.random.randint(n_actions[k]), n_actions[k]) for k in range(n_agents) ] for k in range(n_agents): all_ob[k].append(obs[k]) all_ac[k].append(actions_list[k]) all_agent_ob.append(np.concatenate(obs, axis=1)) obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(actions_list) episode_r_n = [ episode_r_n[i] + rew[i] for i in range(n_agents) ] for k in range(n_agents): all_rew[k].append(rew[k]) ep_ret[k] += rew[k] all_pos[k].append( np.array([k].state.p_pos)) obs = [ob[None, :] for ob in obs] step += 1 if image: img = env.render(mode='rgb_array') images.append(img[0]) time.sleep(0.02) if step == max_steps or True in done: done = True # step = 0 else: done = False # print("\n--- episode-{} | [sum-reward]: {}".format(i, np.sum(episode_r_n))) episode_r_n_all.append(episode_r_n) episode_r_n_sum.append(np.sum(episode_r_n)) for k in range(n_agents): all_ob[k] = np.squeeze(all_ob[k]) all_agent_ob = np.squeeze(all_agent_ob) traj_data = { "ob": all_ob, "ac": all_ac, "rew": all_rew, "ep_ret": ep_ret, "all_ob": all_agent_ob } sample_trajs.append(traj_data) # print('episode', i, 'expected_return', ep_ret) for k in range(n_agents): avg_ret[k].append(ep_ret[k]) print("env: {}".format(env_name)) print("seed {}, mean sum reward in {} episodes: {}".format( seed, num_trajs, np.mean(episode_r_n_sum))) # print(path) for k in range(n_agents): print('agent', k, np.mean(avg_ret[k]), np.std(avg_ret[k])) print("\n") if hyper_study: with open( './hyper_result_' + env_name + '_' + str(traj_limitation) + '_' + str(epoch) + '_' + str(d) + '-' + str(g) + '-' + str(ent_coef) + '.csv', 'a') as f: f.write("{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}".format( env_name, algo, seed, epoch, traj_limitation, d, g, ent_coef, np.mean(episode_r_n_sum))) for k in range(n_agents): f.write(',{}'.format(np.mean(avg_ret[k]))) f.write('\n') if all_exp: with open( './all_result_' + env_name + '_' + str(traj_limitation) + '_' + str(epoch) + '.csv', 'a') as f: f.write("{},{},{},{},{},{}".format( env_name, algo, seed, epoch, traj_limitation, np.mean(episode_r_n_sum))) #f.write("algo: {}\n".format(algo)) #f.write("seed {}, mean sum reward in {} episodes: {}\n".format(seed, num_trajs, np.mean(episode_r_n_sum))) for k in range(n_agents): f.write(',{}'.format(np.mean(avg_ret[k]))) #f.write('agent{}: {}\n'.format(k, np.mean(avg_ret[k]))) #f.write('--------------------\n') f.write('\n') if curve: with open( './curve_data_' + env_name + '_' + str(traj_limitation) + '.csv', 'a') as f: f.write("{},{},{},{},{},{},{}".format( algo, seed, epoch, i, num_trajs, traj_limitation, np.mean(episode_r_n_sum))) for k in range(n_agents): f.write(',{}'.format(np.mean(avg_ret[k]))) f.write('\n') images = np.array(images) if sample: print("saving sample trajs.") pkl.dump( sample_trajs, open(path + '-%dtra-%d.pkl' % (num_trajs, seed), 'wb')) if image: print(images.shape) # imageio.mimsave(path + '.mp4', images, fps=25) if vis_dis or kl: pos = np.concatenate([ all_pos[k] for k in range(n_agents) if[k].movable ]) print("There are %d points in total" % len(pos)) if vis_dis: g = sns.jointplot(x=pos[:, 0], y=pos[:, 1], kind='kde', space=0, color=[0.35, 0.35, 0.85], xlim=(-2, 2), ylim=(-2, 2)) g.savefig('interactions_' + algo + '_' + env_name + '_' + str(traj_limitation) + '_' + str(epoch) + '.pdf') for k in range(n_agents): if not[k].movable: continue print("There are %d points in total for agent %d" % (len(pos), k)) g = sns.jointplot(x=np.array(all_pos[k])[:, 0], y=np.array(all_pos[k])[:, 1], kind='kde', space=0, color=[0.35, 0.85, 0.35], xlim=(-2, 2), ylim=(-2, 2)) g.savefig('interactions_' + algo + '_' + env_name + '_' + str(traj_limitation) + '_' + str(epoch) + '_agent' + str(k) + '.pdf') if kl: if algo == "mack_om": # save interactions for k in range(n_agents): "demonstrator_interaction-{}-{}-{}.npy". format(num_trajs, seed, k), all_pos[k]) # compute kl else: demon_all_pos = [] for k in range(n_agents): demon_all_pos.append( np.load( "demonstrator_interaction-{}-{}-{}.npy" .format(num_trajs, seed, k))) with open( './kl_' + env_name + '_' + str(traj_limitation) + '_' + str(epoch) + '.csv', 'a') as f: demon_pos = np.concatenate([ demon_all_pos[k] for k in range(n_agents) if[k].movable ]) total_kl = kl_divergence(pos, demon_pos) f.write("{},{},{},{},{},{},{}".format( env_name, algo, seed, epoch, num_trajs, traj_limitation, total_kl)) for k in range(n_agents): if not[k].movable: continue # compute kl and save f.write(",{}".format( kl_divergence( np.array(all_pos[k]), np.array(demon_all_pos[k])))) f.write("\n")
def render(env, path, image): tf.reset_default_graph() env_id = env def create_env(): env = make_env.make_env(env_id) env.seed(5) # env = bench.Monitor(env, '/tmp/', allow_early_resets=True) set_global_seeds(5) return env env = create_env() # path = '/Users/LantaoYu/PycharmProjects/multiagent-irl/models/mack-simple_tag-checkpoint20000' # if env_id == 'simple_spread': # and traj_limitation > 200: # path = '/atlas/u/hyren/exps/mack/simple_spread/l-0.1-b-1000/seed-1/checkpoint17500' # if env_id == 'simple_speaker_listener': # and traj_limitation > 200: # path = '/atlas/u/hyren/exps/mack/simple_speaker_listener/l-0.1-b-1000/seed-1/checkpoint06600' # if env_id == 'simple_tag': # and traj_limitation > 200: # path = '/atlas/u/tsong/exps/mack/simple_tag/l-0.1-b-1000/seed-1/checkpoint20000' # if env_id == 'simple_push': # path = '/atlas/u/hyren/exps/mack/simple_push/l-0.1-b-1000/seed-1/checkpoint17500' n_agents = len(env.action_space) ob_space = env.observation_space ac_space = env.action_space print('observation space') print(ob_space) print('action space') print(ac_space) n_actions = [action.n for action in ac_space] make_model = lambda: Model(CategoricalPolicy, ob_space, ac_space, 1, total_timesteps=1e7, nprocs=2, nsteps=500, nstack=1, ent_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0.5, vf_fisher_coef=1.0, lr=0.01, max_grad_norm=0.5, kfac_clip=0.001, lrschedule='linear', identical=make_env.get_identical(env_id), use_kfac=False) model = make_model() print("load model from", path) model.load(path) images = [] sample_trajs = [] num_trajs = 1000 max_steps = 50 avg_ret = [[] for _ in range(n_agents)] for i in range(num_trajs): all_ob, all_agent_ob, all_ac, all_rew, ep_ret = [], [], [], [], [ 0 for k in range(n_agents) ] for k in range(n_agents): all_ob.append([]) all_ac.append([]) all_rew.append([]) obs = env.reset() obs = [ob[None, :] for ob in obs] action = [np.zeros([1]) for _ in range(n_agents)] step = 0 done = False while not done: action, _, _ = model.step(obs, action) actions_list = [ onehot(action[k][0], n_actions[k]) for k in range(n_agents) ] for k in range(n_agents): all_ob[k].append(obs[k]) all_ac[k].append(actions_list[k]) all_agent_ob.append(np.concatenate(obs, axis=1)) obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(actions_list) for k in range(n_agents): all_rew[k].append(rew[k]) ep_ret[k] += rew[k] obs = [ob[None, :] for ob in obs] step += 1 if image: img = env.render(mode='rgb_array') images.append(img[0]) time.sleep(0.02) if step == max_steps or True in done: done = True step = 0 else: done = False for k in range(n_agents): all_ob[k] = np.squeeze(all_ob[k]) all_agent_ob = np.squeeze(all_agent_ob) traj_data = { "ob": all_ob, "ac": all_ac, "rew": all_rew, "ep_ret": ep_ret, "all_ob": all_agent_ob } sample_trajs.append(traj_data) print('traj_num', i, 'expected_return', ep_ret) for k in range(n_agents): avg_ret[k].append(ep_ret[k]) for k in range(n_agents): print('agent', k, np.mean(avg_ret[k]), np.std(avg_ret[k])) images = np.array(images) pkl.dump(sample_trajs, open(path + '-%dtra.pkl' % num_trajs, 'wb')) if image: print(images.shape) imageio.mimsave(path + '.mp4', images, fps=25)