Exemple #1
def bathy_along_track(Float, hpids, bathy_file=None):
    """TODO: Docstring..."""

    __, idxs = Float.get_profiles(hpids, ret_idxs=True)
    lons = Float.lon_start[idxs]
    lats = Float.lat_start[idxs]
    dist = Float.dist[idxs]
    bathy = sandwell.interp_track(lons, lats, bathy_file)

    plt.plot(dist, bathy)
    plt.xlabel('Distance (km)')
    plt.ylabel('Depth (m)')
def bathy_along_track(Float, hpids, bathy_file=None):
    """TODO: Docstring..."""

    __, idxs = Float.get_profiles(hpids, ret_idxs=True)
    lons = Float.lon_start[idxs]
    lats = Float.lat_start[idxs]
    dist = Float.dist[idxs]
    bathy = sandwell.interp_track(lons, lats, bathy_file)

    plt.plot(dist, bathy)
    plt.xlabel('Distance (km)')
    plt.ylabel('Depth (m)')
Exemple #3
        plt.figure(figsize=(5, 7))
        plt.scatter(d, z, s=50, c=V*100., edgecolor='none', cmap=bwr)
        cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', extend='both')
        cbar.set_label(texvar+' (cm s$^{-1}$)')

        plt.xlim(np.nanmin(d), np.nanmax(d))
        plt.xlabel('Distance (km)')
        plt.ylabel('Depth (m)')
        title_str = ("Float {}").format(Float.floatID)

        lons = Float.lon_start[idxs]
        lats = Float.lat_start[idxs]
        dist = Float.dist[idxs]
        bathy = sandwell.interp_track(lons, lats, bathy_file)
        plt.plot(dist, bathy, 'k', linewidth=3)

        plt.ylim(np.nanmin(bathy), np.nanmax(z))

        my_savefig(Float.floatID, var + '_mountain')

    pf.track_on_bathy(Float, hpids, bathy_file=bathy_file)
    my_savefig(Float.floatID, 'mountain_area_track')

# %% Fitting in only one direction. Vertical wavenumber.

def plane_wave(x, A, k, phase):
    return A*np.cos((k*x + phase))
Exemple #4
        V = getattr(Float, var)[:, idxs].flatten(order='F')
        z = getattr(Float, zvar)[:, idxs].flatten(order='F')
        d = getattr(Float, dvar)[:, idxs].flatten(order='F')

        tgps = getattr(Float, 'UTC_start')[idxs]
        lon = getattr(Float, 'lon_start')[idxs]
        lat = getattr(Float, 'lat_start')[idxs]
        tctd = getattr(Float, 'UTC')[:, idxs].flatten(order='F')
        nans = np.isnan(d) | np.isnan(tctd)
        tctd = tctd[~nans]
        dctd = d[~nans]
        lonctd = np.interp(tctd, tgps, lon)
        latctd = np.interp(tctd, tgps, lat)
        bathy = sandwell.interp_track(lonctd, latctd, bf)

        d -= dctd[bathy.argmax()]

        nans = np.isnan(d) | np.isnan(z) | np.isnan(V)

        #        Wg = griddata((d[~nans], z[~nans]), V[~nans], (Xg, Zg), method='linear')
        #        Wgs.append(Wg.copy())

        dctd -= dctd[bathy.argmax()]

        points = np.array([d, z]).transpose().reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        segs = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1)
        lc = LineCollection(segs,
    LOG_KAP = (np.log10(kappa)).flatten(order='F')[use]

    # Plotting #
    # Epsilon
    d = getattr(Float, 'dist_ctd')[:, idxs].flatten(order='F')

    tgps = getattr(Float, 'UTC_start')[idxs]
    lon = getattr(Float, 'lon_start')[idxs]
    lat = getattr(Float, 'lat_start')[idxs]
    tctd = getattr(Float, 'UTC')[:, idxs].flatten(order='F')
    nans = np.isnan(d) | np.isnan(tctd)
    tctd = tctd[~nans]
    dctd = d[~nans]
    lonctd = np.interp(tctd, tgps, lon)
    latctd = np.interp(tctd, tgps, lat)
    bathy = sandwell.interp_track(lonctd, latctd, bf)

    dbathymax = dctd[bathy.argmax()]

    dctd -= dbathymax
    X -= dbathymax

    ax1.plot(Float.dist[idxs] - dbathymax, 1000.*ieps, label=Float.floatID)

    LOG_EPS[noise] = np.NaN

    step = 10
    sc = ax0.scatter(X[::step], Z[::step], s=5, c=LOG_EPS[::step],
                     edgecolor='none', cmap=plt.get_cmap('YlOrRd'), vmin=-10.,
                     vmax=-7, alpha=.5)
    z = getattr(Float, 'z')[:, idxs].flatten(order='F')
    d = getattr(Float, 'dist_ctd')[:, idxs].flatten(order='F')
    t = getattr(Float, 'UTC')[:, idxs].flatten(order='F')

    # This block gets the bathymetry at the estimated position of each CTD measurement.
    # NaNs removed so array size is different to the above block.
    tgps = getattr(Float, 'UTC_start')[idxs]
    lon = getattr(Float, 'lon_start')[idxs]
    lat = getattr(Float, 'lat_start')[idxs]
    tctd = getattr(Float, 'UTC')[:, idxs].flatten(order='F')
    nans = np.isnan(d) | np.isnan(tctd)
    tctd = tctd[~nans]
    dctd = d[~nans]
    lonctd = np.interp(tctd, tgps, lon)
    latctd = np.interp(tctd, tgps, lat)
    bathy = sandwell.interp_track(lonctd, latctd, bf)

    # Zero the distances at the top of the sea mount.
    d -= dctd[bathy.argmax()]

    for ax, dmin, dmax in zip(axs, depth_mins, depth_maxs):

        in_range = (z > dmin) & (z < dmax)

        C = ax.scatter(d[in_range], utils.datenum_to_datetime(t[in_range]),
                       c=Ww[in_range], s=30, cmap=bwr, vmin=-0.08, vmax=0.08)
        ax.set_ylim(datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 2, 12),
                    datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 4, 6))
        ax.set_xlim(-20, 40)
        ax.set_xlabel('Distance (km)')
        ax.set_title("{} to {} m".format(dmin, dmax))
Exemple #7
#    title_str = ("Float {}").format(Float.floatID)
#    ax.set_title(title_str)
    cbp = plt.colorbar(C, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', extend='both')
    cbp.set_label('$w$ (m s$^{-1}$)')
    cbp.set_ticks([-0.05, 0, 0.05])
    cbp.set_ticklabels(['-0.05', '0', '0.05'])

    if save_figs:
        filename = os.path.join(fsd, '{}_w_section.pdf'.format(Float.floatID))
        fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

# %% Float 4596 topo section
Float = E4596

b = sandwell.interp_track(Float.lon_start, Float.lat_start, bf)

__, z = Float.get_timeseries(Float.hpid, 'z')
t, Ww = Float.get_timeseries(Float.hpid, 'Ww')
__, Wf = Float.get_timeseries(Float.hpid, 'Wz')
__, d = Float.get_timeseries(Float.hpid, 'dist_ctd')

use = t > 7000.
z = z[use]
Ww = Ww[use]
Wf = Wf[use]
d = d[use]

Ww[np.abs(Wf) < 0.08] = np.nan

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6.5, 3))