Exemple #1
    def _call(self, start1, stop1, start2, stop2, data):
        if self._memory_map is not None:
            if data.ndim == 2:
                self._memory_map[start1:stop1, start2:stop2] = data[:, :, numpy.newaxis]
                self._memory_map[start1:stop1, start2:stop2] = data

        # we have to fall-back to manually write
        element_size = int_func(self._raw_dtype.itemsize)
        if len(self._shape) == 3:
            element_size *= int_func(self._shape[2])
        stride = element_size*int_func(self._shape[0])
        # go to the appropriate spot in the file for first entry
        self._fid.seek(self._data_offset + stride*start1 + element_size*start2)
        if start1 == 0 and stop1 == self._shape[0]:
            # we can write the block all at once
            # have to write one row at a time
            bytes_to_skip_per_row = element_size*(self._shape[0]-(stop1-start1))
            for i, row in enumerate(data):
                # we the row, and then skip to where the next row starts
                if i < len(data) - 1:
                    # don't seek on last entry (avoid segfault, or whatever)
                    self._fid.seek(bytes_to_skip_per_row, os.SEEK_CUR)
Exemple #2
    def validate_lims(lims, typ):
        # type: (Union[None, tuple, list, numpy.ndarray], str) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]
        def validate_entry(st, ed, shap, i_fr):
            if not ((0 <= st < shap[ind]) and (st < ed <= shap[ind])):
                raise ValueError('{}_limits is {}, and frame {} has shape {}'.format(typ, lims, i_fr, shap))

        ind = 0 if typ == 'row' else 1

        if lims is None:
            return tuple((0, shp[ind]) for shp in sizes)
            o_lims = numpy.array(lims, dtype=numpy.int64)
            t_lims = []
            if len(o_lims.shape) == 1:
                if o_lims.shape[0] != 2:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'row{}_limits must be of the form (<start>, <end>), got {}'.format(typ, lims))
                t_start = int_func(o_lims[0])
                t_end = int_func(o_lims[1])
                for i_frame, shp in zip(frames, sizes):
                    validate_entry(t_start, t_end, shp, i_frame)
                    t_lims.append((t_start, t_end))
                if o_lims.shape[0] != len(frames):
                    raise ValueError(
                        '{0:s}_limits must either be of the form (<start>, <end>) applied to all frames, '
                        'or a collection of such of the same length as frames. '
                        'Got len({0:s}_limits) = {1:d} and len(frames) = {2:d}'.format(typ, o_lims.shape[0], len(frames)))
                for entry, i_frame, shp in zip(o_lims, frames, sizes):
                    t_start = int_func(entry[0])
                    t_end = int_func(entry[1])
                    validate_entry(t_start, t_end, shp, i_frame)
                    t_lims.append((t_start, t_end))
            return tuple(t_lims)
Exemple #3
    def _read_raw_fun(self, range1, range2):
        range1, range2 = self._reorder_arguments(range1, range2)
        rows_size = int_func((range1[1]-range1[0])/range1[2])
        cols_size = int_func((range2[1]-range2[0])/range2[2])

        if self._output_bands == 1:
            out = numpy.empty((rows_size, cols_size), dtype=self._dtype)
            out = numpy.empty((rows_size, cols_size, self._output_bands), dtype=self._dtype)
        for entry, child_chipper in zip(self._bounds, self._child_chippers):
            row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end = entry
            # find row overlap for chipper - it's rectangular
            crange1, cinds1 = self._subset(range1, row_start, row_end)
            if crange1 is None:
                continue  # there is no row overlap for this chipper

            # find column overlap for chipper - it's rectangular
            crange2, cinds2 = self._subset(range2, col_start, col_end)
            if crange2 is None:
                continue  # there is no column overlap for this chipper

            if self._output_bands == 1:
                out[cinds1[0]:cinds1[1], cinds2[0]:cinds2[1]] = \
                    child_chipper[crange1[0]:crange1[1]:crange1[2], crange2[0]:crange2[1]:crange2[2]]
                out[cinds1[0]:cinds1[1], cinds2[0]:cinds2[1], :] = \
                    child_chipper[crange1[0]:crange1[1]:crange1[2], crange2[0]:crange2[1]:crange2[2]]
        return out
Exemple #4
    def _read_file(self, range1, range2):
        def get_row_location(rr, cc):
            return self._data_offset + \
                   rr*stride + \

        # we have to manually map out the stride and all that for the array ourselves
        element_size = int_func(numpy.dtype(self._raw_dtype).itemsize*self._raw_bands)
        stride = element_size*int_func(self._shape[0])  # how much to skip a whole (real) row?
        entries_per_row = abs(range1[1] - range1[0])  # not including the stride, if not +/-1
        # let's determine the specific row/column arrays that we are going to read
        dim1array = numpy.arange(range1)
        dim2array = numpy.arange(range2)
        # allocate our output array
        out = numpy.empty((len(dim1array), len(dim2array), self._raw_bands), dtype=self._raw_dtype)
        # determine the first column reading location (may be reading cols backwards)
        col_begin = dim2array[0] if range2[2] > 0 else dim2array[-1]

        for i, row in enumerate(dim1array):
            # go to the appropriate point in the file for (row/col)
            self._fid.seek(get_row_location(row, col_begin))
            # interpret this of line as numpy.ndarray - inherently flat array
            line = numpy.fromfile(self._fid, self._raw_dtype, entries_per_row*self._raw_bands)
            # note that we purposely read without considering skipping elements, which
            #   is factored in (along with any potential order reversal) below
            out[i, :, :] = line[::range2[2]]
        return out
Exemple #5
def _parse_int(val, length, default, name, instance):
    Parse and/or validate the integer input.

    val : None|int|bytes
    length : int
    default : None|int


    if val is None:
        return default
        val = int_func(val)

    if -int_func(10)**(length-1) < val < int_func(10)**length:
        return val
    raise ValueError(
        'Integer {} cannot be rendered as a string of {} characters for '
        'attribute {} of class {}'.format(val, length, name, instance.__class__.__name__))
Exemple #6
    def from_bytes(cls, value, start, subhead_len=0, item_len=0):

        value : bytes|str
        start : int
        subhead_len : int
        item_len : int


        subhead_len, item_len = int_func(cls._subhead_len), int_func(cls._item_len)
        if len(value) < start + 3:
            raise ValueError('value must have length at least {}. Got {}'.format(start+3, len(value)))
        loc = start
        count = int_func(value[loc:loc+3])
        length = 3 + count*(subhead_len + item_len)
        if len(value) < start + length:
            raise ValueError('value must have length at least {}. Got {}'.format(start+length, len(value)))
        loc += 3
        subhead_sizes = numpy.zeros((count, ), dtype=numpy.int64)
        item_sizes = numpy.zeros((count, ), dtype=numpy.int64)
        for i in range(count):
            subhead_sizes[i] = int_func(value[loc: loc+subhead_len])
            loc += subhead_len
            item_sizes[i] = int_func(value[loc: loc+item_len])
            loc += item_len
        return cls(subhead_sizes, item_sizes)
Exemple #7
 def _prepare_output(self, row_range, col_range):
     row_count = int_func(
         (row_range[1] - row_range[0]) / float(row_range[2]))
     col_count = int_func(
         (col_range[1] - col_range[0]) / float(col_range[2]))
     out_size = (row_count, col_count, 3)
     return numpy.zeros(out_size, dtype=numpy.float64)
Exemple #8
    def write_support_array(self, identifier, data, start_indices=(0, 0)):
        Write support array data to the file.

        identifier : str
        data : numpy.ndarray
        start_indices : Tuple[int, int]
        def validate_bytes_per_pixel():
            observed_bytes_per_pixel = int_func(data.nbytes / pixel_count)
            if observed_bytes_per_pixel != entry.BytesPerElement:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Observed bytes per pixel {} for support {}, expected '
                    'bytes per pixel {}'.format(observed_bytes_per_pixel,

        if data.ndim < 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'Provided support data is required to be at least two dimensional'
        pixel_count = data.shape[0] * data.shape[1]

        int_index = self._validate_support_index(identifier)
        identifier = self._validate_support_key(identifier)
        entry = self.crsd_meta.Data.SupportArrays[int_index]

        start_indices = (int_func(start_indices[0]),
        rows = (start_indices[0], start_indices[0] + data.shape[0])
        columns = (start_indices[1], start_indices[1] + data.shape[1])

        if start_indices[0] < 0 or start_indices[1] < 0:
            raise IndexError(
                'start_indices given as {}, but must have non-negative entries.'
        if rows[1] > entry.NumRows or columns[1] > entry.NumCols:
            raise IndexError(
                'start_indices given as {}, and given data has shape {}. This is '
                'incompatible with signal block of shape {}.'
                ''.format(start_indices, data.shape,
                          (entry.NumRows, entry.NumCols)))

        total_pixels = entry.NumRows * entry.NumCols
        # write the data
                                          columns[0]:columns[1]] = data
        # update the count of written data
        self._writing_state['support'][identifier] += pixel_count
        # check if the written pixels is seemingly ridiculous or redundant
        if self._writing_state['support'][identifier] > total_pixels:
                'Appear to have written {} total pixels to support array {},\n\t'
                'which only has {} pixels.\n\t'
                'This may be indicative of an error.'.format(
                    self._writing_state['support'][identifier], identifier,
Exemple #9
        def get_image_data():
            # type: () -> ImageDataType

            samp_prec = _stringify(hf['sample_precision'][()])
            if samp_prec.upper() == 'INT16':
                pixel_type = 'RE16I_IM16I'
            elif samp_prec.upper() == 'FLOAT32':
                pixel_type = 'RE32F_IM32F'
                raise ValueError(
                    'Got unhandled sample precision {}'.format(samp_prec))

            num_rows = int_func(number_of_range_samples)
            num_cols = int_func(number_of_azimuth_samples)
            scp_row = int_func(coord_center[0]) - 1
            scp_col = int_func(coord_center[1]) - 1
            if 0 < scp_col < num_rows - 1:
                if look_side == 'left':
                    scp_col = num_cols - scp_col - 1
                # early ICEYE processing bug led to nonsensical SCP
                scp_col = int_func(num_cols / 2.0)

            return ImageDataType(PixelType=pixel_type,
                                 FullImage=(num_rows, num_cols),
                                 SCPPixel=(scp_row, scp_col))
Exemple #10
def validate_range(arg, siz):
    # type: (Union[None, int, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]], int) -> tuple
    Validate the range definition.

    arg : None|int|Tuple[int, int]|Tuple[int, int, int]
    siz : int

        Of the form `(start, stop, step)`.

    start, stop, step = None, None, None
    if arg is None:
    elif isinstance(arg, integer_types):
        start = arg
        stop = arg + 1
        step = 1
        # NB: following this pattern to avoid confused pycharm inspection
        if len(arg) == 1:
            start = int(arg[0])
            stop = start + 1
        elif len(arg) == 2:
            start, stop = arg
        elif len(arg) == 3:
            start, stop, step = arg
    start = 0 if start is None else int_func(start)
    stop = siz if stop is None else int_func(stop)
    step = 1 if step is None else int_func(step)
    # basic validity check
    if not (-siz < start < siz):
        raise ValueError(
            'Range argument {} has extracted start {}, which is required '
            'to be in the range [0, {})'.format(arg, start, siz))
    if not (-siz < stop <= siz):
        raise ValueError(
            'Range argument {} has extracted "stop" {}, which is required '
            'to be in the range [0, {}]'.format(arg, stop, siz))
    if not (0 < abs(step) <= siz):
        raise ValueError(
            'Range argument {} has extracted step {}, for an axis of length '
            '{}'.format(arg, step, siz))
    if ((step < 0) and (stop > start)) or ((step > 0) and (start > stop)):
        raise ValueError(
            'Range argument {} has extracted start {}, stop {}, step {}, '
            'which is not valid.'.format(arg, start, stop, step))

    # reform negative values for start/stop appropriately
    if start < 0:
        start += siz
    if stop < 0:
        stop += siz
    return start, stop, step
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, tiff_details, symmetry=(False, False, True)):

        tiff_details : TiffDetails
        symmetry : Tuple[bool]

        if isinstance(tiff_details, str):
            tiff_details = TiffDetails(tiff_details)
        if not isinstance(tiff_details, TiffDetails):
            raise TypeError('NativeTiffChipper input argument must be a filename '
                            'or TiffDetails object.')


        self._tiff_details = tiff_details
        if isinstance(tiff_details.tags['SampleFormat'], numpy.ndarray):
            samp_form = tiff_details.tags['SampleFormat'][0]
            samp_form = tiff_details.tags['SampleFormat']
        if samp_form not in self._SAMPLE_FORMATS:
            raise ValueError('Invalid sample format {}'.format(samp_form))
        if isinstance(tiff_details.tags['BitsPerSample'], numpy.ndarray):
            bits_per_sample = tiff_details.tags['BitsPerSample'][0]
            bits_per_sample = tiff_details.tags['BitsPerSample']

        raw_bands = int(tiff_details.tags['SamplesPerPixel'])

        if samp_form in [5, 6]:
            transform_data = 'COMPLEX'
            output_bands = int(raw_bands)
            raw_bands *= 2
            bits_per_sample /= 2
            output_dtype = 'complex64'
        elif raw_bands == 2:
            # NB: this is heavily skewed towards SAR and obviously not general
            transform_data = 'COMPLEX'
            output_dtype = 'complex64'
            output_bands = 1
            transform_data = None
            output_bands = raw_bands
            output_dtype = None

        data_size = (int_func(tiff_details.tags['ImageLength']), int_func(tiff_details.tags['ImageWidth']))
        raw_dtype = numpy.dtype('{0:s}{1:s}{2:d}'.format(
            self._tiff_details.endian, self._SAMPLE_FORMATS[samp_form], int(bits_per_sample/8)))

        if output_dtype is None:
            output_dtype = raw_dtype
        data_offset = int_func(tiff_details.tags['StripOffsets'][0])

        super(NativeTiffChipper, self).__init__(
            tiff_details.file_name, raw_dtype, data_size, raw_bands, output_bands, output_dtype,
            symmetry=symmetry, transform_data=transform_data, data_offset=data_offset)
Exemple #12
    def _reorder_arguments(self, range1, range2):
        Reinterpret the range arguments into actual "physical" arguments of memory,
        in light of the symmetry attribute.

        range1 : None|int|tuple
            * if `None`, then the range is not limited in first axis
            * if `int` = step size
            * if (`int`, `int`) = `end`, `step size`
            * if (`int`, `int`, `int`) = `start`, `stop`, `step size`
        range2 : None|int|tuple
            same as `range1`, except for the second axis.

            actual range 1 - in light of `range1`, `range2` and symmetry
            actual range 2 - in light of `range1`, `range2` and symmetry

        if isinstance(range1, (numpy.ndarray, list)):
            range1 = tuple(int_func(el) for el in range1)
        if isinstance(range2, (numpy.ndarray, list)):
            range2 = tuple(int_func(el) for el in range2)

        if not (range1 is None or isinstance(range1, integer_types) or isinstance(range1, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('range1 is of type {}, but must be an instance of None, '
                            'int or tuple.'.format(range1))
        if isinstance(range1, tuple) and len(range1) > 3:
            raise TypeError('range1 must have no more than 3 entries, received {}.'.format(range1))

        if not (range2 is None or isinstance(range2, integer_types) or isinstance(range2, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('range2 is of type {}, but must be an instance of None, '
                            'int or tuple.'.format(range2))
        if isinstance(range2, tuple) and len(range2) > 3:
            raise TypeError('range2 must have no more than 3 entries, received {}.'.format(range2))

        # switch the axes symmetry dictates
        if self._symmetry[2]:
            range1, range2 = range2, range1
            lim1, lim2 = self._data_size[1], self._data_size[0]
            lim1, lim2 = self._data_size[0], self._data_size[1]

        # validate the first range
        if self._symmetry[0]:
            real_arg1 = reverse_range(range1, lim1)
            real_arg1 = validate_range(range1, lim1)
        # validate the second range
        if self._symmetry[1]:
            real_arg2 = reverse_range(range2, lim2)
            real_arg2 = validate_range(range2, lim2)

        return real_arg1, real_arg2
Exemple #13
 def _parse_count(cls, value, start):
     loc = start
     count = int_func(value[loc:loc + cls._count_size])
     loc += cls._count_size
     if count == 0:
         # (only) if there are more than 9, a longer field is used
         count = int_func(value[loc:loc + 5])
         loc += 5
     return count, loc
Exemple #14
 def _prepare_output(self, row_range, col_range, frames=None):
     row_count = int_func(
         (row_range[1] - row_range[0]) / float(row_range[2]))
     col_count = int_func(
         (col_range[1] - col_range[0]) / float(col_range[2]))
     if frames is None or len(frames) == 1:
         out_size = (row_count, col_count)
         out_size = (row_count, col_count, len(frames))
     return numpy.zeros(out_size, dtype=numpy.complex64)
Exemple #15
 def _get_rows_per_block(self, max_block_size):
     pixel_type = self._writer.sicd_meta.ImageData.PixelType
     cols = int_func(self._writer.sicd_meta.ImageData.NumCols)
     bytes_per_row = 8*cols
     if pixel_type == 'RE32F_IM32F':
         bytes_per_row = 8*cols
     elif pixel_type == 'RE16I_IM16I':
         bytes_per_row = 4*cols
     elif pixel_type == 'AMP8I_PHS8I':
         bytes_per_row = 2*cols
     return max(1, int_func(round(max_block_size/bytes_per_row)))
Exemple #16
    def from_node(cls, node, xml_ns, ns_key=None, kwargs=None):
        dim1 = int_func(node.attrib['size'])
        dim2 = int_func(node.attrib['numLuts'])
        arr = numpy.zeros((dim1, dim2), dtype=numpy.uint16)

        lut_key = cls._child_xml_ns_key.get('LUTValues', ns_key)
        lut_nodes = find_children(node, 'LUTValues', xml_ns, lut_key)
        for i, lut_node in enumerate(lut_nodes):
            arr[:, i] = [str(el) for el in get_node_value(lut_node)]
        if numpy.max(arr) < 256:
            arr = numpy.cast[numpy.uint8](arr)
        return cls(LUTValues=arr)
Exemple #17
 def from_node(cls, node, xml_ns, ns_key=None, kwargs=None):
     num_phasings = int_func(node.attrib['numPhasings'])
     num_points = int_func(node.attrib['numPoints'])
     coefs = numpy.zeros((num_phasings+1, num_points+1), dtype=numpy.float64)
     ckey = cls._child_xml_ns_key.get('Coefs', ns_key)
     coef_nodes = find_children(node, 'Coef', xml_ns, ckey)
     for cnode in coef_nodes:
         ind1 = int_func(cnode.attrib['phasing'])
         ind2 = int_func(cnode.attrib['point'])
         val = float(get_node_value(cnode))
         coefs[ind1, ind2] = val
     return cls(Coefs=coefs)
Exemple #18
 def _parse_attribute(cls, fields, attribute, value, start):
     if attribute == 'data':
         length = int_func(value[start:start + cls._size_len])
         start += cls._size_len
         if length > 0:
             ofl = int_func(value[start:start+cls._ofl_len])
             fields['OFL'] = ofl
             fields['data'] = value[start+cls._ofl_len:start + length]
             fields['OFL'] = 0
             fields['data'] = None
         return start + length
     return super(UserHeaderType, cls)._parse_attribute(fields, attribute, value, start)
Exemple #19
 def other_axis_deskew(t_full_data, fft_sgn):
     # We cannot generally deskew in both directions at once, but we
     # can recenter the nonskewed dimension with a uniform shift
     if numpy.any(self._delta_kcoa_poly_off_axis != 0):
         # get deltakcoa at midpoint, and treat as a constant polynomial
         row_mid = row_array[int_func(round(0.5 * row_array.size)) - 1]
         col_mid = col_array[int_func(round(0.5 * col_array.size)) - 1]
         delta_kcoa_new_const = numpy.zeros((1, 1), dtype='float64')
         delta_kcoa_new_const[0, 0] = polynomial.polyval2d(
             row_mid, col_mid, self._delta_kcoa_poly_off_axis)
         # apply this uniform shift
         t_full_data = _deskew_array(
             t_full_data, delta_kcoa_new_const, row_array, col_array, fft_sgn, 1-self.dimension)
     return t_full_data
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self,
                 symmetry=(False, False, False),

        data_size : tuple
            The full size of the data *after* any required transformation. See
            `data_size` property.
        symmetry : tuple
            Describes any required data transformation. See the `symmetry` property.
        complex_type : callable|bool
            For complex type handling.
            If callable, then this is expected to transform the raw data to the complex data.
            If this evaluates to `True`, then the assumption is that real/imaginary
            components are stored in adjacent bands, which will be combined into a
            single band upon extraction.

        if not (isinstance(complex_type, bool) or callable(complex_type)):
            raise ValueError('complex-type must be a boolean or a callable')
        self._complex_type = complex_type

        if not isinstance(symmetry, tuple):
            symmetry = tuple(symmetry)
        if len(symmetry) != 3:
            raise ValueError(
                'The symmetry parameter must have length 3, and got {}.'.
        self._symmetry = tuple([bool(entry) for entry in symmetry])

        if not isinstance(data_size, tuple):
            data_size = tuple(data_size)
        if len(data_size) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'The data_size parameter must have length 2, and got {}.'.
        data_size = (int_func(data_size[0]), int_func(data_size[1]))
        if data_size[0] < 0 or data_size[1] < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'All entries of data_size {} must be non-negative.'.format(
        if self._symmetry[2]:
            self._data_size = (data_size[1], data_size[0])
            self._data_size = data_size
Exemple #21
 def pixel_count(self, value):
     if value is None:
         self._pixel_count = None
     if not isinstance(value, integer_types):
         value = int_func(value)
     self._pixel_count = value
Exemple #22
def _get_sicd_time_args(sicd, subdivisions=24):
    # type: (SICDType, Union[int, None]) -> (dict, Union[None, numpy.ndarray])
    Fetch the SICD time arguments and array.

    sicd : SICDType
    subdivisions : int|None

    (dict, None|numpy.ndarray)

    if sicd.Timeline is None or sicd.Timeline.CollectStart is None:
        return {}, None

    beg_time = sicd.Timeline.CollectStart.astype('datetime64[us]')
    if sicd.Timeline.CollectDuration is None:
        return {
            'when': str(beg_time) + 'Z',
        }, None

    end_time = beg_time + int_func(sicd.Timeline.CollectDuration * 1e6)
    if not isinstance(subdivisions, integer_types) or subdivisions < 2:
        time_array = None
        time_array = numpy.linspace(0, sicd.Timeline.CollectDuration,
    return {
        'beginTime': str(beg_time) + 'Z',
        'endTime': str(end_time) + 'Z'
    }, time_array
Exemple #23
 def get_dimension_details(the_range):
     full_count = abs(int_func(the_range[1] - the_range[0]))
     the_snip = -1 if the_range[2] < 0 else 1
     t_filter_map = filter_map_construction(full_count/self.fill)
     t_block_size = self.get_fetch_block_size(the_range[0], the_range[1])
     t_full_range = (the_range[0], the_range[1], the_snip)
     return t_filter_map, t_block_size, t_full_range
Exemple #24
 def dimension(self, value):
     value = int_func(value)
     if value not in [0, 1]:
         raise ValueError('dimension must be 0 or 1, got {}'.format(value))
     self._dimension = value
     if self._sicd is not None:
Exemple #25
def is_normalized(sicd, dimension=1):
    Check if the sicd structure is normalized along the provided dimension.

    sicd : SICDType
        The SICD structure.
    dimension : int
        The dimension to test.

        normalization state in the given dimension
    def _is_fft_sgn_negative():
        if dimension == 0:
            if sicd.Grid is None or sicd.Grid.Row is None or sicd.Grid.Row.Sgn is None:
                return True
            return sicd.Grid.Row.Sgn == -1
            if sicd.Grid is None or sicd.Grid.Col is None or sicd.Grid.Col.Sgn is None:
                return True
            return sicd.Grid.Col.Sgn == -1

    dimension = int_func(dimension)
    if dimension not in [0, 1]:
        raise ValueError(
            'dimension must be either 0 or 1, got {}'.format(dimension))

    return is_not_skewed(sicd, dimension) and is_uniform_weight(sicd, dimension) and \
Exemple #26
 def read_pvp_vector(self, variable, index, the_range=None):
     frm = 'd'  # all fields in CPHD 0.3 are of double type
     # fetch the header object
     header = self.cphd_header
     # fetch the appropriate details from the cphd structure
     cphd_meta = self.cphd_meta
     data = cphd_meta.Data
     if not isinstance(index, integer_types):
         index = int_func(index)
     if not (0 <= index < data.NumCPHDChannels):
         raise ValueError('index must be in the range [0, {})'.format(
     row_count = data.ArraySize[index].NumVectors
     # get overall offset
     pvp_block_offset = header.VB_BYTE_OFFSET
     # get offset for this vector block
     pvp_offset = data.NumBytesVBP * index
     vector_size = data.NumBytesVBP
     # see if this variable/field is sensible
     result = cphd_meta.VectorParameters.get_position_offset_and_size(
     if result is None:
         return None
     field_offset, fld_siz = result
     return self._read_pvp_vector(pvp_block_offset, pvp_offset, vector_size,
                                  field_offset, frm, fld_siz, row_count,
Exemple #27
    def _validate_index(self, index):
        Get corresponding integer index for CPHD channel.

        index : int|str


        cphd_meta = self.cphd_details.cphd_meta

        if isinstance(index, string_types):
            for i, channel in enumerate(cphd_meta.Data.Channels):
                if channel.Identifier == index:
                    return i
            raise KeyError(
                'Cannot find CPHD channel for identifier {}'.format(index))
            int_index = int_func(index)
            if not (0 <= int_index < cphd_meta.Data.NumCPHDChannels):
                raise ValueError('index must be in the range [0, {})'.format(
            return int_index
Exemple #28
    def _validate_support_key(self, index):
        Gets the corresponding identifier for the support array.

        index : int|str


        if isinstance(index, string_types):
            if index in self._support_map:
                return index
                raise KeyError(
                    'Cannot find support array for identifier {}'.format(
            int_index = int_func(index)
            if not (0 <= int_index < len(self.crsd_meta.Data.SupportArrays)):
                raise ValueError('index must be in the range [0, {})'.format(
            return self.crsd_meta.Data.SupportArrays[int_index].Identifier
Exemple #29
 def _parse_attribute(cls, fields, attribute, value, start):
     if attribute == 'data':
         length = int_func(value[start:start + cls._size_len])
         start += cls._size_len
         fields['data'] = value[start:start + length]
         return start + length
     return super(Unstructured, cls)._parse_attribute(fields, attribute, value, start)
Exemple #30
 def from_bytes(cls, value, start):
     tag_value = value[start:start + 6].decode('utf-8').strip()
     lng = int_func(value[start + 6:start + 11])
     if tag_value != cls._tag_value:
         raise ValueError('tag value must be {}. Got {}'.format(
             cls._tag_value, tag_value))
     return cls(value[start + 11:start + 11 + lng])