Exemple #1
def cee_way():

    m1 = sasmol.SasMol(0)
    natoms = m1.natoms()
    resid = m1.resid()
    name = m1.name()
    nresidues = m1.resid()[-1] - m1.resid()[0] + 1
    flexible_residues = numpy.arange(2, 8).tolist()
    #	print 'getting rotation indices for molecule'
    residue_rotation_indices = {}
    residue_rotation_mask = {}
    #	print 'number of flexible residues = ',len(flexible_residues)
    nflexible = len(flexible_residues)
    atomlist = numpy.arange(0, natoms).tolist()

    #import cee_mask
    import mask

    farray = numpy.zeros((nflexible, natoms), numpy.int32)

    nresidues = int(nresidues)

    mask.get_mask_array(farray, name, resid, flexible_residues, nresidues)

    for i in xrange(nflexible):
        for j in xrange(natoms):
            if (farray[i][j] != 0):
                print farray[i][j],
Exemple #2
def lam_way():

    #	import StringFunction

    m1 = sasmol.SasMol(0)
    natoms = m1.natoms()
    aresid = m1.resid()
    aname = m1.name()
    nresidues = m1.resid()[-1] - m1.resid()[0] + 1
    flexible_residues = numpy.arange(2, 8).tolist()
    print 'getting rotation indices for molecule'
    residue_rotation_indices = {}
    residue_rotation_mask = {}
    print 'number of flexible residues = ', len(flexible_residues)
    atomlist = numpy.arange(0, natoms).tolist()

    for q0 in xrange(2, nresidues):
        if q0 in flexible_residues:
            print q0,
            previous_amino_acid = q0 - 1
            this_amino_acid = q0
            next_amino_acid = q0 + 1

            refatm = '(resid == ' + str(
                previous_amino_acid) + ' and name == "C")'
            refatm += ' or (resid == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name == "N")'
            refatm += ' or (resid == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name == "CA")'
            refatm += ' or (resid == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name == "C")'
            refatm += ' or (resid == ' + str(
                next_amino_acid) + ' and name == "N")'

            preliminary_mask_array = []
            for i in xrange(natoms):
                name = aname[i]
                resid = aresid[i]
                #				ans=StringFunction.StringFunction(refatm, independent_variables=('name','resid'))
                if (ans(name, resid) == 1):
                    #	print q0,i

            mask_array = numpy.array(preliminary_mask_array, numpy.int32)
            residue_rotation_mask[q0] = mask_array.tolist()
Exemple #3
def list_way():

    m1 = sasmol.SasMol(0)


    moltype = m1.moltype()

    natoms = m1.natoms()

    resid = m1.resid()
    name = m1.name()

    nresidues = m1.resid()[-1] - m1.resid()[0] + 1

    flexible_residues = numpy.arange(2, 8).tolist()

    print 'getting rotation indices for molecule'

    residue_rotation_indices = {}
    residue_rotation_mask = {}

    print 'number of flexible residues = ', len(flexible_residues)

    atomlist = numpy.arange(0, natoms).tolist()

    for q0 in xrange(2, nresidues):
        if q0 in flexible_residues:
            print q0,
            previous_amino_acid = q0 - 1
            this_amino_acid = q0
            next_amino_acid = q0 + 1

            refatm = '(resid[i] == ' + str(
                previous_amino_acid) + ' and name[i] == "C")'
            refatm += ' or (resid[i] == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name[i] == "N")'
            refatm += ' or (resid[i] == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name[i] == "CA")'
            refatm += ' or (resid[i] == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name[i] == "C")'
            refatm += ' or (resid[i] == ' + str(
                next_amino_acid) + ' and name[i] == "N")'

            torf = [eval(refatm) for i in atomlist]
Exemple #4
def old_way():

    m1 = sasmol.SasMol(0)


    moltype = m1.moltype()

    natoms = m1.natoms()

    nresidues = m1.resid()[-1] - m1.resid()[0] + 1

    flexible_residues = numpy.arange(2, 8).tolist()

    print 'getting rotation indices for molecule'

    residue_rotation_indices = {}
    residue_rotation_mask = {}

    print 'number of flexible residues = ', len(flexible_residues)

    for q0 in xrange(2, nresidues):
        if q0 in flexible_residues:
            print q0,
            previous_amino_acid = q0 - 1
            this_amino_acid = q0
            next_amino_acid = q0 + 1

            refatm = '(resid[i] == ' + str(
                previous_amino_acid) + ' and name[i] == "C")'
            refatm += ' or (resid[i] == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name[i] == "N")'
            refatm += ' or (resid[i] == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name[i] == "CA")'
            refatm += ' or (resid[i] == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name[i] == "C")'
            refatm += ' or (resid[i] == ' + str(
                next_amino_acid) + ' and name[i] == "N")'

            error, mask = m1.get_subset_mask(refatm)
            indices = m1.get_indices_from_mask(mask)

            residue_rotation_indices[q0] = indices.tolist()
            residue_rotation_mask[q0] = mask.tolist()
Exemple #5
    SASSIE  Copyright (C) 2011 Joseph E. Curtis
    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; 
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
    conditions; see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html for details.
import sys, numpy, time
import dcdio
import sasmol

A = sasmol.SasMol(0)

natoms = A.natoms()

x = A.coor()[:, 0]
y = A.coor()[:, 1]
z = A.coor()[:, 2]

#x=[1.0,2.0,3.0] ; y=[1.0,2.0,3.0] ; z=[1.0,2.0,3.0]

x = numpy.array(x, numpy.float32)
y = numpy.array(y, numpy.float32)
z = numpy.array(z, numpy.float32)

filename = 'c7.dcd'

fp = dcdio.open_dcd_write(filename)

nset = 200
Exemple #6
    def init_child(self, descriptor):
		This method allows one to create a list of SasMol objects
		that are defined by the input descriptor.


			This is a way to create a mask to be used somewhere else:

			m1=sasmol.SasMol(0)	### create a molecule m1
			m1.read_pdb(filename)	### read in variables, coor, etc.
			m1.initialize_children()   ### set up the masks etc.
			. . . do stuff . . . 

			This initializes the following "children" with their
			masks already defined to the "parent" molecule

			names() 		: names_mask()
			resnames()		: resnames_mask()
			resids()		: resids_mask()
			chains()		: chains_mask()
			segnames()		: segnames_mask()
			occupancies()		: occupancies_mask()
			betas()			: betas_mask()
			elements()		: elements_mask()
			The objects on the left contain the unique values and
			the objects on the right contain the masks that have
			the indices to extract the information for each unique
			value from the parent molecule.

			NOTE: the pluarity of the words is chosen for a reason
			to distinguish the singular words used to keep track
			of the parent variables (name --> name[i] for each
			atom, while names --> corresponds to the unique names
			in the parent: len(names) <= len(name))

			For "min3.pdb" if one wants to know the unique elements
			you would type:


			which yields:

			['N', 'H', 'C', 'O', 'S', 'ZN']
			So, given a pre-defined object that has atomic information
			initialized by reading in the PDB file and intializing all
			children as shown above, one can get a list of subset
			objects for each type of element by typing:

			element_molecules = m1.init_child('elements')

			then you could parse the full-subset molecule as its own
			com = element_molecules[0].calccom(0)

			which would give the center of mass for all the "N" atoms
			in the parent molecule.

			Another example would be to get the COM of each amino acid
			in a protein.

			residue_molecules = m1.init_child('resids')

			for i in xrange(m1.number_of_resids()):
				print residue_molecules[i].calccom(0)

			NOTE: coordinates will have to be updated separately using
				get_coor_using_mask ... using the mask(s) generated
				by sasio.initialize_children()


        import sasmol

        at = 'len(self.' + descriptor + '())'
        number_of_objects = eval(at)

        frame = 0
        object_list = []

        for i in xrange(number_of_objects):

            new_object = sasmol.SasMol(0)
            at = 'self.' + descriptor + '_mask()[' + str(i) + ']'
            mask = eval(at)
            error = self.copy_molecule_using_mask(new_object, mask, frame)


        return object_list
Exemple #7
def new_way():

    m1 = sasmol.SasMol(0)


    moltype = m1.moltype()

    natoms = m1.natoms()

    aresid = m1.resid()
    aname = m1.name()

    nresidues = m1.resid()[-1] - m1.resid()[0] + 1

    flexible_residues = numpy.arange(2, 8).tolist()

    print 'getting rotation indices for molecule'

    residue_rotation_indices = {}
    residue_rotation_mask = {}

    print 'number of flexible residues = ', len(flexible_residues)

    atomlist = numpy.arange(0, natoms).tolist()

    for q0 in xrange(2, nresidues):
        if q0 in flexible_residues:
            print q0,
            previous_amino_acid = q0 - 1
            this_amino_acid = q0
            next_amino_acid = q0 + 1

            #refatm = '(resid[i] == '+str(previous_amino_acid)+' and name[i] == "C")'
            #refatm += ' or (resid[i] == '+str(this_amino_acid)+' and name[i] == "N")'
            #refatm += ' or (resid[i] == '+str(this_amino_acid)+' and name[i] == "CA")'
            #refatm += ' or (resid[i] == '+str(this_amino_acid)+' and name[i] == "C")'
            #refatm += ' or (resid[i] == '+str(next_amino_acid)+' and name[i] == "N")'

            refatm = '(resid == ' + str(
                previous_amino_acid) + ' and name == "C")'
            refatm += ' or (resid == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name == "N")'
            refatm += ' or (resid == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name == "CA")'
            refatm += ' or (resid == ' + str(
                this_amino_acid) + ' and name == "C")'
            refatm += ' or (resid == ' + str(
                next_amino_acid) + ' and name == "N")'

            preliminary_mask_array = []
            for i in xrange(natoms):
                name = aname[i]
                resid = aresid[i]
                ans = StringFunction_0(refatm, name=name, resid=resid)
                if (ans(name, resid) == 1):
                    #	print q0,i

#			torf=[StringFunction('refatm',independent_variable='i') for i in atomlist]

            mask_array = numpy.array(preliminary_mask_array, numpy.int32)

            #			error,mask = m1.get_subset_mask(refatm)  ; indices = m1.get_indices_from_mask(mask)

            #			residue_rotation_indices[q0] = indices.tolist()
            residue_rotation_mask[q0] = mask_array.tolist()