Exemple #1
def filt_density(f_name, fr_area, x_mr, y_mr, mag_mr, cent_rad, vor_flag,
                 area_frac_range, dens_frac, mean_filt_area):
    Apply density filter.

    save_to_log(f_name, 'Obtaining groups densities', 'a')
    tot_sols = len(cent_rad)
    milestones = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]

    # Frame's density.
    fr_dens_area = len(x_mr) / fr_area

    # Obtain integrated magnitude for each defined circle.
    dens_accp_groups, dens_rej_groups = [], []
    for c_x, c_y, r in cent_rad:
        # Count stars within this circle, using stars that passed the
        # magnitude filter.
        clust_mags, N = [], 0
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(*[x_mr, y_mr])):
            if in_radius(c_x, c_y, r, x, y):
                # This is used later on in the I/A filter function.
                N += 1

        # Obtain density for this cluster, normalized to 1. for the frame's
        # density.
        clust_dens = (float(N) / (np.pi * (r ** 2))) / fr_dens_area

        # If the overdensity has a density larger than a given fraction of
        # the frame's density, keep (j=0). Else, discard (j=1).
        if clust_dens > dens_frac:
            dens_accp_groups.append([c_x, c_y, r, clust_dens, clust_mags])
            dens_rej_groups.append([c_x, c_y, r, clust_dens, clust_mags])

        # Print percentage done.
        milestones = print_perc(i, tot_sols, milestones)

    # If the center coords and radii were read from file, obtain the min and
    # max fraction of mean Voronoi area for these clusters.
    if vor_flag != 'voronoi':
        all_fracs = []
        # Obtain, for each accepted cluster, its area/N divided by the mean
        # Voronoi area value.
        for g in dens_accp_groups:
            cl_dens = (1. / fr_dens_area) * (1. / g[3])
            all_fracs.append(cl_dens / mean_filt_area)
        area_frac_range = [min(all_fracs), max(all_fracs)]
        save_to_log(f_name, 'Obtained area range: [{:.2f}, {:.2f}]'.format(
            *area_frac_range), 'a')

    return dens_accp_groups, dens_rej_groups, area_frac_range
Exemple #2
def get_cent_rad(f_name, coords_flag, cr_file_cols, m_m_n, vor_flag, ra_cent,
                 dec_cent, acp_pts, acp_mags, pts_area, pts_vert,
                 mean_filt_area, area_frac_range):
    Assign a center and a radius for each overdensity/group identified.

    Use an automatic algorithm based on a Voronoi diagram and grouping neighbor
    stars, or a file with center coordinates and radii already stored.

    if vor_flag == 'voronoi':

        # Apply maximum area filter.
        pts_area_thres, mag_area_thres, vert_area_thres = area_filter(
            acp_pts, acp_mags, pts_area, pts_vert, mean_filt_area,
        save_to_log(f_name, "\nStars filtered by area range: {}".format(
            len(pts_area_thres)), 'a')

        save_to_log(f_name, 'Detect shared vertex', 'a')
        all_groups = shared_vertex(vert_area_thres)

        # This is a costly process.
        save_to_log(f_name, 'Assign points to groups', 'a')
        neighbors, neig_mags = group_stars(pts_area_thres, mag_area_thres,
                                           vert_area_thres, all_groups)
        save_to_log(f_name, 'Groups found: {}'.format(len(neighbors)), 'a')

        # Keep only those groups with a higher number of members than
        # min_neighbors.
        pts_neighbors, mags_neighbors = neighbors_filter(neighbors, neig_mags,
                    '\nGroups filtered by number of members: {}'.format(
                        len(pts_neighbors)), 'a')

        # Check if at least one group was defined with the minimum
        # required number of neighbors.
        if pts_neighbors:
            # Obtain center and radius for each overdensity identified.
            cent_rad = []
            for g in pts_neighbors:

                pts = np.array(zip(*g))
                mean_pts = np.mean(pts, 0)

                # Translate towards origin
                pts -= mean_pts
                result = make_circle(pts)

                # Move back to correct position.
                c_r = (result[0] + mean_pts[0], result[1] + mean_pts[1],

                cent_rad.append([c_r[0], c_r[1], c_r[2]])
            cent_rad = []
            save_to_log(f_name, "No groups found with members in range {}".
                        format(m_m_n), 'a')

        # Get data from file.
        cent_rad = get_cents_rad_file(coords_flag, vor_flag, cr_file_cols,
                                      ra_cent, dec_cent)
        pts_area_thres, mag_area_thres = [[0., 0.], [0., 0.]], [0.]
        pts_neighbors, mags_neighbors = [[[0.], [0.]]], [0]

    return cent_rad, pts_area_thres, mag_area_thres, pts_neighbors,\