def test_string_field_max_length_validator(self): ctx = mock_context() v = StringFieldMaxLengthValidator(80) field = base_fields.Field() field._attribute = 'bar' field._type = str badness = { '': ['This should not exceed the expected string length.'] } for (value, expected) in ( ('A', {}), (5 * 'A', {}), (10 * 'A', {}), (40 * 'A', {}), (79 * 'A', {}), (80 * 'A', {}), (81 * 'A', badness), (85 * 'A', badness), (100 * 'A', badness), (200 * 'A', badness), (500 * 'A', badness), ): error_dict = {} v.find_errors(error_dict, ctx, 'foo', None, field, value) self.assertEqual(expected, error_dict)
def test_int_field_max_validator(self): ctx = mock_context() v = IntFieldMaxValidator(11) field = base_fields.Field() field._attribute = 'bar' field._type = int badness = { '': ['This value should be less than or equal to the maximum.'] } for (value, expected) in (('0', {}), ('5', {}), ('11', {}), ('23', badness), ('90210', badness)): error_dict = {} v.find_errors(error_dict, ctx, 'foo', None, field, value) self.assertEqual(expected, error_dict)
def test_datetime_field_max_validator(self): ctx = mock_context() v = DatetimeFieldMaxValidator(now) field = base_fields.Field() field._attribute = 'bar' field._type = datetime badness = { '': ['This value should be no later than the maximum datetime.'] } for (value, expected) in ((ancient, {}), (long_ago, {}), (now, {}), (later, badness), (too_late, badness)): error_dict = {} v.find_errors(error_dict, ctx, 'foo', None, field, value.isoformat()) self.assertEqual(expected, error_dict)
def test_int_field_range_validator(self): ctx = mock_context() v = IntFieldRangeValidator(4, 11) field = base_fields.Field() field._attribute = 'bar' field._type = int badness = { '': ['This value should be within the allowed integer range.'] } for (value, expected) in (('0', badness), ('3', badness), ('4', {}), ('5', {}), ('10', {}), ('11', {}), ('12', badness), ('23', badness), ('90210', badness)): error_dict = {} v.find_errors(error_dict, ctx, 'foo', None, field, value) self.assertEqual(expected, error_dict)
def test_string_field_zipcode_validator(self): ctx = mock_context() v = StringFieldZipcodeValidator() field = base_fields.Field() field._attribute = 'bar' field._type = str badness = {'': ['This should be a zipcode.']} for (value, expected) in ( ('02134', {}), ('01701', {}), ('01701-7627', {}), ('90210', {}), ('65536', {}), ('01234567890', badness), ('01234-567890', badness), ): error_dict = {} v.find_errors(error_dict, ctx, 'foo', None, field, value) self.assertEqual(expected, error_dict)