def result(): encode ="(?<=\+)(.*?)(?=\;)", request.headers["Content-type"]).group( 1) # message encoding corr_id = request.headers["X-Request-ID"] # correlation ID status = request.headers['Status'] profile, device_socket = request.headers["From"].rsplit("@", 1) # profile used, device IP:port data = safe_json({ "headers": dict(request.headers), "content": safe_json('utf-8')) }) print( f"Received {status} response from {profile}@{device_socket} - {data}") print("Writing to buffer.") producer = Producer() producer.publish( message=decode_msg(, encode), # message being decoded headers={ "socket": device_socket, "correlationID": corr_id, "profile": profile, "encoding": encode, "transport": "https" }, exchange="orchestrator", routing_key="response") return make_response( # Body encode_msg({ "status": 200, "status_text": "received" }, encode), # Status Code 200, # Headers { "Content-type": f"application/openc2-rsp+{encode};version=1.0", "Status": 200, # Numeric status code supplied by Actuator's OpenC2-Response "X-Request-ID": corr_id, "Date": f"{datetime.utcnow():%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT}", # RFC7231- -> Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT # "From": f"{profile}@{device_socket}", # "Host": f"{orc_id}@{orc_socket}", })
def process_message(body, message): """ Callback when we receive a message from internal buffer to publish to waiting flask. :param body: Contains the message to be sent. :param message: Contains data about the message as well as headers """ body = body if isinstance(body, dict) else safe_json(body) rcv_headers = message.headers # Device Info profile = rcv_headers["profile"] # profile used rcv_time = f"{datetime.utcnow():%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT}" print(f"Received command from {profile}@{rcv_time} - {body}") state[rcv_headers["correlationID"]] = dict(received=rcv_time, headers=rcv_headers, body=body)
def _read_item(self, item, queue, callback: Callable): """ Callback function which is called when an item is read """ # Setup another read of this queue self._set_queue_read(queue, callback) (channel, method_frame, header_frame, body) = item headers = ObjectDict(header_frame.headers) body = safe_json(body) self._log( f"{} ({method_frame.routing_key}): {body}", d = defer.maybeDeferred(callback, headers, body) d.addCallbacks( lambda _: channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method_frame.delivery_tag ), lambda _: channel. basic_nack(delivery_tag=method_frame.delivery_tag))
def process_message(body, message): """ Callback when we receive a message from internal buffer to publish to waiting flask. :param body: Contains the message to be sent. :param message: Contains data about the message as well as headers """ producer = Producer() body = body if isinstance(body, dict) else safe_json(body) rcv_headers = message.headers orc_socket = rcv_headers["source"]["transport"]["socket"] # orch IP:port orc_id = rcv_headers["source"]["orchestratorID"] # orchestrator ID corr_id = rcv_headers["source"]["correlationID"] # correlation ID for device in rcv_headers["destination"]: device_socket = device["socket"] # device IP:port encoding = device["encoding"] # message encoding if device_socket and encoding and orc_socket: for profile in device["profile"]: print(f"Sending command to {profile}@{device_socket}") rtn_headers = { "socket": device_socket, "correlationID": corr_id, "profile": profile, "encoding": encoding, "transport": "https" } try: rslt = url=f"http://{device_socket}", headers={ "Content-type": f"application/openc2-cmd+{encoding};version=1.0", # Numeric status code supplied by Actuator's OpenC2-Response # "Status": ..., "X-Request-ID": corr_id, # RFC7231- -> Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT "Date": f"{datetime.utcnow():%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT}", "From": f"{orc_id}@{orc_socket}", # "Host": f"{profile}@{device_socket}" }, data=encode_msg(body, encoding) # command being encoded ) data = { "headers": dict(rslt.headers), "content": decode_msg(rslt.content.decode('utf-8'), encoding) } print(f"Response from request: {rslt.status_code} - {data}") # TODO: UPDATE HEADERS WITH RESPONSE INFO response = safe_json(data['content']) if isinstance(data['content'], dict) else data['content'] except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: response = str(getattr(err, "message", err)) rtn_headers["error"] = True print(f"Connection error: {err}") except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err: response = str(getattr(err, "message", err)) rtn_headers["error"] = True print(f"Message error: {err}") except Exception as err: response = str(getattr(err, "message", err)) rtn_headers["error"] = True print(f"HTTP error: {err}") producer.publish( message=response, headers=rtn_headers, exchange="orchestrator", routing_key="response" ) else: response = "Destination/Encoding/Orchestrator Socket of command not specified" rcv_headers["error"] = True print(response) producer.publish( message=str(response), headers=rcv_headers, exchange="orchestrator", routing_key="response" )
def result(): encode ="(?<=\+)(.*?)(?=\;)", request.headers["Content-type"]).group(1) # message encoding corr_id = request.headers["X-Request-ID"] # correlation ID # data = decode_msg(, encode) # message being decoded # profile, device_socket = request.headers["Host"].rsplit("@", 1) # profile used, device IP:port orc_id, orc_socket = request.headers["From"].rsplit("@", 1) # orchestrator ID, orchestrator IP:port message = msg_json = decode_msg(message, encode) data = safe_json({ "headers": dict(request.headers), "content": safe_json(message.decode('utf-8')) }) rsp = { "status": 200, "status_text": "received", # command id?? } # Basic verify against language schema?? # get destination actuator actuators = list(msg_json.get('actuator', {}).keys()) print(f"Received command from {orc_id}@{orc_socket} - {data}") if msg_json['action'] == "query" and "command" in msg_json['target']: print("QUERY COMMAND") cmd_id = msg_json['target']['command'] prev_cmd = state.get(cmd_id) if prev_cmd: rsp = { "status_text": "previous command found", "response": { "command": prev_cmd[0] } } else: print("Writing to buffer") producer = Producer() queue_msg = { "message": message, "headers": { "socket": orc_socket, # "device": device_socket, "correlationID": corr_id, # "profile": profile, "encoding": encode, "orchestratorID": orc_id, "transport": "http" } } if len(actuators) == 0: print('No NSIDs specified, Send to all') try: producer.publish( **queue_msg, exchange="actuator_all", exchange_type="fanout", routing_key="actuator_all" ) except Exception as e: print(f'Publish Error: {e}') else: print(f'NSIDs specified - {actuators}') for act in actuators: producer.publish( **queue_msg, exchange="actuator", routing_key=act ) print(f"Corr_id: {corr_id}") for wait in range(0, MAX_WAIT): print(f"Checking for response... {MAX_WAIT} - {wait}") rsp_cmd = state.get(corr_id) if rsp_cmd: rsp = rsp_cmd[0]['body'] break time.sleep(1) return make_response( # Body encode_msg(rsp, encode), # Status Code 200, # Headers { "Content-type": f"application/openc2-rsp+{encode};version=1.0", "Status": 200, # Numeric status code supplied by Actuator's OpenC2-Response "X-Request-ID": corr_id, "Date": f"{datetime.utcnow():%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT}", # RFC7231- -> Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT # "From": f"{profile}@{device_socket}", # "Host": f"{orc_id}@{orc_socket}", } )
def process_message(body, message): """ Callback when we receive a message from internal buffer to publish to waiting flask. :param body: Contains the message to be sent. :param message: Contains data about the message as well as headers """ http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs="CERT_NONE") producer = Producer() body = body if isinstance(body, dict) else safe_json(body) rcv_headers = message.headers orc_socket = rcv_headers["source"]["transport"]["socket"] # orch IP:port orc_id = rcv_headers["source"]["orchestratorID"] # orchestrator ID corr_id = rcv_headers["source"]["correlationID"] # correlation ID for device in rcv_headers["destination"]: device_socket = device["socket"] # device IP:port encoding = device["encoding"] # message encoding if device_socket and encoding and orc_socket: for profile in device["profile"]: print(f"Sending command to {profile}@{device_socket}") try: rsp = http.request( method="POST", url=f"https://{device_socket}", body=encode_msg(body, encoding), # command being encoded headers={ "Content-type": f"application/openc2-cmd+{encoding};version=1.0", # "Status": ..., # Numeric status code supplied by Actuator's OpenC2-Response "X-Request-ID": corr_id, "Date": f"{datetime.utcnow():%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT}", # RFC7231- -> Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT "From": f"{orc_id}@{orc_socket}", "Host": f"{profile}@{device_socket}", } ) rsp_headers = dict(rsp.headers) if "Content-type" in rsp_headers: rsp_enc = re.sub(r"^application/openc2-(cmd|rsp)\+", "", rsp_headers["Content-type"]) rsp_enc = re.sub(r"(;version=\d+\.\d+)?$", "", rsp_enc) else: rsp_enc = "json" rsp_headers = { "socket": device_socket, "correlationID": corr_id, "profile": profile, "encoding": rsp_enc, "transport": "https" } data = { "headers": rsp_headers, "content": decode_msg("utf-8"), rsp_enc) } print(f"Response from request: {rsp.status} - {safe_json(data)}") producer.publish(message=data["content"], headers=rsp_headers, exchange="orchestrator", routing_key="response") except Exception as err: err = str(getattr(err, "message", err)) rcv_headers["error"] = True producer.publish(message=err, headers=rcv_headers, exchange="orchestrator", routing_key="response") print(f"HTTPS error: {err}") else: response = "Destination/Encoding/Orchestrator Socket of command not specified" rcv_headers["error"] = True producer.publish(message=str(response), headers=rcv_headers, exchange="orchestrator", routing_key="response") print(response)
def process_message(body: Union[dict, str], message: kombu.Message) -> None: """ Callback when we receive a message from internal buffer to publish to waiting flask. :param body: Contains the message to be sent. :param message: Contains data about the message as well as headers """ producer = Producer() body = body if isinstance(body, dict) else safe_json(body) rcv_headers = message.headers orc_socket = rcv_headers["source"]["transport"]["socket"] # orch IP:port orc_id = rcv_headers["source"]["orchestratorID"] # orchestrator ID corr_id = uuid.UUID( rcv_headers["source"]["correlationID"]) # correlation ID for device in rcv_headers["destination"]: transport = transport_cache.cache.get(device["transport"]) device_socket = f"{transport['host']}:{transport['port']}" # device IP:port encoding = device["encoding"] # message encoding path = f"/{transport['path']}" if "path" in transport else "" if device_socket and encoding and orc_socket: with Auth(transport) as auth: for profile in device["profile"]: print(f"Sending command to {profile}@{device_socket}") rtn_headers = { "socket": device_socket, "correlationID": str(corr_id), "profile": profile, "encoding": encoding, "transport": "https" } request = Message( recipients=[f"{profile}@{device_socket}"], origin=f"{orc_id}@{orc_socket}", # created=... auto generated msg_type=MessageType.Request, request_id=corr_id, content_type=SerialFormats.from_value(encoding), content=body) prod_kwargs = { "cert": (auth.clientCert, auth.clientKey) if auth.clientCert and auth.clientKey else None, "verify": auth.caCert if auth.caCert else False } try: rslt = url= f"http{'s' if transport['prod'] else ''}://{device_socket}{path}", headers={ "Content-Type": f"application/openc2-cmd+{encoding};version=1.0", # Numeric status code supplied by Actuator's OpenC2-Response # "Status": ..., "X-Request-ID": str(request.request_id), # RFC7231- -> Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT "Date": f"{request.created:%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT}", "From": request.origin, # "Host": f"{profile}@{device_socket}" }, data=request.serialize(), # command being encoded **(prod_kwargs if transport["prod"] else {})) response = Message.oc2_loads(rslt.content, encoding) print( f"Response from request: {rslt.status_code} - H:{dict(rslt.headers)} - C:{response}" ) # TODO: UPDATE HEADERS WITH RESPONSE INFO response = response.content except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: response = str(getattr(err, "message", err)) rtn_headers["error"] = True print(f"Connection error: {err}") except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err: response = str(getattr(err, "message", err)) rtn_headers["error"] = True print(f"Message error: {err} - `{rslt.content}`") except Exception as err: response = str(getattr(err, "message", err)) rtn_headers["error"] = True print(f"HTTPS error: {err}") producer.publish(message=response, headers=rtn_headers, exchange="orchestrator", routing_key="response") else: response = "Destination/Encoding/Orchestrator Socket of command not specified" rcv_headers["error"] = True print(response) producer.publish(message=str(response), headers=rcv_headers, exchange="orchestrator", routing_key="response")
def result(): encode ="(?<=\+)(.*?)(?=\;)", request.headers["Content-type"]).group( 1) # message encoding corr_id = request.headers["X-Request-ID"] # correlation ID # data = decode_msg(, encode) # message being decoded profile, device_socket = request.headers["Host"].rsplit("@", 1) # profile used, device IP:port orc_id, orc_socket = request.headers["From"].rsplit("@", 1) # orchestrator ID, orchestrator IP:port message = msg_json = decode_msg(message, encode) data = safe_json({ "headers": dict(request.headers), "content": safe_json(message.decode('utf-8')) }) rsp = { "status": 200, "status_text": "received", # command id?? } print(f"Received command from {orc_id}@{orc_socket} - {data}") if msg_json['action'] == "query" and "command" in msg_json['target']: print("QUERY COMMAND") cmd_id = msg_json['target']['command'] prev_cmd = state.get(cmd_id) if prev_cmd: rsp = { "status_text": "previous command found", "response": { "command": prev_cmd } } else: print("Writing to buffer") producer = Producer() producer.publish(message=message, headers={ "socket": orc_socket, "device": device_socket, "correlationID": corr_id, "profile": profile, "encoding": encode, "orchestratorID": orc_id, "transport": "https" }, exchange="actuator", routing_key=profile) print(f"Corr_id: {corr_id}") for wait in range(0, MAX_WAIT): print(f"Checking for response... {MAX_WAIT} - {wait}") rsp_cmd = state.get(corr_id) if rsp_cmd: rsp = rsp_cmd['body'] break time.sleep(1) return make_response( # Body encode_msg(rsp, encode), # Status Code 200, # Headers { "Content-type": f"application/openc2-rsp+{encode};version=1.0", "Status": 200, # Numeric status code supplied by Actuator's OpenC2-Response "X-Request-ID": corr_id, "Date": f"{datetime.utcnow():%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT}", # RFC7231- -> Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT # "From": f"{profile}@{device_socket}", # "Host": f"{orc_id}@{orc_socket}", })