Exemple #1
def gettraj(pts):
    beziers = fitCurve(pts, 1)
    pathi = path()
    single = game()
    bz = []
    for b in beziers:
        for t in range(0, 51):
            bz.append(bezier.q(b, t / 50.0).tolist())
    bz = np.array(bz)
    pli = []
    for i in range(len(bz)):
        single = game()
        single.kx = bz[i][0]
        single.ky = bz[i][1]
    pathi.points = pli
    xdot = np.gradient(bz.T[0])
    ydot = np.gradient(bz.T[1])
    Xdot = [xdot, ydot]
    Xdot = np.array(Xdot)
    Xdot = Xdot.T
    pti = []
    for i in range(len(Xdot)):
        single = game()
        single.kx = Xdot[i][0]
        single.ky = Xdot[i][1]
    return pathi, Xdot, pti
Exemple #2
def conv(rpath):
    p = []
    temp = [0, 0]
    pt = rpath
    for i in range(len(pt.points)):
        s = game()
        s = pt.points[i]
        temp = [s.kx, s.ky]
    return p
Exemple #3
def getpts():
    a = input('Enter number of points')
    pts = []
    robott = input('Enter team \n1\n2\n')
    robotn = input('Enter bot number \n0\n1\n')
    st = 'robot'+str(robott)+'n'+str(robotn)+'/goalpoints'
    path_pub=rospy.Publisher(st,path,queue_size = 20)
    for i in range(a):
        x = input('Enter x value of point'+str(i))
        y = input('Enter y value of point'+str(i))
        single = game()
        single.kx = x
        single.ky = y
Exemple #4
def get_traj_all(robot, rpath, ppathr, traj_publ):
    global flag
    r = game()
    i = 0
    if len(rpath.points) > 0:
        p = conv(rpath)
        a = 1
        pts = [robot.x, robot.y]
        p = np.array(p)
        if len(p) > 1:
            X, Xdot, pti = gettraj(p)
Exemple #5
def hwcallback(msg):
    global pctrl
    global r1
    global r2
    global ball
    R = 46.6  # radius of robot in pixels
    r = 15.7  # radius of wheels in pixels
    w1 = msg.w1
    w2 = msg.w2
    w3 = msg.w3
    tag = msg.tag
    kick = msg.kick
    k = np.array([0, 0, 0])  #np.random.normal(0,0.01,3)
    w1 = w1 + k[0]
    w2 = w2 + k[1]
    w3 = w3 + k[2]
    #forward kinematics
    vx = -r * m.sqrt(3) / 2 * (w3 - w1)
    vy = -r * (w1 / 2 - w2 + w3 / 2)
    wz = (r / (3 * R)) * (w1 + w2 + w3)
    #local to global conversion
    if tag == 0:
        bcos = m.cos(r1[0].theta)
        bsin = m.sin(r1[0].theta)
    if tag == 1:
        bcos = m.cos(r1[1].theta)
        bsin = m.sin(r1[1].theta)
    if tag == 2:
        bcos = m.cos(r2[0].theta)
        bsin = m.sin(r2[0].theta)
    if tag == 3:
        bcos = m.cos(r2[1].theta)
        bsin = m.sin(r2[1].theta)
    vxg = vx * bcos - vy * bsin
    vyg = vy * bcos + vx * bsin
    a = game(kx=vxg, ky=vyg, thetad=wz, tag=tag, kick=kick)
Exemple #6
from sbsim.msg import dribble
from sbsim.msg import game

if gmsg.status == 0 bot is stationary
if gmsg.status == 1 bot moves to location in gmsg
if gmsg.status == 2 ball kicked at target location

if rxycs == 1 p2p control pass
if rxycs == 2 trajectory command bypass
if rxycs == 3 extremal control

traj_ctrl = game()
ball = p.ball(x = 0,y = 0)
bpose = Pose()
btwist = Twist()
rpose = [Pose(),Pose(),Pose(),Pose()]
rtwist =[Twist(),Twist(),Twist(),Twist()]
r10msg = goalmsg()
r11msg = goalmsg()
r20msg = goalmsg()
r21msg = goalmsg() 
r10cs = 1
r11cs = 1
r20cs = 1
r21cs = 1
Exemple #7
def run():
    global rpath
    global rvects
    global r10cs
    global r11cs
    global r20cs
    global r21cs
    global rpose
    rospy.init_node('trajectory_tracking_controller', anonymous=True)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot1n0/cselect', Int32, r10selcallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('/ballpose', Pose, ballposecallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot1n1/cselect', Int32, r11selcallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot2n0/cselect', Int32, r20selcallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot2n1/cselect', Int32, r21selcallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot1n0/traj_vect_list', path, r10tcallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot1n1/traj_vect_list', path, r11tcallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot2n0/traj_vect_list', path, r20tcallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot2n1/traj_vect_list', path, r21tcallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot1n0/path', path, r1n0pathcbk)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot1n1/path', path, r1n1pathcbk)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot2n0/path', path, r2n0pathcbk)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot2n1/path', path, r2n1pathcbk)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot1n0/pose', Pose, r10posecallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot1n1/pose', Pose, r11posecallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot2n0/pose', Pose, r20posecallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('robot2n1/pose', Pose, r21posecallback)
    traj_pub_r10 = rospy.Publisher('robot1n0/traj_vect', game, queue_size=20)
    traj_pub_r11 = rospy.Publisher('robot1n1/traj_vect', game, queue_size=20)
    traj_pub_r20 = rospy.Publisher('robot2n0/traj_vect', game, queue_size=20)
    traj_pub_r21 = rospy.Publisher('robot2n1/traj_vect', game, queue_size=20)
    rate = rospy.Rate(30)
    kpc = 0.0001
    kpv = 0.013
    kph1 = 0.1
    kdh1 = 0.2
    heading_error_1 = 0
    while (True):
        if r10cs == 2:
            this section sets the point for the bot to point at(heading control)
            r10hp = Pose()
            r10hp.position.x = 0
            r10hp.position.y = 0
            r10vel = game()
            r10vel.kx = 0
            r10vel.ky = 0
            #pd Controller for heading
            thtg = m.atan2((r10hp.position.y - rpose[0].y),
                           (r10hp.position.x - rpose[0].x))
            """if(( thetaset_1 >=(m.pi)) and (thetaset_1 < (0.95*m.pi))):
                thetaset_1= abs(thetaset_1)
            diff_1 = (thetaset_1 - rpose[0].theta) - heading_error_1
            heading_error_1 = (thetaset_1 - rpose[0].theta)
            r10vel.thetad = kph1*heading_error_1 + kdh1*diff_1"""

            while (thtg < 0):
                if thtg < 0:
                    thtg = 6.28 + thtg
            while (thtg > 6.28):
                if thtg > 6.28:
                    thtg = thtg - 6.28
            if (abs(thtg - rpose[0].theta) > 0.1 and thtg <= 6.28
                    and thtg >= 0):
                if (abs(thtg - rpose[0].theta) <
                    (6.28 - abs(thtg - rpose[0].theta))):
                    f = (thtg - rpose[0].theta) / abs(thtg - rpose[0].theta)
                    e = abs(thtg - rpose[0].theta)
                    r10vel.thetad = (e * kph1) * (f)
                    f = (thtg - rpose[0].theta) / abs(thtg - rpose[0].theta)
                    e = 6.28 - abs(thtg - rpose[0].theta)
                    r10vel.thetad = -((e * kph1)) * (f)
                r10vel.thetad = 0
            if len(rpath[0]) > 0 and len(rvects[0]) > 0:
                l = len(rpath[0])
                cptr10, indexr10, mindistr10 = closestpt_search(
                    rpath[0], rpose[0])
                cptr10 closest point on trajectory from robot
                indexr10 index of closest point on the trajectory
                mindistr10 distance of closest point on the trajetory
                vectr10 tangent of trajectory curve
                comp1x component 1 x tangential component
                comp2x component 2 x correctional component
                comp1y component 1 y tangential component
                comp2y component 2 y correctional component
                vectr10 = rvects[0][indexr10]
                comp1x = findexv(indexr10, l) * kpv * vectr10[0]
                comp1y = findexv(indexr10, l) * kpv * vectr10[1]
                if (not (cptr10[0] - rpose[0].x) == 0
                        and not (cptr10[1] - rpose[0].y) == 0):
                    comp2x = kpc * findexc(
                        indexr10, l) * (cptr10[0] - rpose[0].x)**3 / abs(
                            (cptr10[0] - rpose[0].x) * 10)
                    comp2y = kpc * findexc(
                        indexr10, l) * (cptr10[1] - rpose[0].y)**3 / abs(
                            (cptr10[1] - rpose[0].y) * 10)
                    comp2x = kpc * findexc(indexr10,
                                           l) * (cptr10[0] - rpose[0].x)
                    comp2y = kpc * findexc(indexr10,
                                           l) * (cptr10[1] - rpose[0].y)

                r10vel.kx = comp1x + comp2x
                r10vel.ky = comp1y + comp2y

            norm = np.sqrt(r10vel.kx**2 + r10vel.ky**2)
            #if not norm == 0:
            #    r10vel.kx /= 0.5*norm
            #    r10vel.ky /= 0.5*norm
            #    r10vel.tag = 0
            #if mindistr10 < 1:

        if r11cs == 2:
            if len(rpath[1]) > 0 and len(rvects[1]) > 0:
                r11vel = game()
                l = len(rpath[1])
                cptr11, indexr11, mindistr11 = closestpt_search(
                    rpath[1], rpose[1])
                vectr11 = rvects[1][indexr11]
                comp1x = findexv(indexr11, l) * kpv * vectr11[0]
                comp2x = kpc * findexc(indexr11, l) * (cptr11[0] - rpose[1].x)
                comp1y = findexv(indexr11, l) * kpv * vectr11[1]
                comp2y = kpc * findexc(indexr11, l) * (cptr11[1] - rpose[1].y)
                r11vel.kx = comp1x + comp2x
                r11vel.ky = comp1y + comp2y
                norm = np.sqrt(r11vel.kx**2 + r11vel.ky**2)
                if not norm == 0:
                    r11vel.kx /= 0.5 * norm
                    r11vel.ky /= 0.5 * norm
                    r11vel.tag = 1
                    #if mindistr11 < 1:
                    #    rpath[0].pop(indexr11)
        if r20cs == 2:
            if len(rpath[2]) > 0 and len(rvects[2]) > 0:
                r20vel = game()
                l = len(rpath[2])
                cptr20, indexr20, mindistr20 = closestpt_search(
                    rpath[2], rpose[2])
                vectr20 = rvects[2][indexr20]
                comp1x = findexv(indexr20, l) * kpv * vectr20[0]
                comp2x = kpc * findexc(indexr20, l) * (cptr20[0] - rpose[2].x)
                comp1y = findexv(indexr20, l) * kpv * vectr20[1]
                comp2y = kpc * findexc(indexr20, l) * (cptr20[1] - rpose[2].y)
                r20vel.kx = comp1x + comp2x
                r20vel.ky = comp1y + comp2y
                norm = np.sqrt(r20vel.kx**2 + r20vel.ky**2)
                if not norm == 0:
                    r20vel.kx /= 0.5 * norm
                    r20vel.ky /= 0.5 * norm
                    r20vel.tag = 2
                    #if mindistr20 < 1:
                    #    rpath[2].pop(indexr20)
        if r21cs == 2:
            if len(rpath[3]) > 0 and len(rvects[3]) > 0:
                r21vel = game()
                l = len(rpath[3])
                cptr21, indexr21, mindistr21 = closestpt_search(
                    rpath[3], rpose[3])
                vectr21 = rvects[3][indexr21]
                comp1x = findexv(indexr21, l) * kpv * vectr21[0]
                comp2x = kpc * findexc(indexr21, l) * (cptr21[0] - rpose[3].x)
                comp1y = findexv(indexr21, l) * kpv * vectr21[1]
                comp2y = kpc * findexc(indexr21, l) * (cptr21[1] - rpose[3].y)
                r21vel.kx = comp1x + comp2x
                r21vel.ky = comp1y + comp2y
                norm = np.sqrt(r21vel.kx**2 + r21vel.ky**2)
                if not norm == 0:
                    r21vel.kx /= 0.5 * norm
                    r21vel.ky /= 0.5 * norm
                    r21vel.tag = 3
                    #if mindistr21 < 1:
                    #    rpath[3].pop(indexr21)
Exemple #8
def run():
    global rpath
    global rvects
    global r10cs
    global r11cs
    global r20cs
    global r21cs
    global rpose
    traj_pub_r10 = rospy.Publisher('robot1n0/traj_vect',game, queue_size = 20)
    traj_pub_r11 = rospy.Publisher('robot1n1/traj_vect',game, queue_size = 20)
    traj_pub_r20 = rospy.Publisher('robot2n0/traj_vect',game, queue_size = 20)
    traj_pub_r21 = rospy.Publisher('robot2n1/traj_vect',game, queue_size = 20)
    rate = rospy.Rate(30)
    kpc = 1.0
    kpv = 30
        if r10cs == 2:
            this section sets the point for the bot to point at(heading control)
            r10hp = Pose()
            r10hp.position.x = 0
            r10hp.position.y = 0
            if len(rpath[0])> 0 and len(rvects[0]) > 0:
                r10vel = game()
                l = len(rpath[0])
                cptr10,indexr10,mindistr10 = closestpt_search(rpath[0],rpose[0])
                cptr10 closest point on trajectory from robot
                indexr10 index of closest point on the trajectory
                mindistr10 distance of closest point on the trajetory
                vectr10 tangent of trajectory curve
                comp1x component 1 x tangential component
                comp2x component 2 x correctional component
                comp1y component 1 y tangential component
                comp2y component 2 y correctional component
                vectr10 = rvects[0][indexr10]
                comp1x = findexv(indexr10,l)*kpv*vectr10[0]
                comp1y = findexv(indexr10,l)*kpv*vectr10[1]
                if(not (cptr10[0] - rpose[0].x)==0 and not(cptr10[1] - rpose[0].y)==0):
                    comp2x = kpc*findexc(indexr10,l)*(cptr10[0] - rpose[0].x)**3/abs((cptr10[0] - rpose[0].x)*10)
                    comp2y = kpc*findexc(indexr10,l)*(cptr10[1] - rpose[0].y)**3/abs((cptr10[1] - rpose[0].y)*10)
                    comp2x = kpc*findexc(indexr10,l)*(cptr10[0] - rpose[0].x)
                    comp2y = kpc*findexc(indexr10,l)*(cptr10[1] - rpose[0].y)

                r10vel.kx = comp1x + comp2x
                r10vel.ky = comp1y + comp2y
                '''p Controller for heading'''
                kph1 = 0.1
                thetaset_1 = m.atan2((r10hp.position.y-rpose[0].y),(r10hp.position.x-rpose[0].x))
                print(thetaset_1, rpose[0].theta,(thetaset_1 - rpose[0].theta))
                r10vel.thetad = kph1*(thetaset_1 - rpose[0].theta)

                norm = np.sqrt(r10vel.kx**2 + r10vel.ky**2)
                if not norm == 0:
                    r10vel.kx /= 0.5*norm
                    r10vel.ky /= 0.5*norm
                    r10vel.tag = 0
                    #if mindistr10 < 1:
        if r11cs == 2:
            if len(rpath[1])> 0 and len(rvects[1]) > 0:
                r11vel = game()
                l = len(rpath[1])
                cptr11,indexr11,mindistr11 = closestpt_search(rpath[1],rpose[1])
                vectr11 = rvects[1][indexr11]
                comp1x = findexv(indexr11,l)*kpv*vectr11[0]
                comp2x = kpc*findexc(indexr11,l)*(cptr11[0] - rpose[1].x)
                comp1y = findexv(indexr11,l)*kpv*vectr11[1]
                comp2y = kpc*findexc(indexr11,l)*(cptr11[1] - rpose[1].y)
                r11vel.kx = comp1x + comp2x
                r11vel.ky = comp1y + comp2y
                norm = np.sqrt(r11vel.kx**2 + r11vel.ky**2)
                if not norm == 0:
                    r11vel.kx /= 0.5*norm
                    r11vel.ky /= 0.5*norm
                    r11vel.tag = 1
                    #if mindistr11 < 1:
                    #    rpath[0].pop(indexr11)
        if r20cs == 2:
            if len(rpath[2])> 0 and len(rvects[2]) > 0:
                r20vel = game()
                l = len(rpath[2])
                cptr20,indexr20,mindistr20 = closestpt_search(rpath[2],rpose[2])
                vectr20 = rvects[2][indexr20]
                comp1x = findexv(indexr20,l)*kpv*vectr20[0]
                comp2x = kpc*findexc(indexr20,l)*(cptr20[0] - rpose[2].x)
                comp1y = findexv(indexr20,l)*kpv*vectr20[1]
                comp2y = kpc*findexc(indexr20,l)*(cptr20[1] - rpose[2].y)
                r20vel.kx = comp1x + comp2x
                r20vel.ky = comp1y + comp2y
                norm = np.sqrt(r20vel.kx**2 + r20vel.ky**2)
                if not norm == 0:
                    r20vel.kx /= 0.5*norm
                    r20vel.ky /= 0.5*norm
                    r20vel.tag = 2
                    #if mindistr20 < 1:
                    #    rpath[2].pop(indexr20)
        if r21cs == 2:
            if len(rpath[3])> 0 and len(rvects[3]) > 0:
                r21vel = game()
                l = len(rpath[3])
                cptr21,indexr21,mindistr21 = closestpt_search(rpath[3],rpose[3])
                vectr21 = rvects[3][indexr21]
                comp1x = findexv(indexr21,l)*kpv*vectr21[0]
                comp2x = kpc*findexc(indexr21,l)*(cptr21[0] - rpose[3].x)
                comp1y = findexv(indexr21,l)*kpv*vectr21[1]
                comp2y = kpc*findexc(indexr21,l)*(cptr21[1] - rpose[3].y)
                r21vel.kx = comp1x + comp2x
                r21vel.ky = comp1y + comp2y
                norm = np.sqrt(r21vel.kx**2 + r21vel.ky**2)
                if not norm == 0:
                    r21vel.kx /= 0.5*norm
                    r21vel.ky /= 0.5*norm
                    r21vel.tag = 3
                    #if mindistr21 < 1:
                    #    rpath[3].pop(indexr21)
Exemple #9
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose
from sbsim.msg import game
from sbsim.msg import path
b1sin = 0
b1cos = 1
b2sin = 0
b2cos = 1
b3sin = 0
b3cos = 1
b4sin = 0
b4cos = 1
tag = 0
kx = 0
ky = 0
thetad = 0
b1g = game()
b2g = game()
b3g = game()
b4g = game()
b1lt = Twist()
b2lt = Twist()
b3lt = Twist()
b4lt = Twist()
def b1t(msg):
    global b1sin
    global b1cos
    global b1lt
    vx = -msg.linear.x
    vy = -msg.linear.y
    b1lt.linear.x = vx*b1cos + vy*b1sin