Exemple #1
class CategoryEncoder(Encoder):
  """Encodes a list of discrete categories (described by strings), that aren't
  related to each other, so we never emit a mixture of categories.

  The value of zero is reserved for "unknown category"

  Internally we use a ScalarEncoder with a radius of 1, but since we only encode
  integers, we never get mixture outputs.

  The SDRCategoryEncoder uses a different method to encode categories"""

  def __init__(self, w, categoryList, name="category", verbosity=0):

    self.encoders = None
    self.verbosity = verbosity

    # number of categories includes "unknown"
    self.ncategories = len(categoryList) + 1

    self.categoryToIndex = dict()
    self.indexToCategory = dict()
    self.indexToCategory[0] = "<UNKNOWN>"
    for i in xrange(len(categoryList)):
      self.categoryToIndex[categoryList[i]] = i+1
      self.indexToCategory[i+1] = categoryList[i]

    self.encoder = ScalarEncoder(w, minval=0, maxval=self.ncategories - 1,
                      radius=1, periodic=False)
    self.width = w * self.ncategories
    assert self.encoder.getWidth() == self.width

    self.description = [(name, 0)]
    self.name = name

    # These are used to support the topDownCompute method
    self._topDownMappingM = None

    # This gets filled in by getBucketValues
    self._bucketValues = None

  def getDecoderOutputFieldTypes(self):
    """ [Encoder class virtual method override]
    # TODO: change back to string meta-type after the decoding logic is fixed
    #       to output strings instead of internal index values.
    #return (FieldMetaType.string,)
    return (FieldMetaType.integer,)

  def getWidth(self):
    return self.width

  def getDescription(self):
    return self.description

  def getScalars(self, input):
    """ See method description in base.py """
      return numpy.array([None])
      return numpy.array([self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0)])

  def getBucketIndices(self, input):
    """ See method description in base.py """

    # Get the bucket index from the underlying scalar encoder
      return [None]
      return self.encoder.getBucketIndices(self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0))

  def encodeIntoArray(self, input, output):
    # if not found, we encode category 0
      output[0:] = 0
      val = "<missing>"
      val = self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0)
      self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(val, output)

    if self.verbosity >= 2:
      print "input:", input, "va:", val, "output:", output
      print "decoded:", self.decodedToStr(self.decode(output))

  def decode(self, encoded, parentFieldName=''):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    # Get the scalar values from the underlying scalar encoder
    (fieldsDict, fieldNames) = self.encoder.decode(encoded)
    if len(fieldsDict) == 0:
      return (fieldsDict, fieldNames)

    # Expect only 1 field
    assert(len(fieldsDict) == 1)

    # Get the list of categories the scalar values correspond to and
    #  generate the description from the category name(s).
    (inRanges, inDesc) = fieldsDict.values()[0]
    outRanges = []
    desc = ""
    for (minV, maxV) in inRanges:
      minV = int(round(minV))
      maxV = int(round(maxV))
      outRanges.append((minV, maxV))
      while minV <= maxV:
        if len(desc) > 0:
          desc += ", "
        desc += self.indexToCategory[minV]
        minV += 1

    # Return result
    if parentFieldName != '':
      fieldName = "%s.%s" % (parentFieldName, self.name)
      fieldName = self.name
    return ({fieldName: (outRanges, desc)}, [fieldName])

  def closenessScores(self, expValues, actValues, fractional=True,):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    kwargs will have the keyword "fractional", which is ignored by this encoder

    expValue = expValues[0]
    actValue = actValues[0]

    if expValue == actValue:
      closeness = 1.0
      closeness = 0.0

    if not fractional:
      closeness = 1.0 - closeness

    #print "category::", "expValue:", expValue, "actValue:", actValue, \
    #      "closeness", closeness
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    return numpy.array([closeness])

  def getBucketValues(self):
    """ See the function description in base.py """

    if self._bucketValues is None:
      numBuckets = len(self.encoder.getBucketValues())
      self._bucketValues = []
      for bucketIndex in range(numBuckets):

    return self._bucketValues

  def getBucketInfo(self, buckets):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    # For the category encoder, the bucket index is the category index
    bucketInfo = self.encoder.getBucketInfo(buckets)[0]

    categoryIndex = int(round(bucketInfo.value))
    category = self.indexToCategory[categoryIndex]

    return [EncoderResult(value=category, scalar=categoryIndex,

  def topDownCompute(self, encoded):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    encoderResult = self.encoder.topDownCompute(encoded)[0]
    value = encoderResult.value
    categoryIndex = int(round(value))
    category = self.indexToCategory[categoryIndex]

    return EncoderResult(value=category, scalar=categoryIndex,
Exemple #2
class CategoryEncoder(Encoder):
    """Encodes a list of discrete categories (described by strings), that aren't
  related to each other, so we never emit a mixture of categories.

  The value of zero is reserved for "unknown category"

  Internally we use a ScalarEncoder with a radius of 1, but since we only encode
  integers, we never get mixture outputs.

  The SDRCategoryEncoder uses a different method to encode categories"""

    def __init__(self, w, categoryList, name="category", verbosity=0):

        self.encoders = None
        self.verbosity = verbosity

        # number of categories includes "unknown"
        self.ncategories = len(categoryList) + 1

        self.categoryToIndex = dict()
        self.indexToCategory = dict()
        self.indexToCategory[0] = "<UNKNOWN>"
        for i in xrange(len(categoryList)):
            self.categoryToIndex[categoryList[i]] = i + 1
            self.indexToCategory[i + 1] = categoryList[i]

        self.encoder = ScalarEncoder(w,
                                     maxval=self.ncategories - 1,
        self.width = w * self.ncategories
        assert self.encoder.getWidth() == self.width

        self.description = [(name, 0)]
        self.name = name

        # These are used to support the topDownCompute method
        self._topDownMappingM = None

        # This gets filled in by getBucketValues
        self._bucketValues = None

    def getDecoderOutputFieldTypes(self):
        """ [Encoder class virtual method override]
        # TODO: change back to string meta-type after the decoding logic is fixed
        #       to output strings instead of internal index values.
        #return (FieldMetaType.string,)
        return (FieldMetaType.integer, )

    def getWidth(self):
        return self.width

    def getDescription(self):
        return self.description

    def getScalars(self, input):
        """ See method description in base.py """
            return numpy.array([None])
            return numpy.array([self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0)])

    def getBucketIndices(self, input):
        """ See method description in base.py """

        # Get the bucket index from the underlying scalar encoder
            return [None]
            return self.encoder.getBucketIndices(
                self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0))

    def encodeIntoArray(self, input, output):
        # if not found, we encode category 0
            output[0:] = 0
            val = "<missing>"
            val = self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0)
            self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(val, output)

        if self.verbosity >= 2:
            print "input:", input, "va:", val, "output:", output
            print "decoded:", self.decodedToStr(self.decode(output))

    def decode(self, encoded, parentFieldName=''):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scalar values from the underlying scalar encoder
        (fieldsDict, fieldNames) = self.encoder.decode(encoded)
        if len(fieldsDict) == 0:
            return (fieldsDict, fieldNames)

        # Expect only 1 field
        assert (len(fieldsDict) == 1)

        # Get the list of categories the scalar values correspond to and
        #  generate the description from the category name(s).
        (inRanges, inDesc) = fieldsDict.values()[0]
        outRanges = []
        desc = ""
        for (minV, maxV) in inRanges:
            minV = int(round(minV))
            maxV = int(round(maxV))
            outRanges.append((minV, maxV))
            while minV <= maxV:
                if len(desc) > 0:
                    desc += ", "
                desc += self.indexToCategory[minV]
                minV += 1

        # Return result
        if parentFieldName != '':
            fieldName = "%s.%s" % (parentFieldName, self.name)
            fieldName = self.name
        return ({fieldName: (outRanges, desc)}, [fieldName])

    def closenessScores(
        """ See the function description in base.py

    kwargs will have the keyword "fractional", which is ignored by this encoder

        expValue = expValues[0]
        actValue = actValues[0]

        if expValue == actValue:
            closeness = 1.0
            closeness = 0.0

        if not fractional:
            closeness = 1.0 - closeness

        #print "category::", "expValue:", expValue, "actValue:", actValue, \
        #      "closeness", closeness
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        return numpy.array([closeness])

    def getBucketValues(self):
        """ See the function description in base.py """

        if self._bucketValues is None:
            numBuckets = len(self.encoder.getBucketValues())
            self._bucketValues = []
            for bucketIndex in range(numBuckets):

        return self._bucketValues

    def getBucketInfo(self, buckets):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # For the category encoder, the bucket index is the category index
        bucketInfo = self.encoder.getBucketInfo(buckets)[0]

        categoryIndex = int(round(bucketInfo.value))
        category = self.indexToCategory[categoryIndex]

        return [

    def topDownCompute(self, encoded):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        encoderResult = self.encoder.topDownCompute(encoded)[0]
        value = encoderResult.value
        categoryIndex = int(round(value))
        category = self.indexToCategory[categoryIndex]

        return EncoderResult(value=category,
Exemple #3
class LogEncoder(Encoder):
    """A Log encoder represents a floating point value on a logarithmic (decibel)

  valueToEncode = 10 * log10(input)

  The default resolution (minimum difference in scaled values which is guaranteed
  to propduce different outputs) is 1 decibel. For example, the scaled values 10
  and 11 will be distinguishable in the output. In terms of the original input
  values, this means 10^1 (10) and 10^1.1 (12.5) will be distinguishable.

    resolution -- encoder resolution, in terms of scaled values. Default: 1 decibel
    minval -- must be greater than 0. Lower values are reset to this value
    maxval -- Higher values are reset to this value

    def __init__(self, w=5, resolution=1.0, minval=0.10, maxval=10000, name="log", verbosity=0):

        self.encoders = None
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.minScaledValue = int(10 * math.log10(minval))
        self.maxScaledValue = int(math.ceil(10 * math.log10(maxval)))
        assert self.maxScaledValue > self.minScaledValue

        self.minval = 10 ** (self.minScaledValue / 10.0)
        self.maxval = 10 ** (self.maxScaledValue / 10.0)

        # Note: passing resolution=1 causes the test to topDownCompute
        # test to fail.  Fixed for now by always converting to float,
        # but should find the root cause.
        self.encoder = ScalarEncoder(
            w=w, minval=self.minScaledValue, maxval=self.maxScaledValue, periodic=False, resolution=float(resolution)
        self.width = self.encoder.getWidth()
        self.description = [(name, 0)]
        self.name = name

        # This list is created by getBucketValues() the first time it is called,
        #  and re-created whenever our buckets would be re-arranged.
        self._bucketValues = None

    def getWidth(self):
        return self.width

    def getDescription(self):
        return self.description

    def _getScaledValue(self, input):
        """ Convert the input, which is in normal space, into log space
            return None
            val = input
            if val < self.minval:
                val = self.minval
            elif val > self.maxval:
                val = self.maxval

            scaledVal = 10 * math.log10(val)
            return scaledVal

    def getBucketIndices(self, input):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scaled value
        scaledVal = self._getScaledValue(input)

        if scaledVal is None:
            return [None]
            return self.encoder.getBucketIndices(scaledVal)

    def encodeIntoArray(self, input, output):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scaled value
        scaledVal = self._getScaledValue(input)

        if scaledVal is None:
            output[0:] = 0
            self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(scaledVal, output)

            if self.verbosity >= 2:
                print "input:", input, "scaledVal:", scaledVal, "output:", output
                print "decoded:", self.decodedToStr(self.decode(output))

    def decode(self, encoded, parentFieldName=""):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scalar values from the underlying scalar encoder
        (fieldsDict, fieldNames) = self.encoder.decode(encoded)
        if len(fieldsDict) == 0:
            return (fieldsDict, fieldNames)

        # Expect only 1 field
        assert len(fieldsDict) == 1

        # Convert each range into normal space
        (inRanges, inDesc) = fieldsDict.values()[0]
        outRanges = []
        for (minV, maxV) in inRanges:
            outRanges.append((math.pow(10, minV / 10.0), math.pow(10, maxV / 10.0)))

        # Generate a text description of the ranges
        desc = ""
        numRanges = len(outRanges)
        for i in xrange(numRanges):
            if outRanges[i][0] != outRanges[i][1]:
                desc += "%.2f-%.2f" % (outRanges[i][0], outRanges[i][1])
                desc += "%.2f" % (outRanges[i][0])
            if i < numRanges - 1:
                desc += ", "

        # Return result
        if parentFieldName != "":
            fieldName = "%s.%s" % (parentFieldName, self.name)
            fieldName = self.name
        return ({fieldName: (outRanges, desc)}, [fieldName])

    def getBucketValues(self):
        """ See the function description in base.py """

        # Need to re-create?
        if self._bucketValues is None:
            scaledValues = self.encoder.getBucketValues()
            self._bucketValues = []
            for scaledValue in scaledValues:
                value = math.pow(10, scaledValue / 10.0)

        return self._bucketValues

    def getBucketInfo(self, buckets):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        scaledResult = self.encoder.getBucketInfo(buckets)[0]
        scaledValue = scaledResult.value
        value = math.pow(10, scaledValue / 10.0)

        return [EncoderResult(value=value, scalar=value, encoding=scaledResult.encoding)]

    def topDownCompute(self, encoded):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        scaledResult = self.encoder.topDownCompute(encoded)[0]
        scaledValue = scaledResult.value
        value = math.pow(10, scaledValue / 10.0)

        return EncoderResult(value=value, scalar=value, encoding=scaledResult.encoding)

    def closenessScores(self, expValues, actValues, fractional=True):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # Compute the percent error in log space
        if expValues[0] > 0:
            expValue = 10 * math.log10(expValues[0])
            expValue = self.minScaledValue

        if actValues[0] > 0:
            actValue = 10 * math.log10(actValues[0])
            actValue = self.minScaledValue

        if fractional:
            err = abs(expValue - actValue)
            pctErr = err / (self.maxScaledValue - self.minScaledValue)
            pctErr = min(1.0, pctErr)
            closeness = 1.0 - pctErr
            err = abs(expValue - actValue)
            closeness = err

        # print "log::", "expValue:", expValues[0], "actValue:", actValues[0], \
        #      "closeness", closeness
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        return numpy.array([closeness])
Exemple #4
class LogEncoder(Encoder):
    """A Log encoder represents a floating point value on a logarithmic (decibel)

  valueToEncode = 10 * log10(input)

  The default resolution (minimum difference in scaled values which is guaranteed
  to propduce different outputs) is 1 decibel. For example, the scaled values 10
  and 11 will be distinguishable in the output. In terms of the original input
  values, this means 10^1 (10) and 10^1.1 (12.5) will be distinguishable.

    resolution -- encoder resolution, in terms of scaled values. Default: 1 decibel
    minval -- must be greater than 0. Lower values are reset to this value
    maxval -- Higher values are reset to this value
    def __init__(self,

        self.encoders = None
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.minScaledValue = int(10 * math.log10(minval))
        self.maxScaledValue = int(math.ceil(10 * math.log10(maxval)))
        assert self.maxScaledValue > self.minScaledValue

        self.minval = 10**(self.minScaledValue / 10.0)
        self.maxval = 10**(self.maxScaledValue / 10.0)

        # Note: passing resolution=1 causes the test to topDownCompute
        # test to fail.  Fixed for now by always converting to float,
        # but should find the root cause.
        self.encoder = ScalarEncoder(w=w,
        self.width = self.encoder.getWidth()
        self.description = [(name, 0)]
        self.name = name

        # This list is created by getBucketValues() the first time it is called,
        #  and re-created whenever our buckets would be re-arranged.
        self._bucketValues = None

    def getWidth(self):
        return self.width

    def getDescription(self):
        return self.description

    def _getScaledValue(self, input):
        """ Convert the input, which is in normal space, into log space
            return None
            val = input
            if val < self.minval:
                val = self.minval
            elif val > self.maxval:
                val = self.maxval

            scaledVal = 10 * math.log10(val)
            return scaledVal

    def getBucketIndices(self, input):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scaled value
        scaledVal = self._getScaledValue(input)

        if scaledVal is None:
            return [None]
            return self.encoder.getBucketIndices(scaledVal)

    def encodeIntoArray(self, input, output):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scaled value
        scaledVal = self._getScaledValue(input)

        if scaledVal is None:
            output[0:] = 0
            self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(scaledVal, output)

            if self.verbosity >= 2:
                print "input:", input, "scaledVal:", scaledVal, "output:", output
                print "decoded:", self.decodedToStr(self.decode(output))

    def decode(self, encoded, parentFieldName=''):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scalar values from the underlying scalar encoder
        (fieldsDict, fieldNames) = self.encoder.decode(encoded)
        if len(fieldsDict) == 0:
            return (fieldsDict, fieldNames)

        # Expect only 1 field
        assert (len(fieldsDict) == 1)

        # Convert each range into normal space
        (inRanges, inDesc) = fieldsDict.values()[0]
        outRanges = []
        for (minV, maxV) in inRanges:
                (math.pow(10, minV / 10.0), math.pow(10, maxV / 10.0)))

        # Generate a text description of the ranges
        desc = ""
        numRanges = len(outRanges)
        for i in xrange(numRanges):
            if outRanges[i][0] != outRanges[i][1]:
                desc += "%.2f-%.2f" % (outRanges[i][0], outRanges[i][1])
                desc += "%.2f" % (outRanges[i][0])
            if i < numRanges - 1:
                desc += ", "

        # Return result
        if parentFieldName != '':
            fieldName = "%s.%s" % (parentFieldName, self.name)
            fieldName = self.name
        return ({fieldName: (outRanges, desc)}, [fieldName])

    def getBucketValues(self):
        """ See the function description in base.py """

        # Need to re-create?
        if self._bucketValues is None:
            scaledValues = self.encoder.getBucketValues()
            self._bucketValues = []
            for scaledValue in scaledValues:
                value = math.pow(10, scaledValue / 10.0)

        return self._bucketValues

    def getBucketInfo(self, buckets):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        scaledResult = self.encoder.getBucketInfo(buckets)[0]
        scaledValue = scaledResult.value
        value = math.pow(10, scaledValue / 10.0)

        return [

    def topDownCompute(self, encoded):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        scaledResult = self.encoder.topDownCompute(encoded)[0]
        scaledValue = scaledResult.value
        value = math.pow(10, scaledValue / 10.0)

        return EncoderResult(value=value,

    def closenessScores(self, expValues, actValues, fractional=True):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # Compute the percent error in log space
        if expValues[0] > 0:
            expValue = 10 * math.log10(expValues[0])
            expValue = self.minScaledValue

        if actValues[0] > 0:
            actValue = 10 * math.log10(actValues[0])
            actValue = self.minScaledValue

        if fractional:
            err = abs(expValue - actValue)
            pctErr = err / (self.maxScaledValue - self.minScaledValue)
            pctErr = min(1.0, pctErr)
            closeness = 1.0 - pctErr
            err = abs(expValue - actValue)
            closeness = err

        #print "log::", "expValue:", expValues[0], "actValue:", actValues[0], \
        #      "closeness", closeness
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        return numpy.array([closeness])