def on_init(self, *args, **kwargs): bus.on("before_hello", self.on_before_hello) bus.on("before_host_init", self.on_before_host_init) bus.on("before_restart", self.on_before_restart) bus.on("before_reboot_finish", self.on_before_reboot_finish) try: system(('ntpdate', '-u', '')) except: pass msg_service = bus.messaging_service producer = msg_service.get_producer() producer.on("before_send", self.on_before_message_send) if not os_dist.windows_family and not __node__.get('hostname'): # Set the hostname to this instance's public hostname try: hostname_as_pubdns = int(__ec2__['hostname_as_pubdns']) except: hostname_as_pubdns = True if hostname_as_pubdns: pub_hostname = self._platform.get_public_hostname() self._logger.debug('Setting hostname to %s' % pub_hostname) system2("hostname " + pub_hostname, shell=True) if disttool.is_ubuntu(): # Ubuntu cloud-init scripts may disable root ssh login for path in ('/etc/ec2-init/ec2-config.cfg', '/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg'): if os.path.exists(path): c = None with open(path, 'r') as fp: c = c = re.sub(re.compile(r'^disable_root[^:=]*([:=]).*', re.M), r'disable_root\1 0', c) with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(c) if not linux.os.windows_family: # Add server ssh public key to authorized_keys ssh_key = self._platform.get_ssh_pub_key() if ssh_key: add_authorized_key(ssh_key) # Mount ephemeral devices # Seen on eucalyptus: # - fstab contains invalid fstype and `mount -a` fails if == 'eucalyptus': mtab = mount.mounts() fstab = mount.fstab() for device in self._platform.instance_store_devices: if os.path.exists(device) and device in fstab and device not in mtab: entry = fstab[device] try: mount.mount(device, entry.mpoint, '-o', entry.options) except: self._logger.warn(sys.exc_info()[1]) else: if not os_dist.windows_family: system2('mount -a', shell=True, raise_exc=False)
def mount(self): self._check(mpoint=True) mounted_to = self.mounted_to() if mounted_to == self.mpoint: return elif mounted_to: LOG.debug('Umounting %s from %s',, mounted_to) self.umount() if not os.path.exists(self.mpoint): os.makedirs(self.mpoint) short_args = [] if self.mount_options: short_args += ['-o', ','.join(self.mount_options)] LOG.debug('Mounting %s to %s',, self.mpoint) try: mod_mount.mount(self.device, self.mpoint, *short_args) except linux.LinuxError as e: # XXX: SCALARIZR-1974 is for complete solution if linux.os.ubuntu and \'already mounted or /mnt/(dbstorage|pgstorage|redisstorage) busy', str(e)): LOG.debug( 'upstart already mounted database storage volume {} to {}'. format(self.device, self.mpoint)) else: raise"block_device_mounted", volume=self)
def _create(self, volume, snapshot, snap_lv, tranzit_path, complete_cb): try: chunk_prefix = '' % snapshot.path = None snap_mpoint = mkdtemp() try: opts = [] if volume.fstype == 'xfs': opts += ['-o', 'nouuid,ro'] mount.mount(snap_lv, snap_mpoint, *opts) tar_cmd = ['tar', 'cp', '-C', snap_mpoint, '.'] pigz_bins = whereis('pigz') compress_cmd = [pigz_bins[0] if pigz_bins else 'gzip', '-5'] self._logger.debug("Creating and compressing snapshot data.") tar = subprocess.Popen(tar_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) compress = subprocess.Popen(compress_cmd, stdin=tar.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) tar.stdout.close() # Allow tar to receive a SIGPIPE if compress exits. split = threading.Thread(target=self._split, name='split', args=(compress.stdout, tranzit_path, chunk_prefix, snapshot)) split.start() uploaders = [] for i in range(2): uploader = threading.Thread(name="Uploader-%s" % i, target=self._uploader, args=(volume.snap_backend['path'], snapshot)) self._logger.debug("Starting uploader '%s'", uploader.getName()) uploader.start() uploaders.append(uploader) self._logger.debug('uploaders started. waiting compress') compress.wait() self._logger.debug('compress completed (code: %s). waiting split', compress.returncode) if compress.returncode: raise StorageError('Compress process terminated with exit code %s. <err>: %s' % (compress.returncode, split.join() self._logger.debug('split completed. waiting uploaders') for uploader in uploaders: uploader.join() self._logger.debug('uploaders completed') if self._inner_exc_info: t, e, s = self._inner_exc_info raise t, e, s finally: self._return_ev.set() mount.umount(snap_mpoint) os.rmdir(snap_mpoint) self._lvm.remove_lv(snap_lv) self._inner_exc_info = None self._state_map[] = Snapshot.COMPLETED except (Exception, BaseException), e: self._state_map[] = Snapshot.FAILED self._logger.exception('Snapshot creation failed. %s' % e)
def _ensure(self): expr = isinstance(self.size, int) and self.size assert expr, self.error_messages["invalid_size"] self._check_attr("mpoint") if not self.device: if not os.path.exists(self.mpoint): os.makedirs(self.mpoint) mount.mount("tmpfs", self.mpoint, "-t", "tmpfs", "-o", "size=%sM" % self.size) self.device = self.mpoint
def mount(self): self._check(mpoint=True) mounted_to = self.mounted_to() if mounted_to == self.mpoint: return elif mounted_to: self.umount() if not os.path.exists(self.mpoint): os.makedirs(self.mpoint) mod_mount.mount(self.device, self.mpoint)
def _ensure(self): expr = isinstance(self.size, int) and self.size assert expr, self.error_messages['invalid_size'] self._check_attr('mpoint') if not self.device: if not os.path.exists(self.mpoint): os.makedirs(self.mpoint) mount.mount('tmpfs', self.mpoint, '-t', 'tmpfs', '-o', 'size=%sM' % self.size) self.device = self.mpoint
def mount(self): self._check(mpoint=True) mounted_to = self.mounted_to() if mounted_to == self.mpoint: return elif mounted_to: LOG.debug('Umounting %s from %s',, mounted_to) self.umount() if not os.path.exists(self.mpoint): os.makedirs(self.mpoint) LOG.debug('Mounting %s to %s',, self.mpoint) mod_mount.mount(self.device, self.mpoint)"block_device_mounted", volume=self)
def upload_lvm_snapshot(self, lvm_snap, tags, path): """ Method which uploads data from lvm snapshot to cloud storage and updates snapshot status. EphVolume runs this method in separate thread """ try: self._snap_status = self.QUEUED mpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp() opts = [] if coreutils.blkid(lvm_snap.device).get('type') == 'xfs': opts += ['-o', 'nouuid,ro'] mount.mount(lvm_snap.device, mpoint, *opts) self.data_size = coreutils.statvfs(mpoint)['used'] try: cmd = ['/bin/tar', 'cp', mpoint] stream = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True).stdout src = cloudfs.NamedStream(stream, 'lvm_snapshot', streamer='tar', extension='tar') dst = path transfer = largetransfer.Upload(src, dst, tags=tags, self._snap_status = self.IN_PROGRESS transfer.apply_async() transfer.join() manifesto = transfer.manifest self.path = manifesto.cloudfs_path self._snap_status = self.COMPLETED finally: mount.umount(mpoint) os.rmdir(mpoint) except: self._snap_status = self.FAILED LOG.exception('Caught error while uploading LVM snapshot') finally: lvm_snap.destroy()
def upload_lvm_snapshot(self, lvm_snap, tags, path): """ Method which uploads data from lvm snapshot to cloud storage and updates snapshot status. EphVolume runs this method in separate thread """ try: self._snap_status = self.QUEUED mpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp() opts = [] if coreutils.blkid(lvm_snap.device).get('type') == 'xfs': opts += ['-o', 'nouuid,ro'] mount.mount(lvm_snap.device, mpoint, *opts) self.data_size = coreutils.statvfs(mpoint)['used'] try: transfer = cloudfs.LargeTransfer( src=mpoint + '/', dst=path, tar_it=True, gzip_it=True, tags=tags, self._snap_status = self.IN_PROGRESS manifesto = self.path = manifesto.cloudfs_path self._snap_status = self.COMPLETED finally: mount.umount(mpoint) os.rmdir(mpoint) except: self._snap_status = self.FAILED LOG.exception('Caught error while uploading LVM snapshot') finally: lvm_snap.destroy()
def upload_lvm_snapshot(self, lvm_snap, tags, path): """ Method which uploads data from lvm snapshot to cloud storage and updates snapshot status. EphVolume runs this method in separate thread """ try: self._snap_status = self.QUEUED mpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp() opts = [] if coreutils.blkid(lvm_snap.device).get('type') == 'xfs': opts += ['-o', 'nouuid,ro'] mount.mount(lvm_snap.device, mpoint, *opts) self.data_size = coreutils.statvfs(mpoint)['used'] try: transfer = cloudfs.LargeTransfer(src=mpoint + '/', dst=path, tar_it=True, gzip_it=True, tags=tags, self._snap_status = self.IN_PROGRESS manifesto = self.path = manifesto.cloudfs_path self._snap_status = self.COMPLETED finally: mount.umount(mpoint) os.rmdir(mpoint) except: self._snap_status = self.FAILED LOG.exception('Caught error while uploading LVM snapshot') finally: lvm_snap.destroy()
def rebundle(self): rebundle_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: pl = bus.platform proj_id = pl.get_numeric_project_id() proj_name = pl.get_project_id() cloudstorage = pl.new_storage_client() tmp_mount_dir = os.path.join(rebundle_dir, 'root') os.makedirs(tmp_mount_dir) image_name = 'disk.raw' image_path = os.path.join(rebundle_dir, image_name) root_size = coreutils.statvfs('/')['size'] LOG.debug('Creating image file %s' % image_path) with open(image_path, 'w') as f: f.truncate(root_size + 1 * 1024) try: LOG.debug('Creating partition table on image') system(('parted', image_path, 'mklabel', 'msdos')) system(('parted', image_path, 'mkpart', 'primary', 'ext2', 1, str(root_size / (1024 * 1024)))) # Map disk image out = system(('kpartx', '-av', image_path))[0] try: loop ='(/dev/loop\d+)', out).group(1) root_dev_name = '/dev/mapper/%sp1' % loop.split('/')[-1]'Creating filesystem') storage2.filesystem('ext4').mkfs(root_dev_name) dev_uuid = uuid.uuid4() system(('tune2fs', '-U', str(dev_uuid), root_dev_name)) mount.mount(root_dev_name, tmp_mount_dir) try: lines = system(('/bin/mount', '-l'))[0].splitlines() exclude_dirs = set() for line in lines: mpoint = line.split()[2] if mpoint != '/': exclude_dirs.add(mpoint) exclude_dirs.update(self.exclude_dirs) excludes = [ os.path.join(ex, '**') for ex in exclude_dirs ] excludes.extend(self.exclude_files) excludes.extend(self._excludes)'Copying root filesystem to image') rsync('/', tmp_mount_dir, archive=True, hard_links=True, times=True, sparse=True, exclude=excludes)'Cleanup image') self._create_spec_devices(tmp_mount_dir) LOG.debug('Removing roles-builder user') sh = pexpect.spawn('/bin/sh') try: sh.sendline('chroot %s' % tmp_mount_dir) sh.expect('#') sh.sendline('userdel -rf %s' % ROLEBUILDER_USER) sh.expect('#') finally: sh.close() """ Patch fstab""" fstab_path = os.path.join(tmp_mount_dir, 'etc/fstab') if os.path.exists(fstab_path): with open(fstab_path) as f: fstab = new_fstab = re.sub('UUID=\S+\s+/\s+(.*)', 'UUID=%s / \\1' % dev_uuid, fstab) with open(fstab_path, 'w') as f: f.write(new_fstab) finally: mount.umount(root_dev_name) finally: system(('kpartx', '-d', image_path))'Compressing image.') arch_name = '%s.tar.gz' % self._role_name.lower() arch_path = os.path.join(rebundle_dir, arch_name) tar = Tar() tar.create().gzip().sparse() tar.archive(arch_path) tar.add(image_name, rebundle_dir) system(str(tar), shell=True) finally: os.unlink(image_path) try:'Uploading compressed image to cloud storage') uploader = transfer.Transfer(logger=LOG) tmp_bucket_name = 'scalr-images-%s-%s' % (random.randint( 1, 1000000), int(time.time())) try: remote_path = 'gcs://%s/' % tmp_bucket_name uploader.upload((arch_path, ), remote_path) except: try: objs = cloudstorage.objects() objs.delete(bucket=tmp_bucket_name, object=arch_name).execute() except: pass cloudstorage.buckets().delete( bucket=tmp_bucket_name).execute() raise finally: os.unlink(arch_path) finally: shutil.rmtree(rebundle_dir) try: goog_image_name = self._role_name.lower().replace('_', '-')'Registering new image %s' % goog_image_name) # TODO: check duplicate names compute = pl.new_compute_client() current_image_fq = pl.get_image().split('/') current_img_project = current_image_fq[1] current_img_name = current_image_fq[3] current_img_obj = compute.images().get( project=current_img_project, image=current_img_name).execute() kernel = current_img_obj['preferredKernel'] image_url = '' % ( tmp_bucket_name, arch_name) req_body = dict(name=goog_image_name, sourceType='RAW', preferredKernel=kernel, rawDisk=dict(containerType='TAR', source=image_url)) req = compute.images().insert(project=proj_id, body=req_body) operation = req.execute()['name']'Waiting for image to register') def image_is_ready(): req = compute.globalOperations().get(project=proj_id, operation=operation) res = req.execute() if res['status'] == 'DONE': if res.get('error'): errors = [] for e in res['error']['errors']: err_text = '%s: %s' % (e['code'], e['message']) errors.append(err_text) raise Exception('\n'.join(errors)) return True return False wait_until(image_is_ready, logger=LOG, timeout=600) finally: objs = cloudstorage.objects() objs.delete(bucket=tmp_bucket_name, object=arch_name).execute() cloudstorage.buckets().delete(bucket=tmp_bucket_name).execute() return '%s/images/%s' % (proj_name, goog_image_name)
def _mount_image(self, options=None):"Mounting image") if self.mpoint in self._mtab: raise HandlerError("Image already mounted") options = options or [] mount.mount(self.devname, self.mpoint, *options)
def _create(self, volume, snapshot, snap_lv, tranzit_path, complete_cb): try: chunk_prefix = '' % snapshot.path = None snap_mpoint = mkdtemp() try: opts = [] if volume.fstype == 'xfs': opts += ['-o', 'nouuid,ro'] mount.mount(snap_lv, snap_mpoint, *opts) tar_cmd = ['tar', 'cp', '-C', snap_mpoint, '.'] if which('pigz'): compress_cmd = [which('pigz'), '-5'] else: compress_cmd = ['gzip', '-5'] self._logger.debug("Creating and compressing snapshot data.") tar = subprocess.Popen(tar_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) compress = subprocess.Popen(compress_cmd, stdin=tar.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) tar.stdout.close( ) # Allow tar to receive a SIGPIPE if compress exits. split = threading.Thread(target=self._split, name='split', args=(compress.stdout, tranzit_path, chunk_prefix, snapshot)) split.start() uploaders = [] for i in range(2): uploader = threading.Thread( name="Uploader-%s" % i, target=self._uploader, args=(volume.snap_backend['path'], snapshot)) self._logger.debug("Starting uploader '%s'", uploader.getName()) uploader.start() uploaders.append(uploader) self._logger.debug('uploaders started. waiting compress') compress.wait() self._logger.debug( 'compress completed (code: %s). waiting split', compress.returncode) if compress.returncode: raise StorageError( 'Compress process terminated with exit code %s. <err>: %s' % (compress.returncode, split.join() self._logger.debug('split completed. waiting uploaders') for uploader in uploaders: uploader.join() self._logger.debug('uploaders completed') if self._inner_exc_info: t, e, s = self._inner_exc_info raise t, e, s finally: self._return_ev.set() mount.umount(snap_mpoint) os.rmdir(snap_mpoint) self._lvm.remove_lv(snap_lv) self._inner_exc_info = None self._state_map[] = Snapshot.COMPLETED except (Exception, BaseException), e: self._state_map[] = Snapshot.FAILED self._logger.exception('Snapshot creation failed. %s' % e)
def post_handle_request(self): if self.umounted: mount.mount(self.device_name, cassandra.storage_path) cassandra.start_service()
def test_mount(): with mock.patch('scalarizr.linux.system') as m: mount.mount('/dev/sdb', '/mnt') assert m.called
def on_init(self, *args, **kwargs): bus.on("before_hello", self.on_before_hello) bus.on("before_host_init", self.on_before_host_init) bus.on("before_restart", self.on_before_restart) msg_service = bus.messaging_service producer = msg_service.get_producer() producer.on("before_send", self.on_before_message_send) # Set the hostname to this instance's public hostname try: hostname_as_pubdns = int(__ec2__['hostname_as_pubdns']) except: hostname_as_pubdns = True if hostname_as_pubdns: pub_hostname = self._platform.get_public_hostname() self._logger.debug('Setting hostname to %s' % pub_hostname) system2("hostname " + pub_hostname, shell=True) if disttool.is_ubuntu(): # Ubuntu cloud-init scripts may disable root ssh login for path in ('/etc/ec2-init/ec2-config.cfg', '/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg'): if os.path.exists(path): c = None with open(path, 'r') as fp: c = c = re.sub( re.compile(r'^disable_root[^:=]*([:=]).*', re.M), r'disable_root\1 0', c) with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(c) # Add server ssh public key to authorized_keys authorized_keys_path = "/root/.ssh/authorized_keys" if os.path.exists(authorized_keys_path): c = None with open(authorized_keys_path, 'r') as fp: c = ssh_key = self._platform.get_ssh_pub_key() idx = c.find(ssh_key) if idx == -1: if c and c[-1] != '\n': c += '\n' c += ssh_key + "\n" self._logger.debug( "Add server ssh public key to authorized_keys") elif idx > 0 and c[idx - 1] != '\n': c = c[0:idx] + '\n' + c[idx:] self._logger.warn( 'Adding new-line character before server SSH key in authorized_keys file' ) with open(authorized_keys_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(c) # Mount ephemeral devices # Seen on eucalyptus: # - fstab contains invalid fstype and `mount -a` fails if == 'eucalyptus': mtab = mount.mounts() fstab = mount.fstab() for device in self._platform.instance_store_devices: if os.path.exists( device) and device in fstab and device not in mtab: entry = fstab[device] try: mount.mount(device, entry.mpoint, '-o', entry.options) except: self._logger.warn(sys.exc_info()[1]) else: system2('mount -a', shell=True, raise_exc=False)
def test_mount_no_filesystem(): m = mock.Mock(side_effect=linux.LinuxError('', '', 'mount: you must specify the filesystem type\n', 32, ())) with mock.patch('scalarizr.linux.system', m): mount.mount('/dev/sdb', '/mnt')
def rebundle(self): rebundle_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: pl = bus.platform proj_id = pl.get_numeric_project_id() proj_name = pl.get_project_id() cloudstorage = pl.new_storage_client() tmp_mount_dir = os.path.join(rebundle_dir, 'root') os.makedirs(tmp_mount_dir) image_name = 'disk.raw' image_path = os.path.join(rebundle_dir, image_name) root_size = coreutils.statvfs('/')['size'] LOG.debug('Creating image file %s' % image_path) with open(image_path, 'w') as f: f.truncate(root_size + 1*1024) try: LOG.debug('Creating partition table on image') system(('parted', image_path, 'mklabel', 'msdos')) system(('parted', image_path, 'mkpart', 'primary', 'ext2', 1, str(root_size/(1024*1024)))) # Map disk image out = system(('kpartx', '-av', image_path))[0] try: loop ='(/dev/loop\d+)', out).group(1) root_dev_name = '/dev/mapper/%sp1' % loop.split('/')[-1]'Creating filesystem') storage2.filesystem('ext4').mkfs(root_dev_name) dev_uuid = uuid.uuid4() system(('tune2fs', '-U', str(dev_uuid), root_dev_name)) mount.mount(root_dev_name, tmp_mount_dir) try: lines = system(('/bin/mount', '-l'))[0].splitlines() exclude_dirs = set() for line in lines: mpoint = line.split()[2] if mpoint != '/': exclude_dirs.add(mpoint) exclude_dirs.update(self.exclude_dirs) excludes = [os.path.join(ex, '**') for ex in exclude_dirs] excludes.extend(self.exclude_files) excludes.extend(self._excludes)'Copying root filesystem to image') rsync('/', tmp_mount_dir, archive=True, hard_links=True, times=True, sparse=True, exclude=excludes)'Cleanup image') self._create_spec_devices(tmp_mount_dir) LOG.debug('Removing roles-builder user') sh = pexpect.spawn('/bin/sh') try: sh.sendline('chroot %s' % tmp_mount_dir) sh.expect('#') sh.sendline('userdel -rf %s' % ROLEBUILDER_USER) sh.expect('#') finally: sh.close() """ Patch fstab""" fstab_path = os.path.join(tmp_mount_dir, 'etc/fstab') if os.path.exists(fstab_path): with open(fstab_path) as f: fstab = new_fstab = re.sub('UUID=\S+\s+/\s+(.*)', 'UUID=%s / \\1' % dev_uuid, fstab) with open(fstab_path, 'w') as f: f.write(new_fstab) finally: mount.umount(root_dev_name) finally: system(('kpartx', '-d', image_path))'Compressing image.') arch_name = '%s.tar.gz' % self._role_name.lower() arch_path = os.path.join(rebundle_dir, arch_name) tar = Tar() tar.create().gzip().sparse() tar.archive(arch_path) tar.add(image_name, rebundle_dir) system(str(tar), shell=True) finally: os.unlink(image_path) try:'Uploading compressed image to cloud storage') uploader = transfer.Transfer(logger=LOG) tmp_bucket_name = 'scalr-images-%s-%s' % ( random.randint(1,1000000), int(time.time())) try: remote_path = 'gcs://%s/' % tmp_bucket_name uploader.upload((arch_path,), remote_path) except: try: objs = cloudstorage.objects() objs.delete(bucket=tmp_bucket_name, object=arch_name).execute() except: pass cloudstorage.buckets().delete(bucket=tmp_bucket_name).execute() raise finally: os.unlink(arch_path) finally: shutil.rmtree(rebundle_dir) try: goog_image_name = self._role_name.lower().replace('_', '-')'Registering new image %s' % goog_image_name) # TODO: check duplicate names compute = pl.new_compute_client() current_image_fq = pl.get_image().split('/') current_img_project = current_image_fq[1] current_img_name = current_image_fq[3] current_img_obj = compute.images().get(project=current_img_project, image=current_img_name).execute() kernel = current_img_obj['preferredKernel'] image_url = '' % ( tmp_bucket_name, arch_name) req_body = dict( name=goog_image_name, sourceType='RAW', preferredKernel=kernel, rawDisk=dict( containerType='TAR', source=image_url ) ) req = compute.images().insert(project=proj_id, body=req_body) operation = req.execute()['name']'Waiting for image to register') def image_is_ready(): req = compute.globalOperations().get(project=proj_id, operation=operation) res = req.execute() if res['status'] == 'DONE': if res.get('error'): errors = [] for e in res['error']['errors']: err_text = '%s: %s' % (e['code'], e['message']) errors.append(err_text) raise Exception('\n'.join(errors)) return True return False wait_until(image_is_ready, logger=LOG, timeout=600) finally: objs = cloudstorage.objects() objs.delete(bucket=tmp_bucket_name, object=arch_name).execute() cloudstorage.buckets().delete(bucket=tmp_bucket_name).execute() return '%s/images/%s' % (proj_name, goog_image_name)
def on_init(self, *args, **kwargs): bus.on("before_hello", self.on_before_hello) bus.on("before_host_init", self.on_before_host_init) bus.on("before_restart", self.on_before_restart) msg_service = bus.messaging_service producer = msg_service.get_producer() producer.on("before_send", self.on_before_message_send) # Set the hostname to this instance's public hostname try: hostname_as_pubdns = int(__ec2__['hostname_as_pubdns']) except: hostname_as_pubdns = True if hostname_as_pubdns: pub_hostname = self._platform.get_public_hostname() self._logger.debug('Setting hostname to %s' % pub_hostname) system2("hostname " + pub_hostname, shell=True) if disttool.is_ubuntu(): # Ubuntu cloud-init scripts may disable root ssh login for path in ('/etc/ec2-init/ec2-config.cfg', '/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg'): if os.path.exists(path): c = None with open(path, 'r') as fp: c = c = re.sub(re.compile(r'^disable_root[^:=]*([:=]).*', re.M), r'disable_root\1 0', c) with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(c) # Add server ssh public key to authorized_keys authorized_keys_path = "/root/.ssh/authorized_keys" if os.path.exists(authorized_keys_path): c = None with open(authorized_keys_path, 'r') as fp: c = ssh_key = self._platform.get_ssh_pub_key() idx = c.find(ssh_key) if idx == -1: if c and c[-1] != '\n': c += '\n' c += ssh_key + "\n" self._logger.debug("Add server ssh public key to authorized_keys") elif idx > 0 and c[idx-1] != '\n': c = c[0:idx] + '\n' + c[idx:] self._logger.warn('Adding new-line character before server SSH key in authorized_keys file') with open(authorized_keys_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(c) # Mount ephemeral devices # Seen on eucalyptus: # - fstab contains invalid fstype and `mount -a` fails if == 'eucalyptus': mtab = mount.mounts() fstab = mount.fstab() for device in self._platform.instance_store_devices: if os.path.exists(device) and device in fstab and device not in mtab: entry = fstab[device] try: mount.mount(device, entry.mpoint, '-o', entry.options) except: self._logger.warn(sys.exc_info()[1]) else: system2('mount -a', shell=True, raise_exc=False)
def test_mount_no_filesystem(): m = mock.Mock(side_effect=linux.LinuxError( '', '', 'mount: you must specify the filesystem type\n', 32, ())) with mock.patch('scalarizr.linux.system', m): mount.mount('/dev/sdb', '/mnt')
def on_init(self, *args, **kwargs): bus.on("before_hello", self.on_before_hello) bus.on("before_host_init", self.on_before_host_init) bus.on("before_restart", self.on_before_restart) bus.on("before_reboot_finish", self.on_before_reboot_finish) try: system(('ntpdate', '-u', '')) except: pass msg_service = bus.messaging_service producer = msg_service.get_producer() producer.on("before_send", self.on_before_message_send) if not os_dist.windows_family and not __node__.get('hostname'): # Set the hostname to this instance's public hostname try: hostname_as_pubdns = int(__ec2__['hostname_as_pubdns']) except: hostname_as_pubdns = True if hostname_as_pubdns: pub_hostname = self._platform.get_public_hostname() self._logger.debug('Setting hostname to %s' % pub_hostname) system2("hostname " + pub_hostname, shell=True) if disttool.is_ubuntu(): # Ubuntu cloud-init scripts may disable root ssh login for path in ('/etc/ec2-init/ec2-config.cfg', '/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg'): if os.path.exists(path): c = None with open(path, 'r') as fp: c = c = re.sub( re.compile(r'^disable_root[^:=]*([:=]).*', re.M), r'disable_root\1 0', c) with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(c) if not linux.os.windows_family: # Add server ssh public key to authorized_keys ssh_key = self._platform.get_ssh_pub_key() if ssh_key: add_authorized_key(ssh_key) # Mount ephemeral devices # Seen on eucalyptus: # - fstab contains invalid fstype and `mount -a` fails if == 'eucalyptus': mtab = mount.mounts() fstab = mount.fstab() for device in self._platform.instance_store_devices: if os.path.exists( device) and device in fstab and device not in mtab: entry = fstab[device] try: mount.mount(device, entry.mpoint, '-o', entry.options) except: self._logger.warn(sys.exc_info()[1]) else: if not os_dist.windows_family: system2('mount -a', shell=True, raise_exc=False)