def testParallel(self):
        print("\n=== Parallel without Wait ===")
        table_scan = TableScan(("+p A", "+p B", "C", "+p D", "+p E", "F"), [
            ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Parallel(Set('A', 1.0), Set('B', 2.0)), Set('C', 3.0), Parallel(Set('D', 4.0), Set('E', 5.0)), Set('F', 6.0)]"

        print("\n=== Parallel with Wait For ===")
        table_scan = TableScan(
            ("+p A", "+p B", "C", "+p D", "+p E", "Wait For", "Value"), [
                ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "completion", "10"],
                ["6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Seconds", "10"],
            start=Comment('Start Run'),
            stop=Comment('Stop Run'))
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Parallel(Set('A', 1.0), Set('B', 2.0)), Set('C', 3.0), Comment('Start Run'), Parallel(Set('D', 4.0), Set('E', 5.0)), Log('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'), Comment('Stop Run'), Parallel(Set('A', 6.0), Set('B', 7.0)), Set('C', 8.0), Parallel(Set('D', 9.0), Set('E', 10.0)), Comment('Start Run'), Delay(10), Log('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'), Comment('Stop Run')]"

        print("\n=== Parallel with Delay and Wait For ===")
        table_scan = TableScan(
            ("+p A", "+p B", "Delay", "Wait For", "Value"), [
                ["1", "2", "00:05:00", "counts", "10"],
            start=Comment('Start Run'),
            stop=Comment('Stop Run'),
            special={'Delay': lambda cell: Delay(parseSeconds(cell))})
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Parallel(Set('A', 1.0), Set('B', 2.0)), Delay(300), Comment('Start Run'), Wait('counts', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('A', 'B', 'counts'), Comment('Stop Run')]"

        print("\n=== Parallel with range and Delay ===")
        table_scan = TableScan(
            ("+p A", "+p B", "Delay"), [
                ["1", "[2, 4, 6]", "00:05:00"],
            special={'Delay': lambda cell: Delay(parseSeconds(cell))})
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Parallel(Set('A', 1.0), Set('B', 2.0)), Delay(300), Parallel(Set('A', 1.0), Set('B', 4.0)), Delay(300), Parallel(Set('A', 1.0), Set('B', 6.0)), Delay(300)]"

        print("\n=== Parallel with Timeout ===")
        table_scan = TableScan(("+p A", "Wait For", "Value", "Or Time"), [
            ["1", "Completion", "", "00:05:00"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Parallel(Set('A', 1.0), timeout=300, errhandler='OnErrorContinue'), Log('A')]"
    def testBasics(self):
        print "\n=== Basic Table ==="
        table_scan = TableScan(
          (   "Comment", "X ",  "Y", "Speed", "Wavelength" ),
            [ "Setup",  "  1",  "2",    "30",           "" ],
            [ "Count",     "",   "",      "",        "100" ],
            [ "Wait",      "",   "",      "",        "200" ],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Comment('Setup'), Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 2.0), Set('Speed', 30.0), Comment('Count'), Set('Wavelength', 100.0), Comment('Wait'), Set('Wavelength', 200.0)]")

        print "\n=== Wait for time ==="
        # Also using numbers instead of strings
        table_scan = TableScan(
          (   "X",  "Y", "Wait For", "Value" ),
            [  1,   2,  "seconds",   10 ],
            [  3,   4,  "seconds",   20 ],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 2.0), Delay(10), Log('X', 'Y'), Set('X', 3.0), Set('Y', 4.0), Delay(20), Log('X', 'Y')]")

        print "\n=== Wait for PV ==="
        table_scan = TableScan(
          (   "X",  "Y", "Wait For", "Value" ),
            [ "1",  "2", "Counter1", "10" ],
            [ "3",  "4", "Counter1", "20" ],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        #self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "")

        print "\n=== Wait for PV using 'increment' ==="
        table_scan = TableScan(
          (   "X",  "Y", "Wait For",        "Value" ),
            [ "1",  "2", "Counter1",        "10" ],
            [ "3",  "4", "InfiniteCounter", "20" ],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        #self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "")

        print "\n=== Wait for PV or Max Time ==="
        table_scan = TableScan(
          (   "X",  "Y", "Wait For", "Value", "Or Time" ),
            [ "1",  "2", "Counter1", "10",    "60" ],
            [ "3",  "4", "Counter1", "20",    "00:01:00" ],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 2.0), Wait('Counter1', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1, timeout=60, errhandler='OnErrorContinue'), Log('X', 'Y', 'Counter1'), Set('X', 3.0), Set('Y', 4.0), Wait('Counter1', 20.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1, timeout=60, errhandler='OnErrorContinue'), Log('X', 'Y', 'Counter1')]")
    def testParallelLoops(self):
        print("\n=== Parallel Loops ===")

        # Loops can be 'parallel'
        table_scan = TableScan((
            "+p X",
            "+p Y",
            "Wait For",
        ), [
            ["Loop(3)", "", "", "time", "00:01:00"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            str(cmds), "[Parallel(Loop('X', 0, 3, 1)), Delay(60), Log('X')]")

        # .. but the result may not be what users want.
        # This loops X, and in parallel it loops Y, the latter doing the nestest 1 minute wait
        table_scan = TableScan((
            "+p X",
            "+p Y",
            "Wait For",
        ), [
            ["Loop(3)", "Loop(5)", "", "time", "00:01:00"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Parallel(Loop('X', 0, 3, 1), Loop('Y', 0, 5, 1)), Delay(60), Log('X', 'Y')]"
        # Parallel loops will _not_ synchronize their steps.
        # That would need a step-by-step table like this:
        table_scan = TableScan((
            "+p X",
            "+p Y",
            "Wait For",
        ), [
            ["0", "0", "", "time", "00:01:00"],
            ["1", "1", "", "time", "00:01:00"],
            ["2", "2", "", "time", "00:01:00"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Parallel(Set('X', 0.0), Set('Y', 0.0)), Delay(60), Log('X', 'Y'), Parallel(Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 1.0)), Delay(60), Log('X', 'Y'), Parallel(Set('X', 2.0), Set('Y', 2.0)), Delay(60), Log('X', 'Y')]"
 def testStartStop(self):
     print("\n=== Start/stop at each step ===")
     table_scan = TableScan(
         ("X", "Y", "Wait For", "Value"),
             ["1", "2", "counter", "10"],
             ["3", "4", "counter", "10"],
         pre=Set('shutter', 1),
         post=Set('shutter', 0),
             Set('counter:reset', 1, completion=True),
             Set('counter:enable', 1, completion=True),
             Set('daq:enable', 1, completion=True)
             Set('daq:enable', 0, completion=True),
             Set('counter:enable', 0, completion=True)
     cmds = handle(table_scan)
         "[Set('shutter', 1), Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 2.0), Set('counter:reset', 1, completion=True), Set('counter:enable', 1, completion=True), Set('daq:enable', 1, completion=True), Wait('counter', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('X', 'Y', 'counter'), Set('daq:enable', 0, completion=True), Set('counter:enable', 0, completion=True), Set('X', 3.0), Set('Y', 4.0), Set('counter:reset', 1, completion=True), Set('counter:enable', 1, completion=True), Set('daq:enable', 1, completion=True), Wait('counter', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('X', 'Y', 'counter'), Set('daq:enable', 0, completion=True), Set('counter:enable', 0, completion=True), Set('shutter', 0)]"
    def testSpecialColumns(self):
        print("\n=== Special columns ===")

        # Commands Start/Next/End turn into Include("lf_start.scn"), Include("lf_next.scn") resp. Include("lf_end.scn")
        special = {
            'Run Control': lambda cell: Include(cell + ".scn"),
            'Delay': lambda cell: Delay(parseSeconds(cell)),
        table_scan = TableScan((
            "Run Control",
            "Wait For",
        ), [
            ["Start", "10", "", "Neutrons", "10"],
            ["", "20", "00:01:00", "Neutrons", "10"],
            ["Stop", "", "", "", ""],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Include('Start.scn'), Set('X', 10.0), Wait('Neutrons', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('X', 'Neutrons'), Set('X', 20.0), Delay(60), Wait('Neutrons', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('X', 'Neutrons'), Include('Stop.scn')]"
    def testLoop(self):
        print("\n=== Loop Cells ===")
        # Plain loop commands
        table_scan = TableScan(["position"], [
            ["loop(2, 5, 1)"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Loop('position', 2, 5, 1)]")

        table_scan = TableScan(("position", "camera"), [
            ["Loop(0, 3, 0.5)", "snap"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Loop('position', 0, 3, 0.5, [ Set('camera', 'snap') ])]")

        table_scan = TableScan(("X", "Y", "Camera"), [
            ["loop(1,10)", "Loop(2,5)", "Snap"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Loop('X', 1, 10, 1, [ Loop('Y', 2, 5, 1, [ Set('Camera', 'Snap') ]) ])]"

        # Can be mixed with range or list, but note that list is expanded first.
        # This works as nestet list & loop:
        table_scan = TableScan(("X", "Y", "Camera"), [
            ["[1, 2]", "Loop(3)", "Snap"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Set('X', 1.0), Loop('Y', 0, 3, 1, [ Set('Camera', 'Snap') ]), Set('X', 2.0), Loop('Y', 0, 3, 1, [ Set('Camera', 'Snap') ])]"

        # Here, however, the list is _first_ expanded into rows
        table_scan = TableScan(("X", "Y", "Camera"), [
            ["Loop(3)", "[1, 2]", "Snap"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Loop('X', 0, 3, 1, [ Set('Y', 1.0), Set('Camera', 'Snap') ]), Loop('X', 0, 3, 1, [ Set('Y', 2.0), Set('Camera', 'Snap') ])]"
 def testWaitFor(self):
     print("\n=== 'Wait For' spelled lowercase ===")
     table_scan = TableScan(
         ("X", "wait for", "value"),
             ["1", "seconds", "10"],
     cmds = handle(table_scan)
     self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 1.0), Delay(10), Log('X')]")
    def testLogAlways(self):
        print("\n=== log_always ===")

        table_scan = TableScan((
            "Wait For",
        ), [["10", "seconds", "10"]])
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 10.0), Delay(10), Log('X')]")

        table_scan = TableScan((
            "Wait For",
        ), [["10", "seconds", "10"]],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
                         "[Set('X', 10.0), Delay(10), Log('neutrons', 'X')]")
    def testScanSettings(self):
        print("\n=== ScanSettings configure Motor for completion and RBV ===")
        table_scan = TableScan(("X ", "Motor1"), [
            ["  1", "2"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Set('X', 1.0), Set('Motor1', 2.0, completion=True, timeout=100, readback='Motor1.RBV', tolerance=0.100000)]"

        print("\n=== Override ScanSettings for Motor ===")
        table_scan = TableScan(("Motor1", "-cr Motor2"), [
            ["  1", "2"],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Set('Motor1', 1.0, completion=True, timeout=100, readback='Motor1.RBV', tolerance=0.100000), Set('Motor2', 2.0)]"
    def testParallel(self):
        print "\n=== Parallel without Wait ==="
        table_scan = TableScan(
          (   "X", "+p Y", "+p Z" ),
            [ "1", "2",    "3" ],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 1.0), Parallel(Set('Y', 2.0), Set('Z', 3.0))]")

        print "\n=== Parallel with Wait ==="
        table_scan = TableScan(
          (   "X", "+p Y", "+p Z", "Wait For", "Value" ),
            [ "1", "2",    "3",    "Seconds",  "10"    ],
            [  "",  "",     "",    "Seconds",  "02:00" ],
            [ "4", "5",    "6",    "completion", ""    ],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 1.0), Parallel(Set('Y', 2.0), Set('Z', 3.0)), Delay(10), Log('X', 'Y', 'Z'), Delay(120), Log('X', 'Y', 'Z'), Set('X', 4.0), Parallel(Set('Y', 5.0), Set('Z', 6.0)), Log('X', 'Y', 'Z')]")
    def testRange(self):
        print "\n=== Range Cells ==="
        table_scan = TableScan(
          (   " X ",  "Y", ),
            [ "  1",  "", ],
            [ "   ",  "range(5)", ],
            [ "[ 0, 1]", "range(2)", ],
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 0.0), Set('Y', 1.0), Set('Y', 2.0), Set('Y', 3.0), Set('Y', 4.0), Set('X', 0.0), Set('Y', 0.0), Set('X', 0.0), Set('Y', 1.0), Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 0.0), Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 1.0)]")

        print "\n=== Fractional Range Cells ==="
        table_scan = TableScan(
          (   " X ", ),
            [ "range(0.2, 5.4, 0.7)", ]
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 0.2), Set('X', 0.9), Set('X', 1.6), Set('X', 2.3), Set('X', 3.0), Set('X', 3.7), Set('X', 4.4), Set('X', 5.1)]")
 def testSpecialColumns(self):
     print "\n=== 'Load Frame' columns ==="
     # Special handling of "Load Frame" column:
     # Commands Start/Next/End turn into Include("lf_start.scn"), Include("lf_next.scn") resp. Include("lf_end.scn") 
     special = { 'Load Frame': lambda cell : Include("lf_" + cell.lower() + ".scn") }
     table_scan = TableScan(
       (   "Load Frame", "X",  "Wait For", "Value", ),
         [ "Start",     "10",  "Neutrons",   "10" ],
         [      "",     "20",  "Neutrons",   "10" ],
         [      "",     "30",  "Neutrons",   "10" ],
         [  "Next",     "10",  "Neutrons",   "10" ],
         [      "",     "20",  "Neutrons",   "10" ],
         [      "",     "30",  "Neutrons",   "10" ],
         [   "End",       "",          "",     "" ],
       special = special
     cmds = handle(table_scan)
                      "[Include('lf_start.scn'), Set('X', 10.0), Wait('Neutrons', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('X', 'Neutrons'), Set('X', 20.0), Wait('Neutrons', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('X', 'Neutrons'), Set('X', 30.0), Wait('Neutrons', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('X', 'Neutrons'), Include('lf_next.scn'), Set('X', 10.0), Wait('Neutrons', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('X', 'Neutrons'), Set('X', 20.0), Wait('Neutrons', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('X', 'Neutrons'), Set('X', 30.0), Wait('Neutrons', 10.0, comparison='>=', tolerance=0.1), Log('X', 'Neutrons'), Include('lf_end.scn')]")        
Exemple #13
#             return device_name + ".RBV"
#         return device_name

if __name__ == '__main__':
    orig_motor_x = 0
    orig_motor_y = 0
    # Custom settings configure the TableScan
    # Create table scan command
    # use function to generate scan range
    table = TableScan(['Comment',     'motor_x',       'motor_y',     'Wait For',   'Value'],
                      [['Example',        '',               '',         '',         ''], 
                       ['',        'range(1, 6, 1)', 'range(1, 4, 1)', 'Seconds',    1],
                       ['',               1,                1,          '',         '']],
                      pre=Set('motor_x', 1, completion=True),
                      post=[Set('motor_x', orig_motor_x, completion=True),
                            Set('motor_y', orig_motor_y, completion=True),],
                      start=Set("neutrons", 0, completion=True, timeout=10),
                      log_always=('neutrons', 'setpoint')

    cmds = table.createScan()
        client = ScanClient('localhost', 4810)
        scid = client.submit(cmds, name="2D table scan example")
        print "Number of log calls: %d" % client.lastSerial(scid)
        # get raw data back as a Python dict 
        data = client.getData(scid)
        print data
    def testBadInput(self):
        print("\n=== Bad Input ===")

        # No list of rows, just single row
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            table_scan = TableScan(
                    "+p X",
                    "+p Y",
                    "Wait For",
                ["Loop(3)", "", "", "time", "00:01:00"],
        print("Caught: " + str(context.exception))
        self.assertTrue("Table needs list of rows" in str(context.exception))

        # Missing column in rows
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            table_scan = TableScan((
                "+p X",
                "+p Y",
                "Wait For",
            ), [
                ["Loop(3)", "", "", "time", "00:01:00"],
        print("Caught: " + str(context.exception))
        self.assertTrue("Table has 5 columns but row 1 has only 4" in str(

        # Missing 'Value' column (either nothing or the wrong column)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            table_scan = TableScan(("+p X", "+p Y", "Z", "Wait For"), [
        print("Caught: " + str(context.exception))
        self.assertTrue("Wait For column must be followed by Value" in str(

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            table_scan = TableScan((
                "+p X",
                "+p Y",
                "Wait For",
            ), [
                ["Loop(3)", "", "", "time", "00:01:00"],
        print("Caught: " + str(context.exception))
        self.assertTrue("Wait For column must be followed by Value" in str(
Exemple #15
from scan_settings1 import MyScanSettings, setScanSettings
from scan.table import TableScan

# Custom settings configure the TableScan to
# check 'temperature' for completion,
# and to treat 'position' as a motor with readback check via *.RBV 

# Table scan with these settings,
# definition of column headers,
# and rows
table = TableScan(
      ['temperature', 'position'],
    [ [      50,           1],
      [      '',           2],
      [      '',           3],
      [     100,           1],
      [      '',           2],
      [      '',           3],

# Create scan, print each command
scan = table.createScan()
for cmd in scan:
    print cmd
Set('temperature', 50.0, completion=True, timeOut=300)
Set('position', 1.0, completion=True, readback='position.RBV', timeOut=100)
Set('position', 2.0, completion=True, readback='position.RBV', timeOut=100)
Set('position', 3.0, completion=True, readback='position.RBV', timeOut=100)
    def testRange(self):
        print("\n=== Range Cells ===")
        table_scan = TableScan((
            " X ",
        ), [
                "  1",
                "   ",
                "[ 0, 1]",
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 0.0), Set('Y', 1.0), Set('Y', 2.0), Set('Y', 3.0), Set('Y', 4.0), Set('X', 0.0), Set('Y', 0.0), Set('X', 0.0), Set('Y', 1.0), Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 0.0), Set('X', 1.0), Set('Y', 1.0)]"

        table_scan = TableScan((" X ", ), [[
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Set('X', 100.0), Set('X', 110.0), Set('X', 120.0), Set('X', 130.0), Set('X', 140.0), Set('X', 150.0), Set('X', 160.0), Set('X', 170.0), Set('X', 180.0), Set('X', 190.0)]"

        table_scan = TableScan((" X ", ), [[
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 175.0), Set('X', 245.0)]")

        print("\n=== Likely a misconfigured Range ===")
        # This used to fail by creating Set('X', 'range(175,245,70)')
        table_scan = TableScan((" X ", ), [[
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 175.0)]")

        table_scan = TableScan(("X", "Y"), [["range(1,0,2)", "2"]])
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('Y', 2.0)]")

        table_scan = TableScan(("X", "Y"), [["3", "[]"]])
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 3.0)]")

        table_scan = TableScan(("X", "Y"), [["[3]", "[2]"]])
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
        self.assertEqual(str(cmds), "[Set('X', 3.0), Set('Y', 2.0)]")

        print("\n=== Fractional Range Cells ===")
        table_scan = TableScan((" X ", ), [[
            "range(0.2, 5.4, 0.7)",
        cmds = handle(table_scan)
            "[Set('X', 0.2), Set('X', 0.9), Set('X', 1.6), Set('X', 2.3), Set('X', 3.0), Set('X', 3.7), Set('X', 4.4), Set('X', 5.1)]"
 # Custom settings configure the TableScan
 # Create table scan command
 # list all scan parameters
 table = TableScan(['motor_x', 'motor_y', "Wait For", "Value"], [
     [1, 1, 'Seconds', 1],
     ['', 2, 'Seconds', 1],
     ['', 3, 'Seconds', 1],
     [2, 1, 'Seconds', 1],
     ['', 2, 'Seconds', 1],
     ['', 3, 'Seconds', 1],
     [3, 1, 'Seconds', 1],
     ['', 2, 'Seconds', 1],
     ['', 3, 'Seconds', 1],
     [4, 1, 'Seconds', 1],
     ['', 2, 'Seconds', 1],
     ['', 3, 'Seconds', 1],
     [5, 1, 'Seconds', 1],
     ['', 2, 'Seconds', 1],
     ['', 3, 'Seconds', 1],
                   pre=Set('motor_x', 1, completion=True),
                       Set('motor_x', orig_motor_x, completion=True),
                       Set('motor_y', orig_motor_y, completion=True),
                   log_always=('neutrons', 'setpoint'))
 cmds = table.createScan()
     client = ScanClient('localhost', 4810)
     scid = client.submit(cmds, name="2D table scan example")
Exemple #18
from scan_settings1 import MyScanSettings, setScanSettings
from scan.table import TableScan

# Custom settings configure the TableScan to
# check 'temperature' for completion,
# and to treat 'position' as a motor with readback check via *.RBV

# Table scan with these settings,
# definition of column headers,
# and rows
table = TableScan(['temperature', 'position'], [
    [50, 1],
    ['', 2],
    ['', 3],
    [100, 1],
    ['', 2],
    ['', 3],

# Create scan, print each command
scan = table.createScan()
for cmd in scan:
    print cmd
Set('temperature', 50.0, completion=True, timeout=300)
Set('position', 1.0, completion=True, readback='position.RBV', timeout=100)
Set('position', 2.0, completion=True, readback='position.RBV', timeout=100)
Set('position', 3.0, completion=True, readback='position.RBV', timeout=100)
Set('temperature', 100.0, completion=True, timeout=300)