def verifytime(self, type_list): success = True if (not self.override): for type in type_list: temp_engine = scanengine2.get_scanengine([type]) min_time = temp_engine.min_time() min_range = temp_engine.min_range() if (self.min_seconds < min_time): dsz.ui.Echo(('You must specify a minimum time larger then %ss when doing a %s scan' % (min_time, type)), dsz.ERROR) success = False if ((self.max_seconds - self.min_seconds) < min_range): dsz.ui.Echo(('You must specify a range time larger then %ss when doing a %s scan' % (min_range, type)), dsz.ERROR) success = False if (self.monitor is not None): for monitor_type in self.monitor: tempeng = monitorengine.get_monitorengine([monitor_type]) monitor_min = tempeng.min_time() monitor_range = tempeng.min_range() if (self.min_seconds < monitor_min): dsz.ui.Echo(('You must specify a minimum time larger then %ss when using -monitor %s' % (monitor_min, monitor_type)), dsz.ERROR) success = False if ((self.max_seconds - self.min_seconds) < monitor_range): dsz.ui.Echo(('You must specify a range time larger then %ss when using -monitor %s' % (monitor_range, monitor_type)), dsz.ERROR) success = False if (self.min_seconds == self.max_seconds): dsz.ui.Echo('You must specify two different times for your period', dsz.ERROR) success = False if (self.min_seconds == 0): dsz.ui.Echo('You cannot specify a 0s starting period', dsz.ERROR) success = False return success
def re_escalate(self): type_list = scanbase.get_jobtypes(self.session) for type in type_list.keys(): results = ( scanbase.get_results(self.session, type, success=False) + scanbase.get_results(self.session, type, success=True)) for item in results: temp_engine = scanengine2.get_scanengine([type]) temp_engine.recall_data(item['data']) target = rulelist = scanbase.get_escalate_rules(self.session) for rule in rulelist: if temp_engine.check_escalation(rule[0]): if (rule[1] == 'alert'): esc_output_string = ( '[%s] Alerting on %s by rule: (%s->%s)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1])) self.alert(esc_output_string) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string, dsz.WARNING) else: self.addtoqueue(rule[1], target, self.scansweep_env) esc_output_string = ( '[%s] Escalating %s by rule: (%s->%s) (%s jobs remaining)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1], scanbase.num_jobs(self.session))) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string) with open(self.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % esc_output_string))
def generateresults(self, quiet=False): f = open(self.scansweep_results, 'w') f.write('') f.close() type_list = scanbase.get_jobtypes(self.session) for key in type_list.keys(): returned_results = scanbase.get_results(self.session, key) results = [x['data'] for x in returned_results] target_scanner = scanengine2.get_scanengine([key]) self.printresults(key, results, target_scanner.get_display_headers(), target_scanner.get_data_fields(), 'sort_field', sort2=None, quiet=quiet)
def re_escalate(self): type_list = scanbase.get_jobtypes(self.session) for type in type_list.keys(): results = (scanbase.get_results(self.session, type, success=False) + scanbase.get_results(self.session, type, success=True)) for item in results: temp_engine = scanengine2.get_scanengine([type]) temp_engine.recall_data(item['data']) target = rulelist = scanbase.get_escalate_rules(self.session) for rule in rulelist: if temp_engine.check_escalation(rule[0]): if (rule[1] == 'alert'): esc_output_string = ('[%s] Alerting on %s by rule: (%s->%s)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1])) self.alert(esc_output_string) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string, dsz.WARNING) else: self.addtoqueue(rule[1], target, self.scansweep_env) esc_output_string = ('[%s] Escalating %s by rule: (%s->%s) (%s jobs remaining)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1], scanbase.num_jobs(self.session))) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string) with open(self.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % esc_output_string))
def scan(scansweepHelper): lastresults = 0 alreadyoutput = [] num_remaining = scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session) sanity_string = ('[%s] Sanity output: %s jobs remaining, %s-%s remaining' % (dsz.Timestamp(), num_remaining, ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds( (num_remaining * scansweepHelper.min_seconds)), ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds( (num_remaining * scansweepHelper.max_seconds)))) dsz.ui.Echo(sanity_string, dsz.GOOD) scansweepHelper.showstats() if (not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname( scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile))): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile)) with open(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % sanity_string)) delta = time.time() scantime = time.time() originaltime = time.time() if (scansweepHelper.monitor is not None): scansweepHelper.activatemonitors() while True: if ((time.time() - originaltime) > scansweepHelper.maxtime): dsz.ui.Echo( ('Maxtime of %s has been exceeded. Exiting.' % ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds(scansweepHelper.maxtime)), dsz.ERROR) break scan_job = scanbase.get_job(scansweepHelper.session) if (scan_job == False): if (scansweepHelper.monitor is None): break else: try: target = scan_job[1] job_info = scan_job[0].split('|') job_type = job_info[0] if (not util.ip.validate(target)): target = scansweepHelper.resolvehostname(target) if (target == None): continue target_scanner = scanengine2.get_scanengine( scan_job, scansweepHelper.timeout) target_scanner.execute_scan(False) if target_scanner.multiple_responses: multi_response = target_scanner.return_data() for response in multi_response: scanbase.write_result(scansweepHelper.session, response.scan_type,, response.return_data(), response.success, scan_job[0]) else: scanbase.write_result(scansweepHelper.session, target_scanner.scan_type,, target_scanner.return_data(), target_scanner.success, scan_job[0]) if target_scanner.success: succ_out_string = ( '[%s] %s (%s jobs remaining)' % (target_scanner.timestamp, target_scanner.return_success_message(), scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session))) dsz.ui.Echo(succ_out_string) with open(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % succ_out_string)) rulelist = scanbase.get_escalate_rules(scansweepHelper.session) for rule in rulelist: if target_scanner.check_escalation(rule[0]): if (rule[1] == 'alert'): if (target_scanner.success == True): esc_output_string = ( '[%s]\t\tAlerting on %s by rule: (%s->%s)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1])) else: esc_output_string = ( '[%s] Alerting on %s by rule: (%s->%s)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1])) scansweepHelper.alert(esc_output_string) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string, dsz.WARNING) else: add_succ = scansweepHelper.addtoqueue( rule[1], target, scansweepHelper.scansweep_env) if ((target_scanner.success == True) and add_succ): esc_output_string = ( '[%s]\t\tEscalating %s by rule: (%s->%s) (%s jobs remaining)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1], scanbase.num_jobs( scansweepHelper.session))) elif add_succ: esc_output_string = ( '[%s] Escalating %s by rule: (%s->%s) (%s jobs remaining)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1], scanbase.num_jobs( scansweepHelper.session))) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string) with open(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % esc_output_string)) except Exception as e: if dsz.ui.Prompt( ('The current job failed for some reason. Would you like to quit? %s' % e), False): break else: continue if scansweepHelper.monitor: for monitor_handler in scansweepHelper.monitorengines: found_connections = monitor_handler.execute_monitor() for connection in found_connections: rulelist = scanbase.get_escalate_rules( scansweepHelper.session) for rule in rulelist: if monitor_handler.check_escalation( rule[0], connection): found = False add_succ = True if (not scansweepHelper.internaloverride): for network in scansweepHelper.local_networks: if util.ip.validate_ipv6( if (util.ip.expand_ipv6([:19] == network[1]): found = True break elif ((not (network[0] == '')) and (scansweepHelper.getnetwork(, util.ip.get_cidr_from_subnet( network[0])) == network[1])): found = True break if ((not scansweepHelper.internaloverride) and (not found)): esc_output_string = ( '[%s] Escalation failed (outside subnet) %s by rule: (%s->%s) (%s jobs remaining)' % (dsz.Timestamp(),, rule[0], rule[1], scanbase.num_jobs( scansweepHelper.session))) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string, dsz.WARNING) elif (rule[1] == 'alert'): esc_output_string = ( '[%s] Alerting on %s by rule: (%s->%s)' % (dsz.Timestamp(),, rule[0], rule[1])) scansweepHelper.alert(esc_output_string) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string, dsz.WARNING) else: add_succ = scansweepHelper.addtoqueue( rule[1],, scansweepHelper.scansweep_env) if add_succ: esc_output_string = ( '[%s] Escalating %s by rule: (%s->%s) (%s jobs remaining)' % (dsz.Timestamp(),, rule[0], rule[1], scanbase.num_jobs( scansweepHelper.session))) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string) if add_succ: with open(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % esc_output_string)) newdelta = time.time() num_remaining = scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session) if ((((num_remaining % 10) == 0) and (not (num_remaining in alreadyoutput))) or ((newdelta - delta) > (5 * 60))): maxremaining = int( (scansweepHelper.maxtime - (time.time() - originaltime))) sanity_string = ( '[%s] Sanity output: %s jobs remaining, %s-%s remaining (max %s), %0.1fs since last sanity' % (dsz.Timestamp(), num_remaining, ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds( (num_remaining * scansweepHelper.min_seconds)), ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds( (num_remaining * scansweepHelper.max_seconds)), ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds(maxremaining), (newdelta - delta))) dsz.ui.Echo(sanity_string, dsz.GOOD) with open(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % sanity_string)) scansweepHelper.showstats() alreadyoutput.append( scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.scansweep_env)) delta = newdelta resultstotal = 0 type_list = scanbase.get_jobtypes(scansweepHelper.session) for type in type_list: resultstotal = (resultstotal + scansweepHelper.findlistsize(type)) if (not (lastresults == resultstotal)): scansweepHelper.generateresults(quiet=True) lastresults = resultstotal if scanbase.check_kill(scansweepHelper.session): dsz.ui.Echo(('This session (%s) is marked for death. Exiting.' % scansweepHelper.session), dsz.ERROR) break if ((not (scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session) == 0)) or scansweepHelper.monitor): sleep_in_secs = random.randint(scansweepHelper.min_seconds, scansweepHelper.max_seconds) if (not scansweepHelper.nowait): if scansweepHelper.verbose: dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] Sleeping for %s seconds...' % (dsz.Timestamp(), sleep_in_secs))) try: dsz.Sleep((sleep_in_secs * 1000)) except exceptions.RuntimeError as e: dsz.ui.Echo(('%s' % e), dsz.ERROR) break elif ((time.time() - scantime) < sleep_in_secs): nowaitsleep = int((sleep_in_secs - floor( (time.time() - scantime)))) if scansweepHelper.verbose: dsz.ui.Echo(( '[%s] Sleeping for %s seconds (%s seconds remain)...' % (dsz.Timestamp(), sleep_in_secs, nowaitsleep))) try: dsz.Sleep((sleep_in_secs * 1000)) except exceptions.RuntimeError as e: dsz.ui.Echo(('%s' % e), dsz.ERROR) break elif scansweepHelper.verbose: dsz.ui.Echo( ('[%s] Would sleep for %s seconds but we are overdue...' % (dsz.Timestamp(), sleep_in_secs))) scantime = time.time() if scanbase.check_kill(scansweepHelper.session): dsz.ui.Echo(('This session (%s) is marked for death. Exiting.' % scansweepHelper.session), dsz.ERROR) break
def verifyjob(self, job_type, job): tempeng = scanengine2.get_scanengine([job_type]) if (tempeng is False): return False return tempeng.verify_job(job)
def scan(scansweepHelper): lastresults = 0 alreadyoutput = [] num_remaining = scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session) sanity_string = ('[%s] Sanity output: %s jobs remaining, %s-%s remaining' % (dsz.Timestamp(), num_remaining, ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds((num_remaining * scansweepHelper.min_seconds)), ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds((num_remaining * scansweepHelper.max_seconds)))) dsz.ui.Echo(sanity_string, dsz.GOOD) scansweepHelper.showstats() if (not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile))): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile)) with open(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % sanity_string)) delta = time.time() scantime = time.time() originaltime = time.time() if (scansweepHelper.monitor is not None): scansweepHelper.activatemonitors() while True: if ((time.time() - originaltime) > scansweepHelper.maxtime): dsz.ui.Echo(('Maxtime of %s has been exceeded. Exiting.' % ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds(scansweepHelper.maxtime)), dsz.ERROR) break scan_job = scanbase.get_job(scansweepHelper.session) if (scan_job == False): if (scansweepHelper.monitor is None): break else: try: target = scan_job[1] job_info = scan_job[0].split('|') job_type = job_info[0] if (not util.ip.validate(target)): target = scansweepHelper.resolvehostname(target) if (target == None): continue target_scanner = scanengine2.get_scanengine(scan_job, scansweepHelper.timeout) target_scanner.execute_scan(False) if target_scanner.multiple_responses: multi_response = target_scanner.return_data() for response in multi_response: scanbase.write_result(scansweepHelper.session, response.scan_type,, response.return_data(), response.success, scan_job[0]) else: scanbase.write_result(scansweepHelper.session, target_scanner.scan_type,, target_scanner.return_data(), target_scanner.success, scan_job[0]) if target_scanner.success: succ_out_string = ('[%s] %s (%s jobs remaining)' % (target_scanner.timestamp, target_scanner.return_success_message(), scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session))) dsz.ui.Echo(succ_out_string) with open(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % succ_out_string)) rulelist = scanbase.get_escalate_rules(scansweepHelper.session) for rule in rulelist: if target_scanner.check_escalation(rule[0]): if (rule[1] == 'alert'): if (target_scanner.success == True): esc_output_string = ('[%s]\t\tAlerting on %s by rule: (%s->%s)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1])) else: esc_output_string = ('[%s] Alerting on %s by rule: (%s->%s)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1])) scansweepHelper.alert(esc_output_string) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string, dsz.WARNING) else: add_succ = scansweepHelper.addtoqueue(rule[1], target, scansweepHelper.scansweep_env) if ((target_scanner.success == True) and add_succ): esc_output_string = ('[%s]\t\tEscalating %s by rule: (%s->%s) (%s jobs remaining)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1], scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session))) elif add_succ: esc_output_string = ('[%s] Escalating %s by rule: (%s->%s) (%s jobs remaining)' % (dsz.Timestamp(), target, rule[0], rule[1], scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session))) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string) with open(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % esc_output_string)) except Exception as e: if dsz.ui.Prompt(('The current job failed for some reason. Would you like to quit? %s' % e), False): break else: continue if scansweepHelper.monitor: for monitor_handler in scansweepHelper.monitorengines: found_connections = monitor_handler.execute_monitor() for connection in found_connections: rulelist = scanbase.get_escalate_rules(scansweepHelper.session) for rule in rulelist: if monitor_handler.check_escalation(rule[0], connection): found = False add_succ = True if (not scansweepHelper.internaloverride): for network in scansweepHelper.local_networks: if util.ip.validate_ipv6( if (util.ip.expand_ipv6([:19] == network[1]): found = True break elif ((not (network[0] == '')) and (scansweepHelper.getnetwork(, util.ip.get_cidr_from_subnet(network[0])) == network[1])): found = True break if ((not scansweepHelper.internaloverride) and (not found)): esc_output_string = ('[%s] Escalation failed (outside subnet) %s by rule: (%s->%s) (%s jobs remaining)' % (dsz.Timestamp(),, rule[0], rule[1], scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session))) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string, dsz.WARNING) elif (rule[1] == 'alert'): esc_output_string = ('[%s] Alerting on %s by rule: (%s->%s)' % (dsz.Timestamp(),, rule[0], rule[1])) scansweepHelper.alert(esc_output_string) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string, dsz.WARNING) else: add_succ = scansweepHelper.addtoqueue(rule[1],, scansweepHelper.scansweep_env) if add_succ: esc_output_string = ('[%s] Escalating %s by rule: (%s->%s) (%s jobs remaining)' % (dsz.Timestamp(),, rule[0], rule[1], scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session))) dsz.ui.Echo(esc_output_string) if add_succ: with open(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % esc_output_string)) newdelta = time.time() num_remaining = scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session) if ((((num_remaining % 10) == 0) and (not (num_remaining in alreadyoutput))) or ((newdelta - delta) > (5 * 60))): maxremaining = int((scansweepHelper.maxtime - (time.time() - originaltime))) sanity_string = ('[%s] Sanity output: %s jobs remaining, %s-%s remaining (max %s), %0.1fs since last sanity' % (dsz.Timestamp(), num_remaining, ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds((num_remaining * scansweepHelper.min_seconds)), ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds((num_remaining * scansweepHelper.max_seconds)), ops.timehelper.get_age_from_seconds(maxremaining), (newdelta - delta))) dsz.ui.Echo(sanity_string, dsz.GOOD) with open(scansweepHelper.scansweep_logfile, 'a') as f: f.write(('%s\n' % sanity_string)) scansweepHelper.showstats() alreadyoutput.append(scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.scansweep_env)) delta = newdelta resultstotal = 0 type_list = scanbase.get_jobtypes(scansweepHelper.session) for type in type_list: resultstotal = (resultstotal + scansweepHelper.findlistsize(type)) if (not (lastresults == resultstotal)): scansweepHelper.generateresults(quiet=True) lastresults = resultstotal if scanbase.check_kill(scansweepHelper.session): dsz.ui.Echo(('This session (%s) is marked for death. Exiting.' % scansweepHelper.session), dsz.ERROR) break if ((not (scanbase.num_jobs(scansweepHelper.session) == 0)) or scansweepHelper.monitor): sleep_in_secs = random.randint(scansweepHelper.min_seconds, scansweepHelper.max_seconds) if (not scansweepHelper.nowait): if scansweepHelper.verbose: dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] Sleeping for %s seconds...' % (dsz.Timestamp(), sleep_in_secs))) try: dsz.Sleep((sleep_in_secs * 1000)) except exceptions.RuntimeError as e: dsz.ui.Echo(('%s' % e), dsz.ERROR) break elif ((time.time() - scantime) < sleep_in_secs): nowaitsleep = int((sleep_in_secs - floor((time.time() - scantime)))) if scansweepHelper.verbose: dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] Sleeping for %s seconds (%s seconds remain)...' % (dsz.Timestamp(), sleep_in_secs, nowaitsleep))) try: dsz.Sleep((sleep_in_secs * 1000)) except exceptions.RuntimeError as e: dsz.ui.Echo(('%s' % e), dsz.ERROR) break elif scansweepHelper.verbose: dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] Would sleep for %s seconds but we are overdue...' % (dsz.Timestamp(), sleep_in_secs))) scantime = time.time() if scanbase.check_kill(scansweepHelper.session): dsz.ui.Echo(('This session (%s) is marked for death. Exiting.' % scansweepHelper.session), dsz.ERROR) break