def simpleExpression(): if SC.sym == PLUS: getSym() x = term() elif SC.sym == MINUS: getSym() x = term() if != Int: mark('bad type') elif type(x) == Const: x.val = -x.val # constant folding else: x = CG.genUnaryOp(MINUS, x) else: x = term() while SC.sym in {PLUS, MINUS, OR}: op = SC.sym getSym() if op == OR and type(x) != Const: x = CG.genUnaryOp(OR, x) y = term() # x op y if == Int == and op in {PLUS, MINUS}: if type(x) == Const == type(y): # constant folding if op == PLUS: x.val = x.val + y.val elif op == MINUS: x.val = x.val - y.val else: x = CG.genBinaryOp(op, x, y) elif == Bool == and op == OR: if type(x) == Const: # constant folding if not x.val: x = y # if x is false, take y, else x else: x = CG.genBinaryOp(OR, x, y) else: mark('bad type') return x
def genActualPara(ap, fp, n): if type(fp) == Ref: # reference parameter, assume ap is Var if ap.lev == -2: asm.append('i32.const ' + str(ap.adr)) # else ap.lev == -1, on stack already elif type(ap) in (Var, Ref, Const): loadItem(ap) else: mark('unsupported parameter type')
def genLocalVars(sc, start): for i in range(start, len(sc)): if type(sc[i]) == Var: if sc[i].tp in (Int, Bool): asm.append('(local $' + sc[i].name + ' i32)') elif type(sc[i].tp) in (Array, Record): mark('WASM: no local arrays, records') else: mark('WASM: type?') return None
def genGlobalVars(sc, start): global memsize for i in range(start, len(sc)): if type(sc[i]) == Var: if sc[i].tp in (Int, Bool): asm.append('(global $' + sc[i].name + ' (mut i32) i32.const 0)') elif type(sc[i].tp) in (Array, Record): sc[i].lev, sc[ i].adr, memsize = -2, memsize, memsize + sc[i].tp.size else: mark('WASM: type?')
def genVar(x): # x is Var, Ref if 0 < x.lev < curlev: mark('WASM: level!') if type(x) == Ref: y = Ref( y.lev, = x.lev, # if type( in (Array, Record): # if x.lev > 0: = elif type(x) == Var: y = Var( y.lev, = x.lev, # if x.lev >= 0: = if x.lev == -2: y.adr = x.adr return y
def factor(): if SC.sym not in FIRSTFACTOR: mark("expression expected") while SC.sym not in FIRSTFACTOR | FOLLOWFACTOR | STRONGSYMS: getSym() if SC.sym == IDENT: x = find(SC.val) if type(x) in {Var, Ref}: x = CG.genVar(x) getSym() elif type(x) == Const: x = Const(, x.val) x = CG.genConst(x) getSym() else: mark('expression expected') x = selector(x) elif SC.sym == NUMBER: x = Const(Int, SC.val) x = CG.genConst(x) getSym() elif SC.sym == LPAREN: getSym() x = expression() if SC.sym == RPAREN: getSym() else: mark(") expected") elif SC.sym == NOT: getSym() x = factor() if != Bool: mark('not boolean') elif type(x) == Const: x.val = 1 - x.val # constant folding else: x = CG.genUnaryOp(NOT, x) else: x = Const(None, 0) return x
def genAssign(x, y): if type(x) == Var: if x.lev == -2: asm.append('i32.const ' + str(x.adr)) loadItem(y) if x.lev == 0: asm.append('global.set $' + elif x.lev == curlev: asm.append('local.set $' + elif x.lev == -2: asm.append('') else: mark('WASM: level!') elif type(x) == Ref: if x.lev == curlev: asm.append('local.get $' + loadItem(y) asm.append('') else: assert False
def loadItem(x): if type(x) == Var: if x.lev == 0: asm.append('global.get $' + # global Var elif x.lev == curlev: asm.append('local.get $' + # local Var elif x.lev == -2: # memory Var asm.append('i32.const ' + str(x.adr)) asm.append('i32.load') elif x.lev != -1: mark('WASM: var level!') # already on stack if lev == -1 elif type(x) == Ref: if x.lev == -1: asm.append('i32.load') elif x.lev == curlev: asm.append('local.get $' + asm.append('i32.load') else: mark('WASM: ref level!') elif type(x) == Const: asm.append('i32.const ' + str(x.val))
def term(): x = factor() while SC.sym in {TIMES, DIV, MOD, AND}: op = SC.sym getSym() if op == AND and type(x) != Const: x = CG.genUnaryOp(AND, x) y = factor() # x op y if == Int == and op in {TIMES, DIV, MOD}: if type(x) == Const == type(y): # constant folding if op == TIMES: x.val = x.val * y.val elif op == DIV: x.val = x.val // y.val elif op == MOD: x.val = x.val % y.val else: x = CG.genBinaryOp(op, x, y) elif == Bool == and op == AND: if type(x) == Const: # constant folding if x.val: x = y # if x is true, take y, else x else: x = CG.genBinaryOp(AND, x, y) else: mark('bad type') return x
def expression(): x = simpleExpression() while SC.sym in {EQ, NE, LT, LE, GT, GE}: op = SC.sym getSym() y = simpleExpression() # x op y if == in (Int, Bool): if type(x) == Const == type(y): # constant folding if op == EQ: x.val = x.val == y.val elif op == NE: x.val = x.val != y.val elif op == LT: x.val = x.val < y.val elif op == LE: x.val = x.val <= y.val elif op == GT: x.val = x.val > y.val elif op == GE: x.val = x.val >= y.val = Bool else: x = CG.genRelation(op, x, y) else: mark('bad type') return x
def genUnaryOp(op, x): loadItem(x) if op == MINUS: asm.append('i32.const -1') asm.append('i32.mul') x = Var(Int) x.lev = -1 elif op == NOT: asm.append('i32.eqz') x = Var(Bool) x.lev = -1 elif op == AND: asm.append('if (result i32)') x = Var(Bool) x.lev = -1 elif op == OR: asm.append('if (result i32)') asm.append('i32.const 1') asm.append('else') x = Var(Bool) x.lev = -1 else: mark('WASM: unary operator?') return x
def genProcStart(ident, fp): global curlev if curlev > 0: mark('WASM: no nested procedures') curlev = curlev + 1 asm.append('(func $' + ident + ' ' + ' '.join('(param $' + + ' i32)' for e in fp) + '') for p in fp: if in (Int, Bool) and type(p) == Ref: mark('WASM: only array and record reference parameters') elif type( in (Array, Record) and type(p) == Var: mark('WASM: no structured value parameters')
def compoundStatement(): if SC.sym == BEGIN: getSym() else: mark("'begin' expected") x = statement() while SC.sym == SEMICOLON or SC.sym in FIRSTSTATEMENT: if SC.sym == SEMICOLON: getSym() else: mark("; missing") y = statement() x = CG.genSeq(x, y) if SC.sym == END: getSym() else: mark("'end' expected") return x
def program(): newDecl('boolean', Type(CG.genBool(Bool))) newDecl('integer', Type(CG.genInt(Int))) newDecl('true', Const(Bool, 1)) newDecl('false', Const(Bool, 0)) newDecl('read', StdProc([Ref(Int)])) newDecl('write', StdProc([Var(Int)])) newDecl('writeln', StdProc([])) newDecl('print', StdProc([Var(Int)])) CG.genProgStart() if SC.sym == PROGRAM: getSym() else: mark("'program' expected") ident = SC.val if SC.sym == IDENT: getSym() else: mark('program name expected') if SC.sym == SEMICOLON: getSym() else: mark('; expected') declarations(CG.genGlobalVars) CG.genProgEntry(ident) x = compoundStatement() return CG.genProgExit(x)
def typedIds(kind): if SC.sym == IDENT: tid = [SC.val] getSym() else: mark("identifier expected") tid = [] while SC.sym == COMMA: getSym() if SC.sym == IDENT: tid.append(SC.val) getSym() else: mark('identifier expected') if SC.sym == COLON: getSym() tp = typ().val if tp != None: for i in tid: newDecl(i, kind(tp)) else: mark("':' expected")
def declarations(allocVar): if SC.sym not in FIRSTDECL | FOLLOWDECL: mark("'begin' or declaration expected") while SC.sym not in FIRSTDECL | FOLLOWDECL | STRONGSYMS: getSym() while SC.sym == CONST: getSym() if SC.sym == IDENT: ident = SC.val getSym() if SC.sym == EQ: getSym() else: mark("= expected") x = expression() if type(x) == Const: newDecl(ident, x) else: mark('expression not constant') else: mark("constant name expected") if SC.sym == SEMICOLON: getSym() else: mark("; expected") while SC.sym == TYPE: getSym() if SC.sym == IDENT: ident = SC.val getSym() if SC.sym == EQ: getSym() else: mark("= expected") x = typ() newDecl(ident, x) # x is of type ST.Type if SC.sym == SEMICOLON: getSym() else: mark("; expected") else: mark("type name expected") start = len(topScope()) while SC.sym == VAR: getSym() typedIds(Var) if SC.sym == SEMICOLON: getSym() else: mark("; expected") varsize = allocVar(topScope(), start) while SC.sym == PROCEDURE: getSym() if SC.sym == IDENT: getSym() else: mark("procedure name expected") ident = SC.val newDecl(ident, Proc([])) # entered without parameters sc = topScope() openScope() # new scope for parameters and body if SC.sym == LPAREN: getSym() if SC.sym in {VAR, IDENT}: if SC.sym == VAR: getSym() typedIds(Ref) else: typedIds(Var) while SC.sym == SEMICOLON: getSym() if SC.sym == VAR: getSym() typedIds(Ref) else: typedIds(Var) else: mark("formal parameters expected") fp = topScope() sc[-1].par = fp[:] # procedure parameters updated if SC.sym == RPAREN: getSym() else: mark(") expected") else: fp = [] parsize = CG.genProcStart(ident, fp) if SC.sym == SEMICOLON: getSym() else: mark("; expected") localsize = declarations(CG.genLocalVars) CG.genProcEntry(ident, parsize, localsize) x = compoundStatement() CG.genProcExit(x, parsize, localsize) closeScope() # scope for parameters and body closed if SC.sym == SEMICOLON: getSym() else: mark("; expected") return varsize
def typ(): if SC.sym not in FIRSTTYPE: mark("type expected") while SC.sym not in FIRSTTYPE | FOLLOWTYPE | STRONGSYMS: getSym() if SC.sym == IDENT: ident = SC.val x = find(ident) getSym() if type(x) == Type: x = Type(x.val) else: mark('not a type') x = Type(None) elif SC.sym == ARRAY: getSym() if SC.sym == LBRAK: getSym() else: mark("'[' expected") x = expression() if SC.sym == PERIOD: getSym() else: mark("'.' expected") if SC.sym == PERIOD: getSym() else: mark("'.' expected") y = expression() if SC.sym == RBRAK: getSym() else: mark("']' expected") if SC.sym == OF: getSym() else: mark("'of' expected") z = typ().val if type(x) != Const or x.val < 0: mark('bad lower bound') x = Type(None) elif type(y) != Const or y.val < x.val: mark('bad upper bound') x = Type(None) else: x = Type(CG.genArray(Array(z, x.val, y.val - x.val + 1))) elif SC.sym == RECORD: getSym() openScope() typedIds(Var) while SC.sym == SEMICOLON: getSym() typedIds(Var) if SC.sym == END: getSym() else: mark("'end' expected") r = topScope() closeScope() x = Type(CG.genRec(Record(r))) else: x = Type(None) return x
def selector(x): while SC.sym in {PERIOD, LBRAK}: if SC.sym == PERIOD: # x.f getSym() if SC.sym == IDENT: if type( == Record: for f in if == SC.val: x = CG.genSelect(x, f) break else: mark("not a field") getSym() else: mark("not a record") else: mark("identifier expected") else: # x[y] getSym() y = expression() if type( == Array: if == Int: if type(y) == Const and \ (y.val < or y.val >= + mark('index out of bounds') else: x = CG.genIndex(x, y) else: mark('index not integer') else: mark('not an array') if SC.sym == RBRAK: getSym() else: mark("] expected") return x
def statement(): if SC.sym not in FIRSTSTATEMENT: mark("statement expected") getSym() while SC.sym not in FIRSTSTATEMENT | FOLLOWSTATEMENT | STRONGSYMS: getSym() if SC.sym == IDENT: x = find(SC.val) getSym() if type(x) in {Var, Ref}: x = CG.genVar(x) x = selector(x) if SC.sym == BECOMES: getSym() y = expression() if == in {Bool, Int}: x = CG.genAssign(x, y) else: mark('incompatible assignment') elif SC.sym == EQ: mark(':= expected') getSym() y = expression() else: mark(':= expected') elif type(x) in {Proc, StdProc}: fp, ap, i = x.par, [], 0 # list of formals, list of actuals if SC.sym == LPAREN: getSym() if SC.sym in FIRSTEXPRESSION: y = expression() if i < len(fp): if (type(fp[i]) == Var or type(y) == Var) and \ fp[i].tp == if type(x) == Proc: ap.append(CG.genActualPara(y, fp[i], i)) else: mark('illegal parameter mode') else: mark('extra parameter') i = i + 1 while SC.sym == COMMA: getSym() y = expression() if i < len(fp): if (type(fp[i]) == Var or type(y) == Var) and \ fp[i].tp == if type(x) == Proc: ap.append(CG.genActualPara(y, fp[i], i)) else: mark('illegal parameter mode') else: mark('extra parameter') i = i + 1 if SC.sym == RPAREN: getSym() else: mark("')' expected") if i < len(fp): mark('too few parameters') elif type(x) == StdProc: if == 'read': x = CG.genRead(y) elif == 'write': x = CG.genWrite(y) elif == 'writeln': x = CG.genWriteln() elif == 'print': x = CG.genPrint(y) else: x = CG.genCall(x, ap) else: mark("variable or procedure expected") elif SC.sym == BEGIN: x = compoundStatement() elif SC.sym == IF: getSym() x = expression() if == Bool: x = CG.genThen(x) else: mark('boolean expected') if SC.sym == THEN: getSym() else: mark("'then' expected") y = statement() if SC.sym == ELSE: if == Bool: y = CG.genElse(x, y) getSym() z = statement() if == Bool: x = CG.genIfElse(x, y, z) else: if == Bool: x = CG.genIfThen(x, y) elif SC.sym == WHILE: getSym() t = CG.genWhile() x = expression() if == Bool: x = CG.genDo(x) else: mark('boolean expected') if SC.sym == DO: getSym() else: mark("'do' expected") y = statement() if == Bool: x = CG.genWhileDo(t, x, y) else: x = None return x