Exemple #1
class TLS(_GenericTLSSessionInheritance):
    The generic TLS Record message, based on section 6.2 of RFC 5246.

    When reading a TLS message, we try to parse as much as we can.
    In .pre_dissect(), according to the type of the current cipher algorithm
    (self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.type), we extract the 'iv', 'mac', 'pad' and
    'padlen'. Some of these fields may remain blank: for instance, when using
    a stream cipher, there is no IV nor any padding. The 'len' should always
    hold the length of the ciphered message; for the plaintext version, you
    should rely on the additional 'deciphered_len' attribute.

    XXX Fix 'deciphered_len' which should not be defined when failing with
    AEAD decryption. This is related to the 'decryption_success' below.
    Also, follow this behaviour in record_sslv2.py and record_tls13.py

    Once we have isolated the ciphered message aggregate (which should be one
    or several TLS messages of the same type), we try to decipher it. Either we
    succeed and store the clear data in 'msg', or we graciously fail with a
    CipherError and store the ciphered data in 'msg'.

    Unless the user manually provides the session secrets through the passing
    of a 'tls_session', obviously the ciphered messages will not be deciphered.
    Indeed, the need for a proper context may also present itself when trying
    to parse clear handshake messages.

    For instance, suppose you sniffed the beginning of a DHE-RSA negotiation::

        t1 = TLS(<client_hello>)
        t2 = TLS(<server_hello | certificate | server_key_exchange>)
        t3 = TLS(<server_hello | certificate | server_key_exchange>,

    (Note that to do things properly, here 't1.tls_session' should actually be
    't1.tls_session.mirror()'. See session.py for explanations.)

    As no context was passed to t2, neither was any client_random. Hence Scapy
    will not be able to verify the signature of the server_key_exchange inside
    t2. However, it should be able to do so for t3, thanks to the tls_session.
    The consequence of not having a complete TLS context is even more obvious
    when trying to parse ciphered content, as we described before.

    Thus, in order to parse TLS-protected communications with Scapy:
    _either Scapy reads every message from one side of the TLS connection and
    builds every message from the other side (as such, it should know the
    secrets needed for the generation of the pre_master_secret), while passing
    the same tls_session context (this is how our automaton.py mostly works);
    _or, if Scapy did not build any TLS message, it has to create a TLS context
    and feed it with secrets retrieved by whatever technique. Note that the
    knowing the private key of the server certificate will not be sufficient
    if a PFS ciphersuite was used. However, if you got a master_secret somehow,
    use it with tls_session.(w|r)cs.derive_keys() and leave the rest to Scapy.

    When building a TLS message with raw_stateful, we expect the tls_session to
    have the right parameters for ciphering. Else, .post_build() might fail.
    __slots__ = ["deciphered_len"]
    name = "TLS"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("type", None, _tls_type),
        _TLSVersionField("version", None, _tls_version),
        _TLSLengthField("len", None),
        _TLSIVField("iv", None),
        _TLSMsgListField("msg", []),
        _TLSMACField("mac", None),
        _TLSPadField("pad", None),
        _TLSPadLenField("padlen", None)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        self.deciphered_len = kargs.get("deciphered_len", None)
        super(TLS, self).__init__(*args, **kargs)

    def dispatch_hook(cls, _pkt=None, *args, **kargs):
        If the TLS class was called on raw SSLv2 data, we want to return an
        SSLv2 record instance. We acknowledge the risk of SSLv2 packets with a
        msglen of 0x1403, 0x1503, 0x1603 or 0x1703 which will never be casted
        as SSLv2 records but TLS ones instead, but hey, we can't be held
        responsible for low-minded extensibility choices.
        if _pkt is not None:
            plen = len(_pkt)
            if plen >= 2:
                byte0, byte1 = struct.unpack("BB", _pkt[:2])
                s = kargs.get("tls_session", None)
                if byte0 not in _tls_type or byte1 != 3:  # Unknown type
                    # Check SSLv2: either the session is already SSLv2,
                    # either the packet looks like one. As said above, this
                    # isn't 100% reliable, but Wireshark does the same
                    if s and (s.tls_version == 0x0002 or
                              s.advertised_tls_version == 0x0002) or \
                             (_ssl_looks_like_sslv2(_pkt) and (not s or
                              s.tls_version is None)):
                        from scapy.layers.tls.record_sslv2 import SSLv2
                        return SSLv2
                    # Not SSLv2: continuation
                    return _TLSEncryptedContent
                # Check TLS 1.3
                if s and _tls_version_check(s.tls_version, 0x0304):
                    if (s.rcs and not isinstance(s.rcs.cipher, Cipher_NULL)
                            and byte0 == 0x17):
                        from scapy.layers.tls.record_tls13 import TLS13
                        return TLS13
            if plen < 5:
                # Layer detected as TLS but too small to be a
                # parsed. Scapy should not try to decode them
                return _TLSEncryptedContent
        return TLS

    # Parsing methods

    def _tls_auth_decrypt(self, hdr, s):
        Provided with the record header and AEAD-ciphered data, return the
        sliced and clear tuple (nonce, TLSCompressed.fragment, mac). Note that
        we still return the slicing of the original input in case of decryption
        failure. Also, if the integrity check fails, a warning will be issued,
        but we still return the sliced (unauthenticated) plaintext.
            read_seq_num = struct.pack("!Q", self.tls_session.rcs.seq_num)
            self.tls_session.rcs.seq_num += 1
            # self.type and self.version have not been parsed yet,
            # this is why we need to look into the provided hdr.
            add_data = read_seq_num + hdr[:3]
            # Last two bytes of add_data are appended by the return function
            return self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.auth_decrypt(
                add_data, s, read_seq_num)
        except CipherError as e:
            return e.args
        except AEADTagError as e:
            pkt_info = self.firstlayer().summary()
            log_runtime.info("TLS: record integrity check failed [%s]",
                             pkt_info)  # noqa: E501
            return e.args

    def _tls_decrypt(self, s):
        Provided with stream- or block-ciphered data, return the clear version.
        The cipher should have been updated with the right IV early on,
        which should not be at the beginning of the input.
        In case of decryption failure, a CipherError will be raised with
        the slicing of the original input as first argument.
        return self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.decrypt(s)

    def _tls_hmac_verify(self, hdr, msg, mac):
        Provided with the record header, the TLSCompressed.fragment and the
        HMAC, return True if the HMAC is correct. If we could not compute the
        HMAC because the key was missing, there is no sense in verifying
        anything, thus we also return True.

        Meant to be used with a block cipher or a stream cipher.
        It would fail with an AEAD cipher, because rcs.hmac would be None.
        See RFC 5246, section 6.2.3.
        read_seq_num = struct.pack("!Q", self.tls_session.rcs.seq_num)
        self.tls_session.rcs.seq_num += 1

        mac_len = self.tls_session.rcs.mac_len
        if mac_len == 0:  # should be TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL
            return True
        if len(mac) != mac_len:
            return False

        alg = self.tls_session.rcs.hmac
        version = struct.unpack("!H", hdr[1:3])[0]
            if version > 0x300:
                h = alg.digest(read_seq_num + hdr + msg)
            elif version == 0x300:
                h = alg.digest_sslv3(read_seq_num + hdr[:1] + hdr[3:5] + msg)
                raise Exception("Unrecognized version.")
        except HMACError:
            h = mac
        return h == mac

    def _tls_decompress(self, s):
        Provided with the TLSCompressed.fragment,
        return the TLSPlaintext.fragment.
        alg = self.tls_session.rcs.compression
        return alg.decompress(s)

    def pre_dissect(self, s):
        Decrypt, verify and decompress the message,
        i.e. apply the previous methods according to the reading cipher type.
        If the decryption was successful, 'len' will be the length of the
        TLSPlaintext.fragment. Else, it should be the length of the
        if len(s) < 5:
            raise Exception("Invalid record: header is too short.")

        msglen = struct.unpack('!H', s[3:5])[0]
        hdr, efrag, r = s[:5], s[5:5 + msglen], s[msglen + 5:]

        iv = mac = pad = b""
        self.padlen = None
        decryption_success = False

        cipher_type = self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.type

        def extract_mac(data):
            """Extract MAC."""
            tmp_len = self.tls_session.rcs.mac_len
            if tmp_len != 0:
                frag, mac = data[:-tmp_len], data[-tmp_len:]
                frag, mac = data, b""
            return frag, mac

        def verify_mac(hdr, cfrag, mac):
            """Verify integrity."""
            chdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack('!H', len(cfrag))
            is_mac_ok = self._tls_hmac_verify(chdr, cfrag, mac)
            if not is_mac_ok:
                pkt_info = self.firstlayer().summary()
                    "TLS: record integrity check failed [%s]",

        if cipher_type == 'block':
            version = struct.unpack("!H", s[1:3])[0]

            if self.tls_session.encrypt_then_mac:
                efrag, mac = extract_mac(efrag)
                verify_mac(hdr, efrag, mac)

            # Decrypt
                if version >= 0x0302:
                    # Explicit IV for TLS 1.1 and 1.2
                    block_size = self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.block_size
                    iv, efrag = efrag[:block_size], efrag[block_size:]
                    self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.iv = iv
                    pfrag = self._tls_decrypt(efrag)
                    # Implicit IV for SSLv3 and TLS 1.0
                    pfrag = self._tls_decrypt(efrag)
            except CipherError as e:
                # This will end up dissected as _TLSEncryptedContent.
                cfrag = e.args[0]
                decryption_success = True
                # Excerpt below better corresponds to TLS 1.1 IV definition,
                # but the result is the same as with TLS 1.2 anyway.
                # This leading *IV* has been decrypted by _tls_decrypt with a
                # random IV, hence it does not correspond to anything.
                # What actually matters is that we got the first encrypted block  # noqa: E501
                # in order to decrypt the second block (first data block).
                # if version >= 0x0302:
                #    block_size = self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.block_size
                #    iv, pfrag = pfrag[:block_size], pfrag[block_size:]
                #    l = struct.unpack('!H', hdr[3:5])[0]
                #    hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack('!H', l-block_size)

                # Extract padding ('pad' actually includes the trailing padlen)
                padlen = orb(pfrag[-1]) + 1
                mfrag, pad = pfrag[:-padlen], pfrag[-padlen:]
                self.padlen = padlen

                if self.tls_session.encrypt_then_mac:
                    cfrag = mfrag
                    cfrag, mac = extract_mac(mfrag)
                    verify_mac(hdr, cfrag, mac)

        elif cipher_type == 'stream':
            # Decrypt
                pfrag = self._tls_decrypt(efrag)
            except CipherError as e:
                # This will end up dissected as _TLSEncryptedContent.
                cfrag = e.args[0]
                decryption_success = True
                cfrag, mac = extract_mac(pfrag)
                verify_mac(hdr, cfrag, mac)

        elif cipher_type == 'aead':
            # Authenticated encryption
            # crypto/cipher_aead.py prints a warning for integrity failure
            if (conf.crypto_valid_advanced
                    and isinstance(self.tls_session.rcs.cipher,
                                   Cipher_CHACHA20_POLY1305)):  # noqa: E501
                iv = b""
                cfrag, mac = self._tls_auth_decrypt(hdr, efrag)
                iv, cfrag, mac = self._tls_auth_decrypt(hdr, efrag)
            decryption_success = True  # see XXX above

        frag = self._tls_decompress(cfrag)

        if decryption_success:
            self.deciphered_len = len(frag)
            self.deciphered_len = None

        reconstructed_body = iv + frag + mac + pad

        return hdr + reconstructed_body + r

    def post_dissect(self, s):
        Commit the pending r/w state if it has been triggered (e.g. by an
        underlying TLSChangeCipherSpec or a SSLv2ClientMasterKey). We update
        nothing if the prcs was not set, as this probably means that we're
        working out-of-context (and we need to keep the default rcs).
        if (self.tls_session.tls_version
                and self.tls_session.tls_version <= 0x0303):
            if self.tls_session.triggered_prcs_commit:
                if self.tls_session.prcs is not None:
                    self.tls_session.rcs = self.tls_session.prcs
                    self.tls_session.prcs = None
                self.tls_session.triggered_prcs_commit = False
            if self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit:
                if self.tls_session.pwcs is not None:
                    self.tls_session.wcs = self.tls_session.pwcs
                    self.tls_session.pwcs = None
                self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit = False
        return s

    def do_dissect_payload(self, s):
        Try to dissect the following data as a TLS message.
        Note that overloading .guess_payload_class() would not be enough,
        as the TLS session to be used would get lost.
        if s:
                p = TLS(s,
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
            except Exception:
                p = conf.raw_layer(s, _internal=1, _underlayer=self)

    # Building methods

    def _tls_compress(self, s):
        Provided with the TLSPlaintext.fragment,
        return the TLSCompressed.fragment.
        alg = self.tls_session.wcs.compression
        return alg.compress(s)

    def _tls_auth_encrypt(self, s):
        Return the TLSCiphertext.fragment for AEAD ciphers, i.e. the whole
        GenericAEADCipher. Also, the additional data is computed right here.
        write_seq_num = struct.pack("!Q", self.tls_session.wcs.seq_num)
        self.tls_session.wcs.seq_num += 1
        add_data = (write_seq_num + pkcs_i2osp(self.type, 1) +
                    pkcs_i2osp(self.version, 2) + pkcs_i2osp(len(s), 2))
        return self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.auth_encrypt(
            s, add_data, write_seq_num)

    def _tls_hmac_add(self, hdr, msg):
        Provided with the record header (concatenation of the TLSCompressed
        type, version and length fields) and the TLSCompressed.fragment,
        return the concatenation of the TLSCompressed.fragment and the HMAC.

        Meant to be used with a block cipher or a stream cipher.
        It would fail with an AEAD cipher, because wcs.hmac would be None.
        See RFC 5246, section 6.2.3.
        write_seq_num = struct.pack("!Q", self.tls_session.wcs.seq_num)
        self.tls_session.wcs.seq_num += 1

        alg = self.tls_session.wcs.hmac
        version = struct.unpack("!H", hdr[1:3])[0]
        if version > 0x300:
            h = alg.digest(write_seq_num + hdr + msg)
        elif version == 0x300:
            h = alg.digest_sslv3(write_seq_num + hdr[:1] + hdr[3:5] + msg)
            raise Exception("Unrecognized version.")
        return msg + h

    def _tls_pad(self, s):
        Provided with the concatenation of the TLSCompressed.fragment and the
        HMAC, append the right padding and return it as a whole.
        This is the TLS-style padding: while SSL allowed for random padding,
        TLS (misguidedly) specifies the repetition of the same byte all over,
        and this byte must be equal to len(<entire padding>) - 1.

        Meant to be used with a block cipher only.
        padding = b""
        block_size = self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.block_size
        padlen = block_size - ((len(s) + 1) % block_size)
        if padlen == block_size:
            padlen = 0
        pad_pattern = chb(padlen)
        padding = pad_pattern * (padlen + 1)
        return s + padding

    def _tls_encrypt(self, s):
        Return the stream- or block-ciphered version of the concatenated input.
        In case of GenericBlockCipher, no IV has been specifically prepended to
        the output, so this might not be the whole TLSCiphertext.fragment yet.
        return self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.encrypt(s)

    def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
        Apply the previous methods according to the writing cipher type.
        # Compute the length of TLSPlaintext fragment
        hdr, frag = pkt[:5], pkt[5:]
        tmp_len = len(frag)
        hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", tmp_len)

        # Compression
        cfrag = self._tls_compress(frag)
        tmp_len = len(cfrag)  # Update the length as a result of compression
        hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", tmp_len)

        cipher_type = self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.type

        if cipher_type == 'block':
            # Integrity
            if not self.tls_session.encrypt_then_mac:
                cfrag = self._tls_hmac_add(hdr, cfrag)

            # Excerpt below better corresponds to TLS 1.1 IV definition,
            # but the result is the same as with TLS 1.2 anyway.
            # if self.version >= 0x0302:
            #    l = self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.block_size
            #    iv = randstring(l)
            #    mfrag = iv + mfrag

            # Add padding
            pfrag = self._tls_pad(cfrag)

            # Encryption
            if self.version >= 0x0302:
                # Explicit IV for TLS 1.1 and 1.2
                tmp_len = self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.block_size
                iv = randstring(tmp_len)
                self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.iv = iv
                efrag = self._tls_encrypt(pfrag)
                efrag = iv + efrag
                # Implicit IV for SSLv3 and TLS 1.0
                efrag = self._tls_encrypt(pfrag)

            if self.tls_session.encrypt_then_mac:
                efrag = self._tls_hmac_add(hdr, efrag)

        elif cipher_type == "stream":
            # Integrity
            mfrag = self._tls_hmac_add(hdr, cfrag)
            # Encryption
            efrag = self._tls_encrypt(mfrag)

        elif cipher_type == "aead":
            # Authenticated encryption (with nonce_explicit as header)
            efrag = self._tls_auth_encrypt(cfrag)

        if self.len is not None:
            # The user gave us a 'len', let's respect this ultimately
            hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", self.len)
            # Update header with the length of TLSCiphertext.fragment
            hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", len(efrag))

        # Now we commit the pending write state if it has been triggered (e.g.
        # by an underlying TLSChangeCipherSpec or a SSLv2ClientMasterKey). We
        # update nothing if the pwcs was not set. This probably means that
        # we're working out-of-context (and we need to keep the default wcs).
        if self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit:
            if self.tls_session.pwcs is not None:
                self.tls_session.wcs = self.tls_session.pwcs
                self.tls_session.pwcs = None
            self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit = False

        return hdr + efrag + pay

    def mysummary(self):
        s = super(TLS, self).mysummary()
        if self.msg:
            s += " / "
            s += " / ".join(getattr(x, "_name", x.name) for x in self.msg)
        return s
class SSLv2(TLS):
    The encrypted_data is the encrypted version of mac+msg+pad.
    __slots__ = ["with_padding", "protected_record"]
    name = "SSLv2"
    fields_desc = [
        _SSLv2LengthField("len", None),
        _SSLv2PadLenField("padlen", None),
        _TLSMACField("mac", ""),
        _SSLv2MsgListField("msg", []),
        _SSLv2PadField("pad", "")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        self.with_padding = kargs.get("with_padding", False)
        self.protected_record = kargs.get("protected_record", None)
        super(SSLv2, self).__init__(*args, **kargs)

    ### Parsing methods

    def _sslv2_mac_verify(self, msg, mac):
        secret = self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.key
        if secret is None:
            return True

        mac_len = self.tls_session.rcs.mac_len
        if mac_len == 0:  # should be TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL
            return True
        if len(mac) != mac_len:
            return False

        read_seq_num = struct.pack("!I", self.tls_session.rcs.seq_num)
        alg = self.tls_session.rcs.hash
        h = alg.digest(secret + msg + read_seq_num)
        return h == mac

    def pre_dissect(self, s):
        if len(s) < 2:
            raise Exception("Invalid record: header is too short.")

        msglen = struct.unpack("!H", s[:2])[0]
        if msglen & 0x8000:
            hdrlen = 2
            msglen_clean = msglen & 0x7fff
            hdrlen = 3
            msglen_clean = msglen & 0x3fff

        hdr = s[:hdrlen]
        efrag = s[hdrlen:hdrlen + msglen_clean]
        self.protected_record = s[:hdrlen + msglen_clean]
        r = s[hdrlen + msglen_clean:]

        mac = pad = ""

        cipher_type = self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.type

        # Decrypt (with implicit IV if block cipher)
        mfrag = self._tls_decrypt(efrag)

        # Extract MAC
        maclen = self.tls_session.rcs.mac_len
        if maclen == 0:
            mac, pfrag = "", mfrag
            mac, pfrag = mfrag[:maclen], mfrag[maclen:]

        # Extract padding
        padlen = 0
        if hdrlen == 3:
            padlen = struct.unpack("B", s[2])[0]
        if padlen == 0:
            cfrag, pad = pfrag, ""
            cfrag, pad = pfrag[:-padlen], pfrag[-padlen:]

        # Verify integrity
        is_mac_ok = self._sslv2_mac_verify(cfrag + pad, mac)
        if not is_mac_ok:
            pkt_info = self.firstlayer().summary()
            log_runtime.info("TLS: record integrity check failed [%s]",

        reconstructed_body = mac + cfrag + pad
        return hdr + reconstructed_body + r

    def post_dissect(self, s):
        SSLv2 may force us to commit the write connState here.
        if self.tls_session.triggered_prcs_commit:
            if self.tls_session.prcs is not None:
                self.tls_session.rcs = self.tls_session.prcs
                self.tls_session.prcs = None
            self.tls_session.triggered_prcs_commit = False
        if self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit:
            if self.tls_session.pwcs is not None:
                self.tls_session.wcs = self.tls_session.pwcs
                self.tls_session.pwcs = None
            self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit = False

        if self.tls_session.prcs is not None:
            self.tls_session.prcs.seq_num += 1
        self.tls_session.rcs.seq_num += 1
        return s

    def do_dissect_payload(self, s):
        if s:
                p = SSLv2(s,
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                p = conf.raw_layer(s, _internal=1, _underlayer=self)

    ### Building methods

    def _sslv2_mac_add(self, msg):
        secret = self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.key
        if secret is None:
            return msg

        write_seq_num = struct.pack("!I", self.tls_session.wcs.seq_num)
        alg = self.tls_session.wcs.hash
        h = alg.digest(secret + msg + write_seq_num)
        return h + msg

    def _sslv2_pad(self, s):
        padding = ""
        block_size = self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.block_size
        padlen = block_size - (len(s) % block_size)
        if padlen == block_size:
            padlen = 0
        padding = "\x00" * padlen
        return s + padding

    def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
        if self.protected_record is not None:
            # we do not update the tls_session
            return self.protected_record + pay

        if self.padlen is None:
            cfrag = pkt[2:]
            cfrag = pkt[3:]

        if self.pad == "" and self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.type == 'block':
            pfrag = self._sslv2_pad(cfrag)
            pad = self.pad or ""
            pfrag = cfrag + pad

        padlen = self.padlen
        if padlen is None:
            padlen = len(pfrag) - len(cfrag)
        hdr = pkt[:2]
        if padlen > 0:
            hdr += struct.pack("B", padlen)

        # Integrity
        if self.mac == "":
            mfrag = self._sslv2_mac_add(pfrag)
            mfrag = self.mac + pfrag

        # Encryption
        efrag = self._tls_encrypt(mfrag)

        if self.len is not None:
            l = self.len
            if not self.with_padding:
                l |= 0x8000
            hdr = struct.pack("!H", l) + hdr[2:]
            # Update header with the length of TLSCiphertext.fragment
            msglen_new = len(efrag)
            if padlen:
                if msglen_new > 0x3fff:
                    raise Exception("Invalid record: encrypted data too long.")
                if msglen_new > 0x7fff:
                    raise Exception("Invalid record: encrypted data too long.")
                msglen_new |= 0x8000
            hdr = struct.pack("!H", msglen_new) + hdr[2:]

        # Now we commit the pending write state if it has been triggered (e.g.
        # by an underlying TLSChangeCipherSpec or a SSLv2ClientMasterKey). We
        # update nothing if the pwcs was not set. This probably means that
        # we're working out-of-context (and we need to keep the default wcs).
        # SSLv2 may force us to commit the reading connState here.
        if self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit:
            if self.tls_session.pwcs is not None:
                self.tls_session.wcs = self.tls_session.pwcs
                self.tls_session.pwcs = None
            self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit = False
        if self.tls_session.triggered_prcs_commit:
            if self.tls_session.prcs is not None:
                self.tls_session.rcs = self.tls_session.prcs
                self.tls_session.prcs = None
            self.tls_session.triggered_prcs_commit = False

        if self.tls_session.pwcs is not None:
            self.tls_session.pwcs.seq_num += 1
        self.tls_session.wcs.seq_num += 1

        return hdr + efrag + pay
class TLS13(_GenericTLSSessionInheritance):
    __slots__ = ["deciphered_len"]
    name = "TLS 1.3"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("type", 0x17, _tls_type),
        _TLSVersionField("version", 0x0301, _tls_version),
        _TLSLengthField("len", None),
        _TLSInnerPlaintextField("inner", TLSInnerPlaintext()),
        _TLSMACField("auth_tag", None)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        self.deciphered_len = kargs.get("deciphered_len", None)
        super(TLS13, self).__init__(*args, **kargs)

    # Parsing methods

    def _tls_auth_decrypt(self, s):
        Provided with the record header and AEAD-ciphered data, return the
        sliced and clear tuple (TLSInnerPlaintext, tag). Note that
        we still return the slicing of the original input in case of decryption
        failure. Also, if the integrity check fails, a warning will be issued,
        but we still return the sliced (unauthenticated) plaintext.
        rcs = self.tls_session.rcs
        read_seq_num = struct.pack("!Q", rcs.seq_num)
        rcs.seq_num += 1
            return rcs.cipher.auth_decrypt(b"", s, read_seq_num)
        except CipherError as e:
            return e.args
        except AEADTagError as e:
            pkt_info = self.firstlayer().summary()
            log_runtime.info("TLS: record integrity check failed [%s]",
                             pkt_info)  # noqa: E501
            return e.args

    def pre_dissect(self, s):
        Decrypt, verify and decompress the message.
        if len(s) < 5:
            raise Exception("Invalid record: header is too short.")

        if isinstance(self.tls_session.rcs.cipher, Cipher_NULL):
            self.deciphered_len = None
            return s
            msglen = struct.unpack('!H', s[3:5])[0]
            hdr, efrag, r = s[:5], s[5:5 + msglen], s[msglen + 5:]
            frag, auth_tag = self._tls_auth_decrypt(efrag)
            self.deciphered_len = len(frag)
            return hdr + frag + auth_tag + r

    def post_dissect(self, s):
        Commit the pending read state if it has been triggered. We update
        nothing if the prcs was not set, as this probably means that we're
        working out-of-context (and we need to keep the default rcs).
        if self.tls_session.triggered_prcs_commit:
            if self.tls_session.prcs is not None:
                self.tls_session.rcs = self.tls_session.prcs
                self.tls_session.prcs = None
            self.tls_session.triggered_prcs_commit = False
        return s

    def do_dissect_payload(self, s):
        Try to dissect the following data as a TLS message.
        Note that overloading .guess_payload_class() would not be enough,
        as the TLS session to be used would get lost.
        if s:
                p = TLS(s,
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
            except Exception:
                p = conf.raw_layer(s, _internal=1, _underlayer=self)

    # Building methods

    def _tls_auth_encrypt(self, s):
        Return the TLSCiphertext.encrypted_record for AEAD ciphers.
        wcs = self.tls_session.wcs
        write_seq_num = struct.pack("!Q", wcs.seq_num)
        wcs.seq_num += 1
        return wcs.cipher.auth_encrypt(s, b"", write_seq_num)

    def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
        Apply the previous methods according to the writing cipher type.
        # Compute the length of TLSPlaintext fragment
        hdr, frag = pkt[:5], pkt[5:]
        if not isinstance(self.tls_session.rcs.cipher, Cipher_NULL):
            frag = self._tls_auth_encrypt(frag)

        if self.len is not None:
            # The user gave us a 'len', let's respect this ultimately
            hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", self.len)
            # Update header with the length of TLSCiphertext.inner
            hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", len(frag))

        # Now we commit the pending write state if it has been triggered. We
        # update nothing if the pwcs was not set. This probably means that
        # we're working out-of-context (and we need to keep the default wcs).
        if self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit:
            if self.tls_session.pwcs is not None:
                self.tls_session.wcs = self.tls_session.pwcs
                self.tls_session.pwcs = None
            self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit = False

        return hdr + frag + pay
Exemple #4
class TLS(_GenericTLSSessionInheritance):
    The generic TLS Record message, based on section 6.2 of RFC 5246.

    When reading a TLS message, we try to parse as much as we can.
    In .pre_dissect(), according to the type of the current cipher algorithm
    (self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.type), we extract the 'iv', 'mac', 'pad' and
    'padlen'. Some of these fields may remain blank: for instance, when using
    a stream cipher, there is no IV nor any padding.

    Once we have isolated the ciphered message aggregate (which should be one
    or several TLS messages of the same type), we try to decipher it. Either we
    succeed and store the clear data in 'msg', or we graciously fail with a
    CipherError and store the ciphered data in 'msg'.

    Unless the user manually provides the session secrets through the passing
    of a 'tls_session', obviously the ciphered messages will not be deciphered.
    Indeed, the need for a proper context may also present itself when trying
    to parse clear handshake messages.

    For instance, suppose you sniffed the beginning of a DHE-RSA negotiation:
        t1 = TLS(<client_hello>)
        t2 = TLS(<server_hello | certificate | server_key_exchange>)
        t3 = TLS(<server_hello | certificate | server_key_exchange>,
    As no context was passed to t2, neither was any client_random. Hence scapy
    will not be able to verify the signature of the server_key_exchange inside
    t2. However, it should be able to do so for t3, thanks to the tls_session.
    The consequence of not having a complete TLS context is even more obvious
    when trying to parse ciphered content, as we decribed before.

    Thus, in order to parse TLS-protected communications with scapy:
    _either scapy reads every message from one side of the TLS connection and
    builds every message from the other side (as such, it should know the
    secrets needed for the generation of the pre_master_secret), while passing
    the same tls_session context (this is how our automaton.py mostly works);
    _or, if scapy did not build any TLS message, it has to create a TLS context
    and feed it with secrets retrieved by whatever technique. Note that the
    knowing the private key of the server certificate will not be sufficient
    if a PFS ciphersuite was used. However, if you got a master_secret somehow,
    use it with tls_session.(w|r)cs.derive_keys() and leave the rest to scapy.

    When building a TLS message, we expect the tls_session to have the right
    parameters for ciphering. Else, .post_build() might fail.
    __slots__ = ["decipherable"]
    name = "TLS"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", None, _tls_type),
                    _TLSVersionField("version", None, _tls_version),
                    _TLSLengthField("len", None),
                    _TLSIVField("iv", None),
                    _TLSMsgListField("msg", None,
                                     length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len),
                    _TLSMACField("mac", None),
                    _TLSPadField("pad", None),
                    _TLSPadLenField("padlen", None) ]

    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        As long as 'decipherable' is True, _TLSMsgListField will try to
        decipher the content of the TLS message. Else, it will simply
        store/deliver the ciphered version.
        self.decipherable = True
        _GenericTLSSessionInheritance.__init__(self, *args, **kargs)

    ### Parsing methods

    def _tls_auth_decrypt(self, hdr, s):
        Provided with the record header and AEAD-ciphered data, return the
        sliced and clear tuple (nonce, TLSCompressed.fragment, mac). Note that
        we still return the slicing of the original input in case of decryption
        failure. Also, if the integrity check fails, a warning will be issued,
        but we still return the sliced (unauthenticated) plaintext.
            read_seq_num = struct.pack("!Q", self.tls_session.rcs.seq_num)
            self.tls_session.rcs.seq_num += 1
            # self.type and self.version have not been parsed yet,
            # this is why we need to look into the provided hdr.
            add_data = read_seq_num + hdr[0] + hdr[1:3]
            # Last two bytes of add_data are appended by the return function
            return self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.auth_decrypt(add_data, s)
        except CipherError as e:
            self.decipherable = False
            return e.args
        except AEADTagError as e:
            print("INTEGRITY CHECK FAILED")
            return e.args

    def _tls_decrypt(self, s):
        Provided with stream- or block-ciphered data, return the clear version.
        The cipher should have been updated with the right IV early on,
        which should not be at the beginning of the input.
        Note that we still return the slicing of the original input
        in case of decryption failure.
            return self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.decrypt(s)
        except CipherError as e:
            self.decipherable = False
            return e.args

    def _tls_hmac_verify(self, hdr, msg, mac):
        Provided with the record header, the TLSCompressed.fragment and the
        HMAC, return True if the HMAC is correct. If we could not compute the
        HMAC because the key was missing, there is no sense in verifying
        anything, thus we also return True.

        Meant to be used with a block cipher or a stream cipher.
        It would fail with an AEAD cipher, because rcs.hmac would be None.
        See RFC 5246, section 6.2.3.
        mac_len = self.tls_session.rcs.mac_len
        if mac_len == 0:            # should be TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL
            return True
        if len(mac) != mac_len:
            return False

        read_seq_num = struct.pack("!Q", self.tls_session.rcs.seq_num)
        self.tls_session.rcs.seq_num += 1
        alg = self.tls_session.rcs.hmac

        version = struct.unpack("!H", hdr[1:3])[0]
            if version > 0x300:
                h = alg.digest(read_seq_num + hdr + msg)
            elif version == 0x300:
                h = alg.digest_sslv3(read_seq_num + hdr[0] + hdr[3:5] + msg)
                raise Exception("Unrecognized version.")
        except HMACError:
            h = mac
        return h == mac

    def _tls_decompress(self, s):
        Provided with the TLSCompressed.fragment,
        return the TLSPlaintext.fragment.
        alg = self.tls_session.rcs.compression
        return alg.decompress(s)

    def pre_dissect(self, s):
        Decrypt, verify and decompress the message,
        i.e. apply the previous methods according to the reading cipher type.
        If the decryption was successful, 'len' will be the length of the
        TLSPlaintext.fragment. Else, it should be the length of the
        if len(s) < 5:
            raise Exception("Invalid record: header is too short.")

        msglen = struct.unpack('!H', s[3:5])[0]
        hdr, efrag, r = s[:5], s[5:5+msglen], s[msglen+5:]

        iv = mac = pad = ""

        cipher_type = self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.type

        if cipher_type == 'block':
            version = struct.unpack("!H", s[1:3])[0]

            # Decrypt
            if version >= 0x0302:
                # Explicit IV for TLS 1.1 and 1.2
                block_size = self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.block_size
                iv, efrag = efrag[:block_size], efrag[block_size:]
                self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.iv = iv
                pfrag = self._tls_decrypt(efrag)
                hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", len(pfrag))
                # Implicit IV for SSLv3 and TLS 1.0
                pfrag = self._tls_decrypt(efrag)

            # Excerpt below better corresponds to TLS 1.1 IV definition,
            # but the result is the same as with TLS 1.2 anyway.
            # This leading *IV* has been decrypted by _tls_decrypt with a
            # random IV, hence it does not correspond to anything.
            # What actually matters is that we got the first encrypted block
            # in order to decrypt the second block (first data block).
            #if version >= 0x0302:
            #    block_size = self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.block_size
            #    iv, pfrag = pfrag[:block_size], pfrag[block_size:]
            #    l = struct.unpack('!H', hdr[3:5])[0]
            #    hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack('!H', l-block_size)

            # Extract padding ('pad' actually includes the trailing padlen)
            padlen = ord(pfrag[-1]) + 1
            mfrag, pad = pfrag[:-padlen], pfrag[-padlen:]

            # Extract MAC
            l = self.tls_session.rcs.mac_len
            if l != 0:
                cfrag, mac = mfrag[:-l], mfrag[-l:]
                cfrag, mac = mfrag, ""

            # Verify integrity
            hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack('!H', len(cfrag))
            is_mac_ok = self._tls_hmac_verify(hdr, cfrag, mac)
            if not is_mac_ok:
                print("INTEGRITY CHECK FAILED")

        elif cipher_type == 'stream':
            # Decrypt
            pfrag = self._tls_decrypt(efrag)
            mfrag = pfrag

            # Extract MAC
            l = self.tls_session.rcs.mac_len
            if l != 0:
                cfrag, mac = mfrag[:-l], mfrag[-l:]
                cfrag, mac = mfrag, ""

            # Verify integrity
            hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack('!H', len(cfrag))
            is_mac_ok = self._tls_hmac_verify(hdr, cfrag, mac)
            if not is_mac_ok:
                print("INTEGRITY CHECK FAILED")

        elif cipher_type == 'aead':
            # Authenticated encryption
            # crypto/cipher_aead.py prints a warning for integrity failure
            iv, cfrag, mac = self._tls_auth_decrypt(hdr, efrag)

        if self.decipherable:
            frag = self._tls_decompress(cfrag)
            frag = cfrag

        reconstructed_body = iv + frag + mac + pad

        l = len(frag)
        # note that we do not include the MAC, only the content
        hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", l)

        return hdr + reconstructed_body + r

    def post_dissect(self, s):
        Commit the pending read state if it has been triggered.
        We update nothing if the prcs was not set, as this probably means that
        we're working out-of-context (and we need to keep the default rcs).
        if self.tls_session.triggered_prcs_commit:
            if self.tls_session.prcs is not None:
                self.tls_session.rcs = self.tls_session.prcs
                self.tls_session.prcs = None
            self.tls_session.triggered_prcs_commit = False
        return s

    def do_dissect_payload(self, s):
        Try to dissect the following data as a TLS message.
        Note that overloading .guess_payload_class() would not be enough,
        as the TLS session to be used would get lost.
        if s:
                p = TLS(s, _internal=1, _underlayer=self,
                        tls_session = self.tls_session)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                p = conf.raw_layer(s, _internal=1, _underlayer=self)

    ### Building methods

    def _tls_compress(self, s):
        Provided with the TLSPlaintext.fragment,
        return the TLSCompressed.fragment.
        alg = self.tls_session.wcs.compression
        return alg.compress(s)

    def _tls_auth_encrypt(self, s):
        Return the TLSCiphertext.fragment for AEAD ciphers, i.e. the whole
        GenericAEADCipher. Also, the additional data is computed right here.
        write_seq_num = struct.pack("!Q", self.tls_session.wcs.seq_num)
        self.tls_session.wcs.seq_num += 1
        add_data = (write_seq_num +
                    pkcs_i2osp(self.type, 1) +
                    pkcs_i2osp(self.version, 2) +
                    pkcs_i2osp(len(s), 2))
        return self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.auth_encrypt(s, add_data)

    def _tls_hmac_add(self, hdr, msg):
        Provided with the record header (concatenation of the TLSCompressed
        type, version and length fields) and the TLSCompressed.fragment,
        return the concatenation of the TLSCompressed.fragment and the HMAC.

        Meant to be used with a block cipher or a stream cipher.
        It would fail with an AEAD cipher, because wcs.hmac would be None.
        See RFC 5246, section 6.2.3.
        write_seq_num = struct.pack("!Q", self.tls_session.wcs.seq_num)
        self.tls_session.wcs.seq_num += 1
        alg = self.tls_session.wcs.hmac

        version = struct.unpack("!H", hdr[1:3])[0]
        if version > 0x300:
            h = alg.digest(write_seq_num + hdr + msg)
        elif version == 0x300:
            h = alg.digest_sslv3(write_seq_num + hdr[0] + hdr[3:5] + msg)
            raise Exception("Unrecognized version.")
        return msg + h

    def _tls_pad(self, s):
        Provided with the concatenation of the TLSCompressed.fragment and the
        HMAC, append the right padding and return it as a whole.
        This is the TLS-style padding: while SSL allowed for random padding,
        TLS (misguidedly) specifies the repetition of the same byte all over,
        and this byte must be equal to len(<entire padding>) - 1.

        Meant to be used with a block cipher only.
        padding = ""
        block_size = self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.block_size
        padlen = block_size - ((len(s) + 1) % block_size)
        if padlen == block_size:
            padlen = 0
        pad_pattern = chr(padlen)
        padding = pad_pattern * (padlen + 1)
        return s + padding

    def _tls_encrypt(self, s):
        Return the stream- or block-ciphered version of the concatenated input.
        In case of GenericBlockCipher, no IV has been specifically prepended to
        the output, so this might not be the whole TLSCiphertext.fragment yet.
        return self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.encrypt(s)

    def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
        Apply the previous methods according to the writing cipher type.
        # Compute the length of TLSPlaintext fragment
        hdr, frag = pkt[:5], pkt[5:]
        l = len(frag)
        hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", l)

        # Compression
        cfrag = self._tls_compress(frag)
        l = len(cfrag)      # Update the length as a result of compression
        hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", l)

        cipher_type = self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.type

        if cipher_type == 'block':
            # Integrity
            mfrag = self._tls_hmac_add(hdr, cfrag)

            # Excerpt below better corresponds to TLS 1.1 IV definition,
            # but the result is the same as with TLS 1.2 anyway.
            #if self.version >= 0x0302:
            #    l = self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.block_size
            #    iv = randstring(l)
            #    mfrag = iv + mfrag

            # Add padding
            pfrag = self._tls_pad(mfrag)

            # Encryption
            if self.version >= 0x0302:
                # Explicit IV for TLS 1.1 and 1.2
                l = self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.block_size
                iv = randstring(l)
                self.tls_session.wcs.cipher.iv = iv
                efrag = self._tls_encrypt(pfrag)
                efrag = iv + efrag
                # Implicit IV for SSLv3 and TLS 1.0
                efrag = self._tls_encrypt(pfrag)

        elif cipher_type == "stream":
            # Integrity
            mfrag = self._tls_hmac_add(hdr, cfrag)
            # Encryption
            efrag = self._tls_encrypt(mfrag)

        elif cipher_type == "aead":
            # Authenticated encryption (with nonce_explicit as header)
            efrag = self._tls_auth_encrypt(cfrag)

        # Now, we can commit pending write state if needed
        # We update nothing if the pwcs was not set. This probably means that
        # we're working out-of-context (and we need to keep the default wcs).
        if self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit:
            if self.tls_session.pwcs is not None:
                self.tls_session.wcs = self.tls_session.pwcs
                self.tls_session.pwcs = None
            self.tls_session.triggered_pwcs_commit = False

        if self.len is not None:
            # The user gave us a 'len', let's respect this ultimately
            hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", self.len)
            # Update header with the length of TLSCiphertext.fragment
            hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack("!H", len(efrag))

        return hdr + efrag + pay