for root in tqdm(roots): tr_name = os.path.join(data_path, "2D", dataset, "transverse", root) sag_name = os.path.join(data_path, "2D", dataset, "sagittal", root) cor_name = os.path.join(data_path, "2D", dataset, "coronal", root) im_tr, lab_tr, pred_tr = p_tr.predict_logits( os.path.join(data_path, "2D", dataset, "transverse", tr_name)) im_sag, lab_sag, pred_sag = p_sag.predict_logits( os.path.join(data_path, "2D", dataset, "sagittal", sag_name)) im_cor, lab_cor, pred_cor = p_cor.predict_logits( os.path.join(data_path, "2D", dataset, "coronal", cor_name)) pred_sag = np.moveaxis(pred_sag, [0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 1]) pred_cor = np.moveaxis(pred_cor, [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0]) pred_sag = nii_reader.resize(pred_sag, pred_tr.shape, interpolation_order=0) pred_cor = nii_reader.resize(pred_cor, pred_tr.shape, interpolation_order=0) # Take the average of the logits for each volume and then apply softmax to get the final predictions avg_logits = (pred_tr + pred_sag + pred_cor) / 3.0 avg_softmax = softmax(avg_logits, axis=-1) pred_label = np.argmax(avg_logits, axis=-1) label = os.path.join(data_path, "3D", dataset, root, f"{root}_SAX_mask2.nii.gz")) # Make sure the label and predicted label are the same size for obtaining dice scores if label.shape != pred_label.shape:
def main(): start = time.time() with open("predict_config.json", "r") as f: predict_config = json.load(f) # Load the correct Predictor class for the given model type p = load_predictor(predict_config) plane = p.plane cropper = p.cropper if p.model_name in ["UNet3D", "VNet", "UNet3DFrozenDepth"]: dims = "3D" plane = "" elif p.model_name in ["UNet3DShallow", "VNetShallow"]: dims = "3DShallow" else: dims = "2D" # Get the names of all the scans we are interested in roots = sorted( os.listdir( os.path.join( predict_config["data_path"], dims, predict_config["dataset"], plane ) ) ) roots = [ os.path.join( predict_config["data_path"], dims, predict_config["dataset"], plane, root ) for root in roots ] print(f"{roots=}") # Get the correct metadata headers = {} shapes = {} affines = {} reader = NIIReader() # Get roots from the 3D folder real_roots = sorted( os.listdir( os.path.join(predict_config["data_path"], "3D", predict_config["dataset"]) ) ) real_roots = [ os.path.join(predict_config["data_path"], "3D", predict_config["dataset"], x) for x in real_roots ] # Load important information from the original .nii.gz files for these images for real_root in tqdm(real_roots): name_end = real_root.split("/")[-1] img = nib.load( os.path.join(real_root, f"{name_end}_SAX_mask2.nii.gz"), mmap=False ) # Headers = headers from the original NiFTi file headers[name_end] = img.header # Affine = transformation which maps points to 3D space of the MRI image affines[name_end] = img.affine # Shape of each image shapes[name_end] = np.squeeze(img.get_fdata()).shape # Get a prediction for each image and save it in NiFTi format for loading in ITK-SNAP for root in tqdm(roots): # Get the prediction image, label, pred_label = p.predict(fname=root, display=False) # Get the key to find the correct header and affine for the output name_end = root.split("/")[-1] # print(f'{name_end=}') save_img = np.zeros(shapes[name_end]) # print(f'{save_img.shape=}') # bbox = cropper.bboxes[name_end] # print(f"{bbox=}") reverse_size, cut_dims = p.cropper.reverse_crop(shapes[name_end], name_end) # print(f"{reverse_size=}") # print(f"{cut_dims=}") # Resize the prediction to undo the pre-processing pred_label = reader.resize(pred_label, reverse_size, interpolation_order=0) # Get the correct portion of the predicted label to output try: save_img[ cut_dims["top"] : cut_dims["bottom"], cut_dims["left"] : cut_dims["right"], ..., ] = pred_label except ValueError: print( f"Unable to undo pre-processing for image {name_end}! {save_img.shape=}, {pred_label.shape=}" ) continue # Save the image in NiFTi format # exit() save_img = save_img.astype(np.uint16) save_img = nib.Nifti1Image( save_img, affine=affines[name_end], header=headers[name_end], ) save_img, os.path.join( "/home/y4tsu/PycharmProjects/3d_unet/saved_preds", f"{name_end}_prediction.nii.gz", ), ) # print('-----') print(f"Finished! Process took {time.time() - start:.2f} seconds.")