Exemple #1
def test_simple_scatterings(random_state=42):
    Checks the behaviour of the scattering on simple signals
    (zero, constant, pure cosine)
    rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state)
    J = 6
    Q = 8
    T = 2**12
    scattering = Scattering1D(T, J, Q, normalize='l1')
    # zero signal
    x0 = Variable(torch.zeros(128, 1, T))
    s = scattering.forward(x0).data
    # check that s is zero!
    assert torch.max(torch.abs(s)) < 1e-7

    # constant signal
    x1 = Variable(rng.randn(1)[0] * torch.ones(1, 1, T))
    s1 = scattering.forward(x1).data
    # check that all orders above 1 are 0
    assert torch.max(torch.abs(s1[:, 1:])) < 1e-7

    # sinusoid scattering
    coords = Scattering1D.compute_meta_scattering(J, Q, order2=True)
    for _ in range(50):
        k = rng.randint(1, T // 2, 1)[0]
        x2 = torch.cos(2 * math.pi * float(k) *
                       torch.arange(0, T, dtype=torch.float32) / float(T))
        x2 = Variable(x2.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0))
        s2 = scattering.forward(x2).data

        for cc in coords.keys():
            if coords[cc]['order'] in ['0', '2']:
                assert torch.max(torch.abs(s2[:, cc])) < 1e-2
Exemple #2
def test_coordinates(random_state=42):
    Tests whether the coordinates correspond to the actual values (obtained
    with compute_meta_scattering), and with the vectorization
    J = 6
    Q = 8
    T = 2**12
    scattering = Scattering1D(T, J, Q, order2=True)
    x = Variable(torch.randn(128, 1, T))
    s_dico = scattering.forward(x, vectorize=False)
    s_dico = {k: s_dico[k].data for k in s_dico.keys()}
    s_vec = scattering.forward(x, vectorize=True).data

    coords = Scattering1D.compute_meta_scattering(J, Q, order2=True)

    assert len(s_dico) == s_vec.shape[1]

    for cc in range(s_vec.shape[1]):
        if coords[cc]['order'] == '0':
            k = 0
        elif coords[cc]['order'] == '1':
            # in this case, look for the key
            k = coords[cc]['key']
        elif coords[cc]['order'] == '2':
            k = (coords[cc]['key1'][0], coords[cc]['key1'][1],
                 coords[cc]['key2'][0], coords[cc]['key2'][1])
            assert False  # this case should NOT occur
        diff = s_vec[:, cc] - torch.squeeze(s_dico[k])
        assert torch.max(torch.abs(diff)) < 1e-7
Exemple #3
def test_scattering_GPU_CPU(random_state=42, test_cuda=None):
    This function tests whether the CPU computations are equivalent to
    the GPU ones

    Note that we can only achieve 1e-4 absolute l_infty error between GPU
    and CPU
    if test_cuda is None:
        test_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
    J = 6
    Q = 8
    T = 2**12

    if test_cuda:
        # build the scattering
        scattering = Scattering1D(T, J, Q)

        x = Variable(torch.randn(128, 1, T))
        s_cpu = scattering.forward(x).data

        scattering = scattering.cuda()
        x_gpu = Variable(x.data.clone().cuda())
        s_gpu = scattering.forward(x_gpu).data.cpu()
        # compute the distance
        assert torch.max(torch.abs(s_cpu - s_gpu)) < 1e-4
Exemple #4
def test_computation_Ux(random_state=42):
    Checks the computation of the U transform (no averaging for 1st order)
    rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state)
    J = 6
    Q = 8
    T = 2**12
    scattering = Scattering1D(T,
    # random signal
    x = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rng.randn(1, 1, T)).float())
    s = scattering.forward(x)
    # check that the keys in s correspond to the order 0 and second order
    for k in scattering.psi1_fft.keys():
        assert k in s.keys()
    for k in s.keys():
        if k != 0:
            assert k in scattering.psi1_fft.keys()
            assert True
Exemple #5
def test_precompute_size_scattering(random_state=42):
    Tests that precompute_size_scattering computes a size which corresponds
    to the actual scattering computed
    J = 6
    Q = 8
    T = 2**12
    scattering = Scattering1D(T, J, Q)
    x = Variable(torch.randn(128, 1, T))
    for order2 in [True, False]:
        s_dico = scattering.forward(x, vectorize=False, order2=order2)
        for detail in [True, False]:
            # get the size of scattering
            size = scattering.precompute_size_scattering(J,
            if detail:
                num_orders = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0}
                for k in s_dico.keys():
                    if isinstance(k, int):
                        num_orders[0] += 1
                        if len(k) == 2:  # order1
                            num_orders[1] += 1
                        elif len(k) == 4:
                            num_orders[2] += 1
                todo = 2 if order2 else 1
                for i in range(todo):
                    assert num_orders[i] == size[i]
                    # check that the orders are completely equal
                assert len(s_dico) == size
Exemple #6
def test_differentiability_scattering(random_state=42):
    It simply tests whether it is really differentiable or not.
    This does NOT test whether the gradients are correct.
    J = 6
    Q = 8
    T = 2**12
    scattering = Scattering1D(T, J, Q)
    x = Variable(torch.randn(128, 1, T), requires_grad=True)
    s = scattering.forward(x)
    loss = torch.sum(torch.abs(s))
    assert torch.max(torch.abs(x.grad.data)) > 0.
Exemple #7
def test_sample_scattering():
    Applies scattering on a stored signal to make sure its output agrees with
    a previously calculated version.
    test_data_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    test_data_filename = os.path.join(test_data_dir, 'test_data_1d.pt')
    data = torch.load(test_data_filename, map_location='cpu')

    x = data['x']
    J = data['J']
    Q = data['Q']
    Sx0 = data['Sx']

    T = x.numel()

    scattering = Scattering1D(T, J, Q)
    Sx = scattering.forward(x)

    assert (Sx - Sx0).abs().max() < 1e-6
Exemple #8
def mydemo(T, J, Q, batch_size=8, order2=False, cuda=False):
    # define the input
    tic = time()
    x = torch.randn(batch_size, 1, T)
    if cuda:
        x = x.cuda()
    x = Variable(x)
    print('Input generated in {0:.3f} sec.'.format(time() - tic))
    # initialize the scattering
    tic = time()
    scattering = Scattering1D(T, J, Q, order2=order2)
    # scat.set_default_args(order2=order2)
    if cuda:
        scattering = scattering.cuda()
    print('Filters initialized in {0:.3f} sec.'.format(time() - tic))
    # Forward it
    tic = time()
    S = scattering.forward(x)
    print('Scattering computed in {0:.3f} sec.'.format(time() - tic))
    axarr[0].set_title('Original signal')
    axarr[1].set_title('Scattering Order 0')
    axarr[2].imshow(s[order1], aspect='auto')
    axarr[2].set_title('Scattering Order 1')
    axarr[3].imshow(s[order2], aspect='auto')
    axarr[3].set_title('Scattering Order 2')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Scattering definition
    T = 2**13
    J = 6
    Q = 16
    scattering = Scattering1D(T, J, Q)

    # get the metadata on the coordinates of the scattering
    coords = Scattering1D.compute_meta_scattering(J, Q, order2=True)
    order0 = torch.LongTensor([0])
    order1 = torch.LongTensor(
        sorted([cc for cc in coords.keys() if coords[cc]['order'] == '1']))
    order2 = torch.LongTensor(
        sorted([cc for cc in coords.keys() if coords[cc]['order'] == '2']))

    # harmonic signal
    x = generate_harmonic_signal(T)
    s = scattering.forward(x).data[0]
    show_signal(x.data.numpy().ravel(), s.numpy(), order0.numpy(),
                order1.numpy(), order2.numpy())