Exemple #1
def ApparentHeading(X, Y=None):
	if not isinstance(X, OrientedPoint):
		raise RuntimeParseError('"apparent heading of X from Y" with X not an OrientedPoint')
	if Y is None:
		Y = ego()
	Y = toVector(Y, '"relative heading of X from Y" with Y not a vector')
	return apparentHeadingAtPoint(X.position, X.heading, Y)
Exemple #2
def ApparentHeading(X, Y=None):
	"""The 'apparent heading of <oriented point> [from <vector>]' operator.

	If the 'from <vector>' is omitted, the position of ego is used.
	if not isinstance(X, OrientedPoint):
		raise RuntimeParseError('"apparent heading of X from Y" with X not an OrientedPoint')
	if Y is None:
		Y = ego()
	Y = toVector(Y, '"relative heading of X from Y" with Y not a vector')
	return apparentHeadingAtPoint(X.position, X.heading, Y)