Exemple #1
def get_plays(season_id, game_id):
    # Get the play-by-play data
    url = "http://live.nhl.com/GameData/%s/%s/PlayByPlay.json" % (season_id, game_id)
    data = requests.get(url).json()["data"]["game"]

    game = schedule.get_game(game_id)

    home = game["home_abbr"]
    away = game["away_abbr"]

    plays = pd.DataFrame(data["plays"]["play"])

    # Figure out the UTC timestamp for each play
    game_date = game["date"]
    plays["localtime"] = pd.to_datetime(plays["localtime"].apply(lambda x: "%s %s" % (game_date, x))).dt.tz_localize(
    plays["utc_timestamp"] = plays["localtime"].astype(int) / 1e9

    # Replace team ids with their abbreviations
    plays["team_abbr"] = plays["teamid"].replace(
        to_replace=[data["awayteamid"], data["hometeamid"]], value=[away, home]

    # Extract the properties that I want from each play
    plays = plays[["as", "hs", "desc", "utc_timestamp", "type", "time", "team_abbr"]]

    return plays
Exemple #2
def get_game_plotdata(id):
    # Gather request parameters
    start_timestamp = request.args.get('start')
    end_timestamp = request.args.get('end')

    # Get home and away team abbreviations
    home_abbr = schedule.get_game(id).home_abbr
    away_abbr = schedule.get_game(id).away_abbr

    # Gather Redis set keys
    sentiment_key = 'sentiment:%s' % id
    home_sentiment_key = '%s:%s' % (sentiment_key, home_abbr)
    away_sentiment_key = '%s:%s' % (sentiment_key, away_abbr)
    plays_key = 'plays:%s' % id

    # Get the minute timestamps when sentiment or plays were gathered
    pipe = r.pipeline()
    sentiment_timestamps, home_sentiment_timestamps, away_sentiment_timestamps, plays_timestamps = pipe.execute()

    # Take union of sentiment and play timestamps
    timestamps = list(sentiment_timestamps.union(plays_timestamps))

    # Grab a subset of the timestamps if start and end parameters requested
    if start_timestamp is not None:
        if end_timestamp is not None:
            timestamps = [timestamp for timestamp in timestamps if start_timestamp <= timestamp <= end_timestamp]
        timestamps = [timestamp for timestamp in timestamps if timestamp >= start_timestamp]

    # Helper function to format sentiment and play data into something convenient for the front end
    def format_data(timestamp, sentiment, home_sentiment, away_sentiment, plays):

        # Add the timestamp as a property
        timestamp_data = {'timestamp': timestamp}

        # Format the sentiment data - return a mean sentiment of 0 if there is no data for a timestamp
        if sentiment:
            timestamp_data['mean_sentiment'] = float(sentiment['sum'])
            # timestamp_data['mean_sentiment'] = float(sentiment['sum']) / float(sentiment['count'])
            timestamp_data['tweet_count'] = float(sentiment['count'])
            timestamp_data['mean_sentiment'] = 0.
            timestamp_data['tweet_count'] = 0.

        # Home plot data
        if home_sentiment:
            timestamp_data['home_mean_sentiment'] = float(home_sentiment['sum'])
            # timestamp_data['home_mean_sentiment'] = float(home_sentiment['sum']) / float(home_sentiment['count'])
            timestamp_data['home_tweet_count'] = float(home_sentiment['count'])
            timestamp_data['home_mean_sentiment'] = 0.
            timestamp_data['home_tweet_count'] = 0.

        # Away plot data
        if away_sentiment:
            timestamp_data['away_mean_sentiment'] = float(away_sentiment['sum'])
            # timestamp_data['away_mean_sentiment'] = float(away_sentiment['sum']) / float(away_sentiment['count'])
            timestamp_data['away_tweet_count'] = float(away_sentiment['count'])
            timestamp_data['away_mean_sentiment'] = 0.
            timestamp_data['away_tweet_count'] = 0.

        # Format the plays data - return an empty list if there is no data for a timestamp
        if len(plays) != 0:
            timestamp_data['plays'] = [ast.literal_eval(play) for play in plays]
            timestamp_data['plays'] = []

        return timestamp_data

    # Dict to store properly formatted data. This is ultimately jsonified
    json_data = {}

    # Get the sentiment and play data for each timestamp
    pipe = r.pipeline()
    for timestamp in timestamps:
        pipe.hgetall('%s:%s' % (sentiment_key, timestamp))
        pipe.hgetall('%s:%s' % (home_sentiment_key, timestamp))
        pipe.hgetall('%s:%s' % (away_sentiment_key, timestamp))
        pipe.lrange('%s:%s' % (plays_key, timestamp), 0, -1)

    results = pipe.execute()

    # Format the results into something convenient for the front end
    for i in range(0, len(results), 4):
        json_data[timestamps[i / 4]] = format_data(timestamps[i / 4], results[i], results[i + 1], results[i + 2],
                                                   results[i + 3])

    return jsonify(json_data)
Exemple #3
def game_details(id):
    game = schedule.get_game(id)
    return game.to_json()
Exemple #4
def game(id):
    game = schedule.get_game(id)
    game['time_est'] = game['time'].strftime('%I:%M %p EST')
    return render_template('game.html', game=game.to_dict())