def test_pgd(self): exp_name = "pgd" root = os.getcwd() wd = "/tmp/host0/hm_wd/" + exp_name self._create_exp(wd, root) exp = experiment.ExpFromFiles(exp_name, wd, debug=True) experiment.init_run(exp, wd = "/tmp/host1/scratch/sfx_home/" + exp_name + "/lib" exp = experiment.ExpFromFiles(exp_name, wd,,, progress=self.progress) ecf_name = "/" + exp_name + "/task" task = scheduler.EcflowTask(ecf_name, self.ecf_tryno, self.ecf_pass, self.ecf_rid, self.submission_id) experiment.Pgd(task, exp,, mbr=self.mbr,, args=self.args).run(wrapper=self.wrapper) os.chdir(root)
def test_quality_control_t2m(self): exp_name = "quality_control_t2m_task" root = os.getcwd() wd = "/tmp/host0/hm_wd/" + exp_name self._create_exp(wd, root) exp = experiment.ExpFromFiles(exp_name, wd) experiment.init_run(exp, wd = "/tmp/host1/scratch/sfx_home/" + exp_name + "/lib" exp = experiment.ExpFromFiles(exp_name, wd,,, progress=self.progress) ecf_name = "/" + exp_name + "/task" task = scheduler.EcflowTask(ecf_name, self.ecf_tryno, self.ecf_pass, self.ecf_rid, self.submission_id) task.family1 = "t2m" experiment.QualityControl(task, exp,, mbr=self.mbr,, args=self.args).run(wrapper=self.wrapper) os.chdir(root)
def test_submission(self): exp = "test_submission" hm_wd = "/tmp/host0/hm_wd/" + exp self._create_exp(hm_wd) # Set progress dtg = datetime(2020, 6, 9, 9) progress = {"DTG": dtg.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")} progress_pp = {"DTGPP": dtg.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")} progress = experiment.Progress(progress, progress_pp) sfx_exp = experiment.ExpFromFiles(exp, hm_wd, progress=progress) ecf_name = "/" + exp + "/Forecasting/Forecast" ecf_tryno = 1 ecf_pass = "******" task = scheduler.EcflowTask(ecf_name, ecf_tryno, ecf_pass, ecf_rid=int(os.getpid()), submission_id=None) os.makedirs("/tmp/host1/job/" + exp + "/Forecasting/", exist_ok=True) fh = open("/tmp/host1/job/" + exp + "/Forecasting/Forecast.job1", "w") fh.write("My job generated by ecflow") fh.close() exceptions = { "complete": { "task": { "Forecast": "is_coldstart" }, "family": { "Forecasting": "is_coldstart" } } } env_file = "/tmp/host1/job/" + exp + "/Forecasting/Env" fh = open(env_file, "w") fh.write("print(\"Oh my environment\n\")") fh.close() hosts = sfx_exp.system.hosts joboutdir = {} for host in range(0, len(hosts)): joboutdir.update( {str(host): sfx_exp.system.get_var("JOBOUTDIR", str(host))}) submit = scheduler.EcflowSubmitTask(task, sfx_exp.env_submit, sfx_exp.server, joboutdir, submit_exceptions=exceptions, env_file=env_file) submit.write_job()
def status_cmd(argv): kwargs = parse_status_cmd(argv) exp = kwargs["exp"] lib = kwargs["lib"] ecf_name = kwargs["ecf_name"] ecf_tryno = kwargs["ecf_tryno"] ecf_pass = kwargs["ecf_pass"] ecf_rid = kwargs["ecf_rid"] submission_id = kwargs["submission_id"] exp = scheduler.ExpFromFiles(exp, lib) task = scheduler.EcflowTask(ecf_name, ecf_tryno, ecf_pass, ecf_rid, submission_id) task_settings = scheduler.TaskSettings(task, exp.env_submit, exp.system) sub = scheduler.get_submission_object(task, task_settings) sub.status()
def submit_cmd(argv): kwargs = parse_submit_cmd(argv) exp = kwargs["exp"] lib = kwargs["lib"] ecf_name = kwargs["ecf_name"] ensmbr = kwargs["ensmbr"] dtg = kwargs["dtg"] if dtg is not None: dtg = datetime.strptime(dtg, "%Y%m%d%H") ecf_tryno = kwargs["ecf_tryno"] ecf_pass = kwargs["ecf_pass"] ecf_rid = kwargs["ecf_rid"] submission_id = None stream = kwargs["stream"] db = kwargs["db"] try: if stream is not None: if stream == "": stream = None if ecf_rid is not None: if ecf_rid == "": ecf_rid = os.getpid() else: ecf_rid = os.getpid() exp = scheduler.ExpFromFiles(exp, lib) wd = exp.wd # coldstart = config.is_coldstart(dtg) submit_exceptions = wd + "/config//submit/submission.json" submit_exceptions = json.load(open(submit_exceptions, "r")) task = scheduler.EcflowTask(ecf_name, ecf_tryno, ecf_pass, ecf_rid, submission_id) sub = scheduler.EcflowSubmitTask(exp, task, submit_exceptions=submit_exceptions, ensmbr=ensmbr, dbfile=db) sub.submit() except Exception as e: raise e
def kill_cmd(argv): kwargs = parse_status_cmd(argv) exp = kwargs["exp"] lib = kwargs["lib"] ecf_name = kwargs["ecf_name"] ecf_tryno = kwargs["ecf_tryno"] ecf_pass = kwargs["ecf_pass"] ecf_rid = kwargs["ecf_rid"] submission_id = "" if "submission_id" in kwargs: submission_id = kwargs["submission_id"] if submission_id == "": submission_id = None exp = scheduler.ExpFromFiles(exp, lib) task = scheduler.EcflowTask(ecf_name, ecf_tryno, ecf_pass, ecf_rid, submission_id) task_settings = scheduler.TaskSettings(task, exp.env_submit, exp.system) print(task.submission_id) sub = scheduler.get_submission_object(task, task_settings) print(sub) sub.kill() exp.server.force_aborted(task)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import scheduler lib = "%LIB%" exp = "%EXP%" stream = "%STREAM%" if stream == "": stream = None # InitRun always runs from HOST0 exp = scheduler.ExpFromFiles(exp, lib) server = exp.server ecf_name = "%ECF_NAME%" ecf_pass = "******" ecf_tryno = "%ECF_TRYNO%" ecf_rid = "%ECF_RID%" submission_id = "%SUBMISSION_ID%" task = scheduler.EcflowTask(ecf_name, ecf_tryno, ecf_pass, ecf_rid, submission_id) # This will also handle call to sys.exit(), i.e. Client.__exit__ will still be called. with scheduler.EcflowClient(server, task) as ci: scheduler.init_run(exp, stream=stream)