Exemple #1
def test_inspected_privilege():
    a = InspectedPrivilege("table", "public", "test_table", "select",
    a2 = InspectedPrivilege("table", "public", "test_table", "select",
    b = InspectedPrivilege("function", "schema", "test_function", "execute",
    b2 = InspectedPrivilege("function", "schema", "test_function", "modify",
    assert a == a2
    assert a == a
    assert a != b
    assert b != b2
    assert (
        b2.create_statement ==
        'grant modify on function "schema"."test_function" to "test_user";')
    assert (b.drop_statement == """DO
        IF (SELECT 1
            FROM information_schema.tables
            WHERE table_schema = 'schema'
              AND table_name = 'test_function'
        ) THEN
            REVOKE execute on function "schema"."test_function" from "test_user";
        END IF;
    assert a.key == ("table", '"public"."test_table"', "test_user", "select")
def test_inspected_privilege():
    a = InspectedPrivilege("table", "public", "test_table", "select",
    a2 = InspectedPrivilege("table", "public", "test_table", "select",
    b = InspectedPrivilege("function", "schema", "test_function", "execute",
    b2 = InspectedPrivilege("function", "schema", "test_function", "modify",
    assert a == a2
    assert a == a
    assert a != b
    assert b != b2
    assert (
        b2.create_statement ==
        'grant modify on function "schema"."test_function" to "test_user";')
    assert (
        b.drop_statement ==
        'revoke execute on function "schema"."test_function" from "test_user";'
    assert a.key == ("table", '"public"."test_table"', 'test_user', "select")
Exemple #3
def asserts_pg(i):
    # schemas
    assert list(i.schemas.keys()) == ["otherschema", "public"]
    otherschema = i.schemas["otherschema"]
    assert i.schemas["public"] != i.schemas["otherschema"]
    assert otherschema.create_statement == 'create schema if not exists "otherschema";'
    assert otherschema.drop_statement == 'drop schema if exists "otherschema";'

    # to_pytype
    assert to_pytype(i.dialect, "integer") == int
    assert to_pytype(i.dialect, "nonexistent") == type(None)  # noqa

    # dialect
    assert i.dialect.name == "postgresql"

    # tables and views
    films = n("films")
    v_films = n("v_films")
    v_films2 = n("v_films2")
    v = i.views[v_films]
    public_views = od(
        (k, v) for k, v in i.views.items() if v.schema == "public")
    assert list(public_views.keys()) == [v_films, v_films2]
    assert v.columns == FILMS_COLUMNS
    assert v.create_statement == VDEF
    assert v == v
    assert v == deepcopy(v)
    assert v.drop_statement == "drop view if exists {};".format(v_films)
    v = i.views[v_films]

    # dependencies
    assert v.dependent_on == [films]
    v = i.views[v_films2]
    assert v.dependent_on == [v_films]

    for k, r in i.relations.items():
        for dependent in r.dependents:
            assert k in i.relations[dependent].dependent_on
        for dependency in r.dependent_on:
            assert k in i.relations[dependency].dependents

    # materialized views
    mv_films = n("mv_films")
    mv = i.materialized_views[mv_films]
    assert list(i.materialized_views.keys()) == [mv_films]
    assert mv.columns == FILMS_COLUMNS
    assert mv.create_statement == MVDEF
    assert mv.drop_statement == "drop materialized view if exists {};".format(

    # materialized view indexes
    assert n("mv_films_title_idx") in mv.indexes

    # functions
    films_f = n("films_f") + "(d date, def_t text, def_d date)"
    inc_f = n("inc_f") + "(integer)"
    inc_f_noargs = n("inc_f_noargs") + "()"
    inc_f_out = n("inc_f_out") + "(integer, OUT outparam integer)"
    public_funcs = [k for k, v in i.functions.items() if v.schema == "public"]
    assert public_funcs == [films_f, inc_f, inc_f_noargs, inc_f_out]
    f = i.functions[films_f]
    f2 = i.functions[inc_f]
    f3 = i.functions[inc_f_noargs]
    f4 = i.functions[inc_f_out]
    assert f == f
    assert f != f2
    assert f.columns == FILMSF_COLUMNS
    assert f.inputs == FILMSF_INPUTS
    assert f3.inputs == []
    assert list(f2.columns.values())[0].name == "inc_f"
    assert list(f3.columns.values())[0].name == "inc_f_noargs"
    assert list(f4.columns.values())[0].name == "outparam"
    fdef = i.functions[films_f].definition
    assert fdef == "select 'a'::varchar, '2014-01-01'::date"
    assert f.create_statement == FDEF
    assert (
        f.drop_statement ==
        'drop function if exists "public"."films_f"(d date, def_t text, def_d date);'
    assert f.comment == "films_f comment"
    assert f2.comment is None

    # extensions
    assert [e.quoted_full_name for e in i.extensions.values()] == [
        n("plpgsql", schema="pg_catalog"),

    # constraints
    cons = i.constraints['"public"."films"."firstkey"']
    assert (
        cons.create_statement ==
        'alter table "public"."films" add constraint "firstkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "firstkey";'

    # tables
    t_films = n("films")
    t = i.tables[t_films]
    empty = i.tables[n("emptytable")]
    assert empty.comment == "emptytable comment"

    # empty tables
    assert empty.columns == od()
    assert (empty.create_statement == """create table "public"."emptytable" (

    # create and drop tables
    assert t.create_statement == T_CREATE
    assert t.drop_statement == "drop table {};".format(t_films)
    assert t.alter_table_statement("x") == "alter table {} x;".format(t_films)

    # table indexes
    assert n("films_title_idx") in t.indexes

    # privileges
    g = InspectedPrivilege("table", "public", "films", "select", "postgres")
    g = i.privileges[g.key]
    assert g.create_statement == "grant select on table {} to postgres;".format(
    assert g.drop_statement == "revoke select on table {} from postgres;".format(

    # composite types
    ct = i.composite_types[n("ttt")]
    assert [(x.name, x.dbtype) for x in ct.columns.values()] == [
        ("a", "integer"),
        ("b", "text"),
    assert (ct.create_statement ==
            'create type "public"."ttt" as ("a" integer, "b" text);')
    assert ct.drop_statement == 'drop type "public"."ttt";'

    # enums
    assert i.enums[n("abc")].elements == ["a", "b", "c"]
    x = i.tables[n("t_abc")].columns["x"]
    assert x.is_enum
    assert (
        x.change_enum_to_string_statement("t") ==
        'alter table t alter column "x" set data type varchar using "x"::varchar;'
    assert (x.change_string_to_enum_statement("t") ==
            'alter table t alter column "x" set data type abc using "x"::abc;')
    tid = i.tables[n("t_abc")].columns["id"]

    with raises(ValueError):
    with raises(ValueError):