class NewInboundMessage(NewMessage): body_html = StringType() body_plain = StringType()
class Parent(Model): name = StringType(required=True)
class User(Model): name = StringType(required=True) age = IntType(required=True)
class Player(Model): name = StringType(required=True)
class Player(Model): name = StringType()
class Value(Model): amount = FloatType(required=True, min_value=0) # Amount as a number. currency = StringType( required=True, default=u'UAH', max_length=3, min_length=3) # The currency in 3-letter ISO 4217 format. valueAddedTaxIncluded = BooleanType(required=True, default=True)
class Document(Model): class Options: roles = { 'create': blacklist('id', 'datePublished', 'dateModified', 'author', 'download_url'), 'edit': blacklist('id', 'url', 'datePublished', 'dateModified', 'author', 'hash', 'download_url'), 'embedded': (blacklist('url', 'download_url') + schematics_embedded_role), 'default': blacklist("__parent__"), 'view': (blacklist('revisions') + schematics_default_role), 'revisions': whitelist('url', 'dateModified'), } id = MD5Type(required=True, default=lambda: uuid4().hex) hash = HashType() documentType = StringType(choices=[ 'tenderNotice', 'awardNotice', 'contractNotice', 'notice', 'biddingDocuments', 'technicalSpecifications', 'evaluationCriteria', 'clarifications', 'shortlistedFirms', 'riskProvisions', 'billOfQuantity', 'bidders', 'conflictOfInterest', 'debarments', 'evaluationReports', 'winningBid', 'complaints', 'contractSigned', 'contractArrangements', 'contractSchedule', 'contractAnnexe', 'contractGuarantees', 'subContract', 'eligibilityCriteria', 'contractProforma', 'commercialProposal', 'qualificationDocuments', 'eligibilityDocuments', 'registerExtract', ]) title = StringType(required=True) # A title of the document. title_en = StringType() title_ru = StringType() description = StringType() # A description of the document. description_en = StringType() description_ru = StringType() format = StringType(required=True, regex='^[-\w]+/[-\.\w\+]+$') url = StringType(required=True) # Link to the document or attachment. datePublished = IsoDateTimeType(default=get_now) dateModified = IsoDateTimeType( default=get_now) # Date that the document was last dateModified language = StringType() relatedItem = MD5Type() author = StringType() @serializable(serialized_name="url") def download_url(self): url = self.url if not url or '?download=' not in url: return url doc_id = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query)['download'][-1] root = self.__parent__ parents = [] while root.__parent__ is not None: parents[0:0] = [root] root = root.__parent__ request = root.request if not request.registry.docservice_url: return url if 'status' in parents[0] and parents[0].status in type( parents[0])._options.roles: role = parents[0].status for index, obj in enumerate(parents): if != url.split('/')[(index - len(parents)) * 2 - 1]: break field = url.split('/')[(index - len(parents)) * 2] if "_" in field: field = field[0] + field.title().replace("_", "")[1:] roles = type(obj)._options.roles if roles[role if role in roles else 'default'](field, []): return url from openprocurement.api.utils import generate_docservice_url if not self.hash: path = [ i for i in urlparse(url).path.split('/') if len(i) == 32 and not set(i).difference(hexdigits) ] return generate_docservice_url(request, doc_id, False, '{}/{}'.format(path[0], path[-1])) return generate_docservice_url(request, doc_id, False) def import_data(self, raw_data, **kw): """ Converts and imports the raw data into the instance of the model according to the fields in the model. :param raw_data: The data to be imported. """ data = self.convert(raw_data, **kw) del_keys = [k for k in data.keys() if data[k] == getattr(self, k)] for k in del_keys: del data[k] self._data.update(data) return self
class AutoScalingGroupResource(AutoScalingResource): cloud_service_type = StringType(default='AutoScalingGroup') data = ModelType(AutoScalingGroup) _metadata = ModelType(CloudServiceMeta, default=asg_meta, serialized_name='metadata')
class LaunchConfigurationResource(AutoScalingResource): cloud_service_type = StringType(default='LaunchConfiguration') data = ModelType(LaunchConfiguration) _metadata = ModelType(CloudServiceMeta, default=lc_meta, serialized_name='metadata')
class Stage(Model): deploymentId = StringType(required=True) stageName = StringType(default="UNKNOWN") variables = DictType(StringType, default={}) tags = DictType(StringType, default={})
class AutoScalingResource(CloudServiceResource): cloud_service_group = StringType(default='EC2')
class Resource(Model): id = StringType(required=True) path = StringType(required=True) pathPart = StringType(default=None) resourceMethods = DictType(ModelType(ResourceMethod), default={})
class ResourceMethodIntegration(Model): type = StringType(default="UNKNOWN") uri = StringType()
class Api(Model): id = StringType(required=True) name = StringType(default="UNKNOWN")
class Solution(OSDFModel): networkId = StringType(required=True) pciSolutions = ListType(ListType(ModelType(PCISolution), min_size=1)) anrSolutions = ListType(ListType(ModelType(ANRSolution), min_size=1))
class LaunchTemplateResource(AutoScalingResource): cloud_service_type = StringType(default='LaunchTemplate') data = ModelType(LaunchTemplateDetail) _metadata = ModelType(CloudServiceMeta, default=lt_meta, serialized_name='metadata')
class PCIOptimizationResponse(OSDFModel): transactionId = StringType(required=True) requestId = StringType(required=True) requestStatus = StringType(required=True) statusMessage = StringType() solutions = ModelType(Solution, required=True)
class Auction(BaseAuction): """Data regarding auction process - publicly inviting prospective contractors to submit bids for evaluation and selecting a winner or winners.""" class Options: roles = { 'edit_active.tendering': (blacklist( 'enquiryPeriod', 'tenderPeriod', 'value', 'auction_value', 'minimalStep', 'guarantee', 'auction_guarantee') + edit_role), } awards = ListType(ModelType(Award), default=list()) bids = ListType(ModelType(Bid), default=list( )) # A list of all the companies who entered submissions for the auction. cancellations = ListType(ModelType(Cancellation), default=list()) complaints = ListType(ModelType(Complaint), default=list()) contracts = ListType(ModelType(Contract), default=list()) documents = ListType(ModelType(Document), default=list( )) # All documents and attachments related to the auction. enquiryPeriod = ModelType( Period ) # The period during which enquiries may be made and will be answered. tenderPeriod = ModelType( Period ) # The period when the auction is open for submissions. The end date is the closing date for auction submissions. procurementMethodType = StringType(default="dgfOtherAssets") procuringEntity = ModelType(ProcuringEntity, required=True) status = StringType(choices=[ 'draft', 'active.tendering', '', 'active.qualification', 'active.awarded', 'complete', 'cancelled', 'unsuccessful' ], default='active.tendering') questions = ListType(ModelType(Question), default=list()) features = ListType( ModelType(Feature), validators=[validate_features_uniq, validate_not_available]) lots = ListType(ModelType(Lot), default=list(), validators=[validate_lots_uniq, validate_not_available]) items = ListType(ModelType(Item), required=True, min_size=1, validators=[validate_cav_group, validate_items_uniq]) @serializable(serialized_name="tenderPeriod", type=ModelType(Period)) def auction_tenderPeriod(self): if self.tenderPeriod and self.tenderPeriod.endDate: return self.tenderPeriod endDate = calculate_business_date(self.auctionPeriod.startDate, -timedelta(days=1), self) return Period(dict(endDate=endDate)) def initialize(self): if not self.enquiryPeriod: self.enquiryPeriod = type(self).enquiryPeriod.model_class() now = get_now() self.tenderPeriod.startDate = self.enquiryPeriod.startDate = now self.enquiryPeriod.endDate = self.tenderPeriod.endDate = now if self.lots: for lot in self.lots: = now def validate_tenderPeriod(self, data, period): if not (period and period.endDate) and not ( 'auctionPeriod' in data and data['auctionPeriod'].startDate): raise ValidationError(u'This field is required.') def validate_value(self, data, value): if value.currency != u'UAH': raise ValidationError(u"currency should be only UAH") @serializable(serialize_when_none=False) def next_check(self): now = get_now() checks = [] if self.status == 'active.tendering' and self.tenderPeriod and self.tenderPeriod.endDate: checks.append(self.tenderPeriod.endDate.astimezone(TZ)) elif not self.lots and self.status == '' and self.auctionPeriod and self.auctionPeriod.startDate and not self.auctionPeriod.endDate: if now < self.auctionPeriod.startDate: checks.append(self.auctionPeriod.startDate.astimezone(TZ)) elif now < calc_auction_end_time( self.numberOfBids, self.auctionPeriod.startDate).astimezone(TZ): checks.append( calc_auction_end_time( self.numberOfBids, self.auctionPeriod.startDate).astimezone(TZ)) elif self.lots and self.status == '': for lot in self.lots: if lot.status != 'active' or not lot.auctionPeriod or not lot.auctionPeriod.startDate or lot.auctionPeriod.endDate: continue if now < lot.auctionPeriod.startDate: checks.append(lot.auctionPeriod.startDate.astimezone(TZ)) elif now < calc_auction_end_time( lot.numberOfBids, lot.auctionPeriod.startDate).astimezone(TZ): checks.append( calc_auction_end_time( lot.numberOfBids, lot.auctionPeriod.startDate).astimezone(TZ)) elif not self.lots and self.status == 'active.awarded' and not any( [i.status in self.block_complaint_status for i in self.complaints]) and not any([ i.status in self.block_complaint_status for a in self.awards for i in a.complaints ]): standStillEnds = [ a.complaintPeriod.endDate.astimezone(TZ) for a in self.awards if a.complaintPeriod.endDate ] last_award_status = self.awards[-1].status if self.awards else '' if standStillEnds and last_award_status == 'unsuccessful': checks.append(max(standStillEnds)) elif self.lots and self.status in [ 'active.qualification', 'active.awarded' ] and not any([ i.status in self.block_complaint_status and i.relatedLot is None for i in self.complaints ]): for lot in self.lots: if lot['status'] != 'active': continue lot_awards = [i for i in self.awards if i.lotID ==] pending_complaints = any([ i['status'] in self.block_complaint_status and i.relatedLot == for i in self.complaints ]) pending_awards_complaints = any([ i.status in self.block_complaint_status for a in lot_awards for i in a.complaints ]) standStillEnds = [ a.complaintPeriod.endDate.astimezone(TZ) for a in lot_awards if a.complaintPeriod.endDate ] last_award_status = lot_awards[-1].status if lot_awards else '' if not pending_complaints and not pending_awards_complaints and standStillEnds and last_award_status == 'unsuccessful': checks.append(max(standStillEnds)) if self.status.startswith('active'): from openprocurement.api.utils import calculate_business_date for complaint in self.complaints: if complaint.status == 'claim' and complaint.dateSubmitted: checks.append( calculate_business_date(complaint.dateSubmitted, COMPLAINT_STAND_STILL_TIME, self)) elif complaint.status == 'answered' and complaint.dateAnswered: checks.append( calculate_business_date(complaint.dateAnswered, COMPLAINT_STAND_STILL_TIME, self)) for award in self.awards: for complaint in award.complaints: if complaint.status == 'claim' and complaint.dateSubmitted: checks.append( calculate_business_date( complaint.dateSubmitted, COMPLAINT_STAND_STILL_TIME, self)) elif complaint.status == 'answered' and complaint.dateAnswered: checks.append( calculate_business_date( complaint.dateAnswered, COMPLAINT_STAND_STILL_TIME, self)) return min(checks).isoformat() if checks else None
class Guarantee(Model): amount = FloatType(required=True, min_value=0) # Amount as a number. currency = StringType( required=True, default=u'UAH', max_length=3, min_length=3) # The currency in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.
class CAVClassification(Classification): scheme = StringType(required=True, default=u'CAV', choices=[u'CAV']) id = StringType(required=True, choices=CAV_CODES)
class Revision(Model): author = StringType() date = IsoDateTimeType(default=get_now) changes = ListType(DictType(BaseType), default=list()) rev = StringType()
class Auction(DGFOtherAssets): """Data regarding auction process - publicly inviting prospective contractors to submit bids for evaluation and selecting a winner or winners.""" documents = ListType(ModelType(Document), default=list( )) # All documents and attachments related to the auction. bids = ListType(ModelType(Bid), default=list()) procurementMethodType = StringType(default="dgfFinancialAssets")
class User(Model): name = StringType()
class Identifier(BaseIdentifier): scheme = StringType(required=True, choices=ORA_CODES)
class User(Model): name = StringType(required=True) bio = StringType(required=True)
class PCISolution(OSDFModel): cellId = StringType(required=True) pci = IntType(required=True)
class Child(Parent): bio = StringType()
class ANRSolution(OSDFModel): cellId = StringType(required=True) removeableNeighbors = ListType(StringType())
class User(Model): name = StringType(required=True) age = IntType(required=True) account_level = IntType()
def test_string_max_length_is_enforced(): with pytest.raises(ValidationError): StringType(max_length=2).validate_length('foo')