def __init__(self, path):
        Create the sentence object

        path: (string)
            the path to the particular sample

        if not have_sk_audiolab:
            raise ValueError(
                'scikits.audiolab module is required to read the TIMIT database.'

        path, ext = os.path.splitext(path)

        t = path.split('/')

        # extract the attributes
        self.dialect = t[-3] = t[-2][0]
        self.speaker = t[-2][1:5] = t[-1]

        # Read in the wav file
        f = Sndfile(path + '.WAV', 'r') = f.read_frames(f.nframes)
        self.fs = f.samplerate

        # Read the sentence text
        f = open(path + '.TXT', 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()
        self.text = ' '.join(lines[0].split()[2:])

        # Read the word list
        self.words = []
        self.phonems = []

        # open the word file
        f = open(path + '.WRD', 'r')
        w_lines = f.readlines()

        # get all lines from the phonem file
        f_ph = open(path + '.PHN', 'r')
        ph_lines = f_ph.readlines()
        ph_l_index = 0

        for line in w_lines:
            t = line.split()

            # just a sanity check
            if len(t) == 3:

                # the word boundary
                w_bnd = np.array([int(t[0]), int(t[1])])

                # recover the phonems making up the word
                w_ph_list = []
                while ph_l_index < len(ph_lines):

                    ph_line = ph_lines[ph_l_index]
                    u = ph_line.split()

                    # phonem boundary
                    ph_bnd = np.array([int(u[0]), int(u[1])])

                    # Check phonem boundary does not exceeds word boundary
                    if ph_bnd[1] > w_bnd[1]:

                    # add to sentence object phonems list
                    self.phonems.append({'name': u[2], 'bnd': ph_bnd})

                    # increase index
                    ph_l_index += 1

                    # now skip until beginning of word
                    if ph_bnd[0] < w_bnd[0]:

                    # add phonem to word if (with adjusted boundaries wrt to start of word)
                    w_ph_list.append({'name': u[2], 'bnd': ph_bnd - w_bnd[0]})

                # Finally create word object
                    Word(t[2], w_bnd,, self.fs, phonems=w_ph_list))

        # Read the remaining phonem(s)
        while ph_l_index < len(ph_lines):
            ph_line = ph_lines[ph_l_index]
            u = ph_line.split()

            if len(u) == 3:
                # phonem boundary
                ph_bnd = (int(u[0]), int(u[1]))

                # add to sentence object phonems list
                self.phonems.append({'name': u[2], 'bnd': ph_bnd})

            ph_l_index += 1