Exemple #1
            def cula_gpu_solve(A_, b_, trans='T'):

                A_shape = A_.shape
                b_shape = b_.shape

                assert (len(A_shape) == 2)
                assert (len(b_shape) == 2)

                if trans in ['T', 'C']:
                    l, n = A_shape
                    k, m = b_shape
                    if n != k:
                        raise ValueError('A and b must be aligned.')
                elif trans in ['N']:
                    n, l = A_shape
                    k, m = b_shape
                    if l != m:
                        raise ValueError('A and b must be aligned.')
                    raise ValueError('Invalid value for trans')

                lda = max(1, n)
                ldb = max(1, n, l)

                # construct pointer arrays needed for culaDeviceSgels
                # Cula requires you to pass a pointer for A and b.
                A_ptr = A_.gpudata
                b_ptr = b_.gpudata

                cula.culaDeviceSgels(trans, n, l, m, A_ptr, lda, b_ptr, ldb)
                return A_, b_
Exemple #2
            def cula_gpu_solve(A_, b_, trans='T'):

                A_shape = A_.shape
                b_shape = b_.shape

                assert(len(A_shape) == 2)
                assert(len(b_shape) == 2)

                if trans in ['T', 'C']:
                    l, n = A_shape
                    k, m = b_shape
                    if n != k:
                        raise ValueError('A and b must be aligned.')
                elif trans in ['N']:
                    n, l = A_shape
                    k, m = b_shape
                    if l != m:
                        raise ValueError('A and b must be aligned.')
                    raise ValueError('Invalid value for trans')

                lda = max(1, n)
                ldb = max(1, n, l)

                # construct pointer arrays needed for culaDeviceSgels
                # Cula requires you to pass a pointer for A and b.
                A_ptr = A_.gpudata
                b_ptr = b_.gpudata

                cula.culaDeviceSgels(trans, n, l, m, A_ptr, lda, b_ptr, ldb)
                return A_, b_