Exemple #1
def get_fit(x, y, order=0, true_equals=None):
    """true_equals is a  test that returns bool values to be fitted"""
    if true_equals is None:
        y = y.astype(float)
        y = y == true_equals
    return fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit(order).fit(x, y)  #(timestamps[:])
Exemple #2
def interp_sensor(compscan, quantity, default):
    """Interpolate environmental sensor data."""
        sensor = compscan.dataset.enviro[quantity]
    except KeyError:
        return (lambda times: default)
        interp = fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit(max_degree=0)
        interp.fit(sensor['timestamp'], sensor['value'])
        return interp
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self,filenameH='',filenameV='',):
        """ The class aperture_efficiency reads the aperture_efficiency
        model from file and
        produces fitted functions for a frequency
        The class/__init__function takes in one parameter:
        filename : (default='') This is the filename
               of the recever model
               these files have 2 cols:
                Frequency (MHz),aperture_efficiency  (fraction),
               if there are no file 15k recever  is assumed.
        returns :
               dict  spill with two elements 'HH' 'VV' that
               are intepolation functions that take in Frequency(MHz)
               and return fraction.
            aperture_eff_h = np.loadtxt(filenameH,comments='#')# Change units to fraction
            a800 = np.zeros((aperture_eff_h.shape[0]+2,2))
            a800[0,:] = [aperture_eff_h[0,0]-100,aperture_eff_h[0,1]]# Extend the model by 100 MHz
            a800[1:-1,:] = aperture_eff_h
            a800[-1,:] = [aperture_eff_h[-1,0]+100,aperture_eff_h[-1,1]]# Extend the model by 100 MHz
            aperture_eff_h = a800

            aperture_eff_v = np.loadtxt(filenameV,comments='#')# Change units to fraction
            a800 = np.zeros((aperture_eff_v.shape[0]+2,2))
            a800[0,:] = [aperture_eff_v[0,0]-100,aperture_eff_v[0,1]]# Extend the model by 100 MHz
            a800[1:-1,:] = aperture_eff_v
            a800[-1,:] = [aperture_eff_v[-1,0]+100,aperture_eff_v[-1,1]]# Extend the model by 100 MHz
            aperture_eff_v = a800
        except IOError:
            aperture_eff_h = np.array([[1.,75.],[2000.,75.]])
            aperture_eff_v = np.array([[1.,75.],[2000.,75.]])
            warnings.warn('Warning: Failed to load aperture_efficiency models, setting models to 0.75 ')
            print('Warning: Failed to load aperture_efficiency models, setting models to 0.75 ')
        #Assume  Provided models are a function of zenith angle & frequency
        T_H = fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit()
        T_V = fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit()
        self.eff = {}
        self.eff['HH'] = T_H # The HH and VV is a scape thing
        self.eff['VV'] = T_V
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self,filenameH='',filenameV=''):
     """ The class Rec_temp reads the receiver model from file and
     produces fitted functions for a frequency
     The class/__init__function takes in one parameter:
     filenameH : (default='') This is the filename
            of the recever model
            these files have 2 cols:
             Frequency (MHz),tempreture (MHz),
            if there are no file 15k recever  is assumed.
     returns :
            dict  spill with two elements 'HH' 'VV' that
            are intepolation functions that take in Frequency(MHz)
            and return tempreture in Kelven.
         receiver_h = (np.loadtxt(filenameH,comments='%',delimiter=',')[:,[0,2] ]/(1e6,1.)).T # Change units to MHz # discard the gain col
         a800 = np.zeros((2,np.shape(receiver_h)[-1]+1))
         a800[:,0] = [receiver_h[0,0]-100,receiver_h[1,0]]  # Extend the model by 100 MHz
         a800[:,1:] = receiver_h
         receiver_h = a800
         receiver_v = (np.loadtxt(filenameV,comments='%',delimiter=',')[:,[0,2] ]/(1e6,1.)).T # Change units to MHz  # discard the gain col
         a800 = np.zeros((2,np.shape(receiver_v)[-1]+1))
         a800[:,0] = [receiver_v[0,0]-100,receiver_v[1,0]] # Extend the model by 100 MHz
         a800[:,1:] = receiver_v
         receiver_v = a800
     except IOError:
         receiver_h = np.array([[1.,20.],[2000.,20.]])
         receiver_v = np.array([[1.,20.],[2000.,20.]])
         warnings.warn('Warning: Failed to load Receiver models, setting models to 20 K ')
         print('Warning: Failed to load Receiver models, setting models to 20 K ')
     #Assume  Provided models are a function of zenith angle & frequency
     T_H = fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit()
     T_V = fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit()
     self.rec = {}
     self.rec['HH'] = T_H # The HH and VV is a scape thing
     self.rec['VV'] = T_V
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self,d,freqs=1822,freq_index=0,elevation=None,ra=None,dec=None ,surface_temperature=23.0,air_relative_humidity=0.23):#d, nu, pol
        """ First extract total power in each scan (both mean and standard deviation) """
        T_skytemp = Sky_temp(nu=freqs)
        T_sky =  T_skytemp.Tsky
        self.units = d.data_unit

        self.name = d.antenna.name
        self.filename = d.filename
        self.elevation =  {}
        self.Tsys = {}
        self.sigma_Tsys = {}
        self.Tsys_sky = {}
        self.T_sky = []
        self.height = d.antenna.position_wgs84[2]
        self.pressure =  np.mean([line[1] for line in d.enviro['pressure'] ])
        self.air_relative_humidity = air_relative_humidity
        # Sort data in the order of ascending elevation
        valid_el = (elevation >= 10)
        self.elevation =  elevation[valid_el]
        self.ra = ra[valid_el]
        self.dec = dec[valid_el]
        self.surface_temperature = surface_temperature# Extract surface temperature from weather data
        self.freq = freqs  #MHz Centre frequency of observation
        for pol in ['HH','VV']:
            power_stats = [scape.stats.mu_sigma(s.pol(pol)[:,freq_index]) for s in d.scans]
            tipping_mu, tipping_sigma = np.array([s[0] for s in power_stats]), np.array([s[1] for s in power_stats])
            tipping_mu, tipping_sigma = tipping_mu[sort_ind], tipping_sigma[sort_ind]
            self.Tsys[pol] = tipping_mu[valid_el]
            self.sigma_Tsys[pol] = tipping_sigma[valid_el]
            self.Tsys_sky[pol] = []
            self.T_sky = []
            for val_el,ra,dec,el in zip(sort_ind,self.ra,self.dec,self.elevation):
                self.T_sky.append( T_sky(ra,dec))
        TmpSky = fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit()
        TmpSky.fit(self.elevation, self.T_sky)
        self.Tsky = TmpSky
def get_gain_value(filename, no_ants, level=70, plot_graph=False, power=-30):
    #filename = '1536680347_sdp_l0.full.rdb'
    data = katdal.open(filename)
    ants = []
    for a in data.ants:
        if a.name not in no_ants:
    nchan = data.channels.shape[0]
    mid = slice(np.int(2600. / 4096. * nchan), np.int(3000. / 4096. * nchan))
    p = {}
    data.select(corrprods='auto', scans='track', ants=ants)

    for j in range(data.shape[2]):
        if data.corr_products[j][0] == data.corr_products[j][1]:
            label = data.corr_products[j][0]
            pol = label[4]
            power, power_std = get_power(data, label[0:4], pol)
            p[label] = [power, power_std, None, []]
    for scan in data.compscans():
        #print scan[0],
        vis = data.vis[:, mid, :]
        #print scan
        for j in range(data.shape[2]):
            if data.corr_products[j][0] == data.corr_products[j][1]:
                label = data.corr_products[j][0]
                gain_level = float(scan[1].split(',')[1])
                dat = np.median(np.abs(vis[:, :, j]), axis=[0, 1])
                power, power_std, tmp, gain_arraylist = p[label]
                gain_arraylist.append((gain_level, dat))
                p[label] = [power, power_std, None, gain_arraylist]
                #print label,

    for keys in p:
        p[keys][-1] = np.array(p[keys][-1])

    level = level
    pvals = []
    for ant in sorted(p):
        #print ant
        poly = fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit()
        valid = (p[ant][3][:, 1] > 10) & (p[ant][3][:, 1] < 2000)
        if valid.sum() > 0 and p[ant][3][valid, 1].sum() > 0:
            poly_func = poly.fit(p[ant][3][valid, 0], p[ant][3][valid, 1])
                fits = inversefunc(poly_func,
                                   domain=(p[ant][3][valid, 0].min(),
                                           p[ant][3][valid, 0].max()))
                print("Error inverting function ", ant)
                fits = 0.0
            p[ant][2] = fits
            pvals.append([p[ant][0], p[ant][2] * 1])
            #if fits < lowlim or fits > hilim:
            #    print ant,fits
            print(" Error  no valid values:", ant)

    pvals = np.array(pvals)
    lowlim, hilim = np.median(pvals[:,
                                    1]) - np.std(pvals[:, 1]) * 2, np.median(
                                        pvals[:, 1]) + np.std(pvals[:, 1])
    meanv = np.median(pvals[:, 1])
    mask = (pvals[:, 1] > lowlim) * (pvals[:, 1] < hilim)
    linear = fit.LinearLeastSquaresFit()
    linear_func = linear.fit(pvals[mask, 0], pvals[mask, 1])
    print(data.description, linear_func(-30)[0])
    if plot_graph:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10))
        for ant in np.sort(list(p.keys())):
            if p[ant][2] > 0:
                plt.errorbar(p[ant][0], p[ant][2], xerr=p[ant][1], fmt='k.')
        plt.ylabel("F-engine gain for a nominal correlator Level=%3.0f" %
        plt.xlabel("ADC power level")
        a, b = plt.xlim()
        plt.xlim(-40, b)
        ax.axvspan(-40, -37, alpha=0.5, color='red')
        ax.axvspan(-37, -31, alpha=0.5, color='yellow')
        ax.axvspan(-31, np.max([b, -5]), alpha=0.3, color='green')
        plt.text(-38.5, meanv, 'Error', fontsize=20)
        plt.text(-35, meanv, 'Warning', fontsize=20)

    return linear_func(power)[0]  #,p
Exemple #7


# Query KAT antenna for antenna object
antenna = katpoint.Antenna(first_ant.sensor.observer.get_value())
# Expected beamwidth in radians (beamwidth factor x lambda / D)
expected_width = antenna.beamwidth * katpoint.lightspeed / (
    opts.centre_freq * 1e6) / antenna.diameter
# Linearly interpolate pointing coordinates to correlator data timestamps
interp = fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit(max_degree=1)
interp.fit(az[0], az[1])
az = katpoint.deg2rad(interp(timestamps))
interp.fit(el[0], el[1])
el = katpoint.deg2rad(interp(timestamps))
# Calculate target coordinates (projected az-el coordinates relative to target object)
target_coords = np.vstack(target.sphere_to_plane(az, el, timestamps, antenna))

# Do quick beam + baseline fitting, where both are fitted in 2-D target coord space
# This makes no assumptions about the structure of the scans - they are just viewed as a collection of samples
baseline = fit.Polynomial2DFit((1, 3))
prev_err_power = np.inf
# Initially, all data is considered to be in the "outer" region and therefore forms part of the baseline
outer = np.tile(True, len(power))
print "Fitting quick beam and baseline of degree (1, 3) to target '%s':" % (
    target.name, )
Exemple #8
    x = np.array(baselines)[crosscorr].transpose()
    gain_product = vis / flux
    y = np.vstack((gain_product.real, gain_product.imag))
    fitter.fit(x, y)
    p = fitter.params * np.sign(fitter.params[6])
    gainsol[0] = p[0] + 1.0j * p[1]
    gainsol[1] = p[2] + 1.0j * p[3]
    gainsol[2] = p[4] + 1.0j * p[5]
    gainsol[3] = p[6]
ant_gains = np.array(ant_gains).transpose()

# Interpolate gain as a function of time
amp_interps, phase_interps = [], []
for n in range(4):
    amp_interp = fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit()
    amp_interp.fit(gain_times, np.abs(ant_gains[n]))
    phase_interp = fit.PiecewisePolynomial1DFit()
    angle = np.angle(ant_gains[n])
    # Do a quick and dirty angle unwrapping
    angle_diff = np.diff(angle)
    angle_diff[angle_diff > np.pi] -= 2 * np.pi
    angle_diff[angle_diff < -np.pi] += 2 * np.pi
    angle[1:] = angle[0] + np.cumsum(angle_diff)
    phase_interp.fit(gain_times, angle)
