Exemple #1
 def test_fit_eval_diagcov(self):
     """GaussianFit (shared stdev): Basic function fitting and evaluation using data from a known function."""
     interp = GaussianFit(self.init_mean, self.init_std, self.init_height)
     interp.fit(self.x, self.y)
     y = interp(self.x)
     assert_almost_equal(interp.mean, self.true_mean, decimal=7)
     assert_almost_equal(interp.std, self.true_std, decimal=7)
     assert_almost_equal(interp.height, self.true_height, decimal=7)
     assert_almost_equal(y, self.y, decimal=7)
Exemple #2
 def test_fit_eval_diagcov(self):
     """GaussianFit (shared stdev): Basic function fitting and evaluation using data from a known function."""
     interp = GaussianFit(self.init_mean, self.init_std, self.init_height)
     interp.fit(self.x, self.y)
     y = interp(self.x)
     assert_almost_equal(interp.mean, self.true_mean, decimal=7)
     assert_almost_equal(interp.std, self.true_std, decimal=7)
     assert_almost_equal(interp.height, self.true_height, decimal=7)
     assert_almost_equal(y, self.y, decimal=7)
 def test_fit_eval_diagcov(self):
     """GaussianFit (independent stdevs): Basic fitting and evaluation."""
     interp = GaussianFit(self.init_mean, self.init_std, self.init_height)
     interp.fit(self.x, self.y)
     y = interp(self.x)
     assert_almost_equal(interp.mean, self.true_mean, decimal=7)
     assert_almost_equal(interp.std, self.true_std, decimal=7)
     assert_almost_equal(interp.height, self.true_height, decimal=7)
     assert_almost_equal(y, self.y, decimal=7)
 def setUp(self):
     self.true_mean, self.true_std, self.true_height = [0, 0], 1., 0.
     true_gauss = GaussianFit(self.true_mean, self.true_std,
     self.x = 7 * np.random.randn(2, 80)
     self.y = true_gauss(self.x)
     self.init_mean, self.init_std, self.init_height = [0, 0], 1, 0
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, center, width, height):
        if not np.isscalar(width):
            width = np.atleast_1d(width)
        self._interp = GaussianFit(center, fwhm_to_sigma(width), height)
        self.center = self._interp.mean
        self.width = sigma_to_fwhm(self._interp.std)
        self.height = self._interp.height

        self.expected_width = width
        # Initial guess for radius of first null
        self.radius_first_null = 1.3 * np.mean(self.expected_width)
        # Beam initially unrefined and invalid
        self.refined = 0
        self.is_valid = False
        self.std_center = self.std_width = self.std_height = None
Exemple #6
 def setUp(self):
     # For a more challenging fit, move the true mean away from the origin, i.e. away from the region
     # being randomly sampled in self.x. Fitting a Gaussian to a segment that does not contain a clear peak
     # works fine if the fit is done to the log of the data, but fails in the linear domain.
     self.true_mean, self.true_std, self.true_height = [0., 0.], [3., 5.], 4.
     true_gauss = GaussianFit(self.true_mean, self.true_std, self.true_height)
     self.x = 7. * np.random.randn(2, 300)
     self.y = true_gauss(self.x)
     self.init_mean, self.init_std, self.init_height = [3., -2.], [1., 1.], 1.
Exemple #7
 def test_cov_params(self):
     """GaussianFit (independent stdevs): Obtain sample statistics of params and compare to calculated cov matrix."""
     interp = GaussianFit(self.init_mean, self.init_std, self.init_height)
     true_params = np.r_[self.true_mean, self.true_height, self.true_std]
     std_y = 0.1
     M = 200
     param_set = np.zeros((len(true_params), M))
     for n in range(M):
         interp.fit(self.x, self.y + std_y * np.random.randn(len(self.y)), std_y)
         param_set[:, n] = np.r_[interp.mean, interp.height, interp.std]
     mean_params = param_set.mean(axis=1)
     norm_params = param_set - mean_params[:, np.newaxis]
     cov_params = np.dot(norm_params, norm_params.T) / M
     estm_std_params = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_params))
     std_params = np.r_[interp.std_mean, interp.std_height, interp.std_std]
     self.assertTrue((np.abs(mean_params - true_params) / std_params < 0.5).all(),
                     "Sample mean parameter vector differs too much from true value")
     # Only check diagonal of cov matrix - the rest is probably affected by linearisation
     self.assertTrue((np.abs(estm_std_params - std_params) / std_params < 0.2).all(),
                     "Sample parameter standard deviation differs too much from expected one")
Exemple #8
 def test_cov_params(self):
     """GaussianFit (independent stdevs): Obtain sample statistics of parameters and compare to calculated covariance matrix."""
     interp = GaussianFit(self.init_mean, self.init_std, self.init_height)
     true_params = np.r_[self.true_mean, self.true_height, self.true_std]
     std_y = 0.1
     M = 200
     param_set = np.zeros((len(true_params), M))
     for n in range(M):
         interp.fit(self.x, self.y + std_y * np.random.randn(len(self.y)), std_y)
         param_set[:, n] = np.r_[interp.mean, interp.height, interp.std]
     mean_params = param_set.mean(axis=1)
     norm_params = param_set - mean_params[:, np.newaxis]
     cov_params = np.dot(norm_params, norm_params.T) / M
     estm_std_params = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_params))
     std_params = np.r_[interp.std_mean, interp.std_height, interp.std_std]
     self.assertTrue((np.abs(mean_params - true_params) / std_params < 0.5).all(),
                     "Sample mean parameter vector differs too much from true value")
     # Only check diagonal of cov matrix - the rest is probably affected by linearisation
     self.assertTrue((np.abs(estm_std_params - std_params) / std_params < 0.2).all(),
                     "Sample parameter standard deviation differs too much from expected one")
 def setUp(self):
     self.true_mean = [0, 0]
     self.true_std = np.sqrt(10)
     self.true_height = 4
     true_gauss = GaussianFit(self.true_mean, self.true_std,
     self.x = 7 * np.random.randn(2, 80)
     self.y = true_gauss(self.x)
     self.init_mean = [3, -2]
     self.init_std = 1
     self.init_height = 1
Exemple #10
class BeamPatternFit(ScatterFit):
    """Fit analytic beam pattern to total power data defined on 2-D plane.

    This fits a two-dimensional Gaussian curve (with diagonal covariance matrix)
    to total power data as a function of 2-D coordinates. The Gaussian bump
    represents an antenna beam pattern convolved with a point source.

    center : sequence of 2 floats
        Initial guess of 2-element beam center, in target coordinate units
    width : sequence of 2 floats, or float
        Initial guess of single beamwidth for both dimensions, or 2-element
        beamwidth vector, expressed as FWHM in units of target coordinates
    height : float
        Initial guess of beam pattern amplitude or height

    expected_width : real array, shape (2,), or float
        Initial guess of beamwidth, saved as expected width for checks
    radius_first_null : float
        Radius of first null in beam in target coordinate units (stored here for
        convenience, but not calculated internally)
    refined : int
        Number of scan-based baselines used to refine beam (0 means unrefined)
    is_valid : bool
        True if beam parameters are within reasonable ranges after fit
    std_center : array of float, shape (2,)
        Standard error of beam center, only set after :func:`fit`
    std_width : array of float, shape (2,), or float
        Standard error of beamwidth(s), only set after :func:`fit`
    std_height : float
        Standard error of beam height, only set after :func:`fit`

    def __init__(self, center, width, height):
        if not np.isscalar(width):
            width = np.atleast_1d(width)
        self._interp = GaussianFit(center, fwhm_to_sigma(width), height)
        self.center = self._interp.mean
        self.width = sigma_to_fwhm(self._interp.std)
        self.height = self._interp.height

        self.expected_width = width
        # Initial guess for radius of first null
        self.radius_first_null = 1.3 * np.mean(self.expected_width)
        # Beam initially unrefined and invalid
        self.refined = 0
        self.is_valid = False
        self.std_center = self.std_width = self.std_height = None

    def fit(self, x, y, std_y=1.0):
        """Fit a beam pattern to data.

        The center, width and height of the fitted beam pattern (and their
        standard errors) can be obtained from the corresponding member variables
        after this is run.

        x : array-like, shape (2, N)
            Sequence of 2-dimensional target coordinates (as column vectors)
        y : array-like, shape (N,)
            Sequence of corresponding total power values to fit
        std_y : float or array-like, shape (N,), optional
            Measurement error or uncertainty of `y` values, expressed as standard
            deviation in units of `y`

        self._interp.fit(x, y, std_y)
        self.center = self._interp.mean
        self.width = sigma_to_fwhm(self._interp.std)
        self.height = self._interp.height
        self.std_center = self._interp.std_mean
        self.std_width = sigma_to_fwhm(self._interp.std_std)
        self.std_height = self._interp.std_height
        self.is_valid = not any(np.isnan(self.center)) and self.height > 0.
        norm_width = self.width / self.expected_width
        self.is_valid &= all(norm_width > 0.9) and all(norm_width < 1.25)

    def __call__(self, x):
        """Evaluate fitted beam pattern function on new target coordinates.

        x : array-like, shape (2, M)
            Sequence of 2-dimensional target coordinates (as column vectors)

        y : array, shape (M,)
            Sequence of total power values representing fitted beam

        return self._interp(x)