Exemple #1
def test_03_01_shape():
    '''Make sure the median filter is the expected octagonal shape'''

    radius = 5
    a_2 = int(radius / 2.414213)
    i,j = np.mgrid[-10:11,-10:11]
    octagon = np.ones((21,21), bool)
    # constrain the octagon mask to be the points that are on
    # the correct side of the 8 edges
    octagon[i < -radius] = False
    octagon[i > radius]  = False
    octagon[j < -radius] = False
    octagon[j > radius]  = False
    octagon[i+j < -radius-a_2] = False
    octagon[j-i >  radius+a_2] = False
    octagon[i+j >  radius+a_2] = False
    octagon[i-j >  radius+a_2] = False
    img = np.random.uniform(size=(21,21))
    result = median_filter(img, np.ones((21,21),bool), radius)
    sorted = img[octagon]
    min_acceptable = sorted[len(sorted)/2-1]
    max_acceptable = sorted[len(sorted)/2+1]
    assert (result[10,10] >= min_acceptable)
    assert (result[10,10] <= max_acceptable)
Exemple #2
def test_02_01_median():
    '''A median filter larger than the image = median of image'''
    img = np.random.uniform(size=(9,9))
    result = median_filter(img, np.ones((9,9),bool), 20)
    assert_equal(result[0,0], np.median(img))
    assert (np.all(result == np.median(img)))
Exemple #3
def test_01_01_mask():
    '''The median filter, masking a single value'''
    img = np.zeros((10,10))
    img[5,5] = 1
    mask = np.ones((10,10),bool)
    mask[5,5] = False
    result = median_filter(img, mask, 3)
    assert (np.all(result[mask] == 0))
    assert_equal(result[5,5], 1)
Exemple #4
def test_02_02_median_bigger():
    '''Use an image of more than 255 values to test approximation'''
    img = np.random.uniform(size=(20,20))
    result = median_filter(img, np.ones((20,20),bool),40)
    sorted = np.ravel(img)
    min_acceptable = sorted[198]
    max_acceptable = sorted[202]
    assert (np.all(result >= min_acceptable))
    assert (np.all(result <= max_acceptable))
Exemple #5
def test_04_01_half_masked():
    '''Make sure that the median filter can handle large masked areas.'''
    img = np.ones((20, 20))
    mask = np.ones((20, 20),bool)
    mask[10:, :] = False
    img[~ mask] = 2
    img[1, 1] = 0 # to prevent short circuit for uniform data.
    result = median_filter(img, mask, 5)
    # in partial coverage areas, the result should be only from the masked pixels
    assert (np.all(result[:14, :] == 1))
    # in zero coverage areas, the result should be the lowest valud in the valid area
    assert (np.all(result[15:, :] == np.min(img[mask])))
Exemple #6
def test_default_values():
    img = (np.random.random((20, 20)) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
    mask = np.ones((20, 20), dtype=np.uint8)
    result1 = median_filter(img, mask, radius=1, percent=50)
    result2 = median_filter(img)
    assert_array_equal(result1, result2)
Exemple #7
def test_00_00_zeros():
    '''The median filter on an array of all zeros should be zero'''
    result = median_filter(np.zeros((10,10)), np.ones((10,10),bool), 3)
    assert np.all(result == 0)
Exemple #8
def test_00_02_all_but_one_masked():
    mask = np.zeros((10,10), bool)
    mask[5,5] = True
    result = median_filter(np.zeros((10,10)), mask, 3)
Exemple #9
def test_00_01_all_masked():
    '''Test a completely masked image

    Regression test of IMG-1029'''
    result = median_filter(np.zeros((10,10)), np.zeros((10,10), bool), 3)
    assert (np.all(result == 0))