def test_hommel():
    #tested agains R stats p_adjust(pval0, method='hommel')
    pval0 = np.array(
              [ 0.00116,  0.00924,  0.01075,  0.01437,  0.01784,  0.01918,
                0.02751,  0.02871,  0.03054,  0.03246,  0.04259,  0.06879,
                0.0691 ,  0.08081,  0.08593,  0.08993,  0.09386,  0.09412,
                0.09718,  0.09758,  0.09781,  0.09788,  0.13282,  0.20191,
                0.21757,  0.24031,  0.26061,  0.26762,  0.29474,  0.32901,
                0.41386,  0.51479,  0.52461,  0.53389,  0.56276,  0.62967,
                0.72178,  0.73403,  0.87182,  0.95384])

    result_ho = np.array(
              [ 0.0464            ,  0.25872           ,  0.29025           ,
                0.3495714285714286,  0.41032           ,  0.44114           ,
                0.57771           ,  0.60291           ,  0.618954          ,
                0.6492            ,  0.7402725000000001,  0.86749           ,
                0.86749           ,  0.8889100000000001,  0.8971477777777778,
                0.8993            ,  0.9175374999999999,  0.9175374999999999,
                0.9175374999999999,  0.9175374999999999,  0.9175374999999999,
                0.9175374999999999,  0.95384           ,  0.9538400000000001,
                0.9538400000000001,  0.9538400000000001,  0.9538400000000001,
                0.9538400000000001,  0.9538400000000001,  0.9538400000000001,
                0.9538400000000001,  0.9538400000000001,  0.9538400000000001,
                0.9538400000000001,  0.9538400000000001,  0.9538400000000001,
                0.9538400000000001,  0.9538400000000001,  0.9538400000000001,

    rej, pvalscorr, _, _ = multipletests(pval0, alpha=0.1, method='ho')
    assert_almost_equal(pvalscorr, result_ho, 15)
    assert_equal(rej, result_ho < 0.1)  #booleans
Exemple #2
def test_hommel():
    #tested agains R stats p_adjust(pval0, method='hommel')
    pval0 = np.array([
        0.00116, 0.00924, 0.01075, 0.01437, 0.01784, 0.01918, 0.02751, 0.02871,
        0.03054, 0.03246, 0.04259, 0.06879, 0.0691, 0.08081, 0.08593, 0.08993,
        0.09386, 0.09412, 0.09718, 0.09758, 0.09781, 0.09788, 0.13282, 0.20191,
        0.21757, 0.24031, 0.26061, 0.26762, 0.29474, 0.32901, 0.41386, 0.51479,
        0.52461, 0.53389, 0.56276, 0.62967, 0.72178, 0.73403, 0.87182, 0.95384

    result_ho = np.array([
        0.0464, 0.25872, 0.29025, 0.3495714285714286, 0.41032, 0.44114,
        0.57771, 0.60291, 0.618954, 0.6492, 0.7402725000000001, 0.86749,
        0.86749, 0.8889100000000001, 0.8971477777777778, 0.8993,
        0.9175374999999999, 0.9175374999999999, 0.9175374999999999,
        0.9175374999999999, 0.9175374999999999, 0.9175374999999999, 0.95384,
        0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001,
        0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001,
        0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001,
        0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001,
        0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001,
        0.9538400000000001, 0.9538400000000001

    rej, pvalscorr, _, _ = multipletests(pval0, alpha=0.1, method='ho')
    assert_almost_equal(pvalscorr, result_ho, 15)
    assert_equal(rej, result_ho < 0.1)  #booleans
Exemple #3
def test_multi_pvalcorrection():
    #test against R package multtest mt.rawp2adjp
    #because of sort this doesn't check correct sequence - TODO: rewrite DONE
    rmethods = {
        'rawp': (0, 'pval'),
        'Bonferroni': (1, 'b'),
        'Holm': (2, 'h'),
        'Hochberg': (3, 'sh'),
        'SidakSS': (4, 's'),
        'SidakSD': (5, 'hs'),
        'BH': (6, 'fdr_i'),
        'BY': (7, 'fdr_n')

    for k, v in rmethods.items():
        if v[1] in ['b', 's', 'sh', 'hs', 'h', 'fdr_i', 'fdr_n']:
            #pvalscorr = np.sort(multipletests(pval0, alpha=0.1, method=v[1])[1])
            r_sortindex = [6, 8, 9, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, 0, 3]
            pvalscorr = multipletests(pval0, alpha=0.1,
            assert_almost_equal(pvalscorr, res_multtest[:, v[0]], 15)

    pvalscorr = np.sort(fdrcorrection0(pval0, method='n')[1])
    assert_almost_equal(pvalscorr, res_multtest[:, 7], 15)
    pvalscorr = np.sort(fdrcorrection0(pval0, method='i')[1])
    assert_almost_equal(pvalscorr, res_multtest[:, 6], 15)
def test_multi_pvalcorrection():
    #test against R package multtest mt.rawp2adjp
    #because of sort this doesn't check correct sequence - TODO: rewrite DONE
    rmethods = {'rawp':(0,'pval'), 'Bonferroni':(1,'b'), 'Holm':(2,'h'),
                'Hochberg':(3,'sh'), 'SidakSS':(4,'s'), 'SidakSD':(5,'hs'),
                'BH':(6,'fdr_i'), 'BY':(7,'fdr_n')}

    for k,v in rmethods.items():
        if v[1] in ['b', 's', 'sh', 'hs', 'h', 'fdr_i', 'fdr_n']:
            #pvalscorr = np.sort(multipletests(pval0, alpha=0.1, method=v[1])[1])
            r_sortindex = [6, 8, 9, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, 0, 3]
            pvalscorr = multipletests(pval0, alpha=0.1, method=v[1])[1][r_sortindex]
            assert_almost_equal(pvalscorr, res_multtest[:,v[0]], 15)

    pvalscorr = np.sort(fdrcorrection0(pval0, method='n')[1])
    assert_almost_equal(pvalscorr, res_multtest[:,7], 15)
    pvalscorr = np.sort(fdrcorrection0(pval0, method='i')[1])
    assert_almost_equal(pvalscorr, res_multtest[:,6], 15)