Exemple #1
def train_convolution_network(x):

    prediction = cnn(x)

    cost = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=prediction, labels=y))
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(cost)

    hm_epochs = 10

    with tf.Session() as sess:

        for epoch in range(hm_epochs):
            epoch_loss = 0
            for i in range(int(len(train_x) / batch_size)):
                epoch_x, epoch_y = next_batch(batch_size)
                i, c = sess.run([optimizer, cost],
                                    x: epoch_x,
                                    y: epoch_y
                epoch_loss += c
            print('Epoch', epoch, 'completed out of', hm_epochs, 'loss:',

        correct = tf.equal(tf.argmax(prediction, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1))
        accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float'))
                  x: test_x,
                  y: categorical(test_y[:, 0], drop=True)
              }))  #categorical
Exemple #2
def load():
    Loads the Grunfeld data and returns a Dataset class.

    Dataset instance:
        See DATASET_PROPOSAL.txt for more information.

    raw_data has the firm variable expanded to dummy variables for each
    firm (ie., there is no reference dummy)
    filepath = dirname(abspath(__file__))
    data = recfromtxt(open(filepath + '/grunfeld.csv', 'rb'),
    names = list(data.dtype.names)
    endog = array(data[names[0]], dtype=float)
    endog_name = names[0]
    exog = data[list(names[1:])]
    exog_name = list(names[1:])
    dataset = Dataset(data=data,
    raw_data = categorical(data, col='firm', drop=True)
    dataset.raw_data = raw_data
    return dataset
def load():
    Loads the Grunfeld data and returns a Dataset class.

    Dataset instance:
        See DATASET_PROPOSAL.txt for more information.

    raw_data has the firm variable expanded to dummy variables for each
    firm (ie., there is no reference dummy)
    filepath = dirname(abspath(__file__))
    data = recfromtxt(open(filepath + '/grunfeld.csv','rb'), delimiter=",",
            names=True, dtype="f8,f8,f8,a17,f8")
    names = list(data.dtype.names)
    endog = array(data[names[0]], dtype=float)
    endog_name = names[0]
    exog = data[list(names[1:])]
    exog_name = list(names[1:])
    dataset = Dataset(data=data, names=names, endog=endog, exog=exog,
            endog_name=endog_name, exog_name=exog_name)
    raw_data = categorical(data, col='firm', drop=True)
    dataset.raw_data = raw_data
    return dataset
Exemple #4
def next_batch(batch_size):
    global test_counter
    batch_counter = test_counter
    #global test_counter
    test_counter = (batch_counter + 1)
    return train_x[batch_counter:(batch_counter + batch_size), :], categorical(
        train_y[batch_counter:(batch_counter + batch_size)][:, 0], drop=True)
Exemple #5
def next_batch(batch_size):
	global test_counter
	#global test_counter
	# vivek: you should verify the outcome of the following code
	return train_x[batch_counter:(batch_counter+batch_size),:],categorical(train_y[batch_counter:(batch_counter+batch_size)][:,0],drop=True) #categorical
Exemple #6
def testScale():
    ## need sakjf;sajfd;aslkd
    x = np.array([[1, 2, 1, 0, 2]])  # values of var1 of all samples
    print x.shape

    y_arr = np.array([['T', 'F2', 'F2', 'T', 'F1']])
    z = np.array([[1, 2, 2, 1, 2]])

    min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler().fit(z)
    print z
    x_train_minmax = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(z)
    cat_arr = categorical(y_arr, drop=True)  ## each row belong to one sample
    cat_arr_trans = np.transpose(cat_arr)  ## each row = 1 var

    data_temp = np.array([x_train_minmax[0]])
    print x_train_minmax[0]
Exemple #7
def load():
    Loads the Grunfeld data and returns a Dataset class.

    Dataset instance:
        See DATASET_PROPOSAL.txt for more information.

    raw_data has the firm variable expanded to dummy variables for each
    firm (ie., there is no reference dummy)
    data = _get_data()
    raw_data = categorical(data, col='firm', drop=True)
    ds = du.process_recarray(data, endog_idx=0, stack=False)
    ds.raw_data = raw_data
    return ds
Exemple #8
def imputeMissingValue(path, fname, att_name_list, category_arr_list):

    imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=1)

    att_value_hash = dict()
    for name in att_name_list:
        att_value_hash[name] = []

    f_r = open(path + fname, "r")
    for line in f_r.readlines()[1::]:
        att_arr = line.strip().split(",")

        for val, att_name in zip(att_arr, att_name_list):
            val = val.strip()
            if val == "None" or val == "NA":
                val = np.nan

    b = att_value_hash[att_name_list[1]]
    impb = imp.transform(b)

    data = impb
    #print original_data.shape
    for att_name, val_arr in att_value_hash.items():
        if att_name == "ID": continue

        b = np.array([att_value_hash[att_name]])
        #print att_name
        if att_name in category_arr_list:
            cat_matrix, cat_dict = categorical(b, drop=True, dictnames=True)
            inv_dict = {v: k for k, v in cat_dict.items()}
            newb = np.array([[inv_dict[d] for d in b[0]]])
            #print newb
            newb = b

        impb = imp.transform(newb)

        data = np.concatenate((data, impb), axis=0)

    return data, att_value_hash
 def test_structarray1d(self):
     instr = self.structdes['instrument'].view(dtype=[('var1', 'f4')])
     dum = tools.categorical(instr)
     test_dum = np.column_stack(([dum[_] for _ in dum.dtype.names[-5:]]))
     assert_array_equal(test_dum, self.dummy)
     assert_equal(len(dum.dtype.names), 6)
 def test_recarray1d_drop(self):
     instr = self.structdes['instrument'].view(np.recarray)
     dum = tools.categorical(instr, drop=True)
     test_dum = np.column_stack(([dum[_] for _ in dum.dtype.names]))
     assert_array_equal(test_dum, self.dummy)
     assert_equal(len(dum.dtype.names), 5)
 def test_array1d(self):
     des = tools.categorical(self.instr)
     assert_array_equal(des[:,-5:], self.dummy)
 def test_structarray2d_drop(self):
     des = tools.categorical(self.structdes, col='str_instr', drop=True)
     test_des = np.column_stack(([des[_] for _ in des.dtype.names[-5:]]))
     assert_array_equal(test_des, self.dummy)
     assert_equal(len(des.dtype.names), 8)
 def test_recarray1d(self):
     instr = self.structdes['str_instr'].view(np.recarray)
     dum = tools.categorical(instr)
     test_dum = np.column_stack(([dum[_] for _ in dum.dtype.names[-5:]]))
     assert_array_equal(test_dum, self.dummy)
     assert_equal(len(dum.dtype.names), 6)
Exemple #14
# df_train=pd.read_csv('matrix_nn_train.csv', sep=',')
# df_test=pd.read_csv('matrix_nn_test.csv',sep=',')

df_train = pd.read_csv("train.csv", sep=",")
df_test = pd.read_csv("test.csv", sep=",")

ind_train = len(df_train.index)

col = len(df_train.columns)

ind_test = len(df_test.index)

input_train = np.array(df_train.iloc[:, 1:col])
tmp1 = np.array(df_train.iloc[:, 0])
target_train = categorical(tmp1, drop=True).argmax(1)
print input_train.shape

input_test = np.array(df_test.iloc[:, 1:col])
tmp2 = np.array(df_test.iloc[:, 0])
target_test = categorical(tmp2, drop=True).argmax(1)
print input_test.shape

print "...building the instances..."
train = [Instance(input_train[i], [target_train[i]]) for i in range(ind_train)]
test = [Instance(input_test[i], [target_test[i]]) for i in range(ind_test)]

n_inputs = col - 1
n_outputs = 1
n_hiddens = 300
 def test_array1d_drop(self):
     des = tools.categorical(self.string_var, drop=True)
     assert_array_equal(des, self.dummy)
 def test_recarray2d(self):
     des = tools.categorical(self.recdes, col='str_instr')
     # better way to do this?
     test_des = np.column_stack(([des[_] for _ in des.dtype.names[-5:]]))
     assert_array_equal(test_des, self.dummy)
     assert_equal(len(des.dtype.names), 9)
Exemple #17
ccc['droprate_uc'] = aaa['drop']#username_countごとのdropout数
dtrain = dtrain.reset_index().merge(ccc,on='username_count',how='left').sort('index').drop('index',axis=1)
dtest = dtest.reset_index().merge(ccc,on='username_count',how='left').sort('index').drop('index',axis=1)
#dtrain = dtrain.sort('enrollment_id')
#dtest = dtest.sort('enrollment_id')
dtrain.index = range(0,len(dtrain))
dtest.index = range(0,len(dtest))

del dtrain['drop']

X = pd.concat([dtrain,dtest])
X.index = range(0,len(X))

b = categorical(np.array(X['course_id']), drop=True)
b = pd.DataFrame(b)

#aaa = pd.factorize(X['username'])#usernameのFactorize化
#dtrain['username'] = aaa[0][:len(dtrain)]
#dtrain[dtrain['username_count'] <= 5]['username'] = -999

#bbb = pd.factorize(X['course_id'])#course_idのFactorize化
#dtrain['course_id'] = bbb[0][:len(dtrain)]

#del dtrain['enrollment_id'],dtrain['username'],dtrain['course_id'],
dtrain = pd.concat([b[:len(dtrain)],dtrain],axis=1)
#label = dtrain['drop']
#del dtrain['drop']
#dtrain.iloc[:,39:] = dtrain.iloc[:,39:].applymap(f)#対数変換
 def test_structarray2dint(self):
     des = tools.categorical(self.structdes, col=3)
     test_des = np.column_stack(([des[_] for _ in des.dtype.names[-5:]]))
     assert_array_equal(test_des, self.dummy)
     assert_equal(len(des.dtype.names), 9)
Exemple #19
def normalize(att_value_hash, boolean_arr_list, integer_arr_list,
              ignore_arr_list, select_features, category_arr_list):

    min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()

    newname_arr = []
    norm_value_hash = dict()

    ## keep original boolean att
    for att_name in boolean_arr_list:
        if att_name in ignore_arr_list: continue
        if att_name in select_features:
            norm_value_hash[att_name] = np.array([att_value_hash[att_name]])

    ## normalize interger attributes: convert to [0,1] using min_max scaler
    minmax_hash = dict()
    for att_name in integer_arr_list:
        if att_name in ignore_arr_list: continue
        if att_name in select_features:
            val_arr = np.array([[
                float(val.strip()) for val in att_value_hash[att_name]
            minmax_hash[att_name] = (min(val_arr), max(val_arr))

            norm_val_arr = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(val_arr)
            norm_value_hash[att_name] = norm_val_arr.transpose()

    ## normalize categorical features: 1-to-k encode categorical data
    newcatname_arr = []
    for att_name in category_arr_list:
        if att_name in ignore_arr_list: continue
        if att_name in select_features:
            val_arr = np.array([att_value_hash[att_name]])

            cat_matrix = categorical(
                val_arr[0], drop=True, dictnames=True
            )  ##  need to indicate dimension, its the first dimension (0), each row = 1 sample
            cat_matrix_trans = np.transpose(
                cat_matrix[0])  ## transpose so that each row = 1 var
            for index, ori_val in cat_matrix[1].items():

                new_att_name = att_name + "-" + ori_val
                norm_value_hash[new_att_name] = cat_matrix_trans[index]

    imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=1)
    b = norm_value_hash[select_features[0]][0]
    b = imp.transform(b)
    data = np.array(b)

    for newname in newname_arr:

        if newname == select_features[0]: continue
        if newname not in newcatname_arr:

            b = norm_value_hash[newname][0]
            b = imp.transform(b)
            data = np.concatenate((data, b), axis=0)
            b = np.array([norm_value_hash[newname]])
            data = np.concatenate((data, b), axis=0)

    return data, newname_arr, newcatname_arr, minmax_hash
 def test_structarray1d_drop(self):
     instr = self.structdes['str_instr'].view(dtype=[('var1', 'a10')])
     dum = tools.categorical(instr, drop=True)
     test_dum = np.column_stack(([dum[_] for _ in dum.dtype.names]))
     assert_array_equal(test_dum, self.dummy)
     assert_equal(len(dum.dtype.names), 5)
Exemple #21
#log transform
f = lambda x: np.log(1 + x**2) if x > 1 else x

dtrain = pd.read_csv(
dtest = pd.read_csv(

label = dtrain['drop']
del dtrain['drop']

X = pd.concat([dtrain, dtest])
X.index = range(0, len(X))

b = categorical(np.array(X['course_id']), drop=True)
b = pd.DataFrame(b)

#aaa = pd.factorize(X['username'])#usernameのFactorize化
#dtrain['username'] = aaa[0][:len(dtrain)]
#dtrain[dtrain['username_count'] <= 5]['username'] = -999

#bbb = pd.factorize(X['course_id'])#course_idのFactorize化
#dtrain['course_id'] = bbb[0][:len(dtrain)]

del dtrain['enrollment_id'], dtrain['username'], dtrain['course_id'],
dtrain = pd.concat([b[:len(dtrain)], dtrain], axis=1)
#label = dtrain['drop']
#del dtrain['drop']
#dtrain.iloc[:,39:] = dtrain.iloc[:,39:].applymap(f)#対数変換
 def test_array2d_drop(self):
     des = np.column_stack((self.des, self.instr, self.des))
     des = tools.categorical(des, col=2, drop=True)
     assert_array_equal(des[:,-5:], self.dummy)
Exemple #23
def normalize():

    machine = "aws"
    aws = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
    imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=1)
    min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()

    if machine == "amm":
        prefix = "/home/amm/"
        prefix = "/home/ubuntu/Desktop/sna_utcc/"

    path = prefix + "upwork/data/"
    f_r = open(path + "appt_dump_transformed.csv", "r")
    f_w = open(path + "appt_dump_normMinMax.csv", "w")

    ## new attribute names in transformed file
    att_name_list = [
        "ID", "AllowPush", "AdOptedIn", "NumCampaignMatch", "Carrier",
        "AppVersion", "AllowiBeacon", "AllowGeo", "AllowFeaturePush",
        "ScreenHeight", "AllowBT", "HaveUniqueGlobalID", "NumCrash",
        "DailyUsage", "Country", "LastUpdateDays", "DeviceModel",
        "BlockPushTF", "BlockPushSameday", "BlockPushAfterDays", "OS",
        "OSVersion", "RevokePushTF", "RevokePushBefore", "RevokePushSameday",
        "RevokePushAfterDays", "SignIn", "UninstalledTF", "UninstalledSameday",
        "UninstalledAfter", "ScreenWidth", "EmailExist", "EmailAddress",
        "InstallDays", "PushCount", "Timezone", "UserType", "Questions",

    print len(att_name_list)
    boolean_arr_list = [
        "AllowPush", "AdOptedIn", "AllowiBeacon", "AllowGeo",
        "AllowFeaturePush", "AllowBT", "HaveUniqueGlobalID", "SignIn",
        "EmailExist", "EmailAddress", "BlockPushTF", "BlockPushSameday",
        "RevokePushTF", "RevokePushBefore", "RevokePushSameday",
        "UninstalledTF", "UninstalledSameday"

    category_arr_list = [
        "Carrier", "AppVersion", "DeviceModel", "OS", "UserType", "OSVersion",
        "Timezone", "ScreenWidth", "ScreenHeight", "Country"

    integer_arr_list = [
        "NumCampaignMatch", "NumCrash", "DailyUsage", "InstallDays",
        "PushCount", "Questions", "CorrectQuestion", "BlockPushAfterDays",
        "RevokePushAfterDays", "UninstalledAfter", "LastUpdateDays"

    ignore_arr_list = [
        "ID", "Carrier", "AdOptedIn", "AllowiBeacon", "HaveUniqueGlobalID",
        "OS", "SignIn", "EmailExist", "UserType"
    #print len(boolean_arr_list)+len(category_arr_list)+len(integer_arr_list)
    #print set(att_name_list).difference(set(boolean_arr_list).union(category_arr_list).union(integer_arr_list))

    att_value_hash = dict()
    norm_value_hash = dict()
    newname_arr = []
    for att_name in att_name_list:
        att_value_hash[att_name] = []

    for line in f_r.readlines()[1::]:
        att_arr = line.strip().split(",")
        if len(att_arr) > 39:
            print att_arr
        for val, att_name in zip(att_arr, att_name_list):
            val = val.strip()
            if val == "None":
                val = np.nan

    b = att_value_hash["AllowPush"]
    impb = imp.transform(b)

    original_data = impb
    #print original_data.shape
    for att_name, val_arr in att_value_hash.items():
        if att_name == "ID": continue

        b = np.array([att_value_hash[att_name]])
        #print att_name
        if att_name in category_arr_list:
            cat_matrix, cat_dict = categorical(b, drop=True, dictnames=True)
            inv_dict = {v: k for k, v in cat_dict.items()}
            newb = np.array([[inv_dict[d] for d in b[0]]])
            #print newb
            newb = b

        impb = imp.transform(newb)
        original_data = np.concatenate((original_data, impb), axis=0)

    k = 30
    ## Select features
    pca = PCA(n_components=1)
    transpose_data = original_data.transpose()
    #new_data = pca.fit_transform(original_data)
    topk_arr = np.abs(pca.components_[0]).argsort()[::-1][:k]
    select_features = list(
             for i in topk_arr]).difference(set(ignore_arr_list)))

    ## normalize feature values
    #norm_value_hash["ID"] = np.array([att_value_hash["ID"]])

    ## keep original boolean att
    for att_name in boolean_arr_list:
        if att_name in ignore_arr_list: continue
        if att_name in select_features:
            norm_value_hash[att_name] = np.array([att_value_hash[att_name]])

    ## normalize interger attributes
    minmax_hash = dict()
    for att_name in integer_arr_list:
        if att_name in ignore_arr_list: continue
        if att_name in select_features:
            val_arr = np.array([[
                float(val.strip()) for val in att_value_hash[att_name]

            minmax_hash[att_name] = (min(val_arr), max(val_arr))

            norm_val_arr = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(val_arr)
            norm_value_hash[att_name] = norm_val_arr.transpose()

    ## 1-to-k encode categorical data
    newcatname_arr = []
    for att_name in category_arr_list:
        if att_name in ignore_arr_list: continue
        if att_name in select_features:
            val_arr = np.array([att_value_hash[att_name]])
            #print att_name
            #print set(val_arr[0])
            cat_matrix = categorical(
                val_arr[0], drop=True, dictnames=True
            )  ##  need to indicate dimension, its the first dimension (0), each row = 1 sample
            cat_matrix_trans = np.transpose(
                cat_matrix[0])  ## transpose so that each row = 1 var
            for index, ori_val in cat_matrix[1].items():
                #print ori_val
                #print cat_matrix_trans[index]
                new_att_name = att_name + "-" + ori_val
                norm_value_hash[new_att_name] = cat_matrix_trans[index]

    b = norm_value_hash[select_features[0]][0]
    #print b
    b = imp.transform(b)
    data = np.array(b)

    for newname in newname_arr:
        #print newname
        #print data.shape
        if newname == select_features[0]: continue
        if newname not in newcatname_arr:

            b = norm_value_hash[newname][0]
            #print b
            b = imp.transform(b)
            #print b
            #print b.shape
            data = np.concatenate((data, b), axis=0)
            b = np.array([norm_value_hash[newname]])
            #print b.shape
            data = np.concatenate((data, b), axis=0)

    data = np.transpose(data)  ## row = one sample

    ## perform k-mean and select the best k
    maxsilh = float('-inf')
    centroid_best = []
    kbest = 0
    for ncluster in range(4, 5):

        centroid_arr, silhouette_avg = cluster(data, ncluster)
        if silhouette_avg > maxsilh:
            maxsilh = silhouette_avg
            centroid_best = centroid_arr
            kbest = ncluster
    #print (ncluster, silhouette_avg)
    #noncatname_arr = list(set(newname_arr).difference(newcatname_arr))

    print "Best k = " + str(kbest)

    ## convert dummy back to original
    cat_hash_cluster = dict()

    for centroid, no in zip(centroid_best, range(0, kbest)):
        cat_hash_cluster[no] = dict()
        max_hash = dict()
        max_val = dict()
        #print centroid

        for attname in newcatname_arr:
            max_hash[attname] = 0
            max_val[attname] = ""

        for cval, attname in zip(centroid, newname_arr):

            if attname in newcatname_arr:
                #print (attname, cval)
                if attname.startswith("Time"):
                    mainname = "Timezone"
                    catname = attname.replace("Timezone-", "")
                    mainname, catname = attname.split("-")

                if cval > max_hash[attname]:
                    max_hash[attname] = cval
                    cat_hash_cluster[no][mainname] = catname
	for cno in cat_hash_cluster.keys():
		print cno
		cat_hash = cat_hash_cluster[cno]
		for name, val in cat_hash.items():
			print (name, val)

    for centroid, no in zip(centroid_best, range(0, kbest)):
        noncat_cenarr_val = []
        noncat_cenarr_name = []
        cat_cenarr_val = []
        cat_cenarr_name = []
        for cval, attname in zip(centroid, newname_arr):
            if attname in newcatname_arr:
                if attname.startswith("Time"):
                    mainname = "Timezone"
                    catname = attname.replace("Timezone-", "")
                    mainname, catname = attname.split("-")

                cval = cat_hash_cluster[no][mainname]

        for name in noncat_cenarr_name:
            print name
        for name in cat_hash_cluster[no].keys():
            print name

        print ""
        print "\nCluster no " + str(no)
        for val, name in zip(noncat_cenarr_val, noncat_cenarr_name):
            #print val
            if name in integer_arr_list:
                ori = val * (minmax_hash[name][1][0] -
                             minmax_hash[name][0][0]) + minmax_hash[name][0][0]
                print ori
            elif name in boolean_arr_list:
                #print str(bool(val>=0.5 ))
                print val
                print val
        cat_hash = cat_hash_cluster[no]
        for name, val in cat_hash.items():
            print val

        print ""

        #print  cat_cenarr_name
        #print cat_cenarr_val
        #print ""