Exemple #1
def convert_and_fill(series, freq, func=None, position='END', *args, **kwargs):
    Converts a series from one frequency to another, by manipulating both the
    `data` and `dates` attributes.

    This function replicates the standard :func:`scikits.timeseries.convert`
    When converting to a higher frequency, the result is automatically forward-
    filled (if ``position=='START'``) or backward-filled (if ``position='END'``)

    The function accepts the same input parameters and has the same signature as
    the standard :func:`scikits.timeseries.convert` function.
    Please refer to the docstring of this latter for more information.

    See Also
        Original function
    if not isinstance(series, TimeSeries):
        raise TypeError("The input should be a valid TimeSeries object!")
    result = ts.convert(series,
    if freq > series._dates.freq:
        _series = result._series
        if position.upper()[0] == 'S':
            _series[:] = ts.lib.forward_fill(_series)
            _series[:] = ts.lib.backward_fill(_series)
    return result
def convert_and_fill(series, freq, func=None, position='END', *args, **kwargs):
    Converts a series from one frequency to another, by manipulating both the
    `data` and `dates` attributes.

    This function replicates the standard :func:`scikits.timeseries.convert`
    When converting to a higher frequency, the result is automatically forward-
    filled (if ``position=='START'``) or backward-filled (if ``position='END'``)

    The function accepts the same input parameters and has the same signature as
    the standard :func:`scikits.timeseries.convert` function.
    Please refer to the docstring of this latter for more information.

    See Also
        Original function
    if not isinstance(series, TimeSeries):
        raise TypeError("The input should be a valid TimeSeries object!")
    result = ts.convert(series, freq, func=func, position=position,
                        *args, **kwargs)
    if freq > series._dates.freq:
        _series = result._series
        if position.upper()[0] == 'S':
            _series[:] = ts.lib.forward_fill(_series)
            _series[:] = ts.lib.backward_fill(_series)
    return result
Exemple #3
    def weighted(self,*args):
        R = None
        (weights,[data,series]) = args
        logger.debug("Params are (w=%s,d=%s,s=%s)" % (weights,data,series))
        if check_type(weights,str,unicode) and check_type(data,str,unicode) and check_type(series,str,unicode):
            logger.debug("Params are (w=%s,d=%s,s=%s)" % (weights,data,series))
            Ws = weights
            if ',' in series:
                Ss = series.split(',')
                raise ValueError,"La stringa di definizione delle serie è errata"
            if ',' in weights:
                Ws = weights.split(',')
                if '$$' not in weights:
                    raise ValueError,"La stringa di definizione dei pesi non permette la generazione di un elenco"
                Ws = [ weights.replace('$$',S) for S in Ss ]
            if ',' in data:
                Ds = data.split(',')
                if '$$' not in data:
                    raise ValueError,"La stringa di definizione dei dati non permette la generazione di un elenco"
                Ds = [ data.replace('$$',S) for S in Ss ]
            if len(Ws)==len(Ds):
                W = 0.0
                S = 0.0
                for d,w in zip(Ds,Ws):
                    if wb and db:
                        Wn = IS[w].data[0]
                        Dn = IS[d].data
#                            if isinstance(Dn,ts.TimeSeries):
#                                Dn = np.nan_to_num(Dn)
#                            if isinstance(W,ts.TimeSeries):
#                                W = np.nan_to_num(W)
#                            if isinstance(W,ts.TimeSeries):
#                                ts.align_series(W,Dn)
                            if isinstance(Dn,ts.TimeSeries):                            
                                Dn = ts.time_series(Dn,copy=True)
                                if isinstance(W,ts.TimeSeries):
                                    Dn = ts.convert(Dn,W.freq)
                                    Dn = ts.adjust_endpoints(Dn,
                                    # _ts = np.ma.masked_invalid(Dn)
                                    # Dn = _ts.filled(0.0)
#                            if isinstance(W,ts.TimeSeries):
#                                print "GOò"
#                                _report(W,Dn*Wn)
                            W += Dn*Wn
#                            if isinstance(W,ts.TimeSeries):
#                                print "="
#                                _report(W)
                        except Exception, exc:              
#                           if isinstance(W,ts.TimeSeries):              
#                                _report(W)
#                                print "DN"
#                                _report(Dn)                                
#                           print w,d,"W",type(W),W,W.shape,"D",type(Dn),Dn,Dn.shape,"Wn",type(Wn),Wn
                           logger.error('Non posso comporre %s * %s | %s', d,w)
                           ValueError, "%s * %s" % (d,w)
                        S += Wn
                        if not wb: logger.error(u'la serie %s non è presente nell\'IS. ATTENZIONE i risultati dell\'aggregazione possono non essere sono attendibili',w)
                        if not db: logger.error(u'la serie %s non è presente nell\'IS. ATTENZIONE i risultati  dell\'aggregazione possono non essere sono attendibili',d)
                    R = ets.Timeseries(data=W / S,name="WEIGHTED(\"%s\",\"%s\")" % (','.join(Ws),','.join(Ds)))
                except ZeroDivisionError, exc:
                    R = None
Exemple #4
 if namo == 'LNS12032195': stitle = sera['title'].split(',')[0]
 else: stitle = sera['title'].replace(r'&','and')
 newstr = str(i1+7)+r" & "+stitle+r" & "+namo+r" & "+r"St. Louis Fed"+r" & "+ sera['units']+r" & "+stringo+r" & "+str(stlouislist[i1])+r"\\"+"\n"
 tmpstr = tmpstr + newstr
 freqf = resuf['seriess']['series']['frequency_short']
 print "Done..."
 valo = [x['value'] for x in resu['observations']['observation']]
 valo2 = numpy.zeros(len(valo))
 for i1,elem in enumerate(valo):
     if elem == '.': valo2[i1] = float(valo2[i1-1])
     else: valo2[i1] = float(elem)
 valo = numpy.array(valo2)
 dato = [x['date'] for x in resu['observations']['observation']]
 if freqf == 'D':
     tso = ts.time_series(valo,dates=dato,freq='D')
     tso2 = ts.convert(tso,'M',func=numpy.ma.mean)
 elif freqf == 'W':
     tso = ts.time_series(valo,dates=dato,freq='D')
     tso2 = ts.convert(tso,'M',func=numpy.ma.mean)
 elif freqf == 'M':
     tso = ts.time_series(valo,dates=dato,freq='M')
     tso2 = copy.deepcopy(tso)
 elif freqf == 'Q':
     tso = ts.time_series(valo,dates=dato,freq='Q')
     tso2 = ts.convert(tso,'M')
     tso2 = interp_masked1d(tso2)
 valor = tso2['1985-01-01':'2011-09-01']
 dator = valor.dates
 valor = valor.data
 valor = numpy.reshape(valor,(len(valor),1))
 matd = numpy.hstack((matd,valor))
Exemple #5
 ) + r" & " + stitle + r" & " + namo + r" & " + r"St. Louis Fed" + r" & " + sera[
     'units'] + r" & " + stringo + r" & " + str(
         stlouislist[i1]) + r"\\" + "\n"
 tmpstr = tmpstr + newstr
 freqf = resuf['seriess']['series']['frequency_short']
 print "Done..."
 valo = [x['value'] for x in resu['observations']['observation']]
 valo2 = numpy.zeros(len(valo))
 for i1, elem in enumerate(valo):
     if elem == '.': valo2[i1] = float(valo2[i1 - 1])
     else: valo2[i1] = float(elem)
 valo = numpy.array(valo2)
 dato = [x['date'] for x in resu['observations']['observation']]
 if freqf == 'D':
     tso = ts.time_series(valo, dates=dato, freq='D')
     tso2 = ts.convert(tso, 'M', func=numpy.ma.mean)
 elif freqf == 'W':
     tso = ts.time_series(valo, dates=dato, freq='D')
     tso2 = ts.convert(tso, 'M', func=numpy.ma.mean)
 elif freqf == 'M':
     tso = ts.time_series(valo, dates=dato, freq='M')
     tso2 = copy.deepcopy(tso)
 elif freqf == 'Q':
     tso = ts.time_series(valo, dates=dato, freq='Q')
     tso2 = ts.convert(tso, 'M')
     tso2 = interp_masked1d(tso2)
 valor = tso2['1985-01-01':'2011-09-01']
 dator = valor.dates
 valor = valor.data
 valor = numpy.reshape(valor, (len(valor), 1))
 matd = numpy.hstack((matd, valor))