def ClusterQuestions(args): qs_dict = {} with open("Question_Map","r") as qm: qs_dict = pickle.load(qm) filename = 'SuperQuestionSet_PosTagged.txt' dumpFile="tf_idf.dump" if len(args) >= 2: filename = args[1] if len(args)>=3: dumpFile=args[2] getDump(filename) with open(filename) as title_file: job_titles = [line.strip() for line in title_file.readlines()] words = get_words(job_titles) with open("ClusterCount","r") as cc: no_of_clusters=pickle.load(cc) with open(dumpFile,"r") as inf: dict_tf_idf=pickle.load(inf) #pprint.pprint(dict_tf_idf) cluster = KMeansClusterer(no_of_clusters, cosine_distance,repeats = 10,avoid_empty_clusters=True) #cluster = GAAClusterer(4) print "Generating clusters" clusters = cluster.cluster([vectorspaced(title,i,words,dict_tf_idf) for i,title in enumerate(job_titles) if title],True) # NOTE: This is inefficient, cluster.classify should really just be # called when you are classifying previously unseen examples! #classified_examples = [ # cluster.classify(vectorspaced(title,i,words,dict_tf_idf)) for i,title in enumerate(job_titles) # ] # Saving the cluster: print "Generating graph" chart = plt.figure() splot = chart.add_subplot(111) #x = classified_examples x = clusters cols = len(cluster.means()) splot.hist(x,cols,color='blue',alpha=0.6) QuestMap={} #print("Clustered as",clusters) for cluster_id, title in sorted(zip(clusters, job_titles)): title=title.split() if cluster_id in QuestMap: QuestMap[cluster_id].append(qs_dict[title[0]]) else: QuestMap[cluster_id]=[qs_dict[title[0]]] clusObj={"cl":cluster,"cls":clusters,"QuestMap":QuestMap} with open("",'wb') as f: pickle.dump(clusObj,f)