Exemple #1
def detect_coughs(
    # Replace the below random code with something meaningful which
    # generates a one-column dataframe with a column named "peak_start"
    y, sr = librosa.load(file)  # sr is the sampling rate
    N = y.shape[0]  # N is number of samples

    yf = rfft(y)
    xf = rfftfreq(N, 1 / sr)  # Going to frequency domain

    points_per_freq = len(xf1) / (sr / 2)
    target_idx_100 = int(points_per_freq * 100)
    target_idx_2000 = int(points_per_freq * 2000)

    # Removing all frequencies except 100-2000 Hz, as this is the typical range of frequencies for a cough from an adult.
    # Reference: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12666872/
    yf[:target_idx_100 + 1] = 0
    yf[target_idx_2000 - 1:] = 0

    new_sig = irfft(yf)  # Going back to time domain with filtered signal

    peaks_array = find_peaks(
        new_sig, prominence=0.02
    )[0]  #Finding start of peaks in filtered signal, should correspond to coughs
    peaks = peaks_array / sr  # The time instant of starting of peak is arrived at by dividing by sampling rate
    out = pd.DataFrame({'peak_start': peaks})
    return (out)
Exemple #2
def filter_sinogram(sinogram, filter_name, degree=None):
    Filter a sinogram for FBP reconstruction.

    sinogram : numpy.ndarray
        The raw sinogram.
    filter_name : str
        Type of filter, one of: ['None', 'Ram-Lak', 'Shepp-Logan', 'Cosine'].
    degree : int, optional
        Degree of the filter, when applicable, by default None

        The filtered sinogram.

    length = sinogram.shape[1]
    n = fft_size(length)

    filter_f, pre_filter = get_filter(n, filter_name, degree)
    filtered = fft.rfft(sinogram, n, axis=1)
    filter_f = make_broadcastable(filter_f[np.newaxis, ...], filtered)
    filtered *= filter_f
    filtered = fft.irfft(filtered, axis=1, overwrite_x=True)

    return filtered[:, :length], pre_filter
    def lookForPeriodic(self, startMonth, months, harmonicThreshold):
        excerpt = self.columnData[startMonth:startMonth + months]
        dateExcerpts = self.dates[startMonth:startMonth + months]
        avg = np.mean(excerpt)
        normalisedExcerpt = excerpt - avg

        predictionSpectrum = self.plotHarmonicModels(harmonicThreshold, months,

        prediction = fft.irfft(predictionSpectrum)

        testLengthFactor = 2  # expressed as number of times the excerpt length
        totalLength = (testLengthFactor + 1) * months

        trueSignal = self.columnData[:totalLength] - avg
        periodic_prediction = np.tile(prediction, testLengthFactor + 1)


        plt.plot(trueSignal, label='true signal')
        excerptMonths = range(startMonth, startMonth + len(normalisedExcerpt))
        plt.plot(excerptMonths, normalisedExcerpt, label='used excerpt')
        # self.dates, periodic_prediction[0:len(self.dates)],
        plt.plot(periodic_prediction, label='periodic prediction')
        plt.legend(loc='upper left')

        plt.xlabel("Months since 1871")

        unseenData = trueSignal[months:]
        predictData = periodic_prediction[-len(unseenData):]
        rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(unseenData - predictData, 2)))
Exemple #4
def spectro_range(data, min, max):
    ft = rfft(data)
    begin_index = int((len(ft)) * min)
    end_index = int((len(ft)) * max)
    ft[0:begin_index] = 0
    ft[end_index:len(ft)] = 0
    output_signal = irfft(ft)
    return output_signal
Exemple #5
def circ_convolve(signal1, signal2, num_points=None):
    samples1, samples2 = get_both_samples(signal1, signal2)
    if num_points == None:
        num_points = len(signal1)
    conv_samples = fft.irfft(
        fft.rfft(samples1, num_points) * fft.rfft(samples2, num_points))
    # conv_samples = signal.convolve(signal1, np.concatenate([signal2, signal2]), mode='same')
    return same_type_as(conv_samples, signal1)
Exemple #6
 def test_identity(self):
     maxlen = 512
     x = random(maxlen) + 1j*random(maxlen)
     xr = random(maxlen)
     for i in range(1,maxlen):
         assert_array_almost_equal(fft.ifft(fft.fft(x[0:i])), x[0:i],
                                   xr[0:i], decimal=12)
    def _omit_band_profiles(self, x, band_profiles):
        if self.patch_spectrum is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "This FreqDicePatchOmitter has no concrete patch_spectrum. "
                "Have you maybe forgotten to pass in X_bg?")

        spectra = np.tile(rfft(x), (len(band_profiles), 1))
        replace_zero_slices(self.freq_slicing, self.patch_slices,
                            self.patch_strat, spectra, band_profiles)
        return irfft(spectra)
Exemple #8
def deprocess(data):
    new_samples = []
    first = irfft(data[0])
    print(len(first), len(data[0]))

    # First sample to append:
    new_samples = np.concatenate((new_samples, first))
    samp_size = len(new_samples)
    print(samp_size - f_offset)

    lim = len(data)
    for i in range(1, lim):
        aud_data = irfft(data[i])
        merge = aud_data[0:samp_size - f_offset]

        plot = merge
        x = np.arange(len(plot))

        if(i == lim//2):
            plt.plot(x, plot)
            plt.plot(x, new_samples[(f_offset * i):(f_offset * (i-1) + samp_size)])

        print((f_offset * i)/44100)
        coeff_step = 1/(len(merge) + 1)

        for j in range(len(merge)):
            val = (1 - ((j + 1) * coeff_step)) * new_samples[(f_offset * i) + j] + ((j + 1) * coeff_step * merge[j])
            new_samples[(f_offset * i) + j] = val

        if(i == lim//2):
            plt.plot(x, new_samples[(f_offset * i):(f_offset * (i-1) + samp_size)])
            plt.title("t = " + str((f_offset * i)/44100))

        non_merge = aud_data[samp_size - f_offset: samp_size]
        print(non_merge[0]/new_samples[-1], new_samples[-1]/new_samples[-2])
        new_samples = np.concatenate((new_samples, non_merge))

        if(i == 1):
    return new_samples
Exemple #9
    stutter_noise = np.random.normal(size=NW)
    stutter_spect = fft.rfft(stutter_noise)
    freqs = fft.fftfreq(NW)[:NW // 2 + 1][1:-2]
    stutter_spect_filtered = stutter_spect.copy()
    stutter_spect_filtered[1:-2] = stutter_spect[1:-2] * (
        (freqs).min() / freqs**2)
    falloff = np.tanh(FALLOFF_LENGTH * np.arange(NW // 2 - 2) + FALLOFF_MIN)
    stutter_spect_filtered[1:-2] *= falloff
    stutter_filtered = fft.irfft(stutter_spect_filtered)[::NW // W]
    stutter_filtered /= abs(stutter_filtered).max()
    return stutter_filtered
Exemple #10
def fourier(data, gain):
    signal = np.array(10 * [None])
    new_magnitudes = []
    data = np.array(data)
    ft = rfft(data)
    Magnitudes = np.abs(ft)
    k, m = divmod(len(Magnitudes), 10)
    for i in range(10):
        signal[i] = Magnitudes[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)]
        signal[i] = signal[i] * gain[i]
        new_magnitudes = new_magnitudes + list(signal[i])
    new_magnitudes = np.array(new_magnitudes)
    modified = np.multiply(new_magnitudes, np.exp(1j * np.angle(ft)))
    output_signal = irfft(modified)
    return output_signal, Magnitudes
Exemple #11
	def playsound(self,v):
		global soundout
		nsam2=8*44100//(2*f0)					# 8x oversampling so high fundamental frequencies come out closer to correct
		print(f"play: {f0}  ({nsam2})")
		if len(self.svals)>=nsam2//8: svals[::8]=self.svals[:(nsam2-1)//8+1]		# interleave zeros for 8 repetitions of the wave. Gives better frequency accuracy at high frequency
		else: svals[:len(self.svals)*8:8]=self.svals
#		svals=self.svals.copy()
#		svals.resize(nsam2)
#		if len(self.svals)<nsam2: svals[len(self.svals):]=0.0		# zero fill if we extended the array
		#print nsam2,len(self.svals),len(svals),len(total)
def update(i):
    if i:
        p_hat[:] = np.dot(Ad, p_hat)
        p = fft.irfft(p_hat[:(1 + args.Nx // 2)], norm='ortho')
        p = 1 + 0.6 * np.random.rand(x.size)
        p[np.abs(x + args.width / 2) >= 1] = 0

        p_hat[:] = fft.fft(p, norm='ortho')



    timestamps[1:] = timestamps[:-1]
    timestamps[0] = time.time()
    dt = np.mean(timestamps[:-1] - timestamps[1:])
    print(f'[{i:6d}/{Nt:6d}] Average FPS = {1 / dt:.4f}', end='\r')

    return [line_t, line_0]
Exemple #13
 def setSignal(self, t, u, dt):
     self.t = t
     self.u = u
     self.dt = dt
     self.t_phi_kernel = np.arange(-self.t[-1]/2, self.t[-1]/2 + self.dt, self.dt)
     if(self.t_phi_kernel.shape[0] > self.t.shape[0]):
         self.t_phi_kernel = self.t_phi_kernel[:-1]
     self.psi_kernel = rcosFilter(self.t_phi_kernel, self.gamma, self.Ts)
     self.phi_kernel = closedPhiFromRcos(self.t_phi_kernel, self.gamma, self.Ts, self.alpha)
     u_fourier = fft(u)
     ffreq = fftfreq(len(t), dt)
     mult = 2 * np.pi * ffreq * 1j + self.alpha
     v_fourier = u_fourier / mult
     self.v = irfft(v_fourier, len(t))
     self.w_0 = self.v[0]
     self.status = Status.HAS_SIGNAL
 def correct_signal(self, time, signal, tmin=None, tmax=None, r0=5e-2,
     correction="bassetbound", window="blackmanharris", impedance=None):
     if tmin is None:
         tmin =time[0]
     if tmax is None:
         tmax = time[-1]
     dt = time[1] - time[0]
     mask = np.logical_and(time>tmin, time<tmax)
     sig = signal[mask]
     t = time[mask]
     signal_length = len(sig)
     freq = rfftfreq(signal_length, dt)[1:]
     amp = getattr(self, f"amplitude_ratio_{correction}")(freq)
     phase = getattr(self, f"phase_{correction}")(freq)
     if impedance is None:
         impedance = np.ones_like(amp)
         impedance = getattr(self, f"{impedance}_impedance")(freq, r0)
     response = amp * np.exp(1j * phase) / impedance
     response = np.r_[1, response]
     win = get_window(window, signal_length)
     corrected_signal = irfft(rfft(sig * win) / response, n=signal_length)
     return TimeSeries(corrected_signal, t, name="Corrected")
    def min_phase_conversion(self, HRIR, HRIR_length, index):

        :param HRIR: the desired HRIR impulse response to convert into minimum phase
        :return: the minimum phase version of the original HRIR

        HRIR_fft = fft(HRIR, 44100)

        #Check here the damned exception
            minimum_phase = np.imag(-hilbert(np.log(np.abs(HRIR_fft))))
            print('error log zero \n')
            print('Printing HRIR spectrum: \n')

        min_phase_HRIR = irfft(
            np.abs(HRIR_fft) * np.exp(1j * minimum_phase),
            44100)  # |H(w)|*e^(jPhi(w))
        min_phase_HRIR = min_phase_HRIR[0:HRIR_length]

        return min_phase_HRIR
Exemple #16
	def recompute(self,value=None):

		# arrays since we're using them several ways
		self.svals=np.array([cmath.rect(self.wamp[i].getValue(),self.wpha[i].getValue()*pi/180.0) for i in range(nsin+1)])
		#self.wamps=np.array([v.getValue() for v in self.wamp[:nsin+1]])
		#self.wphas=np.array([v.getValue() for v in self.wpha[:nsin+1]])

		self.xvals=np.array([xn/float(oversamp) for xn in range(samples)])
		if samples//2>len(self.svals): svals=np.concatenate((self.svals,np.zeros(1+samples//2-len(self.svals))))
		else: svals=self.svals
		if ncells>1: self.total=np.tile(self.total,ncells)


		if not self.targfn is None:

#		if self.cbshowall.isChecked() :
#			csum=self.total["minimum"]*1.1
#			for i in range(nsin):
#				if self.wamps[i]==0: continue
#				csum-=self.wamps[i]*1.1
#				if self.cbshifted.isChecked() : self.curves[i].add(csum)
#				self.synthplot.set_data((self.xvals,self.curves[i].get_data_as_vector()),"%d"%i,quiet=True,linewidth=1,color=2)
#				csum-=self.wamps[i]*1.1


Exemple #17
 def test_irfft(self):
     x = random(30)
     assert_array_almost_equal(x, fft.irfft(fft.rfft(x)))
         x, fft.irfft(fft.rfft(x, norm="ortho"), norm="ortho"))
Exemple #18
 def test_dtypes(self, dtype):
     # make sure that all input precisions are accepted
     x = random(30).astype(dtype)
     assert_array_almost_equal(fft.ifft(fft.fft(x)), x)
     assert_array_almost_equal(fft.irfft(fft.rfft(x)), x)
     assert_array_almost_equal(fft.hfft(fft.ihfft(x), len(x)), x)
Exemple #19
# Equivalent to 400Hz * frequency resolution (i.e. 0.2)
highest_freq_i = np.argmax(np.abs(yf))

# Since there is no spectrum leakage, the frequencies around the peaks are significantly attenuated
print("Frequencies around the highest frequency bin")

# Set the highest frequency to zero so that we can find the second highest frequency
yf_no_highest = copy(np.abs(yf))
yf_no_highest[highest_freq_i] = 0

# idx of the 4000Hz noise, which has the second highest amplitude
# Equivalent to 400Hz * frequency resolution (i.e. 0.2)
second_highest_freq_i = np.argmax(yf_no_highest)
yf[second_highest_freq_i - 1: second_highest_freq_i + 2] = 0

# plt.plot(xf, np.abs(yf))
# plt.show()

""" Applying the Inverse FFT """

clean_tone = fft.irfft(yf)

# plt.plot(clean_tone[:1000])
# plt.show()

# Normalize and convert the tone to int26 for exporting WAV file
normalized_tone = np.int16((clean_tone / clean_tone.max()) * 32767)

# Export WAV file
sp_io_wav.write("clean_tone.wav", SAMPLE_RATE, normalized_tone)
Exemple #20
 def test_irfft(self):
     x = random(30)
     assert_array_almost_equal(x, fft.irfft(fft.rfft(x)))
     for norm in ["backward", "ortho", "forward"]:
             x, fft.irfft(fft.rfft(x, norm=norm), norm=norm))
Exemple #21
yf = rfft(normalized_tone)
xf = rfftfreq(N, 1 / SAMPLE_RATE)
plt.plot(xf, np.abs(yf))
plt.title('Calculado solo la mitad positiva')
print('FFT más rápida calculado solo la mitad positiva con rfft() ')

# Filtrando la señal
# The maximum frequency is half the sample rate
points_per_freq = len(xf) / (SAMPLE_RATE / 2)
# Our target frequency is 4000 Hz
target_idx = int(points_per_freq * 4000)
yf[target_idx - 1:target_idx + 2] = 0
plt.plot(xf, np.abs(yf))
plt.title('Filtrado frecuencias de ruido')

# FFT Inversa
new_sig = irfft(yf)
plt.title('Resultado de aplicar FFT inversa')

# Generando audio filtrado (limpio)
norm_new_sig = np.int16(new_sig * (32767 / new_sig.max()))
write_wav(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'signal_filtered.wav'), SAMPLE_RATE,
 def get_cepstrum(function):
     spectrum = rfft(function)
     return irfft(np.abs(spectrum))
Exemple #23
def dpss_windows(N,
    """Compute Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences.

    Will give of orders [0,Kmax-1] for a given frequency-spacing multiple
    NW and sequence length N.

    .. note:: Copied from NiTime.

    N : int
        Sequence length.
    half_nbw : float
        Standardized half bandwidth corresponding to 2 * half_bw = BW*f0
        = BW*N/dt but with dt taken as 1.
    Kmax : int
        Number of DPSS windows to return is Kmax (orders 0 through Kmax-1).
    low_bias : bool
        Keep only tapers with eigenvalues > 0.9.
    interp_from : int (optional)
        The dpss can be calculated using interpolation from a set of dpss
        with the same NW and Kmax, but shorter N. This is the length of this
        shorter set of dpss windows.

        .. note:: If SciPy 1.1 or greater is available, interpolating
                  is likely not necessary as DPSS computations should be
                  sufficiently fast.
    interp_kind : str (optional)
        This input variable is passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d and
        specifies the kind of interpolation as a string ('linear', 'nearest',
        'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic, 'cubic') or as an integer specifying the
        order of the spline interpolator to use.

    v, e : tuple,
        The v array contains DPSS windows shaped (Kmax, N).
        e are the eigenvalues.

    Tridiagonal form of DPSS calculation from :footcite:`Slepian1978`.

    .. footbibliography::
    from scipy import interpolate
    from scipy.fft import rfft, irfft
    from scipy.signal.windows import dpss as sp_dpss
    from ..filter import next_fast_len
    # This np.int32 business works around a weird Windows bug, see
    # gh-5039 and https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/8608
    Kmax = np.int32(operator.index(Kmax))
    N = np.int32(operator.index(N))
    W = float(half_nbw) / N
    nidx = np.arange(N, dtype='d')

    # In this case, we create the dpss windows of the smaller size
    # (interp_from) and then interpolate to the larger size (N)
    if interp_from is not None:
        if interp_from > N:
            e_s = 'In dpss_windows, interp_from is: %s ' % interp_from
            e_s += 'and N is: %s. ' % N
            e_s += 'Please enter interp_from smaller than N.'
            raise ValueError(e_s)
        dpss = []
        d, e = dpss_windows(interp_from, half_nbw, Kmax, low_bias=False)
        for this_d in d:
            x = np.arange(this_d.shape[-1])
            tmp = interpolate.interp1d(x, this_d, kind=interp_kind)
            d_temp = tmp(
                np.linspace(0, this_d.shape[-1] - 1, N, endpoint=False))

            # Rescale:
            d_temp = d_temp / np.sqrt(sum_squared(d_temp))


        dpss = np.array(dpss)

        dpss = sp_dpss(N, half_nbw, Kmax)

    # Now find the eigenvalues of the original spectral concentration problem
    # Use the autocorr sequence technique from Percival and Walden, 1993 pg 390

    # compute autocorr using FFT (same as nitime.utils.autocorr(dpss) * N)
    rxx_size = 2 * N - 1
    n_fft = next_fast_len(rxx_size)
    dpss_fft = rfft(dpss, n_fft)
    dpss_rxx = irfft(dpss_fft * dpss_fft.conj(), n_fft)
    dpss_rxx = dpss_rxx[:, :N]

    r = 4 * W * np.sinc(2 * W * nidx)
    r[0] = 2 * W
    eigvals = np.dot(dpss_rxx, r)

    if low_bias:
        idx = (eigvals > 0.9)
        if not idx.any():
            warn('Could not properly use low_bias, keeping lowest-bias taper')
            idx = [np.argmax(eigvals)]
        dpss, eigvals = dpss[idx], eigvals[idx]
    assert len(dpss) > 0  # should never happen
    assert dpss.shape[1] == N  # old nitime bug
    return dpss, eigvals
     t = np.arange(0, npts/samprate, 1/samprate)
     return t
 # Grafico de señal y su envolvente
 def graf_env(envolvente_num,st_dom_time_num,label):
     a = plt.plot(dates, envolvente_num,'k:', label="envolvente")
     b = plt.plot(dates, st_dom_time_num[1], 'k', label=label)
     plt.xlabel("date: 2020-03-04", size=7)
     return a, b
 # BP e/ 0.5 - 1.5 Hz
 dom_time_01 = irfft(fft_01,n=len(evento))     # cálculo de la transformada inversa (parte real)
 # cambio el tipo de variable
 st_dom_time_01 = new_st(dom_time_01)
 t_01 = vec_tiempo(st_dom_time_01)
 # cálculo de la envolvente
 envolvente_01 = obspy.signal.filter.envelope(st_dom_time_01[1].data)
 # Grafico de señal y su envolvente
 plt.subplot(4, 2, 1)
 graf_env(envolvente_01,st_dom_time_01,"señal con BP 0.5 - 1.5 Hz")
 # BP e/ 1.0 - 2.0 Hz
Exemple #25
def istft(X, tstep=None, Tx=None):
    """ISTFT Inverse Short-Term Fourier Transform using a sine window.

    X : array, shape (..., wsize / 2 + 1, n_step)
        The STFT coefficients for positive frequencies.
    tstep : int
        Step between successive windows in samples (must be a multiple of 2,
        a divider of wsize and smaller than wsize/2) (default: wsize/2).
    Tx : int
        Length of returned signal. If None Tx = n_step * tstep.

    x : array, shape (Tx,)
        Array containing the inverse STFT signal.

    See Also
    # Errors and warnings
    from scipy.fft import irfft
    X = np.asarray(X)
    if X.ndim < 2:
        raise ValueError(f'X must have ndim >= 2, got {X.ndim}')
    n_win, n_step = X.shape[-2:]
    signal_shape = X.shape[:-2]
    if n_win % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError('The number of rows of the STFT matrix must be odd.')

    wsize = 2 * (n_win - 1)
    if tstep is None:
        tstep = wsize / 2

    if wsize % tstep:
        raise ValueError('The step size must be a divider of two times the '
                         'number of rows of the STFT matrix minus two.')

    if wsize % 2:
        raise ValueError('The step size must be a multiple of 2.')

    if tstep > wsize / 2:
        raise ValueError('The step size must be smaller than the number of '
                         'rows of the STFT matrix minus one.')

    if Tx is None:
        Tx = n_step * tstep

    T = n_step * tstep

    x = np.zeros(signal_shape + (T + wsize - tstep, ), dtype=np.float64)

    if np.prod(signal_shape) == 0:
        return x[..., :Tx]

    # Defining sine window
    win = np.sin(np.arange(.5, wsize + .5) / wsize * np.pi)
    # win = win / norm(win);

    # Pre-processing for edges
    swin = np.zeros(T + wsize - tstep, dtype=np.float64)
    for t in range(n_step):
        swin[t * tstep:t * tstep + wsize] += win**2
    swin = np.sqrt(swin / wsize)

    for t in range(n_step):
        # IFFT
        frame = irfft(X[..., t], wsize)
        # Overlap-add
        frame *= win / swin[t * tstep:t * tstep + wsize]
        x[..., t * tstep:t * tstep + wsize] += frame

    # Truncation
    x = x[..., (wsize - tstep) // 2:(wsize - tstep) // 2 + T + 1]
    x = x[..., :Tx].copy()
    return x
Exemple #26
                    sampling_rate, input_clip = wavfile.read(fn)
                    if sampling_rate != 44100:  # sampling frequency of all files are made same
                        input_clip = signal.resample(input_clip, int(len(input_clip) * 44100 / sampling_rate))
                        sampling_rate = 44100
                    clip_len = len(input_clip)

                    time_points = np.linspace(0, len(input_clip) / sampling_rate, clip_len)
                    fourier = fft.rfft(input_clip)  # rfft used since we have real valued functions here
                    fourier_freqs = fft.rfftfreq(clip_len, 1.0 / sampling_rate)
                    pgram = np.zeros((numfrex, clip_len))  # empty matrix to hold the periodogram
                    for i in range(numfrex):
                        x = fourier_freqs - pgram_freq_range[i]
                        fx = np.exp(-.5 * ((x / s) ** 2))
                        fx = fx / np.abs(max(fx))
                        filtered_sig = np.real(fft.irfft(fourier * fx))
                        hbert = abs(signal.hilbert(filtered_sig)) ** 2
                        pgram[i, :] = 10 * np.log10(hbert)

                    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(2.9, 2.92))  # to get a 224 by 224 image
                    p = ax.pcolormesh(time_points, pgram_freq_range, pgram, cmap=plt.cm.cubehelix, shading='auto')
                    plt.savefig(pgram_file, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)

                    # steps below are for memory use management
                    del pgram, p
Exemple #27
# -

print((fLO - 250e6) / 10000, (fLO + 250e6) / 10000)

print(f[2640000], f[2790000])
N = 2790000 - 2640000
fNoise = np.zeros(len(f), dtype=np.cdouble)

# +

sigma = getNoiseSigma(4, 50, 1500e6)  #4K, 50Ohm and 1500MHz
noiseScale = sigma * np.sqrt(N / 2)
fNoise[2640000:2790000] = np.random.normal(
    scale=noiseScale, size=N) + 1j * np.random.normal(scale=noiseScale, size=N)
justNoise = irfft(fNoise)

# +

fig, ax = plt.subplots(facecolor='w')
print(np.log10(fs), np.log10(1e9))
f, Pxx_den = signal.periodogram(theSignal, fsFine)
ax.semilogy(f, Pxx_den, label="Raw Signal (no noise)", alpha=0.5)
f, Pxx_den = signal.periodogram(justNoise, fsFine)
ax.semilogy(f, Pxx_den, label="Just Noise (no signal)", alpha=0.5)
f, Pxx_den = signal.periodogram(mixedSignal, fsFine)
ax.semilogy(f, Pxx_den, label="Mixed Signal (no noise)", alpha=0.5)
f, Pxx_den = signal.periodogram(sigPlusNoise, fsFine)
ax.semilogy(f, Pxx_den, label="Mixed Signal (with noise)", alpha=0.5)
ax.legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': 6})
Exemple #28
def stft_to_mcep(S, M=24, alpha=0.42, n_iter=10, tol=1e-4, eps=0, sr=None):
    """Calculate mel-cepstral coefficients from a magnitude spectrogram.

    S : array-like [shape=(1 + n_fft / 2,) or (1 + n_fft / 2, T), non-negative]
        Input linear magnitude spectrogram.

    M : int >= 0 [scalar]
        Order of mel-cepstral coefficients.

    alpha : float in (-1, 1) [scalar]
        Frequency warping factor.

    n_iter : int >= 0 [scalar]
        Number of iterations of Newton-Raphson method.

    tol : float >= 0 [scalar]:
        Relative tolerance.

    eps : float >= 0 [scalar]
        A very small value added to periodogram to avoid NaN caused by log().

    sr : float > 0 [scalar]
        Sampling rate in Hz. If not None, given alpha is overwritten with
        appropriate one computed by a simple algorithm.

    mc : np.ndarray [shape=(M + 1, T)]
        M-th order mel-cesptral coefficients.

    This implementation is based on an unpublished paper.

    See also
    mcep_to_stft : Convert mel-cepstral coefficients to spectrum.
    horoscopy.utils.sr_to_alpha : Find appropriate alpha.


    # Perform coefficients frequency transform.
    def tilde(x, M, alpha):
        if 'A' not in dir(tilde):
            m = x.shape[0]
            tilde.A = np.zeros((M, m))
            tilde.A[0, 0] = 1
            if 1 < M:
                tilde.A[1:, 0] = (-alpha) ** np.arange(1, M)
            if 1 < M and 1 < m:
                tilde.A[1, 1:] = alpha ** np.arange(m - 1) * (1 - alpha * alpha)
            for i in range(2, M):
                i1 = i - 1
                for j in range(1, m):
                    j1 = j - 1
                    tilde.A[i, j] = (tilde.A[i1, j1] +
                                     alpha * (tilde.A[i, j1] - tilde.A[i1, j]))
        return np.matmul(tilde.A, x)

    S = _asarray(S)
    if S.ndim == 1:
        is_vector_input = True
        S = np.expand_dims(S, axis=-1)
    elif S.ndim == 2:
        is_vector_input = False
        raise ValueError('Input S must be 2-D matrix or 1-D vector')

    if S.shape[0] <= 1:
        raise ValueError('S.shape[0] must be greater than 1')

    if M < 0:
        raise ValueError('Order M must be a non-negative integer')

    if n_iter < 0:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be a non-negative integer')

    if tol < 0:
        raise ValueError('Relative tolerance must be a non-negative number')

    if eps < 0:
        raise ValueError('Value eps must be a non-negative number')

    if sr is not None:
        alpha = sr_to_alpha(sr)


    n_fft = 2 * (S.shape[0] - 1)
    h_fft = n_fft // 2
    L = M + 1

    # Compute (-a)^0, (-a)^1, (-a)^2, ..., (-a)^M.
    a = np.expand_dims((-alpha) ** np.arange(L), axis=-1)

    # Compute log periodogram.
    log_I = 2 * np.log(S + eps if eps > 0 else S)

    # Make initial guess.
    c = irfft(log_I, axis=0)[:h_fft + 1]
    c[(0, -1), :] *= 0.5
    mc = freqt(c, M=M, alpha=alpha, recursive=False)

    # Perform Newton-Raphson method.
    prev_epsilon = sys.float_info.max
    for n in range(n_iter):
        log_D = mcep_to_stft(mc, n_fft=n_fft, alpha=alpha, log=True)

        r = irfft(np.exp(log_I - 2 * log_D), axis=0)[:h_fft + 1]
        r_t = tilde(r, 2 * L - 1, alpha)
        r_a = r_t[:L] - a

        # Update mel-cepstral coefficients.
        t = (r_t[:L], r_t[:L])
        h = (r_t[M:], r_t[:L])
        b = r_a
        grad = solve_toeplitz_plus_hankel(t, h, b)
        mc += grad

        # Check convergence.
        epsilon = np.max(r_t[0])
        relative_change = (prev_epsilon - epsilon) / epsilon
        if relative_change < tol:
        prev_epsilon = epsilon

    if is_vector_input:
        mc = np.squeeze(mc, axis=-1)

    return mc
Exemple #29
def read_and_resize(path_to_vols, vol_name, ntup, toDir='./'):
   Open and pad (or truncate) the Chebyshev-Fourier-Fourier coefficients 
   of the kxky fields stored in CheckPoints. As they are stored in physical
   space, the interpolation is done by cosine transform along z, followed by padding 
   or truncation, then inverse cosine transform. Along x and y, the grid is 
   evenly space, and we elect to use linear interpolation (which seems faster for
   large resolutions, according to a few tests).
    ierror = 0
    domain_decomp_infos = np.fromfile(path_to_vols +
    NX = ntup[0]
    NY = ntup[1]
    NZ = ntup[2]
    NXAA = domain_decomp_infos[3]
    NYAA = domain_decomp_infos[4]
    NZAA = domain_decomp_infos[5]
    print('----------- :: Resizing (' + str(NXAA) + ',' + str(NYAA) + ',' +
          str(NZAA) + ') into' + ' (' + str(NX) + ',' + str(NY) + ',' +
          str(NZ) + ').')
    curPhys = np.fromfile(path_to_vols + vol_name,
                          dtype=np.float_).reshape(NXAA, NYAA, NZAA)
    coscoefs = dct(curPhys, axis=-1)
    if (NZ > NZAA):
        newcoefs = np.zeros((NXAA, NYAA, NZ), dtype=np.float_)
        newcoefs[:, :, :NZAA] = coscoefs
        newcoefs = coscoefs[:, :, :NZ]

    aux2 = idct(newcoefs, axis=-1) * NZ / NZAA

    ## now we need to interpolate in the xy-plane...
    aux1 = np.zeros((NXAA, ntup[1], ntup[2]), dtype=np.float_)
    if (NYAA == ntup[1]):
        aux1 = np.copy(aux2)
    elif (NYAA < ntup[1]):
        spectral_buffer = rfft(aux2, axis=1)
        padded_spectral_buffer = np.zeros((NXAA, ntup[1] // 2 + 1, ntup[2]),
        padded_spectral_buffer[:, :(NYAA // 2 + 1), :] = spectral_buffer
        aux1 = irfft(padded_spectral_buffer, axis=1) / NYAA * ntup[1]
        del padded_spectral_buffer, spectral_buffer
        spectral_buffer = rfft(aux2, axis=1)
        truncated_spectral_buffer = np.zeros((NXAA, ntup[1] // 2 + 1, ntup[2]),
        truncated_spectral_buffer[:, :(ntup[1] //
                                       3), :] = spectral_buffer[:, :(ntup[1] //
                                                                     3), :]
        truncated_spectral_buffer.imag[:, -1, :] = 0.
        truncated_spectral_buffer.imag[:, 0, :] = 0.
        aux1 = irfft(truncated_spectral_buffer, axis=1) / NYAA * ntup[1]
        del truncated_spectral_buffer, spectral_buffer
    del aux2
    deaPhys = np.zeros((ntup[0], ntup[1], ntup[2]), dtype=np.float_)
    if (NXAA == ntup[0]):
        deaPhys = np.copy(aux1)
    elif (NXAA < ntup[0]):
        spectral_buffer = rfft(aux1, axis=0)
        padded_spectral_buffer = np.zeros((ntup[0] // 2 + 1, ntup[1], ntup[2]),
        padded_spectral_buffer[:(NXAA // 2 + 1), :, :] = spectral_buffer
        deaPhys = irfft(padded_spectral_buffer, axis=0) / NXAA * ntup[0]
        del padded_spectral_buffer, spectral_buffer
        spectral_buffer = rfft(aux1, axis=0)
        truncated_spectral_buffer = np.zeros(
            (ntup[0] // 2 + 1, ntup[1], ntup[2]), dtype=np.complex_)
        truncated_spectral_buffer[:(ntup[0] //
                                    3), :, :] = spectral_buffer[:(ntup[0] //
                                                                  3), :, :]
        truncated_spectral_buffer.imag[-1, :, :] = 0.
        truncated_spectral_buffer.imag[0, :, :] = 0.
        deaPhys = irfft(truncated_spectral_buffer, axis=0) / NXAA * ntup[0]
        del truncated_spectral_buffer, spectral_buffer
    del aux1
    deaPhys.tofile(toDir + '/Restart/' + vol_name)
    return ierror
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')

### FFT plot of return signals ###

yf2clean = []
yf3clean = []

### Filter the two received signals ###

xf2 = rfftfreq(N, T)
yf2 = rfft(dataJavelin)
dataJavelinClean = irfft(yf2clean) #back to time domain

xf3 = rfftfreq(N, T)
yf3 = rfft(dataShotput)
dataShotputClean = irfft(yf3clean) #back to time domain

### Plot the two received signals after filtering ###

plt.title('Power vs Frequency')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.plot(xf2, np.abs(yf2clean),label='Received (Javelin)')
plt.plot(xf3[100:], np.abs(yf3clean)[100:],label='Received (Shotput)') #From 100 onwards to get rid of the DC component value