Exemple #1
    def test_not_last_axis_success(self):
        ar, ai = np.random.random((2, 16, 8, 32))
        a = ar + 1j*ai

        axes = (-2,)

        # Should not raise error
        fft.irfftn(a, axes=axes)
Exemple #2
def convolve_images(image, kernel, mode='full', method='direct'):
    Convolves image and kernel using square differences sums
    only 'full' mode is available
    :param image: gray image where we detect the kernel
    :param kernel: gray image which we detect in the image
    :param mode: mode of convolution "valid" or "full" (just for fft)
    :param method: method of convolution "direct" or "fft"
    :return: gray image, where black color shows the overlap

    image_vect, kernel_vect = construct_loss_func(image, kernel, method)

    shape = tuple([
        image.shape[i] + kernel.shape[i] - 1 for i in range(len(image.shape))
    conv_shape = tuple([
        image.shape[i] - kernel.shape[i] + 1 for i in range(len(image.shape))
    # print(f"shape: {shape}\nconv_shape: {conv_shape}\n")

    if method == "direct":
        if mode == 'valid':
            convolution = np.zeros(conv_shape)
            assert False, "!!!No such mode available!!!"

        for y in range(image_vect.shape[2]):
            if y > image_vect.shape[2] - kernel.shape[1]:

            for x in range(image_vect.shape[1]):
                if x > image_vect.shape[1] - kernel.shape[0]:

                curr_image_vect = image_vect[:, x:x + kernel.shape[0],
                                             y:y + kernel.shape[1]]
                convolution[x, y] = (curr_image_vect * kernel_vect).sum()

    elif method == "fft":
        full_shape = tuple(
            [next_fast_len(shape[i], True) for i in range(len(image.shape))])
        convolution = np.zeros(full_shape)

        for idx in range(image_vect.shape[0]):
            fft_image = rfftn(image_vect[idx, :, :], full_shape)
            fft_kernel = rfftn(kernel_vect[idx, :, :], full_shape)
            conv = irfftn(fft_image * fft_kernel, full_shape)
            convolution += conv

        conv_slice = tuple([slice(sz) for sz in shape])  # to get back to shape
        convolution = convolution[conv_slice]  # needed full_shape for speed

        if mode == 'valid':
            convolution = get_centered_image(convolution, conv_shape)

        assert False, "!!!No such method for convolution!!!"

    return convolution
Exemple #3
    def apply_force_pm(self, p, v):
        rho = self.assign_densities(p)
        rhobar = (np.sum(rho) / self.n_grid ** 3)
        delta = (rho - rhobar) / rhobar
        delta_ft = rfftn(delta, axes=(0, 1, 2))  # / n_grid_cells**(2/3)

        phi_ft = delta_ft * self.greens_function()
        phi = irfftn(phi_ft, axes=(0, 1, 2))

        g_field = self.get_acceleration_field(phi)

        g_particle = self.assign_accelerations(p, g_field)

        g_norm = np.linalg.norm(g_particle, axis=0)
        cond = g_norm > 50
        rhats = g_particle[:, cond] / g_norm[cond]
        g_particle[:, cond] = (50 - g_norm[cond]) * 0.1 * rhats + 50 * rhats

        if self.show_ps:

            # fast
            k_bin, P = self.power_spectrum_fast(rho, self.k_norm, self.ps_bins)
            r, xi = self.correlation_function_fast(k_bin, P)

            P = P * k_bin

            for rect, h in zip(self.powspec, P):
            if np.min(P) < 0:
                self.ax2.set_ylim([np.min(P) * 1.2, np.max(P) * 1.2])
                self.ax2.set_ylim([0, np.max(P) * 1.2])

            for rect, h in zip(self.corrfunc, xi):
            if np.min(xi) < 0:
                self.ax3.set_ylim([np.min(xi) * 1.2, np.max(xi) * 1.2])
                self.ax3.set_ylim([0, np.max(xi) * 1.2])

        v += self.f(self.a) * g_particle * self.da

        return v
Exemple #4
def uirfftn(inarray, dim=None, shape=None):
    """N-dimensional inverse real unitary Fourier transform.

    This transform considers the Hermitian property of the transform
    from complex to real input.

    inarray : ndarray
        The array to transform.
    dim : int, optional
        The last axis along which to compute the transform. All
        axes by default.
    shape : tuple of int, optional
        The shape of the output. The shape of ``rfft`` is ambiguous in
        case of odd-valued input shape. In this case, this parameter
        should be provided. See ``np.fft.irfftn``.

    outarray : ndarray
        The unitary N-D inverse real Fourier transform of ``inarray``.

    The ``uirfft`` function assumes that the output array is
    real-valued. Consequently, the input is assumed to have a Hermitian
    property and redundant values are implicit.

    >>> input = np.ones((5, 5, 5))
    >>> output = uirfftn(urfftn(input), shape=input.shape)
    >>> np.allclose(input, output)
    >>> output.shape
    (5, 5, 5)
    if dim is None:
        dim = inarray.ndim
    outarray = fft.irfftn(inarray, shape, axes=range(-dim, 0), norm='ortho')
    return outarray
Exemple #5
 def test_irfftn(self):
     x = random((30, 20, 10))
     assert_array_almost_equal(x, fft.irfftn(fft.rfftn(x)))
         x, fft.irfftn(fft.rfftn(x, norm="ortho"), norm="ortho"))
Exemple #6
 def test_irfftn(self):
     x = random((30, 20, 10))
     assert_array_almost_equal(x, fft.irfftn(fft.rfftn(x)))
     for norm in ["backward", "ortho", "forward"]:
             x, fft.irfftn(fft.rfftn(x, norm=norm), norm=norm))
Exemple #7
def correlate_windows(window_a,
    """Compute correlation function between two interrogation windows.

    The correlation function can be computed by using the correlation
    theorem to speed up the computation.

    window_a : 2d np.ndarray
        a two dimensions array for the first interrogation window,

    window_b : 2d np.ndarray
        a two dimensions array for the second interrogation window.

    correlation_method   : string
        one method is currently implemented: 'fft'.

    nfftx   : int
        the size of the 2D FFT in x-direction,
        [default: 2 x windows_a.shape[0] is recommended].

    nffty   : int
        the size of the 2D FFT in y-direction,
        [default: 2 x windows_a.shape[1] is recommended].

    nfftz   : int
        the size of the 2D FFT in z-direction,
        [default: 2 x windows_a.shape[2] is recommended].

    corr : 3d np.ndarray
        a three dimensional array of the correlation function.

    Note that due to the wish to use 2^N windows for faster FFT
    we use a slightly different convention for the size of the
    correlation map. The theory says it is M+N-1, and the
    'direct' method gets this size out
    the FFT-based method returns M+N size out, where M is the window_size
    and N is the search_area_size
    It leads to inconsistency of the output

    if correlation_method == "fft":
        window_b = np.conj(window_b[::-1, ::-1, ::-1])
        if nfftx is None:
            nfftx = nextpower2(window_b.shape[0] + window_a.shape[0])
        if nffty is None:
            nffty = nextpower2(window_b.shape[1] + window_a.shape[1])
        if nfftz is None:
            nfftz = nextpower2(window_b.shape[2] + window_a.shape[2])

        f2a = rfftn(normalize_intensity(window_a), s=(nfftx, nffty, nfftz))
        f2b = rfftn(normalize_intensity(window_b), s=(nfftx, nffty, nfftz))
        corr = irfftn(f2a * f2b).real
        corr = corr[:window_a.shape[0] +
                    window_b.shape[0], :window_b.shape[1] +
                    window_a.shape[1], :window_b.shape[2] +
                    window_a.shape[2], ]
        return corr
    # elif correlation_method == 'direct':
    #     return convolve2d(normalize_intensity(window_a),
    #                       normalize_intensity(window_b[::-1, ::-1, ::-1]), 'full')
        raise ValueError("method is not implemented")
Exemple #8
def butterworth(
    """Apply a Butterworth filter to enhance high or low frequency features.

    This filter is defined in the Fourier domain.

    image : (M[, N[, ..., P]][, C]) ndarray
        Input image.
    cutoff_frequency_ratio : float, optional
        Determines the position of the cut-off relative to the shape of the
    high_pass : bool, optional
        Whether to perform a high pass filter. If False, a low pass filter is
    order : float, optional
        Order of the filter which affects the slope near the cut-off. Higher
        order means steeper slope in frequency space.
    channel_axis : int, optional
        If there is a channel dimension, provide the index here. If None
        (default) then all axes are assumed to be spatial dimensions.

    result : ndarray
        The Butterworth-filtered image.

    A band-pass filter can be achieved by combining a high pass and low
    pass filter.

    The literature contains multiple conventions for the functional form of
    the Butterworth filter. Here it is implemented as the n-dimensional form of

    .. math::
        \\frac{1}{1 - \\left(\\frac{f}{c*f_{max}}\\right)^{2*n}}

    with :math:`f` the absolute value of the spatial frequency, :math:`c` the
    ``cutoff_frequency_ratio`` and :math:`n` the ``order`` modeled after [2]_

    Apply a high pass and low pass Butterworth filter to a grayscale and
    color image respectively:

    >>> from skimage.data import camera, astronaut
    >>> from skimage.filters import butterworth
    >>> high_pass = butterworth(camera(), 0.07, True, 8)
    >>> low_pass = butterworth(astronaut(), 0.01, False, 4, channel_axis=-1)

    .. [1] Butterworth, Stephen. "On the theory of filter amplifiers."
           Wireless Engineer 7.6 (1930): 536-541.
    .. [2] Russ, John C., et al. "The image processing handbook."
           Computers in Physics 8.2 (1994): 177-178.

    fft_shape = (image.shape if channel_axis is None else np.delete(
        image.shape, channel_axis))
    is_real = np.isrealobj(image)
    float_dtype = _supported_float_type(image.dtype, allow_complex=True)
    wfilt = _get_ND_butterworth_filter(fft_shape, cutoff_frequency_ratio,
                                       order, high_pass, is_real, float_dtype)
    axes = np.arange(image.ndim)
    if channel_axis is not None:
        axes = np.delete(axes, channel_axis)
        abs_channel = channel_axis % image.ndim
        post = image.ndim - abs_channel - 1
        sl = ((slice(None), ) * abs_channel + (np.newaxis, ) +
              (slice(None), ) * post)
        wfilt = wfilt[sl]
    if is_real:
        butterfilt = fft.irfftn(wfilt * fft.rfftn(image, axes=axes),
        butterfilt = fft.ifftn(wfilt * fft.fftn(image, axes=axes),
    return butterfilt
Exemple #9
def butterworth(
    """Apply a Butterworth filter to enhance high or low frequency features.

    This filter is defined in the Fourier domain.

    image : (M[, N[, ..., P]][, C]) ndarray
        Input image.
    cutoff_frequency_ratio : float, optional
        Determines the position of the cut-off relative to the shape of the
        FFT. Receives a value between [0, 0.5].
    high_pass : bool, optional
        Whether to perform a high pass filter. If False, a low pass filter is
    order : float, optional
        Order of the filter which affects the slope near the cut-off. Higher
        order means steeper slope in frequency space.
    channel_axis : int, optional
        If there is a channel dimension, provide the index here. If None
        (default) then all axes are assumed to be spatial dimensions.
    squared_butterworth : bool, optional
        When True, the square of a Butterworth filter is used. See notes below
        for more details.
    npad : int, optional
        Pad each edge of the image by `npad` pixels using `numpy.pad`'s
        ``mode='edge'`` extension.

    result : ndarray
        The Butterworth-filtered image.

    A band-pass filter can be achieved by combining a high-pass and low-pass
    filter. The user can increase `npad` if boundary artifacts are apparent.

    The "Butterworth filter" used in image processing textbooks (e.g. [1]_,
    [2]_) is often the square of the traditional Butterworth filters as
    described by [3]_, [4]_. The squared version will be used here if
    `squared_butterworth` is set to ``True``. The lowpass, squared Butterworth
    filter is given by the following expression for the lowpass case:

    .. math::
        H_{low}(f) = \\frac{1}{1 + \\left(\\frac{f}{c f_s}\\right)^{2n}}

    with the highpass case given by

    .. math::
        H_{hi}(f) = 1 - H_{low}(f)

    where :math:`f=\\sqrt{\\sum_{d=0}^{\\mathrm{ndim}} f_{d}^{2}}` is the
    absolute value of the spatial frequency, :math:`f_s` is the sampling
    frequency, :math:`c` the ``cutoff_frequency_ratio``, and :math:`n` is the
    filter `order` [1]_. When ``squared_butterworth=False``, the square root of
    the above expressions are used instead.

    Note that ``cutoff_frequency_ratio`` is defined in terms of the sampling
    frequency, :math:`f_s`. The FFT spectrum covers the Nyquist range
    (:math:`[-f_s/2, f_s/2]`) so ``cutoff_frequency_ratio`` should have a value
    between 0 and 0.5. The frequency response (gain) at the cutoff is 0.5 when
    ``squared_butterworth`` is true and :math:`1/\\sqrt{2}` when it is false.

    Apply a high-pass and low-pass Butterworth filter to a grayscale and
    color image respectively:

    >>> from skimage.data import camera, astronaut
    >>> from skimage.filters import butterworth
    >>> high_pass = butterworth(camera(), 0.07, True, 8)
    >>> low_pass = butterworth(astronaut(), 0.01, False, 4, channel_axis=-1)

    .. [1] Russ, John C., et al. The Image Processing Handbook, 3rd. Ed.
           1999, CRC Press, LLC.
    .. [2] Birchfield, Stan. Image Processing and Analysis. 2018. Cengage
    .. [3] Butterworth, Stephen. "On the theory of filter amplifiers."
           Wireless Engineer 7.6 (1930): 536-541.
    .. [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterworth_filter

    if npad < 0:
        raise ValueError("npad must be >= 0")
    elif npad > 0:
        center_slice = tuple(slice(npad, s + npad) for s in image.shape)
        image = np.pad(image, npad, mode='edge')
    fft_shape = (image.shape if channel_axis is None else np.delete(
        image.shape, channel_axis))
    is_real = np.isrealobj(image)
    float_dtype = _supported_float_type(image.dtype, allow_complex=True)
    if cutoff_frequency_ratio < 0 or cutoff_frequency_ratio > 0.5:
        raise ValueError(
            "cutoff_frequency_ratio should be in the range [0, 0.5]")
    wfilt = _get_nd_butterworth_filter(fft_shape, cutoff_frequency_ratio,
                                       order, high_pass, is_real, float_dtype,
    axes = np.arange(image.ndim)
    if channel_axis is not None:
        axes = np.delete(axes, channel_axis)
        abs_channel = channel_axis % image.ndim
        post = image.ndim - abs_channel - 1
        sl = ((slice(None), ) * abs_channel + (np.newaxis, ) +
              (slice(None), ) * post)
        wfilt = wfilt[sl]
    if is_real:
        butterfilt = fft.irfftn(wfilt * fft.rfftn(image, axes=axes),
        butterfilt = fft.ifftn(wfilt * fft.fftn(image, axes=axes),
    if npad > 0:
        butterfilt = butterfilt[center_slice]
    return butterfilt
    plt.ylim([-500, 500])
# %%
for i in Bonn_e:
    x, yf = drawfft(np.abs(np.array(i['RVx'])))
    plt.plot(x, yf)
    plt.xlim([-5, 5])
    plt.ylim([-500, 500])
# %%

a = np.array(adam_e[0])[:1000, :6]
# %%
af = rfftn(a)
# %%
# %%
ia = irfftn(af)
# %%
# %%
# %%

import pywt
# %%
widths = np.arange(1, 100)
cwtmatr, freqs = pywt.cwt(np.array(n[0]['RVx']), widths, 'mexh')
           extent=[-1, 1, 1, 31],