def _Biot_Savart_SingleHelixSeg(helixseg, fieldpoint_vector, returnasVectors=False):
    Given a helix segment on the surface of a cylinder
    and a vector indicating the field point, this function
    computes Bx,By,Bz,and B2. Errors are also given. The results
    are Teslas per amp of current so You can multiply the result
    by the actual current to get the field.
    R = helixseg.cylind.radius
    const = mu_0 / float(4 * pi * R)

    M = helixseg.M / float(R)
    phiS = helixseg.cylind_startvect.phi  # this is guaranteed to be zero
    if phiS != 0.0:
        print "Someone has changed the definition of HelixSeg"
        raise Exception
    phiE = helixseg.cylind_endvect.phi
    x = fieldpoint_vector.x / float(R)
    y = fieldpoint_vector.y / float(R)
    fieldpoint_cylind = helixseg.transform_to_helixcoords(
    )  # We need some transformation to flip into coordinates referenced to the cylinder.

    z = (helixseg.cylind_startvect.z - fieldpoint_cylind.z) / float(R)

    # print "x,y,z,M,phiS,phiE:",x," ",y," ",z," ",M," ",phiS," ",phiE

    Bx, dBx = quadrature(Afunc, phiS, phiE, args=(x, y, z, M, phiS))
    By, dBy = quadrature(Bfunc, phiS, phiE, args=(x, y, z, M, phiS))
    Bz, dBz = quadrature(Cfunc, phiS, phiE, args=(x, y, z, M, phiS))

    Bvect = Vector((const * Bx, const * By, const * Bz), type="CARTESIAN")
    dBvect = Vector((const * dBx, const * dBy, const * dBz), type="CARTESIAN")

    Bvect = helixseg.transform_from_helixcoords(Bvect)
    dBvect = helixseg.transform_from_helixcoords(dBvect)

    if returnasVectors == True:
        return (Bvect, dBvect)
        return (
            (Bvect.x, Bvect.y, Bvect.z, Bvect.magnitude * Bvect.magnitude),
            (dBvect.x, dBvect.y, dBvect.z, (dBvect.magnitude) * (dBvect.magnitude)),
def KernelTest():
    print Cfunc(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    print quadrature(Cfunc, 0, pi, args=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0))