Exemple #1
 def predict(self, x, deriv=None, *args, **kwargs):
     if deriv is None:
         deriv = 0
     if deriv == -1:
         return interpolate.splev(
             x, interpolate.splantider(
                 (self.knots, self.coeff, self.degree)))
     return interpolate.splev(x, (self.knots, self.coeff, self.degree),
Exemple #2
 def integral(self, n=1):
     """Returns integral / anti-derivative as a spline
   n (int): order of the integral
   Spline: the integral of the spline with degree + n  
     tck = splantider(self.tck(), n)
     return Spline(tck=tck, points=self.points)
 def integral(self, n = 1):
   """Returns integral / anti-derivative as a spline
     n (int): order of the integral
     Spline: the integral of the spline with degree + n  
   tck = splantider(self.tck(), n);
   return Spline(tck = tck, points = self.points);
Exemple #4
 def _make_splines(self, xs, ys):
     """ Make the splines """
     base = splrep(xs, ys, s=0)
     tcks = {
         -1: splantider(base, 1),
         0: base,
         1: splder(base, 1),
         2: splder(base, 2),
         3: splder(base, 3)
     return tcks
Exemple #5
    def test_antiderivative_vs_spline(self):
        x = np.sort(np.r_[0, np.random.rand(11), 1])
        y = np.random.rand(len(x))

        spl = splrep(x, y, s=0, k=5)
        pp = PPoly.from_spline(spl)

        for dx in range(0, 10):
            pp2 = pp.antiderivative(dx)
            spl2 = splantider(spl, dx)

            xi = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)
            assert_allclose(pp2(xi), splev(xi, spl2), rtol=1e-7)
Exemple #6
    def test_splantider(self):
        for b in [self.b, self.b2]:
            # pad the c array (FITPACK convention)
            ct = len(b.t) - len(b.c)
            if ct > 0:
                b.c = np.r_[b.c, np.zeros((ct,) + b.c.shape[1:])]

            for n in [1, 2, 3]:
                bd = splantider(b)
                tck_d = _impl.splantider((b.t, b.c, b.k))
                assert_allclose(bd.t, tck_d[0], atol=1e-15)
                assert_allclose(bd.c, tck_d[1], atol=1e-15)
                assert_equal(bd.k, tck_d[2])
                assert_(isinstance(bd, BSpline))
                assert_(isinstance(tck_d, tuple))  # back-compat: tck in and out
Exemple #7
    def test_splantider(self):
        for b in [self.b, self.b2]:
            # pad the c array (FITPACK convention)
            ct = len(b.t) - len(b.c)
            if ct > 0:
                b.c = np.r_[b.c, np.zeros((ct,) + b.c.shape[1:])]

            for n in [1, 2, 3]:
                bd = splantider(b)
                tck_d = _impl.splantider((b.t, b.c, b.k))
                assert_allclose(bd.t, tck_d[0], atol=1e-15)
                assert_allclose(bd.c, tck_d[1], atol=1e-15)
                assert_equal(bd.k, tck_d[2])
                assert_(isinstance(bd, BSpline))
                assert_(isinstance(tck_d, tuple))  # back-compat: tck in and out
Exemple #8
    def test_antiderivative_vs_spline(self):
        x = np.sort(np.r_[0, np.random.rand(11), 1])
        y = np.random.rand(len(x))

        spl = splrep(x, y, s=0, k=5)
        pp = PPoly.from_spline(spl)

        for dx in range(0, 10):
            pp2 = pp.antiderivative(dx)
            spl2 = splantider(spl, dx)

            xi = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)
            assert_allclose(pp2(xi), splev(xi, spl2),
Exemple #9
def integ_cubic(x, y, constant=0., s=0, tck=None, tck_ader=None, rettck=False):
    Function returning the primitive of a given function y, using cubic spline

    if tck is None:
        tck = interp.splrep(x, y, s=s)
    if tck_ader is None:
        tck_ader = interp.splantider(tck)

    Y = interp.splev(x, tck_ader) + constant

    if rettck:
        return x, Y, tck, tck_ader
        return x, Y
Exemple #10

x = xy[:,0];
tck1d = splrep(s, x, s = 0);

tck,u = splprep(xy.T, s= 0)

c = np.zeros(tck[1][0].shape[0]+4);
c[:-4] = tck[1][0]
tck1 = (tck[0], c, tck[2])
itck1= splantider(tck1, 1);

c[:-4] = tck[1][1]
tck2 = (tck[0], c, tck[2])
itck2= splantider(tck2, 1);

plt.figure(1); plt.clf();
plt.plot(xy[:,0], xy[:,1])

xys = splev(u, tck);
plt.plot(xys[0], xys[1])

x = xy[:,0];
def fit_spline(curve, log=False,
               visualize=False, save=False,
               filename=None, der=0, mu=False):
    Creates a spline representation of a growth curve, can also be used to
    produce the integral or any derivative of the growth curve itself

        mu = 'mu' in der
        mu = der == 'mu'
    if mu:
    if save and not filename:
    if save and not visualize:
        visualize = True
    if type(der) != list:
        der = [der]
        index = curve.index/np.timedelta64(1, 'h')
        index = curve.index

    if log:
        curve = curve.apply(lambda x: np.log(x))

    # creating t c and k values of the spline, s value represents degree of
    # smoothing.
    tck = interpolate.splrep(index, curve.values, s=1.0*10**-3)
    splines = []
    for derivative in der:
        if derivative >= 0:
            spline = interpolate.splev(index, tck, der=derivative)
            spline = pd.Series(spline, index)
        if derivative < 0:
            Bspline = (interpolate.BSpline(*tck, extrapolate=False))
            integral = interpolate.splantider(Bspline, -derivative)
            spline = (interpolate.splev(index, integral, der=0))
            spline = pd.Series(spline, index)
    if mu:
        mu = interpolate.splev(index, tck, 1) / \
                       interpolate.splev(index, tck, 0)
        mu = pd.Series(mu, index)

    if visualize:
        fig, axis1 = plt.subplots()
        axis1.set_xlabel('Time (hours)')
        axis1.set_ylabel('OD595', color='r')
        if 0 in der:
            axis1.plot(index, splines[0], '-',
                       index, curve.values, '.', color='r')
            axis1.plot(index, splines[0], '-', color='r')

        axis1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='r')

        secondary_axes = {}
        for i, spline in enumerate(splines[1:]):
            secondary_axes['axis'+str(i)] = axis1.twinx()
            secondary_axes['axis'+str(i)].set_ylabel('der ='+str(i), color='b')
            secondary_axes['axis'+str(i)].plot(index, spline, color='b')
            secondary_axes['axis'+str(i)].tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b')



        if save:
            directory = r'C:\Users\Owner\Concordia\Lab_Automation\output_files\\'

    return splines
def run_main():

    filename = '/home/kroegert/local/Results/AccGPSFuse/mystream_6_10_12_54_5.csv'
    #filename = '/home/till/zinc/local/Results/AccGPSFuse/mystream_6_10_12_54_5.csv'
    #filename = '/home/kroegert/local/Results/AccGPSFuse/mystream_6_11_10_42_32.csv'
    #filename = '/home/till/zinc/local/Results/AccGPSFuse/mystream_6_11_10_55_10_phoneonback.csv'
    #filename = '/home/till/zinc/local/Results/AccGPSFuse/mystream_6_11_10_57_31_phoneonfront.csv'
    #filename = '/home/kroegert/local/Results/AccGPSFuse/mystream_6_11_11_29_28_phoneturn.csv'
    #filename = '/home/kroegert/local/Results/AccGPSFuse/mystream_6_15_10_59_5_walkcircle.csv'
    #filename = '/home/kroegert/local/Results/AccGPSFuse/mystream_6_15_11_24_41_phonevertcircle.csv'
    #filename = '/home/kroegert/local/Results/AccGPSFuse/mystream_6_15_16_12_46_phonesidewaysslide.csv'

    data_gps, data_accel, data_gyro, data_orient, data_linacc, data_rotvec, data_grav = func_parse_imugps_cvs(filename)

    # Android coordinate system: When a device is held in its default orientation, the X axis is horizontal and points to the right, the Y axis is vertical and points up,
    # and the Z axis points toward the outside of the screen face. In this system, coordinates behind the screen have negative Z values.

    # *** Determine start and end of valid lin.accel and gyroscope data
    t_start_track = np.maximum(data_linacc[0][0], data_gyro[0][0])
    t_end_track = np.minimum(data_linacc[0][0], data_gyro[0][0])

    # *** GPS to cartesian
    # TODO: Note, Android world system spanned by vectors: gravity+direction to magnetic north, GPScartesian: world axis and arbitrary x/y plane
    testpt = data_gps[1][:,0:3]
    # testpt[:,1] : longitude, should be x axis in ref. system,
    # testpt[:,0] : latitude, should be y axis in ref. system,
    GPS_xyz = np.vstack((np.sin(np.radians(testpt[:,0])) * np.sin(np.radians(testpt[:,1])) * (testpt[:,2] + 6371000), np.sin(np.radians(testpt[:,0])) * (testpt[:,2] + 6371000), np.sin(np.radians(testpt[:,0])) * np.cos(np.radians(testpt[:,1])) * (testpt[:,2] + 6371000))).transpose()
    GPS_xyz -= GPS_xyz[testpt.shape[0]/2,:][None,:]

    # *** normalize gravity vector to unit norm
    data_grav = (data_grav[0], data_grav[1] / np.linalg.norm(data_grav[1], axis=1)[:, None])

    # *** prepare camera orientation from rotvec data
    rotgt_org = np.zeros((len(data_rotvec[0]),3,3), dtype=float )
    for i in xrange(len(data_rotvec[0])): # Plot cameras from absolute orientation estimation (directly from sensor)
        rotgt_org[i,:,:] = func_android_rotM_from_rotvec(data_rotvec[1][i,:], True)

    # *** estimate camera orientation from rotational acceleration data
    rotestim = func_android_rotM_from_gyroscope(data_gyro[0], data_gyro[1], dosvd=True)
    #rotestim,p = func_spline_orientation_smooth(data_gyro[0],rotestim) # smooth orientation

    #rotestim_ = func_spline_orientation_interpolate(data_gyro[0][0:-1:40], rotestim[0:-1:40,:,:], data_gyro[0])
    #[func_comp_rot(rotestim[i,:,:], rotestim_new[i,:,:])   for i in xrange(rotestim_new.shape[0])]

    # *** compute camera trajectory from lin.accel and gyroscopic data
    rotestim_linacc = func_spline_orientation_interpolate(data_gyro[0], rotestim, data_linacc[0]) # fit gyroscopic orientation data to lin.accel data

    # fit GT camera orientation to lin.acc. data
    rotgt = func_spline_orientation_interpolate(data_rotvec[0], rotgt_org, data_linacc[0])

    linaccabs = np.zeros((data_linacc[0].shape[0],3), dtype=float ) # linear acceleration in world frame
    for i in xrange(data_linacc[0].shape[0]):
        linaccabs[i,:] = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(rotgt[i,:,:]), data_linacc[1][i,:]) # use fused rotation data

    tck = scpint.splrep(data_linacc[0], linaccabs[:,0], s=0.0) # x acceleration spline
    tck = scpint.splantider(tck,2) # double integral -> x displacement
    x = scpint.splev(data_linacc[0], tck)
    tck = scpint.splrep(data_linacc[0], linaccabs[:,1], s=0.0) # y acceleration spline
    tck = scpint.splantider(tck,2) # double integral -> y displacement
    y = scpint.splev(data_linacc[0], tck)
    tck = scpint.splrep(data_linacc[0], linaccabs[:,2], s=0.0) # z acceleration spline
    tck = scpint.splantider(tck,2) # double integral -> z displacement
    z = scpint.splev(data_linacc[0], tck)
    posaccum = np.stack((x,y,z), axis=1)

    # posaccum = np.zeros((rotestim_linacc.shape[0],3), dtype=float )
    # R0 = func_android_rotM_from_rotvec(data_rotvec[1][0,:], True)
    # for i in xrange(data_linacc[0].shape[0]-2):
    #     #R = np.dot(R0,rotestim_linacc[i,:,:]) # use GT location from first frame to align initial camera
    #     R = func_android_rotM_from_rotvec(data_rotvec[1][i,:], True) # use absolute orientation data to add linear acceleration
    #     #posaccum[i+1,:] = posaccum[i,:] + np.dot(np.linalg.inv(R), data_linacc[1][i,:])

    # *** estimate camera path from linear acceleration data
    # tck,u=scpint.splprep(data_linacc[1].transpose().tolist(),u=data_linacc[0], s=0.0) # interpolation spline over actual sensor data
    # #p = func_smoothing_spline_crossvalp(data_linacc[0][1000:1500],data_linacc[1][1000:1500,:], crossvalperc = 0.1, crrounds = 100, verbosity=1)
    # #linaccsm, LL, p = func_smoothing_spline(data_linacc[0],data_linacc[1],p) # smooth acceleration
    # #tck,u=scpint.splprep(linaccsm.transpose().tolist(),u=data_linacc[0], s=0.0) # interpolation spline over smoothed sensor data
    # #linaccsm = np.array(scpint.splev(data_gps[0],tck)).transpose()

    ### Plot camera path
    wh = np.array([1280.0,960.0])
    fc = np.array([900.0,900.0])
    cc = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    ax.plot(posaccum[5:,0], posaccum[5:,1], posaccum[5:,2], color=np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), linewidth=2.0)

    ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
    ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')

    ### Plot camera orientation path, and gravity direction
    wh = np.array([1280.0,960.0])
    fc = np.array([900.0,900.0])
    cc = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    t = np.array([1.0, 10.0, 100.0])
    for i in xrange(0,len(data_rotvec[0]),50): # Plot cameras from absolute orientation estimation (directly from sensor)
        R = rotgt_org[i,:,:] #func_android_rotM_from_rotvec(data_rotvec[1][i,:], True)
        tc = -np.dot(R, t ) # position in camera centric coordinate frame
        func_plot_cameras(ax, fc,cc,wh,R,tc,rgbface=np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]),camerascaling=2.0,lw=2.0)
    # for i in xrange(0,len(data_grav[0]),40): # Plot gravity vectors
    #     R = func_android_rotM_from_rotvec(data_rotvec[1][i,:], True)
    #     g_vec = data_grav[1][i,:] # gravity vector (in camera reference frame)
    #     g_vec_rot = np.dot(R,g_vec[:]) # gravity vector (in world ref. frame, uses estimated camera orientation)
    #     ax.plot([t[0], t[0]+g_vec[0]], [t[1], t[1]+g_vec[1]], [t[2], t[2]+g_vec[2]], color=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), linewidth=2.0)
    #     ax.plot([t[0], t[0]+g_vec_rot[0]], [t[1], t[1]+g_vec_rot[1]], [t[2], t[2]+g_vec_rot[2]], color=np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), linewidth=2.0)

    # for i in xrange(0,data_gyro[0].shape[0],10):  # Plot cameras from tracked orientation (accumulated gyroscope data)
    #     R0 = func_android_rotM_from_rotvec(data_rotvec[1][0,:], True)
    #     R = np.dot(R0,rotestim[i,:,:]) # use GT location from first frame to align initial camera
    #     tc = -np.dot(R, t ) # position in camera centric coordinate frame
    #     func_plot_cameras(ax, fc,cc,wh,R,tc,rgbface=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),camerascaling=2.0,lw=4.0)

    #g_vec = data_grav[1][0,:]
    #ax.plot([t[0], t[0]+g_vec[0]], [t[1], t[1]+g_vec[1]], [t[2], t[2]+g_vec[2]], color=np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), linewidth=4.0)

    #g_vec = data_grav[1][-1,:]
    #ax.plot([t[0], t[0]+g_vec[0]], [t[1], t[1]+g_vec[1]], [t[2], t[2]+g_vec[2]], color=np.array([1.0, 0.0, 1.0]), linewidth=4.0)

    ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
    ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')

    ### Plot GPS path
    m = data_gps[0].shape[0]
    testpt = data_gps[1][:,0:3]
    #p = func_smoothing_spline_crossvalp(data_gps[0],data_gps[1][:,0:2], crossvalperc = 0.1, crrounds = 10, verbosity=1)
    testptsm, LL, p = func_smoothing_spline(data_gps[0],data_gps[1][:,0:3],p)
    tck,u=scpint.splprep(testptsm.transpose().tolist(),u=data_gps[0], s=0.0) # new homogeneous samples
    t_new = np.linspace(data_gps[0][0],data_gps[0][-1],500)
    testptsm = np.array(scpint.splev(t_new,tck)).transpose()
    plt.scatter(testpt[:,1], testpt[:,0],24, color='blue')
    plt.scatter(testpt[0,1], testpt[0,0],24, color='green')
    plt.plot(testpt[:,1], testpt[:,0],24, '-', color='b')
    plt.plot(testptsm[:,1], testptsm[:,0], '-', color='r', markersize=24)
    plt.axis([np.min(testpt[:,1]),  np.max(testpt[:,1]), np.min(testpt[:,0]),  np.max(testpt[:,0])])

    # 3D, display cartesian
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    ax.scatter(GPS_xyz[:,0], GPS_xyz[:,1], GPS_xyz[:,2], color=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), linewidth=2.0)
    ax.scatter(GPS_xyz[0,0], GPS_xyz[0,1], GPS_xyz[0,2], color=np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), linewidth=2.0)

    ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
    ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')
Exemple #13
	def predict(self,x,deriv=None,*args,**kwargs):
		if deriv is None:
			deriv = 0
		if deriv == -1:
			return interpolate.splev(x,interpolate.splantider((self.knots,self.coeff,self.degree)))
		return interpolate.splev(x,(self.knots,self.coeff,self.degree),der=deriv)
Exemple #14
plt.figure('Integ cubic')
plt.plot(angle_array_out, integ_cubic_sin_array)
plt.plot(angle_array, -cos_array)

# In[11]:

# Performing the integral using integ_cubic
# An integration constant and the nodes of the cubic spline interpolation can be passed
# NB: passing the tck manually allows to interpolate on a different x array

from blond_common.maths.calculus import integ_cubic
from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splantider

tck = splrep(angle_array, sin_array)
tck_ader = splantider(tck)

angle_array_out, integ_cubic_sin_array = integ_cubic(np.linspace(
    0, 3 * 2 * np.pi, n_points * 10),

plt.figure('Integ cubic-2')
plt.plot(angle_array_out, integ_cubic_sin_array)
plt.plot(angle_array, -cos_array)

# ## 2. Zeros finding

# In[12]: