def test_basis_element_quadratic(self):
        xx = np.linspace(-1, 4, 20)
        b = BSpline.basis_element(t=[0, 1, 2, 3])
        assert_allclose(b(xx), splev(xx, (b.t, b.c, b.k)), atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(b(xx), B_0123(xx), atol=1e-14)

        b = BSpline.basis_element(t=[0, 1, 1, 2])
        xx = np.linspace(0, 2, 10)
                        np.where(xx < 1, xx * xx, (2. - xx)**2),
Exemple #2
    def test_basis_element_quadratic(self):
        xx = np.linspace(-1, 4, 20)
        b = BSpline.basis_element(t=[0, 1, 2, 3])
                        splev(xx, (b.t, b.c, b.k)), atol=1e-14)
                        B_0123(xx), atol=1e-14)

        b = BSpline.basis_element(t=[0, 1, 1, 2])
        xx = np.linspace(0, 2, 10)
                np.where(xx < 1, xx*xx, (2.-xx)**2), atol=1e-14)
Exemple #3
def _get_cubic_BSplines(interior_knots):
    given a set of interior knots, compute the bspline basis functions
    required to give a periodic spline model. data are assumed to be
    distributed across the unit period, and therefore the interior
    knots must be within the unit interval. boundary knots (ie. 0, 1)
    must not be provided. knots must be sorted into ascending order.
    cubic spline knots are assumed, meaning at least three interior
    knots must be provided.

        interior_knots : 1d array
            1d array of interior knots, sorted from smallest to
    # Check everything is okay
    interior_knots = np.array(interior_knots)
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(interior_knots >= 0, interior_knots <= 1)):
        raise ValueError("Interior knots must be distributed across the unit period")
    if interior_knots.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("Knot array must be one-dimensional")
    if interior_knots.size < 3:
        raise ValueError("Must have at least three interior knots for cubic splines")
    full_knots = _get_full_knots(interior_knots)
    # Produce list of spline elements
    return [
        BSpline.basis_element(full_knots[i : i + 5], extrapolate=False)
        for i in range(full_knots.size - 4)
Exemple #4
    def update(self):
        self.basis = []

        x = np.append(self.c[0], self.c[0, 0:ORDER])
        y = np.append(self.c[1], self.c[1, 0:ORDER])
        self.c_periodic = np.array([x, y])
        self.n_c_periodic = len(x)

        for i in range(self.n_c_periodic):
                BSpline.basis_element(self.t[i:i + ORDER + 2], False))

        self.bsplx = BSpline(self.t, x, ORDER, False)
        self.bsply = BSpline(self.t, y, ORDER, False)
        self.derx1 = self.bsplx.derivative(1)
        self.dery1 = self.bsply.derivative(1)
        self.derx2 = self.bsplx.derivative(2)
        self.dery2 = self.bsply.derivative(2)

        # Sample some values
        self.sample_nb = NB_POINTS_BSPL
        self.sample_t = np.linspace(self.t_min,
        self.sample_values = np.zeros((self.sample_nb, 2))
        for i in range(self.sample_nb):
            self.sample_values[i] = self.estimate(self.sample_t[i])
Exemple #5
    def test_integral(self):
        b = BSpline.basis_element([0, 1, 2])  # x for x < 1 else 2 - x
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0, 1), 0.5)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1, 0), -0.5)

        # extrapolate or zeros outside of [0, 2]; default is yes
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1), 0)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1, extrapolate=True), 0)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1, extrapolate=False), 0.5)
def _sum_basis_elements(x, t, c, k):
    n = len(t) - (k + 1)
    assert n >= k + 1
    assert len(c) >= n
    s = 0.
    for i in range(n):
        b = BSpline.basis_element(t[i:i + k + 2], extrapolate=False)(x)
        s += c[i] * np.nan_to_num(b)  # zero out out-of-bounds elements
    return s
Exemple #7
def _sum_basis_elements(x, t, c, k):
    n = len(t) - (k+1)
    assert n >= k+1
    assert len(c) >= n
    s = 0.
    for i in range(n):
        b = BSpline.basis_element(t[i:i+k+2], extrapolate=False)(x)
        s += c[i] * np.nan_to_num(b)   # zero out out-of-bounds elements
    return s
Exemple #8
    def test_integral(self):
        b = BSpline.basis_element([0, 1, 2])  # x for x < 1 else 2 - x
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0, 1), 0.5)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1, 0), -0.5)

        # extrapolate or zeros outside of [0, 2]; default is yes
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1), 0)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1, extrapolate=True), 0)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1, extrapolate=False), 0.5)
Exemple #9
def mySpline(n, L=100):

    # This function returns a normalized B-spline of degree n
    # L:int support length
    # a:int represents the dilation factor
    # expand:int length of the signal to expand to

    n = int(n)
    b = BSpline.basis_element(range(n + 1), 0)

    return b, (0, n), L
Exemple #10
def mySpline(n, L=100, plot=1):

    #return normalize splines of degree n and length L
    n = int(n)
    b = BSpline.basis_element(range(n + 1), 0)
    x = np.linspace(0, n, L)
    y = np.fft.fftshift(normalize(b(x))[0])

    if plot:
        plt.plot(range(L), y, 'g', lw=3)

    return b, y
Exemple #11
def Bmatspl(x, knots=None, q=3):
    Builds the B-matrix (design matrix) with b-splines as basis elements
    x -> values at which the b-spline functions are evaluated
    knots -> 1-D numpy array with the internal knots for total spline
    q -> degree of every b-spline in the linear combination

    splreg -> Splines (linear expansion)

    if knots is None:
        # default definition of internal knots (equispaced along the data set interval)
        knots = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], len(x) // 3, endpoint=True)[1:-1]

    nknots = len(knots)  # number of internal knots of total spline
    nbsplines = nknots + q + 1  # number of b-splines in the basis set

    # add knots at external points of the interval
    spknots = np.insert(knots, 0, [x[0], x[0], x[0], x[0]])
    spknots = np.append(
        spknots, [x[-1] + 1e-10, x[-1] + 1e-10, x[-1] + 1e-10, x[-1] + 1e-10])

    a = np.ones(
        nbsplines)  # coefficients of the b-splines in the linear expansion

    # build the B matrix. Their elements are the values of every b-spline at every data point
    ### B is a 2-D numpy array: [(number of points in x) x (number of bsplines)]
    spl = BSpline(t=spknots, c=a, k=q)
    B = spl.basis_element(spknots[0:q + 2], extrapolate=None)(x).reshape(-1, 1)
    for i in range(1, nbsplines):
        Bnew = spl.basis_element(spknots[i:i + q + 2],
                                 extrapolate=None)(x).reshape(-1, 1)
        B = np.hstack((B, Bnew))
    B = np.nan_to_num(B, copy=False)

    return B
Exemple #12
 def __init__(self, domain, n_basis, locs_bounds, width=1.0, bounds_disc=False,
              order=3, add_constant=True):
     self.locs_bounds = locs_bounds
     self.bounds_disc = bounds_disc
     self.order = order
     self.width = width
     self.knots = BSplineUniscaleBasis.knots_generator(domain, n_basis, locs_bounds, width, bounds_disc, order)
     self.splines = [falgebra.NoNanWrapper(BSpline.basis_element(self.knots[i], extrapolate=False))
                     for i in range(len(self.knots))]
     self.add_constant = add_constant
     self.norms = [np.sqrt(integration.func_scalar_prod(sp, sp, domain)) for sp in self.splines]
     # self.norms = [np.sqrt(integration.func_scalar_prod(sp, sp, domain)[0]) for sp in self.splines]
     input_dim = 1
     super().__init__(n_basis + int(self.add_constant), input_dim, domain)
     self.gram_mat = self.gram_matrix()
Exemple #13
def get_bases(rmin, rmax, nbins, order=None, ncont=1000):
    if not order:
        print("No order given, defaulting to 1 (linear)")

    if nbins < order * 2:
        # does it have to be 2*order + 1? seems fine for piecewise, but for higher orders?
        raise ValueError("nbins must be at least twice the order")
    kvs = get_kvs(rmin, rmax, nbins, order)
    rcont = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, ncont)
    bases = np.empty((nbins + 1, ncont))
    bases[0, :] = rcont
    for n in range(nbins):
        kv = kvs[n]
        b = BSpline.basis_element(kv)
        bases[n + 1, :] = [b(r) if kv[0] <= r <= kv[-1] else 0 for r in rcont]
    return bases
Exemple #14
def spline_bases(rmin, rmax, projfn, ncomponents, ncont=2000, order=3):
    Compute a set of spline basis functions for the given order.

    rmin : double
        Minimum r-value for basis functions 

    rmax : double
        Maximum r-value for basis functions 

    projfn : string, default=None
       Path to projection file if necessary

    ncomponents : int
       Number of components (basis functions)

    ncont : int, default=2000
       Number of continuous r-values at which to write the basis function file

    order : int, default=3
       Order of spline to use; default is cubic spline

    bases: array-like, double
        2-d array of basis function values; first column is r-values

    if ncomponents < order * 2:
        raise ValueError("ncomponents must be at least twice the order")

    kvs = _get_knot_vectors(rmin, rmax, ncomponents, order)
    rcont = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, ncont)
    bases = np.empty((ncont, ncomponents + 1))
    bases[:, 0] = rcont
    for n in range(ncomponents):
        kv = kvs[n]
        b = BSpline.basis_element(kv)
        bases[:, n + 1] = [b(r) if kv[0] <= r <= kv[-1] else 0 for r in rcont]

    np.savetxt(projfn, bases)
    return bases
Exemple #15
def phi(x, t, i, k):
    A basis function
    x : float or array
        evaluation point
    t : array
        mesh nodes
    i : int
        basis id
    k : int
        basis degree
    b = BSpline.basis_element(t[i:i + k + 2], extrapolate=False)
    s = np.nan_to_num(b(x))
    return s
Exemple #16
    def test_integral(self):
        b = BSpline.basis_element([0, 1, 2])  # x for x < 1 else 2 - x
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0, 1), 0.5)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1, 0), -1 * 0.5)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1, 0), -0.5)

        # extrapolate or zeros outside of [0, 2]; default is yes
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1), 0)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1, extrapolate=True), 0)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1, extrapolate=False), 0.5)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1, -1, extrapolate=False), -1 * 0.5)

        # Test ``_fitpack._splint()``
        t, c, k = b.tck
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1, -1, extrapolate=False),
                        _splint(t, c, k, 1, -1)[0])

        # Test ``extrapolate='periodic'``.
        b.extrapolate = 'periodic'
        i = b.antiderivative()
        period_int = i(2) - i(0)

        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0, 2), period_int)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(2, 0), -1 * period_int)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-9, -7), period_int)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-8, -4), 2 * period_int)

        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0.5, 1.5), i(1.5) - i(0.5))
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1.5, 3), i(1) - i(0) + i(2) - i(1.5))
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1.5 + 12, 3 + 12),
                        i(1) - i(0) + i(2) - i(1.5))
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1.5, 3 + 12),
                        i(1) - i(0) + i(2) - i(1.5) + 6 * period_int)

        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0, -1), i(0) - i(1))
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-9, -10), i(0) - i(1))
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0, -9), i(1) - i(2) - 4 * period_int)
    def test_integral(self):
        b = BSpline.basis_element([0, 1, 2])  # x for x < 1 else 2 - x
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0, 1), 0.5)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1, 0), -1 * 0.5)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1, 0), -0.5)

        # extrapolate or zeros outside of [0, 2]; default is yes
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1), 0)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1, extrapolate=True), 0)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-1, 1, extrapolate=False), 0.5)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1, -1, extrapolate=False), -1 * 0.5)

        # Test ``_fitpack._splint()``
        t, c, k = b.tck
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1, -1, extrapolate=False),
                        _splint(t, c, k, 1, -1)[0])

        # Test ``extrapolate='periodic'``.
        b.extrapolate = 'periodic'
        i = b.antiderivative()
        period_int = i(2) - i(0)

        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0, 2), period_int)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(2, 0), -1 * period_int)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-9, -7), period_int)
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-8, -4), 2 * period_int)

        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0.5, 1.5), i(1.5) - i(0.5))
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1.5, 3), i(1) - i(0) + i(2) - i(1.5))
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1.5 + 12, 3 + 12),
                        i(1) - i(0) + i(2) - i(1.5))
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(1.5, 3 + 12),
                        i(1) - i(0) + i(2) - i(1.5) + 6 * period_int)

        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0, -1), i(0) - i(1))
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(-9, -10), i(0) - i(1))
        assert_allclose(b.integrate(0, -9), i(1) - i(2) - 4 * period_int)
# Construct a cubic b-spline:

from scipy.interpolate import BSpline
b = BSpline.basis_element([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
k = b.k
# array([ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.])
# 3

# Construct a second order b-spline on ``[0, 1, 1, 2]``, and compare
# to its explicit form:

t = [-1, 0, 1, 1, 2]
b = BSpline.basis_element(t[1:])

def f(x):
    return np.where(x < 1, x * x, (2. - x)**2)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x = np.linspace(0, 2, 51)
ax.plot(x, b(x), 'g', lw=3)
ax.plot(x, f(x), 'r', lw=8, alpha=0.4)
Exemple #19
# fig = plt.figure()
# ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
# plt.plot(t, x, "-og")
# plt.plot(ipl_t, x_i, "r")
# plt.xlim([0.0, max(t)])
# plt.title("Splined x(t)")
# ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
# for i in range(n_points - degree - 1):
#     vec = np.zeros(11)
#     vec[i] = 1.0
#     x_list = list(x_tup)
#     x_list[1] = vec.tolist()
#     x_i = si.splev(ipl_t, x_list)
#     plt.plot(ipl_t, x_i)
# plt.xlim([0.0, 9.0])
# plt.title("Periodic basis splines")
from scipy.interpolate import BSpline
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot

b = BSpline.basis_element([1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 12])
x = numpy.linspace(1, 12, 100)
pyplot.plot(x, b(x))
Exemple #20
 def test_nan(self):
     # nan in, nan out.
     b = BSpline.basis_element([0, 1, 1, 2])
Exemple #21
def compute_bspline_integral_dot_product(basis_features, basis_dimension):
    Compute integrals and dot products of B-splines.

        - basis_features: dict
            Contain information on the basis for each state
        - basis_dimension: dict
            Give the number of basis functions for each state
        - integral: ndarray
            Array containing the integrals over an interval
        - dot_product: ndarray
            Matrix containing the dot products
    # Compute the dimension of the problem
    dimension = np.sum([basis_dimension[elt] for elt in basis_dimension])
    # Get the knots
    t = basis_features['knots']
    # FIXME: Consider small parameter to avoid vanishing of the last B-spline
    # at 1
    eps = 1e-16

    # Define integrals using antiderivatives
    integral = np.zeros(dimension)
    i0 = 0
    # Loop over states
    for state in basis_dimension:
        # Get degree of the B-splines of state
        k_state = basis_features[state]
        # Add external knots depending on the degree
        t_state = np.r_[(0, ) * (k_state + 1), t, (1, ) * (k_state + 1)]
        for i in range(basis_dimension[state]):
            # Define i-th B-spline
            spl_i = BSpline.basis_element(t_state[i:i + k_state + 2])
            # Integrate and deduce integral
            spl_i_int = spl_i.antiderivative(nu=1)
            integral[i0 + i] += spl_i_int(t_state[i + k_state + 1] - eps)
            integral[i0 + i] -= spl_i_int(t_state[i])
        i0 += basis_dimension[state]

    # Compute dot product between the B-splines
    dot_product = np.zeros([dimension, dimension])
    i, j = 0, 0
    # Loop over states
    for state1 in basis_dimension:
        # Get degree of the B-splines of state1
        k1 = basis_features[state1]
        # Add external knots depending on the degree
        t1 = np.r_[(0, ) * (k1 + 1), t, (1, ) * (k1 + 1)]
        for state2 in basis_dimension:
            # Get degree of the B-splines of state2
            k2 = basis_features[state2]
            # Add external knots depending on the degree
            t2 = np.r_[(0, ) * (k2 + 1), t, (1, ) * (k2 + 1)]
            for m in range(basis_dimension[state1]):
                # Define m-th B-spline of the state1 basis
                spl_m = BSpline.basis_element(t1[m:m + k1 + 2])
                for n in range(basis_dimension[state2]):
                    # Define n-th B-spline of the state2 basis
                    spl_n = BSpline.basis_element(t2[n:n + k2 + 2])
                    max_t = max(t1[m], t2[n])
                    min_t = min(t1[m + k1 + 1], t2[n + k2 + 1])
                    # If intersection of supports then do computations
                    if max_t < min_t:
                        # Numerical integration
                        quad_int = quad(lambda x: spl_m(x) * spl_n(x), max_t,
                        dot_product[i + m, j + n] += quad_int[0]
            j += basis_dimension[state2]
        j = 0
        i += basis_dimension[state1]

    return integral, dot_product
Exemple #22
def compute_bspline_dot_product_derivatives(basis_features, basis_dimension):
    Compute dot products of B-splines and their derivatives.

        - basis_features: dict
            Contain information on the basis for each state
        - basis_dimension: dict
            Give the number of basis functions for each state
        - dot_product_12: ndarray
            Array containing the dot products of Legendre polynomials
            with their derivatives
        - dot_product_22: ndarray
            Array containing the dot products of Legendre polynomials
    # Compute the dimension of the problem
    dimension = np.sum([basis_dimension[elt] for elt in basis_dimension])
    # Get the knots
    t = basis_features['knots']
    # FIXME: Consider small parameter to avoid vanishing of the last B-spline
    # at 1
    eps = 1e-16

    dot_product_12 = np.zeros([dimension, dimension])
    dot_product_22 = np.zeros([dimension, dimension])
    i, j = 0, 0
    # Loop over states
    for state1 in basis_dimension:
        # Get degree of the B-splines of state1
        k1 = basis_features[state1]
        # Add external knots depending on the degree
        t1 = np.r_[(0, ) * (k1 + 1), t, (1, ) * (k1 + 1)]
        for state2 in basis_dimension:
            # Get degree of the B-splines of state2
            k2 = basis_features[state2]
            # Add external knots depending on the degree
            t2 = np.r_[(0, ) * (k2 + 1), t, (1, ) * (k2 + 1)]
            for m in range(basis_dimension[state1]):
                # Define m-th B-spline of the state1 basis
                spl_m = BSpline.basis_element(t1[m:m + k1 + 2])
                # Reproduce the same spline for differenciation because of
                # differenciation problems with BSpline.basis_element()
                # FIXME: simplify if possible
                # Construct knots by first finding the internal knots and then
                # by adding the right numbers of external knots
                t1m = t1[m:m + k1 + 2]
                ind_min1 = np.max(np.argwhere(t1m == t1[m]))
                ind_max1 = np.min(np.argwhere(t1m == t1[m + k1 + 1]))
                t_m = np.r_[(t1m[ind_min1], ) * k1, t1m[ind_min1:ind_max1 + 1],
                            (t1m[ind_max1], ) * k1]
                x_m = np.linspace(t1m[0], t1m[-1] - eps, 50)
                spl_m = make_lsq_spline(x_m, spl_m(x_m), t_m, k1)
                # Compute derivative
                spl_m_deriv = spl_m.derivative(nu=1)
                for n in range(basis_dimension[state2]):
                    # Define n-th B-spline of the state2 basis
                    spl_n = BSpline.basis_element(t2[n:n + k2 + 2])
                    # FIXME: simplify if possible
                    # Construct knots by first finding the internal knots and
                    # then by adding the right numbers of external knots
                    t2n = t2[n:n + k2 + 2]
                    ind_min2 = np.max(np.argwhere(t2n == t2[n]))
                    ind_max2 = np.min(np.argwhere(t2n == t2[n + k2 + 1]))
                    t_n = np.r_[(t2n[ind_min2], ) * k2,
                                t2n[ind_min2:ind_max2 + 1],
                                (t2n[ind_max2], ) * k2]
                    x_n = np.linspace(t2n[0], t2n[-1] - eps, 50)
                    spl_n = make_lsq_spline(x_n, spl_n(x_n), t_n, k2)
                    # Compute derivative
                    spl_n_deriv = spl_n.derivative(nu=1)
                    max_t = max(t1[m], t2[n])
                    min_t = min(t1[m + k1 + 1], t2[n + k2 + 1])
                    # If intersection of supports then do computations
                    if max_t < min_t:
                        # Numerical integration
                        quad_int_12 = quad(lambda x: spl_m(x) * spl_n_deriv(x),
                                           max_t, min_t)
                        quad_int_22 = quad(
                            lambda x: spl_m_deriv(x) * spl_n_deriv(x), max_t,
                        dot_product_12[i + m, j + n] += quad_int_12[0]
                        dot_product_22[i + m, j + n] += quad_int_22[0]
            j += basis_dimension[state2]
        j = 0
        i += basis_dimension[state1]

    return dot_product_12, dot_product_22
Exemple #23
 def spl(x):
     y = BSpline.basis_element(knots, extrapolate=False)(x)
     y[np.isnan(y)] = 0
     return y
 def test_nan(self):
     # nan in, nan out.
     b = BSpline.basis_element([0, 1, 1, 2])
Exemple #25
# Construct the linear spline ``x if x < 1 else 2 - x`` on the base
# interval :math:`[0, 2]`, and integrate it

from scipy.interpolate import BSpline
b = BSpline.basis_element([0, 1, 2])
b.integrate(0, 1)
# array(0.5)

# If the integration limits are outside of the base interval, the result
# is controlled by the `extrapolate` parameter

b.integrate(-1, 1)
# array(0.0)
b.integrate(-1, 1, extrapolate=False)
# array(0.5)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.axvline(0, c='r', lw=5, alpha=0.5)  # base interval
ax.axvline(2, c='r', lw=5, alpha=0.5)
xx = [-1, 1, 2]
ax.plot(xx, b(xx))
splw = BSpline(kv, waver, k)  #spline wr

tplot = np.arange(0, kv.max(), 0.1)
#tplot *= 1.0/tplot.max()

rbspline = splr(tplot)
waverbspline = splw(tplot)


#axes = plt.gca()

## basis element
k = 4
for i in range(len(kv) - k - 2):
    b = BSpline.basis_element(kv[i + 1:i + k + 2])
    print(kv[i + 1:i + k + 2])
    x = np.linspace(kv[i + 1], kv[i + k + 2], 51)
    plt.plot(x, b(x))

Exemple #27
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import splprep, BSpline

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialize the spline
    c = np.array([100, 100])
    R = 50
    n = 10
    phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n)
    x_init = c[0] + R * np.cos(phi)
    y_init = c[1] + R * np.sin(phi)
    x_init[n - 1] = x_init[0]
    y_init[n - 1] = y_init[0]
    dat = np.array([x_init, y_init])
    tck, _ = splprep(dat, s=0, per=0, k=3)
    knots = tck[0]
    ctrl_pts = np.transpose(tck[1])
    deg = tck[2]
    spl = BSpline(knots, ctrl_pts, deg)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    # Compute the value of each basis function
    for knot_ind in np.arange(len(knots)):
        knots_basis = spl.t[knot_ind:knot_ind + deg + 2]
        b = spl.basis_element(knots_basis, extrapolate=False)
        x = np.linspace(knots_basis[0], knots_basis[-1], 50)
        ax.plot(x, b(x), lw=3)
        ax.plot([knots_basis[0]] * 2, [0, 1], 'k--')
    plt.title('Valeur de fonction de base en fonction de u')
Exemple #28
def d_bump_cbs(x):
    dy = np.zeros_like(x)
    index = (-2 < x) & (x < 2)
    dy[index] = BSpline.basis_element([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2],
    return dy
Exemple #29
def bump_cbs(x):
    y = np.zeros_like(x)
    index = (-2 < x) & (x < 2)
    y[index] = BSpline.basis_element([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2],
    return y