class Interpolated(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y, sigma):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.handles = []

    def override(self, x, y, sigma):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.sigma = sigma

    def getHighCurv(self, threshold):
        # points of max / min curvature, thresholded based on magnitude of curvature
        roots = self._curv_roots[~np.isnan(
            self._curv_roots)]  # remove nans -- TODO address root problem (!)
        return roots[(np.abs(self._curv(roots)) > threshold)]
        # return self._curv_roots[(np.abs(self._curv(self._curv_roots)) > threshold)]

    def getInflectionPoints(self, threshold):
        # points of zero curvature, thresholded based on magnitude of gradient
        roots = self._grad_roots[~np.isnan(
            self._grad_roots)]  # remove nans -- TODO address root problem (!)
        return roots[(np.abs(self._grad(roots)) > threshold)]
        # return self._grad_roots[(np.abs(self._grad(self._grad_roots)) > threshold)]

    def spline(self):
        return self._spline

    def grad(self):
        return self._grad

    def curv(self):
        return self._curv

    def sigma(self):
        return self._sigma

    def sigma(self, s):
        self._sigma = s
        if (self._sigma == 0):
            self._spline = CubicSpline(self.x, self.y, bc_type='not-a-knot')
            self._spline = CubicSpline(self.x,
                                       gaussian_filter1d(self.y, self._sigma),
        self._grad = self._spline.derivative(1)
        self._curv = self._spline.derivative(2)
        self._curv_roots = self._spline.derivative(3).roots(discontinuity=True)
        self._grad_roots = self._curv.roots(discontinuity=True)
def interpolate_path(robot,
    from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline, interp1d
    #from scipy.interpolate import CubicHermiteSpline, KroghInterpolator
    # TODO: local search to retime by adding or removing waypoints
    # TODO: iteratively increase spacing until velocity / accelerations meets limits
    # Waypoints are followed perfectly, twice continuously differentiable
    # TODO:
    path, time_from_starts = retime_trajectory(
    if k == 3:
        if bspline:
            positions = approximate_spline(time_from_starts,
            # bc_type= clamped | natural | ((1, 0), (1, 0))
            positions = CubicSpline(time_from_starts,
        kinds = {1: 'linear', 2: 'quadratic', 3: 'cubic'}  # slinear
        positions = interp1d(time_from_starts,

    if not dump:
        return positions
    # TODO: only if CubicSpline
    velocities = positions.derivative()
    accelerations = positions.derivative()
    for i, t in enumerate(positions.x):
        print(i, round(t, 3), positions(t), velocities(t), accelerations(t))
    # TODO: compose piecewise functions
    # TODO: ramp up and ramp down path
    # TODO: quadratic interpolation between endpoints
    return positions
Exemple #3
def get_angle(s):
    qm = s[:, int(s.shape[1] / 2), int(s.shape[2] / 2) - 3, 0, 1]
    qp = s[:, int(s.shape[1] / 2), int(s.shape[2] / 2) + 3, 0, 1]
    sp_qm = CubicSpline(range(len(qm)), qm)
    sp_qp = CubicSpline(range(len(qp)), qp)
    roots_qm = sp_qm.derivative().roots().tolist()
    roots_qp = sp_qp.derivative().roots().tolist()
    roots_qm = np.array(
        [i for i in roots_qm if i >= 0 and sp_qm(i) > 0.8 * qm.max() and sp_qm(i) < 1.2 * qm.max()])
    roots_qp = np.array(
        [i for i in roots_qp if i >= 0 and sp_qp(i) > 0.8 * qp.max() and sp_qp(i) < 1.2 * qp.max()])
    idx = 0 if len(roots_qm)==1 else 1 if len(roots_qm)==2 else 2
    return np.abs(np.arctan(6/(roots_qm[idx] - roots_qp[idx]))*360/(2*np.pi))
Exemple #4
def interp(t, X, teval, Xeval, kind):
    """Do interpolation on previous calculated solution.

    It handles case when t is None, in which case, teval is not used and we use a uniform grid in [0, 1]

    :param t: array-like, user-specified time stamps
    :param X: ndarray, (x, x), variable to be interpolated
    :param teval: array-like, where to evaluate for the interpolation
    :param Xeval: ndarray, (x, x), where to store the evaluation. It might has more columns than X, in which case we fill higher-order derivative
    :param kind: str, interpolation type for scipy.interpolate.interp1d, can be (‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’)

    targetN = Xeval.shape[0]
    giveN = X.shape[0]
    Xcol = X.shape[1]
    XevalCol = Xeval.shape[1]
    order = XevalCol // Xcol
    if t is None:
        teval = np.linspace(0, 1, targetN)
        t = np.linspace(0, 1, giveN)
    # construct object
    if order == 1:
        interp_ = interp1d(t, X, kind=kind, axis=0)
        Xeval[:] = interp_(teval)
        interp_ = CubicSpline(t, X)
        Xeval[:, :X.shape[1]] = interp_(teval)
        curind = 1
        while order > 1:
            interp_ = interp_.derivative()
            Xeval[:, curind*Xcol: (curind+1)*Xcol] = interp_(teval)
            order -= 1
            curind += 1
Exemple #5
    def _get_feature_min(self, x_values, y_values, ey_values, feature):
        '''compute location and flux of feature minimum'''

        # find deepest absorption
        min_pos = y_values.argmin()
        if ((min_pos < 5) or
            (min_pos > y_values.shape[0] - 5)) and (not self.emission):
            return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan

        # interpolate the feature with a Cubic Spline and use it to derive the absorption minimum
        cs = CubicSpline(x_values, y_values, extrapolate=False)
        extrema = cs.derivative().roots()
        if self.emission:
            lambda_m = extrema[np.argmax(cs(extrema))]
            lambda_m = extrema[np.argmin(cs(extrema))]
        flux_m = cs(lambda_m)

        # rough calculation of flux minimum uncertainty
        flux_m_err = np.median(ey_values)

        # compute wavelength error has std of all wavelengths corresponding to fluxes within noise from minimum if not overridden
        if self.emission:
            lambda_m_err = np.std(x_values[y_values > (flux_m - flux_m_err)])
            lambda_m_err = np.std(x_values[y_values < (flux_m + flux_m_err)])

        # optionally override lambda uncertainty with a specified value
        if (self.lambda_m_err != 'measure') and (
            (type(self.lambda_m_err) == type(1)) or
            (type(self.lambda_m_err) == type(1.1))):
            lambda_m_err = self.lambda_m_err

        return lambda_m, lambda_m_err, flux_m, flux_m_err
    def generate_dist_vels(v0, vt, accel, jerk):
        Use a cubic spline to fit the distance vs speed
        :param v0: start velocity
        :param vt: target velocity
        :param accel: maximum acceleration
        :param jerk:  maximum jerk
        :return: list of calculated distances, list of calculated velocities
        ds, ts = WaypointUpdater.get_min_distance(
            v0, vt, accel, jerk, return_list=True)
        if len(ds) < 2:
            return [0], [v0]

        cs_d = CubicSpline(ts, ds, bc_type='natural')
        cs_v = cs_d.derivative(nu=1)

        # generate sampled points from spline
        ts_samples = np.arange(T_STEP_SIZE, ts[-1] + T_STEP_SIZE, T_STEP_SIZE)
        ds_samples = cs_d(ts_samples)
        vs_samples = cs_v(ts_samples)

        if LOG:
            accel_s = cs_d(ts_samples, 2)
            js = cs_d(ts_samples, 3)
                "max accel %.03f, jerk %.03f", np.max(
                    np.abs(accel_s)), np.max(

        return ds_samples, vs_samples
Exemple #7
 def interpolate(self, new_time, derivative_order=0, out=None):
     new_time = np.asarray(new_time)
     if new_time.ndim != 1:
         raise ValueError(f"New time array must have exactly 1 dimension; it has {new_time.ndim}.")
     new_shape = self.shape[:-2] + (new_time.size, self.shape[-1])
     if out is not None:
         out = np.asarray(out)
         if out.shape != new_shape:
             raise ValueError(
                 f"Output array should have shape {new_shape} for consistency with new time array and modes array"
         if out.dtype != np.complex:
             raise ValueError(f"Output array should have dtype `complex`; it has dtype {out.dtype}")
     result = out or np.empty(new_shape, dtype=complex)
     if derivative_order > 3:
         raise ValueError(
             f"{type(self)} interpolation uses CubicSpline, and cannot take a derivative of order {derivative_order}"
     spline = CubicSpline(self.u, self.view(np.ndarray), axis=-2)
     if derivative_order < 0:
         spline = spline.antiderivative(-derivative_order)
     elif 0 < derivative_order <= 3:
         spline = spline.derivative(derivative_order)
     result[:] = spline(new_time)
     metadata = self._metadata.copy()
     metadata["time"] = new_time
     return type(self)(result, **metadata)
Exemple #8
def stationary_rotation(dt, lat, alt, Cnb, Cbs=None):
    """Simulate readings on a stationary bench.

    dt : float
        Time step.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the place.
    alt : float
        Altitude of the place.
    Cnb : ndarray, shape (n_points, 3, 3)
        Body attitude matrix.
    Cbs : ndarray with shape (3, 3) or (n_points, 3, 3) or None
        Sensor assembly attitude matrix relative to the body axes. If None,
        (default) identity attitude is assumed.

    gyro, accel : ndarray, shape (n_points - 1, 3)
        Gyro and accelerometer readings.
    n_points = Cnb.shape[0]

    time = dt * np.arange(n_points)
    lon_inertial = np.rad2deg(earth.RATE) * time
    lat = np.full_like(lon_inertial, lat)
    Cin = dcm.from_llw(lat, lon_inertial)

    R = transform.lla_to_ecef(lat, lon_inertial, alt)
    v_s = CubicSpline(time, R).derivative()

    if Cbs is None:
        Cns = Cnb
        Cns = util.mm_prod(Cnb, Cbs)

    Cis = util.mm_prod(Cin, Cns)
    Cib_spline = RotationSpline(time, Rotation.from_matrix(Cis))
    a = Cib_spline.interpolator.c[2]
    b = Cib_spline.interpolator.c[1]
    c = Cib_spline.interpolator.c[0]

    g = earth.gravitation_ecef(lat, lon_inertial, alt)
    a_s = v_s.derivative()
    d = a_s.c[1] - g[:-1]
    e = a_s.c[0] - np.diff(g, axis=0) / dt

    d = util.mv_prod(Cis[:-1], d, at=True)
    e = util.mv_prod(Cis[:-1], e, at=True)

    gyros, accels = _compute_readings(dt, a, b, c, d, e)

    return gyros, accels
Exemple #9
 def test_three_points(self):
     # gh-11758: Fails computing a_m2_m1
     # In this case, s (first derivatives) could be found manually by solving
     # system of 2 linear equations. Due to solution of this system,
     # s[i] = (h1m2 + h2m1) / (h1 + h2), where h1 = x[1] - x[0], h2 = x[2] - x[1],
     # m1 = (y[1] - y[0]) / h1, m2 = (y[2] - y[1]) / h2
     x = np.array([1.0, 2.75, 3.0])
     y = np.array([1.0, 15.0, 1.0])
     S = CubicSpline(x, y, bc_type='periodic')
     self.check_correctness(S, 'periodic', 'periodic')
     assert_allclose(S.derivative(1)(x), np.array([-48.0, -48.0, -48.0]))
Exemple #10
def _siteCharacteristics(t, v):
    """Compute the mean amplitude, cycle, and time of maximum and minimum.
    with np.errstate(under='ignore'):
        amp = (v.max(axis=1) - v.min(axis=1)).mean()
        cyc = v.mean(axis=0)
        fun = CubicSpline(np.hstack([t, t[0] + 365.]),
                          np.hstack([cyc, cyc[0]]),
        troot = fun.derivative().solve()
        troot = troot[(troot >= 0) * (troot <= 365.)]
        tmax = troot[fun(troot).argmax()]
        tmin = troot[fun(troot).argmin()]
        vs = fun(np.linspace(0, 365, 366))
    return amp, tmax, tmin, vs
Exemple #11
def ddot(x, y, interp=True):
    Return 2nd order derivative.
    if interp:
        iinc = np.argsort(x)
        _x = x[iinc]
        _y = y[iinc]
        fy = CubicSpline(_x, _y)
        yddot = fy.derivative(2)(x)
        ydot = np.gradient(y, x)
        yddot = np.gradient(ydot, x)

    return yddot
 def cubic_spline(self):
     """ Cublic Spline for forward and spot curves 
     Input rates: only spot
     Output rates: spot or forward rates
     # Compute Cublic Spline for spot rates
     func = CubicSpline([1, ],[0, ])
     time_points = np.linspace([1, 0],[1, -1], n)
     if self.t == "forward":
         # Calculate d/d(tau) r(tau)* tau = r'(tau) * tau + r(tau)
         func_derivative = func.derivative(nu=1)
         interpolation_values = func_derivative(time_points) * time_points + func(time_points)
         self.interpolator = np.array([interpolation_values, time_points])
     else: # spot rates 
         self.interpolator = np.array([func(time_points), time_points])
Exemple #13
class SplineSignalPreprocessor(SignalPreprocessor):
    def __init__(self, t, y, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(t, y)
        self.cs = None

    def interpolate(self, t_new):
        self.cs = CubicSpline(self.t, self.y)

        return self.cs(t_new)

    def calculate_time_derivative(self, t_new):
        if self.cs is None:

        pp = self.cs.derivative()
        return pp(t_new)
def normalised_spline_Differencing(XX, TT, Normals, keeps=None):
    from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

    XX = np.divide(np.array(XX).T, Normals[:, np.newaxis])  # species X Obs

    TT = np.array(TT)

    diffs = []

    for i in range(XX.shape[0]):
        cs = CubicSpline(TT, XX[i, :])
        dspl = cs.derivative()

    if keeps is not None:
        diffs[0] = [0.0] * len(TT)
        return np.array(diffs)[keeps, :], XX[keeps, :], TT
        return np.array(diffs), XX, TT
Exemple #15
def lmp_table_text(rang, eev, forces=None, finex=None):
    if forces is None:
        from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
        ecs = CubicSpline(rang, eev)
        fcs = ecs.derivative()
        if finex is not None:
            rang = finex
            eev = ecs(finex)
        forces = -fcs(rang)
    nr = len(rang)
    text = 'N %d\n\n' % nr

    line_fmt = '{ir:12d} {r:>20.6e} {e:>20.6e} {f:>20.6e}\n'
    ir = 1
    for r, e, f in zip(rang, eev, forces):
        line = line_fmt.format(ir=ir, r=r, e=e, f=f)
        ir += 1
        text += line
    return text
Exemple #16
def use_cubic_spline(pos_initial, pos_peak, pos_final, n_points):
    # LEFT FOOT: points to interpolate over
    l_x = [pos_initial[0], pos_peak[0], pos_final[0]]
    l_y = [pos_initial[1], pos_peak[1], pos_final[1]]
    l_z = [pos_initial[2], pos_peak[2], pos_final[2]]

    # generate cubic spline (only using left foot for simplicity and to enforce symmetry)
    l_cs = CubicSpline(l_x, [l_y, l_z], axis=1)

    #get cubic spline derivative, if needed finish implementing this
    dl_cs = l_cs.derivative()

    # indices for cubic spline 
    l_xs = np.linspace(l_x[0], l_x[2], num=n_points)

    left_spline = np.array([l_xs, l_cs(l_xs)[0], l_cs(l_xs)[1]])

    # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
    return left_spline
Exemple #17
    def sdotmax(cs: interpolate.CubicSpline,
                s: np.ndarray,
        # [sdot, k, ] = sdotMax(PP, p_of_s, s, gmax, smax)
        # Given a k-space curve C (in [1/cm] units), maximum gradient amplitude
        # (in G/cm) and maximum slew-rate (in G/(cm*ms)).
        # This function calculates the upper bound for the time parametrization
        # sdot (which is a non scaled max gradient constaint) as a function
        # of s.
        #   cs      --  spline polynomial
        #   p_of_s  --  parametrization vs arclength
        #   s       --  arclength parametrization (0->1)
        #   gmax    --  maximum gradient (G/cm)
        #   smax    --  maximum slew rate (G/ cm*ms)
        #   returns the maximum sdot (1st derivative of s) as a function of
        #   arclength s
        #   Also, returns curvature as a function of s and length of curve (L)
        #  (c) Michael Lustig 2005
        #  last modified 2006

        # Absolute value of 2nd derivative in curve space using cubic splines
        cs2 = cs.derivative(2)  # spline derivative
        cs2_highres = cs2(s)  # evaluated along arc length
        k = np.linalg.norm(cs2_highres, axis=1)  # magnitude

        # calc I constraint curve (maximum gradient)
        sdot1 = gamma * gmax * np.ones_like(s)

        # calc II constraint curve (curve curvature dependent)
        sdot2 = np.sqrt(gamma * smax / (k + np.finfo(float).eps))

        # calc total constraint
        sdot = np.minimum(sdot1, sdot2)

        return sdot, k
def spline_Differencing(XX, TT):
    from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

    # redundant code, do change
    if len(TT) == XX.shape[0]:
        XX = np.array(XX).T  # convert to species X Obs

    TT = np.array(TT)

    diffs = []

    for i in range(XX.shape[0]):
        cs = CubicSpline(TT, XX[i, :])
        dspl = cs.derivative()

    Arr = np.array(diffs)

    Arr[0, :] = 0.0  # correction for the constant.

    return Arr.T
Exemple #19
class DiscretePath(PhasePath):
    def __init__(self,
        if closed:
        self.points = np.array(points)
        self.num_segments = len(self.points) - 1
        self.seconds_per_point = seconds_per_point
        self.spline = None
        if smooth:
            self.spline = CubicSpline(
                [i / self.num_segments for i in range(self.num_segments + 1)],
                bc_type='periodic' if closed else 'not-a-knot',
            self.spline_grad = self.spline.derivative()

    def duration(self):
        return float(self.num_segments * self.seconds_per_point)

    def grad_at_point(self, phase):
        if self.spline:
            return self.spline_grad(phase)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def at_point(self, phase):
        if self.spline:
            return self.spline(phase)

        seg_index = min(int(phase * self.num_segments), self.num_segments - 1)
        pa = self.points[seg_index]
        pb = self.points[seg_index + 1]
        seg_phase = phase * self.num_segments - seg_index
        return seg_phase * pb + (1 - seg_phase) * pa
Exemple #20
def solver_graph(solver, manifold, c0, c1, solution=None):

    # The weight matrix
    W = solver.New_Graph.todense()

    # Find the Euclidean closest points on the graph to be used as fake start and end.
    _, c0_indices = solver.kNN_graph.kneighbors(
        c0.T)  # Find the closest kNN_num+1 points to c0
    _, c1_indices = solver.kNN_graph.kneighbors(
        c1.T)  # Find the closest kNN_num+1 points to c1
    ind_closest_to_c0 = np.nan  # The index in the training data closer to c0
    ind_closest_to_c1 = np.nan
    cost_to_c0 = 1e10
    cost_to_c1 = 1e10
    for n in range(
            solver.kNN_num -
            1):  # We added one extra neighbor when we constructed the graph

        # Pick the next point in the training data tha belong in the kNNs of c0 and c1
        ind_c0 = c0_indices[0, n]  # kNN index from the training data
        ind_c1 = c1_indices[0, n]  # kNN index from the training data

        x_c0 =[ind_c0, :].reshape(-1,
                                              1)  # The kNN point near to c0
        x_c1 =[ind_c1, :].reshape(-1,
                                              1)  # The kNN point near to c1

        # Construct temporary straight lines
        temp_curve_c0 = lambda t: evaluate_failed_solution(c0, x_c0, t)
        temp_curve_c1 = lambda t: evaluate_failed_solution(c1, x_c1, t)

        # Shortest path on graph prefers "low-weight" connections
        temp_cost_c0 = curve_length(manifold, temp_curve_c0, tol=solver.tol)
        temp_cost_c1 = curve_length(manifold, temp_curve_c1, tol=solver.tol)

        # We found one of the  Euclidean kNNs that has closer Riemannian distance from the other kNNs we have checked.
        if temp_cost_c0 < cost_to_c0:
            ind_closest_to_c0 = ind_c0
            cost_to_c0 = temp_cost_c0

        if temp_cost_c1 < cost_to_c1:
            ind_closest_to_c1 = ind_c1
            cost_to_c1 = temp_cost_c1

    # The closest points in the graph to the test points c0, c1
    source_ind = ind_closest_to_c0
    end_ind = ind_closest_to_c1

    path = [end_ind]
    pairwise_lengths = []
    temp_ind = end_ind

    # Find the discrete path between source and sink. Each cell [i,j] keeps the previous point path before reaching j from i
    while True:
        prev_ind = solver.predecessors[
            temp_ind]  # The previous point to reach the [goal == temp_ind]
        if prev_ind == -9999:  # There is not any other point in the path
                W[temp_ind, prev_ind]
            )  # Weight/distance between the current and previous node
            temp_ind = prev_ind  # Move the pointer to one point close to the source.

    )  # Reverse the path from [end, ..., source] -> [source, ..., end]
    inds = np.asarray(path)

    DiscreteCurve_data =[
        inds.flatten(), :]  # The discrete path on the graph

    # A heuristic to smooth the discrete path with a mean kernel
    DiscreteCurve_data = np.concatenate(
        (c0.T, DiscreteCurve_data[1:-1, :], c1.T), axis=0)
    DiscreteCurve_new = np.empty((0, c0.shape[0]))
    for n in range(1, DiscreteCurve_data.shape[0] - 1):
        new_point = (DiscreteCurve_data[n - 1] + DiscreteCurve_data[n + 1] +
                     DiscreteCurve_data[n]) / 3
        DiscreteCurve_new = np.concatenate(
            (DiscreteCurve_new, new_point.reshape(1, -1)), axis=0)
    DiscreteCurve_data = DiscreteCurve_new.copy()
    DiscreteCurve = np.concatenate((c0.T, DiscreteCurve_data, c1.T), axis=0)

    # Simple time parametrization of the curve
    N_points = DiscreteCurve.shape[
        0]  # Number of points in the discrete shortest path
    t = np.linspace(0, 1, num=N_points,
                    endpoint=True)  # The time steps to construct the spline

    # Interpolate the points with a cubic spline.
    curve_spline = CubicSpline(
        t, DiscreteCurve
    )  # The continuous curve that interpolates the points on the graph
    dcurve_spline = curve_spline.derivative()  # The derivative of the curve
    curve = lambda t: evaluate_spline_solution(curve_spline, dcurve_spline, t)

    # Return the solution
    solution = {
        'curve': curve,
        'points': DiscreteCurve[1:-1, :],
        'time_stamps': t[1:-1]
    curve_length_eval = curve_length(manifold,
    logmap = dcurve_spline(0).reshape(-1, 1)  # The initial velocity
    logmap = curve_length_eval * logmap.reshape(-1, 1) / np.linalg.norm(
        logmap)  # Scaling for normal coordinates.
    failed = False

    return curve, logmap, curve_length_eval, failed, solution
Exemple #21
class SplineInterpolator(Interpolator):
    """Interpolate the given waypoints by spline.

    This is a simple wrapper over scipy.CubicSpline class.

    ss_waypoints: array
        Shaped (N+1,). Path positions of the waypoints.
    waypoints: array
        Shaped (N+1, dof). Waypoints.

    dof : int
        Output dimension of the function
    cspl : :class:`scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline`
        The path.
    cspld : :class:`scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline`
        The path 1st derivative.
    cspldd : :class:`scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline`
        The path 2nd derivative.

    def __init__(self, ss_waypoints, waypoints, bc_type='not-a-knot'):
        super(SplineInterpolator, self).__init__()
        assert ss_waypoints[0] == 0, "First index must equals zero."
        self.ss_waypoints = np.array(ss_waypoints)
        self.waypoints = np.array(waypoints)
        if np.isscalar(waypoints[0]):
            self.dof = 1
            self.dof = self.waypoints[0].shape[0]
        self.duration = ss_waypoints[-1]
        assert self.ss_waypoints.shape[0] == self.waypoints.shape[0]
        self.s_start = self.ss_waypoints[0]
        self.s_end = self.ss_waypoints[-1]

        if len(ss_waypoints) == 1:

            def f1(s):
                    ret = np.zeros((len(s), self.dof))
                    ret[:, :] = self.waypoints[0]
                except TypeError:
                    ret = self.waypoints[0]
                return ret

            def f2(s):
                    ret = np.zeros((len(s), self.dof))
                except TypeError:
                    ret = np.zeros(self.dof)
                return ret

            self.cspl = f1
            self.cspld = f2
            self.cspldd = f2
            self.cspl = CubicSpline(ss_waypoints, waypoints, bc_type=bc_type)
            self.cspld = self.cspl.derivative()
            self.cspldd = self.cspld.derivative()

    def get_duration(self):
        return self.duration

    def eval(self, ss_sam):
        return self.cspl(ss_sam)

    def evald(self, ss_sam):
        return self.cspld(ss_sam)

    def evaldd(self, ss_sam):
        return self.cspldd(ss_sam)

    def compute_rave_trajectory(self, robot):
        """ Compute an OpenRAVE trajectory equivalent to this trajectory.

        robot: OpenRAVE.Robot

        trajectory: OpenRAVE.Trajectory

        traj = orpy.RaveCreateTrajectory(robot.GetEnv(), "")
        spec = robot.GetActiveConfigurationSpecification('cubic')
        spec.AddDerivativeGroups(1, False)
        spec.AddDerivativeGroups(2, True)

        deltas = [0]
        for i in range(len(self.ss_waypoints) - 1):
            deltas.append(self.ss_waypoints[i + 1] - self.ss_waypoints[i])
        if len(self.ss_waypoints) == 1:
            q = self.eval(0)
            qd = self.evald(0)
            qdd = self.evaldd(0)
                        list(q) + list(qd) + list(qdd) + [0])
            qs = self.eval(self.ss_waypoints)
            qds = self.evald(self.ss_waypoints)
            qdds = self.evaldd(self.ss_waypoints)
            for (q, qd, qdd, dt) in zip(qs, qds, qdds, deltas):
                            q.tolist() + qd.tolist() + qdd.tolist() + [dt])
        return traj
Exemple #22

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

k, p = np.loadtxt('outspec.csv',
                  dtype=(float, float),
csp = CubicSpline(k, p)

nsamp = 50
kdown = np.logspace(-4, 3, nsamp)
pdown = csp(kdown)

deriv = (csp.derivative(nu=1))(k)
#Setting boundary derivatives to match the finer spline.
#For some reason, the default boundary derivatives caused trouble.
cspdown = CubicSpline(kdown, pdown, bc_type=((1, deriv[0]), (1, deriv[-1])))

np.savez("spline_down", bkpts=cspdown.x, coeffs=cspdown.c)
Exemple #23
 def create_tildes(self, path):  #{{{
     # throws error if tildes already exist in path
     if (os.path.isfile(path + 'tildes.npz')
             and not self.num.debugging) or (self.tilde_arr is not None):
         raise RuntimeError('Tildes already exist.')
     if (self.convolved_signal_arr is not None):
         print 'Doing tilde on convolved signal.'
         signal = self.convolved_signal_arr
         theta_out = self.theta_out_arr
         if os.path.isfile(path + 'convolved_profiles.npz'):
             print 'Doing tilde on convolved signal from file.'
             f = np.load(path + 'convolved_profiles.npz')
             signal = f['convolved_signal']
             theta_out = f['theta_out']
         elif ((self.signal_arr is not None)
               and (self.theta_out_arr is not None)):
             print 'Doing tilde on unconvolved signal.'
             signal = self.signal_arr
             theta_out = self.theta_out_arr
         elif os.path.isfile(path + 'profiles.npz'):
             print 'Doing tilde on unconvolved signal from file.'
             f = np.load(path + 'profiles.npz')
             signal = f['signal']
             theta_out = f['theta_out']
             raise RuntimeError(
                 'No convolved or unconvolved profiles exist.')
     self.tilde_arr = np.empty(
         (self.num.Npoints_M, self.num.Npoints_z, len(
     for ii in xrange(self.num.Npoints_M):
         start = time()
         for jj in xrange(self.num.Npoints_z):
                 spl_interpolator = CubicSpline(
                     signal[ii, jj, :][::-1],
                     extrapolate=False)  # theta ( signal )
                 der_interpolator = spl_interpolator.derivative(
                 )  # dtheta/dsignal
                 theta_of_signal = np.nan_to_num(
                 dtheta_dsignal = np.fabs(
                 self.tilde_arr[ii, jj, :] = np.fft.rfft(theta_of_signal *
                     ii, jj, :] *= 2. * np.pi * theta_out[ii, jj]**2. * (
                         self.num.signal_grid[1] - self.num.signal_grid[0])
                 self.tilde_arr[ii, jj, :] -= self.tilde_arr[
                     ii, jj, 0]  # subtract the zero mode
             except ValueError:
                     'FT failed in (' + str(ii) + ',' + str(jj) +
                     ').\nThis is caused by numerical issues in the convolution,\nwhich make the profile not monotonically decreasing.\nFalling back to slower method.',
                 self.tilde_arr[ii, jj, :] = theta_out[
                     ii, jj]**2. * profiles.__tilde_lambda_loop(
                         self.num.scaled_real_theta_grid, signal[ii, jj, :],
                         2. * self.num.lambda_grid)
         end = time()
         if (ii % 4 == 0) and self.num.verbose:
             print str((end - start) / 60. *
                       (self.num.Npoints_M -
                        ii)) + ' minutes remaining in create_tildes.'
Exemple #24
class SplineInterpolator(AbstractGeometricPath):
    """Interpolate the given waypoints by cubic spline.

    This interpolator is implemented as a simple wrapper over scipy's
    CubicSpline class.

    ss_waypoints: np.ndarray(m,)
        Path positions of the waypoints.
    waypoints: np.ndarray(m, d)
    bc_type: optional
        Boundary conditions of the spline. Can be 'not-a-knot',
        'clamped', 'natural' or 'periodic'.

        - 'not-a-knot': The most default option, return the most naturally
          looking spline.
        - 'clamped': First-order derivatives of the spline at the two
          end are clamped at zero.

        See scipy.CubicSpline documentation for more details.

    def __init__(self, ss_waypoints, waypoints, bc_type="not-a-knot"):
        super(SplineInterpolator, self).__init__()
        self.ss_waypoints = np.array(ss_waypoints)  # type: np.ndarray
        self._q_waypoints = np.array(waypoints)  # type: np.ndarray
        assert self.ss_waypoints.shape[0] == self._q_waypoints.shape[0]

        if len(ss_waypoints) == 1:

            def _1dof_cspl(s):
                    ret = np.zeros((len(s), self.dof))
                    ret[:, :] = self._q_waypoints[0]
                except TypeError:
                    ret = self._q_waypoints[0]
                return ret

            def _1dof_cspld(s):
                    ret = np.zeros((len(s), self.dof))
                except TypeError:
                    ret = np.zeros(self.dof)
                return ret

            self.cspl = _1dof_cspl
            self.cspld = _1dof_cspld
            self.cspldd = _1dof_cspld
            self.cspl = CubicSpline(ss_waypoints, waypoints, bc_type=bc_type)
            self.cspld = self.cspl.derivative()
            self.cspldd = self.cspld.derivative()

    def __call__(self, path_positions, order=0):
        if order == 0:
            return self.cspl(path_positions)
        if order == 1:
            return self.cspld(path_positions)
        if order == 2:
            return self.cspldd(path_positions)
        raise ValueError("Invalid order %s" % order)

    def waypoints(self):
        """Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Return the waypoints.

        The first element is the positions, the second element is the
        array of waypoints.

        return self.ss_waypoints, self._q_waypoints

    def get_duration(self):
        """Return the path's duration."""
        return self.duration

    def duration(self):
        """Return the duration of the path."""
        return self.ss_waypoints[-1] - self.ss_waypoints[0]

    def path_interval(self):
        """Return the start and end points."""
        return np.array([self.ss_waypoints[0], self.ss_waypoints[-1]])

    def get_path_interval(self):
        """Return the path interval."""
        return self.path_interval

    def dof(self):
        if np.isscalar(self._q_waypoints[0]):
            return 1
        return self._q_waypoints[0].shape[0]

    def compute_rave_trajectory(self, robot):
        """Compute an OpenRAVE trajectory equivalent to this trajectory.

            Openrave robot.

            Equivalent openrave trajectory.

        traj = orpy.RaveCreateTrajectory(robot.GetEnv(), "")
        spec = robot.GetActiveConfigurationSpecification("cubic")
        spec.AddDerivativeGroups(1, False)
        spec.AddDerivativeGroups(2, True)

        deltas = [0]
        for i in range(len(self.ss_waypoints) - 1):
            deltas.append(self.ss_waypoints[i + 1] - self.ss_waypoints[i])
        if len(self.ss_waypoints) == 1:
            q = self(0)
            qd = self(0, 1)
            qdd = self(0, 2)
                        list(q) + list(qd) + list(qdd) + [0])
            qs = self(self.ss_waypoints)
            qds = self(self.ss_waypoints, 1)
            qdds = self(self.ss_waypoints, 2)
            for (q, qd, qdd, dt) in zip(qs, qds, qdds, deltas):
                    q.tolist() + qd.tolist() + qdd.tolist() + [dt],
        return traj
Exemple #25
    t0, x0, y0 = [float(p) for p in lines[2].split('\t')]
    t_real_l = []
    x_real_l = []
    y_real_l = []
    for i in range(2, len(lines)):
        t_real[i - 2] += float(lines[i].split('\t')[0]) - t0
        x_real[i - 2] += float(lines[i].split('\t')[1]) - x0
        y_real[i - 2] += float(lines[i].split('\t')[2]) - y0
        t_real_l.append(float(lines[i].split('\t')[0]) - t0)
        x_real_l.append(float(lines[i].split('\t')[1]) - x0)
        y_real_l.append(float(lines[i].split('\t')[2]) - y0)
    csr_l_x = CubicSpline(t_real_l, x_real_l)
    csr_l_y = CubicSpline(t_real_l, y_real_l)
    der_x_l = csr_l_x.derivative()
    der_y_l = csr_l_y.derivative()
    sluttfarter.append(np.sqrt(csr_l_x(t_n[-1])**2 + csr_l_y(t_n[-1])**2))

t_real = [t / 10 for t in t_real]
x_real = [x / 10 for x in x_real]
y_real = [y / 10 for y in y_real]
v_r = [0]
for i in range(1, 36):
    dx = x_real[i] - x_real[i - 1]
    dy = y_real[i] - y_real[i - 1]
    dt = t_real[i] - t_real[i - 1]
    ds = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
Exemple #26
class SplineInterpolator(Interpolator):
    """Interpolate the given waypoints by cubic spline.

    This interpolator is implemented as a simple wrapper over scipy's
    CubicSpline class.

    ss_waypoints: array
        Shaped (N+1,). Path positions of the waypoints.
    waypoints: array
        Shaped (N+1, dof). Waypoints.
    bc_type: str, optional
        Boundary condition. Can be 'not-a-knot', 'clamped', 'natural' or 'periodic'.
        See scipy.CubicSpline documentation for more details.

    dof : int
        Output dimension of the function
    cspl : :class:`scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline`
        The path.
    cspld : :class:`scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline`
        The path 1st derivative.
    cspldd : :class:`scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline`
        The path 2nd derivative.


    def __init__(self, ss_waypoints, waypoints, bc_type='clamped'):
        super(SplineInterpolator, self).__init__()
        assert ss_waypoints[0] == 0, "First index must equals zero."
        self.ss_waypoints = np.array(ss_waypoints)
        self.waypoints = np.array(waypoints)
        self.bc_type = bc_type

        assert self.ss_waypoints.shape[0] == self.waypoints.shape[0]
        self.s_start = self.ss_waypoints[0]
        self.s_end = self.ss_waypoints[-1]

        if len(ss_waypoints) == 1:

            def _1dof_cspl(s):
                    ret = np.zeros((len(s), self.dof))
                    ret[:, :] = self.waypoints[0]
                except TypeError:
                    ret = self.waypoints[0]
                return ret

            def _1dof_cspld(s):
                    ret = np.zeros((len(s), self.dof))
                except TypeError:
                    ret = np.zeros(self.dof)
                return ret

            self.cspl = _1dof_cspl
            self.cspld = _1dof_cspld
            self.cspldd = _1dof_cspld
            self.cspl = CubicSpline(ss_waypoints, waypoints, bc_type=bc_type)
            self.cspld = self.cspl.derivative()
            self.cspldd = self.cspld.derivative()

    def get_waypoints(self):
        """Return the appropriate scaled waypoints."""
        return self.ss_waypoints, self.waypoints

    def get_duration(self):
            "get_duration is deprecated, use duration (property) instead",
        return self.duration

    def duration(self):
        return self.ss_waypoints[-1] - self.ss_waypoints[0]

    def dof(self):
        if np.isscalar(self.waypoints[0]):
            return 1
        return self.waypoints[0].shape[0]

    def get_dof(self):  # type: () -> int
        warnings.warn("get_dof is deprecated, use dof (property) instead",
        return self.dof

    def eval(self, ss_sam):
        return self.cspl(ss_sam)

    def evald(self, ss_sam):
        return self.cspld(ss_sam)

    def evaldd(self, ss_sam):
        return self.cspldd(ss_sam)

    def compute_rave_trajectory(self, robot):
        """Compute an OpenRAVE trajectory equivalent to this trajectory.

            Openrave robot.

            Equivalent openrave trajectory.

        traj = orpy.RaveCreateTrajectory(robot.GetEnv(), "")
        spec = robot.GetActiveConfigurationSpecification('cubic')
        spec.AddDerivativeGroups(1, False)
        spec.AddDerivativeGroups(2, True)

        deltas = [0]
        for i in range(len(self.ss_waypoints) - 1):
            deltas.append(self.ss_waypoints[i + 1] - self.ss_waypoints[i])
        if len(self.ss_waypoints) == 1:
            q = self.eval(0)
            qd = self.evald(0)
            qdd = self.evaldd(0)
                        list(q) + list(qd) + list(qdd) + [0])
            qs = self.eval(self.ss_waypoints)
            qds = self.evald(self.ss_waypoints)
            qdds = self.evaldd(self.ss_waypoints)
            for (q, qd, qdd, dt) in zip(qs, qds, qdds, deltas):
                            q.tolist() + qd.tolist() + qdd.tolist() + [dt])
        return traj
Exemple #27
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
import SplineRoadNew
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
SR = SplineRoadNew.SplineRoad(count_cone=150)
_, track_points = SR.standard_track_generate_data(s=0.07, a=0)
# print(track_points[0,:])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
x = track_points[0, :]
y = track_points[1, :]
print(np.arange(0, x.shape[0]).shape)
ax[0].plot(x, y, 'o')

tt = np.arange(0, x.shape[0])
cs = CubicSpline(np.arange(0, x.shape[0]), np.c_[x, y], bc_type='periodic')
# new_points = splev(u, tck)
ax[1].plot(cs(tt)[:, 0], cs(tt)[:, 1], 'o')
Exemple #28
def from_position(dt, lat, lon, alt, h, p, r):
    """Generate inertial readings given position and attitude.

    dt : float
        Time step.
    lat, lon, alt : array_like, shape (n_points,)
        Time series of latitude, longitude and altitude.
    h, p, r : array_like, shape (n_points,)
        Time series of heading, pitch and roll angles.

    traj : DataFrame
        Trajectory. Contains n_points rows.
    gyro : ndarray, shape (n_points - 1, 3)
        Gyro readings.
    accel : ndarray, shape (n_points - 1, 3)
        Accelerometer readings.
    lat = np.asarray(lat, dtype=float)
    lon = np.asarray(lon, dtype=float)
    alt = np.asarray(alt, dtype=float)
    h = np.asarray(h, dtype=float)
    p = np.asarray(p, dtype=float)
    r = np.asarray(r, dtype=float)
    n_points = lat.shape[0]

    time = dt * np.arange(n_points)
    lat_inertial = lat.copy()
    lon_inertial = lon.copy()
    lon_inertial += np.rad2deg(earth.RATE) * time
    Cin = dcm.from_llw(lat_inertial, lon_inertial)

    R = transform.lla_to_ecef(lat_inertial, lon_inertial, alt)
    v_s = CubicSpline(time, R).derivative()
    v = v_s(time)

    V = v.copy()
    V[:, 0] += earth.RATE * R[:, 1]
    V[:, 1] -= earth.RATE * R[:, 0]
    V = util.mv_prod(Cin, V, at=True)

    Cnb = dcm.from_hpr(h, p, r)
    Cib = util.mm_prod(Cin, Cnb)

    Cib_spline = RotationSpline(time, Rotation.from_matrix(Cib))
    a = Cib_spline.interpolator.c[2]
    b = Cib_spline.interpolator.c[1]
    c = Cib_spline.interpolator.c[0]

    g = earth.gravitation_ecef(lat_inertial, lon_inertial, alt)
    a_s = v_s.derivative()
    d = a_s.c[1] - g[:-1]
    e = a_s.c[0] - np.diff(g, axis=0) / dt

    d = util.mv_prod(Cib[:-1], d, at=True)
    e = util.mv_prod(Cib[:-1], e, at=True)

    gyros, accels = _compute_readings(dt, a, b, c, d, e)

    traj = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(time.shape[0]))
    traj['lat'] = lat
    traj['lon'] = lon
    traj['alt'] = alt
    traj['VE'] = V[:, 0]
    traj['VN'] = V[:, 1]
    traj['VU'] = V[:, 2]
    traj['h'] = h
    traj['p'] = p
    traj['r'] = r

    return traj, gyros, accels
Exemple #29
ax1.plot(xspline, spline(xspline))
#ax1.plot(x1,p1(x1), x2, p2(x2))
ax1.set_title(r"Continuum Spectrum")
ax1.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10}(\nu$ [GHz])")
ax1.set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}$(Flux Density [$\mu$Jy])")
ax1.legend(["Cubic Spline", "Measured Flux Density"], loc='best')
fig1.savefig('fluxVsFreq.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

fig2 = plt.figure()
ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
ax2.plot(xspline, spline.derivative(1)(xspline))
ax2.set_title(r"Spectral index as a function of frequency")
ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10}(\nu$ [GHz])")
ax2.legend(["Derivative of Cubic Spline"], loc='best')
fig2.savefig('spectral index.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

fig3 = plt.figure()  #plot fluxes
ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(111)
ax3.errorbar(np.log10(fluxes[:, 0]),
             np.log10(fluxes[:, 1]),
                 np.subtract(np.log10(np.subtract(fluxes[:, 1], fluxes[:, 2])),
                             np.log10(fluxes[:, 1])),
Exemple #30
  died = np.asarray(died)
  enqm = np.asarray(enqm)
  nben = np.asarray(nben)

  # subtract the nonbonded energy to get the "QM torsional"
  enfit = enqm - nben

  died_spline = died.copy()
  en_spline = enqm.copy()
  died_enfit_spline = died.copy()
  enfit_spline = enfit.copy()

  f = CubicSpline(died_spline, en_spline)
  ffit = CubicSpline(died_enfit_spline, enfit_spline)
  cr_pts = f.derivative().roots()
  deriv2 = f.derivative(2)
  cr_pts = np.delete(cr_pts, np.where(deriv2(cr_pts) < 0.))

  # order and remove the points relative to the transition states
  npremove = ceil(args.cut_energy*len(died))
  if args.cut_from_total:
    lowenremove = -np.sort(-enqm)[npremove-1]
    filtbar = np.where(enqm >= lowenremove)
    filtxc = np.where(f(xc) >= lowenremove)
    lowenremove = -np.sort(-enfit)[npremove-1]
    filtbar = np.where(enfit >= lowenremove)
    filtxc = np.where(ffit(xc) >= lowenremove)

  olddied = died.copy()
Exemple #31
def plot_mep(atom_pos, mep_energies, image_name = None, show = None):
    Used for NEB method
    atom_pos (list) - xcart positions of diffusing atom along the path,
    mep_energies (list) - full energies of the system corresponding to atom_pos

    atom_pos = np.array(atom_pos)
    data = atom_pos.T #
    tck, u= interpolate.splprep(data) #now we get all the knots and info about the interpolated spline
    path = interpolate.splev(np.linspace(0,1,500), tck) #increase the resolution by increasing the spacing, 500 in this example
    path = np.array(path)

    diffs = np.diff(path.T, axis = 0)
    path_length =  np.linalg.norm( diffs, axis = 1).sum()
    mep_pos =  np.array([p*path_length for p in u])

    if 0: #plot the path in 3d
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = Axes3D(fig)
        ax.plot(data[0], data[1], data[2], label='originalpoints', lw =2, c='Dodgerblue')
        ax.plot(path[0], path[1], path[2], label='fit', lw =2, c='red')

    mine = min(mep_energies)
    eners = np.array(mep_energies)-mine

    xnew = np.linspace(0, path_length)

    # ynew = spline(mep_pos, eners, xnew )
    # spl = CubicSpline(mep_pos, eners, bc_type = 'natural' ) second-derivative zero
    spl = CubicSpline(mep_pos, eners, bc_type = 'clamped' ) #first derivative zero
    ynew = spl(xnew)

    #minimum now is always zero,
    spl_der = spl.derivative()

    mi = min(xnew)
    ma = max(xnew)
    r = spl_der.roots()


    r = r[ np.logical_and(mi<r, r<ma) ] # only roots inside the interval are interesting

    diff_barrier = max( spl(r) ) # the maximum value 
    print_and_log('plot_mep(): Diffusion barrier =',round(diff_barrier, 2),' eV', imp = 'y')
    # sys.exit()

    path2saved = fit_and_plot(orig = (mep_pos, eners, 'ro'), spline = (xnew, ynew, 'b-'), xlim = (-0.05, None  ),
    xlabel = 'Reaction coordinate ($\AA$)', ylabel = 'Energy (eV)', image_name =  image_name, show = show)

    return path2saved, diff_barrier