Exemple #1
    def THinv5(self,phi,K,M,eps):
         function G=THinv5(phi,K,M,eps)
         %%%% Implements fast (complexity O(M*K^2))
         %%%% computation of the following piece of code:
         %for im=1:M 
         %  A=toeplitz(phi(1:K,im),phi(1:K,im)')+hankel(phi(1:K,im),phi(K:2*K-1,im)')+eps(im)*eye(K);
         %  C=[C inv(A)];
         % DEFAULT PARAMETERS: M=2; phi=randn(2*K-1,M); eps=randn(1,2);
         %   SIZE of phi SHOULD BE (2*K-1,M).
         %   SIZE of eps SHOULD BE (1,M).

        # %C=[];
        C = []
        # %for im=1:M 
        # %  A=toeplitz(phi(1:K,im),phi(1:K,im)')+hankel(phi(1:K,im),phi(K:2*K-1,im)')+eps(im)*eye(K);
        # %  C=[C inv(A)];
        # %end
        for im in xrange(M):
            A = (toeplitz(phi[:K,im],phi[:K,im].T) + 
                 hankel(phi[:K,im],phi[K-1:2*K,im].T) +

        return np.concatenate(C,axis=1)
def _firls_even(numtaps, bands, desired):
    # This function implements an algorithm similar to the one of the
    # SciPy `firls` function, but for even-length filters rather than
    # odd-length ones. See paper notes entitled "Least squares FIR
    # filter design for even N" for derivation. The derivation is
    # similar to that of Ivan Selesnick's "Linear-Phase FIR Filter
    # Design By Least Squares" (available online at
    # http://cnx.org/contents/eb1ecb35-03a9-4610-ba87-41cd771c95f2@7),
    # with due alteration of detail for even filter lengths.
    bands.shape = (-1, 2)
    desired.shape = (-1, 2)
    weights = np.ones(len(desired))
    M = int(numtaps / 2)
    # Compute M x M matrix Q (actually twice Q).
    n = np.arange(numtaps)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    q = np.dot(np.diff(np.sinc(bands * n) * bands, axis=2)[:, :, 0], weights)
    Q1 = linalg.toeplitz(q[:M])
    Q2 = linalg.hankel(q[1:M + 1], q[M:])
    Q = Q1 + Q2
    # Compute M-vector b.
    k = np.arange(M) + .5
    e = bands[1]
    b = np.diff(e * np.sinc(e * k[:, np.newaxis])).reshape(-1)
    # Compute a (actually half a).
    a = np.dot(linalg.pinv(Q), b)
    # Compute h.
    h = np.concatenate((np.flipud(a), a))
    return h
def coffee_pred(step):
    from sklearn import svm
    from scipy.linalg import hankel        
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from sklearn import metrics
    import math
    import numpy as np
    #input data from csv file
    path1 = '/Users/royyang/Desktop/time_series_forecasting/csv_files/coffee_ls_nor.txt'
    with open(path) as f:
        for line in f:
            item=line.replace('\n','').split(' ')
    mean = np.mean(result_tem)
    sd = np.std(result_tem)
    result = (result_tem-mean)/sd
    #form hankel matrix
    X=hankel(result[0:-fea-step+1], result[-1-fea:-1])
    #split data into training and testing
    # linear kernal
    svr_lin1 = svm.SVR(kernel='linear', C=cof)
    y_lin1 = svr_lin1.fit(Xtrain, ytrain)
    return int(y_lin1.predict(result[-1-fea:-1])*sd+mean)
def firls(m, bands, desired, weight=None):

    if weight==None : weight = ones(len(bands)/2)
    bands, desired, weight = array(bands), array(desired), array(weight)

    #if not desired[-1] == 0 and bands[-1] == 1 and m % 2 == 1:
    if m % 2 == 1:
        m = m + 1

    M = m/2
    w = kron(weight, [-1,1])
    omega = bands * pi
    i1 = arange(1,M+1)

    # generate the matrix q
    # as illustrated in the above-cited reference, the matrix can be
    # expressed as the sum of a hankel and toeplitz matrix. a factor of
    # 1/2 has been dropped and the final filter hficients multiplied
    # by 2 to compensate.
    cos_ints = append(omega, sin(mat(arange(1,m+1)).T*mat(omega))).reshape((-1,omega.shape[0]))
    q = append(1, 1.0/arange(1.0,m+1)) * array(mat(cos_ints) * mat(w).T).T[0]
    q = toeplitz(q[:M+1]) + hankel(q[:M+1], q[M : ])

    # the vector b is derived from solving the integral:
    #           _ w
    #          /   2
    #  b  =   /       w(w) d(w) cos(kw) dw
    #   k    /    w
    #       -      1
    # since we assume that w(w) is constant over each band (if not, the
    # computation of q above would be considerably more complex), but
    # d(w) is allowed to be a linear function, in general the function
    # w(w) d(w) is linear. the computations below are derived from the
    # fact that:
    #     _
    #    /                          a              ax + b
    #   /   (ax + b) cos(nx) dx =  --- cos (nx) +  ------ sin(nx)
    #  /                             2                n
    # -                             n

    enum = append(omega[::2]**2 - omega[1::2]**2, cos(mat(i1).T * mat(omega[1::2])) - cos(mat(i1).T * mat(omega[::2]))).flatten()
    deno = mat(append(2, i1)).T * mat(omega[1::2] - omega[::2])
    cos_ints2 = enum.reshape(deno.shape)/array(deno)

    d = zeros_like(desired)
    d[::2]  = -weight * desired[::2]
    d[1::2] =  weight * desired[1::2]

    b = append(1, 1.0/i1) * array(mat(kron (cos_ints2, [1, 1]) + cos_ints[:M+1,:]) * mat(d).T)[:,0]

    # having computed the components q and b of the  matrix equation,
    # solve for the filter hficients.
    a = (array(inv(q)*mat(b).T).T)[0]
    h = append( a[:0:-1], append(2*a[0],  a[1:]))

    return h
Exemple #5
 def update(self, x_n, d_n):
     # Update the internal buffers
     self.n += 1
     slot = self.L - ((self.n-1) % self.L) - 1
     self.x[slot] = x_n
     self.d[slot] = d_n
     # Block update
     if self.n % self.L == 0:
         # block-update parameters
         X = la.hankel(self.x[:self.L],r=self.x[self.L-1:])
         e = self.d - np.dot(X, self.w)
         if self.nlms:
             norm = np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)**2
             if self.L == 1:
                 X = X/norm[0]
                 X = (X.T/norm).T
         self.w += self.mu*np.dot(X.T, e)
         # Remember a few values
         self.x[-self.length+1:] = self.x[0:self.length-1]
Exemple #6
 def update(self, x_n, d_n):
     # Update the internal buffers
     self.n += 1
     slot = self.L - ((self.n-1) % self.L) - 1
     self.x[slot] = x_n
     self.d[slot] = d_n
     # Block update
     if self.n % self.L == 0:
         # block-update parameters
         X = la.hankel(self.x[:self.L],r=self.x[self.L-1:])
         Lambda_diag = (self.lmbd**np.arange(self.L))
         lmbd_L = self.lmbd**self.L
         alpha = self.d - np.dot(X, self.w)
         pi = np.dot(self.P, X.T)
         g = np.linalg.solve((lmbd_L*np.diag(1/Lambda_diag) + np.dot(X,pi)).T, pi.T).T
         self.w += np.dot(g, alpha)
         self.P = self.P/lmbd_L - np.dot(g, pi.T)/lmbd_L
         # Remember a few values
         self.x[-self.length+1:] = self.x[0:self.length-1]
Exemple #7
    def embed(self, embedding_dimension=None, suspected_frequency=None, verbose=False, return_df=True):
        '''Embed the time series with embedding_dimension window size.
        Optional: suspected_frequency changes embedding_dimension such that it is divisible by suspected frequency'''
        if not embedding_dimension:
            self.embedding_dimension = self.ts_N//2
            self.embedding_dimension = embedding_dimension
        if suspected_frequency:
            self.suspected_frequency = suspected_frequency
            self.embedding_dimension = (self.embedding_dimension//self.suspected_frequency)*self.suspected_frequency

        self.K = self.ts_N-self.embedding_dimension+1
        self.X = np.matrix(linalg.hankel(self.ts, np.zeros(self.embedding_dimension))).T[:,:self.K]
        self.X_df = pd.DataFrame(self.X)
        self.X_complete = self.X_df.dropna(axis=1)
        self.X_com = np.matrix(self.X_complete.values)
        self.X_missing = self.X_df.drop(self.X_complete.columns, axis=1)
        self.X_miss = np.matrix(self.X_missing.values)
        self.trajectory_dimentions = self.X_df.shape
        self.complete_dimensions = self.X_complete.shape
        self.missing_dimensions = self.X_missing.shape
        self.no_missing = self.missing_dimensions[1]==0

        if verbose:
            msg1 = 'Embedding dimension\t:  {}\nTrajectory dimensions\t: {}'
            msg2 = 'Complete dimension\t: {}\nMissing dimension     \t: {}'
            msg1 = msg1.format(self.embedding_dimension, self.trajectory_dimentions)
            msg2 = msg2.format(self.complete_dimensions, self.missing_dimensions)
            self._printer('EMBEDDING SUMMARY', msg1, msg2)

        if return_df:
            return self.X_df
Exemple #8
 def eigen_pairs(self, T, k):
     v = onp.fromfunction(lambda i: 1.0 / ((i + 2)**3 - (i + 2)),
                          (2 * T - 1, ))
     Z = 2 * la.hankel(v[:T], v[T - 1:])
     eigen_values, eigen_vectors = np.linalg.eigh(Z)
     return np.flip(eigen_values[-k:], axis=0), np.flip(eigen_vectors[:,
Exemple #9
def ssa(x,
        comp_uv=False):  # x is nt x 1 vector, r is embedding dimension
    #nt = len(x); mean = sum(x)/nt
    #x = x - ones(nt)*mean
    H = scilinalg.hankel(x, zeros(r))  #Construct Hankel matrix
    return scilinalg.svd(H, full_matrices=fullMatr, compute_uv=comp_uv)
def test_norm(n=5, m=10):
    # Build Hankel matrices
    c = (10 * np.random.randn(n)) + 1j * np.random.randn(n)
    r = (10 * np.random.randn(m)) + 1j * np.random.randn(m)
    H_dense = hankel(c, r)
    H = Hankel(c, r)

    assert np.allclose(H.norm(), np.linalg.norm(H_dense, 2))
def detect_clearsky_helper_data():
    samples_per_window = 3
    sample_interval = 1
    x = pd.Series(np.arange(0, 7)**2.)
    # line length between adjacent points
    sqt = pd.Series(np.sqrt(np.array([np.nan, 2., 10., 26., 50., 82, 122.])))
    H = hankel(np.arange(samples_per_window),
               np.arange(samples_per_window - 1, len(sqt)))
    return x, samples_per_window, sample_interval, H
Exemple #12
def make_duplication_matrix(T, tau):
    H = hankel(range(tau), range(tau - 1, T))
    T2 = np.prod(H.shape)
    h = np.reshape(H, [1, T2])
    h2 = np.array([range(T2)])
    index = np.concatenate([h, h2], axis=0)
    S = np.zeros([T, T2], dtype='uint64')
    S[tuple(index)] = 1
    return S.T
Exemple #13
def MomsFromHankelMoms(hm):
    Returns the raw moments given the Hankel moments.
    The raw moments are: `m_i=E(\mathcal{X}^i)`
    The ith Hankel moment is the determinant of matrix 
    `\Delta_{i/2}`, if i is even, 
    and it is the determinant of `\Delta^{(1)}_{(i+1)/2}`, 
    if i is odd. For the definition of matrices `\Delta`
    and `\Delta^{(1)}` see [1]_.
    hm : vector of doubles
        The list of Hankel moments (starting with the first
    m : vector of doubles
        The list of raw moments
    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stieltjes_moment_problem
    m = [hm[0]]
    for i in range(1, len(hm)):
        if i % 2 == 0:
            N = i // 2 + 1
            H = la.hankel(m[0:N], m[N - 1:2 * N - 2] + [0])
            N = (i + 1) // 2 + 1
            H = la.hankel([1] + m[0:N - 1], m[N - 2:2 * N - 3] + [0])
        h = hm[i]
        rH = np.delete(H, N - 1, 0)
        for j in range(N):
            cofactor = (-1)**(N + j - 1) * la.det(np.delete(rH, j, 1))
            if j < N - 1:
                h -= cofactor * H[N - 1, j]
                m.append(h / cofactor)
    return m
Exemple #14
def MomsFromHankelMoms (hm):
    Returns the raw moments given the Hankel moments.
    The raw moments are: `m_i=E(\mathcal{X}^i)`
    The ith Hankel moment is the determinant of matrix 
    `\Delta_{i/2}`, if i is even, 
    and it is the determinant of `\Delta^{(1)}_{(i+1)/2}`, 
    if i is odd. For the definition of matrices `\Delta`
    and `\Delta^{(1)}` see [1]_.
    hm : vector of doubles
        The list of Hankel moments (starting with the first
    m : vector of doubles
        The list of raw moments
    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stieltjes_moment_problem
    m = [hm[0]]
    for i in range(1,len(hm)):
        if i%2 == 0:
            N = i//2 + 1
            H = la.hankel(m[0:N], m[N-1:2*N-2] + [0])
            N = (i+1) // 2 + 1
            H = la.hankel([1] + m[0:N-1], m[N-2:2*N-3] + [0])
        h = hm[i]
        rH = np.delete(H, N-1, 0)
        for j in range(N):
            cofactor = (-1)**(N+j-1) * la.det(np.delete(rH, j, 1))
            if j<N-1:
                h -= cofactor * H[N-1,j]
    return m
Exemple #15
def hankel_matrix(n):
    hm = hankel(n)
    if len(hm) % 2 == 1:
        dim = len(hm) / 2 + 1
        dim = len(hm) / 2  # last element will be lost (0)

    h = hm[0:dim, 0:dim]  # real hankel matrix
    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = LA.eig(h)
    return eigenvalues, eigenvectors
Exemple #16
def all_pairs_unique_sum(vec):
    """gives all pairs (x, y) of items in vec."""

    # generate all pairs
    A = hankel(vec, np.roll(vec, 1))
    A = A[1:, :].flatten()
    n = int(len(A) / 2)
    A = np.vstack([A[:n], np.tile(vec, int((len(A) / len(vec))))[:n]])
    # remove duplicates
    return np.unique(A.T, axis=0)
Exemple #17
def quadmom(moments, dettol=0, inf=1e10):
    """ compute quadrature from moments
    ref: Gene Golub, John Welsch, Calculation of Gaussian Quadrature Rules

    m: moments sequence
    dettol: tolerant of singularity of moments sequence (quantified by determinant of moment matrix)
    INF: infinity

    U: quadrature

    moments = np.asarray(moments)
    # INF = float('inf')
    inf = 1e10

    if len(moments) % 2 == 1:
        moments = np.append(moments, inf)
    num = int(len(moments) / 2)
    moments = np.insert(moments, 0, 1)

    h_mat = hankel(moments[:num + 1:], moments[num::])  # Hankel matrix
    for i in range(len(h_mat)):
        # check positive definite and decide to use how many moments
        if np.linalg.det(
                h_mat[0:i + 1, 0:i +
                      1]) <= dettol:  # alternative: less than some threshold
            h_mat = h_mat[0:i + 1, 0:i + 1]
            h_mat[i, i] = inf
            num = i
    r_mat = np.transpose(
        np.linalg.cholesky(h_mat))  # upper triangular Cholesky factor

    # Compute alpha and beta from r, using Golub and Welsch's formula.
    alpha = np.zeros(num)
    alpha[0] = r_mat[0][1] / r_mat[0][0]
    for i in range(1, num):
        alpha[i] = r_mat[i][i + 1] / r_mat[i][i] - r_mat[i - 1][i] / r_mat[
            i - 1][i - 1]

    beta = np.zeros(num - 1)
    for i in range(num - 1):
        beta[i] = r_mat[i + 1][i + 1] / r_mat[i][i]

    jacobi = np.diag(alpha, 0) + np.diag(beta, 1) + np.diag(beta, -1)

    eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eig(jacobi)

    atoms = eigval
    weights = moments[0] * np.power(eigvec[0], 2)

    return DiscreteRV(w=weights, x=atoms)
Exemple #18
    def buildHank(c, k):
        """ Build a Hankel matrix for separable PSF and reflexive boundary

        n = len(c)
        col = zeros(n, 'd')
        col[0:n - k - 1] = c[k + 1:n]
        row = zeros(n, 'd')
        row[n - k:n] = c[0:k]
        H = hankel(col, row)
        return H
Exemple #19
    def trajectory_matrix(self, X):
        # a window of 1 just recreates X,
        # i.e. no temporal analysis takes place
        if self.window == 1:
            return X

        n, d = X.shape
        new_n = n - self.window + 1
        lag_copies = [linalg.hankel(X[:new_n, j],
                                    X[new_n-1:, j]) for j in range(d)]
        return np.concatenate(lag_copies, axis=1)
Exemple #20
def smooth(X, L):
    """Spatial Smoothing of Correlated Sources

        L: The number of elements in each subarray
    T, M = X.shape
    J = M - L + 1
    X = [hankel(X[i, :L], X[i, -J:]).T for i in range(T)]
    X = np.asarray(X).reshape(-1, L)
    return X
Exemple #21
 def getfile(self):
     fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file')
     self.data = detrend(np.loadtxt(str(fname)))
     self.maxvec = int(self.textbox1.text())
     winsize = int(self.textbox4.text())
     tsl = len(self.data)
     self.H = hankel(self.data[range(tsl / winsize)], self.data[range(
         (tsl / winsize) - 1, tsl)])
     self.U, self.s, self.V = randomized_svd(self.H,
def patch_matrix_build_circ(f, l):
    Build the patch matrix of f described in A Tale of 2 Bases.
    f: Nx1 signal.
    l: patch size.
    hankel: patch matrix of f.
    last_row = np.zeros(l, dtype=f.dtype)
    last_row[1:] = f[0:l - 1]
    return hankel(f, last_row)
def patch_matrix_build_trcon(f, f2):
    Build the Hankel structured patch matrix of f under the truncated linear convolution setup.
    f: Nx1 signal.
    f2: (l-1)x1 start of next block
    hankel: patch matrix of f.
    last_row = np.zeros(np.size(f2) + 1, dtype=f.dtype)
    last_row[1:] = f2
    return hankel(f, last_row)
Exemple #24
def CheckMoments(m, prec=1e-14):
    Checks if the given moment sequence is valid in the sense
    that it belongs to a distribution with support (0,inf).
    This procedure checks the determinant of `\Delta_n`
    and `\Delta_n^{(1)}` according to [1]_.
    m : list of doubles, length 2N+1
        The (raw) moments to check 
        (starts with the first moment).
        Its length must be odd.
    prec : double, optional
        Entries with absolute value less than prec are 
        considered to be zeros. The default value is 1e-14.
    r : bool
        The result of the check.
    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stieltjes_moment_problem

    if butools.checkInput and len(m) % 2 == 0:
        raise Exception("CheckMoments: the number of moments must be odd!")

    m = [1.0] + m
    N = math.floor(len(m) / 2) - 1

    for n in range(N + 1):
        H = la.hankel(m[0:n + 1], m[n:2 * n + 1])
        H0 = la.hankel(m[1:n + 2], m[n + 1:2 * n + 2])
        if la.det(H) < -prec or la.det(H0) < -butools.checkPrecision:
            return False
    return True
Exemple #25
def CheckMoments (m, prec=1e-14):
    Checks if the given moment sequence is valid in the sense
    that it belongs to a distribution with support (0,inf).
    This procedure checks the determinant of `\Delta_n`
    and `\Delta_n^{(1)}` according to [1]_.
    m : list of doubles, length 2N+1
        The (raw) moments to check 
        (starts with the first moment).
        Its length must be odd.
    prec : double, optional
        Entries with absolute value less than prec are 
        considered to be zeros. The default value is 1e-14.
    r : bool
        The result of the check.
    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stieltjes_moment_problem

    if butools.checkInput and len(m)%2==0:
        raise Exception("CheckMoments: the number of moments must be odd!")
    m = [1.0] + m
    N = math.floor(len(m)/2)-1
    for n in range(N+1):
        H = la.hankel(m[0:n+1], m[n:2*n+1])
        H0 = la.hankel(m[1:n+2], m[n+1:2*n+2])
        if la.det(H)<-prec or la.det(H0)<-butools.checkPrecision:
            return False
    return True
Exemple #26
 def rolling_window(self, vector=None, window=None):
     # create rolling prefs window across any range of space (circular tuning)
     if vector is None:
         vector = self.all_prefs
     if window is None:
         # >= -90 to < 90 consists of all possible orientations in standard size feature space
         window = self.all_prefs[(self.all_prefs >= -90)
                                 & (self.all_prefs < 90)]
     m = len(vector) - len(window)
     self.all_prefs_windows_idx = hankel(np.arange(0, m + 1),
                                         np.arange(m, len(vector)))
     self.all_prefs_windows = vector[self.all_prefs_windows_idx]
     return self.all_prefs_windows, self.all_prefs_windows_idx
Exemple #27
    def THinv5(self,phi,K,M,eps):
        # %C=[];
        C = []
        # %for im=1:M 
        # %  A=toeplitz(phi(1:K,im),phi(1:K,im)')+hankel(phi(1:K,im),phi(K:2*K-1,im)')+eps(im)*eye(K);
        # %  C=[C inv(A)];
        # %end
        for im in range(M):
            A = (toeplitz(phi[:K,im],phi[:K,im].T) + 
                 hankel(phi[:K,im],phi[K-1:2*K,im].T) +

        return np.concatenate(C,axis=1)
Exemple #28
def ESPRIT(s, ordre):
    r"""Straight forward implementation of ESPRIT algorithm

    ESPRIT stands for "Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotationnal Invariance Techniques".

    s: numpy array
        Signal to analyse
    ordre: int
        Order of ESPRIT pole estimation

    f: numpy array
        Reduced frequency detected
    zeta: numpy array
        Corresponding damping


    In this example, we show how to properly use the ESPRIT function by creating
    a 10Hz damped cosine with a damping factor of 0.5 and trying to get those
    parameters back with ESPRIT.

    >>> t = np.linspace(0,1,2000) # One second sampled at 2000Hz
    >>> s = np.cos(2*np.pi*10*t)  # Compute a cosine at f = 10Hz
    >>> d = np.exp(-.5*t)         # Compute a damping of 0.5
    >>> f,zeta = ESPRIT(s*d,2)    # Estimation of f and damping
    >>> print(f*2000, zeta*2000)  # Multiply by sampling rate
    [ 10.013694 -10.013694] [-0.500378 -0.500378]

    with torch.no_grad():
        s = torch.from_numpy(s)
        N = len(s)
        H = torch.from_numpy(hankel(np.arange(N // 3), np.arange(N // 3, N)))
        H = s[H.long()]
        H = torch.mm(H, H.transpose(0, 1))
        U, S, V = torch.svd(H, some=False)
        phi = torch.pinverse(U[1:, :ordre]).mm(U[:-1, :ordre])
        z = torch.eig(phi)[0].cpu().numpy()

    z = z[:, 0] + 1j * z[:, 1]
    f = np.angle(z) / (2 * np.pi)
    zeta = -np.log(abs(z))

    return f, zeta
Exemple #29
def aa2vect(aa, tamanho_janela_movel=17):
    aa_dict = {
        'A': 0,
        'R': 1,
        'N': 2,
        'D': 3,
        'B': 4,
        'C': 5,
        'E': 6,
        'Q': 7,
        'Z': 8,
        'G': 9,
        'H': 10,
        'I': 11,
        'L': 12,
        'K': 13,
        'M': 14,
        'F': 15,
        'P': 16,
        'S': 17,
        'T': 18,
        'W': 19,
        'Y': 20,
        'V': 21,
        '?': 22
    aa_num = []
    for i, w in enumerate(aa):
        aa_num.append(np.array([aa_dict.get(x) for x in aa[i]]))

    base_indexador = np.arange(tamanho_janela_movel) * 23
    sequencias = []
    total_de_sequencias = len(aa)
    for i in range(0, total_de_sequencias):  #para % cada sequencia
        seq = aa_num[i]  #obter sequencia atual
        janelas = hankel(
            seq[:tamanho_janela_movel], seq[tamanho_janela_movel - 1:]
        )  #obter todas as janelas moveis para a sequencia, cada coluna forma uma
        matriz_binaria = np.full(
            (np.size(janelas, 1), 23 * tamanho_janela_movel),
        for k in range(0, np.size(
                janelas, 1)):  #para cada janela movel, ou seja, cada coluna
            indexador = np.array(base_indexador + janelas[:, k])
                k, indexador] = True  #marca como True o valor de cada posição
        for j in matriz_binaria:
    return sequencias
Exemple #30
    def THinv5(self, phi, K, M, eps):
        # %C=[];
        C = []
        # %for im=1:M
        # %  A=toeplitz(phi(1:K,im),phi(1:K,im)')+hankel(phi(1:K,im),phi(K:2*K-1,im)')+eps(im)*eye(K);
        # %  C=[C inv(A)];
        # %end
        for im in range(M):
            A = (toeplitz(phi[:K, im], phi[:K, im].T) +
                 hankel(phi[:K, im], phi[K - 1:2 * K, im].T) +
                 eps[im] * np.eye(K))

        return np.concatenate(C, axis=1)
Exemple #31
def HankelMomsFromMoms (m):
    Returns the Hankel moments given the raw moments.
    The raw moments are: `m_i=E(\mathcal{X}^i)`
    The ith Hankel moment is the determinant of matrix 
    `\Delta_{i/2}`, if i is even, 
    and it is the determinant of `\Delta^{(1)}_{(i+1)/2}`, 
    if i is odd. For the definition of matrices `\Delta`
    and `\Delta^{(1)}` see [1]_.
    m : vector of doubles
        The list of raw moments (starting with the first
    hm : vector of doubles
        The list of Hankel moments
    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stieltjes_moment_problem
    hm = []
    for i in range(len(m)):
        if i%2 == 0:
            N = i//2 + 1
            H = la.hankel(m[0:N], m[N-1:2*N-1])
            N = (i+1) // 2 + 1
            H = la.hankel([1] + m[0:N-1], m[N-2:2*N-2])
        hm.append (la.det(H))
    return hm
Exemple #32
def HankelMomsFromMoms(m):
    Returns the Hankel moments given the raw moments.
    The raw moments are: `m_i=E(\mathcal{X}^i)`
    The ith Hankel moment is the determinant of matrix 
    `\Delta_{i/2}`, if i is even, 
    and it is the determinant of `\Delta^{(1)}_{(i+1)/2}`, 
    if i is odd. For the definition of matrices `\Delta`
    and `\Delta^{(1)}` see [1]_.
    m : vector of doubles
        The list of raw moments (starting with the first
    hm : vector of doubles
        The list of Hankel moments
    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stieltjes_moment_problem
    hm = []
    for i in range(len(m)):
        if i % 2 == 0:
            N = i // 2 + 1
            H = la.hankel(m[0:N], m[N - 1:2 * N - 1])
            N = (i + 1) // 2 + 1
            H = la.hankel([1] + m[0:N - 1], m[N - 2:2 * N - 2])
    return hm
def pronys_ad(inp, threshold=2, period=7):
    nfreq = period//2
    train = inp[:period]
    data = inp[period:]
    test_val = inp.iloc[-1]

    _data = []
    SIGIDX = 3
    NORMIDX = 2
    MEANIDX = 1

    lo = len(data)-period
    while lo >= 0:
        _data.append([lo, np.mean(data[lo:lo+period]),  nl.norm(data[lo:lo+period] - np.mean(data[lo:lo+period])), data[lo:lo+period]])
        lo -= period
    _data = _data[::-1]

    normalized_data = np.hstack([ (_[SIGIDX] - _[MEANIDX])/_[NORMIDX] for _ in _data] ) 
    A = sl.hankel(normalized_data, normalized_data[-period:])[:period, :]
        u,s,v = nl.svd(A)
    except nl.LinAlgError as e:
    _s = s.copy()
    _S = np.zeros((u.shape[1], v.shape[0]))
    _S[:len(_s), :u.shape[1]] = np.diag(_s)
    _A = u.dot(_S.dot(v))
    _b = train - np.mean(train)
    _b /= nl.norm(_b)
        _x = sl.lstsq(_A, _b)[0]
    except ValueError as e:
    profile = _A.dot(_x)

    sig = _data[-1][SIGIDX]
    fit = profile * _data[-1][NORMIDX]  + _data[-1][MEANIDX]
    prediction = fit[-1]
    error = prediction - test_val
    inp_mean = np.mean(inp[:-1])
    inp_std = np.std(inp[:-1])
    inp_median = np.median(inp[:-1])
    thres =  inp_std*inp_median/inp_mean
    E2SD_ratio = np.absolute(error)/thres
    metric_values = [prediction, test_val, error, period, inp_mean, inp_std, E2SD_ratio,E2SD_ratio>threshold, 0, -1]
    metric_names = [AlphaResultObject.PREDICTION, 'original_value', 'residual', 'model_period', 'mean', 'standard_deviation', AlphaResultObject.ERROR_COEFF, AlphaResultObject.IS_ANOMALY, AlphaResultObject.STATUS_CODE, AlphaResultObject.SEVERITY]
    return dict(zip(metric_names, metric_values))
Exemple #34
def hankel_matrix(data, p=-1, q=None):
    Create the Hankel matrix for a univariate time series. p specifies the width 
    of the matrix
    if p == -1:
        p = len(data)
    if not q:
        q = p

    last = data[-p:]
    first = data[-(p + q):-p]

    h_mat = hankel(first, last)

    return h_mat
    def generate_window_slices(self, arr):
        """Generate arrays for slicing data into windows.

        arr: np.array

        slices: np.ndarray
            Hankel matrix for slicing data into windows.
        slices = linalg.hankel(np.arange(0,
                                         len(arr) - self.window + 1),
                               np.arange(len(arr) - self.window, len(arr)))
        return slices
def hankel_matrix(n):
    n_appended = n
    # if odd number of elements in "n", we append average of "n" to array "n"
    if len(n) % 2 == 1:
        n_appended.append(sum(n) / float(len(n)))
        dim = (len(n_appended) / 2)
        dim = (len(n_appended) / 2)

    hm = hankel(n_appended)

    h = hm[0:int(dim), 0:int(dim)]  # real hankel matrix
    # eigenvalues, eigenvectors = LA.eig(h)
    u, svd_h, Vh = svd(h)
    # return eigenvalues, eigenvectors, svd_h, h
    return svd_h, h
def findPoints2(img, toothNb, points, profiles, covariances, lenSearch,

    sobel = applySobel(img)
    gray_img = to_grayscale(img)

    # Normal points on gray image
    itbuffer = getAllNormalPoints(points, lenSearch, gray_img)
    xs = itbuffer[:, 0::3]
    ys = itbuffer[:, 1::3]
    intensities = itbuffer[:, 2::3]

    #Normal points on sobel image
    itbuffer2 = getAllNormalPoints(points, lenSearch, sobel)
    intensities2 = itbuffer2[:, 2::3]

    newXs = np.zeros(points.get_list().shape[0] / 2)
    newYs = np.zeros(points.get_list().shape[0] / 2)

    bestFits = np.zeros(2 * (lenSearch - lenProfile) + 1)
    bestFits2 = []

    for idx in range(0, 40):
        normalizedSearchProfiles = greymodels.calculateProfile(
            intensities[idx], intensities2[idx])
        subsequences = np.asarray(
            hankel(normalizedSearchProfiles[:lenProfile * 2 + 1],
                   normalizedSearchProfiles[lenProfile * 2:])).T
        bestFit, error = findBestFit(profiles[idx], subsequences,
        bestFits[bestFit] += 1

    # smooth shape
    bestFits2 = signal.medfilt(bestFits2, 5)

    for idx in range(0, 40):
        newidx = np.rint(bestFits2[idx] + lenProfile + 1).astype(np.uint32)
        newXs[idx] = xs[idx][newidx]
        newYs[idx] = ys[idx][newidx]

    return Landmarks(
        np.asarray([val for pair in zip(newXs, newYs)
                    for val in pair])), np.sum(
                        bestFits[len(bestFits) / 2 - 1:len(bestFits) / 2 + 2])
Exemple #38
def projhankel(Z, H=0, gamma=0):
    Orthogonal projection onto the subspace of Hankel matrices

    X = PROJHANKEL(Z) determines the orthogonal projection of 
    Z onto the subspaces of Hankel matrices, i.e., X is the 
    proximal mapping of (i_{Hankel}(X)), where i_{Hankel} 
    is the convex indicator function of the set of Hankel matrices.

    X = PROJHANKEL(Z,H,gamma) allows to shift Z by -gamma*H, i.e., 
    X is projection of Z-gamma*H onto the subspaces of Hankel matrices and is
    therefore the proximal mapping of gamma*(i_{Hankel}(X)+trace(X'H)).

    import numpy as np
    from scipy.linalg import hankel

    Z = Z - gamma * H
    dim = Z.shape
    if dim[0] < dim[1]:
        Z = Z.T
        transp_Z = 1  # Flag transpositon of Z
        dim = np.sort(dim, axis=-1)[::-1]
        transp_Z = 0  # Flag Z is not transposed

    n = dim[0]
    m = dim[1]

    # Determine the means k[0],...,k[n+m-2] along the anti-diagonals
    B = np.zeros((m + n, m))
    B[0:n, :] = Z
    N = np.sum(np.reshape(B.flatten('F')[0:(n + m - 1) * m], (n + m - 1, m),
    D = np.append(np.append(np.arange(1, m), m * np.ones((1, n - m + 1))),
                  np.arange(1, m)[::-1])
    k = np.divide(N, D)
    # Arrange means as Hankel matrix
    X = hankel(k[0:n], k[n - 1:])

    if transp_Z == 1:
        X = X.T

    return X
Exemple #39
def fft2x(x, y, z, nfft=None):
    """Return Bi-cross-spectrum."""

    # 1d-fourier-transforms
    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    x = np.ravel(x)
    y = np.ravel(y)
    z = np.ravel(z)

    assert len(x) == len(y) and len(x) == len(z), (
        "Arrays must have the same length")

    if not nfft:
        # let's hope it's not too much!
        nfft = len(x)

    # transform
    xfft = fft(x, n=nfft)

    if y is x:
        yfft = xfft
        yfft = fft(y, n=nfft)

    if z is x:
        zfft = xfft
    elif z is y:
        zfft = yfft
        zfft = fft(z, n=nfft)

    # Fourier space product
    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    ## create indices aligned with fftpack's fft2 quadrants
    lm = nfft / 2.
    i0 = np.roll(np.arange(int(np.ceil(lm - 1)), int(-lm - 1), -1, dtype=int),
                 int(np.floor(lm)) + 1)
    i = i0 * np.ones((nfft, nfft), dtype=int)
    j0 = np.arange(0, -nfft, -1, dtype=int)
    j = hankel(j0, np.roll(j0, 1))

    # B
    xfft = np.conjugate(xfft)
    return xfft[j] * yfft[i] * zfft[i.T]
Exemple #40
def TrainingSet_ML_Prices(prices,

    S = MinMaxScaler()
    P = prices
    M = minsize

    Z = ZigZagFunc(P, M, True)

    N = len(P)
    T = {
        'input': hankel(P[0:lag], P[lag - 1:]).T,
        'label': np.full(N - lag + 1, 0)

    #fliter Z according lag
    for i in range(len(Z)):
        tmin = Z[i]['tmin']
        tmax = Z[i]['tmax']

        if (tmin <= lag) and (lag < tmax):

            Z[i]['tmin'] = lag
            Z = Z[i:]


    for i in range(len(Z)):
        tmin = Z[i]['tmin']
        tmax = Z[i]['tmax']

        T['label'][tmin - lag:tmax - lag] = np.full(tmax - tmin, Z[i]['label'])

    S = MinMaxScaler()
    if scale:
        P = S.fit_transform(P)

        for i in range(len(T)):
            T['input'][i] = S.transform(T['input'][i])

    return T, S
 def PronyExpFit(self, deg, x, y):
     Construct a sum of exponentials fit to a given time-sequence y by
     using prony's method
         [deg]: int, number of exponentials
         [x]: numpy array, sequence of regularly spaced points at which y is evaluated
         [y]: numpy array, sequence
         [a]: numpy array, exponential coefficient
         [c]: numpy array, exponentail magnitudes
         [rms]: float, root mean square error of the data
     # stepsize
     h = x[1] - x[0]
     #Build matrix
     A = la.hankel(y[:-deg],y[-deg-1:])
     a = -A[:,:deg]    
     b = A[:,deg]
     #Solve it
     s = la.lstsq(a,b)[0]
     #Solve polynomial
     p = np.flipud(np.hstack((s,1)))
     u = np.roots(p)
     #Only keep roots in unit circle
     inds = np.where(np.logical_and((np.abs(u) < 1.), \
             np.logical_not(np.logical_and(np.imag(u) == 0., np.real(u) <= 0.))))[0]
     u = u[inds]
     #Calc exponential factors
     a = np.log(u)/h
     #Build power matrix
     A = np.power((np.ones((len(y),1))*u[:,None].T),np.arange(len(y))[:,None]*np.ones((1,len(inds))))
     #solve it 
     f = la.lstsq(A,y)[0]
     #calc amplitudes 
     c = f/np.exp(a*x[0])
     #build x, approx and calc rms
     approx = self.sumExp(x, a, c).real
     rms = np.sqrt(((approx-y)**2).sum() / len(y))
     return a, c, rms
def bispectrumdx(x, y, z, nfft=None, wind=None, nsamp=None, overlap=None):
    x    - data vector or time-series
    y    - data vector or time-series  (same dimensions as x)
    z    - data vector or time-series  (same dimensions as x)
    nfft - fft length [default = power of two > segsamp]
    wind - window specification for frequency-domain smoothing
           if 'wind' is a scalar, it specifies the length of the side
              of the square for the Rao-Gabr optimal window  [default=5]
           if 'wind' is a vector, a 2D window will be calculated via
              w2(i,j) = wind(i) * wind(j) * wind(i+j)
           if 'wind' is a matrix, it specifies the 2-D filter directly
    segsamp - samples per segment [default: such that we have 8 segments]
            - if x is a matrix, segsamp is set to the number of rows
    overlap - percentage overlap, allowed range [0,99]. [default = 50];
            - if x is a matrix, overlap is set to 0.

    Bspec   - estimated bispectrum: an nfft x nfft array, with origin
              at the center, and axes pointing down and to the right.
    waxis   - vector of frequencies associated with the rows and columns
              of Bspec;  sampling frequency is assumed to be 1.

  (lx, lrecs) = x.shape
  (ly, nrecs) = y.shape
  (lz, krecs) = z.shape

  if lx != ly or lrecs != nrecs or ly != lz or nrecs != krecs:
    raise Exception('x, y and z should have identical dimensions')

  if ly == 1:
    x = x.reshape(1,-1)
    y = y.reshape(1,-1)
    z = z.reshape(1,-1)
    ly = nrecs
    nrecs = 1

  if not overlap: overlap = 50
  overlap = max(0,min(overlap,99))
  if nrecs > 1: overlap = 0
  if not nsamp: nsamp = 0
  if nrecs > 1: nsamp = ly
  if nrecs == 1 and nsamp <= 0:
    nsamp = np.fix(ly/ (8 - 7 * overlap/100))
  if nfft < nsamp:
    nfft = 2**nextpow2(nsamp)

  overlap = np.fix(overlap/100 * nsamp)
  nadvance = nsamp - overlap
  nrecs = np.fix((ly*nrecs - overlap) / nadvance)

  # create the 2-D window
  if not wind: wind = 5

  m = n = 0
    (m, n) = wind.shape
  except ValueError:
    (m,) = wind.shape
    n = 1
  except AttributeError:
    m = n = 1

  window = wind
  # scalar: wind is size of Rao-Gabr window
  if max(m, n) == 1:
    winsize = wind
    if winsize < 0: winsize = 5 # the window size L
    winsize = winsize - (winsize%2) + 1 # make it odd
    if winsize > 1:
      mwind = np.fix(nfft/winsize) # the scale parameter M
      lby2 = (winsize - 1)/2

      theta = np.array([np.arange(-1*lby2, lby2+1)]) # force a 2D array
      opwind = np.ones([winsize, 1]) * (theta**2) # w(m,n) = m**2
      opwind = opwind + opwind.transpose() + (np.transpose(theta) * theta) # m**2 + n**2 + mn
      opwind = 1 - ((2*mwind/nfft)**2) * opwind
      Hex = np.ones([winsize,1]) * theta
      Hex = abs(Hex) + abs(np.transpose(Hex)) + abs(Hex + np.transpose(Hex))
      Hex = (Hex < winsize)
      opwind = opwind * Hex
      opwind = opwind * (4 * mwind**2) / (7 * np.pi**2)
      opwind = 1

  # 1-D window passed: convert to 2-D
  elif min(m, n) == 1:
    window = window.reshape(1,-1)

    if np.any(np.imag(window)) != 0:
      print "1-D window has imaginary components: window ignored"
      window = 1

    if np.any(window) < 0:
      print "1-D window has negative components: window ignored"
      window = 1

    lwind = np.size(window)
    w = window.ravel(order='F')
    # the full symmetric 1-D
    windf = np.array(w[range(lwind-1, 0, -1) + [window]])
    window = np.array([window], np.zeros([lwind-1,1]))
    # w(m)w(n)w(m+n)
    opwind = (windf * np.transpose(windf)) * hankel(np.flipud(window), window)
    winsize = np.size(window)

  # 2-D window passed: use directly
    winsize = m

    if m != n:
      print "2-D window is not square: window ignored"
      window = 1
      winsize = m

    if m%2 == 0:
      print "2-D window does not have odd length: window ignored"
      window = 1
      winsize = m

    opwind = window

  # accumulate triple products
  Bspec = np.zeros([nfft, nfft]) # the hankel mask (faster)
  mask = hankel(np.arange(nfft),np.array([nfft-1]+range(nfft-1)))
  locseg = np.arange(nsamp).transpose()
  x = x.ravel(order='F')
  y = y.ravel(order='F')
  z = z.ravel(order='F')

  for krec in xrange(nrecs):
    xseg = x[locseg].reshape(1,-1)
    yseg = y[locseg].reshape(1,-1)
    zseg = z[locseg].reshape(1,-1)

    Xf = np.fft.fft(xseg - np.mean(xseg), nfft) / nsamp
    Yf = np.fft.fft(yseg - np.mean(yseg), nfft) / nsamp
    CZf = np.fft.fft(zseg - np.mean(zseg), nfft) / nsamp
    CZf = np.conjugate(CZf).ravel(order='F')

    Bspec = Bspec + \
      flat_eq(Bspec, (Xf * np.transpose(Yf)) * CZf[mask].reshape(nfft, nfft))
    locseg = locseg + int(nadvance)

  Bspec = np.fft.fftshift(Bspec) / nrecs

  # frequency-domain smoothing
  if winsize > 1:
    lby2 = int((winsize-1)/2)
    Bspec = convolve2d(Bspec,opwind)
    Bspec = Bspec[range(lby2+1,lby2+nfft+1), :][:, np.arange(lby2+1,lby2+nfft+1)]

  if nfft%2 == 0:
    waxis = np.transpose(np.arange(-1*nfft/2, nfft/2)) / nfft
    waxis = np.transpose(np.arange(-1*(nfft-1)/2, (nfft-1)/2+1)) / nfft

  # cont1 = plt.contour(abs(Bspec), 4, waxis, waxis)
  cont = plt.contourf(waxis, waxis, abs(Bspec), 100, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral_r)
  plt.title('Bispectrum estimated via the direct (FFT) method')

  return (Bspec, waxis)
Exemple #43
    def calc_ss_radiation(self, max_order=10, r2_thresh=0.95):
        '''Function to calculate the state space reailization of the wave
        radiation IRF.

            max_order : int
                Maximum order of the state space reailization fit
            r2_thresh : float
                The R^2 threshold used for the fit. THe value must be between 0
                and 1

            No variables are directily returned by thi function. The following
            internal variables are calculated:

            Ass :
                time-invariant state matrix
            Bss :
                time-invariant input matrix
            Css :
                time-invariant output matrix
            Dss :
                time-invariant feedthrough matrix
            k_ss_est :
                Impusle response function as cacluated from state space
            status :
                status of the realization, 0 - zero hydrodynamic oefficients, 1
                - state space realization meets R2 thresholdm 2 - state space
                realization does not meet R2 threshold and at ss_max limit

        dt = self.rd.irf.t[2] - self.rd.irf.t[1]
        r2bt = np.zeros([self.am.inf.shape[0], self.am.inf.shape[0], self.rd.irf.t.size])
        k_ss_est = np.zeros(self.rd.irf.t.size)
        self.rd.ss.irk_bss = np.zeros([self.am.inf.shape[0], self.am.inf.shape[0], self.rd.irf.t.size])
        self.rd.ss.A = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1], max_order, max_order])
        self.rd.ss.B = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1], max_order, 1])
        self.rd.ss.C = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1], 1, max_order])
        self.rd.ss.D = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1], 1])
        self.rd.ss.irk_bss = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1], self.rd.irf.t.size])
        self.rd.ss.rad_conv = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1]])
        self.rd.ss.it = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1]])
        self.rd.ss.r2t = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1]])

        pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=['Radiation damping state space realization for ' + self.name + ':', Percentage(), Bar()], maxval=self.am.inf.shape[0] * self.am.inf.shape[1]).start()
        count = 0
        for i in xrange(self.am.inf.shape[0]):

          for j in xrange(self.am.inf.shape[1]):

            r2bt = np.linalg.norm(
                self.rd.irf.K[i, j, :] - self.rd.irf.K.mean(axis=2)[i, j])

            ss = 2  # Initial state space order

            if r2bt != 0.0:
              while True:

                # Perform Hankel Singular Value Decomposition
                y = dt * self.rd.irf.K[i, j, :]
                h = hankel(y[1::])
                u, svh, v = np.linalg.svd(h)

                u1 = u[0:self.rd.irf.t.size - 2, 0:ss]
                v1 = v.T[0:self.rd.irf.t.size - 2, 0:ss]
                u2 = u[1:self.rd.irf.t.size - 1, 0:ss]
                sqs = np.sqrt(svh[0:ss].reshape(ss, 1))
                invss = 1 / sqs
                ubar = np.dot(u1.T, u2)

                a = ubar * np.dot(invss, sqs.T)
                b = v1[0, :].reshape(ss, 1) * sqs
                c = u1[0, :].reshape(1, ss) * sqs.T
                d = y[0]

                CoeA = dt / 2
                CoeB = 1
                CoeC = -CoeA
                CoeD = 1

                # (T/2*I + T/2*A)^{-1}         = 2/T(I + A)^{-1}
                iidd = np.linalg.inv(CoeA * np.eye(ss) - CoeC * a)

                # (A-I)2/T(I + A)^{-1}         = 2/T(A-I)(I + A)^{-1}
                ac = np.dot(CoeB * a - CoeD * np.eye(ss), iidd)
                # (T/2+T/2)*2/T(I + A)^{-1}B   = 2(I + A)^{-1}B
                bc = (CoeA * CoeB - CoeC * CoeD) * np.dot(iidd, b)
                # C * 2/T(I + A)^{-1}          = 2/T(I + A)^{-1}
                cc = np.dot(c, iidd)
                # D - T/2C (2/T(I + A)^{-1})B  = D - C(I + A)^{-1})B
                dc = d + CoeC * np.dot(np.dot(c, iidd), b)

                for jj in xrange(self.rd.irf.t.size):

                  # Calculate impulse response function from state space
                  # approximation
                  k_ss_est[jj] = np.dot(np.dot(cc, expm(ac * dt * jj)), bc)

                # Calculate 2 norm of the difference between know and estimated
                # values impulse response function
                R2TT = np.linalg.norm(self.rd.irf.K[i, j, :] - k_ss_est)
                # Calculate the R2 value for impulse response function
                R2T = 1 - np.square(R2TT / r2bt)

                # Check to see if threshold for the impulse response is meet
                if R2T >= r2_thresh:

                  status = 1  # %Set status

                # Check to see if limit on the state space order has been reached
                if ss == max_order:

                  status = 2  # %Set status

                ss = ss + 1  # Increase state space order

              self.rd.ss.A[i, j, 0:ac.shape[0], 0:ac.shape[0]] = ac
              self.rd.ss.B[i, j, 0:bc.shape[0], 0] = bc[:, 0]
              self.rd.ss.C[i, j, 0, 0:cc.shape[1]] = cc[0, :]
              self.rd.ss.D[i, j] = dc
              self.rd.ss.irk_bss[i, j, :] = k_ss_est
              self.rd.ss.rad_conv[i, j] = status
              self.rd.ss.r2t[i, j] = R2T
              self.rd.ss.it[i, j] = ss

            count += 1

Exemple #44
    def update(self, x_n, d_n):

        self.n += 1
        self.update_buf(x_n, d_n)
        # get this randomness
        pr = np.random.uniform(size=(self.N)) 
        I = np.arange(self.N)[pr < self.q]
        if I.shape[0] > 0:
            # extract data from buffer
            L = self.buf_ind
            x = self.x[(self.length-1)+self.buf_ind-1::-1]
            d = self.d[self.buf_ind-1::-1]
            # compute more power of lambda if needed
            if L >= self.lmbd_pwr.shape[0]:
                self.lmbd_pwr = np.concatenate((self.lmbd_pwr, self.lmbd**np.arange(self.lmbd_pwr.shape[0], L+1)))
            # block-update parameters
            X = la.hankel(x[:L],r=x[L-1:])
            Lambda_diag = self.lmbd_pwr[:L]
            lmbd_L = self.lmbd_pwr[L]
            """ As of now, using BLAS dot is more efficient than the FFT based method toeplitz_multiplication.
            rhs = (self.lmbd**np.arange(L) * X.T).T
            self.R = (self.lmbd**L)*self.R + hankel_multiplication(x[:self.length], x[self.length-1:], rhs)
            """ # Use thus dot instead
            # block-update the auto-correlation matrix 
            rhs = (Lambda_diag * X.T).T
            self.R = lmbd_L*self.R + np.dot(X.T, rhs)
            # block-update of the cross-correlation vector here
            self.r_dx = lmbd_L*self.r_dx + np.dot(X.T, Lambda_diag*d)
            # update the sketches as needed
            for i in np.arange(self.N):

                if pr[i] < self.q:

                    self.last_update[i] = self.n

                    buf = np.zeros(self.length)
                    if self.sketch == 'RowSample':
                        buf = x[:self.length] 
                    elif self.sketch == 'Binary':
                        data = (np.sqrt(Lambda_diag) * X.T)
                        buf = np.dot(data, np.random.choice([-1,1], size=self.L))*np.sqrt(self.L)
                    x_up = buf.copy()

                    if self.mem_buf_size > 0:
                        for row in self.mem_buf:
                            x_up += np.random.choice([-1,1])*row*np.sqrt(lmbd_L)

                        # update the sketch buffer
                        self.mem_buf *= np.sqrt(lmbd_L)
                        self.mem_buf[1:,:] = self.mem_buf[0:-1,:]
                        self.mem_buf[0,:] = buf

                    # update the inverse correlation matrix
                    mu = 1/lmbd_L
                    pi = np.dot(self.P[i,:,:], x_up)

                    denom = (self.q*lmbd_L + np.inner(x_up, pi))
                    np.outer(pi, pi/denom, out=self.out_buf)
                    self.P[i,:,:] = self.P[i,:,:] - self.out_buf
                    self.P[i,:,:] *= mu
                # do IHS
                self.w = self.w + \
                        np.dot(self.P[i,:,:], self.r_dx - np.dot(self.R, self.w))/self.n

            # Flush the buffers
            self.x[:self.length-1] = self.x[self.buf_ind:self.buf_ind+self.length-1]
            self.x[self.length-1:] = 0
            self.d[:] = 0
            self.buf_ind = 0
def fit_direct(x, y, F=0, weighted=True, _weights=None):
    """Fit a Gaussian to the given data.

    Returns a fit so that y ~ gauss(x, A, mu, sigma)

    x : ndarray
        Sampling positions.
    y : ndarray
        Sampled values.
    F : float
        Ignore values of y <= F.
    weighted : bool
        Whether to use weighted least squares.  If True, weigh
        the error function by y, ensuring that small values
        has less influence on the outcome.

    Additional Parameters
    _weights : ndarray
        Weights used in weighted least squares.  For internal use
        by fit_iterative.

    A : float
    mu : float
    std : float
        Standard deviation.

    mask = (y > F)
    x = x[mask]
    y = y[mask]

    if _weights is None:
        _weights = y
        _weights = _weights[mask]

    # We do not want to risk working with negative values
    np.clip(y, 1e-10, np.inf, y)

    e = np.ones(len(x))
    if weighted:
        e = e * (_weights**2)
    v = (np.sum(np.vander(x, 5) * e[:, None], axis=0))[::-1]
    A = v[sl.hankel([0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4])]

    ly = e * np.log(y)
    ls = np.sum(ly)
    x_ls = np.sum(ly * x)
    xx_ls = np.sum(ly * x**2)
    B = np.array([ls, x_ls, xx_ls])

    (a, b, c), res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, B)

    A = np.exp(a - (b**2 / (4 * c)))
    mu = -b / (2 * c)
    sigma = sp.sqrt(-1 / (2 * c))

    return A, mu, sigma
Exemple #46
def ts_rf(n,fea,step,ntrees,njobs):
    #Random Forest Model for time series prediction
    #from sklearn import svm
    import math
    from sklearn import metrics
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.linalg import hankel        
    import numpy as np
    from sklearn.ensemble.forest import RandomForestRegressor
    #input data from csv file
    #use n datapoints
    #    # of features of training set
    ##        fre=50
    #    # how many steps to predict
    path1 = '/Users/royyang/Desktop/time_series_forecasting/csv_files/coffee_ls_nor.txt'
    date = []
    with open(path) as f:
        for line in f:
            item=line.replace('\n','').split(' ')
    mean = np.mean(result_tem)
    sd = np.std(result_tem)
    #form hankel matrix
    X=hankel(result[0:-fea-step+1], result[-1-fea:-1])
    #split data into training and testing
    # random forest
    rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = ntrees, n_jobs=njobs)
    rf_pred = rf.fit(Xtrain, ytrain).predict(Xtest)
    #a = rf.transform(Xtrain,'median')
    #plot results
    LABELS = [x[-6:] for x in date[n+fea+step-1:n+fea+step-1+len(ytest)]]    
    #    plt.show()
    #    plt.plot(t,y_lin1,'r--',t,ytest,'b^-')
    #    plt.plot(t,y_lin2,'g--',t,ytest,'b^-')
    ypred = rf_pred*sd+mean
    ytest = ytest*sd+mean
    line1, = plt.plot(t,ypred,'r*-')
    plt.xticks(t, LABELS)
    line2, = plt.plot(t,ytest,'b*-')
#            plt.xlim([500,510])
    plt.legend([line1, line2], ["Predicted", "Actual"], loc=2)
    y_true = ytest
    y_pred = ypred
    metrics_result = {'rf_MAE':metrics.mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred),'rf_MSE':metrics.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred),
                      'rf_MAPE':np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true)) * 100}	
    print metrics_result
Exemple #47
def ssa(x, r, fullMatr=True, comp_uv=False): # x is nt x 1 vector, r is embedding dimension
    #nt = len(x); mean = sum(x)/nt
    #x = x - ones(nt)*mean
    H = scilinalg.hankel(x, zeros(r)) #Construct Hankel matrix
    return scilinalg.svd(H, full_matrices=fullMatr, compute_uv=comp_uv)
Exemple #48
def detect_clearsky(measured, clearsky, times, window_length,
                    mean_diff=75, max_diff=75,
                    lower_line_length=-5, upper_line_length=10,
                    var_diff=0.005, slope_dev=8, max_iterations=20,
    Detects clear sky times according to the algorithm developed by Reno
    and Hansen for GHI measurements [1]. The algorithm was designed and
    validated for analyzing GHI time series only. Users may attempt to
    apply it to other types of time series data using different filter
    settings, but should be skeptical of the results.

    The algorithm detects clear sky times by comparing statistics for a
    measured time series and an expected clearsky time series.
    Statistics are calculated using a sliding time window (e.g., 10
    minutes). An iterative algorithm identifies clear periods, uses the
    identified periods to estimate bias in the clearsky data, scales the
    clearsky data and repeats.

    Clear times are identified by meeting 5 criteria. Default values for
    these thresholds are appropriate for 10 minute windows of 1 minute
    GHI data.

    measured : array or Series
        Time series of measured values.
    clearsky : array or Series
        Time series of the expected clearsky values.
    times : DatetimeIndex
        Times of measured and clearsky values.
    window_length : int
        Length of sliding time window in minutes. Must be greater than 2
    mean_diff : float, default 75
        Threshold value for agreement between mean values of measured
        and clearsky in each interval, see Eq. 6 in [1].
    max_diff : float, default 75
        Threshold value for agreement between maxima of measured and
        clearsky values in each interval, see Eq. 7 in [1].
    lower_line_length : float, default -5
        Lower limit of line length criterion from Eq. 8 in [1].
        Criterion satisfied when
        lower_line_length < line length difference < upper_line_length
    upper_line_length : float, default 10
        Upper limit of line length criterion from Eq. 8 in [1].
    var_diff : float, default 0.005
        Threshold value in Hz for the agreement between normalized
        standard deviations of rate of change in irradiance, see Eqs. 9
        through 11 in [1].
    slope_dev : float, default 8
        Threshold value for agreement between the largest magnitude of
        change in successive values, see Eqs. 12 through 14 in [1].
    max_iterations : int, default 20
        Maximum number of times to apply a different scaling factor to
        the clearsky and redetermine clear_samples. Must be 1 or larger.
    return_components : bool, default False
        Controls if additional output should be returned. See below.

    clear_samples : array or Series
        Boolean array or Series of whether or not the given time is
        clear. Return type is the same as the input type.

    components : OrderedDict, optional
        Dict of arrays of whether or not the given time window is clear
        for each condition. Only provided if return_components is True.

    alpha : scalar, optional
        Scaling factor applied to the clearsky_ghi to obtain the
        detected clear_samples. Only provided if return_components is

    [1] Reno, M.J. and C.W. Hansen, "Identification of periods of clear
    sky irradiance in time series of GHI measurements" Renewable Energy,
    v90, p. 520-531, 2016.

    Initial implementation in MATLAB by Matthew Reno. Modifications for
    computational efficiency by Joshua Patrick and Curtis Martin. Ported
    to Python by Will Holmgren, Tony Lorenzo, and Cliff Hansen.

    Differences from MATLAB version:

        * no support for unequal times
        * automatically determines sample_interval
        * requires a reference clear sky series instead calculating one
          from a user supplied location and UTCoffset
        * parameters are controllable via keyword arguments
        * option to return individual test components and clearsky scaling

    # calculate deltas in units of minutes (matches input window_length units)
    deltas = np.diff(times.values) / np.timedelta64(1, '60s')

    # determine the unique deltas and if we can proceed
    unique_deltas = np.unique(deltas)
    if len(unique_deltas) == 1:
        sample_interval = unique_deltas[0]
        raise NotImplementedError('algorithm does not yet support unequal '
                                  'times. consider resampling your data.')

    intervals_per_window = int(window_length / sample_interval)

    # generate matrix of integers for creating windows with indexing
    from scipy.linalg import hankel
    H = hankel(np.arange(intervals_per_window),                   # noqa: N806
               np.arange(intervals_per_window - 1, len(times)))

    # calculate measurement statistics
    meas_mean = np.mean(measured[H], axis=0)
    meas_max = np.max(measured[H], axis=0)
    meas_diff = np.diff(measured[H], n=1, axis=0)
    meas_slope = np.diff(measured[H], n=1, axis=0) / sample_interval
    # matlab std function normalizes by N-1, so set ddof=1 here
    meas_slope_nstd = np.std(meas_slope, axis=0, ddof=1) / meas_mean
    meas_line_length = np.sum(np.sqrt(
        meas_diff * meas_diff +
        sample_interval * sample_interval), axis=0)

    # calculate clear sky statistics
    clear_mean = np.mean(clearsky[H], axis=0)
    clear_max = np.max(clearsky[H], axis=0)
    clear_diff = np.diff(clearsky[H], n=1, axis=0)
    clear_slope = np.diff(clearsky[H], n=1, axis=0) / sample_interval

    from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar

    alpha = 1
    for iteration in range(max_iterations):
        clear_line_length = np.sum(np.sqrt(
            alpha * alpha * clear_diff * clear_diff +
            sample_interval * sample_interval), axis=0)

        line_diff = meas_line_length - clear_line_length

        # evaluate comparison criteria
        c1 = np.abs(meas_mean - alpha*clear_mean) < mean_diff
        c2 = np.abs(meas_max - alpha*clear_max) < max_diff
        c3 = (line_diff > lower_line_length) & (line_diff < upper_line_length)
        c4 = meas_slope_nstd < var_diff
        c5 = np.max(np.abs(meas_slope -
                           alpha * clear_slope), axis=0) < slope_dev
        c6 = (clear_mean != 0) & ~np.isnan(clear_mean)
        clear_windows = c1 & c2 & c3 & c4 & c5 & c6

        # create array to return
        clear_samples = np.full_like(measured, False, dtype='bool')
        # find the samples contained in any window classified as clear
        clear_samples[np.unique(H[:, clear_windows])] = True

        # find a new alpha
        previous_alpha = alpha
        clear_meas = measured[clear_samples]
        clear_clear = clearsky[clear_samples]

        def rmse(alpha):
            return np.sqrt(np.mean((clear_meas - alpha*clear_clear)**2))

        alpha = minimize_scalar(rmse).x
        if round(alpha*10000) == round(previous_alpha*10000):
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('failed to converge after %s iterations'
                      % max_iterations, RuntimeWarning)

    # be polite about returning the same type as was input
    if isinstance(measured, pd.Series):
        clear_samples = pd.Series(clear_samples, index=times)

    if return_components:
        components = OrderedDict()
        components['mean_diff_flag'] = c1
        components['max_diff_flag'] = c2
        components['line_length_flag'] = c3
        components['slope_nstd_flag'] = c4
        components['slope_max_flag'] = c5
        components['mean_nan_flag'] = c6
        components['windows'] = clear_windows

        components['mean_diff'] = np.abs(meas_mean - alpha * clear_mean)
        components['max_diff'] = np.abs(meas_max - alpha * clear_max)
        components['line_length'] = meas_line_length - clear_line_length
        components['slope_nstd'] = meas_slope_nstd
        components['slope_max'] = (np.max(
            meas_slope - alpha * clear_slope, axis=0))

        return clear_samples, components, alpha
        return clear_samples
Exemple #49
def firls(numtaps, bands, desired, weight=None, nyq=None, fs=None):
    FIR filter design using least-squares error minimization.

    Calculate the filter coefficients for the linear-phase finite
    impulse response (FIR) filter which has the best approximation
    to the desired frequency response described by `bands` and
    `desired` in the least squares sense (i.e., the integral of the
    weighted mean-squared error within the specified bands is

    numtaps : int
        The number of taps in the FIR filter.  `numtaps` must be odd.
    bands : array_like
        A monotonic nondecreasing sequence containing the band edges in
        Hz. All elements must be non-negative and less than or equal to
        the Nyquist frequency given by `nyq`.
    desired : array_like
        A sequence the same size as `bands` containing the desired gain
        at the start and end point of each band.
    weight : array_like, optional
        A relative weighting to give to each band region when solving
        the least squares problem. `weight` has to be half the size of
    nyq : float, optional
        *Deprecated.  Use `fs` instead.*
        Nyquist frequency. Each frequency in `bands` must be between 0
        and `nyq` (inclusive).  Default is 1.
    fs : float, optional
        The sampling frequency of the signal. Each frequency in `bands`
        must be between 0 and ``fs/2`` (inclusive).  Default is 2.

    coeffs : ndarray
        Coefficients of the optimal (in a least squares sense) FIR filter.

    See also

    This implementation follows the algorithm given in [1]_.
    As noted there, least squares design has multiple advantages:

        1. Optimal in a least-squares sense.
        2. Simple, non-iterative method.
        3. The general solution can obtained by solving a linear
           system of equations.
        4. Allows the use of a frequency dependent weighting function.

    This function constructs a Type I linear phase FIR filter, which
    contains an odd number of `coeffs` satisfying for :math:`n < numtaps`:

    .. math:: coeffs(n) = coeffs(numtaps - 1 - n)

    The odd number of coefficients and filter symmetry avoid boundary
    conditions that could otherwise occur at the Nyquist and 0 frequencies
    (e.g., for Type II, III, or IV variants).

    .. versionadded:: 0.18

    .. [1] Ivan Selesnick, Linear-Phase Fir Filter Design By Least Squares.
           OpenStax CNX. Aug 9, 2005.

    We want to construct a band-pass filter. Note that the behavior in the
    frequency ranges between our stop bands and pass bands is unspecified,
    and thus may overshoot depending on the parameters of our filter:

    >>> from scipy import signal
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> fig, axs = plt.subplots(2)
    >>> fs = 10.0  # Hz
    >>> desired = (0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    >>> for bi, bands in enumerate(((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), (0, 1, 2, 4, 4.5, 5))):
    ...     fir_firls = signal.firls(73, bands, desired, fs=fs)
    ...     fir_remez = signal.remez(73, bands, desired[::2], fs=fs)
    ...     fir_firwin2 = signal.firwin2(73, bands, desired, fs=fs)
    ...     hs = list()
    ...     ax = axs[bi]
    ...     for fir in (fir_firls, fir_remez, fir_firwin2):
    ...         freq, response = signal.freqz(fir)
    ...         hs.append(ax.semilogy(0.5*fs*freq/np.pi, np.abs(response))[0])
    ...     for band, gains in zip(zip(bands[::2], bands[1::2]),
    ...                            zip(desired[::2], desired[1::2])):
    ...         ax.semilogy(band, np.maximum(gains, 1e-7), 'k--', linewidth=2)
    ...     if bi == 0:
    ...         ax.legend(hs, ('firls', 'remez', 'firwin2'),
    ...                   loc='lower center', frameon=False)
    ...     else:
    ...         ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
    ...     ax.grid(True)
    ...     ax.set(title='Band-pass %d-%d Hz' % bands[2:4], ylabel='Magnitude')
    >>> fig.tight_layout()
    >>> plt.show()

    """  # noqa
    nyq = 0.5 * _get_fs(fs, nyq)

    numtaps = int(numtaps)
    if numtaps % 2 == 0 or numtaps < 1:
        raise ValueError("numtaps must be odd and >= 1")
    M = (numtaps-1) // 2

    # normalize bands 0->1 and make it 2 columns
    nyq = float(nyq)
    if nyq <= 0:
        raise ValueError('nyq must be positive, got %s <= 0.' % nyq)
    bands = np.asarray(bands).flatten() / nyq
    if len(bands) % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("bands must contain frequency pairs.")
    bands.shape = (-1, 2)

    # check remaining params
    desired = np.asarray(desired).flatten()
    if bands.size != desired.size:
        raise ValueError("desired must have one entry per frequency, got %s "
                         "gains for %s frequencies."
                         % (desired.size, bands.size))
    desired.shape = (-1, 2)
    if (np.diff(bands) <= 0).any() or (np.diff(bands[:, 0]) < 0).any():
        raise ValueError("bands must be monotonically nondecreasing and have "
                         "width > 0.")
    if (bands[:-1, 1] > bands[1:, 0]).any():
        raise ValueError("bands must not overlap.")
    if (desired < 0).any():
        raise ValueError("desired must be non-negative.")
    if weight is None:
        weight = np.ones(len(desired))
    weight = np.asarray(weight).flatten()
    if len(weight) != len(desired):
        raise ValueError("weight must be the same size as the number of "
                         "band pairs (%s)." % (len(bands),))
    if (weight < 0).any():
        raise ValueError("weight must be non-negative.")

    # Set up the linear matrix equation to be solved, Qa = b

    # We can express Q(k,n) = 0.5 Q1(k,n) + 0.5 Q2(k,n)
    # where Q1(k,n)=q(k−n) and Q2(k,n)=q(k+n), i.e. a Toeplitz plus Hankel.

    # We omit the factor of 0.5 above, instead adding it during coefficient
    # calculation.

    # We also omit the 1/π from both Q and b equations, as they cancel
    # during solving.

    # We have that:
    #     q(n) = 1/π ∫W(ω)cos(nω)dω (over 0->π)
    # Using our nomalization ω=πf and with a constant weight W over each
    # interval f1->f2 we get:
    #     q(n) = W∫cos(πnf)df (0->1) = Wf sin(πnf)/πnf
    # integrated over each f1->f2 pair (i.e., value at f2 - value at f1).
    n = np.arange(numtaps)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    q = np.dot(np.diff(np.sinc(bands * n) * bands, axis=2)[:, :, 0], weight)

    # Now we assemble our sum of Toeplitz and Hankel
    Q1 = toeplitz(q[:M+1])
    Q2 = hankel(q[:M+1], q[M:])
    Q = Q1 + Q2

    # Now for b(n) we have that:
    #     b(n) = 1/π ∫ W(ω)D(ω)cos(nω)dω (over 0->π)
    # Using our normalization ω=πf and with a constant weight W over each
    # interval and a linear term for D(ω) we get (over each f1->f2 interval):
    #     b(n) = W ∫ (mf+c)cos(πnf)df
    #          = f(mf+c)sin(πnf)/πnf + mf**2 cos(nπf)/(πnf)**2
    # integrated over each f1->f2 pair (i.e., value at f2 - value at f1).
    n = n[:M + 1]  # only need this many coefficients here
    # Choose m and c such that we are at the start and end weights
    m = (np.diff(desired, axis=1) / np.diff(bands, axis=1))
    c = desired[:, [0]] - bands[:, [0]] * m
    b = bands * (m*bands + c) * np.sinc(bands * n)
    # Use L'Hospital's rule here for cos(nπf)/(πnf)**2 @ n=0
    b[0] -= m * bands * bands / 2.
    b[1:] += m * np.cos(n[1:] * np.pi * bands) / (np.pi * n[1:]) ** 2
    b = np.dot(np.diff(b, axis=2)[:, :, 0], weight)

    # Now we can solve the equation (use pinv because Q can be rank deficient)
    a = np.dot(pinv(Q), b)

    # make coefficients symmetric (linear phase)
    coeffs = np.hstack((a[:0:-1], 2 * a[0], a[1:]))
    return coeffs
 def construct_Hankel_matrices(self, y):
     ind0 = int(len(y)/2)
     # original and shifted hankel matrix
     H0 = la.hankel(y[0:ind0], y[ind0-1:2*ind0-1])
     H1 = la.hankel(y[1:ind0+1], y[ind0:2*ind0])
     return H0, H1
Exemple #51
def ssa(x, r): # x is nt x 1 vector, r is embedding dimension
    #nt = len(x); mean = sum(x)/nt
    #x = x - ones(nt)*mean
    H = linalg.hankel(x, zeros(r)) #Construct Hankel matrix
    return linalg.svd(H, compute_uv=False)
def bicoherence(y, nfft=None, wind=None, nsamp=None, overlap=None):
  Direct (FD) method for estimating bicoherence
    y     - data vector or time-series
    nfft - fft length [default = power of two > segsamp]
           actual size used is power of two greater than 'nsamp'
    wind - specifies the time-domain window to be applied to each
           data segment; should be of length 'segsamp' (see below);
      otherwise, the default Hanning window is used.
    segsamp - samples per segment [default: such that we have 8 segments]
            - if x is a matrix, segsamp is set to the number of rows
    overlap - percentage overlap, allowed range [0,99]. [default = 50];
            - if x is a matrix, overlap is set to 0.

    bic     - estimated bicoherence: an nfft x nfft array, with origin
              at the center, and axes pointing down and to the right.
    waxis   - vector of frequencies associated with the rows and columns
              of bic;  sampling frequency is assumed to be 1.

  # Parameter checks

  (ly, nrecs) = y.shape
  if ly == 1:
    y = y.reshape(1, -1)
    ly = nrecs
    nrecs = 1

  if not nfft: nfft = 128
  if not overlap: overlap = 50
  if nrecs > 1: overlap = 0
  if not nsamp: nsamp = 0
  if nrecs > 1: nsamp = ly

  if nrecs > 1 and nsamp <= 0:
    nsamp = np.fix(ly / (8 - 7 * overlap/100))
  if nfft  < nsamp:
    nfft = 2**nextpow2(nsamp)

  overlap  = np.fix(nsamp * overlap/100)
  nadvance = nsamp - overlap
  nrecs    = np.fix ((ly*nrecs - overlap) / nadvance)

  if not wind:
    wind = np.hanning(nsamp)

    (rw, cw) = wind.shape
  except ValueError:
    (rw,) = wind.shape
    cw = 1

  if min(rw, cw) == 1 or max(rw, cw) == nsamp:
    print "Segment size is " + str(nsamp)
    print "Wind array is " + str(rw) + " by " + str(cw)
    print "Using default Hanning window"
    wind = np.hanning(nsamp)

  wind = wind.reshape(1,-1)

  # Accumulate triple products

  bic = np.zeros([nfft, nfft])
  Pyy  = np.zeros([nfft,1])

  mask = hankel(np.arange(nfft),np.array([nfft-1]+range(nfft-1)))
  Yf12 = np.zeros([nfft,nfft])
  ind  = np.arange(nsamp)
  y = y.ravel(order='F')

  for k in xrange(nrecs):
    ys = y[ind]
    ys = (ys.reshape(1,-1) - np.mean(ys)) * wind

    Yf = np.fft.fft(ys, nfft)/nsamp
    CYf = np.conjugate(Yf)
    Pyy = Pyy + flat_eq(Pyy, (Yf*CYf))

    Yf12 = flat_eq(Yf12, CYf.ravel(order='F')[mask])

    bic = bic + ((Yf * np.transpose(Yf)) * Yf12)
    ind = ind + int(nadvance)

  bic = bic / nrecs
  Pyy = Pyy / nrecs
  mask = flat_eq(mask, Pyy.ravel(order='F')[mask])
  bic = abs(bic)**2 / ((Pyy * np.transpose(Pyy)) *  mask)
  bic = np.fft.fftshift(bic)

  if nfft%2 == 0:
    waxis = np.transpose(np.arange(-1*nfft/2, nfft/2)) / nfft
    waxis = np.transpose(np.arange(-1*(nfft-1)/2, (nfft-1)/2+1)) / nfft

  cont = plt.contourf(waxis,waxis,bic,100, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral_r)
  plt.title('Bicoherence estimated via the direct (FFT) method')

  colmax, row = bic.max(0), bic.argmax(0)
  maxval, col = colmax.max(0), colmax.argmax(0)
  print 'Max: bic('+str(waxis[col])+','+str(waxis[col])+') = '+str(maxval)

  return (bic, waxis)
def bicoherencex(w, x, y, nfft=None, wind=None, nsamp=None, overlap=None):
  Direct (FD) method for estimating cross-bicoherence
    w,x,y - data vector or time-series
          - should have identical dimensions
    nfft - fft length [default = power of two > nsamp]
           actual size used is power of two greater than 'nsamp'
    wind - specifies the time-domain window to be applied to each
           data segment; should be of length 'segsamp' (see below);
      otherwise, the default Hanning window is used.
    segsamp - samples per segment [default: such that we have 8 segments]
            - if x is a matrix, segsamp is set to the number of rows
    overlap - percentage overlap, 0 to 99  [default = 50]
            - if y is a matrix, overlap is set to 0.

    bic     - estimated cross-bicoherence: an nfft x nfft array, with
              origin at center, and axes pointing down and to the right.
    waxis   - vector of frequencies associated with the rows and columns
              of bic;  sampling frequency is assumed to be 1.

  if w.shape != x.shape or x.shape != y.shape:
    raise ValueError('w, x and y should have identical dimentions')

  (ly, nrecs) = y.shape
  if ly == 1:
    ly = nrecs
    nrecs = 1
    w = w.reshape(1,-1)
    x = x.reshape(1,-1)
    y = y.reshape(1,-1)

  if not nfft:
    nfft = 128

  if not overlap: overlap = 50
  overlap = max(0,min(overlap,99))
  if nrecs > 1: overlap = 0
  if not nsamp: nsamp = 0
  if nrecs > 1: nsamp = ly
  if nrecs == 1 and nsamp <= 0:
    nsamp = np.fix(ly/ (8 - 7 * overlap/100))
  if nfft < nsamp:
    nfft = 2**nextpow2(nsamp)

  overlap = np.fix(overlap/100 * nsamp)
  nadvance = nsamp - overlap
  nrecs = np.fix((ly*nrecs - overlap) / nadvance)

  if not wind:
    wind = np.hanning(nsamp)

    (rw, cw) = wind.shape
  except ValueError:
    (rw,) = wind.shape
    cw = 1

  if min(rw, cw) != 1 or max(rw, cw) != nsamp:
    print "Segment size is " + str(nsamp)
    print "Wind array is " + str(rw) + " by " + str(cw)
    print "Using default Hanning window"
    wind = np.hanning(nsamp)

  wind = wind.reshape(1,-1)

  # Accumulate triple products
  bic = np.zeros([nfft, nfft])
  Pyy = np.zeros([nfft,1])
  Pww = np.zeros([nfft,1])
  Pxx = np.zeros([nfft,1])

  mask = hankel(np.arange(nfft),np.array([nfft-1]+range(nfft-1)))
  Yf12 = np.zeros([nfft,nfft])
  ind  = np.transpose(np.arange(nsamp))
  w = w.ravel(order='F')
  x = x.ravel(order='F')
  y = y.ravel(order='F')

  for k in xrange(nrecs):
    ws = w[ind]
    ws = (ws - np.mean(ws)) * wind
    Wf = np.fft.fft(ws, nfft) / nsamp
    CWf = np.conjugate(Wf)
    Pww = Pww + flat_eq(Pww, (Wf*CWf))

    xs = x[ind]
    xs = (xs - np.mean(xs)) * wind
    Xf = np.fft.fft(xs, nfft) / nsamp
    CXf = np.conjugate(Xf)
    Pxx = Pxx + flat_eq(Pxx, (Xf*CXf))

    ys = y[ind]
    ys = (ys - np.mean(ys)) * wind
    Yf = np.fft.fft(ys, nfft) / nsamp
    CYf = np.conjugate(Yf)
    Pyy = Pyy + flat_eq(Pyy, (Yf*CYf))

    Yf12 = flat_eq(Yf12, CYf.ravel(order='F')[mask])
    bic = bic + (Wf * np.transpose(Xf)) * Yf12

    ind = ind + int(nadvance)

  bic = bic / nrecs
  Pww = Pww / nrecs
  Pxx = Pxx / nrecs
  Pyy = Pyy / nrecs
  mask = flat_eq(mask, Pyy.ravel(order='F')[mask])

  bic = abs(bic)**2 / ((Pww * np.transpose(Pxx)) * mask)
  bic = np.fft.fftshift(bic)

  # Contour plot of magnitude bispectrum
  if nfft%2 == 0:
    waxis = np.transpose(np.arange(-1*nfft/2, nfft/2)) / nfft
    waxis = np.transpose(np.arange(-1*(nfft-1)/2, (nfft-1)/2+1)) / nfft

  cont = plt.contourf(waxis,waxis,bic,100, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral_r)
  plt.title('Bicoherence estimated via the direct (FFT) method')

  colmax, row = bic.max(0), bic.argmax(0)
  maxval, col = colmax.max(0), colmax.argmax(0)
  print 'Max: bic('+str(waxis[col])+','+str(waxis[col])+') = '+str(maxval)

  return (bic, waxis)
#how many data points do we have?

for i,item in enumerate(result):
    if i % 52 == 0:
        print i

# use 10% to test

# feature # of training set

#form hankel matrix
from scipy.linalg import hankel        
X=hankel(result[0:-fre], result[-1-fre:-1])

#use n datapoints

#split data into training and testing

#check if the split is correct
def firls(m, bands, desired, weight=None):
    FIR filter design using least squares method.
    Inputs :
        m : oder of FIR filter

        bands : A montonic sequence containing the band edges.  All elements
                must be non-negative and less than 1 the sampling frequency
                as given in pi units.
        desired : A sequency with the same size of bands containing the desired gain
        in each of the specified bands
        weight : A relative weighting to give to each band region.
    Output :
        h  : coefficients of length m+1 fir filter.
    Example :
        h = firls(50, [0,0.2,0.3,1.0], [1,1,0,0],[1,5.0])
        Calculate impulse response for 51 tabs lowpass filter using least squares method
    with passband == [0,0.2*pi], stopband == [0.3*pi, pi],
        weight to passband == 1, weight to stopband == 5
    Note : This function is modified from signal package for octave 
    if weight==None : weight = ones(len(bands)/2)

    bands, desired, weight = array(bands), array(desired), array(weight)
    M = m/2;
    w = kron(weight, [-1,1])
    omega = bands * pi
    i1 = arange(1,M+1)
    # generate the matrix q
    # as illustrated in the above-cited reference, the matrix can be
    # expressed as the sum of a hankel and toeplitz matrix. a factor of
    # 1/2 has been dropped and the final filter hficients multiplied
    # by 2 to compensate.
    cos_ints = append(omega, sin(mat(arange(1,m+1)).T*mat(omega))).reshape((-1,omega.shape[0]))
    q = append(1, 1.0/arange(1.0,m+1)) * array(mat(cos_ints) * mat(w).T).T[0]
    q = toeplitz(q[:M+1]) + hankel(q[:M+1], q[M : ])
    # the vector b is derived from solving the integral:
    #           _ w
    #          /   2
    #  b  =   /       w(w) d(w) cos(kw) dw
    #   k    /    w
    #       -      1
    # since we assume that w(w) is constant over each band (if not, the
    # computation of q above would be considerably more complex), but
    # d(w) is allowed to be a linear function, in general the function
    # w(w) d(w) is linear. the computations below are derived from the
    # fact that:
    #     _
    #    /                          a              ax + b
    #   /   (ax + b) cos(nx) dx =  --- cos (nx) +  ------ sin(nx)
    #  /                             2                n
    # -                             n

    enum = append(omega[::2]**2 - omega[1::2]**2, cos(mat(i1).T * mat(omega[1::2])) - cos(mat(i1).T * mat(omega[::2]))).flatten()
    deno = mat(append(2, i1)).T * mat(omega[1::2] - omega[::2])
    cos_ints2 = enum.reshape(deno.shape)/array(deno)
    d = zeros_like(desired)
    d[::2]  = -weight * desired[::2]
    d[1::2] =  weight * desired[1::2]
    b = append(1, 1.0/i1) * array(mat(kron (cos_ints2, [1, 1]) + cos_ints[:M+1,:]) * mat(d).T)[:,0]
    # having computed the components q and b of the  matrix equation,
    # solve for the filter hficients.
    a = (array(inv(q)*mat(b).T).T)[0]
    h = append( a[:0:-1], append(2*a[0],  a[1:]))
    return h
Exemple #56
 def time_hankel(self, size):
 def test_basic(self):
     y = hankel([1,2,3])
     assert_array_equal(y, [[1,2,3], [2,3,0], [3,0,0]])
     y = hankel([1,2,3], [3,4,5])
     assert_array_equal(y, [[1,2,3], [2,3,4], [3,4,5]])
Exemple #58
def pbdesign(n, keep=None):
    Generate a Plackett-Burman design
    n : int
        The multiple of 4 higher than the number of factors.
    keep : int
        The actual number of factors that the matrix will be used for 
        (default: n).
    H : 2d-array
        An orthogonal design matrix with n rows, and (n-1) columns.
    Create a 5-factor design::
        >>> pbdesign(8)  # since 8 is the next heigher multiple of 4
        array([[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
               [-1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1.],
               [ 1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1.],
               [-1., -1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1.,  1.],
               [ 1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1., -1., -1.],
               [-1.,  1., -1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1.],
               [ 1., -1., -1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1.],
               [-1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1.,  1., -1.]])

    And if we only want to keep the needed five columns::
        >>> pbdesign(8, keep=5)
        array([[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
               [-1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1.],
               [ 1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1.],
               [-1., -1.,  1.,  1., -1.],
               [ 1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1.],
               [-1.,  1., -1., -1.,  1.],
               [ 1., -1., -1., -1., -1.],
               [-1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1.]])
    f, e = np.frexp([n, n/12., n/20.])
    k = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(np.logical_and(f==0.5, e>0)) if val]
    assert isinstance(n, int) and k!=[], 'Invalid inputs. n must be a multiple of 4.'
    k = k[0]
    e = e[k] - 1
    if k==0:  # N = 1*2**e
        H = np.ones((1, 1))
    elif k==1:  # N = 12*2**e
        H = np.vstack((np.ones((1, 12)), np.hstack((np.ones((11, 1)), 
            toeplitz([-1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1],
                     [-1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1])))))
    elif k==2:  # N = 20*2**e
        H = np.vstack((np.ones((1, 20)), np.hstack((np.ones((19, 1)),
            [-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1],
            [1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1])
    # Kronecker product construction
    for i in xrange(e):
        H = np.vstack((np.hstack((H, H)), np.hstack((H, -H))))
    if keep is not None:
        assert keep<=(H.shape[1]-1), 'Too many variables specified in "keep" for matrix'
        return H[:, 1:(keep + 1)]
        return H[:, 1:]
def pbdesign(n):
    Generate a Plackett-Burman design
    n : int
        The number of factors to create a matrix for.
    H : 2d-array
        An orthogonal design matrix with n columns, one for each factor, and
        the number of rows being the next multiple of 4 higher than n (e.g.,
        for 1-3 factors there are 4 rows, for 4-7 factors there are 8 rows,
    A 3-factor design::
        >>> pbdesign(3)
        array([[-1., -1.,  1.],
               [ 1., -1., -1.],
               [-1.,  1., -1.],
               [ 1.,  1.,  1.]])
    A 5-factor design::
        >>> pbdesign(5)
        array([[-1., -1.,  1., -1.,  1.],
               [ 1., -1., -1., -1., -1.],
               [-1.,  1., -1., -1.,  1.],
               [ 1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1.],
               [-1., -1.,  1.,  1., -1.],
               [ 1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1.],
               [-1.,  1., -1.,  1., -1.],
               [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.]])
    assert n>0, 'Number of factors must be a positive integer'
    keep = int(n)
    n = 4*(int(n/4) + 1)  # calculate the correct number of rows (multiple of 4)
    f, e = np.frexp([n, n/12., n/20.])
    k = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(np.logical_and(f==0.5, e>0)) if val]
    assert isinstance(n, int) and k!=[], 'Invalid inputs. n must be a multiple of 4.'
    k = k[0]
    e = e[k] - 1
    if k==0:  # N = 1*2**e
        H = np.ones((1, 1))
    elif k==1:  # N = 12*2**e
        H = np.vstack((np.ones((1, 12)), np.hstack((np.ones((11, 1)), 
            toeplitz([-1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1],
                     [-1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1])))))
    elif k==2:  # N = 20*2**e
        H = np.vstack((np.ones((1, 20)), np.hstack((np.ones((19, 1)),
            [-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1],
            [1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1])
    # Kronecker product construction
    for i in range(e):
        H = np.vstack((np.hstack((H, H)), np.hstack((H, -H))))
    # Reduce the size of the matrix as needed
    H = H[:, 1:(keep + 1)]
    return np.flipud(H)
Exemple #60
def get_hankel_matrix(y, L=None):
    N = len(y)
    if L is None:
        L = N // 2 + 1
    M = N - L + 1
    return la.hankel(y)[:L,:M]