Exemple #1
def eigenSystemRealizationAlgorithmWithDataCorrelation(markov_parameters, state_dimension):

    # Sizes
    p = int(np.floor((len(markov_parameters) - 1) / 2))
    xi = p
    tau =
    gamma = 1 + 2 * xi * tau
    if markov_parameters[0].shape == ():
        (output_dimension, input_dimension) = (1, 1)
        (output_dimension, input_dimension) = markov_parameters[0].shape

    # Hankel matrices H(0) and H(1)
    H0 = np.zeros([p * output_dimension, p * input_dimension])
    H1 = np.zeros([p * output_dimension, p * input_dimension])
    for i in range(p):
        for j in range(p):
            H0[i * output_dimension:(i + 1) * output_dimension, j * input_dimension:(j + 1) * input_dimension] = markov_parameters[i + j + 1]
            H1[i * output_dimension:(i + 1) * output_dimension, j * input_dimension:(j + 1) * input_dimension] = markov_parameters[i + j + 2]

    # SVD H(0)
    (R, sigma, St) = LA.svd(H0, full_matrices=True)
    Sigma = np.diag(sigma)

    # Matrices Rn, Sn, Sigman
    Rn = R[:, 0:state_dimension]
    Snt = St[0:state_dimension, :]
    Sigman = Sigma[0:state_dimension, 0:state_dimension]

    # Identified matrices
    A_id = np.matmul(matpow(Sigman, -1/2),
                     np.matmul(np.transpose(Rn), np.matmul(H1, np.matmul(np.transpose(Snt), matpow(Sigman, -1/2)))))
    B_temp = np.matmul(matpow(Sigman, 1/2), Snt)
    B_id = B_temp[:, 0:input_dimension]
    C_temp = np.matmul(Rn, matpow(Sigman, 1/2))
    C_id = C_temp[0:output_dimension, :]
    D_id = markov_parameters[0]

    def A(tk):
        return A_id

    def B(tk):
        return B_id

    def C(tk):
        return C_id

    def D(tk):
        return D_id

    return A, B, C, D, H0, H1, R, Sigma, St, Rn, Sigman, Snt
Exemple #2
def test_watrous_bounds():
    # Test cases borrowed from qutip,
    # https://github.com/qutip/qutip/blob/master/qutip/tests/test_metrics.py
    # which were in turn generated using QuantumUtils for MATLAB
    # (https://goo.gl/oWXhO9) by Christopher Granade

    choi0 = kraus2choi(I_MAT)
    choi1 = kraus2choi(X_MAT)
    wbounds = dm.watrous_bounds(choi0 - choi1)
    assert wbounds[0] / 2 <= 2.0 or np.isclose(wbounds[0] / 2, 2.0, rtol=1e-2)
    assert wbounds[1] / 2 >= 2.0 or np.isclose(wbounds[1] / 2, 2.0, rtol=1e-2)

    turns_dnorm = [[1.000000e-03, 3.141591e-03], [3.100000e-03, 9.738899e-03],
                   [1.000000e-02, 3.141463e-02], [3.100000e-02, 9.735089e-02],
                   [1.000000e-01, 3.128689e-01], [3.100000e-01, 9.358596e-01]]

    for turns, target in turns_dnorm:
        choi0 = kraus2choi(X_MAT)
        choi1 = kraus2choi(matpow(X_MAT, 1 + turns))
        wbounds = dm.watrous_bounds(choi0 - choi1)
        assert wbounds[0] / 2 <= target or np.isclose(
            wbounds[0] / 2, target, rtol=1e-2)
        assert wbounds[1] / 2 >= target or np.isclose(
            wbounds[1] / 2, target, rtol=1e-2)

    hadamard_mixtures = [[1.000000e-03, 2.000000e-03],
                         [3.100000e-03, 6.200000e-03],
                         [1.000000e-02, 2.000000e-02],
                         [3.100000e-02, 6.200000e-02],
                         [1.000000e-01, 2.000000e-01],
                         [3.100000e-01, 6.200000e-01]]

    for p, target in hadamard_mixtures:
        chan0 = kraus2superop(I_MAT) * (1 - p) + kraus2superop(H_MAT) * p
        chan1 = kraus2superop(I_MAT)

        choi0 = superop2choi(chan0)
        choi1 = superop2choi(chan1)
        wbounds = dm.watrous_bounds(choi0 - choi1)
        assert wbounds[0] / 2 <= target or np.isclose(
            wbounds[0] / 2, target, rtol=1e-2)
        assert wbounds[1] / 2 >= target or np.isclose(
            wbounds[1] / 2, target, rtol=1e-2)

    choi0 = kraus2choi(I_MAT)
    choi1 = kraus2choi(matpow(Y_MAT, 0.5))
    wbounds = dm.watrous_bounds(choi0 - choi1)
    assert wbounds[0] / 2 <= np.sqrt(2) or np.isclose(
        wbounds[0] / 2, np.sqrt(2), rtol=1e-2)
    assert wbounds[1] / 2 >= np.sqrt(2) or np.isclose(
        wbounds[0] / 2, np.sqrt(2), rtol=1e-2)
Exemple #3
def getInitialConditionResponseMarkovParameters(A, C, number_steps):

    markov_parameters = [C(0)]

    for i in range(1, number_steps - 1):
        markov_parameters.append(np.matmul(C(0), matpow(A(0), i)))

    return markov_parameters
def getMarkovParameters(A, B, C, D, number_steps):

    markov_parameters = [D(0)]

    for i in range(number_steps - 1):
            np.matmul(C(0), np.matmul(matpow(A(0), i), B(0))))

    return markov_parameters
Exemple #5
def test_diamond_norm_distance():
    if int(os.getenv('SKIP_SCS', 0)) == 1:
        return pytest.skip('Having issues with SCS, skipping for now')

    # Test cases borrowed from qutip,
    # https://github.com/qutip/qutip/blob/master/qutip/tests/test_metrics.py
    # which were in turn generated using QuantumUtils for MATLAB
    # (https://goo.gl/oWXhO9) by Christopher Granade
    choi0 = kraus2choi(I_MAT)
    choi1 = kraus2choi(X_MAT)
    dnorm = dm.diamond_norm_distance(choi0, choi1)
    assert np.isclose(2.0, dnorm, rtol=0.01)

    turns_dnorm = [[1.000000e-03, 3.141591e-03], [3.100000e-03, 9.738899e-03],
                   [1.000000e-02, 3.141463e-02], [3.100000e-02, 9.735089e-02],
                   [1.000000e-01, 3.128689e-01], [3.100000e-01, 9.358596e-01]]

    for turns, target in turns_dnorm:
        choi0 = kraus2choi(X_MAT)
        choi1 = kraus2choi(matpow(X_MAT, 1 + turns))
        dnorm = dm.diamond_norm_distance(choi0, choi1)
        assert np.isclose(target, dnorm, rtol=0.01)

    hadamard_mixtures = [[1.000000e-03, 2.000000e-03],
                         [3.100000e-03, 6.200000e-03],
                         [1.000000e-02, 2.000000e-02],
                         [3.100000e-02, 6.200000e-02],
                         [1.000000e-01, 2.000000e-01],
                         [3.100000e-01, 6.200000e-01]]

    for p, target in hadamard_mixtures:
        chan0 = kraus2superop(I_MAT) * (1 - p) + kraus2superop(H_MAT) * p
        chan1 = kraus2superop(I_MAT)

        choi0 = superop2choi(chan0)
        choi1 = superop2choi(chan1)
        dnorm = dm.diamond_norm_distance(choi0, choi1)
        assert np.isclose(dnorm, target, rtol=0.01)

    choi0 = kraus2choi(I_MAT)
    choi1 = kraus2choi(matpow(Y_MAT, 0.5))
    dnorm = dm.diamond_norm_distance(choi0, choi1)
    assert np.isclose(dnorm, np.sqrt(2), rtol=0.01)
Exemple #6
 def __pow__(self, t: float) -> 'Gate':
     """Return this gate raised to the given power."""
     # Note: This operation cannot be performed within the tensorflow or
     # torch backends in general. Subclasses of Gate may override
     # for special cases.
     N = self.qubit_nb
     matrix = asarray(self.vec.flatten())
     matrix = matpow(matrix, t)
     matrix = np.reshape(matrix, ([2] * (2 * N)))
     return Gate(matrix, self.qubits)
Exemple #7
 def __pow__(self, t: float) -> "Gate":
     """Return this gate raised to the given power."""
     matrix = matpow(self.asoperator(), t)
     return Unitary(matrix, self.qubits)
Exemple #8
def test_diamon_norm():
    # Test cases borrowed from qutip,
    # https://github.com/qutip/qutip/blob/master/qutip/tests/test_metrics.py
    # which were in turn generated using QuantumUtils for MATLAB
    # (https://goo.gl/oWXhO9) by Christopher Granade

    _I = np.asarray([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    _X = np.asarray([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
    _Y = np.asarray([[0, -1.0j], [1.0j, 0]])
    _H = np.asarray([[1, 1], [1, -1]]) / np.sqrt(2)

    def _gate_to_superop(gate):
        dim = gate.shape[0]
        superop = np.outer(gate, gate.conj().T)
        superop = np.reshape(superop, [dim] * 4)
        superop = np.transpose(superop, [0, 3, 1, 2])
        return superop

    def _superop_to_choi(superop):
        dim = superop.shape[0]
        superop = np.transpose(superop, (0, 2, 1, 3))
        choi = np.reshape(superop, [dim**2] * 2)
        return choi

    def _gate_to_choi(gate):
        return _superop_to_choi(_gate_to_superop(gate))

    choi0 = _gate_to_choi(_I)
    choi1 = _gate_to_choi(_X)
    dnorm = dm.diamond_norm(choi0, choi1)
    assert np.isclose(2.0, dnorm, rtol=0.01)

    turns_dnorm = [[1.000000e-03, 3.141591e-03], [3.100000e-03, 9.738899e-03],
                   [1.000000e-02, 3.141463e-02], [3.100000e-02, 9.735089e-02],
                   [1.000000e-01, 3.128689e-01], [3.100000e-01, 9.358596e-01]]

    for turns, target in turns_dnorm:
        choi0 = _gate_to_choi(_X)
        choi1 = _gate_to_choi(matpow(_X, 1 + turns))
        dnorm = dm.diamond_norm(choi0, choi1)
        assert np.isclose(target, dnorm, rtol=0.01)

    hadamard_mixtures = [[1.000000e-03, 2.000000e-03],
                         [3.100000e-03, 6.200000e-03],
                         [1.000000e-02, 2.000000e-02],
                         [3.100000e-02, 6.200000e-02],
                         [1.000000e-01, 2.000000e-01],
                         [3.100000e-01, 6.200000e-01]]

    for p, target in hadamard_mixtures:
        chan0 = _gate_to_superop(_I) * (1 - p) + _gate_to_superop(_H) * p
        chan1 = _gate_to_superop(_I)

        choi0 = _superop_to_choi(chan0)
        choi1 = _superop_to_choi(chan1)
        dnorm = dm.diamond_norm(choi0, choi1)
        assert np.isclose(dnorm, target, rtol=0.01)

    choi0 = _gate_to_choi(_I)
    choi1 = _gate_to_choi(matpow(_Y, 0.5))
    dnorm = dm.diamond_norm(choi0, choi1)
    assert np.isclose(dnorm, np.sqrt(2), rtol=0.01)
def ERADC(Markov_list, tau, n):

    ## Sizes
    alpha = int(np.floor((len(Markov_list) - 1) / (2 * (1 + tau))))
    xi = alpha
    gamma = 1 + 2 * xi * tau
    if Markov_list[0].shape == ():
        (m, r) = (1, 1)
        (m, r) = Markov_list[0].shape

    ## Building Hankel Matrices
    H = np.zeros([alpha * m, alpha * r, gamma + 1])
    for i in range(alpha):
        for j in range(alpha):
            for k in range(gamma + 1):
                H[i * m:(i + 1) * m, j * r:(j + 1) * r,
                  k] = Markov_list[i + j + 1 + k]

    ## Building Data Correlation Matrices
    R = np.zeros([alpha * m, alpha * m, gamma + 1])
    for i in range(gamma + 1):
        R[:, :, i] = np.matmul(H[:, :, i], np.transpose(H[:, :, 0]))

    (c, scc, cc) = LA.svd(R[:, :, 0], full_matrices=True)
    PlotSingularValues.PlotSingularValues(scc, 'scc', 'r')

    ## Building Block Correlation Hankel Matrices
    H0 = np.zeros([(xi + 1) * alpha * m, (xi + 1) * alpha * m])
    H1 = np.zeros([(xi + 1) * alpha * m, (xi + 1) * alpha * m])
    for i in range(xi + 1):
        for j in range(xi + 1):
            H0[i * alpha * m:(i + 1) * alpha * m,
               j * alpha * m:(j + 1) * alpha * m] = R[:, :, (i + j) * tau]
            H1[i * alpha * m:(i + 1) * alpha * m,
               j * alpha * m:(j + 1) * alpha * m] = R[:, :, (i + j) * tau + 1]

#    R0 = R[:, :, 0]
#    h0 = np.zeros([alpha*m, alpha*r])
#    for i in range(alpha):
#        for j in range(i+1):
#            h0[i*m:(i+1)*m, j*r:(j+1)*r] = Markov_list[i-j]
#    T = R0 - np.matmul(h0, np.transpose(h0))
#    (t1, sv, t2) = LA.svd(T, full_matrices=True)
#    PlotSingularValues.PlotSingularValues(sv, 'T', 'b')

## SVD H(0)
    (R, sigma, St) = LA.svd(H0, full_matrices=True)
    PlotSingularValues.PlotSingularValues(sigma, 'ERA/DC', 'r')
    Sigma = np.diag(sigma)

    ## Matrices Rn, Sn, Sigman
    Rn = R[:, 0:n]
    Snt = St[0:n, :]
    Sigman = Sigma[0:n, 0:n]

    ## Identified matrices
    A_id = np.matmul(
        matpow(Sigman, -1 / 2),
            np.matmul(H1, np.matmul(np.transpose(Snt), matpow(Sigman,
                                                              -1 / 2)))))
    B_temp1 = np.matmul(Rn, matpow(Sigman, 1 / 2))
    B_temp2 = B_temp1[0:alpha * m, :]
    B_temp3 = np.matmul(LA.pinv(B_temp2), H[:, :, 0])
    B_id = B_temp3[:, 0:r]
    C_temp = np.matmul(Rn, matpow(Sigman, 1 / 2))
    C_id = C_temp[0:m, :]
    D_id = Markov_list[0]

    return (A_id, B_id, C_id, D_id)
def eigenSystemRealizationAlgorithmFromInitialConditionResponse(output_signals, state_dimension, input_dimension):

    # Number of Signals
    number_signals = len(output_signals)

    # Number of steps
    number_steps = output_signals[0].number_steps

    # Dimensions
    output_dimension = output_signals[0].dimension

    # Building pseudo Markov parameters
    markov_parameters = []
    for i in range(number_steps):
        Yk = np.zeros([output_dimension, number_signals])
        for j in range(number_signals):
            Yk[:, j] = output_signals[j].data[:, i]

    # Sizes
    p = int(np.floor((len(markov_parameters) - 1) / 2))
    #p = 200
    if markov_parameters[0].shape == ():
        (output_dimension, number_signals) = (1, 1)
        (output_dimension, number_signals) = markov_parameters[0].shape

    # Hankel matrices H(0) and H(1)
    H0 = np.zeros([p * output_dimension, p * number_signals])
    H1 = np.zeros([p * output_dimension, p * number_signals])
    for i in range(p):
        for j in range(p):
            H0[i * output_dimension:(i + 1) * output_dimension, j * number_signals:(j + 1) * number_signals] = markov_parameters[i + j]
            H1[i * output_dimension:(i + 1) * output_dimension, j * number_signals:(j + 1) * number_signals] = markov_parameters[i + j + 1]

    # SVD H(0)
    (R, sigma, St) = LA.svd(H0, full_matrices=True)
    Sigma = np.diag(sigma)

    # Matrices Rn, Sn, Sigman
    Rn = R[:, 0:state_dimension]
    Snt = St[0:state_dimension, :]
    Sigman = Sigma[0:state_dimension, 0:state_dimension]

    # Identified matrices
    A_id = np.matmul(matpow(Sigman, -1 / 2),
                     np.matmul(np.transpose(Rn), np.matmul(H1, np.matmul(np.transpose(Snt), matpow(Sigman, -1 / 2)))))
    B_temp = np.matmul(matpow(Sigman, 1 / 2), Snt)
    x0 = B_temp[:, 0:number_signals]
    C_temp = np.matmul(Rn, matpow(Sigman, 1 / 2))
    C_id = C_temp[0:output_dimension, :]

    def A(tk):
        return A_id

    def B(tk):
        return np.zeros([state_dimension, input_dimension])

    def C(tk):
        return C_id

    def D(tk):
        return(np.zeros([output_dimension, input_dimension]))

    return A, B, C, D, x0, H0, H1, R, Sigma, St, Rn, Sigman, Snt