def bicubic_interpolation(x, y, img):
    ix = int(math.floor(x))
    iy = int(math.floor(y))

    dx = x - math.floor(x)
    dy = y - math.floor(y)
    temp = 0
    for m in range(-1, 3):
        for n in range(-1, 3):
            if ((x + m >= 0 and x + m < img.shape[1])
                    and (y + n >= 0 and y + n < img.shape[0])):
                temp = temp + img[iy + n, ix + m] * R(m - dx) * R(dy - n)
    point = temp
    return point
def lagrange_interpolation(x, y, img):

    dx = x - math.floor(x)
    dy = y - math.floor(y)
    L1 = L(1, dx, img, x, y)
    L2 = L(2, dx, img, x, y)
    L3 = L(3, dx, img, x, y)
    L4 = L(4, dx, img, x, y)
    point = ((-dy * (dy - 1) * (dy - 2) * L1) / 6) + (
        ((dy + 1) * (dy - 1) *
         (dy - 2) * L2) / 2) + ((-dy * (dy + 1) *
                                 (dy - 2) * L3) / 2) + ((dy * (dy + 1) *
                                                         (dy - 1) * L4) / 6)
    return point
def L(n, dx, img, x, y):
    l = 0

    ix = int(math.floor(x))
    iy = int(math.floor(y))

    if ((x + 1 >= 0 and x + 1 < img.shape[1])
            and (y + n - 2 >= 0 and y + n - 2 < img.shape[0])):
        l = ((-dx * (dx - 1) * (dx - 2) * img[iy + n - 2, ix + 1]) / 6)
    if ((x >= 0 and x < img.shape[1])
            and (y + n - 2 >= 0 and y + n - 2 < img.shape[0])):
        l = l + (((dx + 1) * (dx - 1) * (dx - 2) * img[iy + n - 2, ix]) / 2)
    if ((x + 1 >= 0 and x + 1 < img.shape[1])
            and (y + n - 2 >= 0 and y + n - 2 < img.shape[0])):
        l = l + ((-dx * (dx + 1) * (dx - 2) * img[iy + n - 2, ix + 1]) / 2)
    if ((x + 2 >= 0 and x + 2 < img.shape[1])
            and (y + n - 2 >= 0 and y + n - 2 < img.shape[0])):
        l = l + ((dx * (dx + 1) * (dx - 1) * img[iy + n - 2, ix + 2]) / 6)
    return l
def bilinear_interpolation(x, y, img):
    ix = int(math.floor(x))
    iy = int(math.floor(y))

    dx = x - math.floor(x)
    dy = y - math.floor(y)
    point = 0
    if ((x >= 0 and x < img.shape[1]) and (y >= 0 and y < img.shape[0])):
        point = ((1 - dx) * (1 - dy) * img[iy, ix])
    if ((x + 1 >= 0 and x + 1 < img.shape[1])
            and (y >= 0 and y < img.shape[0])):
        point = point + (dx * (1 - dy) * img[iy, ix + 1])
    if ((x >= 0 and x < img.shape[1])
            and (y + 1 >= 0 and y + 1 < img.shape[0])):
        point = point + ((1 - dx) * dy * img[iy + 1, ix])
    if ((x + 1 >= 0 and x + 1 < img.shape[1])
            and (y + 1 >= 0 and y + 1 < img.shape[0])):
        point = point + (dx * dy * img[iy + 1, ix + 1])
    return point
def nn_interpolation(x, y, img):
    point = 0
    dx = x - math.floor(x)
    dy = y - math.floor(y)

    ix = int(math.floor(x))
    iy = int(math.floor(y))

    if (dx < 0.5 and dy < 0.5):
        point = img[iy, ix]
    elif ((dx >= 0.5 and dy < 0.5)
          and ((x + 1 >= 0 and x + 1 < img.shape[1]) and
               (y >= 0 and y < img.shape[0]))):
        point = img[iy, ix + 1]
    elif ((dx < 0.5 and dy >= 0.5)
          and ((x >= 0 and x < img.shape[1]) and
               (y + 1 >= 0 and y + 1 < img.shape[0]))):
        point = img[iy + 1, ix]
    elif ((dx >= 0.5 and dy >= 0.5)
          and ((x + 1 >= 0 and x + 1 < img.shape[1]) and
               (y + 1 >= 0 and y + 1 < img.shape[0]))):
        point = img[iy + 1, ix + 1]

    return point
Exemple #6
            print "no calibration pipeline flags found"
            cal_flags = False

        #Loading data
        data =
        if cal_flags:
            data._flags = h5_flags['flags']

        #Nice name for pdf
        h5name ='/')[-1]
        obs_details = h5name + '_AR1_observation_report'
        pp = PdfPages(obs_details + '.pdf')

        N = data.shape[0]
        ext = 930
        step = max(int(math.floor(N / ext)), 1)

        #Loading flags
        M = 4 * np.shape(data)[1] / 4096
        start_chan = 2200 * M // 4
        end_chan = 2800 * M // 4
        if data.receivers[data.receivers.keys()[0]][0] == 'u':
            start_chan = 0  #2200*M//4
            end_chan = data.shape[1]  #2800*M//4, end_chan))
        time = data.timestamps - data.timestamps[0]
        freqs = data.channel_freqs / 1e6
        flags = data.flags[:]

        #Getting antenna activity
Exemple #7
def process_training_data(train_page_names):
    Perform the training stage and return results in a dictionary.

    train_page_names - list of training page names
    print('Reading data')
    images_train = []
    labels_train = []
    images_train_final = []
    for page_name in train_page_names:
        images_train = utils.load_char_images(page_name, images_train)
        labels_train = utils.load_labels(page_name, labels_train)

    # for every image, increase contrast and store these new images as
    # the images to use for training
    # for image in images_train:
    #     img_contr = increase_contrast_image(image, 150)
    #     images_train_final.append(img_contr)

    # images_train_final = np.array(images_train_final)
    labels_train = np.array(labels_train)

    print('Extracting features from training data')
    bbox_size = get_bounding_box_size(images_train)
    fvectors_train_full = images_to_feature_vectors(images_train, bbox_size)

    # take first half of full training vectors
    fvectors_train_fhalf = fvectors_train_full[:(
        math.floor((fvectors_train_full.shape[0]) / 2)), :]
    # create random 1D array with n features to be used as noise
    noise = (np.random.rand(2340) * 100).astype(int)
    # add noise to half of training data images
    fvectors_train_fhalf = np.subtract(fvectors_train_fhalf, noise)

    # any pixel below 0 (black) set to 0
    for i in range(len(fvectors_train_fhalf) - 1):
        for j in range(len(fvectors_train_fhalf[0]) - 1):
            if fvectors_train_fhalf[i][j] < 0:
                fvectors_train_fhalf[i][j] = 0

    # for every noisy training images, apply a median filter to image to reduce
    # noise and store these new images as the images to use for training
    # (same filters applied to test images)
    fvectors_train_fhalf_final = []
    for vector in fvectors_train_fhalf:
        # img_contr = increase_contrast_vector(vector, 150) -- commented out as it reduces accuracy
        noise_red = ndimage.median_filter(vector, 3)
    fvectors_train_fhalf_final = np.array(fvectors_train_fhalf_final)

    # recreate full training vectors by stacking noisy images with second half of original full training vectors
    fvectors_train_shalf = fvectors_train_full[(
        math.floor((fvectors_train_full.shape[0]) / 2)):, :]
    fvectors_train_full = np.vstack(
        (fvectors_train_fhalf_final, fvectors_train_shalf))

    model_data = dict()
    model_data['train_mean'] = np.mean(fvectors_train_full).tolist()
    model_data['labels_train'] = labels_train.tolist()
    model_data['bbox_size'] = bbox_size

    print('Reducing to 10 dimensions')

    # use PCA to get 40 eigenvectors of covariance matrix of all training vectors
    covx = np.cov(fvectors_train_full, rowvar=False)
    N = covx.shape[0]
    w, v = linalg.eigh(covx, eigvals=(N - 40, N - 1))
    v = np.fliplr(v)
    model_data['v'] = v.tolist()

    fvectors_train = reduce_dimensions_train(fvectors_train_full, model_data)

    model_data['fvectors_train'] = fvectors_train.tolist()

    return model_data