Exemple #1
def _rolling_nanmin_1d(a, w=None):
    Compute the rolling min for 1-D while ignoring NaNs.

    This essentially replaces:

        `np.nanmin(rolling_window(T[..., start:stop], m), axis=T.ndim)`

    a : ndarray
        The input array

    w : ndarray, default None
        The rolling window size

    output : ndarray
        Rolling window nanmin.
    if w is None:
        w = a.shape[0]

    half_window_size = int(math.ceil((w - 1) / 2))
    return minimum_filter1d(a, size=w)[half_window_size:half_window_size +
                                       a.shape[0] - w + 1]
Exemple #2
    def _method_df2(nu, op, alpha=1.0, beta=0.5, nmin_filter=10, log=True):
        Cost function: Use normalized first order derivative

            - nu [ndarray]: photon group boundaries
            - op [ndarray]: spectra
            - alpha [float]: in [0.0, 2.0], default 1.0
                        alpha < 1: low sensitivity to gradients in the spectra
                        alpha > 1: high sensitivity to gradients in the spectra
        from scipy.ndimage.filters import minimum_filter1d
        if log:
            err = np.abs(np.gradient(np.gradient(np.log10(op))))
            err = np.abs(np.gradient(np.gradient(op)))
        err /= err.max()  # normalising to 1 so pow gives predictive results
        err = err**alpha
        if not log:
            err /= minimum_filter1d(op, nmin_filter)
        err /= err.sum()
        err_f = (err * (1 - beta) + beta / len(op))
        err_f /= err_f.sum()
        return err_f
Exemple #3
def get_smoothed_running_minimum(timeseries, tau1=30, tau2=100):
    result = minimum_filter1d(uniform_filter1d(timeseries,
    return result
Exemple #4
def dff(C, sig_baseline=10, win_baseline=300, sig_output=3, method='maximin'):
    delta F / F using maximin method from Suite2P
    inputs: C - neuropil subtracted fluorescence (neurons x timepoints)
    outputs dFF -  neurons x timepoints

    :param C:
    :param sig_baseline:
    :param win_baseline:
    :param sig_output:
    :param method:

    if method == 'maximin':  # windowed baseline estimation
        flow = filters.gaussian_filter(C, [0, sig_baseline])
        flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(flow, win_baseline, axis=1)
        flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(flow, win_baseline, axis=1)
        flow = None
        raise NotImplementedError

    C -= flow  # substract baseline (dF)
    C /= flow  # divide by baseline (dF/F)
    return filters.gaussian_filter(C, [0, sig_output])  # smooth result
Exemple #5
    def _method_df2(nu, op, alpha=1.0, beta=0.5, nmin_filter=10, log=True):
        Cost function: Use normalized first order derivative

            - nu [ndarray]: photon group boundaries
            - op [ndarray]: spectra
            - alpha [float]: in [0.0, 2.0], default 1.0
                        alpha < 1: low sensitivity to gradients in the spectra
                        alpha > 1: high sensitivity to gradients in the spectra
        from scipy.ndimage.filters import minimum_filter1d
        if log:
            err = np.abs(np.gradient(np.gradient(np.log10(op))))
            err = np.abs(np.gradient(np.gradient(op)))
        err /= err.max()  # normalising to 1 so pow gives predictive results
        err = err**alpha
        if not log:
            err /= minimum_filter1d(op, nmin_filter)
        err /= err.sum()
        err_f = (err*(1-beta)+beta/len(op))
        err_f /= err_f.sum()
        return err_f
Exemple #6
def validate_signal(t, y, t_ref, y_ref, num=1000, dx=20, dy=0.1):
    """ Validate a signal y(t) against a reference signal y_ref(t_ref) by creating a band
    around y_ref and finding the values in y outside the band


        t       time of the signal
        y       values of the signal
        t_ref   time of the reference signal
        y_ref   values of the reference signal
        num     number of samples for the band
        dx      horizontal width of the band in samples
        dy      vertical distance of the band to y_ref


        t_band  time values of the band
        y_min   lower limit of the band
        y_max   upper limit of the band
        i_out   indices of the values in y outside the band

    from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter1d, minimum_filter1d
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

    # re-sample the reference signal into a uniform grid
    t_band = np.linspace(start=t_ref[0], stop=t_ref[-1], num=num)

    # make t_ref strictly monotonic by adding epsilon to duplicate sample times
    for i in range(1, len(t_ref)):
        while t_ref[i - 1] >= t_ref[i]:
            t_ref[i] = t_ref[i] + 1e-13

    interp_method = 'linear' if y.dtype == np.float64 else 'zero'
    y_band = interp1d(x=t_ref, y=y_ref, kind=interp_method)(t_band)

    y_band_min = np.min(y_band)
    y_band_max = np.max(y_band)

    # calculate the width of the band
    if y_band_min == y_band_max:
        w = 0.5 if y_band_min == 0 else np.abs(y_band_min) * dy
        w = (y_band_max - y_band_min) * dy

    # calculate the lower and upper limits
    y_min = minimum_filter1d(input=y_band, size=dx) - w
    y_max = maximum_filter1d(input=y_band, size=dx) + w

    # find outliers
    y_min_i = np.interp(x=t, xp=t_band, fp=y_min)
    y_max_i = np.interp(x=t, xp=t_band, fp=y_max)
    i_out = np.logical_or(y < y_min_i, y > y_max_i)

    # do not count outliers outside the t_ref
    i_out = np.logical_and(i_out, t > t_band[0])
    i_out = np.logical_and(i_out, t < t_band[-1])

    return t_band, y_min, y_max, i_out
def compute_sliding_minmax(array, Window, sig=2):
    if sig > 0:
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter1d(array, sig)
        Flow = array
    Flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(Flow, Window, mode='wrap')
    Flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(Flow, Window, mode='wrap')
    return Flow
Exemple #8
def center_baseline(V, sigma=100, window=500):
    ''' centers V so the baseline is at 0 '''
    Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(V.T, [0.,sigma])
    Flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(Flow, window)
    Flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(Flow, window)
    V_centered = (V.T - Flow).T
    #V_centered = (V.T - Flow.mean(axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]).T
    return V_centered
Exemple #9
def find_reps(y, threshold, open_size, close_size):
    From the Y profile of a barbell's path, determine the concentric phase of each rep.

    The algorithm is as follows:
        1. Compute the gradient (dy/dt) of the Y motion
        2. Binarize the gradient signal by a minimum threshold value to eliminate noise.
        3. Perform 1D opening by open_size using a minimum then maximum filter in series.
        4. Perform 1D closing by close_size using a maximum then minimum filter in series.

    The result is a step function that is true for every time point that the concentric (+Y) phase of the rep
    is being performed.

    y : (N) array
        Y component of the motion of the barbell path.
    threshold : float
        Miniumum acceptable value of the gradient (dY/dt) to indicate a rep.
        Increasing this can help eliminate noise, but may cause a small delay after a rep begins to when it is
        counted, therefore underestimating the time to complete a rep.
    open_size : int
        Minimum threshold of length of time that it takes to complete a rep (in frames).
        Increase this if there are false positive spikes in the rep step signal that are small in width.
    close_size : int
        Minimum length of time that could be between reps.
        Increase this if there are false breaks between reps that should be continuous.

    (N) array
        Step signal representing when reps are performed. (1 indicates concentric phase of rep, 0 indicates no rep).
    ygrad = np.gradient(y)
    rep_signal = np.where(ygrad > threshold, 1, 0)

    # Opening to remove spikes
    rep_signal = maximum_filter1d(minimum_filter1d(rep_signal, open_size),

    # Closing to connect movements (as in the step up from the jerk)
    rep_signal = minimum_filter1d(maximum_filter1d(rep_signal, close_size),

    return rep_signal
 def running_min(X, tau1, tau2):
     # return minimum_filter1d(X,tau2,mode = 'nearest')
     mode = 'nearest'
     result = minimum_filter1d(uniform_filter1d(X, tau1, mode=mode),
     return result
 def dilate_ranges(self, ranges, angle_increment):
     # unvectorized
     # i_dilation = int(round(self.angle_dilation / angle_increment))
     # for i in range(len(ranges)):
     #     dilated[i] = np.min(ranges[i-i_dilation:i+i_dilation])
     i_dilation = int(round(ANGLE_DILATION / angle_increment)) # one-sided
     i_dilation = i_dilation * 2 + 1 # two-sided
     dilated = minimum_filter1d(ranges, size=i_dilation)
     return dilated
Exemple #12
def preprocess(F: np.ndarray,
               baseline: str,
               win_baseline: float,
               sig_baseline: float,
               fs: float,
               prctile_baseline: float = 0.9) -> np.ndarray:
    """ preprocesses fluorescence traces for spike deconvolution

    baseline-subtraction with window 'win_baseline'

    F : float, 2D array
        size [neurons x time], in pipeline uses neuropil-subtracted fluorescence

    baseline : str
        setting that describes how to compute the baseline of each trace

    win_baseline : float
        window (in seconds) for max filter

    sig_baseline : float
        width of Gaussian filter in seconds

    fs : float
        sampling rate per plane

    prctile_baseline : float
        percentile of trace to use as baseline if using `constant_prctile` for baseline

    F : float, 2D array
        size [neurons x time], baseline-corrected fluorescence

    win = int(win_baseline * fs)
    if baseline == 'maximin':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F, [0., sig_baseline])
        Flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(Flow, win)
        Flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(Flow, win)
    elif baseline == 'constant':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F, [0., sig_baseline])
        Flow = np.amin(Flow)
    elif baseline == 'constant_prctile':
        Flow = np.percentile(F, prctile_baseline, axis=1)
        Flow = np.expand_dims(Flow, axis=1)
        Flow = 0.

    F = F - Flow

    return F
Exemple #13
def validate_signal(t, y, t_ref, y_ref, num=1000, dx=20, dy=0.1):
    """ Validate a signal y(t) against a reference signal y_ref(t_ref) by creating a band
    around y_ref and finding the values in y outside the band


        t       time of the signal
        y       values of the signal
        t_ref   time of the reference signal
        y_ref   values of the reference signal
        num     number of samples for the band
        dx      horizontal width of the band in samples
        dy      vertical distance of the band to y_ref


        t_band  time values of the band
        y_min   lower limit of the band
        y_max   upper limit of the band
        i_out   indices of the values in y outside the band

    from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter1d, minimum_filter1d

    # re-sample the reference signal into a uniform grid
    t_band = np.linspace(start=t_ref[0], stop=t_ref[-1], num=num)

    # sort out the duplicate samples before the interpolation
    m = np.concatenate(([True], np.diff(t_ref) > 0))

    y_band = np.interp(x=t_band, xp=t_ref[m], fp=y_ref[m])

    y_band_min = np.min(y_band)
    y_band_max = np.max(y_band)

    # calculate the width of the band
    if y_band_min == y_band_max:
        w = 0.5 if y_band_min == 0 else np.abs(y_band_min) * dy
        w = (y_band_max - y_band_min) * dy

    # calculate the lower and upper limits
    y_min = minimum_filter1d(input=y_band, size=dx) - w
    y_max = maximum_filter1d(input=y_band, size=dx) + w

    # find outliers
    y_min_i = np.interp(x=t, xp=t_band, fp=y_min)
    y_max_i = np.interp(x=t, xp=t_band, fp=y_max)
    i_out = np.logical_or(y < y_min_i, y > y_max_i)

    # do not count outliers outside the t_ref
    i_out = np.logical_and(i_out, t > t_band[0])
    i_out = np.logical_and(i_out, t < t_band[-1])

    return t_band, y_min, y_max, i_out
Exemple #14
def _compute_alw(y, interval):
    a, b = interval
    if a == b:
        return y
    y = shift(y, -a, mode="nearest")
    b = min(b, len(y))

    # compute offset to left end of window from center
    width = int(abs(b - a)) + 1
    center = width // 2

    return minimum_filter1d(y, b - a + 1, mode="nearest", origin=-center)
Exemple #15
def filter1d_same(a: np.ndarray, W: int, max_or_min: str, fillna=np.nan):
    out_dtype = np.full(0, fillna).dtype
    hW = (W - 1) // 2  # Half window size
    if max_or_min == 'max':
        out = maximum_filter1d(a, size=W, origin=hW)
        out = minimum_filter1d(a, size=W, origin=hW)
    if out.dtype is out_dtype:
        out[:W - 1] = fillna
        out = np.concatenate((np.full(W - 1, fillna), out[W - 1:]))
    return out
Exemple #16
def sliding_interval_filter(ts, size):
    """USGS HYSEP sliding interval method
        The USGS HYSEP sliding interval method as described in `Sloto & Crouse, 1996`_.
        The flow series is filter with scipy.ndimage.genericfilter1D using numpy.nanmin function
        over a window of size `size`
    .. _Slot & Crouse, 1996:
        Sloto, Ronald A., and Michele Y. Crouse. “HYSEP: A Computer Program for Streamflow Hydrograph Separation and 
        Analysis.” USGS Numbered Series. Water-Resources Investigations Report. Geological Survey (U.S.), 1996. 
    :param size: 
    :param ts: 
    # TODO ckeck the presence of nodata
    if (ts.isnull()).any():
        blocks, nfeatures = label(~ts.isnull())
        block_list = [ts[blocks == i] for i in range(1, nfeatures + 1)]
        na_df = ts[blocks == 0]
        block_bf = [
            pd.Series(data=minimum_filter1d(block, size, mode='reflect'),
                      index=block.index) for block in block_list
        baseflow = pd.concat(block_bf + [na_df], axis=0)
        baseflow = pd.Series(data=minimum_filter1d(ts, size, mode='reflect'),

    quickflow = ts - baseflow

    baseflow.name = 'baseflow'
    quickflow.name = 'quickflow'

    return baseflow, quickflow
def get_seam(image_energy):
    # формируем матрицу
    for i in range(1, image_energy.shape[0]):
        image_energy[i] += minimum_filter1d(image_energy[i - 1], 3)

    # выделяем шов с минимальной энергией:
    seam_mask = np.ones_like(image_energy, bool)
    j_pos = np.argmin(image_energy[-1])
    seam_mask[-1, j_pos] = False
    for i in range(image_energy.shape[0] - 2, -1, -1):
        j_pos += np.argmin(image_energy[i: i + 1, max(0, j_pos - 1): min(j_pos + 2, image_energy.shape[1])]) - \
                 (j_pos != 0)
        seam_mask[i, j_pos] = False

    return seam_mask
def preprocess(F,ops):
    sig = ops['sig_baseline']
    win = int(ops['win_baseline']*ops['fs'])
    if ops['baseline']=='maximin':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F,    [0., sig])
        Flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(Flow,    win)
        Flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(Flow,    win)
    elif ops['baseline']=='constant':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F,    [0., sig])
        Flow = np.amin(Flow)
    elif ops['baseline']=='constant_prctile':
        Flow = np.percentile(F, ops['prctile_baseline'], axis=1)
        Flow = np.expand_dims(Flow, axis = 1)
        Flow = 0.

    F = F - Flow

    return F
Exemple #19
def preprocess(F, ops):
    """ preprocesses fluorescence traces for spike deconvolution

    baseline-subtraction with window 'win_baseline'

    F : float, 2D array
        size [neurons x time], in pipeline uses neuropil-subtracted fluorescence

    ops : dictionary
        'baseline', 'win_baseline', 'sig_baseline', 'fs',
        (optional 'prctile_baseline' needed if ops['baseline']=='constant_prctile')

    F : float, 2D array
        size [neurons x time], baseline-corrected fluorescence

    sig = ops['sig_baseline']
    win = int(ops['win_baseline'] * ops['fs'])
    if ops['baseline'] == 'maximin':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F, [0., sig])
        Flow = filters.minimum_filter1d(Flow, win)
        Flow = filters.maximum_filter1d(Flow, win)
    elif ops['baseline'] == 'constant':
        Flow = filters.gaussian_filter(F, [0., sig])
        Flow = np.amin(Flow)
    elif ops['baseline'] == 'constant_prctile':
        Flow = np.percentile(F, ops['prctile_baseline'], axis=1)
        Flow = np.expand_dims(Flow, axis=1)
        Flow = 0.

    F = F - Flow

    return F
Exemple #20
def validate_signal(t, y, t_ref, y_ref, num=1000, dx=20, dy=0.1):
    """ Validate a signal y(t) against a reference signal y_ref(t_ref)

        t       time of the signal
        y       values of the signal
        t_ref   time of the reference signal
        y_ref   values of the reference signal


    # re-sample the reference signal into a uniform grid
    t_band = np.linspace(start=t_ref[0], stop=t_ref[-1], num=num)

    # sort out the duplicate samples before the interpolation
    m = np.concatenate(([True], np.diff(t_ref) > 0))

    y_band = np.interp(x=t_band, xp=t_ref[m], fp=y_ref[m])

    y_band_min = np.min(y_band)
    y_band_max = np.max(y_band)

    # calculate the width of the band
    if y_band_min == y_band_max:
        w = 0.5 if y_band_min == 0 else np.abs(y_band_min) * dy
        w = (y_band_max - y_band_min) * dy

    # calculate the lower and upper limits
    y_min = minimum_filter1d(input=y_band, size=dx) - w
    y_max = maximum_filter1d(input=y_band, size=dx) + w

    # find outliers
    y_min_i = np.interp(x=t, xp=t_band, fp=y_min)
    y_max_i = np.interp(x=t, xp=t_band, fp=y_max)
    i_out = np.logical_or(y < y_min_i, y > y_max_i)

    return t_band, y_min, y_max, i_out
Exemple #21
def analyze_score(
    print 'Performing boundary detection ... '
    if imgnames is None:
        assert (score is None)
        score = []
        imgnames = []
        fname = data_base_dir + fname
        with open(fname, 'r') as ins:
            for line in ins:
                pair = line.split()
                imgname = pair[0]

    folder = data_base_dir + 'images/'
    outputfolder = data_base_dir + 'keyframes/'

    if os.path.isdir(outputfolder):

    keyframes = []
    keyframeids = []
    keyframesfilename = data_base_dir + 'keyframes.txt'
    if os.path.exists(keyframesfilename):
    keyframesfile = open(keyframesfilename, 'w')

    for i in range(len(score)):
        #os.system('cp ' + folder + imgnames[i] + ' ' + outputfolder + imgnames[i])
        keyframesfile.write('%s\n' % imgnames[i])

    # boundary detection

    boundaries = []
    ignore_ends = True
    #------------------------------------ boundary detection method 2:
    if (ignore_ends):
        score[:int(len(score) * 0.1)] = np.ones_like(
            score[:int(len(score) * 0.1)])
        score[int(len(score) * 0.9):] = np.ones_like(
            score[int(len(score) * 0.9):])

    threshold = np.percentile(score, 1)
    scoreextrema = minimum_filter1d(input=score, size=301)
    localextrema = []
    localextremaids = []
    for i in range(len(score)):
        if score[i] == scoreextrema[
                i] and score[i] < threshold and score[i] < 0.8:
    #------------------------------------- boundary detection method 3:
    # brutely divide the sequence into 100-frame chunks

#     stepsize = 100;
#     tempid = stepsize - 1;
#     while(tempid < len(score)):
#         boundaries.append(imgnames[tempid])
#         tempid += stepsize

# ----------------------------------- boundary detection results:
#plt.plot(localextremaids, localextrema, 'ro')
    print 'number of boundaries = %d' % len(boundaries)
    print 'boundaries :',
    print boundaries
    #print 'boundaries motion values: ',
    #print localextrema

    #------------------------------------ split video by boundaries
    shots = []
    boundaryid = 0
    shot = []
    for i in range(len(keyframes)):
        if boundaryid >= len(boundaries):

        if keyframes[i] < boundaries[boundaryid]:
            shot = []
            boundaryid = boundaryid + 1

    #print shots
    print 'number of shots = %d' % len(shots)
    subid = 0
    min_shot_length = 40
    print 'minimum shot length threshold = %d' % min_shot_length
    for i in range(len(shots)):
        shot = shots[i]
        print 'shot %d: %d frames' % (i, len(shot)),
        if len(shot) > min_shot_length:
            subfolder = outputfolder + str(subid) + '/'
            for j in shot:
                os.system('cp ' + folder + j + ' ' + subfolder + j)
            print ' '
            subid = subid + 1
            print '     discarded'
Exemple #22
h_samples, = plt.plot(sampleids, samples, 'r.')
h_scores, = plt.plot(sampleids, samplescores, 'b+')
h_rate, = plt.plot(rate)
h_low, = plt.plot(2600, rate[2600], 'b^')
h_high, = plt.plot(3770, rate[3770], 'r^')
plt.legend([h_samples, h_scores, h_rate, h_low, h_high], [
    'Samples', 'Optical Flow Scores', 'Sample Rate', 'Low Motion Part Example',
    'High Motion Part Example'
#for i in range(len(imgnames)):
#    os.system('cp ' + folder + imgnames[i] + ' ' + outputfolder + imgnames[i])

scoreminima = minimum_filter1d(input=score, size=4)
localminima = []
keyframes = []
keyframeids = []
keyframesfilename = data_base_dir + 'keyframes.txt'
if os.path.exists(keyframesfilename):
keyframesfile = open(keyframesfilename, 'w')

#for i in range(len(score)):
#    if score[i] == scoreminima[i]:
#        localminima.append(imgnames[i])
#        #os.system('cp ' + folder + imgnames[i] + ' ' + outputfolder + imgnames[i])
#        keyframesfile.write('%s\n' % imgnames[i])
#        keyframes.append(imgnames[i])
#        keyframeids.append(i)
def _compute_bounded_globally(x, a):
    z1 = minimum_filter1d(x, a, mode="nearest")
    z2 = shift(x, -a, cval=TOP)
    z3 = compute_and_binary(z2, z1)
    z = compute_and_binary(x, z3)
    return z
Exemple #24
def main(args):
    data_base_dir = args.dir
    data_dir = data_base_dir + "images-raw/"
    outputfolder = data_base_dir + 'keyframes/'
    min_shot_length = args.min_shot_length
    nmins_window_size = args.nmins_window_size
    percentile_threshold = args.percentile_threshold
    absolute_threshold = args.absolute_threshold
    ignore_ends = args.ignore_ends

    if os.path.isdir(data_base_dir + 'classifiedgood'):
        rmtree(data_base_dir + 'classifiedgood')
    os.mkdir(data_base_dir + 'classifiedgood')
    if os.path.isdir(data_base_dir + 'classifiedbad'):
        rmtree(data_base_dir + 'classifiedbad')
    os.mkdir(data_base_dir + 'classifiedbad')
    if os.path.isdir(outputfolder):

    #Load net parames
    style_weights = "./model/weights.pretrained.caffemodel"
    test_net = caffe.Net(style_net(train=False, learn_all=False),
                         style_weights, caffe.TEST)

    MEAN_FILE = caffe_root + 'data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto'
    Mean_blob = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.BlobProto()
    Mean_blob.ParseFromString(open(MEAN_FILE, 'rb').read())
    # will mean blob to numpy.array
    Mean_npy = np.array(caffe.io.blobproto_to_array(Mean_blob))[0]

    Mean_npy = Mean_npy.mean(1).mean(
        1)  # average over pixels to obtain the mean (BGR) pixel values
    print 'mean-subtracted values:', zip('BGR', Mean_npy)

    # create transformer for the input called 'data'
    transformer = caffe.io.Transformer(
        {'data': test_net.blobs['data'].data.shape})
        'data', (2, 0, 1))  # move image channels to outermost dimension
        'data', Mean_npy)  # subtract the dataset-mean value in each channel
    #transformer.set_raw_scale('data', 255)      # rescale from [0, 1] to [0, 255]
                                 (2, 1, 0))  # swap channels from RGB to BGR

    atup = ('bad', 'good')
    style_labels = list(atup)

    classifiedgood = []
    opticalflowscore = []
    sharpness = []

    filelist = os.listdir(data_dir)
    #filelist = filelist[3000:3100]
    count = 1
    prev_of = None

    # ImageNet classification and optical flow motion estimation
    for imfile in filelist:
        if imfile.endswith(".jpg"):
            print 'Classification and Motion Estimation: %d / %d' % (
                count, len(filelist))
            count = count + 1
            im = Image.open(data_dir + imfile)
            im = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)
            transformed_image = transformer.preprocess('data', im)
            t = disp_preds(test_net,

            if t[0] == 1:  # only do optical flow on frames classified as good
                os.system("cp " + data_dir + imfile + " " + data_base_dir +
                print 'classified as good : ' + imfile

                if len(opticalflowscore) == 0:
                    cur_of = rgb2gray(im)
                    cur_of = rgb2gray(im)
                    flow = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(
                        prev_of, cur_of, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0)
                        (np.sum(np.absolute(flow[..., 0])) +
                         np.sum(np.absolute(flow[..., 1]))) / cur_of.size)
                #if imfile == 'frame2967.jpg':
                #    print opticalflowscore[-1]
                #    temp = Image.open(data_dir + classifiedgood[-2])
                #    temp = np.array(temp, dtype=np.float32)
                #    temp = rgb2gray(temp)
                #    print temp - prev_of
                #    print imfile
                prev_of = cur_of
    # find the local minima of the optical flow motion estimation
    assert len(opticalflowscore) == len(classifiedgood)
    localminima = []
    localmin = minimum_filter1d(opticalflowscore, size=3)
    for i in range(len(opticalflowscore)):
        if localmin[i] == opticalflowscore[i]:
            print 'optical flow local minimum:  ' + classifiedgood[i]
            #os.system('cp '+ folder + filelist[i] + ' ' + outputfolder + filelist[i])

    # calculate sharpness
    print 'Calculating sharpness ...'
    dl = DoubleList()
    D = {}
    for f in localminima:
        D[f] = dl.tail
    for i in range(len(localminima)):
        img = readImage(data_dir + localminima[i])
        sobelx = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=5)
        sobely = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=5)
        sharpness.append((np.sum(sobelx**2) + np.sum(sobely**2)) / img.size)
    order = np.argsort(sharpness)

    # use homography estimation to eliminate the redundant candidates
    keyframes = []
    score = []
    for i in range(len(order)):
        print 'Homography estimation: %d / %d   ' % (i, len(localminima))
        if order[i] == 0 or order[i] == len(localminima) - 1:
            ID = order[i]

            PrevName = D[localminima[ID]].prev.data
            NextName = D[localminima[ID]].next.data
            Prev = readImage(data_dir + PrevName)
            Next = readImage(data_dir + NextName)
            H = EstimateHomography(img1=Prev,
            warpped = cv2.warpPerspective(Prev, H,
                                          (Next.shape[1], Next.shape[0]))
            s = correlation_coefficient(warpped, Next)
            if s > 0.9:
                print 'Redundant: ' + localminima[ID]
                print 'Keyframe:  ' + localminima[ID]
            #if localminima[ID] == 'frame3423.jpg':
            #    print PrevName
            #    print NextName
            #    print score[ID]
            #    print '-----------------------'

    ordkeyframes = np.argsort(keyframes)

    score = np.asarray(score)
    score = score[np.asarray(ordkeyframes)]

    # key frame selection
    # optical flow boundary detection
    if ignore_ends:
        opticalflowscore[:int(len(opticalflowscore) * 0.1)] = np.zeros_like(
            opticalflowscore[:int(len(opticalflowscore) * 0.1)])
        opticalflowscore[int(len(opticalflowscore) * 0.9):] = np.zeros_like(
            opticalflowscore[int(len(opticalflowscore) * 0.9):])
    boundaries = []
    threshold = np.percentile(opticalflowscore, percentile_threshold)
    opticalextrema = maximum_filter1d(opticalflowscore, nmins_window_size)
    for i in range(len(opticalflowscore)):
        if opticalflowscore[i] == opticalextrema[i] and opticalflowscore[
                i] > threshold and opticalflowscore[i] > absolute_threshold:
    if len(boundaries) == 0 or boundaries[-1] is not classifiedgood[-1]:

    shots = []
    boundaryid = 0
    shot = []
    for i in range(len(keyframes)):
        if keyframes[i] <= boundaries[boundaryid]:
            shot = []
            boundaryid = boundaryid + 1

    print shots
    print len(shots)

    final_valid_frames = 0
    subid = 0
    for i in range(len(shots)):
        shot = shots[i]
        print 'shot %d: %d frames' % (i, len(shot)),
        if 0 and len(shot) > min_shot_length:
            subfolder = outputfolder + str(subid) + '/'
            for j in shot:
                os.system('cp ' + data_dir + j + ' ' + subfolder + j)
            print ' '
            final_valid_frames = final_valid_frames + len(shot)
            subid = subid + 1
            print '     discarded'

    # output result to file
    for i in keyframes:
        os.system('cp ' + data_dir + i + ' ' + outputfolder + i)
    resultfile = data_base_dir + 'keyframes.txt'
    if os.path.exists(resultfile):
    thefile = open(resultfile, 'w')
    for i in keyframes:
        thefile.write("%s\n" % i)

    # divide the sequence into shots
    #sub_sequences = data_base_dir + 'subsequences.txt'
    #if os.path.exists(sub_sequences):
    #    os.remove(sub_sequences)
    #subfile = open(sub_sequences, 'w')
    #for i in range(len(score)):
    #    subfile.write('%s %.4f\n' % (keyframes[i], score[i]))

    offilename = data_base_dir + 'opticalflowscore.txt'
    if os.path.exists(offilename):
    offile = open(offilename, 'w')
    for i in range(len(opticalflowscore)):
        offile.write('%s %.4f\n' % (classifiedgood[i], opticalflowscore[i]))

    print '%d optical flow local minima' % len(localminima)
    print 'Selected %d / %d (%.2f%%) frames as keyframes' % (
        final_valid_frames, len(filelist),
        100.0 * final_valid_frames / float(len(filelist)))
    print 'Split the sequence into %d sub-sequences' % subid
from typing import List
from numpy import array, random, cumsum
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d, maximum_filter1d, median_filter, minimum_filter, minimum_filter1d, uniform_filter, gaussian_filter, uniform_filter1d
import pylab

if __name__ == "__main__":
    size_of_dataset = 400
    t = cumsum(random.randint(0, 10, size_of_dataset))
    dataset = cumsum(random.normal(0, 1, size_of_dataset))

    pylab.figure(figsize=(8, 8), dpi=80)
    pylab.scatter(x=t, y=dataset, c="black", s=2, label="dataset")

    pylab.plot(t, uniform_filter1d(dataset, size=20), label="Uniform size=20")
               gaussian_filter1d(dataset, sigma=20),
               label="Gaussian $\sigma$=20")
    pylab.plot(t, minimum_filter1d(dataset, size=20), label="Minimum size=20")
    pylab.plot(t, maximum_filter1d(dataset, size=20), label="Maximum size=20")
    pylab.plot(t, median_filter(dataset, size=20), label="Median size=20")

Exemple #26
if os.path.isdir(outputfolder):

prev = rgb2gray(mpimg.imread(folder + filelist[0]))
score = np.empty([len(filelist)])
score[0] = 0
for i in range(1, len(filelist)):
    print('image  %d / %d' % (i, len(filelist)))
    cur = rgb2gray(mpimg.imread(folder + filelist[i]))
    flow = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(prev, cur, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0)
    score[i] = np.sum(np.absolute(flow[..., 0])) + np.sum(
        np.absolute(flow[..., 1]))
    prev = cur


localminima = []
localmin = minimum_filter1d(score, size=3)
for i in range(len(score)):
    if localmin[i] == score[i]:
        print 'keyframe  ' + filelist[i]
        #os.system('cp '+ folder + filelist[i] + ' ' + outputfolder + filelist[i])

thefile = open('opticalflowlocalminima.txt', 'w')
for i in localminima:
    thefile.write("%s\n" % i)