Exemple #1
def erode_data(data, footprint = None, structure = None):
    if footprint is not None:
        eroded_data = grey_erosion(data, footprint = footprint, structure = structure)
        eroded_data = grey_erosion(data, size=(10, 10))
    return eroded_data
Exemple #2
def erode_data(data, footprint = None, structure = None):
    if footprint is not None:
        eroded_data = grey_erosion(data, footprint = footprint, structure = structure)
        eroded_data = grey_erosion(data, size=(10, 10))
    return eroded_data
Exemple #3
def extract_fundamental(amplitude):
    fundamental = np.zeros(amplitude.shape)
    # TODO: replace all of this with real code or at least clean it up
    # it should just be one big numpy thingy
    f_band_min = -4
    f_band_max = 8
    f_band_len = f_band_max - f_band_min
    f_band_coeffs = (1 - np.concatenate(
        (np.array(range(f_band_min, 0)) / f_band_min,
         np.array(range(f_band_max)) / f_band_max)))[:, np.newaxis]
    peak_finder = np.array([-0.5, -0.5, 2, -0.5, -0.5])[:, np.newaxis].T
    console.time("big loop")
    freqs = np.argmax(np.mean(amplitude[:50], axis=2), axis=0)
    # console.stats(freqs)
    for t in range(amplitude.shape[1]):
        f = freqs[t]
        # handle case where 2nd harmonic > first
        if np.mean(amplitude[f // 2, t]) > 0.4 * np.mean(amplitude[f, t]):
            f = f // 2
            freqs[t] = f
        if f > 5:
            f_min = f + f_band_min
            f_max = f + f_band_max
                        t] = f_band_coeffs * amplitude[f_min:f_max, t]

    console.timeEnd("big loop")
    console.time("remove dots")
    mask = (grey_dilation(grey_erosion(fundamental,
                                       structure=np.ones((3, 5, 1))),
                          structure=np.ones((6, 12, 1))) > 0.1)
    console.timeEnd("remove dots")
    fundamental *= mask
    return fundamental
Exemple #4
def get_sibilants(content_amplitude, content_fundamental_amps):
    num_freqs, num_timesteps, _ = content_amplitude.shape
    output = content_amplitude.copy()
    clipped_amps = content_fundamental_amps.copy()
    clipped_amps[clipped_amps < 0.5] = 0
    output -= 2 * clipped_amps[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]
    output = np.clip(output, 0, 1)  # sigh
    output = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(output,
    clipped_output = np.clip(output, 0, 1)
    thresh = 0.3
    clipped_output[output > thresh] = 1
    clipped_output[output <= thresh] = 0
    clipped_output = grey_erosion(
        (clipped_output * 255), structure=np.ones((32, 1, 1))) / 255.0
    # TODO: these parts are hacky :(
    clipped_output[:300] = 0
    output *= clipped_output
    output[output > 0.1] *= 4
    output = np.clip(output, 0, 1)
    output = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(output,
    output = np.sqrt(output)
    return output
Exemple #5
    def _grey_erosion(self):
        vol_name = str(self.out_edit.text())
        num = self.size_combo.currentIndex() + 3
        size = (num, num, num)
        mode = self.mode_combo.currentText()
        cval = self.cval_edit.text()

        if not vol_name:

            cval = int(cval)
        except ValueError:

        if cval > 255 or cval < 0:
            print "cval must be 0-255!"

        source_row = self.source_combo.currentIndex()
        source_data = self._model.data(self._model.index(source_row),
                                       Qt.UserRole + 5)

        new_vol = morphology.grey_erosion(source_data,
        self._model.addItem(new_vol, None, vol_name,
    def post_process(self):
        Generate the metrics from the stored raw ray trace results.
        data = self.traverse_results
        ## Check raw traverse results for continguous regions of no ground coverage.
        none_runs = [
            len(list(grp)) for k, grp in itertools.groupby(data, lambda x: x)
            if k is None

        if none_runs and max(none_runs) >= self.contiguous:
            ## Fail because there is a contiguous region larger than allowed
            fwd = "Fail"
            aft = "Fail"
            no_fire_area = "Fail"
            trav_cen = get_translation(self.weapon.trans_trav)

            angles = np.array([x[0] for x in data if x[1] is not None])
            muz_pts = np.array([x[1][0] for x in data if x[1] is not None])
            gnd_pts = np.array([x[1][1] for x in data if x[1] is not None])

            ## Distance along the ground
            gnd_dist = np.sqrt((trav_cen[0] - gnd_pts[:, 0])**2 +
                               (trav_cen[2] - gnd_pts[:, 2])**2)

            ## Calculate the minimum shoot distance over contiguous regions
            mod_dist = grey_erosion(gnd_dist, self.contiguous, mode="wrap")

            ## Calculate an area metric (A = 0.5 * a.b.sin(c_ang))
            num_tris = len(angles)
            no_fire_area = 0.0
            for i in xrange(num_tris):
                next_ang = (angles[0] +
                            2 * pi) if i + 1 >= num_tris else angles[i + 1]
                c_ang = next_ang - angles[i]
                a = gnd_dist[i]
                b = gnd_dist[(i + 1) % num_tris]
                no_fire_area += 0.5 * a * b * sin(c_ang)

            ## Calculate min forward and aft shoot distance.
            fwd = np.max(mod_dist[np.where((angles >= 3 * pi / 2)
                                           | (angles <= pi / 2))])
            aft = np.max(mod_dist[np.where((angles <= 3 * pi / 2)
                                           & (angles >= pi / 2))])

            self.post_process_2d(angles, gnd_dist, mod_dist, no_fire_area, fwd,

            if self.show_3d:
                self.post_process_3d(muz_pts, gnd_pts)

        ## Write results to json file and echo to log.
        out = {
            "min_fire_dist_fore_180": fwd,
            "min_fire_dist_aft_180": aft,
            "no_fire_area": no_fire_area
Exemple #7
def jeff_coral_finder(im, sand_intensity_threshold, coral_gradient_threshold,
                      maximum_altseqfilt_radius, shadow_discriminant_threshold,
  im_grey = N.asarray(im.convert("L"))
  im = N.asarray(im)
  dot = N.array([[0,1,0], [1,1,1], [0,1,0]])
  dilated = morphology.grey_dilation(im_grey, dot.shape, structure=dot)
  eroded = morphology.grey_erosion(im_grey, dot.shape, structure=dot)
  gradient = dilated - eroded
  fisher_discriminant = N.dot(im, shadow_discriminant_scaling)

  # Make initial class determinations.
  is_shadow = fisher_discriminant < shadow_discriminant_threshold
  is_sand   = im_grey > sand_intensity_threshold
  is_smooth = gradient < coral_gradient_threshold
  is_coral  = is_smooth & ~is_sand & ~is_shadow

  # Now perform an alternating sequence filter on coral,
  for radius in range(1, maximum_altseqfilt_radius+1):
    se = disk_strel(radius)
    opened = morphology.binary_opening(is_coral, se)
    is_coral = morphology.binary_closing(opened, se)
  # Now perform an alternating sequence filter on sand.
  for radius in range(1, maximum_altseqfilt_radius+1):
    se = disk_strel(radius)
    opened = morphology.binary_opening(is_sand, se)
    is_sand = morphology.binary_closing(opened, se)
  # Use coral mask to exclude sand.
  is_sand = is_sand & ~is_coral
  return is_sand, is_coral
def prepare_data_fgbg_weigthed(batch_x,
    # Wrap x in np array and add channel dimension
    out_x = np.array(batch_x)[..., None]  # TODO input with channels?

    # Create the weight map
    struct = morphology.generate_binary_structure(len(batch_y[0].shape), 1)
    foreground = np.zeros_like(batch_y)
    weight_map = np.zeros_like(batch_y, dtype='float32')
    for i, mask in enumerate(batch_y):
        borders = morphology.morphological_laplace(mask, structure=struct) \
            > (np.max(mask) + 1)
        separation_borders = np.logical_and(
            morphology.grey_erosion(mask, structure=struct), borders)
        weight_map[i] = separation_border_weight * separation_borders \
            + border_weight * borders \
            + 1

        # Filter weight map
        if sigma > 0:
            weight_map[i] = filters.gaussian_filter(weight_map[i], sigma=sigma)

        # Foreground is the mask without the borders
        foreground[i] = np.logical_and((mask > 0), np.logical_not(borders))

    background = np.logical_not(foreground)
    out_y = np.array(np.stack([foreground, background], axis=-1),

    return [out_x, weight_map], out_y
def erosion(parameters):
    """Erodes a greyscale image.

    For the simple case of a full and flat structuring element, it can be
    viewed as a minimum filter over a sliding window.

    It wraps `scipy.ndimage.morphology.grey_erosion`. The `footprint`,
    `structure`, `output`, `mode`, `cval` and `origin` options are not

    Keep in mind that `mode` and `cval` influence the results. In this case
    the default mode is used, `reflect`.

    :param parameters['data'][0]: input array
    :type parameters['data'][0]: numpy.array
    :param parameters['size']: which neighbours to take into account, defaults
                               to (3, 3) a.k.a. numpy.ones((3, 3))
    :type parameters['size']: list

    :return: numpy.array

    data = parameters['data'][0]
    size = tuple(parameters['size'])

    return morphology.grey_erosion(data, size=size)
Exemple #10
    def _grey_erosion(self):
        vol_name = str(self.out_edit.text())
        num = self.size_combo.currentIndex() + 3
        size = (num, num, num)
        mode = self.mode_combo.currentText()
        cval = self.cval_edit.text()

        if not vol_name:

            cval = int(cval)
        except ValueError:

        if cval>255 or cval<0:
            print "cval must be 0-255!"

        source_row = self.source_combo.currentIndex()
        source_data = self._model.data(self._model.index(source_row),
                                       Qt.UserRole + 5)

        new_vol = morphology.grey_erosion(source_data,size=size,mode=mode,cval=cval)
Exemple #11
  def _adapt(self, video_idx, frame_idx, last_mask, get_posteriors_fn):
    eroded_mask = grey_erosion(last_mask, size=(self.erosion_size, self.erosion_size, 1))
    dt = distance_transform_edt(numpy.logical_not(eroded_mask))

    adaptation_target = numpy.zeros_like(last_mask)
    adaptation_target[:] = VOID_LABEL

    current_posteriors = get_posteriors_fn()
    positives = current_posteriors[:, :, 1] > self.posterior_positive_threshold
    if self.use_positives:
      adaptation_target[positives] = 1

    threshold = self.distance_negative_threshold
    negatives = dt > threshold
    if self.use_negatives:
      adaptation_target[negatives] = 0

    do_adaptation = eroded_mask.sum() > 0

    if self.debug:
      adaptation_target_visualization = adaptation_target.copy()
      adaptation_target_visualization[adaptation_target == 1] = 128
      if not do_adaptation:
        adaptation_target_visualization[:] = VOID_LABEL
      from scipy.misc import imsave
      folder = self.val_data.video_tag().replace("__", "/")
      imsave("forwarded/" + self.model + "/valid/" + folder + "/adaptation_%05d.png" % frame_idx,


    for idx in range(self.n_adaptation_steps):
      do_step = True
      if idx % self.adaptation_interval == 0:
        if do_adaptation:
          feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(frame_idx, with_annotations=True)
          feed_dict[self.train_data.get_label_placeholder()] = adaptation_target
          loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale
          adaption_frame_idx = frame_idx
          print("skipping current frame adaptation, since the target seems to be lost", file=log.v4)
          do_step = False
        # mix in first frame to avoid drift
        # (do this even if we think the target is lost, since then this can help to find back the target)
        feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(frame_idx=0, with_annotations=True)
        loss_scale = 1.0
        adaption_frame_idx = 0

      if do_step:
        loss, _, n_imgs = self.trainer.train_step(epoch=idx, feed_dict=feed_dict, loss_scale=loss_scale,
        assert n_imgs == 1
        print("adapting on frame", adaption_frame_idx, "of sequence", video_idx + 1, \
            self.train_data.video_tag(video_idx), "loss:", loss, file=log.v4)
    if do_adaptation:
      return negatives
      return None
def filtering(img, filter_type="gaussian", filter_value=0.5):
    - `image` (openalea.image.SpatialImage) - image

    - `filter_type`(str) - denoising method used for filtering ("gaussian" or "asf" for alternate sequential filter).
                           default is "gaussian".

    - `filter_value` (float for "gaussian" filter or int for alternate sequential filter) - value used for the filtering :
                                            * for a Gaussian filtering, the "filter_value" corresponds to the standard deviation.
                                            * for a Alternate Sequential Filter, the "filter_value" corresponds to the number of
                                              succession of morphological opening and closing operations.
    # if not isinstance(img, SpatialImage):
    #     img = SpatialImage(img)
    # if filter_type == 'gaussian':
    #     if not isinstance(filter_value, float):
    #         raise RuntimeError, 'value used for Gaussian filtering must be a float type'
    #     else:
    #         img = recfilters(img, filter_type="sigma", filter_value=filter_value, Trueyz=(0, 0, 0))

    if filter_type == 'asf':
        if not isinstance(filter_value, int):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'value used for the Alternate Sequential Filter must be a integer type'
            for rad in range(1, ((filter_value + 1) / 2) + 1):
                    "closing operations with structuring elements of size %s" %
                struct = euclidean_sphere(rad)
                # ~ s=(rad,rad,rad)
                img = grey_dilation(img, footprint=struct)
                img = grey_erosion(img, footprint=struct)

                if filter_value >= rad * 2:
                        "opening operations with structuring elements of size %s"
                        % rad)
                    img = grey_erosion(img, footprint=struct)
                    img = grey_dilation(img, footprint=struct)
        raise RuntimeError('filter type not supported')
    return img
Exemple #13
def ruined_pic(pic):
    ''' alter the number of pixels in the image: increase or decrease character width '''
    val = random.randint(1, 2)
    if val == 1:
        pic = grey_dilation(pic.reshape(64, 64), size=(2, 1))
        pic = grey_erosion(pic.reshape(64, 64), size=(2, 1))
    return pic
Exemple #14
def threshold(g,sigma,frac,nbins,erosion_diameter):
    g = background_subtract(g,strel())
    g = gaussian_blur(g,sigma)
    g = np.round(g)
    gthreshold = get_poisson_threshold(g,frac=frac,nbins=nbins)
    gt = g.copy()
    gt[np.where(g<gthreshold)] = 0.0
    gto = morphology.grey_erosion(gt,footprint=strel(diameter=erosion_diameter))
    return gto
Exemple #15
    def post_process(self):
        Generate the metrics from the stored raw ray trace results.
        data = self.traverse_results
        ## Check raw traverse results for continguous regions of no ground coverage.
        none_runs = [len(list(grp)) for k, grp in itertools.groupby(data, lambda x:x) if k is None]

        if none_runs and max(none_runs) >= self.contiguous:
            ## Fail because there is a contiguous region larger than allowed
            fwd = "Fail"
            aft = "Fail"
            no_fire_area = "Fail"
            trav_cen = get_translation(self.weapon.trans_trav)

            angles = np.array([x[0] for x in data if x[1] is not None])
            muz_pts = np.array([x[1][0] for x in data if x[1] is not None])
            gnd_pts = np.array([x[1][1] for x in data if x[1] is not None])

            ## Distance along the ground
            gnd_dist = np.sqrt((trav_cen[0] - gnd_pts[:, 0]) ** 2 +
                               (trav_cen[2] - gnd_pts[:, 2]) ** 2)

            ## Calculate the minimum shoot distance over contiguous regions
            mod_dist = grey_erosion(gnd_dist, self.contiguous, mode="wrap")

            ## Calculate an area metric (A = 0.5 * a.b.sin(c_ang))
            num_tris = len(angles)
            no_fire_area = 0.0
            for i in xrange(num_tris):
                next_ang = (angles[0] + 2 * pi) if i + 1 >= num_tris else angles[i+1]
                c_ang = next_ang - angles[i]
                a = gnd_dist[i]
                b = gnd_dist[(i + 1) % num_tris]
                no_fire_area += 0.5 * a * b * sin(c_ang)

            ## Calculate min forward and aft shoot distance.
            fwd = np.max(mod_dist[np.where((angles >= 3 * pi / 2) | (angles <= pi / 2))])
            aft = np.max(mod_dist[np.where((angles <= 3 * pi / 2) & (angles >= pi / 2))])

            self.post_process_2d(angles, gnd_dist, mod_dist, no_fire_area, fwd, aft)

            if self.show_3d:
                self.post_process_3d(muz_pts, gnd_pts)

        ## Write results to json file and echo to log.
        out = {
                  "min_fire_dist_fore_180" : fwd,
                  "min_fire_dist_aft_180" : aft,
                  "no_fire_area" : no_fire_area
def extract_watermark(audio_file, interactive=False):
	Extracts the watermark from the spectrogram of the given audio file
	:param audio_file: path to wav file
	:param interactive: activates plotting 
	:return: watermark as text, or None if the watermark could not be extracted

    # Convert audio file to wav if necessary
    wavFile = convert_to_wav(audio_file)

    fs, data = wavfile.read(wavFile)
    data = data.astype(np.float) / np.max(np.abs(data))
    window_length = 1024
    nfft = window_length
    h = window_length // 4
    spectrogram, f, t = stft(data, window_length, h, nfft, fs)
    if interactive:

    # Convert to PIL image in order to use optical character recognition
    # Flip upside down due to the usual way in which we view a spectrogram
    ocr_image = np.flipud(np.abs(spectrogram))

    # Do some image enhancement
    ocr_image[ocr_image < 0.2] = 0
    ocr_image = grey_closing(ocr_image, (5, 2))
    ocr_image = grey_erosion(ocr_image, (3, 5))

    # Convert to 8 bit image
    ocr_image = np.uint8(ocr_image / np.max(ocr_image) * 255 * 10)[20:120, :]
    ocr_image[ocr_image > 5] = 255

    # Enlarge image by interpolation
    # ocr_image = imresize(ocr_image, (ocr_image.shape[0] * 8, ocr_image.shape[1] * 8), interp="bilinear")

    if interactive:
        # Show for debugging purposes

    ocr_image = Image.fromarray(ocr_image)
    ocr_image_filename = "test.png"
    ocr_image.save(ocr_image_filename, format="png")

    # watermark = ocr.tesseract(ocr_image)
    watermark = ocr_space(ocr_image_filename)
    # ocr_image.save("test.png", format="png")
    return watermark
Exemple #17
def dist_to_dep(dist_maps, cam_Ks, **kwargs):
    transform distance maps to depth maps.
    :param dist_maps: distance value maps from camera to poins
    :param cam_Ks: camera intrinsics
    :return: depth maps: z values from camera to points.

    depth_maps = np.ones_like(dist_maps) * np.inf

    view_id = 0
    for dist_map, cam_K in zip(dist_maps, cam_Ks):
        u, v = np.meshgrid(range(dist_map.shape[1]), range(dist_map.shape[0]))
        u = u.reshape([1, -1])[0]
        v = v.reshape([1, -1])[0]
        dist_cam = dist_map[v, u]

        non_inf_indices = np.argwhere(dist_cam<np.inf).T[0]
        dist_cam = dist_cam[non_inf_indices]
        u = u[non_inf_indices]
        v = v[non_inf_indices]

        # calculate coordinates
        x_temp = (u - cam_K[0][2]) / cam_K[0][0]
        y_temp = (v - cam_K[1][2]) / cam_K[1][1]
        z_temp = 1

        z = dist_cam / np.sqrt(x_temp**2 + y_temp**2 + z_temp**2)

        depth_maps[view_id, v, u] = z

        if 'erosion_size' in kwargs:
            # This is mainly result of experimenting.
            # The core idea is that the volume of the object is enlarged slightly
            # (by subtracting a constant from the depth map).
            # Dilation additionally enlarges thin structures (e.g. for chairs). (refers to Occupancy Network)
            depth_maps[view_id] = grey_erosion(depth_maps[view_id],
                                               size=(kwargs['erosion_size'], kwargs['erosion_size']))

        view_id += 1

    return depth_maps
Exemple #18
    def get_correct_flat_and_mask(self, flat_filename, ass_filename, pos_filename):
        """usage: get_correct_flat_and_mask(flat_filename, ass_filename, pos_filename)
        calib_dir = self.main_dir + '/calib/'
        # Reading flat, assign, and position files
        image_flat = MioDataRedProc(calib_dir + flat_filename)
        print('Reading ' + flat_filename + ' completed!')
        assf = mf.ReadASSFile(calib_dir + ass_filename)
        self.arm_assign_list = assf.get_armcoor()
        posf = mf.ReadPOSFile(calib_dir + pos_filename)
        self.fibre_pos_list = posf.get_position()
        # creating two new dictionary with the same keys of "arm_assign_list"                   
        self.active_fibre = self.arm_assign_list.keys()
        fibre_mask = self.arm_assign_list.fromkeys(self.active_fibre)    # fibre mask
        correct_flat = self.arm_assign_list.fromkeys(self.active_fibre)

        # calling Bias Rigions 6 images. Just need to call once from the same flat or data images.
        print('and obtaining flat bias corners')
        br6_flat = image_flat.BR6Image()
        # correcting flat images and create an averaged flat template
        for fibre_number in self.active_fibre:
            x, y = self.fibre_pos_list[fibre_number]    # x, y positions of fibre image
            # subtracting instead bias level to obtain a corrected flat iamge
            correct_flatimage = image_flat.FibreImage(x,y) - br6_flat
            average_flat = np.mean(correct_flatimage, axis=0)    # creating an averaged flat
            # normalising flat image
            correct_flat[fibre_number] = average_flat / np.amax(average_flat)
            # creating a fibre mask to remove the non_data edge pixel 
            mask_erosion = morphology.grey_erosion(average_flat, size=(1,1))
            fibre_mask[fibre_number] = mask_erosion > np.median(mask_erosion) - 1.5*np.std(mask_erosion)
        return correct_flat, fibre_mask
Exemple #19
def build_iscat_training(bf_filepaths, iscat_filepaths, sampling=4):
    """Creates iscat training data and target in data/iscat_seg/[REF_FRAMES / MASKS] for the iSCAT cell segmentation task
            bf_filepaths (list(str)): filepaths of all the bright field images to input as returned by utilitiues.load_data_paths()            
            iscat_filepaths (list(str)): filepaths of all the iscat images to input as returned by utilitiues.load_data_paths()
            sampling (int): sampling interval of the saved images (lower storage footprint)

    OUT_PATH = DATA_PATH + 'iscat_seg/'
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(OUT_PATH, 'REF_FRAMES/'), exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(OUT_PATH, 'MASKS/'), exist_ok=True)

    # Range of non filtered elements [px]
    min_size, max_size = 1, 13

    iscat_stacks = (utilities.load_imgs(path) for path in iscat_filepaths)
    bf_stacks = (utilities.load_imgs(path) for path in bf_filepaths)

    # Returns the metadata of the exwperiments such as frame rate
    metadatas = get_experiments_metadata(iscat_filepaths)

    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        device = torch.cuda.current_device()
        print("Running on: {:s}".format(torch.cuda.get_device_name(device)))
        cuda = torch.device('cuda')
        # Doesn't run on CPU only machines comment if no GPU
        print("No CUDA device found")

    unet = UNetCell(1, 1, device=cuda, bilinear_upsampling=False)

    for i, (bf_stack, iscat_stack,
            metadata) in enumerate(zip(bf_stacks, iscat_stacks, metadatas)):
        if i < 45: continue

        bf_stack = bf_stack.astype('float32')
        if bf_stack.shape[1:] != iscat_stack.shape[1:]:
            bf_stack = processing.coregister(bf_stack, 1.38)


        # Samples iscat image to correct for the difference in framefate
        iscat_stack = iscat_stack[::sampling * int(metadata['iscat_fps'] /

        torch_stack = torch.from_numpy(bf_stack).unsqueeze(1).cuda()
        mask = unet.predict_stack(
            torch_stack).detach().squeeze().cpu().numpy() > 0.05
        mask = morphology.grey_erosion(mask * 255,
                                           'circle', (3, 5, 5)))
        mask = morphology.grey_closing(mask,
                                           'circle', (3, 7, 7)))
        mask = (mask > 50).astype('uint8')

        # Median filtering and normalization
        iscat_stack = processing.image_correction(iscat_stack)

        # Contrast enhancement
        iscat_stack = processing.enhance_contrast(iscat_stack,
                                                  percentile=(1, 99))

        # Fourier filtering of image
        iscat_stack = processing.fft_filtering(iscat_stack, min_size, max_size,
        iscat_stack = processing.enhance_contrast(iscat_stack,
                                                  percentile=(3, 97))

        for j in range(0, min(iscat_stack.shape[0], mask.shape[0]), sampling):
            if iscat_stack[j].shape == mask[j].shape:
                # Doesn't save images without detected cells
                if mask[j].max() == 0: continue

                print("\rSaving to stack_{}_{}.png".format(i + 1, j + 1),
                      end=' ' * 5)
                    os.path.join(OUT_PATH, 'REF_FRAMES/',
                                 "stack_{}_{}.png".format(i + 1, j + 1)),
                    os.path.join(OUT_PATH, 'MASKS/',
                                 "mask_{}_{}.png".format(i + 1, j + 1)),
                    mask[j] * 255)
                print("Error, shape: {}, {}".format(iscat_stack[j].shape,

    def _adapt(self, video_idx, frame_idx, last_mask, get_posteriors_fn,
        eroded_mask = grey_erosion(last_mask,
                                   size=(self.erosion_size, self.erosion_size,
        adaptation_target2 = last_mask
        adaptation_target = np.zeros_like(last_mask)
        adaptation_target[:] = VOID_LABEL

        current_posteriors = get_posteriors_fn()
        positives = current_posteriors[:, :,
                                       1] > self.posterior_positive_threshold
        if self.use_positives:
            adaptation_target[positives] = 1

        dt = distance_transform_edt(np.logical_not(eroded_mask))
        threshold = self.distance_negative_threshold
        negatives = dt > threshold
        if self.use_negatives:
            adaptation_target[negatives] = 0

        do_adaptation = eroded_mask.sum() > 0
        print('frame_idx', frame_idx)
        #if self.debug:
        #  adaptation_target_visualization = adaptation_target.copy()
        #  adaptation_target_visualization[adaptation_target == 1] = 128
        #  if not do_adaptation:
        #    adaptation_target_visualization[:] = VOID_LABEL
        #  from scipy.misc import imsave
        #  folder = self.val_data.video_tag().replace("__", "/")
        #  imsave("forwarded/" + self.model + "/valid/" + folder + "/adaptation_%05d.png" % frame_idx,
        #         np.squeeze(adaptation_target_visualization))

        threshold_ = 0.05

        #for idx in xrange(self.n_adaptation_steps):    #
        for idx in xrange(frame_idx):
            do_step = True
            if idx % len(kframe_lst) == 0:  #adaptation_interval
                if do_adaptation:
                    #print("idx % self.adaptation_interval == 0",idx % self.adaptation_interval == 0)
                    feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                        frame_idx, with_annotations=True)
                    )] = adaptation_target  #
                    loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale * 5
                    adaption_frame_idx = frame_idx
                    print >> log.v4, "skipping current frame adaptation, since the target seems to be lost"
                    do_step = False

            elif idx % len(kframe_lst) == 1:
                if len(kframe_lst) == 2:
                    feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                        kframe_lst[1], with_annotations=True)
                    loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale * 10
                    adaption_frame_idx = kframe_lst[1]
                    feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                        kframe_lst[-1], with_annotations=True)
                    loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale * 10
                    adaption_frame_idx = kframe_lst[-1]

            elif idx % len(kframe_lst) == 2:
                #print "----------------2------------"
                #print "len kframe",len(kframe_lst)
                if len(kframe_lst) > 2:
                    feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                        kframe_lst[-2], with_annotations=True)
                    loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale * 10
                    adaption_frame_idx = kframe_lst[-2]
                # mix in first frame to avoid drift
                # (do this even if we think the target is lost, since then this can help to find back the target)
                feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                    0, with_annotations=True)
                loss_scale = 1.0
                adaption_frame_idx = 0

            if do_step:
                #self._finetune(video_idx, n_finetune_steps=5)
                loss, measures, n_imgs = self.trainer.train_step(
                assert n_imgs == 1
                #print >> log.v4, "adapting on frame", adaption_frame_idx, "of sequence", video_idx + 1, \
                #    self.train_data.video_tag(video_idx), "loss:", loss,"iou:",iou
        if do_adaptation:
            return negatives
            return None
Exemple #21
def shadows(horz_data, slp, asp, sza, eff_sza, saa):
    """Calculate self, cast and total shadows from a DEM.

        horz_data (ndarray): horizon elevation data computed from the DEM
        slp (ndarray): slope calculated from the DEM
        asp (ndarray): aspect calculated from the DEM
        sza (ndarray): solar zenith angles gridded as horz_data
        eff_sza (ndarray): effective solar zenith angles gridded as horz_data
        saa (ndarray): solar azimuth angles gridded as horz_data

        b (ndarray): combined cast and self shadow map. binary product.
            (1 = shadow, 0 = no shadow).
        bs (ndarray): self shadows. Binary product.
        bc (ndarray): cast shadows. binary product."""

    # get number of horizon directions from the horizon file
    N = horz_data.shape[0]

    # Switch horizon data elevation to angle
    horz_data = 90 - horz_data

    # Calculate self shadows (cos gamma is negative)
    bs = np.ones(shape=np.shape(eff_sza))

    # get around error due to Nans
    eff_sza_nonan = np.copy(eff_sza)
    eff_sza_nonan[np.isnan(eff_sza_nonan)] = 1

    # Self-shadows with relaxed (slightly positive angle) value
    bs[np.cos(eff_sza_nonan) < 0.035] = 0

    # Elementary angle between horizon lines
    dphi = 2 * np.pi / N

    # Find the horizon line surrounding a given azimuth
    nn1 = np.int8(np.floor(saa / dphi))
    nn2 = np.int8(np.ceil(saa / dphi))
    m1 = np.uint32(np.mod(N / 2 - nn1, N) + 1)
    m2 = np.uint32(np.mod(N / 2 - nn2, N) + 1)
    m1prodshape = (np.shape(m1)[0] * np.shape(m1)[1])
    m1L = m1prodshape * (m1.flatten() - 1) + np.uint32(
        np.arange(1, m1prodshape + 1, 1))
    m2prodshape = (np.shape(m2)[0] * np.shape(m2)[1])
    m2L = m2prodshape * (m2.flatten() - 1) + np.uint32(
        np.arange(1, m2prodshape + 1, 1))

    # Calculation broken up for clarity
    H1 = np.reshape(horz_data.flatten()[m1L - 1], np.shape(m1))
    H2 = np.reshape(horz_data.flatten()[m2L - 1], np.shape(m2))
    H = np.minimum(H1, H2)

    # Calculate cast shadows
    # In ModImLam the original strict formulatuion:
    # "bc[H < solar_zen] = 1"
    # was relaxed to compute a bit larger, following Sirguey et al. 2009
    # but it overestimates the cast shadows for the Alps
    bc = np.ones(shape=np.shape(H))  # Initialise
    sza_deg = np.rad2deg(sza)
    bc[H < sza_deg] = 0
    #    bc[H < sza_deg + (-0.406 * sza_deg)] = 1

    # Use a morphological operation (erode) to clean shadow mask by removing
    # scattered pixels
    bc_fat = morphology.grey_dilation(bc, size=(3, 3))
    bc = morphology.grey_erosion(bc_fat, size=(3, 3))

    # Calculate the combination of cast and self as binary product
    b = np.logical_and(bs, bc).astype(int)

    return (b, bs, bc)
Exemple #22
def contourcuts(image,maxdist=15,minrange=10,mincdist=20,sigma=1.0,debug=0,r=8,s=0.5):
    if debug:
        figure(1); clf(); imshow(image)

    # start by computing the contours
    contours = image2contours(image!=0)

    # generate a mask for grayscale morphology
    mask = s*ones((r,r))
    mask[2:-2,2:-2] = 0

    cuts = []

    # now handle each (external) contour individually
    for k,cs in enumerate(contours):
        # compute a matrix of all the pairwise distances of pixels
        # around the contour, then smooth it a little
        ds = distance.cdist(cs,cs)
        ds = filters.gaussian_filter(ds,(sigma,sigma),mode='wrap')
        # compute a circulant matrix telling us the pathlength
        # between any two pixels on the contour
        n = len(cs)
        l = abs(arange(n)-n/2.0)
        l = l[0]-l
        cds = linalg.circulant(l)
        # find true local minima (exclude ridges) by using the
        # structuring element above
        ge = morphology.grey_erosion(ds,structure=mask,mode='wrap')
        locs = (ds<=ge)

        # restrict it to pairs of points that are closer than maxdist
        locs *= (ds<maxdist)

        # restrict it to paris of points that are separated by
        # at least mincdist on the contour
        locs *= (cds>=mincdist)

        # label the remaining minima and locate them
        locs,n = measurements.label(locs)
        cms = measurements.center_of_mass(locs,locs,range(1,n+1))

        # keep only on of each pair (in canonical ordering)
        cms = [(int(i+0.5),int(j+0.5)) for i,j in cms if i<j]
        for i,j in cms:
            x0,y0 = cs[i]
            x1,y1 = cs[j]
            # keep only the near vertical ones
            if abs(y1-y0)>abs(x1-x0):
                color = 'r'
                color = 'b'
            if debug:
                print (x0,y0),(x1,y1)
                figure(1); plot([x0,x1],[y0,y1],color)

        if debug:
            figure(2); clf(); ion(); imshow(locs!=0)
            figure(3); clf(); imshow(minimum(ds,maxdist*1.5),interpolation='nearest')
            print "hit ENTER"; raw_input()
    # now construct a cut image
    cutimage = zeros(image.shape)
    for ((x0,y0),(x1,y1)) in cuts:
    cutimage = filters.maximum_filter(cutimage,(3,3))
    if debug:
        figure(4); clf(); imshow(maximum(0,image-0.5*cutimage))
    return cutimage
Exemple #23
 def gray_erosion(self, *args, **kw):
     '''see scipy.ndimage.morphology.grey_erosion'''
     return Image(_morphology.grey_erosion(self, *args, **kw)).convert_type(self.dtype)
    def calculate_metrics(self):
        assert self.contains_mahalanobis_distances, "Can't calculate ROC without mahalanobis distances calculated"
        # (Name, ROC_AUC, AUC_PR, f1)
        results = list()

        extractor = os.path.basename(self.filename).replace(".h5", "")

        gauss_filters = [
            None, (0, 1, 1), (0, 2, 2), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (1, 2, 2)
        # gauss_filters = [None,    (0,1,1), (0,2,2), (0,3,3),
        #                  (1,0,0), (1,1,1), (1,2,2), (1,3,3),
        #                  (2,0,0), (2,1,1), (2,2,2), (2,3,3)]
        other_filters = [None, "erosion", "dilation"]

        for metric_name, metric in self.METRICS.items():
            relevant = metric.get_relevant(self)
            labels = metric.get_labels(relevant)
            for other_filter in other_filters:
                for gauss_filter in gauss_filters:
                    # Don't compute gauss filters (in image space) for per sum metrics (they take the average anyways)
                    if metric_name.endswith(
                    ) and gauss_filter != None and gauss_filter[1] > 0:

                    title = "Metrics for %s (%s, filter:%s + %s)" % (
                        extractor, metric_name, gauss_filter, other_filter)
                    logger.info("Calculating %s" % title)

                    scores = dict()
                    for n in sorted(self.mahalanobis_distances.dtype.names):
                        name = n.replace("fake", "simple")

                        maha = relevant.mahalanobis_distances[n]

                        if gauss_filter is not None:
                            maha = utils.gaussian_filter(maha,

                        if other_filter is not None:
                            struct = generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
                            if struct.ndim == 2:
                                z = np.zeros_like(struct, dtype=np.bool)
                                struct = np.stack((z, struct, z))

                            if other_filter == "erosion":
                                maha = grey_erosion(maha, structure=struct)
                            elif other_filter == "dilation":
                                maha = grey_dilation(maha, structure=struct)

                        scores[name] = metric.get_values(maha)

                    filename = os.path.join(
                        consts.METRICS_PATH, "%s_%s_%s_%s.jpg" %
                        (extractor, metric_name, gauss_filter, other_filter))
                    result = self.calculate_roc(title, labels, scores,
                    for model, roc_auc, auc_pr, max_f1, fpr0, fpr1, fpr2, fpr3, fpr4, fpr5 in result:
                            (extractor, metric_name, model, gauss_filter,
                             other_filter, roc_auc, auc_pr, max_f1, fpr0, fpr1,
                             fpr2, fpr3, fpr4, fpr5))

        return results
if (exponent!= 1):
    print "- Nonlinear Stretching..."
    # Data=((Data/float(Data.max()/theta) )**exponent*255/phi).astype(int)
    Data=((Data/float(Data.max()/theta) )**exponent*255/phi).astype(int)
        pl.save("Stretching", Data)

    print "- Morphological Opening..."
    Data=grey_opening(Data, structure=Cross)
        pl.save("Opening", Data)

    print "- Morphological Erosion..."
    Data=grey_erosion(Data, structure=Cross)
        pl.save("Erosion", Data)
    print "- Morphological Closing..."
    Data=grey_closing(Data, structure=Cross)
        pl.save("Closing", Data)

# Remark: one could keep on with other transformations, other kernels and so on
# To do so, I would reccomend to use ipython, and eventually load the partial results 


Exemple #26
    def _adapt(self,
    adapt_flag (int): 0:do not adapt, 1:adapt with hard labels based on teacher,
                      2:adapt on hard labels from last mask

        # Perform Mask erosion to reduce effect of false positive
        eroded_mask = grey_erosion(last_mask,
                                   size=(self.erosion_size, self.erosion_size,

        # Compute distance transform
        dt = distance_transform_edt(numpy.logical_not(eroded_mask))

        # Adaptation target initialize
        adaptation_target = numpy.zeros_like(last_mask)
        adaptation_target[:] = VOID_LABEL

        # Retrieve current probability map to adapt with
        current_posteriors = get_posteriors_fn()
        if adapt_flag == 2:
            positives = current_posteriors[:, :,
                                           1] > self.posterior_positive_threshold
        elif adapt_flag == 1:
            positives = last_mask == 1

        if self.use_positives:
            adaptation_target[positives] = 1

        # Threshold based on distance transform
        threshold = self.distance_negative_threshold
        negatives = dt > threshold
        if self.use_negatives:
            adaptation_target[negatives] = 0

        do_adaptation = eroded_mask.sum() > 0

        # Save adaptation targets for debugging
        if self.debug:
            adaptation_target_visualization = adaptation_target.copy()
            adaptation_target_visualization[adaptation_target == 1] = 128
            if not do_adaptation:
                adaptation_target_visualization[:] = VOID_LABEL
            from scipy.misc import imsave
            folder = self.val_data.video_tag().replace("__", "/")
                "forwarded/" + self.model + "/valid/" + folder +
                "/adaptation_%05d.png" % frame_idx,


        # Start Adapting based on number of adaptation_steps
        for idx in xrange(self.n_adaptation_steps):
            do_step = True
            #if idx % self.adaptation_interval == 0:
            if do_adaptation:
                feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                    frame_idx, with_annotations=True)
                )] = adaptation_target
                loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale
                adaption_frame_idx = frame_idx
                do_step = False

            if do_step:
                loss, _, n_imgs = self.trainer.train_step(
                assert n_imgs == 1
                print >> log.v4, "adapting on frame", adaption_frame_idx, "of sequence", video_idx + 1, \
                    self.train_data.video_tag(video_idx), "loss:", loss
        if do_adaptation:
            return negatives
            return None
Exemple #27
def contourcuts(image,maxdist=15,minrange=10,mincdist=20,sigma=1.0,debug=0,r=8,s=0.5):
    if debug:
        figure(1); clf(); imshow(image)

    # start by computing the contours
    contours = image2contours(image!=0)

    # generate a mask for grayscale morphology
    mask = s*ones((r,r))
    mask[2:-2,2:-2] = 0

    cuts = []

    # now handle each (external) contour individually
    for k,cs in enumerate(contours):
        # compute a matrix of all the pairwise distances of pixels
        # around the contour, then smooth it a little
        ds = distance.cdist(cs,cs)
        ds = filters.gaussian_filter(ds,(sigma,sigma),mode='wrap')
        # compute a circulant matrix telling us the pathlength
        # between any two pixels on the contour
        n = len(cs)
        l = abs(arange(n)-n/2.0)
        l = l[0]-l
        cds = linalg.circulant(l)
        # find true local minima (exclude ridges) by using the
        # structuring element above
        ge = morphology.grey_erosion(ds,structure=mask,mode='wrap')
        locs = (ds<=ge)

        # restrict it to pairs of points that are closer than maxdist
        locs *= (ds<maxdist)

        # restrict it to paris of points that are separated by
        # at least mincdist on the contour
        locs *= (cds>=mincdist)

        # label the remaining minima and locate them
        locs,n = measurements.label(locs)
        cms = measurements.center_of_mass(locs,locs,range(1,n+1))

        # keep only on of each pair (in canonical ordering)
        cms = [(int(i+0.5),int(j+0.5)) for i,j in cms if i<j]
        for i,j in cms:
            x0,y0 = cs[i]
            x1,y1 = cs[j]
            # keep only the near vertical ones
            if abs(y1-y0)>abs(x1-x0):
                color = 'r'
                color = 'b'
            if debug:
                print (x0,y0),(x1,y1)
                figure(1); plot([x0,x1],[y0,y1],color)

        if debug:
            figure(2); clf(); ion(); imshow(locs!=0)
            figure(3); clf(); imshow(minimum(ds,maxdist*1.5),interpolation='nearest')
            print "hit ENTER"; raw_input()
    # now construct a cut image
    cutimage = zeros(image.shape)
    for ((x0,y0),(x1,y1)) in cuts:
    cutimage = filters.maximum_filter(cutimage,(3,3))
    if debug:
        figure(4); clf(); imshow(maximum(0,image-0.5*cutimage))
    return cutimage
    cv2.imwrite(cur_save_root + '00000.png', output)

    for j in range(1, cur_seq_range):
        img_file = osp.join(cur_seq_image_path, '%05d' % j + '.jpg')
        cur_img, ori_img_size = load_image_label_davis17(
            img_file, cfg['crop_size'])
        cur_img = Variable(cur_img).cuda()
        output = model.forward(cur_img, model_weights, train_mode, bn_params)
        output = sigmoid(interp(output)).cpu().data[0, 0].numpy()

        # use current frame to generate label for next frame
        gen_label = np.zeros_like(output)
        gen_label[:] = adapt_ignore_label

        eroded_mask = grey_erosion(last_mask,
        eroded_mask[eroded_mask < 0.1] = 0
        dt = distance_transform_edt(np.logical_not(eroded_mask))

        gen_label[output > pos_pred_thres] = 1
        gen_label[dt > neg_dist_thres] = 0

        do_adapt = eroded_mask.sum() > 0

        if adapt_debug:
            if do_adapt:
                gen_label_vis = gen_label.copy()
                gen_label_vis[gen_label == 1] = 128
                gen_label_vis[:] = adapt_ignore_label
Exemple #29
    return keypoints, np.array(descrs)

img1 = cv2.imread("masked_points.jpg", 0)
img2 = cv2.imread("masked_disks.jpg", 0)

# pixel-wise mean taken over an image ensemble
mean1 = cv2.imread("masked_mean1.jpg", 0)
mean2 = cv2.imread("masked_mean2.jpg", 0)

# turn the points into disks
img1 -= mean1
img2 -= mean2

img1 = grey_erosion(img1, size=(3, 3))

# flip and scale the image
img1 = np.hflip(img1)
img1 = imresize(0.5)

# locate intensity peaks. wherever they are, black them out and replace them
with a large circle in a blank image

virtualdisks = np.zeros(img2.shape)
max_threshold = 200
virtualradius = 60
eraserradius = 13
while np.max(img1) > 200:
    cy, cx = np.argmax(img1, axis=0), np.argmax(img1, axis=1)
    rr, cc = circle(cy, cx, virtualradius)
def get_data_from_image_id(
        image_id, coco_obj, img_size, base_path, grayscale=False,
        generate_negative_points=True, aug_pipeline=None, 
    all_results = {}
    res = get_image_data(
    # image
    image = res['image']
    xyhw_box = (0, 0, image.shape[0], image.shape[1])  # y, x, h, w
    xyhw_box = bbu.extend_xyhw_to_ratio(xyhw_box, img_size[1]/img_size[0])
    xyhw_box = bbu.round_bbox_params(xyhw_box)
    padded_img = imu.pad_to_bbox(image, xyhw_box, mode='mean')
    new_bbox = (max(0, xyhw_box[0]), max(0, xyhw_box[1]), xyhw_box[2], xyhw_box[3])
    offset_x, offset_y = xyhw_box[0], xyhw_box[1]
    padded_crop = padded_img[new_bbox[0]:new_bbox[0]+new_bbox[2], new_bbox[1]:new_bbox[1]+new_bbox[3]]
    old_shape = padded_crop.shape[:]
    resized_crop = cv2.resize(padded_crop, img_size[::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
    all_results['image'] = resized_crop
    # keypoints
    if toggle_joints:
        all_keypoints = res['joints'].copy()
        all_shifted_pts = all_keypoints - [offset_x, offset_y, 0, 0]  # coordinates in the crops frame
        all_shifted_pts = all_shifted_pts[  # remove ousiders
            (0 <= all_shifted_pts[:, 0]) &
            (all_shifted_pts[:, 0] < padded_crop.shape[0]) &
            (0 <= all_shifted_pts[:, 1]) &
            (all_shifted_pts[:, 1] < padded_crop.shape[1])

        # rescale keypoints
        all_rescaled_pts = all_shifted_pts * [img_size[0]/old_shape[0], img_size[1]/old_shape[1], 1., 1.]
        all_results['joints'] = all_rescaled_pts

        # fix joints loss region
        joints_loss_region = res['joints_loss_region']
        joints_loss_region = imu.pad_to_bbox(joints_loss_region, xyhw_box, mode='constant', cval=1)  # pad with 1. to collect loss from no mask outside the image
        joints_loss_region = joints_loss_region[new_bbox[0]:new_bbox[0]+new_bbox[2], new_bbox[1]:new_bbox[1]+new_bbox[3]]
        joints_loss_region = cv2.resize(joints_loss_region.astype(np.uint8), img_size[::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST).astype(np.float32)
        all_results['joints_loss_region'] = grey_erosion(joints_loss_region, 5)
    # pad, crop and resize bin_mask
    if toggle_bin_mask:
        _bin_mask = res['bin_mask']
        _bin_mask = imu.pad_to_bbox(_bin_mask, xyhw_box, mode='constant')
        _bin_mask = _bin_mask[new_bbox[0]:new_bbox[0]+new_bbox[2], new_bbox[1]:new_bbox[1]+new_bbox[3]]
        bin_mask = cv2.resize(_bin_mask.astype(np.uint8), img_size[::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST).astype(np.float32)
        all_results['bin_mask'] = bin_mask
    # pad, crop and resize dp_mask
    if toggle_dp_seg:
        _dp_mask = res['dp_mask']
        _dp_mask = imu.pad_to_bbox(_dp_mask, xyhw_box, mode='constant')
        _dp_mask[:, :, 0] = ~np.logical_or.reduce(_dp_mask[:, :, 1:], axis=2)
        _dp_mask = _dp_mask[new_bbox[0]:new_bbox[0]+new_bbox[2], new_bbox[1]:new_bbox[1]+new_bbox[3]]
        dp_mask = resize(_dp_mask.astype(np.float32), img_size, order=0, mode='edge', anti_aliasing=False).astype(np.float32)
        # dp_mask = softmax(dp_mask, axis=2)
        dp_mask /= dp_mask.sum(axis=2)[:, :, None]
        all_results['dp_mask'] = dp_mask
    # rescale densepose points
    if toggle_dp_points:
        _dp_points = res['dp_points'].copy()
        _dp_points = _dp_points - [offset_x, offset_y, 0., 0., 0.]  # coordinates in the crops frame
        _dp_points = _dp_points[  # remove ousiders
            (0 <= _dp_points[:, 0]) &
            (_dp_points[:, 0] < padded_crop.shape[0]) &
            (0 <= _dp_points[:, 1]) &
            (_dp_points[:, 1] < padded_crop.shape[1])
        # rescale keypoints
        dp_points = _dp_points * [img_size[0]/old_shape[0], img_size[1]/old_shape[1], 1., 1., 1.]
        if generate_negative_points:
            dp_points = np.concatenate([dp_points, generate_neg_coords(bin_mask.astype(np.bool) | (~dp_mask[:, :, 0].astype(np.bool)))], axis=0)
        all_results['dp_points'] = dp_points
    # instance offsets
    if toggle_instance_offsets:
        inst_offsets, head_points = res['instance_offsets'], res['head_points']
        inst_offsets = imu.pad_to_bbox(inst_offsets, xyhw_box, mode='constant')
        inst_offsets = inst_offsets[new_bbox[0]:new_bbox[0]+new_bbox[2], new_bbox[1]:new_bbox[1]+new_bbox[3]]
        # inst_offsets /= list(inst_offsets.shape[:2])  # normalize offsets
        inst_offsets = cv2.resize(inst_offsets, img_size[::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        all_results['instance_offsets'] = inst_offsets

        if head_points != []:
            head_points = head_points - [offset_x, offset_y]
            head_points = head_points * [img_size[0]/old_shape[0], img_size[1]/old_shape[1]]
        all_results['head_points'] = head_points
    ################## AUGMENTS HERE ###################
    if aug_pipeline is not None:
        all_results = aug_pipeline(all_results)
    if toggle_instance_offsets:
        pts = all_results['head_points']
        all_results['instance_offsets_loss_region'] = (all_results['instance_offsets'] > 0).astype(np.float32)
        offset_mask = np.zeros((img_size[0], img_size[1], 2), dtype=np.float32)
        if pts != []:
            for i in range(pts.shape[0]):
                head_point = pts[i]
                # convert instance maps into offset maps and loss region
                xx, yy = np.where(all_results['instance_offsets'] == i + 1)

                offset_mask[xx, yy, 0] = head_point[0] - xx
                offset_mask[xx, yy, 1] = head_point[1] - yy
        all_results['instance_offsets'] = offset_mask / [img_size[0], img_size[1]]

        del all_results['head_points']
    return all_results
    def _adapt(self, video_idx, frame_idx, last_mask, get_posteriors_fn,
        eroded_mask = grey_erosion(last_mask,
                                   size=(self.erosion_size, self.erosion_size,
        dt = distance_transform_edt(numpy.logical_not(eroded_mask))
        adaptation_target2 = last_mask
        adaptation_target = numpy.zeros_like(last_mask)
        adaptation_target[:] = VOID_LABEL

        current_posteriors = get_posteriors_fn()
        positives = current_posteriors[:, :,
                                       1] > self.posterior_positive_threshold
        if self.use_positives:
            adaptation_target[positives] = 1

        threshold = self.distance_negative_threshold
        negatives = dt > threshold
        if self.use_negatives:
            adaptation_target[negatives] = 0

        do_adaptation = eroded_mask.sum() > 0

        if self.debug:
            adaptation_target_visualization = adaptation_target.copy()
            adaptation_target_visualization[adaptation_target == 1] = 128
            if not do_adaptation:
                adaptation_target_visualization[:] = VOID_LABEL
            from scipy.misc import imsave
            folder = self.val_data.video_tag().replace("__", "/")
                "forwarded/" + self.model + "/valid/" + folder +
                "/adaptation_%05d.png" % frame_idx,

        threshold_ = 0.020
        #print "self.n_adaptation_steps",n_adaptation_steps
        for idx in xrange(self.n_adaptation_steps):  #
            print idx
            do_step = True
            if idx % self.adaptation_interval == 0:  #adaptation_interval
                if do_adaptation:
                    feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                        frame_idx, with_annotations=True)
                    )] = adaptation_target  #
                    loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale * 5
                    adaption_frame_idx = frame_idx
                    print >> log.v4, "skipping current frame adaptation, since the target seems to be lost"
                    do_step = False

            elif idx % self.adaptation_interval == 1:
                print "idx % self.adaptation_interval =1"
                if frame_idx >= 1:
                    print "-----------"
                    key_list = self.extractBorderFrame(video_idx,
                                                       frame_idx - 1,
                    key = key_list[-1]
                    if key not in kframe_lst:
                    feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                        kframe_lst[-1], with_annotations=True)
                    loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale
                    adaption_frame_idx = kframe_lst[-1]

            elif idx % self.adaptation_interval == 2:
                print "idx % self.adaptation_interval=2"
                if len(kframe_lst) > 2:
                    feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                        kframe_lst[-2], with_annotations=True)
                    adaption_frame_idx = kframe_lst[-2]
                    if kframe_lst[-2] - kframe_lst[-1] > 5:
                        loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale * 100
                        loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale

            elif idx % self.adaptation_interval == 3:
                print "idx % self.adaptation_interval=3"
                if len(kframe_lst) > 3:
                    feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                        kframe_lst[-3], with_annotations=True)
                    adaption_frame_idx = kframe_lst[-3]
                    if kframe_lst[-3] - kframe_lst[-1] > 10:
                        loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale * 100
                        loss_scale = self.adaptation_loss_scale

                print "else"
                # mix in first frame to avoid drift
                # (do this even if we think the target is lost, since then this can help to find back the target)
                feed_dict = self.train_data.feed_dict_for_video_frame(
                    0, with_annotations=True)
                loss_scale = 1.0
                adaption_frame_idx = 0

            if do_step:
                loss, measures, n_imgs = self.trainer.train_step(
                iou = Measures.calc_iou(measures, n_imgs, [0])
                assert n_imgs == 1
                print >> log.v4, "adapting on frame", adaption_frame_idx, "of sequence", video_idx + 1, \
                    self.train_data.video_tag(video_idx), "loss:", loss,"iou:",iou
        if do_adaptation:
            return negatives, kframe_lst
            return None, kframe_lst
    def __maha__(self, x=None, only_refresh_image=False):
        image = np.zeros((350, 480, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        if self.model_index > 0 and self.patches.contains_mahalanobis_distances:
            font                   = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
            fontScale              = 0.5
            thickness              = 1

            model = sorted(self.patches.mahalanobis_distances.dtype.names)[self.model_index - 1]

            cv2.putText(image,"Model:", (10, 20), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
            cv2.putText(image, model,    (65, 20), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)

            cv2.putText(image,"Filter:", (10, 50), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)

            if not only_refresh_image:
                self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered[:] = self.patches.mahalanobis_distances[model]

            sigma_0 = (cv2.getTrackbarPos("0_gaussian_0", self.WINDOWS_MAHA),
                       cv2.getTrackbarPos("0_gaussian_1", self.WINDOWS_MAHA),
                       cv2.getTrackbarPos("0_gaussian_2", self.WINDOWS_MAHA))
            if sigma_0 != (0, 0, 0):
                cv2.putText(image, "gaussian (%i, %i, %i)" % sigma_0, (65, 50), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
                if not only_refresh_image:
                    self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered = utils.gaussian_filter(self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered, sigma=sigma_0)

            erosion_dilation = cv2.getTrackbarPos("1_erosion_dilation", self.WINDOWS_MAHA)
            if erosion_dilation > 0:
                struct = generate_binary_structure(cv2.getTrackbarPos("1_erosion_dilation_structure_rank", self.WINDOWS_MAHA),
                                                   cv2.getTrackbarPos("1_erosion_dilation_structure_connectivity", self.WINDOWS_MAHA))
                if struct.ndim == 2:
                    z = np.zeros_like(struct, dtype=np.bool)
                    struct = np.stack((z, struct, z))
                if erosion_dilation == 1:
                    cv2.putText(image, "erosion", (65, 80), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
                    if not only_refresh_image:
                        self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered = grey_erosion(self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered, structure=struct)
                elif erosion_dilation == 2:
                    cv2.putText(image, "dilation", (65, 80), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
                    if not only_refresh_image:
                        self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered = grey_dilation(self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered, structure=struct)

                for (z, x, y) in np.ndindex(struct.shape):
                    cv2.putText(image, str(int(struct[z, x, y])), (150 + y * 15 + z * 60, 80 + x * 15), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
            sigma_2 = (cv2.getTrackbarPos("2_gaussian_0", self.WINDOWS_MAHA),
                       cv2.getTrackbarPos("2_gaussian_1", self.WINDOWS_MAHA),
                       cv2.getTrackbarPos("2_gaussian_2", self.WINDOWS_MAHA))
            if sigma_2 != (0, 0, 0):
                cv2.putText(image, "gaussian (%i, %i, %i)" % sigma_2, (65, 140), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
                if not only_refresh_image:
                    self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered = utils.gaussian_filter(self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered, sigma=sigma_2)
            # Add some statistics
            threshold = float(cv2.getTrackbarPos("threshold", self.WINDOWS_MAHA)) / 10000.0

            cv2.putText(image, "                        TPR        FPR        Threshold", (10, 190), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)

            # self._metrics_ax2.clear()

            for i, (metric_name, metric) in enumerate(sorted(PatchArray.METRICS.items())):
                labels = metric.get_labels(self.patches)
                scores = metric.get_values(self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered)
                if metric.current_threshold == -1:
                    m = np.max(scores)
                    metric.current_threshold = m
                    m = metric.current_threshold

                thresh = m * threshold

                negavites = scores[labels == 1]
                positives = scores[labels == 2]

                false_negavites = np.count_nonzero(negavites >= thresh)
                true_positives = np.count_nonzero(positives >= thresh)

                tpr = true_positives / float(positives.size) * 100.0 if float(positives.size) > 0 else 0
                fpr = false_negavites / float(negavites.size) * 100.0 if float(negavites.size) > 0 else 0

                if metric_name != "per patch" and i == cv2.getTrackbarPos("metric", self.WINDOWS_MAHA):
                    self._labels = labels
                    self._scores = scores
                    self._thresh = thresh

                    for r in np.reshape(np.diff(np.r_[0, labels == 0, 0]).nonzero()[0], (-1,2)):
                        self._metrics_ax1.axvspan(r[0], r[1], facecolor='black', alpha=0.1)

                    for r in np.reshape(np.diff(np.r_[0, np.logical_and(labels == 2, scores >= thresh), 0]).nonzero()[0], (-1,2)):
                        self._metrics_ax1.axvspan(r[0], r[1], facecolor='g', alpha=0.2)

                    for r in np.reshape(np.diff(np.r_[0, np.logical_and(labels == 1, scores >= thresh), 0]).nonzero()[0], (-1,2)):
                        self._metrics_ax1.axvspan(r[0], r[1], facecolor='r', alpha=0.2)

                    for r in np.reshape(np.diff(np.r_[0, np.logical_and(labels == 2, scores < thresh), 0]).nonzero()[0], (-1,2)):
                        self._metrics_ax1.axvspan(r[0], r[1], facecolor='b', alpha=0.2)

                    self._metrics_ax1.set_ylim(0, np.max(scores))
                    self._metrics_ax1.plot(scores, lw=1, label=metric_name, color="black")
                    # self._metrics_ax1.axvline(x=self.index, linewidth=0.5, color="black")
                    self._metrics_ax1.axhline(y=thresh, linewidth=0.5, color="black")
                    if not only_refresh_image:

                        # r = (np.nanmin(self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered), np.nanmax(self.patches.mahalanobis_distances_filtered))

                        self._histogram_ax1.set_title("No anomaly")
                        self._histogram_fig.suptitle("Mahalanobis distances")

                        _, bins, _ = self._histogram_ax1.hist(negavites.ravel(), bins=200)
                        self._histogram_ax2.hist(positives.ravel(), bins=bins)

                cv2.putText(image, metric_name, (40, 220 + i*30), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
                cv2.putText(image, "%.2f" % tpr, (200, 220 + i*30), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
                cv2.putText(image, "%.2f" % fpr, (300, 220 + i*30), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
                cv2.putText(image, "%.2f" % thresh, (400, 220 + i*30), font, fontScale, (255,255,255), thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)


        cv2.imshow(self.WINDOWS_MAHA, image)