Exemple #1
def lebensdauer(p, x, x_error, y, y_error):
    model = odr.Model(exp)
    data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=x_error, sy=y_error)
    out = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0=p).run()
    popt = out.beta
    perr = out.sd_beta
    x_fit = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 1000)
    y_fit = exp(popt, x_fit)
    print("Exponential Funciton\n", popt, perr)
        "$N(t)=N_0\cdot \exp(-\\frac{t}{\\tau})+c$\n$N_0=(%.3f\pm%.3f)$\n$\\tau=(%.3f\pm%.3f)ns$\n$c=(%.3f\pm%.3f)$"
        % (popt[0], perr[0], popt[2], perr[2], popt[1], perr[1]))
Exemple #2
def fit_both(datax,datay,errx,erry,func,beta0,print_info=False):
    dat = so.RealData(datax,datay,sx=errx,sy=erry)
    mod = so.Model(func)
    odr = so.ODR(dat,mod,beta0=beta0)
    res = odr.run()
    if print_info:
    sd_beta = np.sqrt(np.diag(res.cov_beta))
    beta = res.beta
    pull_x = res.xplus
    normed_residuals = np.sqrt((res.eps/erry)**2 + (res.delta/errx)**2)
    pull_y = -np.sign(res.eps)*normed_residuals
    return [ [beta,sd_beta], [pull_x,pull_y], [res.res_var,len(datax)-len(beta0)] ]
Exemple #3
def anpassung_yerr(function, x, y, y_error, presets, plot):
    model = odr.Model(function)
    data = odr.RealData(x, y, sy=y_error)
    out = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0=presets).run()

    popt = out.beta
    perr = out.sd_beta

    if plot == True:
        x_fit = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 10000)
        y_fit = function(popt, x_fit)

        plt.plot(x_fit, y_fit)

    return popt,perr
Exemple #4
    def fit_circle(arc_contour):
        Fit the circle with feeding points

        Algorithm from scipy-cookbook: http://scipy-cookbook.readthedocs.io/items/Least_Squares_Circle.html
        :param arc_contour:
        :return: (x, y, r)
        from scipy import odr

        x = np.array([i[0][0] for i in arc_contour])
        y = np.array([i[0][1] for i in arc_contour])

        def calc_R(c):
            """ calculate the distance of each 2D points from the center c=(xc, yc) """
            return np.sqrt((x - c[0])**2 + (y - c[1])**2)

        def circlemodel(beta, x):
            """ implicit function of the circle """
            xc, yc, r = beta
            return (x[0] - xc)**2 + (x[1] - yc)**2 - r**2

        def calc_estimate(data):
            """ Return a first estimation on the parameter from the data  """
            xc0, yc0 = data.x.mean(axis=1)
            r0 = np.sqrt((data.x[0] - xc0)**2 + (data.x[1] - yc0)**2).mean()
            return xc0, yc0, r0

        # for implicit function :
        #       data.x contains both coordinates of the points
        #       data.y is the dimensionality of the response
        lsc_data = odr.Data(np.row_stack([x, y]), y=1)
        lsc_model = odr.Model(circlemodel,
        lsc_odr = odr.ODR(lsc_data, lsc_model)
        lsc_out = lsc_odr.run()

        xc_3, yc_3, R_3 = lsc_out.beta
        print('lsc_out.sum_square = ', lsc_out.sum_square)

        # Ri_3 = calc_R([xc_3, yc_3])
        # residu_3 = sum((Ri_3 - R_3) ** 2)
        # residu2_3 = sum((Ri_3 ** 2 - R_3 ** 2) ** 2)
        # print('residu_3  :', residu_3 )
        # print('residu2_3 :', residu2_3)

        return xc_3, yc_3, R_3
Exemple #5
def linear_fit_odr(x, y, xerr=None, yerr=None):
    from scipy import odr

    def f(B, x):
        return B[0] * x + B[1]

    linear = odr.Model(f)
    if xerr == None: xerr = np.ones(len(x))
    if yerr == None: yerr = np.ones(len(y))
    for i, e in enumerate(yerr):
        if e == 0: yerr[i] = 1
    mydata = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=xerr, sy=yerr)
    myodr = odr.ODR(mydata, linear, beta0=[-1., 0.])
    myoutput = myodr.run()
    return (myoutput.beta[0], myoutput.beta[1], myoutput.sd_beta[0],
Exemple #6
def leastErrorsHedgeRatio(df, stock1, stock2, days_moving_avg):
    y = np.asarray(df[stock1].tolist()[-days_moving_avg:])  # stock 1 data
    x = np.asarray(df[stock2].tolist()[-days_moving_avg:])  # stock 2 data
    # First use polyfit to generate rough estimate of betas
    fit_np = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)

    # Fit the data using scipy.odr
    def f(B, x):
        return B[0] * x + B[1]

    linear = odr.Model(f)
    mydata = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=np.std(x), sy=np.std(y))
    myodr = odr.ODR(mydata, linear, beta0=[fit_np[0], fit_np[1]])
    myoutput = myodr.run()
    return (myoutput.beta[0], myoutput.beta[1]
            )  # return both slope and intercept
Exemple #7
def fit_y(datax,datay,erry,func,beta0,print_info=False):
    dat = so.RealData(datax,datay,sy=erry)
    mod = so.Model(func)
    odr = so.ODR(dat,mod,beta0=beta0)
    res = odr.run()
    if print_info:
    sd_beta = np.sqrt(np.diag(res.cov_beta))
    beta = res.beta
    res_x = res.xplus
    res_y = res.eps
    reserr = erry
    return [ [beta,sd_beta], [res_x,res_y,reserr], [res.res_var,len(datax)-len(beta0)] ]
def findCurvatureR(x, y):
    # for implicit function :
    #       data.x contains both coordinates of the points
    #       data.y is the dimensionality of the response
    lsc_data = odr.Data(np.row_stack([x, y]), y=1)
    lsc_model = odr.Model(f_3, implicit=True, estimate=calc_estimate)
    lsc_odr = odr.ODR(lsc_data, lsc_model)
    lsc_out = lsc_odr.run()

    xc_3, yc_3, R_3 = lsc_out.beta
    Ri_3 = calc_R([xc_3, yc_3], x, y)
    residu_3 = sum((Ri_3 - R_3)**2)
    residu2_3 = sum((Ri_3**2 - R_3**2)**2)
    #ncalls_3   = f_3.ncalls

    #print ('lsc_out.sum_square = ',lsc_out.sum_square)
    return ([xc_3, yc_3, R_3])
def OneDCornerDetection(x, y):
    More explaination about odr can be found here:
    # Create a RealData object using input data
    data = spyodr.RealData(x, y)
    # Create linear model for fitting.
    beta0 = [min(y), 0.5 * (min(x) + max(x)), 0.707]
    linear_model = spyodr.Model(OneDCornerFunction)
    # Set up ODR with the model and data.
    odr = spyodr.ODR(data, linear_model, beta0=beta0)
    out = odr.run()
    coef = out.beta
    return coef, out.res_var
def get_fit_parameters(x, y, x_error, y_error):
    global odr
    model_func = odr.Model(linear_func)
    data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=x_error, sy=y_error)
    odr_object = odr.ODR(data,
                         beta0=[40, 0.05],

    out = odr_object.run()
    optimized_parameters = out.beta
    parameter_errors = out.sd_beta
    cov_matrix = out.cov_beta

    return (optimized_parameters, parameter_errors), cov_matrix
Exemple #11
def anpassung_xerr(function, x, y, x_error, presets, plot,customlabel):
    model = odr.Model(function)
    data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=x_error)
    out = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0=presets).run()

    popt = out.beta
    perr = out.sd_beta

    if plot == True:
        x_fit = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 10000)
        y_fit = function(popt, x_fit)
        if customlabel == False:
            plt.plot(x_fit, y_fit)
            plt.plot(x_fit, y_fit,label=customlabel)

    return popt,perr
Exemple #12
def gausanpassung(x1, y1, x1_error, y1_error):
    model = odr.Model(gauss)
    width = 0.7
    height = 1.

    for i in range(0, int(eckdaten[0, 1])):
        # print(eckdaten[3+i*2,:])
        x = x1[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 2])]
        y = y1[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 2])]
        x_error = x1_error[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2,
        y_error = y1_error[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2,

        # Create a RealData object
        data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=x_error, sy=y_error)

        # Set up ODR with the model and data.
        presets = [
            ecal.E(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 1]), width,
            y1[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 1])] * height, 0., 1.
        # presets=[eckdaten[3+i*2,1], width, y1[int(eckdaten[3+i*2,1])]*height, 0. ,1.]
        out = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0=presets).run()

        popt = out.beta
        perr = out.sd_beta
        # maxima[0,i]=popt[0]#a
        # maxima[1,i]=perr[0]#a_err
        # maxima[2,i]=popt[2]#d
        # maxima[3,i]=perr[2]#d_err
        # print(popt,min(x), max(x))
        maxima[i] = np.vstack((popt, perr))
        b = ufloat(popt[1], perr[1])
        x_fit = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 10000)
        y_fit = gauss(maxima[i, 0], x_fit)
        print(round(popt[2], 2), round(perr[2], 2))
        # print(np.hstack(np.stack((popt,perr),axis=1)))
                 label=str(i + 1) + '. Peak (' + str(round(popt[0], 2)) +
                 '+/-' + str(round(perr[0], 2)) + ') keV')
        # plt.errorbar(x=popt[0], y=popt[2]+popt[3]*popt[0]+popt[4], yerr=perr[2] ,xerr=perr[0], marker='x',linestyle = 'None', color='red',zorder=3)
        # plt.plot(x_fit, gauss(presets, x_fit), color='grey', zorder=-3)
    return maxima
def gausanpassung(x1, y1, x1_error, y1_error):
    model = odr.Model(gauss)
    width = 3.
    height = 1.
    if detektortyp == 'H':
        width = 0.7
        height = 1.

    for i in range(0, int(eckdaten[0, 1])):
        x = x1[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 2])]
        y = y1[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 2])]
        x_error = x1_error[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2,
        y_error = y1_error[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2,

        # Create a RealData object
        data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=x_error, sy=y_error)

        # Set up ODR with the model and data.
        presets = [
            ecal.E(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 1]), width,
            y1[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 1])] * height, 0., 1.
        out = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0=presets).run()

        popt = out.beta
        perr = out.sd_beta
        b = ufloat(popt[1], perr[1])
        maxima[0, i] = popt[0]  #a
        maxima[1, i] = perr[0]  #a_err
        maxima[2, i] = popt[2]  #d
        maxima[3, i] = perr[2]  #d_err
        relint[i] = eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 4]
        FWHM = 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) * b
        # print(str(i+1)+'. Peak;'+str(round(popt[0],2))+'plusundminus'+str(round(perr[0],2))+';'+str(round(popt[2],2))+'plusundminus'+str(round(perr[2],2)))
        # print(datensatz+';'+str(i+1)+'. Peak;'+str(b)+';'+str(FWHM))
        x_fit = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 10000)
        y_fit = gauss(popt, x_fit)

                 label=str(i + 1) + '. Peak (E=(' + str(round(popt[0], 2)) +
                 '$\pm$' + str(round(perr[0], 2)) + ')keV)')
Exemple #14
def perform_odr(add, dev, wadd, wdev):
    A wrapper to calculate an ODR regression.

    add, dev - x and y axis of the regression
    wadd, wdev - standard deviations

    an ODR object
    linear = odr.Model(f)
    # mydata = odr.Data(add, dev, wd=1./wadd, we=1./wdev)
    mydata = odr.RealData(add, dev, sx=wadd, sy=wdev)
    myodr = odr.ODR(mydata, linear, beta0=[0])
    myoutput = myodr.run()
    return myoutput
def circle_3b(xs, ys):
    # for implicit function
    # data.x contains both coordinates of the points
    # data.y is the dimensionality of the response
    lsc_data = odr.Data(np.row_stack([xs, ys]), y=1)
    lsc_model = odr.Model(f_3b, implicit=True,
                          estimate=calc_estimate, fjacd=jacd, fjacb=jacb)
    # beta0 has been replaced by an estimate function
    lsc_odr = odr.ODR(lsc_data, lsc_model)
    # use user derivatives function without checking
    # print details for each iteration
    # lsc_odr.set_iprint(iter=1, iter_step=1)
    lsc_out = lsc_odr.run()

    xc_3b, yc_3b, R_3b = lsc_out.beta

    return (xc_3b, yc_3b), R_3b
Exemple #16
def polyfit(x, y, xerr, yerr, deg):
    Perform a polynomial fit on data with 2 dimensional errors using the
    scipy.odr orthogonal distance regression pacage.
    @param x: x data
    @param y: y data
    @param xerr: errors on x data
    @param yerr: errors on y data
    @param deg: degree
    model = odr.Model(lambda B, x: _func(B, x, deg=deg))
    data = odr.Data(x, y, wd=1. / pow(xerr, 1), we=1. / pow(yerr, 1))
    beta0 = np.polyfit(x, y, deg)  # np.polyfit w/o errors as estimate.
    odr_fit = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0=beta0)

    fit = odr_fit.run()

    return fit.beta
def circle_fit_jacobian(x, y):
    lsc_data = odr.Data(row_stack([x, y]), y=1)
    lsc_model = odr.Model(f_3b,
    lsc_odr = odr.ODR(
        lsc_data, lsc_model)  # beta0 has been replaced by an estimate function
    lsc_odr.set_job(deriv=3)  # use user derivatives function without checking
    # lsc_odr.set_iprint(iter=1, iter_step=1)     # print details for each iteration
    lsc_out = lsc_odr.run()

    xc_3b, yc_3b, R_3b = lsc_out.beta
    # Ri_3b       = calc_R(xc_3b, yc_3b)
    # residu_3b   = sum((Ri_3b - R_3b)**2)

    return xc_3b, yc_3b, R_3b
def fit(show=True):
    fit_func = lambda t, x: e ** (-1 * (x - t[1]) / t[0])
    m = odr.Model(fit_func)
    d = odr.RealData(bins[:-1], n)
    t0 = [.5, 7]
    o = odr.ODR(d, m, beta0=t0)
    out = o.run()
    x_fit = bins
    fit = fit_func(out.beta, x_fit)
    if show:
        xlabel('Time [us]')
        ylabel('Number of Entries')
        title('Muon Life Time')
        plot(x_fit, fit, 'r', lw=2, label='fit: e^(-x/t0), t0={:1.3f} ({:1.3f}) \nchi2: {:1.2f}'.format(out.beta[0], out.sd_beta[0], out.res_var))
        legend(loc='upper right', fontsize = 14)
        axis([0, 12, 0, 40])
    return out.beta, out.sd_beta
Exemple #19
 def fit_to_model(self):
     ellipsemodel = odr.Model(ellipsepolar)
     a = np.empty(self.number_of_full_turns())
     ecc = np.empty(self.number_of_full_turns())
     for i in np.arange(self.number_of_full_turns()):
         data_to_fit = odr.Data(
             self.phi_rotated()[self.periloc()[i]:self.periloc()[i + 1]],
             self.r[self.periloc()[i]:self.periloc()[i + 1]])
         peri0 = self.r[self.periloc()[0]]
         apo0 = self.r[int(self.periloc()[0] + self.turn_length()[0] / 2)]
         a0 = (peri0 + apo0) / 2
         ecc0 = (1 - peri0 / apo0) / (1 + peri0 / apo0)
         job = odr.ODR(data_to_fit,
                       beta0=np.array([a0, ecc0]))
         results = job.run()
         a[i], ecc[i] = results.beta
     return a, ecc
Exemple #20
def linRegressionXY(x, y, sx, sy):
    linear regression y(x) = ax + b  with errors on x and y
    uses numerical "orthogonal distance regression" from package scipy.odr

      * x:  np-array, independent data
      * y:  np-array, dependent data
      * sx: scalar or np-array, uncertainty(ies) on x
      * sy: scalar or np-array, uncertainty(ies) on y

      * float: a     slope
      * float: b     constant
      * float: sa    sigma on slope
      * float: sb    sigma on constant
      * float: cor   correlation
      * float: chi2  \chi-square
  from scipy import odr

  def fitf(P, x):     # the linear model (note order or parameters for odr !)
    return P[1]*x + P[0]

  # transform uncertainties to numpy-arrays, if necessary
  if not hasattr(sx,'__iter__'): sx=sx*np.ones(len(x))
  if not hasattr(sy,'__iter__'): sy=sy*np.ones(len(y))

  # get initial values for numerical optimisation from linear
  #   regression with analytical formula, ignoring x errors
  a0, b0, sa0, sb0, cor0, chi20 = linRegression(x, y, sy)

  # set up odr package:
  mod = odr.Model(fitf)
  dat = odr.RealData(x, y, sx, sy)
  odrfit = odr.ODR(dat, mod, beta0=[b0, a0])
  r = odr.ODR.run(odrfit)
  ndf = len(x)-2
  a, b, sa, sb = r.beta[1], r.beta[0],\
                 np.sqrt(r.cov_beta[1,1]), np.sqrt(r.cov_beta[0,0])
  cor = r.cov_beta[0,1]/(sa*sb)
  chi2 = r.res_var*ndf

  return a, b, sa, sb, cor, chi2
Exemple #21
def scatter_plotter(y, pred):

    #Function used to fit the points thanks to scipy ODR.
    sxx = np.std(pred)
    syy = np.std(y)
    linear = odr.Model(f)
    mydata = odr.RealData(np.concatenate(pred), y, sx=sxx, sy=syy)
    myodr = odr.ODR(mydata, linear, beta0=[1, 0.5])
    myoutput = myodr.run()

    mark = dict(marker='o',

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
    plt.plot(pred, y, **mark, label="Predicted")
    top = max(pred)
    bottom = min(pred)

    #Plot of the bisector, the line in which the poinst must be in the neighborhood
    plt.plot([bottom, top], [bottom, top],
             label="Perfect NN")

    #Plot of the fit
             f(myoutput.beta, pred),
             label="Linear inrterpolation, m=%.2f, bias=%.2f" %
             (myoutput.beta[0], myoutput.beta[1]))

    plt.ylabel('True y values')
    plt.title("NN regression visualization, MSE: %.4f" %
              mean_squared_error(truth_train, pred),
    plt.legend(loc="best", prop={'size': 15})
Exemple #22
def detrend(method, data1, data2):
	Model and remove a mutiplicative offset between data1 and data2 by method

	:param method: Detrending method to use 
	:type method: None or str
	:param numpy.array data1: Array of first measures
	:param numpy.array data2: Array of second measures

	slope = slopeErr = None

	if method is None:
	elif method.lower() == 'linear':
		reg = stats.linregress(data1, data2)

		slope = reg.slope
		slopeErr = reg.stderr

		data2 = data2 / slope

	elif method.lower() == 'odr':
		from scipy import odr

		def f(B, x):
			return B[0]*x + B[1]
		linear = odr.Model(f)

		odrData = odr.Data(data1, data2, wd=1./numpy.power(numpy.std(data1),2), we=1./numpy.power(numpy.std(data2),2))

		odrModel = odr.ODR(odrData, linear, beta0=[1., 2.])

		myoutput = odrModel.run()

		slope = myoutput.beta[0]
		slopeErr = myoutput.sd_beta[0]

		data2 = data2 / slope

		raise NotImplementedError(f"'{detrend}' is not a valid detrending method.")

	return data2, slope, slopeErr
Exemple #23
def fit(instance):
    fit_options = instance.fit_options
    data = instance.data
    model = ODR.Model(fit_options.function)
    odr_data = ODR.RealData(data.x, data.y, sx=data.sx, sy=data.sy)
    odr = ODR.ODR(odr_data, model, beta0=fit_options.params)
    raw_output = odr.run()

    beta = raw_output.beta
    err = raw_output.sd_beta
    cov_mtr = raw_output.cov_beta
    chi2 = 0
    degree_freedom = len(data.x) - len(fit_options.params)

    fit_result = FitResult(beta, err, cov_mtr, chi2, degree_freedom,
    instance.result = fit_result

    return fit_result
 def implement(self):
     lsc_data = odr.Data(row_stack([self.x1, self.y1]), y=1)
     lsc_model = odr.Model(self.f_3b,
     lsc_odr = odr.ODR(
         lsc_model)  # beta0 has been replaced by an estimate function
         deriv=3)  # use user derivatives function without checking
     # lsc_odr.set_iprint(iter=1, iter_step=1)     # print details for each iteration
     lsc_out = lsc_odr.run()
     xc_3b, yc_3b, Radius = lsc_out.beta
     Ri_3b = self.calc_R(xc_3b, yc_3b)
     residu = sum((Ri_3b - Radius)**2)
     dce = [xc_3b, yc_3b]
     return dce, Radius, residu
Exemple #25
def perform_arbitrary_regression(
        plot: plots.Plottable,
        function: str) -> Tuple[plots.Plottable, Dict[str, Value], np.ndarray]:
    pyFunc = mathsFunction(function)
    ODRModel = odr.Model(pyFunc.function)
    RealData = odr.RealData(plot.x, y=plot.y, sy=plot.yErr, sx=plot.xErr)
    coeffs = pyFunc.coefficients

    def next_val(l: List, b: List, best: odr.Output) -> odr.Output:
        if len(l) == 0:
            o = odr.ODR(RealData, ODRModel, beta0=b)
            output = o.run()
            if best is None:
                return output
            if best.sum_square > output.sum_square:
                return output
            return best
        for n in np.linspace(l[0].initial, l[0].final, l[0].number):
            new_b = b.copy()
            best = next_val(l[1:], new_b, best)
        return best

    coList: List[Union[None, mathsFunction.variables.
                       coefficient]] = [None] * pyFunc.numberOfCoefficients
    for letter, coef in coeffs.items():
        coList[pyFunc.letterToNumber[letter]] = coef
    output = next_val(coList, [], None)

    space = np.linspace(plot.x[0], plot.x[-1], 1000)
    f_x = pyFunc.function(output.beta, space)

    uncertainties = np.sqrt(np.diag(output.cov_beta))
    coefficients = {}
    for letter, number in pyFunc.letterToNumber.items():
        coefficients[letter] = Value(output.beta[number],

    return (
        plots.Plottable(x=space, y=f_x),
        pyFunc.function(output.beta, plot.x),
Exemple #26
def odr_fit(n, data, func, params=None, fixed_params=None, nopeaks=4, **kw):
    """#n is the number of gaussians to fit
    params is an array of parameters for each gaussian (A, mu, sigma)
    for fixed params:
    'A value of 0 fixes the parameter, a value > 0 makes the parameter free.'

    if params is None:
        params = find_peak_data(data, n)

    #set up odr module
    model = odr.Model(func)
    odr_data = odr.Data(range(len(data)), data)
    fit = odr.ODR(odr_data, model, params, ifixb=fixed_params, **kw)

    #run the fit
    output = fit.run()

    return output.beta, output.sd_beta
Exemple #27
def gausanpassung(x1, y1, x1_error, y1_error):
    model = odr.Model(gauss)
    width = 0.7
    height = 1.

    for i in range(0, int(eckdaten[0, 1])):
        # print(eckdaten[3+i*2,:])
        x = x1[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 2])]
        y = y1[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 2])]
        x_error = x1_error[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2,
        y_error = y1_error[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 0]):int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2,

        # Create a RealData object
        data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=x_error, sy=y_error)

        # Set up ODR with the model and data.
        presets = [
            ecal.E(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 1]), width,
            y1[int(eckdaten[3 + i * 2, 1])] * height, 0., 1.
        # presets=[eckdaten[3+i*2,1], width, y1[int(eckdaten[3+i*2,1])]*height, 0. ,1.]
        out = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0=presets).run()

        popt = out.beta
        perr = out.sd_beta
        maxima[0, i] = popt[0]  #a
        maxima[1, i] = perr[0]  #a_err
        maxima[2, i] = popt[2]  #d
        maxima[3, i] = perr[2]  #d_err
        # print(perr[2])
        b = ufloat(popt[1], perr[1])
        x_fit = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 10000)
        y_fit = gauss(popt, x_fit)

                 label=str(i + 1) + '. Peak (' + str(round(popt[0], 2)) +
                 '+/-' + str(round(perr[0], 2)) + ') keV')
        # plt.plot(x_fit, gauss(presets, x_fit), color='grey', zorder=-3)
    return maxima
Exemple #28
        def _olsFit():
            if yError is not None and _np.count_nonzero(yError) != len(yError):
                    'data.yError contains 0: executing OLS fitting without yError instead.'
            Rdata = _odr.RealData(x, y, sy=yError)
            odrObj = _odr.ODR(Rdata, _odr.Model(self.fn), self.initialParams)
            self._fitObj = odrObj.run()

            self._fitParams = self.fitObj.beta
            self._fitParamsStdError = self.fitObj.sd_beta
            self._R2 = _gf.R2(x, y, self.fittedFn)

            #The following line raises warnings in pylint. The code is OK tough.
            self._reducedChi2 = self.fitObj.res_var  #See http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/scipy-user/2012-May/032207.html

            #For an OLS fit, ODR scales the covariance matrix by res_var=reducedChi2, so we need to get rid of that scaling:
            self._fitObj.cov_beta = self._fitObj.cov_beta * self._reducedChi2
Exemple #29
def perform_linear_regression(
    plot: plots.Plottable
) -> Tuple[plots.Plottable, Dict[str, Value], np.ndarray]:
    slope, intercept, _, _, _ = stats.linregress(plot.x, plot.y)
    RealData = odr.RealData(plot.x, y=plot.y, sx=plot.xErr, sy=plot.yErr)
    o = odr.ODR(RealData,
                odr.Model(lambda B, x: B[0] * x + B[1]),
                beta0=[slope, intercept])
    output = o.run()
    beta = output.beta
    f_x: np.ndarray = beta[0] * plot.x + beta[1]

    return (
        plots.Plottable(x=plot.x, y=f_x),
            "gradient": Value(beta[0], output.sd_beta[0]),
            "intercept": Value(beta[1], output.sd_beta[1]),
Exemple #30
def fit_ODR(y, x1, x2=None, beta0=None, func=None, err_x=None, err_y=None, ci=0.95, maxit=1000):
    if x2 is not None:
        x = np.row_stack((x1, x2))  # odr doesn't seem to work with column_stack
        x = x1
    if beta0 is None:
        beta0 = [0.1, 1]
        if x2 is not None:
    data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=err_x, sy=err_y)
    model = odr.Model(func)
    odrfit = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0, maxit=maxit)
    output = odrfit.run()

    # confidence intervals
    df_e = len(x1) - len(output.beta)  # degrees of freedom, error
    conf = []
    t_df = stats.t.ppf(ci, df_e)  # 0.975
    for i in range(len(output.beta)):
        conf.append([output.beta[i] - t_df * output.sd_beta[i],
                     output.beta[i] + t_df * output.sd_beta[i]])

    # chi sqr
    expected = func(output.beta, x)
    chisqr = output.sum_square  # np.sum(((y - expected) ** 2) / expected)
    chisqr_nu = output.res_var

    # covariance matrix
    cov_beta = output.cov_beta * output.res_var

    print('       -> ODR RESULTS')
    print('         -> reason for halting:', output.stopreason)
    for ii, val in enumerate(output.beta):
        print('         -> beta', ii, ':', val, '+/-', output.sd_beta[ii], '    CI:', conf[ii][0], conf[ii][1])
    print('         -> sum of squares error:', chisqr)
    print('         -> reduced chi sqr:', chisqr_nu)
    print('         -> covariance matrix:\n')
    # print('         -> eps', output.eps, len(output.eps), len(y))
    return output