def bisect_fn(s, t): rout.start() ## rerr.start() res = minpack.bisection(f, x0[0], x0[1], args=(t,) + extrafargs, xtol=xtolval, maxiter=maxnumiter) rout.stop() ## warns = rout.stop() ## rerr.stop() return res
def bisect_fn(s, t): with RedirectStdout(_logfile): res = minpack.bisection(f, x0[0], x0[1], args=(t, ) + extrafargs, xtol=xtolval, maxiter=maxnumiter) return res
def bisect_fn(s, t): rout.start() ## rerr.start() res = minpack.bisection(f, x0[0], x0[1], args=(t, ) + extrafargs, xtol=xtolval, maxiter=maxnumiter) rout.stop() ## warns = rout.stop() ## rerr.stop() return res
def bisect_fn(s, t): with RedirectStdout(_logfile): res = minpack.bisection(f, x0[0], x0[1], args=(t,)+extrafargs, xtol=xtolval, maxiter=maxnumiter) return res