# Learn the model with EM

# List of learned mixtures lgm[i] is a mixture with i+1 components
lgm     = []
kmax    = 6
bics    = N.zeros(kmax)
em      = EM()
for i in range(kmax):
    lgm.append(GM(d, i+1, mode))

    gmm = GMM(lgm[i], 'kmean')
    em.train(data, gmm, maxiter = 30, thresh = 1e-10)
    bics[i] = gmm.bic(data)

print "Original model has %d clusters, bics says %d" % (k, N.argmax(bics)+1)

# Draw the model
import pylab as P
P.subplot(3, 2, 1)

for k in range(kmax):
    P.subplot(3, 2, k+1)
    level   = 0.9
    P.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], '.', label = '_nolegend_')

    # h keeps the handles of the plot, so that you can modify 
Exemple #2

lgm     = []
kmax    = 6
bics    = N.zeros(kmax)
for i in range(kmax):
    # Init the model with an empty Gaussian Mixture, and create a Gaussian 
    # Mixture Model from it
    lgm.append(GM(d, i+1, mode))
    gmm = GMM(lgm[i], 'kmean')

    # The actual EM, with likelihood computation. The threshold
    # is compared to the (linearly appromixated) derivative of the likelihood
    em      = EM()
    em.train(data, gmm, maxiter = 30, thresh = 1e-10)
    bics[i] = gmm.bic(data)

print "Original model has %d clusters, bics says %d" % (k, N.argmax(bics)+1) 

# Draw the model
import pylab as P
P.subplot(3, 2, 1)

for k in range(kmax):
    P.subplot(3, 2, k+1)
    # Level is the confidence level for confidence ellipsoids: 1.0 means that
    # all points will be (almost surely) inside the ellipsoid
    level   = 0.8
    if not d == 1: