Exemple #1
def main():

    nchan = 8
    filter_coeff = np.arange(155).astype(np.float32)
    t = np.arange(500)
    signal = np.sin(t/(5*np.pi)).astype(np.float32)
    # signal = np.random.randn(1000).astype(np.float32)
    signal = signal + 1j*signal

    def filtered():
        return np.zeros((int(signal.shape[0] / nchan), nchan),

    filterer = apply_filter_fft_alt(
        signal.copy(), filter_coeff, filtered(), nchan, None)

    for i in filterer:
        filtered_fft = i

    filterer = apply_filter(
        signal.copy(), filter_coeff, filtered(), nchan, None)

    for i in filterer:
        filtered_no_fft = i

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 1)
    # print(np.allclose(filtered_no_fft, filtered_fft, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2))
    for ichan in range(nchan):
        fft_ichan = filtered_fft[:, ichan]
        no_fft_ichan = filtered_no_fft[:, ichan]

        print(np.allclose(fft_ichan, no_fft_ichan, atol=1e-3))
        for ax in axes:

        mid = fft_ichan.shape[0]
        axes[0].plot(np.abs(no_fft_ichan), color="r")
        axes[1].plot(np.angle(no_fft_ichan), color="r")
        axes[0].plot(np.abs(fft_ichan), color="g")
        axes[1].plot(np.angle(fft_ichan), color="g")
        xcorr = cross_correlation(fft_ichan, no_fft_ichan)
        offset = np.abs(np.argmax(np.abs(xcorr)) - mid)
        print(f"ichan={ichan}, offset={offset}")
        diff = fft_ichan - no_fft_ichan
        input(">> ")
Exemple #2
    def front_end(self, signal):
        Apply front-end processes to a signal and return the output.

        The front-end consists of the full ARA electronics chain (including
        amplification) and signal clipping.

        signal : Signal
            ``Signal`` object on which to apply the front-end processes.

            Signal processed by the antenna front end.

        base_signal = signal.copy()
        # Apply sqrt(2) for 3dB splitter for TURF, SURF
        base_signal *= self.amplification / np.sqrt(2)
        clip_values = lambda times: np.clip(base_signal.with_times(times).
        return FunctionSignal(signal.times,
    def find_localmax(
            noise_threshold=0.0,  # Range: [0.0, 1.0]. 
        """ """
        if not librosa_available:
            print('ERROR: Error in find_localmax. Librosa not installed.')
            index_list = []
            return index_list

        # Adjust for comparable results for low sampling rates.
        if self.sampling_freq < 300000:
            frame_length = int(frame_length / 2)
        if jump is None:
            jump = int(self.sampling_freq / 1000)  # Default = 1 ms.
        y = signal.copy()
        if noise_threshold > 0.0:
            y[(np.abs(y) < noise_threshold)] = 0.0
        rmse = librosa.feature.rmse(y=y,
        locmax = librosa.util.localmax(rmse.T)
        maxindexlist = [index for index, a in enumerate(locmax) if a == True]
        # Original index list is related to jump length. Convert.
        index_list = librosa.frames_to_samples(maxindexlist, hop_length=jump)
        return index_list
Exemple #4
def convert_to_PMF(signal):

    copy = signal.copy()
    copy -= np.min(signal)
    copy /= np.sum(signal)

    return copy
def analyze_spectrum(signal, npoints):
    """Computes FFT for the signal, discards the zero freq and the
    above-Nyquist freqs. Auto-pads signals nonmultple of npoints,
    auto-averages results from streams longer than npoints.
    Thus, npoints results in npoints/2 bands.

    Returns a numpy array, each element represents the raw amplitude
    of a frequency band.

    signal = signal.copy()
    if divmod(len(signal), npoints)[1] != 0:
        round_up = len(signal) / npoints * npoints + npoints

    window = scipy.signal.hanning(npoints)
    window_blocks = scipy.vstack([window for x in xrange(len(signal) / npoints)])

    signal_blocks = signal.reshape((-1, npoints))

    windowed_signals = signal_blocks * window_blocks

    ffts = numpy.fft.rfft(windowed_signals)[:, 1:]

    result = pow(abs(ffts), 2) / npoints
    result = result.mean(0)

    return result
def analyze_spectrum(signal, npoints):
    """Computes FFT for the signal, discards the zero freq and the
	above-Nyquist freqs. Auto-pads signals nonmultple of npoints,
	auto-averages results from streams longer than npoints.
	Thus, npoints results in npoints/2 bands.

	Returns a numpy array, each element represents the raw amplitude
	of a frequency band.

    signal = signal.copy()
    if divmod(len(signal), npoints)[1] != 0:
        round_up = len(signal) / npoints * npoints + npoints

    window = scipy.signal.hanning(npoints)
    window_blocks = scipy.vstack(
        [window for x in xrange(len(signal) / npoints)])

    signal_blocks = signal.reshape((-1, npoints))

    windowed_signals = signal_blocks * window_blocks

    ffts = numpy.fft.rfft(windowed_signals)[:, 1:]

    result = pow(abs(ffts), 2) / npoints
    result = result.mean(0)

    return result
Exemple #7
def deartefact_gsr(signal, neigborhood=2048):
        artefacts = bad_gsr_samples(signal)
        bad_samples = dilate_trues(artefacts, neigborhood)
        signal = signal.copy()

        rng = np.arange(len(signal))

        if not np.any(bad_samples):
                return signal, bad_samples

        if np.all(bad_samples):
                signal[:] = 0
                return signal, bad_samples

        valid_interp = interp1d(rng[~bad_samples], signal[~bad_samples], bounds_error=False)
        signal[bad_samples] = valid_interp(rng[bad_samples])

        def find_first(lst, predicate):
                # This really SHOULD be in numpy
                for i in xrange(len(lst)):
                        if predicate(lst[i]):
                                return i
                return None

        first_valid = find_first(signal, np.isfinite)
        last_valid = -find_first(signal[::-1], np.isfinite)

        signal[:first_valid] = signal[first_valid]
        if last_valid < 0:
                signal[last_valid:] = signal[last_valid-1]

        return signal, bad_samples
Exemple #8
def deartefact_gsr(signal, neigborhood=2048):
        artefacts = bad_gsr_samples(signal)
        bad_samples = dilate_trues(artefacts, neigborhood)
        signal = signal.copy()

        rng = np.arange(len(signal))

        if not np.any(bad_samples):
                return signal, bad_samples

        if np.all(bad_samples):
                signal[:] = 0
                return signal, bad_samples

        valid_interp = interp1d(rng[~bad_samples], signal[~bad_samples], bounds_error=False)
        signal[bad_samples] = valid_interp(rng[bad_samples])

        def find_first(lst, predicate):
                # This really SHOULD be in numpy
                for i in xrange(len(lst)):
                        if predicate(lst[i]):
                                return i
                return None

        first_valid = find_first(signal, np.isfinite)
        last_valid = -find_first(signal[::-1], np.isfinite)

        signal[:first_valid] = signal[first_valid]
        if last_valid < 0:
                signal[last_valid:] = signal[last_valid-1]

        return signal, bad_samples
Exemple #9
def zero_noise(signal, percent):

    copy = signal.copy()

    r = np.random.rand(len(copy)) 
    # zero random elements
    copy[r < percent] = 0.0
    return copy
Exemple #10
def Arrange_mean(signal, channels, diff, channel_range, reverse=False):
    signal_out = signal.copy()
    if reverse:
        diff = -diff

    for i in range(channel_range):
        signal_out[channels == i] -= diff[i]
    return signal_out
Exemple #11
def clip(signal, high, low):
    '''Clip a signal from above at high and from below at low.'''
    s = signal.copy()

    s[np.where(s > high)] = high
    s[np.where(s < low)] = low

    return s
Exemple #12
def add_gausian_noise(signal, std_level):

    copy = signal.copy()
    std_of_signal = copy.std()
    # gaussian noise
    noise = np.random.normal(scale = std_of_signal * std_level, size=len(signal))

    copy += noise

    return copy
Exemple #13
def sprawdzacz(signalData, w):
    low = 120
    high = 6000
    signalData = np.array(signalData)  # to numpy array
    if (len(signalData.shape) > 1):  # if array 2D then make it 1D
        signalData = [s[0] for s in signalData]

    signal = []
    if w * 3 < len(signalData):
        for i in range(w, w * 3):
        signal = signalData

    signalfft = fft(signal)
    signalfft = abs(signalfft)

    signal = []
    freqs = range(int(len(signalfft) / 2))
    for i in freqs:

        if i < low or i > high:
            signal[i] = 0

    output = []
    result = signal.copy()
    for i in range(1, 8):
            signal, i))  # downsampling the signal by applying filter
        for j in range(len(output[i])):
            result[j] = result[j] * output[i][
                j]  # apply filtered signal to destination array

    for i in range(len(result)):
        if result[i] < 1:
            result[i] = 0

    # plt.subplot(211)
    # p1 = plt.plot(freqs, signal, '-')
    # plt.yscale('log')

    # plt.subplot(212)
    # p2 = plt.plot(freqs, result, '-')
    # plt.yscale('log')
    # plt.show()

    print(freqs[argmax(result, 0)])
    if freqs[argmax(result, 0)] > 350:
        return ("K")
        return ("M")
Exemple #14
    def _remove_jumps(self, signal, flag, peaks, tol):
        Removes the jumps described by peaks from x.
        Adds a buffer of flags with radius of tol.

        corrected_signal = signal.copy()
        flag_out = flag.copy()
        for peak, _, amplitude in peaks:
            corrected_signal[peak:] -= amplitude
            flag_out[peak - np.int(tol):peak + np.int(tol)] = True
        return corrected_signal, flag_out
def normalize_signal(signal):
    original_signal = signal.copy()
    modified_signal = signal.copy()
    only_the_positives = signal.copy()

    for index,item in enumerate(modified_signal):
        if item < 0:
            modified_signal[index] = -1*item
            only_the_positives[index] = 0.0

    min_value = min(modified_signal)
    max_value = max(modified_signal)

    new_signal = [0]*len(modified_signal)
    for index,item in enumerate(modified_signal):
        normalized_item = (float(item) - min_value)/float(max_value - min_value)
        new_signal[index] = normalized_item
    for index,item in enumerate(original_signal):
        if item < 0:
            new_signal[index] = new_signal[index]*-1

    return new_signal
Exemple #16
def transform_beat(sig, train=False):
    # 前置不可或缺的步骤
    # sig = resample(sig, config.target_point_num)
    # # 数据增强
    if train:
        if np.random.randn() > 0.5: sig = scaling(sig)
        if np.random.randn() > 0.5: sig = verflip(sig)
        if np.random.randn() > 0.5: sig = shift(sig)
        # if np.random.randn() > 0.4: sig = wavelet_db6(sig)
        # if np.random.randn() > 0.5: sig = wavelet_db4(sig) # time consuming
        # if np.random.randn() > 0.3: sig = wavelet_sym(sig)

    # 后置不可或缺的步骤
    sig = sig.transpose()
    sig = torch.tensor(sig.copy(), dtype=torch.float)
    return sig
Exemple #17
def normalize(signal, bits=None):
    normalize to be in a given range. The default is to normalize the maximum
    amplitude to be one. An optional argument allows to normalize the signal
    to be within the range of a given signed integer representation of bits.

    s = signal.copy()

    s = s / np.abs(s).max()

    # if one wants to scale for bits allocated
    if bits is not None:
        s *= 2**(bits - 1) - 1
        s = clip(s, 2**(bits - 1) - 1, -2**(bits - 1))

    return s
Exemple #18
def highpass(signal, Fs, fc=None, plot=False):
    """ Filter out the really low frequencies, default is below 50Hz """

    if fc is None:
        fc = constants.get("fc_hp")

    # have some predefined parameters
    rp = 5  # minimum ripple in dB in pass-band
    rs = 60  # minimum attenuation in dB in stop-band
    n = 4  # order of the filter
    type = "butter"

    # normalized cut-off frequency
    wc = 2.0 * fc / Fs

    # design the filter
    from scipy.signal import iirfilter, lfilter, freqz

    b, a = iirfilter(n, Wn=wc, rp=rp, rs=rs, btype="highpass", ftype=type)

    # plot frequency response of filter if requested
    if plot:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        except ImportError:
            import warnings

            warnings.warn("Matplotlib is required for plotting")

        w, h = freqz(b, a)

        plt.title("Digital filter frequency response")
        plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(h)))
        plt.title("Digital filter frequency response")
        plt.ylabel("Amplitude Response [dB]")
        plt.xlabel("Frequency (rad/sample)")

    # apply the filter
    signal = lfilter(b, a, signal.copy())

    return signal
Exemple #19
def transform(sig, train=True):
    # 前置不可或缺的步骤
    #sig = resample(sig, config.target_point_num)
    # sig_ext = np.zeros([config.target_point_num,12])

    # sig = resample(sig, int(sig.shape[0]/500 * config.target_fs))

    # if sig.shape[0] < config.target_point_num:
    #     sig_ext[:sig.shape[0],:] = sig
    # if sig.shape[0] > config.target_point_num:
    #     sig_ext = sig[:config.target_point_num,:]

    # sig = sig_ext

    # # 数据增强
    if train:
        if np.random.randn() > 0.5: sig = scaling(sig)
        if np.random.randn() > 0.3: sig = verflip(sig)
        if np.random.randn() > 0.5: sig = shift(sig)

        if np.random.randn() > 0.3:
            sig = butter_bandpass_filter(sig,0.05,46,256)

        # if np.random.randn() > -1:
        #     fi = np.random.randint(11)
        #     if fi % 2 == 0 and fi != 2 and fi != 0 :
        #         sig = wavelet_db6(sig,'db{}'.format(fi) ,8)
        #     else:#if  fi % 2 != 0:
        #         if np.random.randn() > -0.5:
        #             sig = butter_bandpass_filter(sig,0.05,40,256)
        #         else:
        #             sig = butter_bandpass_forward_backward_filter(sig,0.05,40,256)
        #sig = butter_bandpass_filter(sig,0.05,46,256)
    # 后置不可或缺的步骤
    sig = sig.transpose()
    sig = torch.tensor(sig.copy(), dtype=torch.float)
    return sig
Exemple #20
def highpass(signal, Fs, fc=None, plot=False):
    ''' Filter out the really low frequencies, default is below 50Hz '''

    if fc is None:
        fc = constants.get('fc_hp')

    # have some predefined parameters
    rp = 5  # minimum ripple in dB in pass-band
    rs = 60  # minimum attenuation in dB in stop-band
    n = 4  # order of the filter
    type = 'butter'

    # normalized cut-off frequency
    wc = 2. * fc / Fs

    # design the filter
    from scipy.signal import iirfilter, lfilter, freqz
    b, a = iirfilter(n, Wn=wc, rp=rp, rs=rs, btype='highpass', ftype=type)

    # plot frequency response of filter if requested
    if (plot):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        w, h = freqz(b, a)

        plt.title('Digital filter frequency response')
        plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(h)))
        plt.title('Digital filter frequency response')
        plt.ylabel('Amplitude Response [dB]')
        plt.xlabel('Frequency (rad/sample)')

    # apply the filter
    signal = lfilter(b, a, signal.copy())

    return signal
Exemple #21
    def apply_response(self,
        Process the complete antenna response for an incoming signal.

        Processes the incoming signal according to the frequency response of
        the antenna, the efficiency, and the antenna factor. May also apply the
        directionality and the polarization gain depending on the provided
        parameters. Subclasses may wish to overwrite this function if the
        full antenna response cannot be divided nicely into the described

        signal : Signal
            Incoming ``Signal`` object to process.
        direction : array_like, optional
            Vector denoting the direction of travel of the signal as it reaches
            the antenna (in the global coordinate frame). If ``None`` no
            directional response will be applied.
        polarization : array_like, optional
            Vector denoting the signal's polarization direction (in the global
            coordinate frame). If ``None`` no polarization gain will be applied.
        force_real : boolean, optional
            Whether or not the frequency response should be redefined in the
            negative-frequency domain to keep the values of the filtered signal

            Processed ``Signal`` object after the complete antenna response has
            been applied. Should have a ``value_type`` of ``voltage``.

            If the given `signal` does not have a ``value_type`` of ``voltage``
            or ``field``.

        See Also
        pyrex.Signal : Base class for time-domain signals.

        new_signal = signal.copy()
        new_signal.value_type = Signal.Type.voltage

        if direction is None:
            d_gain = 1
            # Calculate theta and phi relative to the antenna's orientation
            origin = self.position - normalize(direction)
            r, theta, phi = self._convert_to_antenna_coordinates(origin)
            d_gain = self.directional_gain(theta=theta, phi=phi)

        if polarization is None:
            p_gain = 1
            p_gain = self.polarization_gain(normalize(polarization))

        signal_factor = d_gain * p_gain * self.efficiency

        if signal.value_type == Signal.Type.voltage:
        elif signal.value_type == Signal.Type.field:
            signal_factor /= self.antenna_factor
            raise ValueError("Signal's value type must be either " +
                             "voltage or field. Given " +

        new_signal *= signal_factor

        return new_signal
Exemple #22
def remove_noise(signal, threshold = epsilon):
    denoised = signal.copy()
    denoised[denoised.abs() < threshold] = 0.0

    return denoised
Exemple #23
def butterworth(signals, sampling_rate, low_pass=None, high_pass=None,
                order=5, copy=False, save_memory=False):
    """ Apply a low-pass, high-pass or band-pass Butterworth filter

    Apply a filter to remove signal below the `low` frequency and above the
    `high` frequency.

    signals: numpy.ndarray (1D sequence or n_samples x n_sources)
        Signals to be filtered. A signal is assumed to be a column
        of `signals`.

    sampling_rate: float
        Number of samples per time unit (sample frequency)

    low_pass: float, optional
        If specified, signals above this frequency will be filtered out
        (low pass). This is -3dB cutoff frequency.

    high_pass: float, optional
        If specified, signals below this frequency will be filtered out
        (high pass). This is -3dB cutoff frequency.

    order: integer, optional
        Order of the Butterworth filter. When filtering signals, the
        filter has a decay to avoid ringing. Increasing the order
        sharpens this decay. Be aware that very high orders could lead
        to numerical instability.

    copy: bool, optional
        If False, `signals` is modified inplace, and memory consumption is
        lower than for copy=True, though computation time is higher.

    filtered_signals: numpy.ndarray
        Signals filtered according to the parameters
    if low_pass is None and high_pass is None:
        if copy:
            return signal.copy()
            return signal

    if low_pass is not None and high_pass is not None \
            and high_pass >= low_pass:
        raise ValueError(
            "High pass cutoff frequency (%f) is greater or equal"
            "to low pass filter frequency (%f). This case is not handled "
            "by this function."
            % (high_pass, low_pass))

    nyq = sampling_rate * 0.5

    wn = None
    if low_pass is not None:
        lf = low_pass / nyq
        btype = 'low'
        wn = lf

    if high_pass is not None:
        hf = high_pass / nyq
        btype = 'high'
        wn = hf

    if low_pass is not None and high_pass is not None:
        btype = 'band'
        wn = [hf, lf]

    b, a = signal.butter(order, wn, btype=btype)
    if signals.ndim == 1:
        # 1D case
        output = signal.lfilter(b, a, signals)
        if copy:  # lfilter does a copy in all cases.
            signals = output
            signals[...] = output
        if copy:
            # No way to save memory when a copy has been requested,
            # because lfilter does out-of-place processing
            signals = signal.lfilter(b, a, signals, axis=0)
            # Lesser memory consumption, slower.
            for timeseries in signals.T:
                timeseries[:] = signal.lfilter(b, a, timeseries)
    return signals
Exemple #24
def filter_artefacts(signal):
    signal = signal.copy()
    signal[signal > 200] = np.nan
    return signal
Exemple #25
def butterworth(signals, sampling_rate, low_pass=None, high_pass=None,
                order=5, copy=False, save_memory=False):
    """ Apply a low-pass, high-pass or band-pass Butterworth filter

    Apply a filter to remove signal below the `low` frequency and above the
    `high` frequency.

    signals: numpy.ndarray (1D sequence or n_samples x n_sources)
        Signals to be filtered. A signal is assumed to be a column
        of `signals`.

    sampling_rate: float
        Number of samples per time unit (sample frequency)

    low_pass: float, optional
        If specified, signals above this frequency will be filtered out
        (low pass). This is -3dB cutoff frequency.

    high_pass: float, optional
        If specified, signals below this frequency will be filtered out
        (high pass). This is -3dB cutoff frequency.

    order: integer, optional
        Order of the Butterworth filter. When filtering signals, the
        filter has a decay to avoid ringing. Increasing the order
        sharpens this decay. Be aware that very high orders could lead
        to numerical instability.

    copy: bool, optional
        If False, `signals` is modified inplace, and memory consumption is
        lower than for copy=True, though computation time is higher.

    filtered_signals: numpy.ndarray
        Signals filtered according to the parameters
    if low_pass is None and high_pass is None:
        if copy:
            return signal.copy()
            return signal

    if low_pass is not None and high_pass is not None \
                            and high_pass >= low_pass:
        raise ValueError(
            "High pass cutoff frequency (%f) is greater or equal"
            "to low pass filter frequency (%f). This case is not handled "
            "by this function."
            % (high_pass, low_pass))

    nyq = sampling_rate * 0.5

    wn = None
    if low_pass is not None:
        lf = low_pass / nyq
        btype = 'low'
        wn = lf

    if high_pass is not None:
        hf = high_pass / nyq
        btype = 'high'
        wn = hf

    if low_pass is not None and high_pass is not None:
        btype = 'band'
        wn = [hf, lf]

    b, a = signal.butter(order, wn, btype=btype)
    if signals.ndim == 1:
        # 1D case
        output = signal.lfilter(b, a, signals)
        if copy:  # lfilter does a copy in all cases.
            signals = output
            signals[...] = output
        if copy:
            # No way to save memory when a copy has been requested,
            # because lfilter does out-of-place processing
            signals = signal.lfilter(b, a, signals, axis=0)
            # Lesser memory consumption, slower.
            for timeseries in signals.T:
                timeseries[:] = signal.lfilter(b, a, timeseries)
    return signals
Exemple #26
    def correct(self,
        Perform jump correction on given signal. Inputs:
        signal -- demodulated and gap-filled signal to be corrected
            (masked array)
        phase -- spin phase in RADIANS
        dark   -- enable dark bolometer mode (disable signal subtraction)
        signal_estimate(None) -- estimate of the total sky emission in
            the same units as signal
        corrected_signal = signal.copy()
        flag_out = flag.copy()

        step_filter = self._get_stepfilter(self.filterlen)
        amplitudes = []
        positions = self._find_gaps(flag)
        njump = 0

        while True:
            cleaned_signal = corrected_signal.copy()
            good = flag_out == 0
            if not dark:
                signal_estimate_is_binned = self._subtract_signal(
                    signal_estimate, signal, good, phase, cleaned_signal)
                signal_estimate_is_binned = False


            self._fill_gaps(good, cleaned_signal)
            filtered_signal = self._apply_filter(cleaned_signal, step_filter)
            self._suppress_gaps(filtered_signal, positions)

            # find the peaks in the filtered TOI and correct for the
            # jumps accordingly

            peaks = self._find_peaks(filtered_signal,
                                     tol=self.filterlen // 2)

            if len(peaks) == 0:

            njump += len(peaks)
            if njump > 10:
                # Prevent indefinite iterations. 10 jumps is too much anyways.

            if not dark and signal_estimate_is_binned:
                self._correct_for_signal_subtraction(good, peaks, phase,
            corrected_signal, flag_out = self._remove_jumps(
                corrected_signal, flag_out, peaks, self.tol)

            for peak, _, amplitude in peaks:

        return corrected_signal, flag_out, njump
Exemple #27
def filter_artefacts(signal):
	signal = signal.copy()
	signal[signal > 200] = np.nan
	return signal
Exemple #28
def listen_signal(signal: np.ndarray,
                  Fs: int = 44100,
                  normalize: bool = True) -> None:
    if normalize:
        signal = signal.copy() / np.amax(np.absolute(signal))
    display(Audio(signal, rate=Fs))