Exemple #1
 def test_basic(self):
     assert_allclose(signal.flattop(6, sym=False),
                     [-0.000421051, -0.051263156, 0.19821053, 1.0,
                      0.19821053, -0.051263156])
                     [-0.000421051, -0.0677142520762119, 0.6068721525762117,
                      0.6068721525762117, -0.0677142520762119,
     assert_allclose(signal.flattop(7, True),
                     [-0.000421051, -0.051263156, 0.19821053, 1.0,
                      0.19821053, -0.051263156, -0.000421051])
Exemple #2
 def test_basic(self):
     assert_allclose(signal.flattop(6, sym=False),
                     [-0.000421051, -0.051263156, 0.19821053, 1.0,
                      0.19821053, -0.051263156])
                     [-0.000421051, -0.0677142520762119, 0.6068721525762117,
                      0.6068721525762117, -0.0677142520762119,
     assert_allclose(signal.flattop(7, True),
                     [-0.000421051, -0.051263156, 0.19821053, 1.0,
                      0.19821053, -0.051263156, -0.000421051])
Exemple #3
    def fft_spectrum(self, y , fs=1, nl=None, o=0.75, win='hann', nAverage=np.inf):
        n = len(y)
        if nl is None:
            nl = n
        i = 0.
        m = 0
        done = False
        f = np.arange(0, nl)/nl*fs
        Y = np.zeros(nl)

        if win == 'rectangle':
            w = sig.boxcar(nl)
        elif win == 'flattop':
            w = sig.flattop(nl)
            w = sig.hann(nl)

        while not done:
            a = int(np.floor(i*nl))
            b = int(a+nl)
            Y = np.abs(fft(y[a:b]*w/np.sum(w)))+Y
            i = i+1*(1-o)
            done = b > (n-nl*(1-o)) or m == nAverage
        Y = Y/m*2

        return (Y, f, m)
Exemple #4
 def test_basic(self):
     assert_allclose(signal.flattop(6, sym=False),
                     [-0.000421051, -0.051263156, 0.19821053, 1.0,
                      0.19821053, -0.051263156])
     assert_allclose(signal.flattop(7, sym=False),
                     [-0.000421051, -0.03684078115492348,
                      0.01070371671615342, 0.7808739149387698,
                      0.7808739149387698, 0.01070371671615342,
                     [-0.000421051, -0.0677142520762119, 0.6068721525762117,
                      0.6068721525762117, -0.0677142520762119,
     assert_allclose(signal.flattop(7, True),
                     [-0.000421051, -0.051263156, 0.19821053, 1.0,
                      0.19821053, -0.051263156, -0.000421051])
Exemple #5
 def test_basic(self):
     assert_allclose(signal.flattop(6, sym=False),
                     [-0.000421051, -0.051263156, 0.19821053, 1.0,
                      0.19821053, -0.051263156])
     assert_allclose(signal.flattop(7, sym=False),
                     [-0.000421051, -0.03684078115492348,
                      0.01070371671615342, 0.7808739149387698,
                      0.7808739149387698, 0.01070371671615342,
                     [-0.000421051, -0.0677142520762119, 0.6068721525762117,
                      0.6068721525762117, -0.0677142520762119,
     assert_allclose(signal.flattop(7, True),
                     [-0.000421051, -0.051263156, 0.19821053, 1.0,
                      0.19821053, -0.051263156, -0.000421051])
Exemple #6
def blakmanTukey(signal, M=0, win="Bartlett", n1=0, n2=0, ax=0):

    if n1 == 0 and n2 == 0:  # por defecto usa la selal completa
        n1 = 0
        n2 = len(signal)

    N = n2 - n1
    if M == 0:
        M = int(N / 5)

    M = 2 * M - 1
    if M > N:
        raise ValueError('Window cannot be longer than data')

    if win == "Bartlett":
        w = np.bartlett(M)
    elif win == "Hanning":
        w = np.hanning(M)
    elif win == "Hamming":
        w = np.hamming(M)
    elif win == "Blackman":
        w = np.blackman(M)
    elif win == "Flattop":
        w = sg.flattop(M)
        w = sg.boxcar(M)

    r, lags = acorrBiased(signal)
    r = r[np.logical_and(lags >= 0, lags < M)]
    rw = r * w
    Px = 2 * fft(rw).real - rw[0]

    return Px
Exemple #7
def get_f0(wfdata, lflim, uflim, nfft=1024, sr=44100):
    Uses the scipy.signal package to construct a flat top
    window function, which is multiplied with the waveform.
    Performs the real-input fft from the numpy.fft package, 
    and finds the frequency peak and its estimated power
    in a range restricted by lflim ad uflim (in Hz).
    wfdata : the waveform data array
    lflim, uflim : lower and upper frequency limits
    nfft : number of samples to use for windowing & fft
            (power of 2 recommended - defaults to 1024)
    f0x, f0y : frequency and power of the harmonic peak
                detected between lflim and uflim
    window = sig.flattop(nfft)
    wfwind = [wf * wd for wf, wd in zip(wfdata, window)]
    spectrum = np.fft.rfft(wfwind, nfft)
    fvals = np.fft.rfftfreq(nfft, 1 / sr)
    power = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(spectrum))

    lindex = int(np.floor((len(fvals) / fvals[-1]) * lflim))
    uindex = int(np.ceil((len(fvals) / fvals[-1]) * uflim))
    pslice = power[lindex:uindex]
    fslice = fvals[lindex:uindex]

    f0x = fslice[np.argmax(pslice)]
    f0y = np.amax(pslice)
    return f0x, f0y
Exemple #8
def f():
    window_type = display['window_type']
    window_size = int(display['size'])
    p = float(display['param'])

    window = np.zeros(window_size)

    if window_type == 'square':
        window = np.ones(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'exponential':
        window = np.exp(np.arange(window_size) * p)
    elif window_type == 'hanning':
        window = np.hanning(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'blackman':
        window = np.blackman(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'ricker':
        window = ricker(window_size, p)
    elif window_type == 'gaussian':
        window = gaussian(window_size, p)
    elif window_type == 'barthann':
        window = barthann(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'flattop':
        window = flattop(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'cosine':
        window = cosine(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'triangle':
        window = triang(window_size)

    return window
Exemple #9
def Flattop(N, x):

    ventana = signal.flattop(N)

    salida = np.multiply(x, ventana)

    return salida
Exemple #10
def write_to_file(recv_buffer, fname, log, dec=10):
    print("writing to file %s" % (fname))

    #    w=lpf(dec=dec)
    # todo: read filter length from create_waveforms, where it is determined
    w = ss.flattop(52)
    fl = len(w)
    # filter, time shift, decimate, and cast to complex64 data type
    obuf = n.array(n.roll(
        n.fft.ifft(n.fft.fft(w, len(recv_buffer)) * n.fft.fft(recv_buffer)),
        -int(fl / 2))[0:len(recv_buffer):dec],

    # rectangular impulse response. better for range resolution,
    # but not very good for frequency selectivity.
    #    obuf=stuffr.decimate(recv_buffer,dec=dec)
Exemple #11
def windowing(surv_ch, window_function):

            Applies the specified window function on the surveillance channel. Using the appropriate window function
            the energy leakage of the reflected signal component in the Doppler domain can be avoided.
            To select the desired window function chose one from the followings:

                - "Rectangular"
                - "Flat top"
                - "Hamming"
                - "Hann"
                - "Tukey"
                - "Blackman"
                - "Blackman-Harris"

            :param: surv_ch: Surveillance channel
            :param: window_function: (string) Name of the applied window function
        Return values:
        if window_function == "Rectangular":
            window = np.ones(surv_ch.size)
        elif window_function == "Flat top":
            window = signal.flattop(surv_ch.size)
        elif window_function == "Hamming":
            window = signal.hamming(surv_ch.size)
        elif window_function == "Hann":
            window = signal.hann(surv_ch.size)
        elif window_function == "Tukey":
            window = signal.tukey(surv_ch.size)
        elif window_function == "Blackman":
            window = signal.blackman(surv_ch.size)
        elif window_function == "Blackman-Harris":
            window = signal.blackmanharris(surv_ch.size)
            print("Window function is not identified")
        return surv_ch * window
Exemple #12
def calcAvgPs(umtrx, rxStream, fftSize = 4096, numFFT = 10, numSkips=2):
    samps = numpy.array([0]*fftSize, numpy.complex64)
    avgFFT = numpy.array([0]*fftSize, numpy.complex64)

    while umtrx.readStream(rxStream, [samps], fftSize, 0, 1000).ret != SOAPY_SDR_TIMEOUT: pass #read until timeout
    umtrx.activateStream(rxStream, SOAPY_SDR_END_BURST, 0, fftSize*(numFFT+numSkips))

    numActualFFTs = 0
    for i in range(numFFT+numSkips):
        if umtrx.readStream(rxStream, [samps], fftSize).ret != fftSize:
            print 'D'
            return calcAvgPs(umtrx, rxStream, fftSize, numFFT, numSkips)
        if i < numSkips: continue #skip first for transients
        samps *= signal.flattop(fftSize)
        avgFFT += numpy.fft.fft(samps)
        numActualFFTs += 1
    avgFFT /= numActualFFTs
    assert(len(avgFFT) == fftSize)

    ps = 10*numpy.log10(numpy.abs(avgFFT)) - 20*math.log10(fftSize)
    freqs = numpy.fft.fftfreq(fftSize, 1.0/SAMP_RATE)
    return ps, freqs
Exemple #13
def mperiodogram(signal, win='Bartlett', n1=0, n2=0, exp=0, ax=0):

    if n1 == 0 and n2 == 0:  # por defecto usa la selal completa
        n1 = 0
        n2 = len(signal)
    N = n2 - n1

    if win == "Bartlett":
        w = np.bartlett(N)
    elif win == "Hanning":
        w = np.hanning(N)
    elif win == "Hamming":
        w = np.hamming(N)
    elif win == "Blackman":
        w = np.blackman(N)
    elif win == "Flattop":
        w = sg.flattop(N)
        w = sg.boxcar(N)

    aux = signal[n1:n2] * w
    U = sum(np.abs(w)**2) / N
    return periodogram(aux, exp, ax=ax) / U
    def plot(self, tab1, tab2, canal_1, canal_2, canal_3, win_var=1):
        num_datos = len(canal_1)
        X = range(0, num_datos, 1)

        # Scale the signal in g's
        for indice in X:
            canal_1[indice] *= g_scale
            canal_2[indice] *= g_scale
            canal_3[indice] *= g_scale

        # Calculates medium value for each channel.
        vdc_canal_1 = 0
        vdc_canal_2 = 0
        vdc_canal_3 = 0
        for indice in X:
            vdc_canal_1 += canal_1[indice]
            vdc_canal_2 += canal_2[indice]
            vdc_canal_3 += canal_3[indice]
        vdc_canal_1 = vdc_canal_1 / num_datos
        vdc_canal_2 = vdc_canal_2 / num_datos
        vdc_canal_3 = vdc_canal_3 / num_datos
        #print("Vdc Channel 1: {0}, Vdc Channel 2: {1}".format(vdc_canal_1, vdc_canal_2))

        # Substract DC offset
        for indice in X:
            canal_1[indice] -= vdc_canal_1
            canal_2[indice] -= vdc_canal_2
            canal_3[indice] -= vdc_canal_3

        #----------------- Plotting ----------
        X1 = np.linspace(0, num_datos/5, num=num_datos)     # X axis, 5000 sps, 1/5 ms.

        # Figure 1. Sampled signals.
        #Channel X
        ax_11, ax_12, ax_13 = self.canvas2.figure.get_axes()
        ax_11.set_title("Channel X")
        ax_11.grid()                       #Shows grid.
        #Channel Y
        ax_12.set_title("Channel Y")
        ax_12.grid()                       #Shows grid.

        #Channel Z
        ax_13.set_title("Channel Z")
        ax_13.grid()                       #Shows grid.

        # Figure 2. FFT from signals.
        #Channel X
        canal_fft = []
        canal_fft = canal_1

        N = len(canal_fft)         # length of the signal

        #Window function
        if(win_var == 2):
            w = signal.hann(N, sym=False)      #Hann (Hanning) window
        elif(win_var == 3):
            w = signal.flattop(N, sym=False)   #Flattop window
            w = 1                              #Rectangular window
        T = 1.0 / sample_rate
        y = canal_fft
        yf = fftpack.fft(y*w)*(2/N)
        yf = yf[:int(N/2)]
        xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N/2)

        ax_21, ax_22, ax_23 = self.canvas1.figure.get_axes()
        #ax_21.plot(xf, 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[:N/2]))
        ax_21.plot(xf, np.abs(yf))
        ax_21.set_title("Channel X")

        #Channel Y
        canal_fft = []
        canal_fft = canal_2

        N = len(canal_fft)              # length of the signal
        T = 1.0 / sample_rate
        y = canal_fft
        yf = fftpack.fft(y*w)*(2/N)
        yf = yf[:int(N/2)]
        xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N/2)

        #ax_22.plot(xf, 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[:N/2]))
        ax_22.plot(xf, np.abs(yf))
        ax_22.set_title("Channel Y")

        #Channel Z
        canal_fft = []
        canal_fft = canal_3

        N = len(canal_fft)              # length of the signal
        T = 1.0 / sample_rate
        y = canal_fft
        yf = fftpack.fft(y*w)*(2/N)
        yf = yf[:int(N/2)]
        xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N/2)

        #ax_23.plot(xf, 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[:N/2]))
        ax_23.plot(xf, np.abs(yf))
        ax_23.set_title("Channel Z")

Exemple #15
def DoFFT():            # Fast Fourier transformation
    global SIGNAL1
    global SAMPLEsize
    global TRACEmode
    global TRACEaverage
    global TRACEreset
    global ZEROpadding
    global FFTresult
    global fftsamples
    global SIGNALlevel
    global FFTwindow
    global NUMPYenabled
    global SMPfftlist
    global SMPfftindex
    global LONGfftsize

#show what we are doing on the screen
# FFT can take a long time!
    txt = "->FFT"
    x = X0L + 333
    y = Y0T+GRH+32
    IDtxt  = ca.create_text (x, y, text=txt, anchor=W, fill=COLORred)
    root.update()       # update screen

    T1 = time.time()                        # For time measurement of FFT routine

    # No FFT if empty or too short array of audio samples
    if len(SIGNAL1) >= 1<<24: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 1<<24 # can set this to be less than buffer size to make it faster
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 1<<23: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 1<<23 # can set this to be less than buffer size to make it faster
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 1<<22: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 1<<22 # can set this to be less than buffer size to make it faster
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 1<<21: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 1<<21 # can set this to be less than buffer size to make it faster
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 1<<20: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 1<<20 # can set this to be less than buffer size to make it faster
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 1<<19: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 1<<19 # can set this to be less than buffer size to make it faster
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 1<<18: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 1<<18 # can set this to be less than buffer size to make it faster
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 131072: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 131072
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 65536: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 65536
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 32768: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 32768
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 16384: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 16384
    elif len(SIGNAL1) >= 8192: # ensure only valid buffer sizes
        fftsamples = 8192
        return  # not a valid buffer size
#    print "Buffersize:" + str(len(SIGNAL1)) + " FFTsize: " + str(fftsamples)
    SAMPLEsize= fftsamples

    n = 0
    SIGNALlevel = 0.0
    v = 0.0
    m = 0                                   # For calculation of correction factor

    SIGNAL1A = numpy.abs(SIGNAL1)
    SIGNALlevel = numpy.max(SIGNAL1A)
    # Cosine window function
    # medium-dynamic range B=1.24
    if FFTwindow == 1:
        w = numpy.arange(fftsamples)
        w = numpy.multiply(w,math.pi)
        w = numpy.divide(w,fftsamples -1)
        w = numpy.sin(w)
        w = numpy.multiply(w,1.571)
        REX = numpy.multiply(SIGNAL1[:fftsamples],w)
    # Triangular non-zero endpoints
    # medium-dynamic range B=1.33
    elif FFTwindow == 2:
        w = signal.triang(fftsamples)
        w = numpy.multiply(w,2.0)
        REX = numpy.multiply(SIGNAL1[:fftsamples],w)
    # Hann window function
    # medium-dynamic range B=1.5
    elif FFTwindow == 3:
        w = signal.hann(fftsamples)
        w = numpy.multiply(w,2.0)
        REX = numpy.multiply(SIGNAL1[:fftsamples],w)
    # Blackman window, continuous first derivate function
    # medium-dynamic range B=1.73
    elif FFTwindow == 4:
        w = signal.blackman(fftsamples)
        w = numpy.multiply(w,2.381)
        REX = numpy.multiply(SIGNAL1[:fftsamples],w)   
    # Nuttall window, continuous first derivate function
    # high-dynamic range B=2.02
    elif FFTwindow == 5:
        w = signal.nuttall(fftsamples)
        w = numpy.multiply(w,2.811)
        REX = numpy.multiply(SIGNAL1[:fftsamples],w)
    elif FFTwindow == 6:
        w = signal.flattop(fftsamples)
#        w = numpy.multiply(w,1.0)
        REX = numpy.multiply(SIGNAL1[:fftsamples],w)              
    else:   # no window (rectangular)
        REX = SIGNAL1[:fftsamples]   

    # if m > 0:                               # For calculation of correction factor
    #     print 1/m                           # For calculation of correction factor
    # Zero padding of array for better interpolation of peak level of signals
    ZEROpaddingvalue = int(math.pow(2,ZEROpadding) + 0.5)
    fftsamples = ZEROpaddingvalue * fftsamples       # Add zero's to the arrays
    #fftsamples = ZEROpaddingvalue * fftsamples -1      # Add zero's to the arrays

    # The FFT calculation with NUMPY if NUMPYenabled == True or with the FFT calculation below
#    tbeg = time.time();
    fftresult = numpy.fft.fft(REX, n=fftsamples)# Do FFT+zeropadding till n=fftsamples with NUMPY if NUMPYenabled == True
#    tend = time.time();
#    print "fft.comp.done: " + str(tend -tbeg)

    # Make FFT result array
    Totalcorr = float(ZEROpaddingvalue)/ fftsamples         # For VOLTAGE!
    Totalcorr = Totalcorr * Totalcorr                       # For POWER!

    FFTmemory = FFTresult
    FFTresult = []

    #print len(FFTmemory)

    v = numpy.absolute(fftresult);
    v = numpy.square(v)
    v = numpy.multiply(v,Totalcorr)
    if TRACEmode == 2 and TRACEreset == False:          # Max hold, change v to maximum value
        v = numpy.max(v,FFTmemory)
    elif TRACEmode == 3 and TRACEreset == False:          # Average, add difference / TRACEaverage to v
        v = numpy.subtract(v,FFTmemory)
        v = numpy.divide(v,TRACEaverage)
        v = numpy.add(v,FFTmemory)
    FFTresult = v    

    TRACEreset = False                                      # Trace reset done

    T2 = time.time()
    print ("total fft" + str(T2 - T1))                                         # For time measurement of FFT routine
Exemple #16
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Thomas Vanderbruggen <*****@*****.**>

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import flattop

if __name__ == "__main__":
    noise = np.random.randn(10000)
    print("Noise: mean = {}, std = {}".format(np.mean(noise), np.std(noise)))
    w = flattop(len(noise))
    W = np.sum(w ** 2)
    fs = 1.0
    psd = 2.0 * np.absolute(np.fft.rfft(noise * w)) ** 2 / (fs * W)
    # The expected PSD for a white noise is 2 * sigma ^ 2
    print("PSD = {}".format(np.mean(psd)))
Exemple #17
    def spectrogram(self, filename, wavfile, framerate, msmode=False, hzmode=False, minX=None,maxX=None,minY=None,maxY=None):

        increment = 128
        nwindow =  256
        window = flattop(nwindow)
        nfft = nwindow

        # Convert wavfile into array
        wavfile_array = []

        for i in wavfile:

        numPoints = len(wavfile)

	spec = []

        for i in range(0,len(wavfile_array)-nwindow,increment):
            buf = wavfile_array[i:i+nwindow]
            N = nwindow
            X = abs(fft.fft(window*buf, nfft))
            f = linspace(0,framerate,N+1)[:N] 
            Nout = N/2 + 1

	timescale = 1
	if msmode:
	    timescale = 1000

	freqscale = 0.001
	if hzmode:
	    freqscale = 1

	scale = 1
	spec = transposed(spec)

        FILE = open(filename+'_SA_.z', 'w')
	FILE.write('! nx '+str(len(spec[0]))+' ny '+str(len(spec)/scale)+' xmin 0 xmax '+str(timescale*len(wavfile_array)/float(framerate))+' ymin 0 ymax '+str(freqscale*framerate/2.0)+"\n")

	maxval = -100
	for y in range(0,len(spec),scale):
	    for x in range(0,len(spec[y]),1):
		if spec[y][x] > maxval:
		    maxval = spec[y][x]

	maxval = float(maxval)

	for y in range(0,len(spec),scale):
	    for x in range(0,len(spec[y]),1):
                FILE.write(str(1-spec[len(spec)-y-1][x]/maxval)+" ")

	if minX == None:
	    minX = 0
	if maxX == None:
	    maxX = float(len(wavfile))/framerate

	if minY == None:
	    minY = 0
	if maxY == None:
	    maxY = float(framerate)/2
        s = ['size '+str(self.width)+' '+str(self.height)]
        s.append('include "color.gle"')
        s.append('set font psh')
        s.append('set hei 0.4')
        s.append('begin graph')
        s.append('x2axis off')
        s.append('y2axis off')
	if msmode:
	    s.append('xtitle "Time (ms)"')
	    s.append('xtitle "Time (s)"')

	if hzmode:
	    s.append('ytitle "Frequency (Hz)"')
	    s.append('ytitle "Frequency (kHz)"')

        s.append('xticks length -0.1')
        s.append('yticks length -0.1')
        s.append('title ""')
	s.append('xaxis min '+str(minX)+' max '+str(maxX))
	s.append('yaxis min '+str(minY*freqscale)+' max '+str(maxY*freqscale))
        s.append('colormap "'+filename.rsplit('/')[-1]+'_SA_.z" 300 200 color')
        s.append('end graph')

        FILE = open(filename+'_SA_.gle', 'w')

        glecall = ['/usr/bin/gle', '-device', self.format, '-output', filename+'_SA_.'+self.format, filename+'_SA_.gle']
        pid,stdin,stdout,stderr = spawn_async(glecall, flags=SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD)
        return pid
Exemple #18
plt.title('Histograma Uniforme')

#%% generación de señales
f1 = f0 + fa
del fa

ventanas = [
V = len(ventanas)
ventana = ["Rectangular", 'Barlett', "Hanning", "Blackman", "Flattop"]
sesgo = np.zeros((V))
a_est = np.zeros((Nexp, V))
a_mean = np.zeros((V))
varianza = np.zeros((V))
tt = np.linspace(0, (N - 1) / fs, N)

for (ii, this_w) in zip(range(V), ventanas):
    signal = np.vstack(
        np.transpose([a0 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * j * tt) * this_w for j in f1]))

    mod_signal = np.vstack(
Exemple #19
#import seaborn as sns

os.system ("clear") # limpia la terminal de python
plt.close("all")    #cierra todos los graficos 

N  = 1000 # muestras
fs = 1000 # Hz
df = fs / N
a0 = 2 # Volts
p0 = 0 # radianes
f0 = fs / 4

M = 9*N

ventanas = [np.bartlett(N), wds.triang(N), np.hanning(N), wds.hann(N),    np.blackman(N), wds.blackamanHarris(N), sg.flattop(N), wds.flattop(N), sg.boxcar(N), sg.boxcar(N)]
V =  len(ventanas)
ventana = ["Bartell", "my_Triang", "Hanning", "my_Hanning", "Blackman", "my_Blackman", "Flattop", "my_Flattop", "Rectangular", "my_Rectangular"]

aux_padding = np.zeros(M, float)

# creo las ventanas y obtengo el móduo de su dft
signal = np.vstack(np.transpose([this_w  for this_w in ventanas])) 
mod_signal = np.vstack(np.transpose([np.abs(np.fft.fft(signal[:,ii]))*2/N  for ii in      range(V)]))

# creo las ventanas con zero padding y obtengo el móduo de su dft
signal_padding = np.vstack(np.transpose([np.concatenate((this_w,aux_padding), axis=0)  for this_w in ventanas])) 
mod_signal_padding = np.vstack(np.transpose([np.abs(np.fft.fft(signal_padding[:,ii]))*2/(N + M)  for ii in      range(V)]))

# la paso en dB
mod_signal = 20 *np.log10(mod_signal/mod_signal[0])
def flattop_filter1d(data, width, axis=0, mode='reflect'):
    window_size = round(width / 0.2327)
    window = signal.flattop(window_size)
    window = window / np.sum(window)
    result = ndimage.convolve1d(data, window, axis=axis, mode='reflect')
    return (result)
Exemple #21
    newAmp1 = analyticalTran1 * 1
    newAmp2 = newAmp1 * analyticalTran2
    if (assertion):
        return newAmp1
    print("Analytical Transmission from region 1-2, new amplitude: ", newAmp1)
    print("Analytical Transmission from region 2-3, new amplitude: ", newAmp2)
    print("Free space dispersion: ", Decimal(freeSpaceVpinC0))
    print("Material dispersion: ", Decimal(discrep))
    print("matVpInC0: ", Decimal(matVpinC0))
    print("actualVPinC0 : ", Decimal(actualVpinC0))

winHann = sign.hann(timeSteps)
winBlack = sign.blackman(timeSteps)
winHamm = sign.hamming(timeSteps)
winFlat = sign.flattop(timeSteps)

def smoothTurnOn():

    ppw = c0 / (freq_in * dz)
    for timer in range(timeSteps):
        if (timer * dt < period):
                float(Decimal(np.sin(2.0 * np.pi / ppw *
                                     (courantNo * timer)))))
                        np.sin(2.0 * np.pi / ppw * (courantNo *
                                                    (timer + 1))))))
# Plot the window and its frequency response:

from scipy import signal
from scipy.fftpack import fft, fftshift
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

window = signal.flattop(51)
plt.title("Flat top window")

A = fft(window, 2048) / (len(window) / 2.0)
freq = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, len(A))
response = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(fftshift(A / abs(A).max())))
plt.plot(freq, response)
plt.axis([-0.5, 0.5, -120, 0])
plt.title("Frequency response of the flat top window")
plt.ylabel("Normalized magnitude [dB]")
plt.xlabel("Normalized frequency [cycles per sample]")
Exemple #23
center = int(np.floor(N / 2))
modX = modX[center:N]
modX = 20 * np.log10(modX)
freq = np.linspace(0, 0.5, len(modX))
plt.plot(freq, modX)
plt.title("blackman", fontsize=20)
plt.xlim(0.2, 0.3)
plt.xlabel("Frecuencia normalizada", fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel("Amplitud en dB", fontsize=20)

###ventana flattop###
rectWindow = sig.flattop(N)
a2dB = -85
a2 = 10**(a2dB / 20)
x1 = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f1 * tt)
x2 = a2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f2 * tt)
x = x1 + x2
x = x * rectWindow

X = fft(x)
modX = np.abs(fftshift(X)) * 2 / N
center = int(np.floor(N / 2))
modX = modX[center:N]
modX = 20 * np.log10(modX)
freq = np.linspace(0, 0.5, len(modX))
plt.plot(freq, modX)
plt.title("flattop", fontsize=20)
def flattop_filter1d(data,width, axis = 0, mode = 'reflect'):
    window_size =  round(width/0.2327)
    window = signal.flattop(window_size)
    window = window/np.sum(window)
    result = ndimage.convolve1d(data, window, axis = axis, mode = 'reflect')
Exemple #25
 from scipy import signal
from scipy.fftpack import fft, fftshift
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

window = signal.flattop(51)
plt.title("Flat top window")

A = fft(window, 2048) / (len(window)/2.0)
freq = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, len(A))
response = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(fftshift(A / abs(A).max())))
plt.plot(freq, response)
plt.axis([-0.5, 0.5, -120, 0])
plt.title("Frequency response of the flat top window")
plt.ylabel("Normalized magnitude [dB]")
plt.xlabel("Normalized frequency [cycles per sample]")

Exemple #26
plt.xlim(0, 100)

w = np.blackman(len(y))
y2 = y * w
plt.subplot(3, 3, 5)
plt.title('Okno Blackmana')
plt.hlines(0, 0, 100, alpha=.2)
plt.plot(y, color='black', alpha=.1)
plt.plot(y, color='lightgray')
plt.xlim(0, 100)

w = signal.flattop(len(y))
y2 = y * w
plt.subplot(3, 3, 6)
plt.title('Okno Flat-top')
plt.hlines(0, 0, 100, alpha=.2)
plt.plot(y, color='black', alpha=.1)
plt.plot(y, color='lightgray')
plt.xlim(0, 100)

w = np.kaiser(len(y), 20)
y2 = y * w
plt.subplot(3, 3, 7)
plt.title(r'Okno Kaisera $\beta=20$')
Exemple #27
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Oct 22 00:54:03 2019

@author: fede
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift
import scipy.signal as sig

N = 60 # muestras
fftSize = 2048

ventanas = [sig.boxcar(N), sig.bartlett(N), sig.hann(N), sig.blackman(N), sig.flattop(N)]
ventanas_names = ["rectangular", "bartlett", "hanning", "blackman", "flattop"]
V = len(ventanas_names)
plt.figure("Ventanas", figsize = (10,10))

for (vv, this_win) in zip(ventanas_names, ventanas):
       plt.plot(this_win, label=vv)
plt.xlabel("Numero de muestra")
plt.ylabel("Amplitud de la ventana")
plt.title("Forma de ventanas")

complexMat = np.transpose(np.vstack([fft(thisWin,fftSize, axis=0) for thisWin in ventanas]))
#fft(signal, size) Si size > len(signal) la FFT le hace zero padding automaticamente :)
Exemple #28
# Agrego cuantizador
xQ = cuantizador(x, bits, "ROUND")
xQ = xQ / (2**(bits - 1) - 1)  #Normalizo la cuatizacion
# Grafico señal
#graficar(tt1,xQ,0,'x = x1+ x2','f(x)','t')

# Obtengo el espectro
ff, espectroX = analizadorEspectro(xQ)

# Grafico el espectro
graficarEspectro_dB(ff, espectroX, 1, "Espectro $X(k)$")

# Genero ventaneando la señal
ventana_blackmanharris = signal.blackmanharris(len(xQ))
my_bartlett = flatTop(len(xQ))
np_bartlett = signal.flattop(len(xQ))

xQ_blackmanharris = xQ * ventana_blackmanharris
graficar(tt1, my_bartlett, 0, 'xQ_blackmanharris', 'x(t)', 't')
graficar(tt1, np_bartlett, 0, 'xQ_blackmanharris', 'x(t)', 't')

# Grafico la señal ventaneada
graficar(tt1, xQ_blackmanharris, 0, 'xQ_blackmanharris', 'x(t)', 't')

# Obtengo el espectro de la señal ventaneada
ff, espectroX_blackmanharris = analizadorEspectro(xQ_blackmanharris)

# Grafico el espectro
graficarEspectro_dB(ff, espectroX_blackmanharris, 1, "Espectro $X(k)$")
Exemple #29
import scipy.signal as sig
from scipy.fftpack import fft, fftshift

N = 1000
fs = 1000
Ts = 1 / fs

tt = np.linspace(0, (N - 1) * Ts, N)

ventanas = [

d = 2.8
f1 = fs / 4 + 0.5 * fs / N
f2 = f1 + d * (fs / N)
a2 = 1
x1 = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f1 * tt)
x2 = a2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f2 * tt)
x = x1 + x2
xw = x * sig.boxcar(N)
X = fft(xw)
modX = np.abs(fftshift(X)) * 2 / N
center = int(np.floor(N / 2))
modX = modX[center:N]
Exemple #30
        data_buf = np.frombuffer(target_buffers[ch].contents, dtype=np.int16, count=samples_added[ch])
      data_numpy[ch]    = np.append(data_numpy[ch], data_buf)

  # If we have enough data to update the FFT plot, do it
  for ch in range(0,number_of_iqchannels):
    if len(data_numpy[2*ch]) >= fftlength and len(data_numpy[2*ch+1]) >= fftlength:

      # Calculate FFT from complex-valued data
      iqdata = np.zeros(fftlength, complex)
      iqdata.real = data_numpy[2*ch + 0][0:fftlength]
      iqdata.imag = data_numpy[2*ch + 1][0:fftlength]

      data_numpy[2*ch + 0] = data_numpy[2*ch + 0][fftlength:]
      data_numpy[2*ch + 1] = data_numpy[2*ch + 1][fftlength:]

      iqdata = np.multiply(iqdata,signal.flattop(fftlength))
      iqfft = 20*np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.fft(iqdata))/iqdata.size/2**(target_bytes_per_sample*8-2))
      iqfft = np.fft.fftshift(iqfft)

      # Update plot
    print('Overflow detected, shutting down')
    overflow = 1
Exemple #31
        start = 0
        end = 31
        m_vals = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 0]

        for i in range(12):
            daily_ave.append(np.mean(model_cut[start * 24:end * 24:8760]))
            start += m_vals[i]
            end += m_vals[i + 1]

        #daily_ave_e = daily_ave[19:24] + daily_ave[0:19]
        plt.plot(range(12), daily_ave)
        #annual_index = np.argmin(np.abs(model_periods - 1))
        #print 'annual model phase= ', fft_phase[annual_index]

        #Divide output by sampling freq
        window = signal.flattop(len(model_cut))
        #window = np.kaiser(len(model_cut),4)
        model_mean = np.mean(model_cut)
        model_cut = model_cut - model_mean
        model_cut = model_cut * window
        #model_cut = model_cut[:-2]
        #model_time = model_time[:-2]
        #fc, fd, model_amp, model_ph= lomb.fasper(model_time,model_cut)

        #fft_array = fft(model_cut)
        #fft_mag = np.abs(fft_array)
        #fft_phase = [phase(i) for i in fft_array]
        #fft_phase = np.array(fft_phase)
        #fft_freqs = fftfreq(len(model_cut),hourly_step)

        #valid = fft_freqs > 0
Exemple #32
 def test_flattop(self):
     size = randint(0, 1000)
     generated = windowing.flattop(size)
     reference = signal.flattop(size)
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(reference, generated)
Exemple #33
#%% generación de frecuencias aleatorias
fa = np.random.uniform(a, b, size = (Nexp)) # genera aleatorios

plt.figure("histograma de frecuencias aleatorias")
plt.hist(fa, bins=20, alpha=1, edgecolor = 'black',  linewidth=1)
plt.title('Histograma Uniforme')

#%% generación de señales
f1 = f0 + fa
del fa     

ventanas = [sg.boxcar(N), np.bartlett(N), np.hanning(N), np.blackman(N),  sg.flattop(N)]
V =  len(ventanas)
ventana = ["Rectangular",'Barlett',"Hanning", "Blackman",  "Flattop"]
sesgo = np.zeros((V))
a_est = np.zeros((Nexp, V))
a_mean = np.zeros((V))
varianza = np.zeros((V))
tt = np.linspace(0, (N-1)/fs, N)     

for (ii, this_w) in zip(range(V), ventanas):
     signal = np.vstack(np.transpose([a0 * np.sin(2*np.pi*j*tt) * this_w  for j in f1]))  
     mod_signal = np.vstack(np.transpose([np.abs(np.fft.fft(signal[:,ii]))*2/N  for ii in      range(Nexp)]))

     mod_signal = mod_signal[0:int(N/2)]
Exemple #34
a0 = 2  # Volts

df = np.random.uniform(-2, 2, k)
fn = f0 + df * fs / N

Ts = 1 / fs
tt = np.linspace(0, (N - 1) * Ts, N)

x = np.transpose(np.vstack([a0 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * ff * tt) for ff in fn]))

ventana = [

V = len(ventana)
sesgo = np.zeros(V)
var = np.zeros(V)
prom = np.zeros(V)

dist = np.zeros((k, V))

for (vv, this_win) in zip(range(V), ventana):
    X = np.transpose(np.vstack([x[:, kk] * this_win for kk in range(0, k)]))
    X = fft(X, axis=0)
    modX = np.abs(fftshift(X)) * 2 / N
    center = int(np.floor(N / 2))
    modX = modX[center:N]
if radioConfig.cropPercentage > 0:
    cmdstring = cmdstring + " -x " + str(radioConfig.cropPercentage)

cmdstring = cmdstring + " -e " + datagathduration
cmdstring = cmdstring + " -q"

if radioConfig.linearPower:
    cmdstring = cmdstring + " -l"

if radioConfig.fftWindow != "":
    if radioConfig.fftWindow == "BlacHarr":
        window = signal.blackmanharris(freqbins)
    elif radioConfig.fftWindow == "DolpCheb":
        window = signal.chebwin(freqbins, at=80)
    elif radioConfig.fftWindow == "FlatTop":
        window = signal.flattop(freqbins)

    file = open("window.txt","w")
    for wparm in window:
    cmdstring = cmdstring + " -w window.txt"

if radioConfig.sessionDurationMin == 0:
    loopForever = True
    loopForever = False

numscans = radioConfig.sessionDurationMin / radioConfig.dataGatheringDurationMin

scancnt = 1