Exemple #1
def update_cltree_parameters_mle(node, data, alpha=0.01):
    """ learn the structure and parameters of a CLTree """

    log_factors = np.zeros((node.n_features, 2, 2))

    if node.n_features == 1:
        p = (data.sum() + 2 * alpha) / (len(data) + 4 * alpha)

        log_factors[0, 0, 0] = np.log(1 - p)
        log_factors[0, 0, 1] = np.log(1 - p)
        log_factors[0, 1, 0] = np.log(p)
        log_factors[0, 1, 1] = np.log(p)

        node.tree = [-1]
        node.df_order = [0]
        node.post_order = [0]

        node.tree = [0] * node.n_features
        node.tree[0] = -1

        (log_probs, log_j_probs) = compute_log_probs(node, data, alpha)

        MI = np.zeros((node.n_features, node.n_features))
        for i in range(node.n_features):
            for j in range(i + 1, node.n_features):
                for v0 in range(2):
                    for v1 in range(2):
                        MI[i,j] = MI[i,j] + np.exp(log_j_probs[i,j,v0,v1]) * \
                                  ( log_j_probs[i,j,v0,v1] - log_probs[i,v0] - log_probs[j,v1])
                MI[j, i] = MI[i, j]

        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(MI))
        dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)

        node.df_order = dfs_tree[0].tolist()
        node.post_order = dfs_tree[0][::-1].tolist()

        for p in range(1, node.n_features):
            node.tree[p] = dfs_tree[1][p]

        # computing the factored represetation

        for feature in range(0, node.n_features):
            if node.tree[feature] == -1:
                log_factors[feature, 0, 0] = log_probs[feature, 0]
                log_factors[feature, 0, 1] = log_probs[feature, 0]
                log_factors[feature, 1, 0] = log_probs[feature, 1]
                log_factors[feature, 1, 1] = log_probs[feature, 1]
                parent = int(node.tree[feature])
                for feature_val in range(2):
                    for parent_val in range(2):
                        log_factors[feature, feature_val,
                                    parent_val] = log_j_probs[
                                        feature, parent, feature_val,
                                        parent_val] - log_probs[parent,

    node.log_factors = log_factors.tolist()
Exemple #2
def build_dependency_tree_from_mi(mut_info, scope, root_var=None):

    if root_var is None:
        root_var = np.random.choice(scope)
        if root_var not in scope:
            raise RootVarError()

    root_id = scope.index(root_var)

    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(mut_info + 1))
    dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=root_id)
    tree = dfs_tree[1].tolist()
    tree[root_id] = ROOT

    dtree_nodes = {var_id: DTreeNode(var_id) for var_id in scope}

    parents = np.arange(mut_info.shape[0]).tolist()

    for p in parents:

    dtree_nodes[scope[root_id]].set_tree(scope, tree)

    return dtree_nodes[scope[root_id]]
Exemple #3
    def __getSequence(self, idxA, idxB):
        from scipy.sparse.csgraph import depth_first_order

        def traverseToRoot(nodeSeq, pred):
          # scipy uses -9999
          __SCIPY_END = -9999
          seqV = [idxB]
          parent = pred[idxB]
          while parent != __SCIPY_END:
            seqV = [parent] + seqV
            parent = pred[parent]
          return seqV

        if self.__CSRspanTree is None:
            self.__CSRspanTree = csr_matrix(self.__spanningTree)

        (nodeSeq, pred) = depth_first_order(self.__CSRspanTree, i_start=idxA, \
                                            directed=False, \

        # Traverse through predecessors to the root node
        seqV = traverseToRoot(nodeSeq, pred)
        if (seqV[0] != idxA):
          raise ValueError("Traversal Incorrect")
          return seqV
Exemple #4
def dfs(adjMat):
    Find the depth first search order of a graph defined by adjacency matrix.

    `adjMat` : scipy sparse matrix
        adjacency matrix of a graph

    `target_path_index` : 1d numpy array 
        a path of indices of points that walk through the graph in depth first order

    i_start = divmod(np.argmax(adjMat), adjMat.shape[0])[0]
    path_index, predecessors = depth_first_order(adjMat, i_start, directed=False)
    target_path_index = []
    for i in range(len(path_index) - 1):
        curVertex = path_index[i]
        nextVertex = path_index[i+1]
        while predecessors[nextVertex] != curVertex:
            curVertex = predecessors[curVertex]
    target_path_ = np.array(target_path_index)
    return target_path_index
Exemple #5
    def update_exact(self,
        # Perform based on weights
        # assume that dataset_.shape[0] equals weights.shape[0] because each example has a weight
        # try to avoid sum(weights = 0

        if weights.shape[0] == dataset_.shape[0] and np.sum(weights > 0):

            smooth = max(np.sum(weights), 1.0) / dataset_.shape[0]
            self.xycounts = Util.compute_weighted_xycounts(dataset_,
                                                           weights) + smooth
            self.xcounts = Util.compute_weighted_xcounts(
                dataset_, weights) + 2.0 * smooth
            dataset = dataset_
            print("Not using weight to update")
            self.xycounts += Util.compute_xycounts(dataset)
            self.xcounts += Util.compute_xcounts(dataset)

        self.xyprob = Util.normalize2d(self.xycounts)
        self.xprob = Util.normalize1d(self.xcounts)

        if structure_update_flag == True:

            edgemat = Util.compute_edge_weights(self.xycounts,
                                                self.xcounts) * (-1.0)
            Tree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(edgemat))
            self.topo_order, self.parents = depth_first_order(Tree,
Exemple #6
 def order_to_stitch(self, parents):
     return csgraph.depth_first_order(
         csgraph.reconstruct_path(self.edge_matrix, parents,
Exemple #7
    def __GRASP(self, forest_approach, vdata):

        times = 3
        k = 3  # Best k edges

        if len(forest_approach) > 1:
            times = int(forest_approach[1])
            if len(forest_approach) > 2:
                k = int(forest_approach[2])
        t = 0
        while t < times:
            initial_tree = None
            mst = minimum_spanning_tree_K(
                -(self.MI), k)  # Using modified version of kruskal algorithm

            dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)
            initial_tree = self.create_tree(dfs_tree)
            """End Construct"""
            """ Local Search"""
            initial_valid_ll = self.score_samples_log_proba_v(
                vdata, initial_tree)
            initial_num_tree = 1
            improved = True
            while improved:
                improved = False
                best_ll = -np.inf
                best_edge = None
                valid_edges = np.where(initial_tree != -1)
                if np.size(valid_edges) > 0:
                    for i in np.nditer(valid_edges):
                        new = np.copy(initial_tree)
                        new[i] = -1
                        valid_ll = self.score_samples_log_proba_v(vdata, new)
                        if valid_ll > best_ll:
                            best_edge = i
                            best_ll = valid_ll
                    if best_ll > initial_valid_ll:
                        initial_valid_ll = best_ll
                        initial_num_tree += 1
                        initial_tree[best_edge] = -1
                        improved = True
            """End local search"""

            if initial_valid_ll > self.current_best_validationll:
                self.current_best_validationll = initial_valid_ll
                self.num_trees = initial_num_tree
                self.tree = initial_tree
                # Now i can compute the log factors
                self.log_factors = np.zeros((self.n_features, 2, 2))
                self.log_factors = compute_log_factors(self.tree,

            t += 1
Exemple #8
    def __GRASP(self, forest_approach, vdata):

        times = 3
        k = 3  # Best k edges

        if len(forest_approach) > 1:
            times = int(forest_approach[1])
            if len(forest_approach) > 2:
                k = int(forest_approach[2])

        t = 0
        while t < times:

            initial_tree = None
            mst = minimum_spanning_tree_K(-(self.MI), k)  # Using modified version of kruskal algorithm

            dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)
            initial_tree = self.create_tree(dfs_tree)
            """End Construct"""

            """ Local Search"""
            initial_valid_ll = self.score_samples_log_proba_v(vdata, initial_tree)
            initial_num_tree = 1
            improved = True
            while improved:
                improved = False
                best_ll = -np.inf
                best_edge = None
                valid_edges = np.where(initial_tree != -1)
                if np.size(valid_edges) > 0:
                    for i in np.nditer(valid_edges):
                        new = np.copy(initial_tree)
                        new[i] = -1
                        valid_ll = self.score_samples_log_proba_v(vdata, new)
                        if valid_ll > best_ll:
                            best_edge = i
                            best_ll = valid_ll
                    if best_ll > initial_valid_ll:
                        initial_valid_ll = best_ll
                        initial_num_tree += 1
                        initial_tree[best_edge] = -1
                        improved = True

            """End local search"""

            if initial_valid_ll > self.current_best_validationll:
                self.current_best_validationll = initial_valid_ll
                self.num_trees = initial_num_tree
                self.tree = initial_tree
                # Now i can compute the log factors
                self.log_factors = np.zeros((self.n_features, 2, 2))
                self.log_factors = compute_log_factors(self.tree, self.n_features, self.log_probs, self.log_c_probs,

            t += 1
Exemple #9
    def _Minimum_SPTree_log_probs(self, log_probs, log_c_probs):
        """ the tree is represented as a sequence of parents"""
        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(self.MI))
        dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)
        self.df_order = dfs_tree[0]
        self.tree = self.create_tree(dfs_tree)

        # computing the factored representation
        self.log_factors = np.zeros((self.n_features, 2, 2))
        self.log_factors = compute_log_factors(self.tree, self.n_features, log_probs, log_c_probs, self.log_factors)
Exemple #10
 def learnStructure(self, n_variable, ids):
     #print ('n_varialbe: ', n_variable)
     self.nvariables = n_variable
     self.ids = ids
     #print ('random tree ids: ', self.ids)
     edgemat = np.random.rand(self.nvariables, self.nvariables)
     # compute the minimum spanning tree
     Tree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(edgemat))
     # Convert the spanning tree to a Bayesian network
     self.topo_order, self.parents = depth_first_order(Tree, 0, directed=False)
Exemple #11
 def calculate_draw_order(self, parents):
     order = csgraph.depth_first_order(csgraph.reconstruct_path(
         self._edge_matrix, parents, directed=False),
     print('Order to Draw:')
     strf = ''
     for i in order:
         strf += str(self._images[i].name) + ', '
     return order
Exemple #12
 def _calculate_draw_order(self, parents):
     order = csgraph.depth_first_order(
     log.info('Draw order: %s',
              ', '.join(self._images[i].name for i in order))
     return order
Exemple #13
 def learnStructure_MI(self, mi):
     self.nvariables = mi.shape[0]
     #self.xyprob = p_xy
     #self.xprob = p_x
     # compute mutual information score for all pairs of variables
     # weights are multiplied by -1.0 because we compute the minimum spanning tree
     edgemat = mi * (-1.0)
     # compute the minimum spanning tree
     edgemat[edgemat == 0.0] = 1e-20  # sha1225  # to avoid tree not connected
     Tree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(edgemat))
     # Convert the spanning tree to a Bayesian network
     self.topo_order, self.parents = depth_first_order(Tree, 0, directed=False)
Exemple #14
def make_face_normals_consistent(mesh):
    from graph import get_face_neighbors
    vertices = np.array(mesh.vertices)
    faces = np.array(mesh.faces)
    print('Making face normals consistent, nv = %d, nf = %d' %
          (len(vertices), len(faces)))
    print('Calculating normals...')
    normals = get_normals(vertices, faces, normalize=False)
    normalized_normals = guarded_normalized(normals)
    print('Calculating neighbors...')
    neighbors = get_face_neighbors(faces)
    print('Creating adjacency matrix...')
    ii = []
    jj = []
    vv = []
    eps = 1e-4
    for i, n in enumerate(neighbors):
        ni = normalized_normals[i]
        for j in n:
            nj = normalized_normals[j]
            weight = 1 + eps - abs(np.dot(ni, nj))
    nf = len(faces)

    m = coo_matrix((vv, (ii, jj)), shape=(nf, nf))
    print('Calculating minimum spanning tree...')
    minimum_spanning_tree(m, overwrite=True)
    print('Flipping inconsistent faces...')
    to_flip = []
    n = depth_first_order(m, 0)[0]
    for i in n:
        row = m.getrow(i)
        norm_i = normalized_normals[i]
        js = row.nonzero()[1]
        norm_js = normalized_normals[js]
        dots = np.dot(norm_js, norm_i)
        for j, dot in zip(js, dots):
            if dot < 0:
                normalized_normals[j] *= -1
                faces[j] = faces[j, -1::-1]
    faces[to_flip] = faces[to_flip, -1::-1]
    print('Evaluating flux...')
    c = (np.max(vertices, axis=0) + np.min(vertices, axis=0)) / 2
    centroids = get_centroids(vertices, faces) - c
    flux = np.sum(centroids * normals)
    if flux < 0:
        print('Flipping all faces')
        faces = faces[:, -1::-1]
    return pymesh.form_mesh(vertices, faces)
Exemple #15
def _make_normals_consistent(m, normals, start_index):
    n, _ = depth_first_order(m, start_index)
    for i in n:
        row = m.getrow(i)
        norm_i = normals[i]
        for j in row.nonzero()[1]:
            norm_j = normals[j]
            dot = np.dot(norm_i, norm_j)
            if dot < 0:
                # print('Flipping %d - %d' % (i, j))
                # norm_j *= -1
                normals[j] = -norm_j
Exemple #16
    def _Minimum_SPTree_log_probs(self, log_probs, log_c_probs):
        """ the tree is represented as a sequence of parents"""
        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(self.MI))
        dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)
        self.df_order = dfs_tree[0]
        self.tree = self.create_tree(dfs_tree)

        # computing the factored representation
        self.log_factors = np.zeros((self.n_features, 2, 2))
        self.log_factors = compute_log_factors(self.tree, self.n_features,
                                               log_probs, log_c_probs,
Exemple #17
def dfs_order_vertices(edges):
    rows, cols = zip(*edges)

    ids = list(set(rows + cols))
    idmap = {v: i for (i, v) in enumerate(ids)}
    rows = [idmap[v] for v in rows]
    cols = [idmap[v] for v in cols]

    vals = np.ones((len(rows), ), dtype=np.uint8)
    num_ids = max(max(rows), max(cols)) + 1
    g = sp.coo_matrix((vals, (rows, cols)), shape=(num_ids, num_ids)).tocsr()

    return [ids[i] for i in csgraph.depth_first_order(g, 0, directed=False)[0]]
Exemple #18
 def learnStructure_prob(self, p_xy, p_x):
     self.nvariables = p_x.shape[0]
     self.xyprob = p_xy
     self.xprob = p_x
     # compute mutual information score for all pairs of variables
     # weights are multiplied by -1.0 because we compute the minimum spanning tree
     edgemat = Util.compute_MI_prob(self.xyprob, self.xprob) * (-1.0)
     edgemat[edgemat == 0.0] = 1e-20  # sha1225  # to avoid tree not connected
     # compute the minimum spanning tree
     Tree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(edgemat))
     # Convert the spanning tree to a Bayesian network
     self.topo_order, self.parents = depth_first_order(Tree, 0, directed=False)
     #self.Tree = Tree   #   
Exemple #19
    def train_weighted(self, weights, data):
        # weights is a np vector assigning weights to every data-vector in data
        N = data.shape[0]
        alpha = max(np.sum(weights), 1)
        alpha /= N        
        pairwise_counts = utils.compute_pairwise_counts_weighted(data, weights) + alpha
        self.prob_pair = utils.normalize2D(pairwise_counts)
        single_counts = utils.compute_single_counts_weighted(data, weights) + 2 * alpha
        self.prob_sing = utils.normalize1D(single_counts)

        adjmat = utils.compute_adjmatrix(self.prob_pair, self.prob_sing) 
        adjmat *= -1.0 # making negative for MST calc
        adjmat[adjmat == 0.0] = 1e-10       
        mstree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(adjmat))
        self.node_order, self.parent = depth_first_order(mstree, 0, directed=False)
Exemple #20
def dfs_traversals(edges):
    Given an edge list, generate a sequence of ordered
    depth first search traversals, using scipy.csgraph routines.

    edges: (n,2) int, undirected edges of a graph

    traversals: (m,) sequence of (p,) int,
                ordered DFS traversals of the graph.
    edges = np.asanyarray(edges, dtype=np.int64)
    if not util.is_shape(edges, (-1, 2)):
        raise ValueError('edges are not (n,2)!')

    # make sure edges are sorted so we can query
    # an ordered pair later

    # set of nodes to make sure we get every node
    nodes = set(edges.reshape(-1))
    # coo_matrix for csgraph routines
    graph = edges_to_coo(edges)

    # we're going to make a sequence of traversals
    traversals = []
    while len(nodes) > 0:
        # starting at any node
        start = nodes.pop()
        # get an (n,) ordered traversal
        ordered = csgraph.depth_first_order(graph,
        # even if the traversal is closed there won't be an
        # indication from the DFS, so add the first node
        # to the end of the path
        if np.sort(ordered[[0, -1]]) in edges:
            ordered = np.append(ordered, ordered[0])
        # add the traversal to our result
        # remove the nodes we've consumed

    return traversals
Exemple #21
 def learnStructure(self, dataset):
     self.nvariables = dataset.shape[1]
     self.xycounts = Util.compute_xycounts(dataset) + 1 # laplace correction
     self.xcounts = Util.compute_xcounts(dataset) + 2 # laplace correction
     self.xyprob = Util.normalize2d(self.xycounts)
     self.xprob = Util.normalize1d(self.xcounts)
     # compute mutual information score for all pairs of variables
     # weights are multiplied by -1.0 because we compute the minimum spanning tree
     edgemat = Util.compute_edge_weights(self.xycounts, self.xcounts) * (-1.0)
     edgemat[edgemat == 0.0] = 1e-20  # sha1225  # to avoid tree not connected
     # compute the minimum spanning tree
     Tree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(edgemat))
     # Convert the spanning tree to a Bayesian network
     self.topo_order, self.parents = depth_first_order(Tree, 0, directed=False)
     #self.Tree = Tree   
Exemple #22
 def update(self, dataset_, weights=np.array([])):
     # Perform Sampling importance resampling based on weights
     # assume that dataset_.shape[0] equals weights.shape[0] because each example has a weight
     if weights.shape[0]==dataset_.shape[0]:
         norm_weights = Util.normalize(weights)
         indices = np.argwhere(np.random.multinomial(dataset_.shape[0], norm_weights)).ravel()
         dataset = dataset_[indices, :]
         print ("Not using weight to update")
     self.xycounts += Util.compute_xycounts(dataset)
     self.xcounts += Util.compute_xcounts(dataset)
     self.xyprob = Util.normalize2d(self.xycounts)
     self.xprob = Util.normalize1d(self.xcounts)
     edgemat = Util.compute_edge_weights(self.xycounts, self.xcounts) * (-1.0)
     Tree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(edgemat))
     self.topo_order, self.parents = depth_first_order(Tree, 0, directed=False)
Exemple #23
    def clique_to_tree(self):

        neighbors = np.zeros((self.n_cliques, self.n_cliques))
        for k in self.var_in_clique.keys():

            nb_val = self.var_in_clique[k]
            nb_num = len(
                nb_val)  # how many cliques that conatain this variable

            # for cliques connected to root clique
            if k == 0:
                for i in xrange(nb_num):
                    neighbors[0, nb_val[i]] = 1
                    neighbors[nb_val[i], 0] = 1

            if nb_num > 1:
                for i in xrange(nb_num):
                    for j in xrange(i + 1, nb_num):
                        # connect only parent and child, for tree only
                        if self.clique_list[nb_val[i]].var[0] == self.clique_list[nb_val[j]].var[1] \
                        or self.clique_list[nb_val[i]].var[1] == self.clique_list[nb_val[j]].var[0] :
                            neighbors[nb_val[i], nb_val[j]] = 1
                            neighbors[nb_val[j], nb_val[i]] = 1

        # compute the minimum spanning tree
        Tree = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(neighbors * (-1)))
        # Convert the spanning tree to a Bayesian network
        self.jt_order, self.jt_parents = depth_first_order(Tree,

        for i in xrange(self.n_cliques):
            child_index = np.where(self.jt_parents == i)[0]

            if child_index.shape[0] > 0:
                child_list = []
                for c in child_index:

            if self.jt_parents[i] != -9999:
Exemple #24
def ordered_hull_idx_2d(hull):
    n = hull.simplices.shape[0]
    # determine order of edges in the convex hull
    v = coo_matrix((np.ones(2*n), (np.repeat(np.arange(n), 2), hull.neighbors.ravel())))
    facet_order = csgraph.depth_first_order(v, 0, return_predecessors=False)
    facet_vidx = hull.simplices[facet_order]
    # pick one vertex for each edge, based on which direction the walk went
    m = hull.neighbors[facet_order][:-1] == facet_order[1:,None]
    i = np.arange(n)
    j = np.r_[np.where(m)[1], 0] 
    ordered_vertex_idx = facet_vidx[i, j]
    # sanity check
    assert np.all(np.unique(ordered_vertex_idx) == np.unique(hull.simplices.ravel()))
    return ordered_vertex_idx
Exemple #25
    def __init__(self, data, features_name=None, alpha=1.0):

        self.data = data
        self.alpha = alpha

        self.n_features = data.shape[1]
        if features_name is None:
            self.features = [i for i in range(self.n_features)]
            self.features = features_name

        self.num_instances = data.shape[0]

         self.log_j_probs) = self.log_p_jp(self.data, self.n_features,
        self.log_c_probs = self.log_cp(self.n_features, self.log_probs,

        self.MI = self.cMI(self.n_features, self.log_probs, self.log_j_probs)

        " the tree is represented as a sequence of parents"

        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(self.MI + 1))
        dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)

        self.tree = np.zeros(self.n_features)
        self.tree[0] = -1
        for p in range(1, self.n_features):
            self.tree[p] = dfs_tree[1][p]

        # computing the factored represetation
        self.factors = np.zeros((self.n_features, 2, 2))
        self.factors = self.log_factors()

        self.data = None
        self.MI = None
        self.log_j_probs = None
        self.log_probs = None
        self.log_c_probs = None
        mst = None
        dfs_tree = None
Exemple #26
    def compute(self):
        cov = cov3D(self.k_neighbors)
        u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(cov)

        normals = u[:, :, -1]

        # Orient normals as in "Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points"

        max_z = self.pyntcloud.xyz.argmax(0)[-1]
        if normals[max_z, 2] < 0:
            normals[max_z] = -normals[max_z]
        # Dot product between each point's normal and the normals of it's neighbours
        dot3D = 1 - abs(np.einsum("ij, ikj -> ik",

        n = self.pyntcloud.xyz.shape[0]
        graph = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(n):
            graph[i, self.k_neighbors_idx[i]] = dot3D[i]

        MST = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(graph))
        DFO = depth_first_order(MST, max_z,
        for i in range(1, len(DFO)):
            n1 = normals[DFO[i - 1]]
            n2 = normals[DFO[i]]
            if np.dot(n1, n2) < 0:
                normals[DFO[i]] *= -1
        nx = normals[:, 0]
        ny = normals[:, 1]
        nz = normals[:, 2]

        k = self.k_neighbors.shape[1]
        self.to_be_added["nx({})".format(k)] = nx
        self.to_be_added["ny({})".format(k)] = ny
        self.to_be_added["nz({})".format(k)] = nz
Exemple #27
    def __init__(self, data, features_name=None, alpha=1.0):

        self.data = data
        self.alpha = alpha

        self.n_features = data.shape[1]
        if features_name is None:
            self.features = [i for i in range(self.n_features)]
            self.features = features_name

        self.num_instances = data.shape[0]

        (self.log_probs, self.log_j_probs) = self.log_p_jp(
            self.data, self.n_features, self.num_instances)
        self.log_c_probs = self.log_cp(
            self.n_features, self.log_probs, self.log_j_probs)

        self.MI = self.cMI(self.n_features, self.log_probs, self.log_j_probs)

        " the tree is represented as a sequence of parents"

        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(self.MI + 1))
        dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)

        self.tree = np.zeros(self.n_features)
        self.tree[0] = -1
        for p in range(1, self.n_features):
            self.tree[p] = dfs_tree[1][p]

        # computing the factored represetation
        self.factors = np.zeros((self.n_features, 2, 2))
        self.factors = self.log_factors()

        self.data = None
        self.MI = None
        self.log_j_probs = None
        self.log_probs = None
        self.log_c_probs = None
        mst = None
        dfs_tree = None
    def compute(self):
        cov = cov3D(self.k_neighbors)
        u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(cov)

        normals = u[:, :, -1]

        # Orient normals as in "Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points"

        max_z = self.pyntcloud.xyz.argmax(0)[-1]
        if normals[max_z, 2] < 0:
            normals[max_z] = -normals[max_z]

        # Dot product between each point's normal and the normals of its neighbors
        dot3D = 1 - abs(
            np.einsum("ij, ikj -> ik", normals, normals[self.k_neighbors_idx]))

        n = self.pyntcloud.xyz.shape[0]
        graph = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(n):
            graph[i, self.k_neighbors_idx[i]] = dot3D[i]

        MST = minimum_spanning_tree(csr_matrix(graph))
        DFO = depth_first_order(MST,
        for i in range(1, len(DFO)):
            n1 = normals[DFO[i - 1]]
            n2 = normals[DFO[i]]
            if np.dot(n1, n2) < 0:
                normals[DFO[i]] *= -1
        nx = normals[:, 0]
        ny = normals[:, 1]
        nz = normals[:, 2]

        k = self.k_neighbors.shape[1]
        self.to_be_added["nx({})".format(k)] = nx
        self.to_be_added["ny({})".format(k)] = ny
        self.to_be_added["nz({})".format(k)] = nz
Exemple #29
    def group_branches(self, graph, root, directed=False):

        :param graph:
        :type graph: csr_matrix
        :param root:
        :type root: int
        :rtype: list(list(int))

        dft, preds = sp.depth_first_order(graph, root, directed=directed,
        branches = []
        current_branch = -1
        for node in dft[1:]:
            if preds[node] == root:
                current_branch += 1

        return branches
Exemple #30
 def train(self, data, approx=0, samp_k=None):
     approx (default = 0) means no approx.
     approx = 1 means use the AST method described in todo
     approx = 2 means use the AGH method described in todo
     For either of the above, use samp_k number of nodes to sample.
     samp_k should be about log N
     num_feats = data.shape[1]
     if not samp_k:
         samp_k = int(np.ceil(np.log2(num_feats)))
     # print(samp_k)
     if approx == 1: # Use the AST method (approx_spantree)
         self.node_order, self.parent = self.compute_approx_spantree(data, samp_k)
         if approx == 0:
             adjmat = self.compute_exact_graph(data)
         elif approx == 2:   # Use the AGH method (approx_graph)
             adjmat = self.compute_approx_graph(data, samp_k)
         adjmat *= -1.0 # making negative for MST calc
         mstree = self.compute_exact_mst(adjmat)
         self.node_order, self.parent = depth_first_order(mstree, i_start=0, directed=False)
Exemple #31
    def group_branches(self, graph, root, directed=False):

        :param graph:
        :type graph: csr_matrix
        :param root:
        :type root: int
        :rtype: list(list(int))

        dft, preds = sp.depth_first_order(graph,
        branches = []
        current_branch = -1
        for node in dft[1:]:
            if preds[node] == root:
                current_branch += 1

        return branches
Exemple #32
    def fit(self, X, m_priors, j_priors, alpha=1.0, sample_weight=None, scope=None, and_leaves=False, multilabel = False, n_labels=0, ml_tree_structure=0):
        """Fit the model to the data.

        X : ndarray, shape=(n, m)
        The data array.

        the marginal priors for each feature
        the joint priors for each couple of features

        alpha: float, default=1.0
        the constant for the smoothing

        sample_weight: ndarray, shape=(n,)
        The weight of each sample.

        unique identifiers for the features

        and_leaves: boolean, default=False

        multilabel: boolean, default=False
        its value indicates whether the cltree are used for multilabel classification 
        problems when imported by mlcsn.py

        n_labels: integer, default=0
        in case of multilabel classification problem indicates the number of labels,
        assumed to be the n_labels rows of X

        ml_tree_structure: integer, default=0
        in case of multilabel classification problem indicates the structure of the tree 
        to be learned. The set of features F corresponds to the union of A (the attributes)
        and Y (the labels):
        - 0, no constraint on the resulting tree
        - 1, the parent of each variable in Y must have the parent in Y, while the parent of each
        variable in A can have the parent in A or in Y. A label variable depends on a label 
        variable; an attribute variable can depend on a label variable or on an attribute variable
        - 2, the parent of each variable in Y must have the parent in Y, and the parent of each
        variable in A can have the parent in Y. A label variable depends on a label variable; an 
        attribute variable depends on a label variable

        self.alpha = alpha
        self.and_leaves = and_leaves
        self.n_features = X.shape[1]

        rootTree = False
        if scope is None:
            self.scope = np.array([i for i in range(self.n_features)])
            rootTree = True
            self.scope = scope

        if sample_weight is None:
            self.n_samples = X.shape[0]
            self.n_samples = np.sum(sample_weight)

        (log_probs, log_j_probs) = self.compute_log_probs(X, sample_weight, m_priors, j_priors)

        MI = self.cMI(log_probs, log_j_probs)

        if multilabel == True:
            if ml_tree_structure == 1:
                MI[-n_labels:,-n_labels:] += np.max(MI)
            elif ml_tree_structure == 2:
                MI[-n_labels:,-n_labels:] += np.max(MI)
                MI[:-n_labels,:-n_labels] = 0
            elif ml_tree_structure == 3:
                MI[:-n_labels,:-n_labels] = 0
        " the tree is represented as a sequence of parents"

        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(MI))
        dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)

        self.df_order = dfs_tree[0]
        self.post_order = dfs_tree[0][::-1]
        self.tree = np.zeros(self.n_features, dtype=np.int)
        self.tree[0] = -1
        for p in range(1, self.n_features):

        penalization = logr(X.shape[0])/(2*X.shape[0])

        if self.and_leaves == True:
            for p in range(1,self.n_features):
                if MI[self.tree[p],p]<penalization:
                    self.num_trees = self.num_trees + 1
            if self.num_trees > 1:
                self._forest = True

        selected_MI = []
        for p in range(1,self.n_features):
        selected_MI.sort(key=lambda mi: mi[1], reverse=True)
        for p in range(10,self.n_features-1):

        if multilabel == True and rootTree:
            pX = 0
            for i in range(self.n_features-n_labels):
                if self.tree[i]>=(self.n_features-n_labels):
                    pX += 1
            pY = 0
            for i in range(self.n_features-n_labels,self.n_features):
                if self.tree[i]>=(self.n_features-n_labels):
                    pY += 1
            print("Xs with Y parent: ", pX)
            print("Ys with Y parent: ", pY)            

        self.num_edges = self.n_features - self.num_trees
        # computing the factored represetation
        self.log_factors = np.zeros((self.n_features, 2, 2))
        self.log_factors = compute_log_factors(self.tree, self.n_features, log_probs, log_j_probs, self.log_factors)
Exemple #33
    def fit(self,
        """Fit the model to the data.

        X : ndarray, shape=(n, m)
        The data array.

        alpha: float, default=1.0
        the constant for the smoothing

        unique identifiers for the features

        multilabel: boolean, default=False
        its value indicates whether the cltree are used for multilabel classification 
        problems when imported by mlcsn.py

        n_labels: integer, default=0
        in case of multilabel classification problem indicates the number of labels,
        assumed to be the n_labels rows of X

        ml_tree_structure: integer, default=0
        in case of multilabel classification problem indicates the structure of the tree 
        to be learned. The set of features F corresponds to the union of A (the attributes)
        and Y (the labels):
        - 0, no constraint on the resulting tree
        - 1, the parent of each variable in Y must have the parent in Y, while the parent of each
        variable in A can have the parent in A or in Y. A label variable depends on a label 
        variable; an attribute variable can depend on a label variable or on an attribute variable
        - 2, the parent of each variable in Y must have the parent in Y, and the parent of each
        variable in A can have the parent in Y. A label variable depends on a label variable; an 
        attribute variable depends on a label variable

        self.alpha = alpha
        self.n_features = X.shape[1]

        rootTree = False
        if scope is None:
            self.scope = np.array([i for i in range(self.n_features)])
            rootTree = True
            self.scope = scope

        self.n_samples = X.shape[0]

        (log_probs, log_j_probs) = self.compute_log_probs(X)

        MI = self.cMI(log_probs, log_j_probs)

        if multilabel == True:
            if ml_tree_structure == 1:
                MI[-n_labels:, -n_labels:] += np.max(MI)
            elif ml_tree_structure == 2:
                MI[-n_labels:, -n_labels:] += np.max(MI)
                MI[:-n_labels, :-n_labels] = 0
            elif ml_tree_structure == 3:
                MI[:-n_labels, :-n_labels] = 0

        " the tree is represented as a sequence of parents"

        MI = MI + 0.01
        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(MI))
        dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)

        self.df_order = dfs_tree[0]
        self.post_order = dfs_tree[0][::-1]
        self.tree = np.zeros(self.n_features, dtype=np.int)
        self.tree[0] = -1
        for p in range(1, self.n_features):
            self.tree[p] = dfs_tree[1][p]

        if multilabel == True and rootTree:
            pX = 0
            for i in range(self.n_features - n_labels):
                if self.tree[i] >= (self.n_features - n_labels):
                    pX += 1
            pY = 0
            for i in range(self.n_features - n_labels, self.n_features):
                if self.tree[i] >= (self.n_features - n_labels):
                    pY += 1

            print("Xs with Y parent: ", pX)
            print("Ys with Y parent: ", pY)

        self.num_edges = self.n_features - self.num_trees
        # computing the factored represetation
        self.log_factors = np.zeros((self.n_features, 2, 2))
        self.log_factors = compute_log_factors(self.tree, self.n_features,
                                               log_probs, log_j_probs,
Exemple #34
    def _learn_from_data(self,
        Chow and Liu learning algorithm
        # this trick helps for sparse matrices
        # TODO: check if this cond is needed or the sparse dot is equal to
        # the dense one performance-wise
        if sparse:
            self._data = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(data)
            self._data = data

        self._alpha = alpha
        self._n_features = data.shape[1]
        self._n_instances = data.shape[0]

        self.features = features

        # assuming homogeneous features this could be restrictive
        # TODO: extend the whole code to categorical non homogeneous features
        self._feature_vals = feature_vals

        if self._feature_vals is None:
            self._feature_vals = \
                             for i in range(self._n_features)])

        # getting the max to pre-allocate the memory
        self._n_feature_vals = n_feature_vals
        if self._n_feature_vals is None:
            self._n_feature_vals = max(self._feature_vals)

        if self.features is None:
            self.features = numpy.array([i for i in range(self._n_features)])

        # pre-allocating arrays for freqs and probs
        # self._marg_freqs = numpy.zeros(self._n_features)
        self._joint_freqs = numpy.zeros((self._n_features,
        self._log_marg_probs = numpy.zeros((self._n_features,
        self._log_joint_probs = numpy.zeros((self._n_features,
        self._log_cond_probs = numpy.zeros((self._n_features,
        self._mutual_info = numpy.zeros((self._n_features,

        # computing freqs and probs (and smoothing)
        co_occ_matrix = self._data.T.dot(self._data)
        # marginal frequencies
        if sparse:
            co_occ_matrix = numpy.array(co_occ_matrix.todense())
            self._marg_freqs = co_occ_matrix.diagonal()
            self._marg_freqs = co_occ_matrix.diagonal()

        self._log_marg_probs = self.log_marg_probs(self._marg_freqs,
        # joint estimation
        self._joint_freqs = self.joint_freqs(self._joint_freqs,
        self._log_joint_probs = self.log_joint_probs(self._joint_freqs,
        # conditional estimation
        self._log_cond_probs = self.log_cond_probs(self._log_marg_probs,
        self._mutual_info = self.mutual_information(self._log_marg_probs,

        # computing the MST (this way we are not overwriting mutual_info)
        # this can be useful for testing but not for efficiency
        # mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-self._mutual_info, copy=copy_mi)
        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(self._mutual_info + 1))
        dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)

        # representing the CLTree as a sequence of parents ids
        self._tree = numpy.zeros(self._n_features, dtype=int)

        # self._tree[0] = -1
        # the root is its parent
        self._tree[0] = 0

        for feature in range(1, self._n_features):
            self._tree[feature] = dfs_tree[1][feature]

        # computing the factored represetation
        self._factors = numpy.zeros((self._n_features,
        self._factors = self.log_factors(self._log_marg_probs,

        # removing references,this is optional for test purposes
        if mem_free:
            self._mutual_info = None
            self._joint_freqs = None
            self._log_marg_probs = None
            self._log_joint_probs = None
            self._log_cond_probs = None
            self._marg_freqs = None
            self._data = None
Exemple #35
# This function takes following arguments:
# the graph.
# the starting element to traverse graph from.
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import depth_first_order
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

arr = np.array([
    [1, 2, 43, 1],
    [23, 23, 4, 1],
    [32, 23, 4, 1],
    [0, 1, 30, 1]

newarr = csr_matrix(arr)
print(depth_first_order(newarr, 1))

# Breadth First Order
# The breadth_first_order() method returns a breadth first traversal from a node.
# This function takes following arguments:
# the graph.
# the starting element to traverse graph from.

from scipy.sparse.csgraph import breadth_first_order
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

arr = np.array([
    [1, 2, 4, 5],
    [2, 3, 0, 7],
Exemple #36
import scipy.sparse.csgraph as csg
import depth_first

i, j = zip((0, 1),
           (0, 2),
           (1, 2),
           (2, 3),
           (2, 5),
           (3, 4),
           (3, 6),
           (4, 6),
           (5, 7))

g = sparse.csr_matrix((np.ones(len(i)),(i,j)), shape=(8,8))
g = g + g.T

import timeit

o, p = depth_first.depth_first_order(g, 0)
print "order:", o
print "pred :", p

o, p = csg.depth_first_order(g, 0)
print "order:", o
print "pred :", p

# timing
print "my:", timeit.timeit('o, p = depth_first.depth_first_order(g, 0)', setup='from __main__ import *', number=100000)
print "scipy:", timeit.timeit('o, p = csg.depth_first_order(g, 0)', setup='from __main__ import *', number=100000)

Exemple #37
    def fit(self,
        """Fit the model to the data.

        X : ndarray, shape=(n, m)
        The data array.

        the marginal priors for each feature
        the joint priors for each couple of features

        alpha: float, default=1.0
        the constant for the smoothing

        sample_weight: ndarray, shape=(n,)
        The weight of each sample.

        unique identifiers for the features

        and_leaves: boolean, default=False

        multilabel: boolean, default=False
        its value indicates whether the cltree are used for multilabel classification 
        problems when imported by mlcsn.py

        n_labels: integer, default=0
        in case of multilabel classification problem indicates the number of labels,
        assumed to be the n_labels rows of X

        ml_tree_structure: integer, default=0
        in case of multilabel classification problem indicates the structure of the tree 
        to be learned. The set of features F corresponds to the union of A (the attributes)
        and Y (the labels):
        - 0, no constraint on the resulting tree
        - 1, the parent of each variable in Y must have the parent in Y, while the parent of each
        variable in A can have the parent in A or in Y. A label variable depends on a label 
        variable; an attribute variable can depend on a label variable or on an attribute variable
        - 2, the parent of each variable in Y must have the parent in Y, and the parent of each
        variable in A can have the parent in Y. A label variable depends on a label variable; an 
        attribute variable depends on a label variable

        self.alpha = alpha
        self.and_leaves = and_leaves
        self.n_features = X.shape[1]

        rootTree = False
        if scope is None:
            self.scope = np.array([i for i in range(self.n_features)])
            rootTree = True
            self.scope = scope

        if sample_weight is None:
            self.n_samples = X.shape[0]
            self.n_samples = np.sum(sample_weight)

         log_j_probs) = self.compute_log_probs(X, sample_weight, m_priors,

        MI = self.cMI(log_probs, log_j_probs)

        if multilabel == True:
            if ml_tree_structure == 1:
                MI[-n_labels:, -n_labels:] += np.max(MI)
            elif ml_tree_structure == 2:
                MI[-n_labels:, -n_labels:] += np.max(MI)
                MI[:-n_labels, :-n_labels] = 0
            elif ml_tree_structure == 3:
                MI[:-n_labels, :-n_labels] = 0

        " the tree is represented as a sequence of parents"

        mst = minimum_spanning_tree(-(MI))
        dfs_tree = depth_first_order(mst, directed=False, i_start=0)

        self.df_order = dfs_tree[0]
        self.post_order = dfs_tree[0][::-1]
        self.tree = np.zeros(self.n_features, dtype=np.int)
        self.tree[0] = -1
        for p in range(1, self.n_features):
            self.tree[p] = dfs_tree[1][p]

        penalization = logr(X.shape[0]) / (2 * X.shape[0])

        if self.and_leaves == True:
            for p in range(1, self.n_features):
                if MI[self.tree[p], p] < penalization:
                    self.tree[p] = -1
                    self.num_trees = self.num_trees + 1
            if self.num_trees > 1:
                self._forest = True
        selected_MI = []
        for p in range(1,self.n_features):
        selected_MI.sort(key=lambda mi: mi[1], reverse=True)
        for p in range(10,self.n_features-1):

        if multilabel == True and rootTree:
            pX = 0
            for i in range(self.n_features - n_labels):
                if self.tree[i] >= (self.n_features - n_labels):
                    pX += 1
            pY = 0
            for i in range(self.n_features - n_labels, self.n_features):
                if self.tree[i] >= (self.n_features - n_labels):
                    pY += 1

            print("Xs with Y parent: ", pX)
            print("Ys with Y parent: ", pY)

        self.num_edges = self.n_features - self.num_trees
        # computing the factored represetation
        self.log_factors = np.zeros((self.n_features, 2, 2))
        self.log_factors = compute_log_factors(self.tree, self.n_features,
                                               log_probs, log_j_probs,
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import depth_first_order
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import dijkstra
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

print("1 year =", constants.year, "s")  #Return in Seconds
print("1 centimeter =", constants.centi, "m")  #Return in Meter
print("1 KB =", constants.kibi, "Bytes")
print("1 Bar =", constants.bar, "Pascal")
print("1 km/s =", constants.kmh, "m/s")
print("1 eV =", constants.eV, "Joules")
print("1 HP =", constants.hp, "Watt")
print("1 Dyne =", constants.dyn, "Newton")

arr = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 2, 0]])

print("Non - Zero Data:", csr_matrix(arr).data)
print("Total Non - Zero Data:", csr_matrix(arr).count_nonzero())
arr2 = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0]])

gp = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]])

newarr = csr_matrix(arr2)
gpcsr = csr_matrix(gp)
print(dijkstra(newarr, return_predecessors=True, indices=0))
print(depth_first_order(gpcsr, 3))