Exemple #1
 def dijkstra(self, start_in, stop_in, collision_ind=None):
     if collision_ind is not None:
         self.connection_matrix[collision_ind, :] = 0
         self.connection_matrix[:, collision_ind] = 0
     if start_in < 0:
         start = start_in + np.shape(self.vertices)[0]
         start = start_in
     if stop_in < 0:
         stop = stop_in + np.shape(self.vertices)[0]
         stop = stop_in
     # dist_matrix, predecessors = dijkstra(self.connection_matrix, indices=start,
     #                                      directed=False, return_predecessors=True)
     length = 0
     dist, predecessors = dijkstra(self.connection_matrix, indices=start,
                                          directed=False, return_predecessors=True)
     self.shortest_path = []
     i = stop
     while i != start:
         if i == -9999:
             raise RuntimeError('No feasible path')
         length += dist[i]
         i = predecessors[i]
     logger.debug('path length={}'.format(length))
     return self.shortest_path
Exemple #2
 def dijkstras(A, is_directed):
     lengths = A.copy()
     lengths = lengths.astype(float)
     lengths[lengths == 0] = np.inf
     lengths = 1/lengths
     lengths[lengths == 0] = np.inf
     return dijkstra(lengths, is_directed)
Exemple #3
def targets(data, dataset: str, min_dist=2, max_dist=3):
		with open(f"Structures/bad_ex_{dataset}.json", "r") as f:
			return json.load(f)
	except FileNotFoundError:
		emap = IMap()
		r_t = defaultdict(set)
		h_r = defaultdict(set)
		for h, r, t in data:
		g = lil_matrix((len(emap), len(emap)))
		for h, r, t in data:
			g[emap[h], emap[t]] = 1
		g = g.tocsr()
		ts = []
		for i in trange(len(emap), desc="Bad examples", ncols=140):
			rel_inds = set()
			for r in h_r[i]:
				rel_inds |= r_t[r]
			dists = dijkstra(
				g, directed=False, unweighted=True, indices=i,
				return_predecessors=False, limit=max_dist
			dists_inds = set(np.asarray((min_dist <= dists) & (dists <= max_dist)).nonzero()[0].tolist())
			ts.append(list(dists_inds ^ rel_inds))
		with open(f"Structures/bad_ex_{dataset}.json", "w") as f:
			json.dump(ts, f)
		return ts
def sample_trajectory(M, n_states):
    # Samples trajectories from random nodes
    #  in our domain (M)
    G, W = M.get_graph_inv()
    N = G.shape[0]
    if N >= n_states:
        rand_ind = np.random.permutation(N)
        rand_ind = np.tile(np.random.permutation(N), (1, 10))
    init_states = rand_ind[0:n_states].flatten()
    goal_s = M.map_ind_to_state(M.targetx, M.targety)
    states = []
    states_xy = []
    states_one_hot = []
    # Get optimal path from graph
    g_dense = W
    g_masked = np.ma.masked_values(g_dense, 0)
    g_sparse = csr_matrix(g_dense)
    d, pred = dijkstra(g_sparse, indices=goal_s, return_predecessors=True)
    for i in range(n_states):
        path = trace_path(pred, goal_s, init_states[i])
        path = np.flip(path, 0)
    for state in states:
        L = len(state)
        r, c = M.get_coords(state)
        row_m = np.zeros((L, M.n_row))
        col_m = np.zeros((L, M.n_col))
        for i in range(L):
            row_m[i, r[i]] = 1
            col_m[i, c[i]] = 1
        states_one_hot.append(np.hstack((row_m, col_m)))
        states_xy.append(np.hstack((r, c)))
    return states_xy, states_one_hot
Exemple #5
def main():
    N = 10000
    s = int(sys.argv[1])
    t = int(sys.argv[2])
    graph = np.random.randint(1, 10, size=(N, N))
    graph = (graph + graph.T) / 2
    graph = graph.astype('int')
    graph = csr_matrix(graph)

    start_time = time.time()
    end_time = time.time()
    print('Elasped time (sec.): ', end_time - start_time)
Exemple #6
def compute_row_stats(i,
    # the real distances in the graph
    true_dist_row = csg.dijkstra(adj_mat_original,
                                 unweighted=(not weighted),
    # true_dist_row = csg.dijkstra(adj_mat_original, indices=[i], unweighted=True, directed=True).squeeze()
    # print(f"{i}: {true_dist_row}")

    # row MAP
    neighbors = adj_mat_original.todense()[i].A1
    # print(f"row {i}: ", neighbors)
    # print("shape", neighbors.shape)
    row_map = dis.map_row(neighbors, hyp_dist_row, n, i)

    # distortions: worst cases (contraction, expansion) and average
    dc, de, avg, _ = dis.distortion_row(true_dist_row, hyp_dist_row, n, i)
    # dc, de, avg = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

    # print out stats for this row
    if verbose:
            f"Row {i}, MAP = {curr_map}, distortion = {avg}, d_c = {dc}, d_e = {de}"

    return (row_map, avg, dc, de)
Exemple #7
    def shortest_path(self,
        '''Mirrors the scipy.sparse.csgraph function of the same name.'''
        d = directed if directed is not None else self.is_directed()
        w = weighted if weighted is not None else self.is_weighted()

        adj = self.matrix('dense', 'csr', 'csc')
        if not ss.issparse(adj):
            adj = np.ascontiguousarray(adj)

        # dispatch based on presence of limit and/or indices
        if np.isinf(limit) and indices is None:
            overwrite = not (hasattr(self, '_adj') and self._adj is adj)
            return ssc.shortest_path(adj,
                                     unweighted=(not w),
        return ssc.dijkstra(adj,
                            unweighted=(not w),
Exemple #8
def extract_durations_with_dijkstra(attention_map: np.array) -> np.array:
    Extracts durations from the attention matrix by finding the shortest monotonic path from
    top left to bottom right.
    attn_max = np.max(attention_map)
    path_probs = attn_max - attention_map
    adj_matrix = to_adj_matrix(path_probs)
    dist_matrix, predecessors = dijkstra(csgraph=adj_matrix,
    path = []
    pr_index = predecessors[-1]
    while pr_index != 0:
        pr_index = predecessors[pr_index]

    # append first and last node
    path = [0] + path + [dist_matrix.size - 1]
    cols = path_probs.shape[1]
    mel_text = {}
    durations = np.zeros(attention_map.shape[1], dtype=np.int32)

    # collect indices (mel, text) along the path
    for node_index in path:
        i, j = from_node_index(node_index, cols)
        mel_text[i] = j

    for j in mel_text.values():
        durations[j] += 1

    return durations
def search_path_dijkstra(img, adjacency, src, dst):
    # We chose two arbitrary points, which we know are connected
    source = to_index(img, *src)
    target = to_index(img, *dst)

    # Compute the shortest path between the source and all other points in the image
    _, predecessors = dijkstra(adjacency,

    # Constructs the path between source and target
    pixel_index = target
    pixels_path = []
    if math.isinf(_[0][target]):
        return {'dist': math.inf}
    print('source: ' + str(_[0][source]**(1.0 / 16.0)))
    print('target: ' + str(_[0][target]**(1.0 / 16.0)))
    i = 0
    while pixel_index != source:
        i += 1
        pixel_index = predecessors[0, pixel_index]
        print(str(i) + '.: ' + str(_[0][pixel_index]**(1.0 / 16.0)))
    return {'dist': _[0][target]**(1.0 / 16.0), 'path': pixels_path}
Exemple #10
def get_graph_distance_matrix(data,
	Compute graph distance matrices on data 
    assert (mode in [
        "connectivity", "distance"
    ]), "Norm argument has to be either one of 'connectivity', or 'distance'. "
    if mode == "connectivity":
        include_self = True
        include_self = False
    graph_data = kneighbors_graph(data,
    shortestPath_data = dijkstra(csgraph=csr_matrix(graph_data),
    shortestPath_max = np.nanmax(
        shortestPath_data[shortestPath_data != np.inf])
    shortestPath_data[shortestPath_data > shortestPath_max] = shortestPath_max
    shortestPath_data = shortestPath_data / shortestPath_data.max()

    return shortestPath_data
Exemple #11
    def generate(self):
        Генерация графа сетки.

        indent = np.array((configs.BOUNDARY_INDENT, configs.BOUNDARY_INDENT))
        self.points = np.random.uniform(self.lower_left - indent,
                                        self.upper_right + indent,
                                        size=(configs.GRID_SIZE, 2))
        self.points = np.vstack((self.terminal_points, self.points))

        self.kd_tree = KDTree(self.points)
        distances, indices = self.kd_tree.query(self.points,

        # self.connectivity_matrix = np.zeros((self.points.shape[0], self.points.shape[0]))
        # for ind, neighbours, dists in zip(range(self.points.shape[0]), indices, distances):
        #     self.connectivity_matrix[ind, neighbours] = dists
        # self.connectivity_matrix = np.max(np.dstack((self.connectivity_matrix, self.connectivity_matrix.T)), axis=2)
        tri = Delaunay(self.points)
        indices, indptr = tri.vertex_neighbor_vertices
        self.connectivity_matrix = np.zeros(
            (self.points.shape[0], self.points.shape[0]))
        for ind in range(len(self.points)):
            neighbours = indptr[indices[ind]:indices[ind + 1]]
            vectors = self.points[ind].reshape(
                1, -1).T - self.points[neighbours].T
            distances = np.linalg.norm(vectors, axis=0)
            self.connectivity_matrix[ind, neighbours] = distances
        self.distance_matrix, self.predecessors = dijkstra(
            self.connectivity_matrix, return_predecessors=True)
Exemple #12
def solve3(N, M, abt):
    def dijkstra(V, G, s):
        INF = 1 << 30
        dist = [INF] * (V + 1)
        dist[s] = 0

        p_queue = []
        p_queue.append((dist[s], s))
        while p_queue:
            min_dist, u = heapq.heappop(p_queue)
            if dist[u] < min_dist:

            for v, c in G[u][1:]:
                alt = dist[u] + c
                if alt < dist[v]:
                    dist[v] = alt
                    heapq.heappush(p_queue, (alt, v))

        return dist

    G = [[(-1, -1)] for _ in range(N + 1)]
    for i in range(M):
        a, b, t = abt[i]
        G[a].append((b, t))
        G[b].append((a, t))

    min_time = 1 << 30
    for s in range(1, N + 1):
        time = max(dijkstra(N, G, s)[1:])
        min_time = min(min_time, time)

    return min_time
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, strn, prod):
        self.w, self.h = strn.shape
        self.vertices = list(itertools.product(range(self.w), range(self.h)))

        self.dist = self._get_dist_graph(strn, prod)
        self.path, self.route = dijkstra(self.dist, False,
def compute_node_distance_to_soma(segskel, nodelbls, binary=False):
    soma_ids = np.nonzero(nodelbls == 0)

    graph = segskel.csgraph_binary if binary else segskel.csgraph
    dists = csgraph.dijkstra(graph, directed=False, indices=soma_ids)

    return np.min(np.min(dists, axis=0), axis=0)
Exemple #15
def solve2(N, G):
    def dijkstra(V, G, s):
        INF = 1 << 30
        dist = [INF] * V
        dist[s] = 0

        p_queue = []
        p_queue.append((dist[s], s))
        while p_queue:
            min_dist, u = heapq.heappop(p_queue)
            if dist[u] < min_dist:

            for v, c in G[u]:
                alt = dist[u] + c
                if alt < dist[v]:
                    dist[v] = alt
                    heapq.heappush(p_queue, (alt, v))

        return dist

    min_time = 1 << 30
    for s in range(N):
        dist_matrix = dijkstra(N, G, s)
        time = np.max(dist_matrix)
        if time < min_time:
            min_time = time
    return min_time
Exemple #16
def find_path(graph, start_cnode):
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import sparse
    from scipy.sparse import csgraph

    cnodes = graph["nodes"]
    moves = {tuple(key): value for key, value in zip(graph["edges"], graph["moves"])}

    mask = np.array([is_solved_node(cnode) for cnode in cnodes], bool)
    edges = np.array(graph["edges"])
    data = np.ones(len(edges))
    m = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1])))
    start_idx = cnodes.index(start_cnode)
    start = time.clock()
    dist, predecessors = csgraph.dijkstra(m, True, indices=[start_idx], return_predecessors=True)
    print time.clock() - start
    dist = dist[0]
    predecessors = predecessors[0]
    dist[~mask] = np.inf
    end_idx = np.argmin(dist)

    path = []
    p = end_idx
    while p != start_idx:
        p = predecessors[p]

    path = path[::-1]
    print len(path)
    for n1, n2 in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):
        print moves[n1, n2]
        print cnode_str(cnodes[n2])
Exemple #17
    def dijkstra(self, graph_dense, s_i, s_j, t_i, t_j):
            Performs a graph search for source and target

            graph_dense : dense graph retpresentation of the costmap
            s_i, s_j : source coordinate on the costmap
            t_i, t_j : target coordinate on the costmap
        source_id = self.graph_id(s_i, s_j)
        target_id = self.graph_id(t_i, t_j)
        graph_sparse = csgraph.csgraph_from_dense(graph_dense)
        dist_matrix, predecessors = csgraph.dijkstra(
            directed=not self.average_cost,
        path = []
        path.append((t_i, t_j))
        while True:
            target_id_bkp = target_id
            target_id = predecessors[target_id]
            t_i, t_j = self.costmap_id(target_id)
            s_i, s_j = self.costmap_id(target_id_bkp)
            path.append((t_i, t_j))
            if source_id == target_id:
        return path
Exemple #18
  def isograph(self, min_weight=None):
    '''Remove short-circuit edges using the Isograph algorithm.

    min_weight : float, optional
        Minimum weight of edges to consider removing. Defaults to max(MST).

    From "Isograph: Neighbourhood Graph Construction Based On Geodesic Distance
          For Semi-Supervised Learning" by Ghazvininejad et al., 2011.
    Note: This uses the non-iterative algorithm which removes edges
        rather than reweighting them.
    W = self.matrix('dense')
    # get candidate edges: all edges - MST edges
    tree = self.minimum_spanning_subtree()
    candidates = np.argwhere((W - tree.matrix('dense')) > 0)
    cand_weights = W[candidates[:,0], candidates[:,1]]
    # order by increasing edge weight
    order = np.argsort(cand_weights)
    cand_weights = cand_weights[order]
    # disregard edges shorter than a threshold
    if min_weight is None:
      min_weight = tree.edge_weights().max()
    idx = np.searchsorted(cand_weights, min_weight)
    cand_weights = cand_weights[idx:]
    candidates = candidates[order[idx:]]
    # check each candidate edge
    to_remove = np.zeros_like(cand_weights, dtype=bool)
    for i, (u,v) in enumerate(candidates):
      W_uv = np.where(W < cand_weights[i], W, 0)
      len_uv = ssc.dijkstra(W_uv, indices=u, unweighted=True, limit=2)[v]
      if len_uv > 2:
        to_remove[i] = True
    ii, jj = candidates[to_remove].T
    return self.remove_edges(ii, jj, copy=True)
Exemple #19
def find_minimum_pairing(graph, n, odd):
    dist_matrix = np.full((len(odd), len(odd)), np.inf)
    prevs = [[] for _ in range(n)]

    for s in range(len(odd)):
        dist, prev = dijkstra(csgraph=graph, directed=False, \
                indices=odd[s], return_predecessors=True)
        prevs[odd[s]] = prev
        for d in range(len(odd)):
            if s != d:
                dist_matrix[s][d] = dist[odd[d]]

    row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(dist_matrix)

    set_pairs = set()
    for i in range(len(row_ind)):
        u, v = odd[row_ind[i]], odd[col_ind[i]]
        if (u > v):
            u, v = v, u
        set_pairs.add((u, v))

    result = []
    for s, d in set_pairs:
        path = []

        get_path(prevs[s], d, path)
        result.append((s, d, dist_matrix[odd.index(s)][odd.index(d)], path))

    return result
Exemple #20
def find_shortest_paths(graph, start_node):  # using dijkstra
    Uses Dijkstra algorithm using Fibonacci Heaps to find the shortest path from a start point to all other

    :param graph: The N x N array of non-negative distances representing the input graph.
    :type graph: array, matrix, or sparse matrix, 2 dimensions

    :param start_node: The start point to compute the shortest paths
    :type start_node: array_like or int

    :return: The matrix of distances between graph nodes. dist_matrix has shape (n_indices, n_nodes) and
        dist_matrix[i, j] gives the shortest distance from point i to point j along the graph.
    :rtype: dist_matrix: 2D numpy array

    :return: Returned only if return_predecessors == True. The matrix of predecessors, which can be used to
        reconstruct the shortest paths. Row i of the predecessor matrix contains information on the shortest
        paths from point i: each entry predecessors[i, j] gives the index of the previous node in the path
        from point i to point j. If no path exists between point i and j, then predecessors[i, j] = -9999
    :rtype: predecessors: 2D numpy array
    [dist_matrix, predecessors] = dijkstra(csgraph=graph,
    return dist_matrix, predecessors
def find_minimum_pairing(M, n, out_u, in_u, cor_table):
    OUT = []
    for o, oN in out_u:
        for _ in range(oN):
    IN = []
    for i, iN in in_u:
        for _ in range(iN):

    dist_matrix = np.full((len(OUT), len(IN)), np.inf)
    prevs = [[] for _ in range(n)]

    for s in range(len(OUT)):
        dist, prev = dijkstra(csgraph=M, directed=True,\
                indices=OUT[s], return_predecessors=True)
        prevs[OUT[s]] = prev
        for d in range(len(IN)):
            dist_matrix[s][d] = dist[IN[d]]

    row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(dist_matrix)

    result = []
    for i in range(len(row_ind)):
        u, v = OUT[row_ind[i]], IN[col_ind[i]]
        path = []
        get_path(prevs[u], u, v, path, cor_table)
        result.append((cor_table[u], cor_table[v],
                       dist_matrix[OUT.index(u)][IN.index(v)], path))

    return result
def get_distance_matrix(graph, limit=3):
    """Get Distance Matrix from a Graph.


    graph: array, matrix or sparse matrix, 2 dimensions (N, N)
        Graph representation of the connectivity. See `scipy doc <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.sparse.csgraph.dijkstra.html#scipy.sparse.csgraph.dijkstra>`_
        for reference.
    limit: integer
        Maximum number of steps to analyze. For most molecular information,
        three should be enough.


    return: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, shape (N, N)
        A scipy.sparse.csr_matrix. All elements that are not connected within
        *limit* steps are set to zero.

    This is a potential memory bottleneck, as csgraph.dijkstra produces a
    dense output matrix. Here we replace all np.inf values with 0 and
    transform back to csr_matrix.
    Why not dok_matrix like the connectivity-matrix? Because row-picking
    is most likely and this is super fast with csr.
    mat = csgraph.dijkstra(graph, directed=False, limit=limit)
    mat[mat == np.inf] = 0
    return sp.csr_matrix(mat, dtype=np.int8)
Exemple #23
 def stitch(self):
     """Main Stitch Func"""
     parents = csgraph.dijkstra(self._edge_matrix,
     print('Parent matrix:\n', parents)
     next_H = self.calculate_relative_homographies(parents)
     Hs = self.calculate_total_homographies(parents, next_H)
     all_new_corners = self.calculate_new_corners(Hs)
     base_shift, base_size = np.array(
     order = self.calculate_draw_order(parents)
     canvas = np.zeros((base_size[1], base_size[0], 4), dtype=np.uint8)
     for j in order:
         image = self._images[j]
         new_corners = all_new_corners[j]
         H = Hs[j]
         shift, size = np.array(fitting_rectangle(*new_corners))
         dest_shift = shift - base_shift
         print('Post Transform of', image.name, 'is', *size)
         T = np.array([[1, 0, -shift[0]], [0, 1, -shift[1]], [0, 0, 1]])
         Ht = T.dot(H)
         print('Translated homography:\n', Ht)
         new_image = cv2.warpPerspective(
         im_pst(canvas, new_image, dest_shift)
     return canvas
Exemple #24
 def compute_dist_matrix(self, compute_predecessors=False):
     # create a distance_matrix dist_matrix from self.cs_graph by using dijkstra shortest path algorithm
     # dist_matrix is fully populated of size n x n
     # the entry dist_matrix[vertex_a, vertex_b] contains the shortest distance on cs_graph between vertex_a and vertex_b
     if self.args:
         self.args.logger.info("Computing {}x{} dist_matrix ...".format(self.n, self.n))
     start = timer()
     if self.cs_graph is None:
         raise Exception("No CS_Graph available!")
     if compute_predecessors:
         self.dist_matrix, self.predecessors = dijkstra(self.cs_graph, directed=False, return_predecessors=True)
         self.dist_matrix = dijkstra(self.cs_graph, directed=False, return_predecessors=False)
     end = timer()
     if self.args:
         self.args.logger.info("\t done after {} secs".format(end-start))
Exemple #25
def plot_test_distances(dataset: str):
    limit = 10
    train, valid, test = load_dataset(dataset)
    # map entities to an id
    emap = IMap()
    for h, _, t in train:
    # build the kg
    kg = lil_matrix((len(emap), len(emap)), dtype=np.uint16)
    for h, _, t in train:
        kg[emap[h], emap[t]] = 1
    kg = kg.tocsr()
    test.sort(key=lambda hrt: hrt[0])
    distances = []
    _h = None
    shortest = None
    for h, _, t in tqdm(test, desc="Distances"):
        if _h != h:
            shortest = dijkstra(kg,
            _h = h
    distances = np.array(distances)
    distances[distances > limit] = limit + 1
    plt.hist(distances, bins=range(0, limit + 2))
    plt.axvline(distances.mean(), color="red", linestyle="dashed")
    plt.axvline(np.median(distances), color="black")
    plt.title(f"Distances of test triples in training graph in {dataset}")
    plt.ylabel("# of nodes")
Exemple #26
    def findingShortestPath(self,start,end):
        self.start  = self.word_list.searchsorted('start')
        self.end    = self.word_list.searchsorted('end')

        self.distances, self.predessors  = dijkstra(self.graph,indices=self.start,return_predecessors=True)

        return distances[self.end]
def run(surface: CorticalMesh, roi: np.ndarray):
    Finds the shortest route to the ROI for every vertex

    :param surface: cortical surface
    :param roi: region of interest
    graph = surface.graph_point_point('distance', dtype='float')
    roi_dist, roi_idx = sparse_min(graph[roi, :], 0)
    stack1 = sparse.vstack((roi_dist[~roi], graph[~roi, :][:, ~roi])).tocsr()
    full_mat = sparse.hstack((np.append(0, roi_dist[~roi])[:, None], stack1))

    dist_matrix, predecessors = csgraph.dijkstra(full_mat, indices=0, directed=False,
    full_dist_matrix = np.zeros(surface.nvertices)
    full_dist_matrix[~roi] = dist_matrix[1:]

    original_predecessors = np.zeros(predecessors.shape)
    original_idx = np.arange(surface.nvertices)
    original_predecessors[predecessors != 0] = original_idx[~roi][predecessors[predecessors != 0] - 1]

    original_predecessors[predecessors == 0] = original_idx[roi][roi_idx[predecessors[predecessors == 0] - 1]]
    full_predecessors = -np.ones(surface.nvertices, dtype='i4')
    full_predecessors[~roi] = original_predecessors[1:]

    closest_vertex = full_predecessors.copy()
    closest_vertex[roi] = original_idx[roi]
    for _ in range(surface.nvertices):
        replace = (~roi[closest_vertex]) & (closest_vertex != -1)
        if not replace.any():
        closest_vertex[replace] = full_predecessors[closest_vertex[replace]]

    return full_dist_matrix, full_predecessors, closest_vertex
Exemple #28
def compute_path(sparse_graph, startpoint, endpoint):
    Task 6/7: Uses dijkstra-algorithm to calculate the cheapest path from startPoint to endPoint. The dijkstra-func
    gives a distance vector and a predecessor vector. The predecessor vector shows the point we came from.

    :param sparse_graph: Sparse graph of possible travels
    :param startpoint: Start point of the travel
    :param endpoint: Where the travel should end

    :return path, costpath: list of indices for the cheapest path and the cost of the travel (float)

    # Use dijkstra to get predecessor/cost vector.
    # sparse_graph is a parameter with all possible travels between points
    # indices sets stating city
    # return predecessors to True because we want calculate the cheapest path
    # "Directed" not necessary in this case, if false it finds the shortest path where the algorithm can
    # progress from point i to j along sparse_graph[i, j] or sparse_graph[j, i]

    cost_vector, predecessors = cs.dijkstra(sparse_graph,
    path = [endpoint
            ]  # Adds end point to path-list, would not be appended in loop
    cost_path = cost_vector[endpoint]
    node = endpoint

    while node != startpoint:  # Loops through predecessor vector "backwards" to find the cheapest path until
        node = predecessors[node]  # we arrive at the start city
        path.append(node)  # append previous visited node to path

    return list(reversed(path)), cost_path
Exemple #29
    def fill_path_cache(self, cities):
        cities = list(cities)
        n = self.vxs.shape[0]
        g = spa.dok_matrix((n + 2, n + 2))
        edge = self.extend_area(self.edge, 5)
        for u in range(n):
            for v in self.adj_vxs[u]:
                if not (edge[u] and edge[v]):
                    g[u, v] = self.edge_weight(u, v)
            if edge[u]:
                d = self.vxs[u, 0] - self.vxs[u, 1]
                if d < -0.5:
                    g[n, u] = 1e-12
                if d > 0.5:
                    g[u, n + 1] = 1e-12
        g = g.tocsc()
        tocities = cities + [n + 1]
        fromcities = cities + [n]
        dists, preds = csg.dijkstra(g,

        for b in tocities:
            for i, a in enumerate(fromcities):
                if a == b: continue
                p = [b]
                while p[0] != a:
                    p.insert(0, preds[i, p[0]])
                p = [x for x in p if x < n]
                d = dists[i, b]
                self.path_cache['topleft' if a == n else a,
                                'bottomright' if b == n + 1 else b] = p, d
Exemple #30
 def fill_path_cache(self, cities):
     cities = list(cities)
     n = self.vxs.shape[0]
     g = spa.dok_matrix((n+2, n+2))
     edge = self.extend_area(self.edge, 5)
     for u in xrange(n):
         for v in self.adj_vxs[u]:
             if not (edge[u] and edge[v]):
                 g[u, v] = self.edge_weight(u, v)
         if edge[u]:
             d = self.vxs[u,0] - self.vxs[u,1]
             if d < -0.5:
                 g[n, u] = 1e-12
             if d > 0.5:
                 g[u, n+1] = 1e-12
     g = g.tocsc()
     tocities = cities + [n+1]
     fromcities = cities + [n]
     dists, preds = csg.dijkstra(g,
     for b in tocities:
         for i, a in enumerate(fromcities):
             if a == b: continue
             p = [b]
             while p[0] != a:
                 p.insert(0, preds[i, p[0]])
             p = [x for x in p if x < n]
             d = dists[i, b]
             self.path_cache['topleft' if a == n else a, 
                             'bottomright' if b == n+1 else b] = p, d
def calculate_distance(bus, bus1, bus2, X, V, ex=0.3, ev=0.3):
    """ Calculate distance matrix with Dijkstra's algorithm. """
    ta = clock()

    dist = np.zeros((len(bus), len(bus)))  # branch distances
    ind1 = mult_ind(bus1, bus)
    ind2 = mult_ind(bus2, bus)

    # Handle limitation in djikstra
    # Now minimum distance is 1 except for zero distances which are set to 1e-6
    temp = np.abs(X)**ex * V**ev
    temp /= min(temp[temp > 0])
    temp[temp == 0] = 1e-6
    dist[ind1, ind2] = dist[ind2, ind1] = temp

    d = dijkstra(dist, directed=False)  # shortest path between all bus-pairs
    # quick fix -- TO REVIEW!
    max_val = np.max(d)
    if np.isinf(max_val):
        max_val = np.unique(d)[-2]

    d = d.astype(
        np.float32) / max_val * 100  # normalise so system diameter = 100 units
    t = clock() - ta
    return d, t
Exemple #32
def test_sk_csgraph(simple_skeleton):
    sk = simple_skeleton
    graph = sk.csgraph
    gdist = csgraph.dijkstra(graph, indices=[6])
    assert np.all(gdist[0] == np.array([ 4.,  3.,  2., np.inf, np.inf,  1.,  0.]))

    ugdist = csgraph.dijkstra(sk.csgraph_undirected, indices=[6])
    assert np.all(ugdist[0] == np.array([4., 3., 2., 3., 4., 1., 0.]))

    bg = sk.csgraph_binary.toarray()
    assert np.all(np.unique(bg) == [0,1])
    assert np.array_equal(bg, (sk.csgraph>0).toarray())

    ubg = sk.csgraph_binary_undirected.toarray()
    assert np.all(np.unique(ubg) == [0,1])
    assert np.array_equal(ubg, (sk.csgraph_undirected>0).toarray())
Exemple #33
def checker(path_to_input, path_to_output):
    true_output = {}
    user_output = {}

    with open(path_to_input, 'r') as f:
        start, finish = map(int, f.readline().split())
        start -= 1
        finish -= 1
        n, m, t = map(int, f.readline().split())
        input_path = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]
        for _ in range(m):
            i, j = map(int, f.readline().split())
            i -= 1
            j -= 1
            input_path[i][j] = 1
    with open(path_to_output, 'r') as f:
        output_len = int(f.readline())
        user_output['n'] = output_len

    matrix = csr_matrix(input_path)
    true_out, aa = dijkstra(csgraph=matrix,

    true_output['n'] = 0 if true_out[start, finish] == float('inf') else 1

    return user_output, true_output, true_output['n'] == user_output['n']
Exemple #34
def _compute_connection_costs_to_bus(n,
    if connection_costs_per_link is None:
        connection_costs_per_link = _prepare_connection_costs_per_link(
            n, costs, config)

    if buses is None:
        buses = busmap.index[busmap.index != busmap.values]

    connection_costs_to_bus = pd.DataFrame(index=buses)

    for tech in connection_costs_per_link:
        adj = n.adjacency_matrix(weights=pd.concat(
                 Line=pd.Series(0., n.lines.index))))

        costs_between_buses = dijkstra(
            adj, directed=False, indices=n.buses.index.get_indexer(buses))
        connection_costs_to_bus[tech] = costs_between_buses[

    return connection_costs_to_bus
def extract_manifold_distances_knn(D, knn=[3,4,5,7,10], add_mst=None):
    Return the distances along a k nearest neighbour graph for the given
    distances D (Using dijkstra). It also returns the knn graph itself.
    This is a generator function and will return an iterator for each k given in knn.

    Optionally you can add the edges from an additional graph (usually mst), in
    order to ensure full connectedness. Give the graph you want to add as add_mst=mst.

    returns iterator for each k: iter([distances along knn, knn])
    # K Nearest Neighbours distances
    idxs = np.argsort(D)
    r = range(D.shape[0])
    for k in knn:
        idx = idxs[:, :k]
        _distances = sparse.csc_matrix(D.shape)
        for neighbours in idx.T:
            _distances[r, neighbours] = D[r, neighbours]
        if add_mst is not None:
            for i,j,v in zip(*sparse.find(add_mst)):
                if _distances[i,j] == 0:
                    _distances[i,j] = v
        nearest_neighbour_distances = dijkstra(_distances, directed=False)
        yield nearest_neighbour_distances, _distances
Exemple #36
 def get_reachable_cells(self, i, j, speed):
     "Returns all the cells reachable from (i, j) and the predecessor matrix"
     origin = self.from_coord_to_cell_number(i, j)
     dist, predecessor = dijkstra(self.dist_mat, indices=origin, return_predecessors=True)
     # Only take those where dist is reachable
     dist = np.argwhere(dist <= speed).flatten()
     # And convert it to a list of grid coordinates
     dist = map(self.from_cell_number_to_coord, dist)
     return dist, predecessor
Exemple #37
def breadth_first(Matrix, neighbours, s0, t0):
    predecessors, dist = cs.dijkstra(Matrix, return_predecessors=True, indices=s0)
    res = np.array([])
    t = t0
    while t != s0 and not (np.isnan(t)):
        res = np.append(res, t)
        t = predecessors.item(t)
    if not (np.isnan(t)):
        res = np.append(res, s0)
    return np.flipud(res), res.size > 1
def extract_manifold_distances_mst(D):
    Return the distances along a minimal spanning tree for the given
    distances D (Using dijkstra). It also returns the mst itself.

    returns [distances along mst, mst]
    # First do the minimal spanning tree distances
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(D)
    return dijkstra(mst, directed=False, return_predecessors=False), mst
def distanceMatrix(G, synNodes):
    """ Given a nx graph, produce an all to all distance dict via scipy sparse matrix black magic.
     Also, you get in 'id2index' the the mapping from a node id to the index in matrix scaledDistance. """
    dmat = {}
    nodeList = tuple(G.nodes())
    synNodes = set(synNodes)
    synIndices = tuple(i for i, node in enumerate(nodeList) if node in synNodes)

    dmat = dijkstra(nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(G, nodeList), directed=False, indices=synIndices)

    return dmat, {node: i for i, node in enumerate(nodeList)}
Exemple #40
 def shortest_path_subtree(self, start_idx, directed=True):
   '''Returns a subgraph containing only the shortest paths from start_idx to
      every other vertex.
   adj = self.matrix()
   _, pred = ssc.dijkstra(adj, directed=directed, indices=start_idx,
   adj = ssc.reconstruct_path(adj, pred, directed=directed)
   if not directed:
     adj = adj + adj.T
   return self.__class__.from_adj_matrix(adj)
Exemple #41
def shortest_path(matrix_sparse, start_node):

    Computes the shortest path from start node to all other nodes
    :param matrix_sparse: A csr matrix of a sparse graph
    :param start_node: The given start node
    :return: Returns a distance matrix and a predecessor matrix for the given start node
    return csgraph.dijkstra(
            matrix_sparse,  indices=start_node,
Exemple #42
 def fit(self,X, num, method='dijkstra'):
     # Construct k-neigh. graph
     knn = KNN(num).fit(X)
     #Find shortest path
     if method == 'dijkstra':
         result = dijkstra(knn)
         result = shortest_path(knn, method=method)
     #Multidimensional scaling
     #Can be used Kernel PCA
     model = KernelPCA(n_components=num)
     return model.fit_transform(result)
Exemple #43
 def neighborhood_subgraph(self, start_idx, radius=1, weighted=True,
                           directed=True, return_mask=False):
   '''Returns a subgraph containing only vertices within a given
      geodesic radius of start_idx.'''
   adj = self.matrix(dense=True, csr=True, csc=True)
   dist = ssc.dijkstra(adj, directed=directed, indices=start_idx,
                       unweighted=(not weighted), limit=radius)
   mask = np.isfinite(dist)
   sub_adj = adj[mask][:,mask]
   g = self.__class__.from_adj_matrix(sub_adj)
   if return_mask:
     return g, mask
   return g
def test_dijkstra_indices_min_only(directed, SP_ans, indices):
    SP_ans = np.array(SP_ans)
    indices = np.array(indices, dtype=np.int64)
    min_ind_ans = indices[np.argmin(SP_ans[indices, :], axis=0)]
    min_d_ans = np.zeros(SP_ans.shape[0], SP_ans.dtype)
    for k in range(SP_ans.shape[0]):
        min_d_ans[k] = SP_ans[min_ind_ans[k], k]
    min_ind_ans[np.isinf(min_d_ans)] = -9999

    SP, pred, sources = dijkstra(directed_G,
    assert_array_almost_equal(SP, min_d_ans)
    assert_array_equal(min_ind_ans, sources)
    SP = dijkstra(directed_G,
    assert_array_almost_equal(SP, min_d_ans)
Exemple #45
def flesh_out(X, W, embed_dim, CC_labels, dist_mult=2.0, angle_thresh=0.2,
              min_shortcircuit=4, max_degree=5, verbose=False):
  '''Given a connected graph adj matrix (W), add edges to flesh it out.'''
  W = W.astype(bool)
  assert np.all(W == W.T), 'graph given to flesh_out must be symmetric'
  D = pairwise_distances(X, metric='sqeuclidean')

  # compute average edge lengths for each point
  avg_edge_length = np.empty(X.shape[0])
  for i,nbr_mask in enumerate(W):
    avg_edge_length[i] = D[i,nbr_mask].mean()

  # candidate edges must satisfy edge length for at least one end point
  dist_thresh = dist_mult * avg_edge_length
  dist_mask = (D < dist_thresh) | (D < dist_thresh[:,None])
  # candidate edges must connect points >= min_shortcircuit hops away
  hops_mask = np.isinf(dijkstra(W, unweighted=True, limit=min_shortcircuit-1))
  # candidate edges must not already be connected, or in the same initial CC
  CC_mask = CC_labels != CC_labels[:,None]
  candidate_edges = ~W & dist_mask & hops_mask & CC_mask
  candidate_points, = np.where(np.any(candidate_edges, axis=0))
  if verbose:  # pragma: no cover
    print('before F:', candidate_edges.sum(), 'potentials')

  # calc subspaces
  subspaces, _ = cluster_subspaces(X, embed_dim, CC_labels.max()+1, CC_labels)

  # upper triangular avoids p,q <-> q,p repeats
  ii,jj = np.where(np.triu(candidate_edges))
  # Get angles
  edge_dirs = X[ii] - X[jj]
  ssi = subspaces[CC_labels[ii]]
  ssj = subspaces[CC_labels[jj]]
  F = edge_cluster_angle(edge_dirs, ssi, ssj)

  mask = F < angle_thresh
  edge_ii = ii[mask]
  edge_jj = jj[mask]
  if verbose:  # pragma: no cover
    print('got', len(edge_ii), 'potential edges')
  # Prevent any one node from getting a really high degree
  degree = W.sum(axis=0)
  sorted_edges = np.hstack((edge_ii[:,None], edge_jj[:,None])
  for e in sorted_edges:
    if degree[e].max() < max_degree:
      W[e[0],e[1]] = True
      W[e[1],e[0]] = True
      degree[e] += 1
  return Graph.from_adj_matrix(W.astype(int))
    def distances_in_structure(self):
        Return the structure distances, where each edge along the graph has a
        distance of one, such that the distance just means the number of
        hops to make in order to get from one point to another.

        This can be very helpful in doing structure analysis
        and clustering of the topslam embedded data points.

        returns hops, the pairwise number of hops between points along the tree.
        if getattr(self, '_struct_distances', None) is None:
            self._struct_distances = dijkstra(self.graph, directed=False, unweighted=True, return_predecessors=False)
        return self._struct_distances
Exemple #47
    def _compute_paths(self):
        Run Dijkstra's algorithm over the adjacency matrix for the paths
        produced by the simulation.

        :return: The distance matrix based on adjacency matrix self._adj_mat
        :rtype: np.array

        distance_mat = sp.dijkstra(self._adj_mat, directed=True)
        # assert not np.any(np.isinf(distance_mat))
        if np.any(np.isinf(distance_mat)):
            logger.debug("Found inf distance!!")

        return distance_mat
Exemple #48
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print 'usage: %s from to' % __file__
    sn,gn = sys.argv[1:]

    # 疎行列を作成
    wgt,lf,lt,row,col = zip(*storage.connection())
    nnode = storage.nnode() + 1
    #print nnode
    graph = coo_matrix((wgt, (row, col)), shape=(nnode, nnode))
    # 疎グラフを作成
    n_components, labels = connected_components(graph, directed=False)
    s,g=map(storage.station_name2seq, [sn, gn])
    print 'from:',s,
    print storage.station_by_cd(storage.seq2station_cd(s))['station_name']
    print 'to:',g,
    print storage.station_by_cd(storage.seq2station_cd(g))['station_name']
    # ダイクストラ法で最短経路を求める
    dist_matrix, predecessors = dijkstra(
    #dist_matrix, predecessors = floyd_warshall(
        , indices=[s] # 対象のノードから開始するもののみ
        , return_predecessors=True
    c = g
    path = []
    while c != s:
        c = predecessors[0][c]
        if c == -9999: break
    path = list(reversed(path)) + [g]
    for i,(a,b) in enumerate(zip(path, path[1:] + path[-1:])):
        l1 = storage.line_cd_by_seq(a)
        l2 = storage.line_cd_by_seq(b)
        if i == 0:
            print storage.line_cd2line_name(l1)
        print '    ', storage.station_by_cd(storage.seq2station_cd(a))['station_name']
        if l1 != l2:
            print storage.line_cd2line_name(l1),'>',
            print storage.line_cd2line_name(l2)
Exemple #49
    def calculate(self, journeysByZone):
        zoneCount = len(journeysByZone)
        import numpy
        self.time_matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(zoneCount,zoneCount))
        for i, (zone, journeys) in enumerate(journeysByZone.items()):
            connections = makeConnections(zone, journeys)
            for (otherZone, outbound), connection in connections.items():
                secs = connection.avgDuration.seconds
                j = self.zoneIndices[otherZone]
                if outbound:
                    self.time_matrix[i][j] = secs
                    if self.time_matrix[j][i] == 0:
                        self.time_matrix[j][i] = secs

        from scipy.sparse.csgraph import dijkstra
        self.shortest_paths, self.predecessors = dijkstra(self.time_matrix, return_predecessors=True)
Exemple #50
def _find_cycle_inducers(adj, potential_edges, length_thresh, directed=False):
    # remove edges that induce large cycles
    path_dist = ssc.dijkstra(adj, directed=directed, return_predecessors=False,
    remove_ii, remove_jj = [], []
    for i,j in potential_edges:
      if length_thresh < path_dist[i,j] < np.inf:
        # keeping this edge: update path lengths
        tmp = (path_dist[:,i] + 1)[:,None] + path_dist[j,:]
        ii, jj = np.nonzero(tmp < path_dist)
        new_lengths = tmp[ii, jj]
        path_dist[ii,jj] = new_lengths
        if not directed:
          path_dist[jj,ii] = new_lengths
    return remove_ii, remove_jj
 def nodes_to_graph(self, meters=600):
     """Convert nodes and links to graph"""
     data = self.nodes.links.link_length
     node_ids = self.nodes.links.node_ids
     row = node_ids.from_node
     col = node_ids.to_node
     N = len(self.nodes)
     mat = csc_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(N, N))
     source_nodes = self.routes.source_nodes
     dist_matrix = dijkstra(mat,
     dist_vector = dist_matrix.min(axis=0)
     dist_vector[dist_vector > meters] = np.NINF
Exemple #52
  def shortest_path(self, directed=None, weighted=None, method='auto',
                    return_predecessors=False, limit=np.inf, indices=None):
    '''Mirrors the scipy.sparse.csgraph function of the same name.'''
    d = directed if directed is not None else self.is_directed()
    w = weighted if weighted is not None else self.is_weighted()

    adj = self.matrix('dense', 'csr', 'csc')
    if not ss.issparse(adj):
      adj = np.ascontiguousarray(adj)

    # dispatch based on presence of limit and/or indices
    if np.isinf(limit) and indices is None:
      overwrite = not (hasattr(self, '_adj') and self._adj is adj)
      return ssc.shortest_path(adj, method=method, directed=d,
                               unweighted=(not w), overwrite=overwrite)
    return ssc.dijkstra(adj, directed=d, indices=indices,
                        unweighted=(not w), limit=limit)
def test_shortest_path_min_only_random(n):
    data = scipy.sparse.rand(n, n, density=0.5, format='lil',
                             random_state=42, dtype=np.float)
    data.setdiag(np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool))
    # choose some random vertices
    v = np.arange(n)
    indices = v[:int(n*.1)]
    ds, pred, sources = dijkstra(data,
    for k in range(n):
        p = pred[k]
        s = sources[k]
        while(p != -9999):
            assert(sources[p] == s)
            p = pred[p]
Exemple #54
    def _get_social_distances(self, uidx, t, recommended_repos):
        G_F_t = self.G_F.at_t(t)
        G_I_t = self.G_I.at_t(t)
        uidx_to_others_distances = dijkstra(G_F_t, indices=uidx,
        uidx_to_others_distances[uidx] = np.inf #for later cleaning
        social_distances = np.array([ imin(uidx_to_others_distances[G_I_t[r].tocoo().col])
                                          for r in recommended_repos ])
        insc_recommendations = np.logical_not(np.isposinf(social_distances))
        self.number_insc_per_user[uidx] += insc_recommendations.sum()
        insc_users = np.logical_not(np.isposinf(uidx_to_others_distances))

        for i in xrange(len(social_distances)):
            if social_distances[i] == np.inf:
                if np.min(uidx_to_others_distances) == np.inf:
                    social_distances[i] = self.NU-1
                    social_distances[i] = np.max(uidx_to_others_distances[insc_users])

        return social_distances
Exemple #55
def find_path(start_node):
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import sparse
    from scipy.sparse import csgraph
    from collections import Counter

    counts = Counter(start_node)
    blocks = ("A" * (counts["A"] // 4) + "B" * (counts["B"] // 2) +
              "C" * (counts["C"] // 2) + "D" * counts["D"])

    if blocks not in graph_cache:
        graph = load_graph(blocks)
        graph_cache[blocks] = graph
        graph = graph_cache[blocks]

    cnodes = graph["nodes"]

    mask = np.array([is_solved_node(cnode) for cnode in cnodes], bool)
    edges = np.array(graph["edges"])
    data = np.ones(len(edges))
    m = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1])))
    start_idx = cnodes.index(start_node)
    dist, predecessors = csgraph.dijkstra(m, True, indices=[start_idx], return_predecessors=True)
    dist = dist[0]
    predecessors = predecessors[0]
    dist[~mask] = np.inf
    end_idx = np.argmin(dist)

    path = []
    p = end_idx
    while p != start_idx:
        p = predecessors[p]

    path = path[::-1]

    for n1, n2 in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):
        yield cnodes[n2]
def isomap(W, num_vecs):
  G = -0.5 * dijkstra(W, directed=False) ** 2
  embedder = KernelPCA(n_components=num_vecs, kernel='precomputed')
  return embedder.fit_transform(G)
Exemple #57
 def check(limit, result):
     SP = dijkstra(undirected_G, directed=False, limit=limit)
     assert_array_almost_equal(SP, result)
	def similarities_to_landmarks(self, min_affinity=0, affinity_to_cost=None, distance_measure='least_cost',
		                          beta=0.01, distance_transformation=None, distance_to_similarity=None):
		Compute the affinities from landmarks to all nodes, and from all nodes to landmarks
		Store it in self.L2all (horizontal: n_landmarks x n_nodes) and self.all2L (vertical: n_nodes x n_landmarks)
		N.B. : To avoid confusion, cost and affinities are properties of edges, while distances and similarities are properties of pair of nodes that are not necessarily directly connected.
			min_affinity: float (default = 1e-3)
			Affinities below this value will not be considered as possible steps.
			They will be associated with an infinite cost, will have an infinite distance to all landmark, 
			and a 0 similarity to all node.

			affinity_to_cost: function handle (default = None)
			Function that defines the transformation of affinities into costs. 
			It must accept a numpy vector of floats (the affinities) and return a vector of the same size (the costs)
			if None, cost are defined as 1 / affinities.

			distance_transformation: function handle (default = None)
			Function that would be applied to the results the dijkstra distances computation.
			self.distances_L2all = distance_transformation(dijkstra_results).
			If distance_transformation is None, self.distances_L2all = dijkstra_results.
			The same goes for self.distances_all2L.
			distance_transformation=np.log can be a good choice

			distance_to_similarity: function handle (default = None)
			Function that defines the transformation of distances into similarities.
			if None, similarities are defined as (max_distance - distance) / max_distance.


		def finite_max(a):
			''' Returns the maximum of an array, excluding infinte values
			return np.amax(a[np.isfinite(a)])
		A = self.G.A.copy() # make a copy of the affinity matrix

		# Transformation of affinities to cost
		impossible_steps = A.data < min_affinity
		if affinity_to_cost == None: 	# default affinity to cost transformation
			A.data[:] = 1. / A.data
		else: 							# user specified affinity to cost transformation
			A.data[:] = affinity_to_cost(A.data)
		A.data[impossible_steps] = np.inf

		# From landmarks to all points
		if self.verbose:
			print("Compute similarities from landmarks to all nodes...")

		# Shortest-path computation with Dijkstra
		self.distances_L2all = dijkstra(A, indices=self.landmarks)

		# Optional distance transformation
		if distance_transformation != None: 
			self.distances_L2all = distance_transformation(self.distances_L2all)

		# Distance to similarity transformation
		if distance_to_similarity == None: 	# default distance to similarity transformation
			self.similarities_L2all = (finite_max(self.distances_L2all) - self.distances_L2all)/finite_max(self.distances_L2all)
			self.similarities_L2all[self.distances_L2all == np.inf] = 0
		else:								# user specified distance to similarity transformation
			self.similarities_L2all = distance_to_similarity(self.distances_L2all)

		# From all points to landmarks
		if self.verbose:
			print("Compute similarities from all nodes to landmarks...")

		if distance_measure == 'least_cost':
			# Shortest-path computation with Dijkstra:
			self.distances_all2L = np.transpose(dijkstra(A.transpose(), indices=self.landmarks))
		elif distance_measure == 'free_energy':
			self.distances_all2L = self.free_energy_distances_to(destinations=self.landmarks, beta=beta)

		# Optional distance transformation
		if distance_transformation != None: 
			self.distances_all2L = distance_transformation(self.distances_all2L)

		# Distance to similarity transformation
		if distance_to_similarity == None: 	# default distance to similarity transformation
			self.similarities_all2L = (finite_max(self.distances_all2L) - self.distances_all2L)/finite_max(self.distances_all2L)
			self.similarities_all2L[self.distances_all2L == np.inf] = 0
		else:								# user specified distance to similarity transformation
			self.similarities_all2L = distance_to_similarity(self.distances_all2L)
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import dijkstra
import numpy as np

# 入力を取る
N, M, T = map(int, input().split())
A = np.array([int(x) for x in input().split()])

# sparse 行列作成
in_, out, weight = [], [], []
for _ in range(M):
    s, t, w = map(int, input().split())
    in_.append(s - 1)
    out.append(t - 1)
graph = csr_matrix((weight, (in_, out)), shape=(N, N), dtype=np.int64)
inv_graph = csr_matrix((weight, (out, in_)), shape=(N, N), dtype=np.int64)

# dijkstra 法で最短経路を計算
dists = dijkstra(graph, indices=0)
inv_dists = dijkstra(inv_graph, indices=0)

# 答えを計算
print(int(np.max(A * (T - (dists + inv_dists)))))
Exemple #60
# connected_graphs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(dmG))
# for i, g in enumerate(connected_graphs):
#     nx.write_gml(g, '../results/graphs/%d.gml'%i)

# dm = dm.fillna(1)
# dm = dm.iloc[:500, :500]
otu_table = table.T
otu_table = otu_table.loc[:, dm.index]
dm = dm.fillna(np.inf)
cosine = dm

cosine = cosine.reindex_axis(sorted(otu_table.columns), axis=0)
cosine = cosine.reindex_axis(sorted(otu_table.columns), axis=1)

shortest = dijkstra(dm.values)
shortest = pd.DataFrame(shortest,
                        columns=dm.index, index=dm.columns)
shortest = shortest.reindex_axis(sorted(otu_table.columns), axis=0)
shortest = shortest.reindex_axis(sorted(otu_table.columns), axis=1)
# otu_table = table.T
otu_table = otu_table.reindex_axis(sorted(otu_table.columns), axis=1)

# Uses an idea similar to simrank
graph_dm = (otu_table>0).dot(cosine).dot((otu_table>0).T)
graph_dm.to_csv('../results/simrank.txt', '\t')
# Uses Aitchison distance
# samples = ['CF31_A', u'CF31_B', u'CF141_A', u'CF141_B', u'Tuni', u'Bry']
dm = cosine.values
mat = otu_table.values