def test_factorized_without_umfpack(self):
        # Prefactorize matrix for solving with multiple rhs
        a = self.a.astype('d')
        solve = linsolve.factorized(a)

        x1 = solve(self.b)
        assert_array_almost_equal(a*x1, self.b)
        x2 = solve(self.b2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(a*x2, self.b2)
    def test_factorized_umfpack(self):
        """Prefactorize (with UMFPACK) matrix for solving with multiple rhs"""
        a = self.a.astype('d')
        solve = linsolve.factorized(a)

        x1 = solve(self.b)
        assert_array_almost_equal(a*x1, self.b)
        x2 = solve(self.b2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(a*x2, self.b2)
    def test_factorized_without_umfpack(self):
        # Prefactorize matrix for solving with multiple rhs
        a = self.a.astype('d')
        solve = linsolve.factorized(a)

        x1 = solve(self.b)
        assert_array_almost_equal(a * x1, self.b)
        x2 = solve(self.b2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(a * x2, self.b2)
    def test_factorized_long_umfpack(self):
        # Prefactorize (with UMFPACK) matrix for solving with multiple rhs
        a = _to_int64(self.a.astype('d'))
        solve = linsolve.factorized(a)

        x1 = solve(self.b)
        assert_array_almost_equal(a * x1, self.b)
        x2 = solve(self.b2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(a * x2, self.b2)